Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1897, p. 1

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1^ ^slr£ri0n l^irtantt. -i« â-  ^fTf"i " TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN." VOL. XVI, m. 831 FLESHERTON, ONT., THDRSDAY, FmUABY 4, 1897 W.H. THURSTON, EDITOR » PROPRiETOft If/r WATCHES Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware J We are headquarters, Satfta pnrdiased his supplies from us, but, we are like a good well tliat never runs crvâ€" plenty left to choose from. Watch & Clock liepairrag in all ila branches. W. A. ARMSTRONG ^,^ •Jeisreller* Fleslaerton. /^^' ^ur business ^ircc^orxf §usiittf$s (Eattb. CULLOUGH * YOUNO, Bankers, Markrtale. do a )(«ner»l banking bnii- lu«BB. Mouuy loanod at a reasonable rate. Call on us. > M As. V.\SD08KN, J. P. Clork ith Div Court, Co Grey iMiier of ilarriat'n I iociihe". Conveyancer, NoUry, fublic Aueliou-er. Money to loau at from 3 to 6 per ceut. CbaiKun inuaorate. l''l.BHUH nTON P. O. TVBBTS COUiECTEO. The HnilersiRnod is prcpr.rad to ondertake the collodion of all kinds of debts. Notes bougbt, accounts L'ollooto<l, etc H. N. HIiNUIil'SCN • FLEfimtBTOM TCHISLETT • KlesUerton Station Postiuastor, Comiuiesiouer in n. C. J.Cou- yeyaneev: deeds. luortaascB. leases and wills acawu. Money tolon.l at 2J por cout. and up- wards. Dobis cellaotod. CU»rg«» moderate- R J. SPROULE, Postmaster, Flesborton, Commissioner In B. B., Licensed iuctloneor, ConTeyancer, A - praisor and Money Louder. Uual Estate and lOBuranco Agent. Doeds, Mort«aKoa, Leases, and Wills dran u up aud Valuations made on &horte«t notice. Auction sales attended to in »uy part of the County. Money to loau at low- est rates oJ interest. Collections attoudod to with promi'tness and despatch Charges low. Agent for the Dauilniou stoanishii> Company, cbeap tickets from FJcshortou to Liverpool, Glasgow, Londou or any ofiho HritiBb ports. Parties lutondiug to visit Kngland. SooUaud or Ireland, will please ask rates boforo i^urebasing tbeii tickets elsewbare ^oci?tif!S. A O.U.W.â€" moots every first and third Mon- day in each month, in their lodge room Striiin's Wock. Flosherton, at 8 p. m. PrioeTiet,*, M.W.; A. M. Cilbson, Recorder. W.l Bellamy, fluaucfur. Visiting Hrethern luvitod. ROYAL TKMPLAK9 OF TEMPERANCE. â€" Uegular Council meets every llrst and th'rd Tuesday evening in each month. In Bproulo's block at » p. m. Select degree insurancel meets Mionthly, the Wednesday prsoeding the 'tiail of each month. SONS OP TKMPKUANCK.-This society meets In Dr. Christoe' HiJl QrRt VVm|. nesduy In eiMli month at 8 p.m. Vlsitjijg bretbereu invited. luiurancu in conuootlou. UP. B. A., meet in tboir ball, Chrlstoa's Block cver\ first aud third Friday in «ach mouth. J, J. Browu, \V, M., T. Clayton, Secretary. FINCH ARTHUR LODGE. No .IM, A P & A M,">ueot In the Maaoiiio Hall, Strain's Block, Klcsherton, every Friday on or before the fuI!;moon. Ooo. Mitchell, VV M, W J Bollami , seorotary DUPFBRIN LODQB, No 186, 1 OOF, meets in Clayton's Hall every Tues- day oveulng at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially iuvitttd AH V4NDnuN,NO MtM UooMM.tt §ci\timj. J p. M.UISHALL, L. D.6..M.D. S. DenUst. Visits Markdale the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each moutli, Floshertonâ€" Uacb trip on tbedav ici.uwuig. T O. CAMPBELL, L D S, DD S, Dental Surgeon, Markdalo. Ofllceover McCuJlough & Young's bank. Hoursâ€" S.JD a.m. to G p. m. Visits Flesbertou the second and fourth Thursday ot each month. Office at Munsbaw's hotel. •n HENDERSON D D 8. M D R, Dentist of Toronto iRold murtaliuti will visit Flesherton protesbion- ally the hrst We^lnesday of each mouth aud Duudalk the Jay fuUowiug (Thursday.) ftpl- pltOST A BATSON Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyanoers, etc. OAceâ€" Next to pos ofllce. Spronle's block PlesbertoD.every Thursday until further notice. C. A. BATSON J. W. FROST LL. B. N. B. â€"Owen Sound oflice. Frost's block Poulett St. Ea!<t. 7 VCAS* WRIGHT, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyanoers, etc., Owen ijouud. Out. - - Markdale, Out. \V. H. Wrioht. 1. B. Lucas. N. B.â€" Flesherton ofOoe, Uitoball's Bank •very Wednesday. frUCKEB & PATTK.RSON. *• Barristots. solicitors, etc Molsuu's Bank, Owen Sound. Harry G. Tucker Geo. 'W. Patterson MACKAY A HATTON Barristers, Solicitora. «te. OfflooBâ€" aOPouleno St. Owou Sound ; and Main St. Dundalk. every Saturday. N.B.â€" Always in nttundanco at Flesherton aud Dundalk Division Courts. A. G. MacKay, M. a.. W. J. Hatton County Crown Attorney. |ttf(Ural nB BUTTON MDCM, MPPAS Out, Pricevillo OfHoe next I'.oor to Brown's store: residence one door west o' Methodist church, Kiui-oss st. OlBoo days, Tuesdays and Saturday D R CARTER M C P * 8 Ont., Physici.in, Snrgoon, efo Flosherton ofllcoâ€" Strains b^ock. RuslUenceâ€" Munsbaw's Hotel JOHN A SCOTT M B Member Collcgo Physio. & Surgeons, Ontario Graduate iu Medioiue of Toron University Fellowship Diploma, Post Giaduato Medical School and Hospital. Chica^io. Diseases of eye ear, nose and throat specially treated. Resi- dance. Maxwell, visits Faversham Ttauxsdavs 1-3 Town Line A and E Prireville .From oitr oum Cvrre$potuletii. tlesbertoii Station From oui otOTi Corrtspondeiit. Fromvfir uuti currespomimt. Tils subscriptions to the East Inilian The lino veiiiher ui.d -juod slt-iuhing The Rev. Mr. Scoet ha» been holding Ffiminu Fund have been pouring in. has biialiteueU buMiiees ciu.sijenibly. revival raiietiiiys in the church here dur- ing the last two weeks. From sioruiy weather and other causes they were Uot very well attended. Mr. and Mia. George Snell lost their for the fund last week. The trustees of U. S. S. No. 12, A. and Or. have decided to allow the Arte- inesin Agricultural .Society the use of The P. S. collected and contributed *7 'ha farmers ticint; enabled lo get out thfir timber and sjrain Mr. F. Mc.Vrtliur lias shipped tire oar load of pules. Bojd Bros, have succeeded in fjellinn their wind mill placed on the alevatur and it is now in runnnii; ordtT. Miss Frank and Charlie Piukell viaittilt R. Couk lust week. . Miss Jennie Uu'nphiU vitiited friendfi lu Duiinulk last week. MiBs Vliiud UoJgius of iii>mint?s Mill». is spending a few days with friends in town. Dr. and Mrs. M;iiiau and Miss Lou ArniBtnxig, visi'ed Mrs. Tuckur only child from cmup on Friday, Jan. 29. the school grounds for exhibition pur- There has been two luinler trains po8,.s providing thoi-e are no legal passiiiif here daily ali last week, one from difficulUes in the way. The Ci-owu At- Kimherley and iho other from Wode- torney is to be con8u7t<?d in the matter. Tlio Rev. J S. Utunpbreys !«nd -Mr. • •• ; William Wattera i»re attending the E. L. Van^eieur ! District Convention in Owen Sound From our own CorrespimdeiU. \ . i â-  i i i * n - â- â€ž -.. j •^ A sleigh load of PnceviUites drove Mrs. Riddle, front Albion, haa been over to Flosherton last Friday evening, visiting her sister, Mrs. Dunlop, during Of <H)urse tlie boys and girls feel very the past week. : thankful to Angus for their pleasant last week. Mr. J. I. Graham hasn't got -Ihs water outing. The Presbyterians are holding prayer wheel started yet. It was a quite a , Miss Flossie Hartley, of Palmei'St'in, meeting uu tho wfst back line, wheel to tackle. j spent a few days of last week visiting Mr. Geo. and Martha Snell, who have Our literary society held a very frienda in this vicinity. been ailing for lume time, are slowly successful contest last Friday eve., tlie Mr. William G. Watson returned to recovering. prog! am was very well rendered. The Georgetown last week, after a few weeka ! Miss Jennie Cairns risitod the north captains were Robt. Pritohaid, and at home. tine last wnek. Edgar Hutchinsen. The latter waa the | The Rev. Mr. Humphreys attended i Mr. and Mrs. D. Muir buried bal^ winner. Another contest is being pre- ' three funerals in Proum la«t week on as on Monday, pared for next Friday evening. many consecutive days, namely Friday, ' Miss Mary Mc.\rthur returned from Mr. R. Shannon of Corbetton, spent Saturday and Sunday. the city lo spend the winter with her Sunday of hut week with his son, Geo. | Messrs. James Burnett, Lachie Mc- . mother. Maniedâ€" On the 27lh, Mias M.try Lilian and Donald McLean arrived home i , , , Brodiewas united iu wedWk to Mr. fi-oui Michigan last week, as there was This was an interesiini; action in which Ellis of British Columbia, son of D. R. j no work uj rho lumber woods on account judgement wa.-? delivered laat week at Enia of VVoduhouae. We understand of the sc;ircity of snow. } Durham. It appears E. A C. the young couple intend going to the coast this week. Twtdeleur From a Special Corres)>cndent The people of this village are aa hale anil hearty as ever. Tho Literary Society organised here a few weeks aiio is progressing favorably. Tlio meeting held Friday lost was a great success, the leadership of the A number of the young people of this St. Caiharines, tho neighborhood paid Mr. and Mrs. SeU electric railway from McLean of Dromore a visit last week. Epping Froin our otcn Cor»-«))i/u<ient. We had a taste of genuine winter a week ago, when the roads were so block od that the north mail to Meafurd did uot get through for throe days. Mr. and Mrs. F. Eaton, of Meaford, Pew, of piouioter of ail Port Porry vim Shtdburne, Durham, VValkerton to Kinoardine, obtained from several parties iu Durham signatures for subscriptions of ?50 to aid in the promotion of the rail- way to be kncwo as the Huron A Ontario Blec'.ric R-iilway C'>. I app ^ j that in the rnilvay conuiitlee <,f tb* House of Cjinmoiis last .session a charter WHS refused until Mr. Pew transferred T > 1 1 f. r 1- u, »i , , . I "11 'he sulweriptious to Iho comoanv Two programs were givenunder left for Kcnible Monday, after spending ! rp, "i »uj. captains Rob. ^ a couple of months with their sen, J. V Pril chard and £d>.'ar flutchiiisr>u,thc side j Eaton, of thi» place. It is th« intention giving the best program to bo considered I of the old couple to spend a year or so tho winners. Judgment was given iu | visiting their children in ditTorent parts i »V" r j, , .. , , f r- 1 J .1 T- . 1 c, 1 Mayor Ludlaw, of Durham, was appoint I by uf Canada and the L nited States. I ^ j- fi • "â-  us was done and the charter for the road obtained, but at a Hul>se«{uent m.iot- ing of the directors the Nubscriptuins were ti-ausferred back to Mr. Pe-v. favor of the luitsr.although tliat^iven by the former waa exceptionally gi«>d, but rather short. The society will meet on Friday next at tho old school house at 7.30 p. m., when a similar entertain- meiit will be given. The public are •Icoine. Ou- pastor, Mr. Mahan, X'reachcd to a large auditnico on 'Sunday last on the sutiject "looking for a wife." The effect ol his sermon, will, no doubt, be knowa later on. Lady Bank From our own Correspondent The Rev. Mr. Legate is holding a series of meetings in tho Meihodist church here. The S. A. opened their barracks by Ensign Cameron of Toronto, with service J P OTTEWP.LL Veteriuary Snrgeoa. Oradnate of Ontario Veter nary Collego. Uosideuceâ€" Seeond door •Oktb on west side Mary strea Thii street ' run* loiitJt bMD PratAjsUrlak «kaj«^ social OH Monday evening, which was a iirand .success. The army deserve groat praise for tho way they have tinished their place of worship. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Paul, who had hor leg broken by a fall some time ago, is recovering. Miss Maggie WhewcU who has been in the cily for somstime returned on Satur- day. Miss Mag-;io Ferguaon who, has been at Moliityro for some time, has returned home. Mr. John T. Wallace of TlioMalon and his sister, Jennie, viKittd with their Miss Mattle Gilray is at [(resent vi-iit- ing friends iu Toronto. Mr. T. Gilrsy returned last week, after a short visit to the city. Mr. S. McKniuht had the bad fortune to lose a valuable horse recently, and Mr. Cann's old mail horse, thinking that h'^ d.ay of usefulness had passed, " slippet awa' " oiio nif lit recently. Our farmers seem to be very unfortn- nate lately. Mr. Black hist a good milch cow a week ago. Wo regret to say that Mr. John Brocklebauk is ill with congestion of the lungs. . â-  n eii â-  EuKenia. From our own Corre,ifn>uJeHt. What lovely bright weather we had for the last few days. The have roads on Suiid.iy aftflruoon and evening, and a(Jare good and sleiyhiug excellent. Farm- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Mr. Wm. Finley from the travel road I the trees and rocks covered paid Lady Bank a Hying viBit on Sun. frost. era are busy hauling out wood and poles and all sorts of stuff to tho station. .As tho winter is wearniug over pretty fast they have need bi make good use of their time now while sleighing lasts. A few of the Presbytsrians of Euccnia went out to Flesherton on Thursday afternoon last to meet with tho Flesher- ton congregation with tho view of giving a call to a niinistiir. Don't forget the tca-meuting at tho hall on lOth and l^th. A good time is expected ai.d a cordial welcome is extended to all. The falls presemls a beoutiful appear- ance now with its columns yf ice and with hoar- dny List. Miss "L'r/juo Finley visited her homo lately. Mias Bella Hi.slop of the valley is visit- ing with Mrs. Robert Puivis this week. Tho logs are rushing into our saw Mr. John Linley returned lately, after i mills now. buil.lin<< the timber camps below the Eugenia Falls. Born â€" On Jan. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberta, a so*. Mr. Joseph Walker of Croemoni xn vi.siting at his uncle's. Mr. John Beecruft Mr. W. H. Parsons of Tara, Bruce OoMutj, ia vititing frieodabere a,preMat. ed director and undertook to collect these subscriptions. Henry Purker and other* refused to pay the subgoriptioiis, alleg- ing that nothing had been done to carry out the agreement aud thai neither Pew nor Laid>aw had uivon thcni tho paiil up ati'ck (S500)their subsoriprions called for, and suit waa pntercd by Liiidlaw to compel ali delinquents bi pay up. I, B. Lucas, of Markdale, appeared for tha plaiutiiT, and Wm. Kingston, Q. C, for defendants, soino of whom wore defen led by B.-vrrister MoCaul, of Durham. The case was tried before the Division Court at Durham some two months ago and judgment was reserved. J'u lament was, however, given last week by His Uimur Judge Morrison, ordering a noii suit in each, without costs to the dofendonts. The Durham Review says iu reference to the case, that the .'Mihicribers go scot free, the defect in tho agreement beini; that no one is mentioned as payee, and that steps may yet be taken to recover back moneys paid by those who have handed over their subscriptions. The following gentlemen have recently been appointed licen.te commissioners foe Centre Grey: Mes.sr8. Chas. Pye, Thos. McGill and Patrick MoCullough.- Horald. Pays for vonr Nauis on M Boiiutiful HIDDKN NAMK C.VUD.S, lovely pictures, or SB HtUkdHuuieCnlliiit^Caitls. Ca*^h _ witii order. StanipA taken. A.idrosb, CANADA CARD HOUbfa;, lngoW>ll, Ontario Qpen Air Rink I HKST OPEN .5>x]:iO ft. AIR ItlNK In the couutjr â€" Friday even- Skating- Monday, Wednesday ings and Saturday afternoons. AdmiBfiiou only So. Wednesday sveDingsâ€" Ladlaa and ctaftdraa free. Kiuk bock ai O. kloTavlsa's bhMkamitb (hop. '1^ DGPOB, Pl »|i rl l.M ^

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