Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1895, p. 4

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THI FLESEIRTON ADVANCE EBTAULISHKD 1881 ri'M.I.tllKD WESKI.Y XT THK OFFICE. KYI>- F.N'lllM STHEET, FLEHIIKKToN. H.M., BY W. U. TIHKSTOV. $1 PIT :ii;;inm.s|ri< th in advance Adveitismg Rates: One Column. 1 ye*r. t j') : half col . 1 quarter t-jl . onu yi-ar, 13, year. 27 Transient ailTertlmen charged a* the r*t f * cent* |ir line for flrit Irncrtion and 3 cunts ach subsequent lunvrtion. ANONYMOUS LETTEHS. A movuiiriit is on foot in some quarters to suppress the anonymous letter writer, uml the London Adver- tiser was one of the first to point out ll:r error of allowing anonymous writ- 13 air tin ir views through tho puss. and was also one of the first to put its piocepts iiilo practice. The Advertiser says that "there ii really nothing to be said in fa /or of editor?. printing anonymous letters, while there is much to be said against." The position is the correct ouc. Koine of the many arguments that many be tfhe lagair.ft the custom arc, the oppor- tinii'.y opened for the literal'} assassin to still) an tunny in the dark, when, if his proper name were attached to the article, his darts would fall harm- legs ; the privilege of advocating views and | roinul^atini; slanders which he is ashauii il to father, and to a certain lunount of which the editor must hear the odium ; in sotr.o casts such lettcis carry with them a force to wliicb they arc not entitled, in othc-fF, they do not exert the force to which they arc rntitliil, and in any cane it is impossi- I ! to place the correct value upon anon) mi mi letters. The custom i- .1 iild be done awny with, and news- I HUTS cannot any too soon combine in ernuli the anonymous corretipond- hi. In France he is not known, and i MII thf filitoriul ai'lieks die si','iird by tho writers. Souic of the bi^ New \uik dailies have also adopted tho (linciple. What dors the wisdom of tin Clarksburg Reflector Ray to the institution of such a reform ? Tho remains of Sir John Thompson wur pluri d in tluirlast resting place at Ihlifax on Thursday last. A very lirgu concourse of people paid their U'Cpucts to the dead premier, politics und prejudiced being forgotten in tho 'i 1 to do honcr to the dt ceased The Elections. Although there wait an election in only two wauls of this township on Monday, HI ill tho interest taken in thetic wag creat- or than ha* Iwen for mine years, and the vote wan out in almost itH full strength. As the result stnuds there U no change in our council this year. Mr. Beit ii re- tiini-l in Ward 3 by a majority of 10 HVLT Mr. Hoyd. and Mr. Thompson in Ward 4 by n majority of 20 over Mr. IVill.ir. Our council therefore stands as it \VM before : '-uricillorH McMillan, Hells, Ik-Ht. Thompson. OY POLLIKO Rl'B DIVISIONS. P. D. 3 -Best .................. 55 -Boyrl ..................... 103 P. D.O-Bert ................ 84 B<>yd ....................... 20 Totals ............ 139 129 Majority for Best, 10. P. D. 4 Thompson ... ........ Cl -Pedlar ...................... 85 P. D. C Thompson ............. 53 -Pedlar.. .... 9 .114 "1 Totals Majority for Thompson, 20. In O.prry tho c'mtutt waa a very keen ope, hut the result has been esactly as we anticipated. Mr. Preston slipping into the shoes of the veteran reeve, Mr. Uamoy. The election resulted as fol- lows : Ruevc Preston. Kt Dep. Reevu Mnnaghun. 2uil l)i-|>. Re.-vt- Ta.il'.r. Councillors --All.-in and Spoor*. Majorities Pn-ston. 273 ; Taylor, 60, Euphrssia was another township where the contest wna very keen, but Mr. Gil- ry hat again boon endorsed by his cou- tiiuuiitH, ink in;.' n x 1 ""' ii>-'ij" r >'y " Vcr hi.s opponent, Mr. W. Slnnrt. Eu|>hr:iin council will stniul ni Mlonx : Ki-rvo--T. (iilruy. lt DOJI. Reovo .1. Davis. 2nd iK'p. ICt-cve Erskin. Councillors J. R. Fuwcett. T!:o majorities ware . L'UO ; Krakin, 70. F. J. Gilray, 1'JI Tho Toronto World thinks there is a likelihood that the elections will bo brought on before spring. As a gen- eraU'iilo the World's prognostications arc pretty correct, and il will at leant be perfectly safe to bo prepared to cant your vote about taffy-pulling Toronto Grip has again, and finally. >d publication. Mr. l.ongoiigli KHS tin Hyiii|mthy expressed when tin- pnpn went up a couple of years n^o lia not taken tangible Nlmpo muce he resuscitated it. and without in .iking iuiy ttiiuomiceineut Grip has od to he, The daily press lias mined the field with clever cartoon- i.u and sapped the fumidatwu uu .hi<}|i it exiaUd. I'liori.v - Ii I'rolnii, as usual, tl-r< was aniitlu-r wnrru c .ni.-st, and tlu-rc were soniu surprises when tho result wns ciiunttd up. FornteruMr Corbet t WIH I o\rr In* opponent. Mr. Keiinrl, l-v -'H'l to L'.V. D.-puty Urrrr. i!i-n. WntH.ui by m-elanmtioii. Tho vnto for i-oiiin iilors was as follows : Mi-K* :Hli ; Jl.iu \Vils,. n, ::Sl! ; Jo. MrArdlo, :t4J ;nd Henry Al.boit, '.'til). Mr. Abbot is i|,i-ii-i"..n- not elected, mi I tli i :>isi ,.f Mersm. McKetizio, nnd Mr \nlli-. St. VIM I-.NT The old council was re- vlected by uci-liiiimlion Otr.jtEUi. Reevr, Hiniiie; Dep HCI-M-. Staples. Councillor* T. MrK-uljrn, (J00. \llin- simtli, (i. Llllllb. Df.MULK. Tim old uouncil WM rc-cl- MAI:KH\I.P. Keevr, U. H. Itao ; Cuuu- ci'lorn JncUaon, Tu-lfi-rd, Kolnnd, Sproidii ; ScloMil Trimti-i- Kron-n, Ann sir-Hi'. 1 , Hill. o is .MII MI Mayor, Reevu, John Cliis'.iolin ; KIOVI., T. J. TliiiinpHoii Hay Ward, J. M. I)vis, Wnsl Ward, Oliver l>rwn, jr., Williin Lit'le ; Hirer \\ai.l, 1',. Millur, ii-" Ross : Sohonl TrimtupB River \Vnrd (in.. Uii^ixll ; \Vo,t Wnrd, H.IJ. .Smith Honor Rolls. i:. Ilel in <( Hour> IH.trot.ing KM /y ai.d Hl.ul, lei JiKuns rolievml in. ii Li in l.v r,he . ".4 treat S,,,iih American m.lney Ce. " Thin new rum4y i> H ' kur|iri* an.! <lliglu ,, nooounl of M. Ki-iimily First Di-|>uty Counrilloi -. JambR Vmr ; l'l'..ll.-', ki.lm.j-H, Urk unri tv-ry ..( the uiinnry |*UN K ,. H in |uleor fe it ahnoat iiinnoilntlulY. If vyiii i|uiuk rv lif and curn thix U rour rvn.eHy. SulJ by W. E. Rihardson, %uggisi. 8. H NO. (I, AUTIIMIM v flh rlarn Nornmii Khitclu-r, K'i>sMi St,,iu>, r.i-]la Murri.w, Mud.i Whittakcr 4tli class Lizuo McArtliur, Man Sni-ll 3r>l class- Aniiif Hnrrw, R.iy FVtrh nr, llet'ijio Stone, Liuirii VVIuttnkor, Join Mel <1 2nd dns Oimrqu CairiiH, Macrtjic M Aitliur, Hii-liii- Si,,n :tn.l Krnnd llnnot (ei|tml), Jos<<|ili Snc'll, Kiunk C.nrim, l.i,', Siioers, Wellington Whittaker, Ah \ M, I'.nnld I'l. 'Jinl K'i.. Fl.-t.h.-r, It. H*ii> Hob insiiii. Kifjjt-U v Ili/xnl, Linie <iil>vn tit'i.fi/ii MeArtliiir, Williu II -jro, Clitrlii Buyos. IstolBM (C)-Mnbcl McArlhur, Ivl.li \V hit Inker. Lowest claes Morinan Mi f.,-. ( | I .. > I s, and, in aHditmn to thin, would learn tow to prepare really delicious puddings, with the must appetizing Mnucex, sent) a !-cent stamp to Dr. .1. C. Ayer A Co., well. Mam., and receive in retjrn a opy of Ayer's Hook of Pios and Piul- dingn. Heart Dtarase Rellrvrd In :io tllUteS I>r. Ai'iin'" wr C'urrof tli ieart ^ive* ptrfect relief in all canen of JoriC'inc or Sympathetic Heart Ditrane in 10 iniiiult-M. and ^p.-edily effects a cure t i a peerless remedy for I'ulpitition, iliiirtnes' of lirrath, Sinnlliering BplsS, 'ain in Left Side Hud all sympion* <>f a >.-. is^il Heart. One d'-io convinco*. Sold l.y \V. E Kichardsou. Frrrinnn s C'asc. ONE I'ARTI'-fLAHLV ISTKKEsTlMJ To WO- MEN AM IT UKALK WITH TIIKIK TK'.I'HLBK. LEAMINRTO.N. Jan. 7 -- Ithat I em n cav if wi'inli-r to nmiiv people wliy women ri'l neulecl the first syinp'oiiH, and con- inne to suffer from ill li,-*ltli. and from debility, wlicn the mct'iii of relief can so eadily he olitained. Before n cure can HI effected the work of the kidney* must ie renewed, the blood cleansed of pninon- rns material, und the lit'innenu and nuscles strengthened and (nHfnfSd. The histoty of tlu< cane of Miss Nettie r'reenmn, of this villave, whose life was saved by Dodd's Kidney PilU, has been nc beneficial effect in that it li.-n aroused scores of other women in this locality roin the false modehty they were niani- Vsf mi; and as n result the wiles of Uixld's \iilney Pilla havu been enormous, and he reallltant i{ood commensurate there- with. You Like Pie. C f course you do. Kvarybody d>MM. 1 you W,'.iuld ktl;jw how ty nnkf the I eit A Boon io Horsemen. -On- ti.ttv f Ki'^lisli Spin in Llliunrn'. completely removed a curb from my hi-rnn. I take [>lesuro in recouiniendnis; the remedy, an it acts with mysterious proniptnens io the removal from horses of hard, soft or cl- oused lump*, blond spavin, splints, curbs, sweeny, stifles and sprain*. UEOROE limni. Farmer, Mnrkham, Ont. Sold by W. E. KiolmnlK.ni. Druggist. IMiciitn.-iiiMii Currd In a Dny - inutli Aniericati Kh*'iiin,tt sin C'ur-. for Mi. iinmtism iiii-l N' uralifia, radically ;n 1 to '! days. iMMksM upon tho system is reinarkublv ami m\ s'r-inus. It runiovesat once the cause an<l thu ilis- oase iininedUtely disappvar*. The first lose L-r.'.ilIy bent-tils. 7*> cents. Sold y W. K. Kichardson I>ru2i;it. The Markets. (art-full) orr-< lrl Enrli WrrU h'lour F.ill Wl,e:it .... Wheat lUrley >nls r*eas ItlltUT fresh itatoes bni; Pork Hay per ton Hi'1,'1 . . (it- Tiii keys ii* per pair ber puir Wool.... :; I:, t.. r..i t.. ;.; t.. 31 to -'7 n r.i to 14 t.. 14 to fiO t.. 4 '> to t; oo to 300 to !'.- to A to H u. 1>5 Io 40 to 15 to 3 <,: 56 61 II 14 50 500 300 Ii s 40 NI 10 Ot'R CIA BBINQ LIST. The Advance will club with the follow. ii'K peri'idicnls thin 'year at the figures en below : The Advance and Toronto Daily NUWP, * ilily and a weekly ]xt- per one year fi.r 8180 Tho Advance and weekly Olobo. ... l.KO The Advarce and weekly Empir. 1 . . l.M) The Advance and Montreal Star. ... 1.80 Tlio Ailvanc.- und Farmers' Sun. . . 1 it. r i Tin- Advance and Ladies' Jouuial... !.'.'."> M oclti: A sriuix. r.sotlral nnd*rtaki rs. Ktiiln'n block. too. Flrnt cl lif>sm, low cliargvs. tlon "ri\nlri' I. an liuve had 41 years' *x- rlwticr III III* bll*lnMW. Elm Logs WANTED. We arc pn Eugenia to purchase at First-class, Sound. Green Elm Logs (U not Ii us than 20 INCHES IN DIAMETER, And of lrr.;;tliH us follows : 15 Feet 2 irts. IO Feet 4 IMS. 15 Feet Q ir>a. I'nce *i per 1000 feU. Cash Delivery 25 cents pet 1000 extra for toga 27 inciir" and over. \\Y will be i*ady to buy other timber BOOU of wliicli iluu uolioe will be ROLLER MILLS Arc now complet and arc r regular. CHOPHUG P. LOUCKS. BUY YOUR Snaps ! for The Season -AT- HARNESS RICHARDSON'S. Good 5to:k, Qood Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Combs, Brushes, Hat-new Dreiii-_:. Hdlls. C..at ami Cowhide Ki.l*-s, Axle Grease, Klinkrtu, and everything in my linu coiiiuntly Dii liand. orders unrly *s we are always mihed in the fall Reason. W. Moore - Harnessmaker FLESHERTON. Cash For Iliilrs! Sheepskins and all LmdH nf fnre pur- chasfd. n>rhuli ln!>!io*t inarUl puce will be paid. Homemade Musngos "ti hainl. n\* all kiniN i 'I men's. M. WILSON, FI.KSHKKTuN .MKAT Oysters, OniiL'i'i, Nuts. (\indien.Cakra and t'onfecti'iii.iry f nil kinds) suitablo for ('hni'imm IIDW m St.H-k W. Barnhouse FLESH EUTOX. TIIOITIIIIPilEIEElU. TENDERS WANTED ! For a Supply of Cedar Rails. Teti^rr* wantcil fi ] * -"'Hii'V tiaijrlit, I?- funt IIMIU i 1 f t f i 'it N Io l-- ih'li\ ri'il M j M MI t .H4 ron U. Vifiiiftift. the *?no lift in **in*U |ii1u*t TrtMii ui'iih fvnce of cleartuu ith fur 1UU iitU in thi<ciitru(fttil Ini. Thf |>AIU1* to l-f .'t'hv, - M.I ln-f ',! 1st March. I'Oi. 1 1 M.tiM i . - v i.l io 1G January, l*tx>, by Jfts Stuait. Kiuibvrley I*. U..Ont. AUCTION 5ALE Valuable Farm Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ASTEHES1A IN THI: Count v of ( < re \ . t'iKlei n I liv vlrtiui i>t tin- |Kari : \ J II Heiiilrlx'ii HIM' VVin fnliu,, t> ul< i Hl'll *''U'Ut I ** >M lit* Uxt \\ ill Nil I lt"tlllll> lit I V K iM IS UKOIilU: II OIll.luN I.', ti<wn>hl|i( Vili-i.ii-ia. In tin. ( nnnti <>t iln-y. KariutM dvosaswl. thsm will bv \ ftvioa Io **!<- I'V I'nlilir Hint. on at \1 f !-* 1 lot el Tilt: viii.\;v :; . Wednesday, the sixth day of Februray, \ I' , 1XW. at the hour of two oclnck mill,. ftci iiiMiu tiv A. S. N nnililMfii. Kt<|..aiu%l .ii'.'i. thd foltuwinrt lainH and ursMstlsss. Tis : i'ltiiuf lit i.uuil'wi MII linn llt'-l anil flftv one. in thy tllllil liili k f >..'.ltli \\ i.l Of (lla toHlllt I All. I Hyduubaiu ru.l, in Iliu Miid townliii> of Ar.w b(w a, ooiitaJuhig turtv acres, uiorti 01 ). 'I'll* alil |>ronurty U nunivtlUMv J'.iiiinu III* Vtllan of KlvHlie.loii Htkllon; about MU aoi*s i I to bo ulvarol ail tin- balsnoo l.i I ..,..: Imsb. fairly fvucod, a fraut dwelllux ou III* |<IK|>1II t , . Ten i-or rnl of tlii- iMirchai* nmuey to b* pat-l at tli lima of uU aud tli lit.njix Ulnu tlilrty lU.s tlioreaftvr. For fiiitiiir |'i iculirt nd con.1U.ou* of salt to W. J. Hi . i AMI Kkvi , or t> l.i A A \\ Hum r. Vn 10.1' tolMsur*, Ow*u Souu.1 suil Klcl *itou For Christmas trade \v^ have purchased a special line of teas which arc offering at Importer's wholesale Get samples. offering price. We have a lanjc stock of new fruits in currants,raisins, fi^s, prunes, etc , at lowest puces. Some special drives in Bools this week Women's glove buff balmorais, 980. per pair ; men's strong lace boots at 750. per pair ; men's long felt boots, $1.50 ; men's grai.i kip waterproof, 1.85. All sizes in lubbers and over. shoes. A big stock A lot of Imperial wash- boards, -2 for 250. Another lot of those cheap frieze overcoats. Good st\ les and grand value. A large consignment Christmas goods suitable for presents. Dress Goods Our stock was heavy but as the assot tment gets broken we cut prices to clear lines out Some r>i the newest things came late and have to be sold. Furs. We nre headquarters for Fur Capes in Scal.Opposun, Sable and Astrachan ; prices low as the lo\vc-t RooJs guar- antee. Christmas Fruits and Groc-.nes all on h;ind now at Richardson & Go's. I ),-| >'t. FIRE FIRE Backs Backs For your cooking stove at 75 ci ieil to lit uny >t3vc. An Offer . . . A first class IJraco and 1 size: } iu. to j iu. foi S1.07. Dou t fail to g'.'t a silt. . . A Lantern . . That will not flicker ami blow out witli the wind is liaid to net. We have succeeded iu getting ouo auJ we fully warrant it. Cross-Cut Saws, Files & fc$Q\v M. .RICUHSON & CO.

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