Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1889, p. 8

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THl FLESHERTON ADVANCE e. .-* Lj FLKSHERTON PL\\I\« MILLS Hikviii^ Vnrchased the Flesliciton l'l»ni»(| Mills trim U. ,). Siiroule, K»q., I now nrfin to iuforni tbd , . PUBLIC that I ara io a pnsitinn to do ALL KINDS -or-- General planing mill woik, «uch » RAKll, DOORS, DOOl; I HAMKa Planing aiul Mati-liini,', ic f^iiwin^^otc. <<ood WorkniaiisIii|i (liiiarMHtred. A liir'^i.' qiiaiitity of ;.;ii(i.l iliy pniu liiinliir nil iiaml. UrslieitOH. SALESMEN .1 ' ,r our oo.nlil.tH Uu.' of MHSKHV K All IIMW. ch.iic* iiiiM FA?-'I SI l.l.lSd IM.rlKS. I i-»M fiin..-li l'A\IM. I'gsl- Slow.ikcri M V i;i(i;P »-''l"*i '•â- II' o ill tlio • ." I'Uulili'H me 111 i)t!»i'i|'«ciitl ailvuiiIiiKi'S ii,n..i- 1 IAN MAia; \ ; 1 ri: / m i. â-  MAN .if liny iili« wi.'i »ill fi'ilow iiiv 111 I'tfriimni-iil finplovirjrtit \\ tj^i'^ I wck Oiitnt fnu Am U ut nil. .â-  hr.\ W.Mt snii- SI'Kl- Tins l.ii>iiii I.. I.1-: .U,K , • â-  i.'t â- i..ii.-» t-f tt-rrit.-rv FUWAKD P. SMILL. ,i:.nii. i.'.ri;i: i i.K. N" V KxeciitovH' INotiee ! 1>rKSUANTto •ection :«. I'ap. lli), of Kg O lHH7,tht4(M'eiIitnrH and All olliorHljavin^cJaiiim atjaiitkt t)it« estate uf Cliarleit Irwin, decvaiod.in Imh lifftiiue, o\ tlie townnliii' (>f Arlmiiesia. iu tho ooHnty of (irev. w)io (lied on o: almiit Wtli • lav uf July, ar* hereby nolitti'il to f«n<l by i»>«t Itn'IKiid (»r (lolivory to tlu» nnilnrwiKuefi onu of th»' ex(!ciilor« of <U*(;«ase'l. I'ltBlu-rtoii 1' O , on ur bwfore tlio fhht tliiy of Nuvtuiiber NVxt. tlieii chriKtian and hiii tiiiinf^Ke.nddiuKseN aiul deftcrip tion. tlio full jiHi'ticiilarH of thoii' daiiiiH, a Rlato- in*nt of tlioir HHsetH and a tttut«ii)uiit of tlio necurit ieH lif uiiy ) lield by tbtjiii, or oii default thereof and ininu'diately aftui'iHixdi llitbt iminoil ilato tlio afHttlK of the %ti.\' chtuti* will bti din- ti tb it«d aiiioii^' ihf* paitioK t'liiitlod tli<<rolo, re- ^ar<l bi)int{ had only to tho cluiiiis uf which notice Rhall hava b«*«n ^iveii n't above rt-qnircd aiiii tlie ex ceil torn will not be linbic for thf Raid a«kfttA oj aiiv purt theri id to any peit^ons of v.hi's. ( laini notice shall not Imw bo*li received U-* nforj'HMid nt the tiuir of su( h distrihuiiou, ( HAlvl.KS IllWIN. SAMIKI. IinviN, Kx.'cutoru. 1 Mli: lUW IN, l)ai»'d Sept, U. liSbU. Auction Sale - (iK Valuall: SI::: ad Mhi IN The Village of Fleslierton. t'luh-r ami I'V viit iiti of tin* i'"^^''' "^ **'^'*' 1" <* i-ertaiti nioit^:afc:r fioiu Kli/ahi*ih and ilamin-s- Ifi K Mcrrinm lo tho Vondoi>. which will bo prodiM-(-d at tiiii*- of Kulr, and oii dffaDlt beiiiK' iiiado in paynituir, of the hhmuvv* thoreby be- 'iiird, Lilt-re will Im ofTiiird foi Miio Ijy i'ublic Aiicr Hill, by A S N'undnHiu, muttoneer, at In lio- \ti!ii^<' of 1 1* T-lii-rt.in on Ktidav tho 1 If. • nth dav of Oct'.bur. WfJ, at J. .>'.-Io<'k j).iii.. ' i;o folliiwiuj? propt»ity. iiniofli\ \ il!at;ti I'd I iiuiidMir tlirtM- on tin* Bo'ith wo-t -id#> or rornnto 1 ^tici:t in toi' \illn;^« of l"iw.-.bt-i tori. )n.iur'iiiiK t.. l-Inii b. W il'miii Spi;, , K-'i IM. > . of tho >.iil. iuvi..i":i of h,t l.d. Ib-t rani^f or i on.t-sBiun. SW. I' .V %. iCoiid. Artemisia, f^Mi'l lot -otilniuiiii^ -•^^ ^-'jiiai < pii ibe.i luoi e or l^:^h i .u ibc ianith HI*.- --ui'i t â-  iuf a IW" xt. rv fi tkii.f Ijuildinu 'bvidod itito t wo hhopH and dwtdlitit; rrt* utty iniprovt^d. I't i^tni^fH art) Kitnatrd nn tho muin htu-et and iK'Ki t iti) bnMiiPii.s •cniiL.' of iht) \iiiiiu»> â- |"'-i ui« H> pfi c.-iit at I Miie 'ir •«!»â- . ft Mil for tbf balant-*' toiuit* will he libfial; and wi!l be umfiH known at tini'- of mbv l'i>r furtljcr pai tnularH upplvto W.J ItKM.AMV, f.iq , Flrshf-rtou or lu M 'Hs, ll>KV\ II K \ i'KANKh. Vctidoi n hujiciturs, Toronto Dated 17th day of ^ypteuibei , IKsy. WM. CLAYTON, BOOT AND SHOE DEALER, Has a large as.sortment of FALL. and|WINTER Boots and Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers^ Over- shoes,Pelt Boots.l'runks, etc. New and seasonable Goods at Reasonahle Prices.. "*«" l». He 1 avisli, ll(iIiSi:SH<iKli ANO GENERAL BLACKSMITH. ('.illiii^'wood SU'cft, l-Li:SllKKTON, - ONT. V.fi'if i'-;.|rint; of \Vu;!oim, S]i-i(,di-^. r.i;;'t,'irt)i n»-n, iTnf*. OtC MorK..sli,.»(iii: |ir i'lijpt Ir nt i«:i>t»*d :o KjHnial attention ^'ivun to toiitiuct • i or t»"i i-jr feet l.ox'Zinc «ud Plow Miaiiis con- (aullv on liaiul. T^o r'*at ffnre^««fWI Uemnf*? <>^or dla- ( >'- r*«l. a* ii III v« riaJn In it« « .<- La sui noea uut t> Ut#-i . Itvsd prtM*f I cJ w. ftTHirrfn- i.i, p. Q.. Vtny t, tW. ! â-  " T rMPnc !.(.), Enothiirfli Palla. Vt iiwiiwin. I havn u*«i1 K* .* in rt. a*ln c-ne fnr f<|i»iTlni*J f I mI-o in aaaae 'flam' iif^aaml f 1^ J otnia an<1 fuund ltaKur.» â-  - ' I.I' /^ry re-|>^t, | .-.[.Hally I .-uiiimvc'l tl »o aJ] h o-avnien. Tory r«tp»cUuJly * â- mm. •J <'NAaiJM .1 IM A> KlLr. [ ::rj:LL'3 spavin cure. «T. TwoilAi, )» g,, /pril •«, inw. r.L n J Ii»r,.i. .,. Knoihu.-;. Vnll-, \u 1 ni« -1 liarf i;.d a faw L>oltle» of your K^r /^k -. â- * .^,.«*hi Cuiaon'iny ooit, / Yv wiiirthuaa utirtirlnK from luflii A-' >â€" ^X •**• l** * **"â- ? bad r.nn. unti can r^ t.' ia*** "'*'^ /""â- â-  l^'-nilalla «(.»vni \ iiiCli n *'"''• "'â- *'••' c.>m|il*«te and rn|)K' Ji \r 'J "i â- ''^- '<^>» r«toii.i>i.nd II aa tli^' f ^ I ir t>o»itand ino^i rrrarilvr l:ji maui -. '''».#*^*-' Ihr»#trei'linmn«rt. Kfndl- wn-l f .i.A.'f your valtiah'" b'liiw anKtied *' A Tr»a I - u lae Huruo." Youia re*t rrtridtv. I F WuJtiNSo:'. :::::? ?.r,n ztma cure, yoK7 KuA'-u. Man. M«v in, 1480. t-» n I fr»^-n%ri,( .. , Kii.^tii.iili ^^ilf. Vi < *'<j- • 1 niwayH k»«)t your K,etitlal!'-< *^ t'Hi C^rti and Ui'vLer "n haJil .' â-  1 I -v ra«A iifwr faiiBil Inj • Ml \'>« fttaio iii«v Will ito. p h " «â- ' nul u >ia<i 'â- %** of Si arlri '1 a 40 twfi .â- %««•« mT iditarNiijo ..f ' rtr.*' I«ti<dlil(,"n mM-»« u s -ii 1 f>.'ui,'. t . i-.r- 1 rrum. aiii) (i.i .- T t ^"-ii *v-iy »li;n« of dla<*u«L' Ui [hirir (in- yj :.ig. ToUrn ,ruij. b 1 O-Ufkffk. Pf'."ft| pArboi(if« or atT li<»iu..B f.*- v5- a 'I â- 'â-  iii'*il*ifc iuiwn K tt '^jtij 5«'- 't i.r r-.u. .u ii vriH ( t-nt t.. - - - Improved Farm for Sale. I,ot' Uw. iiOanl 1/io. :trd rani,'«- '-fi***. T aud S, It . loiitninin^' li") ai-rcs. Hi rl.nn-d. ^ood rlnv • <it!ii. w<dl iniprovtMl. ^oifd trann- huur>«- and lot; b.iiij. t'raiiitt ntublit, (jo'ij orchard, itc rhi>4 farm is well wftt«)ti-d and irnprovd, and is cm- >tidcrttd oii>* of iIh' bt*#t in thir* i^t^rtirMi It H ono r-tib* ail i a iiaif froio tin' I ai^o l'h->4h'?rton. \ViUb.r.r,ld "11 VI r\ ^â- i^^v tfihi', r.ir lurtbcr partioulHrii iipplv to JAS III.KCUOKT. KlHKbf-rtnn I> (> FLODR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR! .]//:â-  r Lorck's I, pr.-i'.irnd 1,1 UM your (.' i-t ii;: o'l -hot t i.tdi-u ui( i 4;i in Jh Ml tii-« tdd tfrtiii of svriv twftliil. loisht 1 Sijvt»n cpi;!?! p< 1 bnt' of two t-i-^lic!* Jo ('ho|'[»inK tto(i«ev«rv dav 'Vln; I. rtl-i Mi i^ li'.r in tl p intiniatiiiii of tb.> piililif Sjitinfactioii (i iiarunt i)«-d V 1. I CKrt. ['lopii. tPT-. (iMiul Htnldilia for li nsr- BLACKBURN'S is llir iihtcc /:ir choiff <*(j<ii/.\- (i;/f/ tidr fiin-rs. Cljgicit lifilk-r ri'Mir, I'.ii-u niiil Mioil«. nt inrkli. .11.1111 |i. ii *'^ ('ill'*. I Mcnl *. r".liii;.>iiii. Mi«-1 1.1.. I >u...l I'UiM jiri'i'ar.'il <*<.i n, (imural msortniriil iil rmueil bikhIs. riioK ;•; iiuni;v, CONifKCTI^iNin'.Y iif all kin. In ICK. < IIKA.M sltil oodIImk â- iiuiinor ilrinkl. Chi. ice rruits » «li*H;inIlv. OA'I' MI'.Al., (UjKN MKAL, t;kA('KKD WMKAT .itul (iUAIlAM K1-<)«U, iiIhhTh "II liaii'l. IteiiHiiil.O'- 'lie liliico, lie>,t (li> ♦ '.9 M. I'.iolmi'tUuii it ('i.'». I'ruevllle. From our oimi Corretpmuieitt. Althoiii/h thu w«iither wai not nucli u Would eoiiiliice to the Bucpesufu! isiU* of our fair, we are i.luased to stale that it i turned out far m aiWaiice uf the iiio»t saiiuuiue RMticiiiatioiis. Tlio eleiiieiitn cu:>»ed their rerolry about 1 o'clock and old kiii'.' Sol. iiidulj;ed u» with a liw hour-* ol Ins [iluasaiitry wliicli wa» taken aiUHiitaye of with avid- ity ))>' tliose H'liii had «xliil.iti to make, and ihoK* who had the welfare of tliii iiiunt laudnlil* i:iiter|iri«e in our com- luunity. On tho Liiouiids there was a ;>oodly nuinlicrof ii|iectat'ii«, (|uite c»n- Rpicuiiusly sprinkleii with tlie fair sei. The show of cattle, sheep and iiios wa» not .Id i;ii. 'il as w» arc furc it could be, if more intercut was lakeHj^by our t'ariiiorii in th*t guluctioii and care of tliiB kind of stock. In the hurie rin^ the exhibiti wore nuuicrou.s and «0(id, •.s|.ccially the i year and two year old class of colta, and It ii fair to say that they w..uld do aniplel justice to any county »how. Th« ifeiieral (jiirposi; class was fair but not eiioujjii coin|ieliiioii to n.ake it interestin;,'. A! lino team of blacks c.airieil of the first [ prize tor roailsterH which they much j deserved. In the hack class there was; yieat rivalry, a '^rcat number coinpf-tmL', ( Mr. ('airus, of the t'rowii Hotel, k;ot Ist and Mr. I)an McLean, of Markiialo.L'iiil. This we think was a very lair ilecismn. although Mr. Hiley thinks he (ir Mr. t.'airns ^,'ot in tli.' wron..,' cisss. .Iiiamy Atkinson was awardcit a ipecial prize for the (lasliini; manner iii which he |>aaaed Mr Milry and others on the rin;{ vMCh his "Iniliau. " III the h.tll the .show <jf fruit was not up to former years, but VB|,'e- tabli-s, etc., were good ami well selected. Fiiio arts, etc, were well represented. The show of fowl waa very good, but sorry to say their sh Iter was not the best that iiiiL;hl be provided. A new hall and '.'round and tw.i days' allow is now the thing that sh.,iild be .n;;ltated by the direct. 'IS. aiui we think il thu matter was L'oiie about ri^ht it could h« lU.iie with- out much trouble. Of course a muted eli'oll IS wiiat IS wa!lte<i. On the wUule| igBBBBaa^nBB^__aMm>^_^BBBaaa^i^^i^^ the lair Miria-'sed former years and we i ii , ,,., _,,„ ,, ,„ -„„ „,., ,.„. 7. ,- . â-  , , j - • i . ,,.,,'., • . \ nc arf noir tur}iing out teor/cjiir nipenor m sliile and niuih to anv reer aro think the diiect. us have rea.soii to con- â- ' â- ' , ,' . „, , •' _/....» ^/ij .rr pr<.< Custom work to order FLiE:SHERT02\r. Photos, Photos, Photos (lined in FUsherton. COPYING a n d ENLARGING at MODERME RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING ;;ratiihtte themselves, and that it should I satisfy the ino>t fasti<lioiui. It IS with deep r«i;ret tl«t we report the death of .Archibald M«.\rlhur. of" erally known as "I ncle .Archy," who has 1 been sick for two weeks. Kor some d.iyi j it was llc'iulit he would reci ver but a weakened constitution from oUi n^e couKl not witlistand the oiiwiwd march of a' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ lll..^I debilitating; di.â€"a<r, and the I ..^-^â€" ^^â€" â€" ^^-â€" ^__ d'ceas.l | a»»e.t aw.,y without |.aiii or 1 ''<."H ^^" "// i''< 6r.(;ic/i.»-. .-1 ,j„od xtof/e of' FRAM L'S and M<)ULD!.\GS kfpt siillemo.; .01 \\.-ilne.s.iay the U'nd Oct . hi • fiinuf'iulli/ r<ii hand. Will <iho int'ndiice the new liRO!dlDK FORTli.ilT. .* Ito'.lo.k. .Mr. .^IcA^^hla wa.s -i ^i"'^ ' pirturi- llitit in tjirimj eiilirr cilishntinn iclii-ncer iutrodiuyd. ,S.\.VFLh'S <f4K ami pious old .^enlleimiri.of an atlal.le dis- ^^ ^^^„ ,„ ,„ ^;,,/;^,y ,j./,^.,.^ alt p,n-lin,l„r!< a.-> to Price. Slule &r.. o,n he „»eeT position, ami one that was uiiiversallT , • .1 |..»ed. He will be 1,'ieatlv iiUMed I'T those ' _ _ _ .r,^ _ _ IT <l'l any ft.ldrwut ..n r^t-flpl o( \r\t:\. by II « n. J. kr.N»VIJ. CO.. rnruhiiruli »»lli. TL f«<»l.*1 BV >l.l, OH ('•.'<] l<iTn. IJEMOYAL PIICEYJLLE I BAKEEY. who knew him, especially his tiu'ii.ls, . with wb..ui we deeply synipalhi/.e. ' Mr. llias. Mc.Mill.m lia« put on the I paint n'/aiii and is wa'^liii; war ayaiosi | lree-bi.otiii..i .owi. Charley v..ws eternal ; veiiueiice on thai satunic hi ute cltithed ill 1 black .'iiid u hue that r< aiiis the village, I nionarcli of all al'e smxays. Ml .lohii 1 1 llearn and .Miss Sullivan. I .lau-hter of TI11..S. SulIiT.in. all of innli . Like, were man led heie onlaH Wednes day mi.riiin.4 by Uev. .1 .1. I'Vnny j .\l » b.ick from >eeni',' Ins best '.iivl. ' .Hill, ..i_\s that that thini's is wo-wo ' w.iikin.; ;:ra i;i.i ,;reat at the stasia-. »i.'iii..n. VIDL I'ljESHElVrON . HKALlll Foil AI.L J<OLt:llWAYSIIM£l:i â-  >/ I n UI HI • J^.S fi 'i I 'I 8 M » ' *' ' ^ "i*' l!idJ5MI?i4il?yi,^ai?i illK I'lJ.LS Purify tho r.U»*».!, ^â- luâ- r^^pt all lii uv.iers of ! 'I'lioy iiivi-i.ii;J(.Ri. 1 1. .t..r..t.. li.'iiUli Del.iht rt.-.| r.ii; trotiuiis, all. I nro iii\ m: i;,il,;. 1., ..i|| c'<> |>;,i lit ,l:.ci.leoti.l til l-'iiiial.-e. ..I all u«e^. l-'ol' I l:i;>ireii ami tiio s^ju.l lllu\ a,.. . jn-e.|«»-» Til Ii^ OrN'J ME^T I v;i I'l: iK.hlu vein.' i\ Tor It i-l b.-js. \\\\ i;r..n-*rs. Obt \V..tni !«. •^or*-^ and V\ • at .iiid Ulo'WTim: 1-.MI l-'m- do-or-i â-  Clu- -l Jl h.l^ ]|( It \% faniiTi-.s f ['/â- â€¢â- III '•Uf t.ll.rr 1 ^ nTf-.^piiUfi' nt. A. I ii:iuin- v.^" clolbt .1 in ii t.Kiiitlo uf -n.'U> wbib-. oil Suiibiy iiiorniii;,'. * Mi , ('. Mi-I.r...l. .^ wiriK hum u }io wiiil out wi'rsi. •- .in-' \< ,ir^ '1.1.''*. nil I In.-* t r .ivt il-'l rxUiisi\»l\ 111 wot'Tu ' "itiMiU iiiiii r. S., 1.-' b'i'kl 11 ,u im .m.l ha- p itchas, d a fata, , /'\; /' .SV," /7 A' TIllKKl'l. I '> l! I )..\ ( ' 1 1 I T I S . C()('(UIS. COLDS (ilii:i l.liir-s-.V"ll. m;s,»u.l sll Skill ni-ii'iies it has n-i rival: an.I f.u eoiitrai leil sod sti:T oitlts it nets like a etmnn. M t;rifa'-tt:v.- t ..ii'. .â-  at I'n.t.-s^or Hi : ,.',vat's Msial.luli in.-et :s. \<-w Oxford Strort ( late 5:{», Oxford Street ). London. and a 10 buI.1 at l.-i. IJ.t ,2s. 9.1 , in, I'.l , Us . 'j-;-. . loul :i:i'<. each I!"x or I'ut. ml luuv Im hail of all ileif^ .•iiie Veil. tors lilroiiKlioiit the Woi-lil. /'"i-.'Aii.w'r.'! ihuuld liol: Ic '/i' /,.(/)'•/ on. the I'ntf .i/of Ho.rex. ll Iht uddietn i.i not ,7,T7, Ortord Sfre''t, Loiidhii, flici are spnri'"ix. I .lesii ft" itif.inii tti^ init.lio that I liiivo ro liin\ i-.l III V well lot.'Wn tni sti.'li to MOORE'S Block. Diiriiam SI .\. i n;ii ll ftc f-tr^-k of tin-.ram will be foiind in 111 V nr« pr*mis.«. KKi'AiniNt;, KAVETltordlllNa Kic. Hone as liprolofore, 1 liave vecured tlio ivgcncy for the ('elelirated Si^i^'er Hewing Mwliine. KeqtiestlOK my old <riuiKl4 to came anit â- â€¢â€¢ loa III my luiw siioii.ti roiuaiu, etc., JA9.3IILLIVAII. 1 I Desires to inform tli(! ptililic tlmt lie I'llll llll'llisll CAKKS AND TIES KlUHT Cl,.\S IIRK.MI AT.W.WSON HANI). will visit I'loslioi ton twice s wff.«k-h TlKsnvYS ail. I Klil IIAYH.wltll a full Bn|i|ily iiftjooili. DROP A OARI) IF YOU DESIRR MK TO OALL. WKDDINO and FANCY cnkcs a specialty A. WATSON, Priceville 11. .u i'rii'i ^ dl "!'.;>; I'an llire.-,l,.il lii» wil.l iimstar.l last ue. K. .\li. .los. .\iissum. wbiK: out iliuhu; one ilav last wei k, «as throw 11 Irmii the liHj,';;y am! lujiirecl his .-li.iul.ler. lbs horse look fright at a lilack doi; 111 the uenleni limllii of the t.iwii. hiuii doK has pniveu a ureal niii'.anc" to a immlier of p.i.ple nhea.ly. Siimelii'ily's il"^' will (;et iiilii liuubleyel. .\li. \V. M.'.Vuley bus been home for a few il.iys with his f.unily, .Mr. Me.\. seenis to like bis iiHvv (artii in .\lK'onia, and inti-n.U iiiovn..' his fiiniily to ibe.r new boiiii. as buoii as he Rets it litte.l up to rei'elve th.'in. Mis. .\. Oslnn.ler and dau.sjlilers, 'v.. im dersian.l. canicil oiT lirs-t prize f . r both l.i-iii.l ami biiUir. 1 I. 11 > oU what, if I were m want of a wi'e I W..11I.I iiiitiirsUv (;o to a lioiise u lure l.otli j'. oil br. :m1 ami butler are iimimfai'tiiie.l. Ml. liimiMii Miiir has h 'en tho last few days emjap .1 lliii'thini; for llie sin, ill eref Ills ai i.iiiiil t <wn. Ciiiiibcrlf) I'liliLr Srhool Keport I'd;- .S«>|»t«*nili('r, Class l\. Si. Lily timh.aiii 18;!, h'reilus Thnisioii LIT. ICIla Carnitliers (i.">. Class IV, jr.. Ilerbeit h'.iivcett !•(), .lolin Hammond H',), .loliil Howell VC. Class HI, sr, .lames Wallace HI, Will e I aw- reiic! ."i", A'inceiit liilbert 'l!>. Class HI, jr.,- ••lessie (lilbert r>."i, .Xiiiiio Scott (II, Hobbie Law I. â- nee 41. Class III. sr.,-- I Snie'H;;;,:;;?^;;." Av^;i.;;u:;i2;;t'^'V7^ n-a^on,, sM^^hs, ctdter,. ,yr.. <sc. •_>."! Class H, jr..- A. WallHCO i!l4. A, l^tS;..t^^o.;!^K:ueiLJ:m[';:.Jisr^^©*'Sr mPM&VM^ m^^m^ows .^jr^ Miniiie U.ittrick 11-J. CUss A, .lohii | W^'M.^(^» Wiikeiis lliT, Sail' Vawcett KK). .lesse | llattrick 11 1. Class H. .leuuie McLoan jSpecial Attention eivpr\ to PAINTIXO, TRIMMINti. HOI{SK-SHOEIN(3 aHU ail 7.'!, .lasper Stewart .V.I, Henry Wallace ill', j kinds of Jt>I'. WOKK. Nothing but first class material used throucliout, Class C, Telford Kllis (it!, S.iiulforu 1 and satisfaction guaranteed. We have for sale Knott 5li, t'ardio (iialiaiii .">fl. A\oia;;el aituiidancuM. 1 L»iinl>t!ii*, Ljiitli a,n<l S* liinjjltiys. • F. Vn. Karst(Mlt,^''';â„¢ir,r.' FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM A l«r..;o ii'sei-tiin.nt "f STfi\'!"S. s â-  luikc.i STn\ K |.'fl;V|sllIN(is; -piy '.V .VllK.fiil'PhUW VHK.l.A.MI' (JOnilS ele ..â- .instantly on liaaj. KVKTUiM'ilHIXi; A STKCI \LIIV. Strain's old Stand Heard s Carriaii:^^ Works. MANlb-ACTrKLKOF Alice Wallace has been arrested at Til" 1 Also Agent for T>ick'« Rollers, Mowers and Binders, Dick's Champion, Ro.yal R.<1> . 1 ir- ., bury, cliar){ed, with the imirder of her/ husband, .lames Wallace, by poisoBing . on Hepteniber \>. | \ Roy, Oranger and Standard Plows, Two and ThrcvKiirrow Cianu Plows. Horse Powers for 4 Horses. Straw Cutters, SoulB'-rs and Turnip Drills. JOny H. nE.iltV, I>Hrh<im Stvfet, Fleshrrton. e. I T^-'y^ r.

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