Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1889, p. 4

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\ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE A '^^ THE ADVANCE. lu piiblUbud -Kyery T'hu.rwcla.y, Fbox TBI OrricK lS<jden)iam iitreel, - - Fleaherton, Out. TKUM8 OK SCIISCUIPTION: • I per/aiiiiuui wlniu paid strictly in aJvauce • 1.00 Jior auuuiii wln.i] nut «« pai'l. ADVERTISING KATK8. Oil* column, 1 yuar, »J0 ; ball col., do , »liT, quartoruol. do., 915. Tr»n»ient advurtisninoiitH charged at tlio ratu «( itctii. por lino for tlrht in»eitiuu and llctn. per liuu oacli hubsuqucnt insurtiuri. W. H. THURSTON, Hditor and Proprietor. •i»prey Fall Show. Osprey fall •xliibition was btld at Maxwell on Friday last. Extremely unfavorable weather in tlio morniu(» preveutod many from attending, but tliis did not appear to prevent the fair becoming a succesH. In the afteinoou a large number were present. It was late when all the entries had been giyen in. the energatic secretary, Mr. J), (jrant, of fSinghampton, being kept iiiduiitriously at work until nearly 2 o'clock seeing to thet-o matters, con- •ceimently judging of live stock was ^lade rather late, and it wai nearly Jive o'clock when the lM-ari{e Hall was opened to the general public. In- side the exhibit was very fair, a spieu- did exhibit of roots, especially, being piade. There was also a good exhibit uf grain. In ladies' work the show was rather scanty. In fruil Mr. .Tames Stewart, of Kimberley, was, we believe, the only exhibitor, and took Eoiuethiug like fourteen prizes in that class, besides priies for grain. Kice s»m))leH of honey were sliown, Mr. Win. Guy taking first for atraiued. The outbide exhibit of stuck was not extra largo, but the quality, especially in horse llesh, w»' A 1. Two mag- nificent cowa and two calves were shown by a gentleman living in Not- tawasaga, whose naiuo we did not 'learn. The exhibit of ihcep was small and the quality not good. The tame may be said of pigs. Taken as X whole, however, the show was a M'onoiinccd auccus8s,and the director a^le may congratulate thoiuielves upon tli« interest iiiinifest by tlic peoiilc of O.sprcy, notwilhslttiiJing the very ii.jserable weatlior expenunceil. Look out for pri/c list next week. \\v have t<i thank tho directors foi- nmiiy cuurl- c-.iie.s .sh.iwn.aiid Mr. U. Y. lliiiK for a present of the [iii/e winter radishis. WliKii wii liiid II poi-soM wliii talkn th|i|>aiit,ly ali.iut ln.s iini,'lib(>i'» iliilii.iieslv >')' iiliti iillifuliii;..|a \\u liavu i'uiliicj iiua n Im 1.1 iiii«oitli\ l.liu icuiliili'iico of huiiKinii y. 'I'lii' K.1U..1 (,f Ihu Kleahoitnii Advani* will |ieiv«ne. Markilala tStaiidnrd. '1 he .Ailvnnce pciet imr, ul com He, and IB extrcincly sorry tiiat it lias grieved Mr. Uutledg.' by talkiiij^ "llip- piiiilly" alioul his imtiiiililuliiuss. We dill not intend to bu "llippaiit." \\ liiit Thfc .Vdvanco saiJ whh in Hobcr eimiist, brother. Hoping tins will dispel the impression that we were iiihinceru, wo remain yours etceteiu and so on ad intiniluin. The Advance cannot live, of courso, wilhoiit tin- ••coiitidencu" of the Standard, and tliereforo wa hasten forward wiili this apology. euorinoiis number uf pateiitH issued indi- cates. Trobalily a gnod number of our rwiidera hare had buaiiiaaa tiiiii.iar:t8d thorui^li tlie ollice of Ih* .Sciaiitilii; Ameri- can, in New V'ork or VVasliinglou, and are familiar with Muiiii A Co'a mode of doiiiu husiiiess, but those who have not will he interested in knowing; soiiiethinu nlxiut this, the (ddest patent soli^itiii^' tiiiii in this country, probably in the worhl. I'ersouH visiting the ollice of the Scien- titie American, .'501 Broadway, N.V., for the first time, will be surprised, on eiiter- ini; tho iiiuiii ollice, to tind such an eiteii- sire and ele;{aatly. uquippeil esta><lifh- Mieiit, with its walnut counters, desks, and chairs to correspond, and its enor- mous bafes, aud such a large number nf draughtsiiien, speciticati'Mi writers, ami clerks, all busy as bees, ruraindiiij; one of a large banking othce, with its hundred employees. In conversation with one of t)ie tiriu, who had coiuinnnced the busiuesc of auliciting patents iu connection with the publication of the Scientific Aiaericaii, more than forty years ago, I learned his tirni had made application for patents for upward of eiie hundred thousand in veiitors in the United Status, and several thousands in diirereiit forei«ii countries, and^had tiled ma laany eastr.<i in the I'atunt Othce in a single month an there were patents iasued during the entire lirst year of their business career. 'I'his gentleman had seen the I'nteut ( )|lice i;row from a saplini; to a sturdy oak, and he modestly hinted that mimy tliou;jlit the Scientitic -American, with ltd lni'..;s circulation, has preformed no im^aii share in stimulating inventors and advancinij the interests of the Patent Ollice. Kut it is nut alune the patent Hohcitiin; tlmt occupies the attention of the one hundred persons inipluyeil by Munn i): Co., but a lar^'e number are engaged on the four publications issueil weekly and iiiontlily tri. Ml their ollice' .'Stil Itmadway, N.V., vix. : The Scientitit American, iheSciun tilic .\iiiBricau Sufii'lemeut, the Kxpert Kdition of the Scientitic .American, and the .\rchitects and Kuilders t)ditioii of the .Scientitic American. The tirst two publications are istued every wvuk, and the latter two, the lirst uf every month. That hackiii<! cou<;h can be so ,|uickly cured by Shihih s • 'mtt. W« i.'uarantiie it For sale at the Medical Hall. Will you sutler with Dyspep.tia and Liver Complaint / .Sliiioh » Vilalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Kur sale at the Medical Hall.. rrourcMS of Invriiturai Since IN45 NKW ADVKKTISKMLNTS Came Astray. Caint' to the prutiaHi^^Mtf tlie iiti<lt>rsi;^i..'i|. |,tt l;0. hn4'k Lllitt. We^t.oll oi utxuit tll*> Inl'lillr (<f AupL^J^I \s^l. I 'lit' two \fai- tilft hi'ift'i , u Into. 'rin> uWUfl IH UMlUU-tttHi to |i|OV<i |PHiJ>..ltv. pny iiKpt itftciH auii t(^^v It away. WM WUK illl Came Astray. Oiiii- to tlu* pii'iniHi-H of A <"iilItMi. lot I '.7 '2iiil raiiK*' wt'Ht, T. au<l H IC. aU'Ut tlu< llirtt of .Vti^ii-'t last, oiM' ymir old btut-t . Ihi- «.»wnfi in rt'MUf-'ti'ii to [iKivu |iro|>urtr.|"ay uxittui-*c:i dtid tnkit titiii awav. A t'li.rKN FARM TO RENT. Kor a tiTin of vfavh IUmuk Intn N.t LHI an.l 1.14, «f.i)riil rauKi- north .â- ( the T A S Uiiad, .\r tiMiit'siii, i-imtiiiiiiiiM uver Ilft\ ufr«i« nf cluart'd hiti.l, iM'd from Mlone iiiid ini'stlv dear of r-tuiiil'H. and w.'ll a.lHptf'l for wilh.-i yrum or M' it/.inn pnrpohrH (iiHnl chniico fur u tuto.l nitii* .Mi iii><pi'. lion i>f till' pliu'i' H.iliiiti'.l AppU 111 T II I'llWr.llS. Kirln 1' n , ortoANDUKW ( AUU. 1' lii»li«lloli TO, Out Tn the year 1845 the present o.wneis of the Scientitic American newspaper com iiiviiced ill puhlieation, iimi s<iiiii after estahhsh«J a bureau for th« procuring of (lateiits ft>r iiirunUr* at honm anil in furelKu cuuntriei. During the year l.S4ri there were only 502 patsnt.t issued f|i>m lh« U.S. I'ateiit Dftice, and tlie total issue from the estehlishuient of the Patent Ollice, up to the eiiJ of that year, numbered aiily i.'M^j Up to the hrei of July this year there bavu been graaled 407, 41J. Showiiix that since the oomiuanc'riiient af the publication of (he Rcientillo Ainerioan there have been iseued fraui the U.S. Patent Ottice 403,lttO (Miieiits. and about one third mure appltoations hate lieen niade tban have been granted, showing the iDgenuity uf oar |>*uple to be pheno- HMnal, and wuoli greater than area the MAII. (JONTJIACT. SK.VI.Il) TKNDKltS. n.Hie>is,..l to tlo' I'ost nifi-<ti-r (itiiii'i al Hitl l't< rni'HiveJ ut Ottawa until noon, oil l'"iiilii>, l.Mli Novi'inlit'i-, [yv^.t. (or tlif cunvoyaiH'o of Mi-r MhjohI y m MuiU.on n pro |i(.s.>(l t'oiitrai't for four \eai k, hIx tiim-h pur wtnii t'acli wav, hit wrt'ii I *ti> liani aiiil I'IohIimi - ton Station, fi'oiii tlm 1-.1 .IannHr\ ni'Xt, Tim L-oMV»«viiii('Q to lio iniiili' 111 a vt'liit'li* I'liiitcil iioti'f-^ (outainint^ Iiitttit-r iiitornuitioti uh to ( until ll<>|(rt of plo|>oHo<l Itolitl at'l liMlV l(0 CHiMI fiii'l hhiiik foriMH of Tniidfi' iMii V Im^ ohtntne^l iit Iln' )tM,-t oflicMhof Itnrhaiii. HurnHMaii, I'l'Lcuvillti, t'lunliei'tuii Htatuni ami at ttiiM otthto II. (i llorKIKK. r» I. (iftlitt iaspoctor. VoHt ortlco Iii«l>«etor'rt Orticc. Ktratfont, SiidOotobor IKHO. Koii Till-: loJ^V 1 Weekly Empire^ Canada's Leudiug Newspaper PATRIOTIC IN TONE TKUE TO CANADA TUUE TO THE KMVIRE TH«';iv\!i>im-: is Now m ma mm paper OF TIIK l»OMlNIOK. aiiilspec'iitl arr»liKtniiMit« lire lixliin tnadu to Kilil new and attractive (satiirin, which will gritatlr Iniieane ItH int(^r«ll(, and »alu». As an iiiilui-eiiiaiit to place It In tlm hauita o( all PATUIOTIC CANADIANS tks halauuo o< preuut year will la given Free to New Subscribers, MaklBf It nnlv *1 TO tor tlio Kiuplm and rieiberton idvauoe, trom now to tbe eadoflMW, I ""dr. cartI':r. :M.(,'.I*. AS.,n.vT. piiYSK IA\. SI im;i:on. jlv. KLK.>HEKT(iX. Office, Strain's block. Residence. J. (i. I'.u&ie' 9 ). (\ Button, M'D.C.M. SOMETHING mi In orih;r to aecure another thouaand subscribers bufore Januaiy next we have lieciiluJ to make a great sacriticial oti'er l..r tiio biil- anee of thi.'j year. We have made arrangements with a publi.sher whereby we ar-' enabled to m^ke a luau'iiiticent ijift to all our sulwcriln-rs. V. ..• ofi'er you your I'Wii choice from a list of splendid books, priiiti-1 in clear type on t;"od paper, or a im>nthly farmer's in.i^'.i/.iiie for ..;â-  • year, upon tho followiiifj terms : Every new subscriber remiiin.-.; one dollar to us between tho date of this circular ami .Jan. 1 m\i will receive The Advance for IHDO and balance of thi* vt-ar fti, . and may also select one from our li.st of books. And in order tii.it all may fare alike we oiler to our old suliscribers, who will »eioi lo any arieara;;e.s and the dolhir in advr.nce f'T feXt year, '../•o.-, .;â-  iiii ,y.(ii. 1, I,<:iii. a choice from the aii|H-nded li.st nt bookn. N. B.â€" Tlie books will not be delivered until after Jan. 1. i^ .\t, iu order that all may be sent out at one time. Where they are to be sent by mail live celit.s extra must be sent with the order, t.o [.ay posla'.^e. This is a b )na tide uift, nialj .13 an ciiieriiinMit, and the iiiont liberal ever made by a local iiew»i.aper. The names will be oiinUei ;i8 received and the I k.h delivered in that order. Here is the ijt: I THK .^MKKU'AN KAUMKK, iiiuiitWy. for one >oar. J .\ HoiiM' of Ttavs. lo !â- â€¢ Uowiitn .1 S.iru fi.'we and Vldith's Hiirt;lar. bv Krai:.** Hodn-oii ll.ju.-tt. 4 111.- AM,. V Miir.l-r bv .loBi'pti HattuMi s I liu Arnonauts of North l.ilM^rtv liv lint HurVi I', riic K..iliill.-<of fhilippa l-«lrfiix.l)V Mr« K 11 ll'.irnctr. 7 llr (il.'iMii.-» Daiikhtiir. l)V II 1. Karjeoii. « A MiTf I hll 1, bv I. n Walford 'I Th" yiieenn Tekoii. by .Mm I'ashcl Hoev. 1.) .y Mlâ€"lli,; Hil»baild. by tieorjiU U. Siui». 11 'lln. Kails Wife, same author. IJ All Al«"iiqnin Maiden, by ti Uerciir Adan; aud K. WctlieraM. l:l H..HV.II and Holl.hy K Swi-leliboru. U SlrmiKer than Kictioii. by Kmneth l.ti'. !.'> I hf Mtorv >'{ iin African rariii. by Itnlph Iron. 10 .loloi Ward. Trencher bv MarKarut Daland. 17 HmIThIo Hill, bv N.-d Ituiitlino. IH Michael Striinofl. bv Jillei Verne. la Tlic Ciunmakcr of .Moscow, by S. lcd)b, a capital otory •M Mai la Monk 'Jl KohiTt KUinern, bv Mrs Hiiinphrttv Ward. '.M Itiidder (irant;o, by Frank U. htcKkten â- Jl 'I'. Ml Nihility III a liftrruoiii. by 'V :i. .\rtbiir. •Jl A l>rt liueroiiH t'rttHpHW. a detective htory. •J, Mil.' 1! B lla'iies, bv lliibberton. •Ji'i n.Mi Htir. bv (leneral l.«w Wallace. *J7 si'tt..idt) fook Hook. •2fi llHVM U'^a.lv Ueckolier. complete. â- Ji) rliu>terneldil Letter Writer aud EtHinulte, Ceiiiplcte. I'.ememlier these two facts : You secure what i.s admittedly tlie best local paper in Cirey, and yet a present of another dollar paper or a book to while away tlu) winter evoumcs. Our otlVr only hoids ;;o,.,i til, to anl ,».cIikIiiii,' Jan. 1, IH'.K). Suet; snotiier oti'er will, .n all likehliood, never be iikoK- a-am. Do nut put otr.se udin;; m y.oiir orders until the I.1.-.1 lu 'luent. W. II. TlirK.s'ON. Kleshertoii, .Seiit. 24, KH,->'.'. Publisher Advam^ Kleshertoii, Extra ( opH s of asiy of tbe above Works may be had lor SO eeuls. >('â- ! ' 'if t'.o (.'oll.jgo of rbysiciaiii* or Atlvi i. .;i ' H. t.-I 1':-: 'â-  '. : :- Lj-s: -A G Tier's stwr O^S. i:POUL^ & ESQ. ^fAl:KliAl.E I'NT. Ofli«'«* t-.HanU-y's Drue St«irf. T.H. sr;tOUl.l:;.M.D..ete. A.Stit S ECiO.M I) sic. lace of Totteiiliuiii, (jr.t Or.F^o will be found at Markdale House at ili^l- 1 ~l.P.OTTEWELL^~ â- > KTKhl.XAbV .-rKt.KON, (;• .bi.Tte of Oi,t.u:o A'et. C, lle.jc. ;'.!---i!'i NCi; iiN r'lI.I.IMiWoOtI S'IKEKT MxMi lJi>or Ftt-t of rr*.-l.vTeuu;i Chuich. fi'l.KSHERToN. :?]fnti';itVM. J. I', .^LyiSlllLL L. D. S.. DE.XTIST. Vi.-ir.s .\»iirl>.l:ile t!i,.. l^t and Xi.l V.Jiie!,- day of each iiiontli. Fleshcrton each trio on tlie day fol'owinj. J. w, j^m^sT^ Kavriati r.SulirHor, C'oiirci/aiietr. i:ir. FLE*HthloN OKKli E. .NKXT Pti.-i Ojn, g, 8PK01 LK .s btll.Iil.Mi, O.N ThIICsIiaYS. OWKS sm-ND oKI-rcr:. Fh .sr» Hi-n.rTNa P McCULLODGH, Barrister. Suliciior, 4'y. OftitT, o»«T ^4 rarhiiid's Sloro .Warkdnlr. .1foii<-> to l.uaii. ^uoiuroo C!anls. John W. Arinstrou'7, i'LKMlKl.lvN, Co, UllKV. nivisioN cofKT ci.KitK. (iijiinssn>N;> " I. 11. 11.. I'onvuyaiicr.iVc AKent lui puicli aiil >alc of hlli.l.^. .Appial>er lor I' !». 1 (.' ali.l V. V II. A > >ocieu .\K,iiiv to Lua . „u most reHw)i;iiM,. '..I I ,^ Nmhi of Jl.\l.laA LICKN.SFS. .NOTAKV I't Hl.IlV MON EY TO LOA^ . AT LOWEST 4IRIIEX1 If ilES u Town or Farm I'roiorty, b. DAilLUli;, Fi«shtfrtoQ. for Infants and Children. <*CaatorU IS so well adapted tochildRn that I Caatoria rnreti r'olic, CoDi<t<T>ation, I roeoiunieiid it oa superior to anrpriMeripUoa I t'""'' Stomach, I'larrlnea, Kructation. knowo to me.- IL A. AarHaa, M. D„ I '^.^."oâ„¢'"' ••'""* ""^P' "^ »««"°*" ^ 111 bo. Oxford Bt, UraoUjm, N. T. 1 wuloul lujurioiu TnrnllT-atV^. Tua C'E-NTiiii t'oju'Asv. 77 Murray Street, N. 'Y. GAME ASTRAY. Mjbc^'F0^:s .Yoric^ nrnSVANT to section .HO. cap llOt^f HSO 1S87. I the eruiUturs &nil all otlior^ haviuK claiui against the eatato of Jkiiihh Crawford. (lucvii^u>1. in hia lifetlniti of tbo towtiHhip of OKproy.iii the county of Oriw. wiu) (Uod ou tht» 13th I'.iy u( K«pt«tnber, IHA9, arn hereby notifleil to hcikI by porit, prejiali!, orduliverod toJosiah Dauioy, vWe oi tha exocutorfl of docoaaed Maxwell P O , ou or before the ftrnt day of Uacetubor next, their ohriutian ami surnaiiieH, adilrvttiitiii and iloscrip- tiouH, the full partiiHiIarH 0I thuii LlaiuiH.u statu- nirnt of thoir aH^etH and a statuincnt of their ne- cMiritiendf anyiludd by thent. On default thuieof and iuiiiiodlately after Huch lact uamvd dato.tho anfletH of thu Haid entato will be distributeil ainon^ the partitfrt eiitith'il ihtiri-tQ, ru»{ard be luR had only to tho clainmof which notice t»hall have been ^Iveu a-4 above vetiuired, and the ex- tHMitorH will not bo Hablo for tho said assets or any part thereof to any pornoii of whoao claim notice flhall not have boon rHoeivoil aii afore- aid at tliu time of fluch distribution. alAMKS rU-\\VKiM;U.l JOHN CKAWKOUn. KxKtrTona. .lOHlAH OAMKY, I Dated thia^th day of Bepteiuber, 18M. One blat-k how cauie into the onoluanre of D. Madills. abixit the Hrat of Auguttt. Tbo owner Ih rei)i)et.tu.l to provu |>rot'erty, pay expuuaen autl take \nn away. O. MAOU.Ii, Maxwell. Sept. 14. 18HD. In tho Matter of Charles E, Neil. Late of th« Village of Fover- shaiu. (uow of Maxwell). Mer- chant. InBoivent. The IiiMAlvKht kaM made an aaalgnmeiit of hiri entutt) to the undcrtti^utid, in purHuaiicc of an act reiiiioctiii»( uHHJMDuiuni (i>r tho benefit of (Medltorit, rttviHed HtabiitoH, Outario. i'liaptcr I'ii. and liio (' roth torn air** iiottnetl ti* lueetat thu otUcc of MitMHVM. M Uloharttnuu A Co., Klchhur ton. on MoiiilHy, ;i(all Hcni IHHtl. nt tf pni , tn re caive a ntatmeiit >>f lifTalm, attpctint luHpuctt>ir< and for tlio ordnriiiK «. f the atialra uf the OHtate ((euurally. And iioU«}e in heri)iiy xlven that after Noveinbur tho hrHt nest, the Hald trunte*' will proceed to diKlritiuLii the aHHetR of tho •aid debtor ainouKKt tho pationa entiiAled there to, UavtuK regard only to the claluni of whlcli notice shall have been tilven. and tliat he will not be liable for the aaaets, or any t^rt thereof, â- u dtstrtbuted to any peraoQ or |>ertoiM of whose debt tu olaiuis tie shall uut th«|i l^arvhaU uotlee. JOSKPH RLAOKHUKN, Asslfiue* In Tru*! Dftted ;|t Kleslverton, Sepl.U. I0«y. Catarrh cure4. health and sweet breath •ecured, bj Shiloha catarrh remedy. Pric* 50 oenta, Na»%l injector free. For Mia at the M*dio«l Halt. For luine back , side « .r cheat , uh- Shiloh'a Ponuia Haater. PrictM c«us*« For iiU« %t t^9 Hedical HalU • Mr. Wm. Karstedt, M.\Ti:rj.\L FruNisnh:!) h'.^titwit'S jiiynfrei: Orn«i:ui-t,it I'Uistn-- iiiy n Sf/tciiiUij. .Iriic* one iloor south of A.lTaiicg 0(Bc«. Wrj. HKLLAMY TWP. CI.KBH .41ITl.JIl:SH. ( ' i.Y I â-  !:YA .V( •KH. ( •( 'MML^.-HOyfl; lysrUAM'K ACT, dC ni;i:t)s.>lOKTli.\tii:s, l.fASKS, Ae.. |M8,.«r ^ e.l iiii.l properly enecuU'il, Insiii .iiuo altuc- oil 111 ihst-clajw comjiaiiien. Muuev to leud at, lowutst rates. R. J. Sproule, "IJOST.MASIKR, Fle.slierton.C'ommissiou- -*- er ill li. R,, Licensed Auctioneer, Con veyauoer. Appraiser ami Money I/fnder, Keul Kstato aud lusuraneu Auent, PeeJs, Mortuagea, Leases ami Wills ilrawD up and Vulualious made ou slior'.o.sl notice. Auc tiou Sales attended to iu iiny piiry of th» County, Money to lonu at lowest rates of interest, CoUectKins attended to with promptiieKs and dewpatcli. Charges low. Agentfortlip liominiou StenmsliipConipauv Cheap tickets from Fleshertou lo Liverpool. I'.isKow. liondou or any of tli« Itritish Torts. Turtles iuteiid'iig to visit EuglanJ Seotland or L-eliind, will please ask rates be (ore pi rchaaiug tlieir tickets elsewhere. Hub Ihill Butt!* * P«-dDeC. .r.88S. U7.reavl^.'',***^„* Of Interest to every man who iuim a ^Vagon or Oarriai.'e. THIS ANTI-RATTLER IS the BSST, Hec-«aMitis eCrectlTe, simple, easily adjuated,. iluraHe. iuexpeiislve. Tbere are no i-roieolli* ends to tear the sponRe or wash cloth It luL aoT >lsaconnliu|{. - KORSALK AT itar«l't Garrtags Sktft rt^\ /

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