Flesherton Advance, 10 Oct 1889, p. 1

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FLESHERTON ADVANCE. \ \ II ^ ^fc TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-' FRI.YCIPLES. ^ 01 MEjY." 70L. VIII., NO 432. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1889. W. H. THURSTON, V isitors to riesherton should not fail to call and examine the fine stock ot Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silrerware, Spectacles, etc., AT Artemesia Fall Sh«w. Russell's Hoted Jewelry Store, Flesherton, v;hich has just arrived, consisting of Gold and Silver \V-itcho3, Ladies' and Gents' sizes, Rirn^s, CutTbuttons, v:rAar!n^,Gent5' and Ladies' Gold Chams,Diainond Rmgs.etc. We exnect to do the trade this fall and winter and have a very ft'ie selection of Goods on hand, call and examine, no trouble to show goods. And always take your watches, etc. to Eussell to repair, if you want a perfect job. RasseUN Jewelery Stotc , Flesherton TO WHOM !T ^ MAY CONCERN. The CASH STORT. is offering special lines in all depart- ments. Our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT has lately been hlled to overrlowin-. witli ^s choice a line of .roods as ever shown. In uia'Kin- our selections we realize That to the qualitv ot the goods sold, we must look to the buikliug up of th-'it conhdcuce between buver and seller, so essential to a commercial success and permanence. Gusto- mers will find that in respect to quality, oor stock has no .•superior. DUESS GOODS in leading shades, plain and durable. Prices ranging from loc. to Toe. with trimmings to match. In Eirau's, Gimp, Plushes and Velvets, Ciray. White, Xavv Blue and Red Flannels, second to none forOUALITV and PRICE. It would take too much space to mention all our Imcs in this department separately. Hut we would request an inspection, i^uarantccing satisfactory lesults. Our BOOT auA SHOE Assortiueiit Lui?er Tluu Ever. Soecial lines ot women's high Laced Bo'^ts at $l.i-i. Men's long Boots from f 1.75 up. Misses and Children's in all sizes Groceries, Crock- ery and general merchandise. Persons would do well to give us a call. Mcdonald & evans. Wright's Old Stand, A very successful show, considering all ttiings, was chat held ac Pricsville i on Thursday of last week. The ; morning wai very wet, but as midday j approached the downpour ceased and 'people began 10 arrive m quan:ity at â-  th« historical old, hlirg of Priceville. where Mr. M. Rfley had gratuitously I offered his carriage shop for the dis- â-  play of roots, grains, ladiei' work, ! manufactures, etc. Live stock was eibibitfed on the school grounds, and was above the average in exeelleece. ' The show of horse flesh was espi-cially fine, ia faC- we do nn rtmemy*: ever »e«ing a batter show of yearhug and I two-year-old colts than that sliowa. I The two-year-olds, twelve in number, ' were especially noteworthy. Incattl* there were also aome fine aiiimaU. Mr. I L. Frook of Proton, aud Mr. Suilivan. I of Glenelg, showing two magnificer:; ' Darham bulls, the latter's animal I tipping the scales at 15S5 p>junds. In Jther classes the show was fnlly up to the average. The inside eihibits were also slightly in advance of for- mer years, if auythiug. Mr. G. F. Chapman, of Darham. ihowed a dne ' collection of photographs. Mr. Chap- man Joes good work, and as ho sayi himself, hit "pnof/g are right. ' Our good looking brother qm'l- driver. Mr. Muchell, of tht Durham Chrouielt, was present in all his t'ory. ' He is unmarried, and the young ladies present appeared to know it. Mr. Brodie was keot hustling ua- , til a late hour attending to entries. After the show the directors had a supper at the Crowa Hotel, to which Tiie .\iv311co had the liouorof au iu- vitatioi;. Strict justice wa« done to 'tlie tr'i.i.l liiiu^'s provided, afwr wlu.'ii a mt'e-i!!i: cf directors wa^ hold :<} discu-i- I'll- (^uoiti'Vi of !i pl'wiiii; ' mato... It wa< decidt'l ui hold oti-- jOaFriJAy, Ootiber l>ih. aud com- ; mittet'S were appointed to select a ' field, etc. \ THE Vlil7.T. LIST. HUKSKS.^l>KAL<.iHT, Span, J Stewart. C McKiimoJi. Hrood iu%ie, C McKiiuion, J NIc- j Milieu. One ycnr old colt, C Mc- KuiiKMi. W Nlc^ludo. Sprin^' colt. J Mo.MiIIeu, 1> Mclioiiald. (.KNER.M. pn;w>E. I Span, H Purvis, .\Ueii McKiuuon. I Rroinl niiu'. J;imes Sullivaii. 2 year 'old col'., M Williamson. I vearoUleolt, I J MoT.cm. W l!uch:inan. Spring I colt, J Su'.iivau, C McKiuuon. ewes, R Oliver, J Nichol- Ewe lambs, .J Nichol, W Meads. FIXE WOOL. Shearling ram, T A Ferguson. Ram lamb, T A Ferguson, P. Uhver . â-  Aged ewes, R Oliver, lgtand'2nd. Shearling ewes, T A Ferguson. Ewe lambs, R Oliver Ijt and 2ad. SWINE â€" BERKSHIRE. i Boar. T A Ferguson. Spring pig. W Ferguson . 31-7TOLK. Spring pig, J I Graham. j POULTRY. H&mburgs Black. WMcAulylst and 2nd. Hamborgs. gold penciled,; J P. .>i;kit:son. Hamburgs, silver tieuciled, T Conky, J K Aikinson. Black Spanish, J K .\tkinsoG, .^ R Mc- Leod. Leghorns, .\ Jackson. W Wil- cock. Plymouth rocks. T A Fer^'uson. Hiulans. A R UcLeod. .Aylesbury ' duck, L> Kennedy, lit and 'iud. Oti;er duck, T A Ferguson, M Ferguson. Tuikeyg, .V Ferguson, .\ Jacksou. Ge»se. J Aloom, M Kiley. GRAIN i SEEDS. j Fall wheat, Clawsoc, J Stewart.! Fall wheat other kind, J Stewart. Spriug wheat Russian. J I'rodie -J Stewart. Sprinst wi.^at White Fife. J Brodie. J Stewart. Spr.nj; wheat ' other kind. J Stewart W buchaa*n. Fall Rye, J Brodie T A Ferguson. Barley, J Brodie, D Tiiompsou. Oats white, J Brodie, .\ Bell. Oats black, i J I'.rodie J Stewart. Peas large, J Brodse, J Stewart. Peas small, J Biviie D Tliompsoa. Corn. DThomp- sfiii, W Fer^-uson. Timothy seed, J I'-toiiit. .\ R -UcLeod. Beans white, | â- J Brvdie, H J/atuewson. Beausi colored. T A Fer.:uioa, J Brodie. 1 R0OT.S k VEGETABLES. j Pataioos Fariy Hose. J Henderson. I Potatoes oiher kinit, G .\rrowstniih. J ' Henderson. Turnips swede. J Aus- sum, J 1 Graha'a. Turnips other kind, } 1 Grai'am, G .^rrowsmitn. -Vaoiolds, H J/athewson, 1' Har '.'W.] Be^;t». .\. C>*trauier. J Anis im. C^b- l>a,'e. J H*zard, 1) I'ii'iupsou. Cauli- :i.^er, .Vrs Beeercft. NV liuciianau. P':at' ouio^s. .1 A'lss'ir-i, K daver. r ;>L".'.i'ns. \V l-Vru"i*o:'. . i' Ti:'i:'!'- sou. Pa; snips. J IGia.ii;:. W Jtfc .\;ily, Fi'.-i I carrots, U LUack, D I'liompsou. Table carrots. W .Vo- .\iiiy, \V FerguSM->n. PuMip'iins, W Bucliiinau. \ .!/cKinuoii, Skuas'. . W I'cig'.isoii. T .\ Feri;Usoti. Celery , -l/rs liL-oroft. R (.>iiver. Cr.;o!:s. \V Peiu-iSKti. -V P-?!^ isoi!. Tomatoes. J/is IVeoroft. U' \Va:soi!. Collectio.-. of vecelablt-s. J 1 Giahsui, 1' .\ Ftririion. ROVliSTES. Span, P Thompson, W Stewart. A Mur. horse, G Pumps ! Fumps It F.\KM FOR S.\l.E fHKAl*. .*Nn 0T< KAST termi. lot ? oo;i «. town«hii> of F.'i>ihr«si» CJiitsuiiui! AWKK-s ThlH is i\ ss'leu.tid y»1u- »bW timber t»rui. \VtH «!n>l>«reil witb iiiixe»l liarawooil. hciiiUH-k ami eo.Kr. S).I.!i lil !">i! ' 11 niiUs f'O-.u the bwmtlftil villaco »f KiraWrli'V ; iiiQoi>oirs V»!tev «(liere there urtMuiUs. stores, I i>o»» office »i>d ehureb. mij 11 uij'.e-< Jivui K;<wh JlUf #«r*il11rk11 «rV» < ertonou theC.V «.. wht-re there is a â- Â»p!e!i.\ia â-  XTXCV»'VlAJll.itAla**' ! market for all kinds of protluce, stock. Imiiher ., , , , I «nil timber Api'lv to K. .1. S|>roulB. auctiouoer MarkUaie , : ^qj r^al estate anient. Vleaheitou. .„an«f,K.ut,,rcro, ,„„„.,., iW.res.to ...form t^he p^^^j^^j^^^^ LlVCrV SublCS. jniblic ilint he is |ue(iureil to turnlsb i>umva f^ Deep wells , gravel wells, «tc. ajlie.swho havu heretofore haaaifflcuUy with 1 lielr wells are ' Guaranteed Satisfacticn yrilh the late .T Fwir.ivf V«4f(^rd. tluHUpJtlOJ ity of whos« inniivH WAS iL lioiuuboiil w .hJ iu Gvv> * tew years «*;<». He imoaikil o»U oti lua ityou ddslre anytb'tii; iu '^« punipHno. • â- ' .jr^ Jlrrullosuh D. CL4YTOX. Proprietor. , First cladu '* hor« e 3 aud vehicivB far hire a roii«o nab o .'(tables oi>- poM t a idun si iw's hotel. ^yotial !it ti utiou paid to comnier-. i ciaJ bU3iue.-.-i Mrs T A Ferguson , Mrs A. ilcLeod . Hair flowers, Mrs T A. Feriruson. Mr-- Vaudna. Wreath. Mrs 'iV.Icoi, Mr- T \ Ferguson, (jenis shirt. Mr« Mathewson. Hooked mat Mrs Wil cox, Mrs D. McCorraick. Crochet work in cotton, Mrs R Conkey, Mrs M Fergnton. Crochet work in wool. M;ss McPherson.Mrs Wilcox. Fancy knitting in. wool, J/rs Beecroft, .Vrs Wilcox. Fancy knitting iu cotKin. J/iss Brodie. Mrs Bell. Braiding in co:ton, -Vrs Harrow. .L'rs Graham. Tatung, Jtfrs CaTins. .'/rs T .\ Fergu son. The lady judges made a note of a piece of croehfct work in cotton as be mg very neatly done. .\Iso two wool- len counterpanes, a crochet one and three knitted ones as t<-.a» of superior workmanship. Also wcoiieu stocking*, woollen warps and a ha:;dsom« dis play of cut doweri in the shape of s table ornament and not a tab!*- ;}a«i. In horses, two year Olc co>.», draught, ihe n^mes of the prue taken are not giten. .\Iso brood mare, "ind priz«, and 2nd prize two year old colt, the reason being that there IS some mistake in the judges, book, which the i-'cretary will be ver»- well |>l«aB«d to inike right with tht parties concerned in each case apor their letting him know who they are t::at are entitled i.' these pnzes. THE M.iRXETS. FLESHERTON. Ciirt/tttly Corrrrted En,-h tTrtk Ftoox 5'»;i Wheat String Wheat ... Hurley •i»t» Peas H-atter K:.-v:s, frwh -. - 1 ':atoa bush. ... I'urk HiT per ton . . n:,:e* »iuep8liia» ... . *'<.'ese V'lrkeyi* (.â- :;:okeu* per pair I'Tek* per pair i'< JJto « »f i; c it » «t- 9 M C 16 â- *. â- Â« « 3 -. .< in. "Bin Siiizl R.;l\«b;L> w v. â- '. •-> III 'Gold, filled gold and Coin-silver cases. L.i l.es a:. ', G- i'..^ >:.:e5. j One vein old colt, .\ Hell I Spring clt, A Hell. Hack ' Stewaii. 1> Ci McLean. ! CATTLE- inuHAMS. I Bui!, â- ! Sulavai!. W Frook. I'E'. UN. ' Bull. U Oliver. 1st and 'iud. Cow, R Oliver, Is: mid :;;;l. .VYIISUIKK, B.ill, li S.ewart, 1 liKAl'KS, Cow. A .lacksoii. .\ Fo'.^;uson. '2 'year old heifer. 1> Harrow, \V Wilcock. |"l year old heitlu-. .\ McLeod. J Oliver. 1 Heifer calf, W Frook. M Mcliiues. I Yoke of oxen, M NVillimsoii, A Jack- . sou. J) years old steers, .\ McKinnoii. '2 year steers, J Nichol, T .\ FeiiTUson. 1 ve»r old 8iet;r, .\ Mc- 1 Leoil. SUEF.P LOSO WOOL. ' Ram lamb, R Oliver, 1st and 2iuL â-  Ai^ed ewes. R CHiver. let and 2nd. ' SheurliiiLTewes, R Oliver. Ewe iamb. \\\ Oliver, 1st and 2iid. j LEISTKn. ; Aped rjiin, t! Swautou. B Mc- I Mullen. Shearling ram, J Niohol. I Ram laiub. K Oliver, J Nichol, Ajjed Ewes, J '.)liver, NV Meads. Shearling FlU'lT. Winter apple?, -J. I'.rodie, .J. Sie art. Fall apples, W Warson. J S:ew. I : »'ji repres,-ut ;vr;. Collection apples. J Stewart. J. I (!;â- .>•. am. Crab apples. .1 (.irahatn, J Su'wart. Phuiis, \V Wstsou, J. B: die. Peai-s, J Watsou. W Wat- son. (.Ttapes, J I (.iralmni.J Brodie. FLOWERS. Hand bouquet, Mrs Beecroft. Mrs Wilcox. Table bouquet, Mrs Gi-a-lj ,^,„]^i „,,( ,... able to hoM such » lar,-,- ham. .Mrs ^^llc0X. Collection ofl shitre of .. rev Co. IruJaas ILare »;pie»P0-.. house plants. Mrs l>eec"oft,Mi5S IJeily.! 1>V1UV AND OniEU PLOLLCE.! ^ I Walnut aud Nickle Clocks. lacked up by r '.;a: Ic w.irra:it.<. m ui'-r ii •iu<>!i ol cVtitral iirrv. thiuj .«u.v jew r> u uig bu. iu this <ec:i ii. If prices -tre 11^ t •b'?J rock every t.ii.r QUALITY Considered. "C^^fi or CP^t^DlT"' w". p,-~i:ivi!y ,',. h,>tt.>r I'V voii. Goods, Work and Warrants t"onsi«lored lsc«bore. :jt.e\ callv "fitted. 5 lbs Houey comb, J .\nssutn, W| Watson. lbs extracted honey, W| Wilcox., W Watson. Boll butter. Mrs t'. .McKiuL oi;,Mis Harrow. Cheese! himiiiuade. 1) Harow. CUeese fac- tory. J Stewart .^IapIe molasses, W' Stewtrt, W Wilcex. Maple sugar. J, Brodie, ,1 Ua/.aid. Tub butter, Aj Ostiaikler, J Nichol. MANUFACTURES. >L.i„ boot,, calf, T. Conkey, W.| Fair Char ^69. C i'';\ev, MeiH boots, liip.'V tonkeyi T (.oiikey. Full cloth. .\ B McLeod.' J .Mcilii'laii. Plain tlaunel. W Bu-i ehanan. .\ B McLeod. LADIES' WORK. Wovillen Tarn, Mrs Buchanan, Mrs .â- Vlcorn Mens' socks, Mrs Wilcox. Mrs riuchaiiau Mitts, Mrs .\ K Mc- l-eod. Mis Wilcox, Mens' gloves, Mrt Wilcox, Mrs M Ferguson. Qo.ili I'atcbwork, Mrs T-rotlie. Mrs Wilcox. Quill other kind, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Meads. Bread, Mrs Ostrander, Mis C McKiuuon, Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs Beecroft, Mrs T A FerRu son. Collection berliu wool work,' m.vrkdaLE, Out ; Work CareMlr Den-:, Stock now coinpleto in all lino«. ' ;Can save you si to $3.00 on ^watches. other liueit will be be'ii ouKve >nu ;»t liTe margin*. W.A.BROWN. Jeweler au'.'. Optician. â- ^ r ^'^ « %>.

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