Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1888, p. 4

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THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE TUE ADVANCE. Is publislicd Ev-ei*y T'hiirsda.y, Viiou Tin; OKI UK, »S';/r/.'iiA((m Street, - - Flt'uhcrtoH, Out. TKKMS OF SUHSCim'TION: *I i^t'v niniiiin w)ion paitl ntricttlj- in advance ♦ l.'tj I'ur ituuiiiu whoii imt so piiitl, A. R.FAWCETT. I'.ililnr ami Ptufiriiiiir. PLESHBRTON : TIlUnSDAY, MAY 10. 1888. Of /f JIOLI.KR MILL. Ijook liore, peoplo of Flcslinrtonniul district sniTomidiiif,' ! we want to Imvo a quiet little cliat witli you. Didii'' niniiy of yon clninor loudly for ii good roller mill a few years ai,'o ? You did. .Mriglit ; we'll j). j) another fjue.s- tion or two to you. Havn't you got yoi-.r "clamor" sntisfied ? Is there ii(}t now one of the most complete roll- er plants in the Klesherton mill to he found in the County '.' ])o you put- roni/e home a8 you .snid you would if the needed facilities were added to our mill fi r the maimfactnro of roller flour ? A lot of monciy has been in- V(strd ni order to furnish you with iliis popular brand of floiu- at your very doors, and yet some of you have ;,'one hack on your record by continu- ing to patronize outsiders. Has it occurred to you that tliis moiu'y, if spent at liomc, would he a benefit to yourself as well as to the coinnnniiiy in general ? If you spend your money (Isewhero, how much of it will come back into yom' hands again ? Spend it at lioiuc and it will circulate in your immediate vicinity, benefitting scores of prople, yourself mcluded. .lust tliink this over calmly and then act njion the lionest dictates of your own conscience. It will do you good. It will also do everybody else good. 'I'hink about it, and aliove all, don't be a clam ! •ULf ic III i\' i'iti:.t<iii:its. A few days ago two gentlemen were (hiving through Mesherlon. Tiie I ld( r man of the two had ne\tr been ill (lie ))lace bi'fore, and he spoke with (â- i;Msideral)le eMthusiasiii of the beaiiti- I'ul location, the hanilsoiue churches iii.d public buildings, et(!. Finally he Siud to his young companion ; â€" ••Wiiat is the name of this place ?" "I'lesherton," replied the young IlMll. "What ! you don't mean to lell me I'.iiit thi.-i beautiful, thrifty looking place is l''leKiicjrt(.n ".* Surely you aie .joking." ".No joke at all, sir ; this is ronlly iii.d truly Meuberlon, â-  saiil the otinr with a sniili!, "Is it |)os.sible ! W iiy, I met a man .vho Kiiid he lived here, and he told nie I he place was going lo the dogs ! It IS ii ally too bad that any man, much h ss n resilient, .should sjieak in such dismal strains of a Ijvelv place like tiii..." ".My dear sir," said the young man, "you had the misfiutuiie of eoniing in contact with a "blue ruin" s|)ecniien of iiumanity â€" mie of those growling, Hiiailiug, diHcrjiitenled .-picinuiiis to he met. with ill every coniinunity." 'i'liiis it is. Man's worst eneiuj' is nsiiilly his own i vil nature ; iind the worst enemies any place lia.s to con- lend with ail thi> "lilue ruin' pteach- ers to be found witiiin its own bur ders ! If ever injury was iiillicted iilioii I'luslicrton in the past, you can trace it straight to the "blue ruin" men. JjCt the sun of prosperity shine ever fio brightly, tluise worthies never fail to di.^covel• <'louds and darkness and ruin ami wei;[Nug anil gnashing of teeth f,'<iiii'rftlly. Aiul yet they are content to spend their lives in the very place they abu<e hi> iih.surdly and in- consistently ! W'Ual a nmgiiiticent pi. ce of .satire ii]i(>u the foUy of tiie HjMistles of **blue ik;in" tK this I I'lesherton is coAA'cni^it of access to the best railway system in America. I?he in iiu.H-ouuclctl. l^- n fine agricutiiral country, has splendid gravel roads leading thereto from all quarters and possesses superior natural facilities. \ straight levcd road to the C.l'.R. depot, a sidewalk to tlio same place and improvements on tho Valley Hoad will be forthcoming in due time. What more could VrC want ! It re- quires but little prescience to predict a prosperous future. Even the apos- tles of "blue ruin" will bo silenced in the near future, when they perceive all their gloomy forebodings dispelled. Stand solidly by home and home en- teiprise, tall; up your own town ami the future will be brighter even than the pastâ€" and tliai has been mo.st en- couraging. KDlTOniA L yOTES. There has been a very large demand for advertising space in 1"iie .\iivanie during the present yeai. So iiiiich so, that we have been obliged to re- fuse quite a number of profitable ad- vertising contracts. We don't like to refuse anything there is money in, so we have made arraiigeiiunts whereby we will be enabled to take on any number of "ads" in future and yet furnish our subscribeis with the usual iiuota of reading matter, liast week our advertisers almost took full pos- session of the AnvANcK, driving the Editor, so to s()eak, into a pretty small corner. At tiie same time, we had such a Irenu iidous rush of job work, that we could not find time to issue a supplement. It goes without Huyiiig that Tin; .Xiivanc k is a super- ior advertising medium and the public know it is, too. "Haidto Itoll" wrote r letter to the Editor of t!ie Dunilalk Herald last week, relative to the notorious "l]ad- gm-os eviction" referred to in our "County and District News." He de- fends the rufliaiily conduct of the cvicters and says they acted upon a lawyer's advice ! In the name of an honorable iirofession, we ask "llard- toRoU " to make public the name of that lawyer. The whole affair .savors of the dark ages. The very fact that "Hard-tol!oH" dare not sign his own name to his commnnicatioii shows that he does not put much faith ill the legality of his so-called " lawyer's ail- vice. The IT is no code of hoiioi llial compels an (dilor to keep biuk tlie name of an anonymous conlnliiitor, who iH in such opi n syiiipatliy with lawlessness a.s is this " Hardlo-11 dl " chap. Anil we venture the oi-.iiuun that it is in the iiili rests of Ihe Ve- s[)ectabl(' ami law abiding inilihc In hand ill the name of the defi ndir of ti'iToi i-iiii and givi- him a tastr of r>ritish justice. il<Mv (li«' llolllr Kol Itrokfii. Tnlhr i:.lil.,rnf Thf .i.lr,i„r^ Last 'VLok Ittii niun went mil tn I'li^^li- ertiiii i>ii gi'iieiid ImsimsH. Tim (â- in- is in the eiiipjiiy nf Her .Majisly uml i;ir. ries a groat luiitliiir lui,' in his rig, iiiiiliCH il.iily tri|i8 til Kleslienim iiiid iO|r|iiiig, .•mil is peculiarly fmiil of ciaitkiug jnlui. The oilier Lueps liis Noiiii:e of iiiioimi ill a few liartrls ill IiIn cellar ami a iiiiiiiliur of bot- tles lieliiiid the counter. Havini! truiiH auleil tlieir Imsiiiess in llio villajio and in- dulged the llaccliatialiaii pl'iipeiixltinH to a little lieyoiiil iiioileiatiou, ami tlui latter liming prociiieil ample supply in a jug uiikiiowii to the foniiei-, they slaiteil for liiMiie. Having procuudod soiiio iliatanco tlie mail of tliu lentliur bag becaiiiu thirsty mill piiipoHud to Inn friend that tliey nee «liut \vii.s ill tho pai'oi^l for his i.i'uhu of smell lining very aeiito, eHpiioially for old liai'iliiiH lie hail iliseuvored the jug and liu longed to Iftsto its eoiituiita. This agreuiiig with wlint the appetite nt >lio liiltor Huggestoil, coiiHeiitod and tho jug was tHjiped accoiiliiijrly. The iiniu of tliii leather hag was alioiit to rugalti iiiiiiHelf oi. the cup that "elieeia'' but aliia ! tliero is many a slip hxttveeu tho jug and the lip, niid Hii It proved on this tioea.sinn. Whutlmr it wail hecaiiso he was IJL'ht in the head and the .starch cmisiilorahly out of him, or tho jvg too heavy, I aui Hot prepared to say. .Viiyhew llui jug escapuil his gras|i aii,i,l| foil on tho wheul, breaking its neck amJi spilling its precio.tfs ooiitonts ill the road ! Well, I iieod \Mt try to duscrihu tlio look of disappointi^oiit i|iut cloudui^ U'lh f<f\yyv *>"' ''-'" %hAt they saiil, liut you cannot tind the exprea- sioii ill tlie New Teatnmeut. Tliis, 1 think, is the crowning joko aiiioug tliu many tin the man of the leather Im', Cokhesi'oxdk.nt. It'e Mcitn littshtfHS, .Ml parties imlelited to the undersign- ed will plea.se call ami settle their accts. by the I'ltli May or elsii they will bo put into t'oiirt for eolleetiou. I'ktc'H ifc MiTi'HKi.L, Hutchcr.s. KiiiilM*rl<'>. i'lirri'.^ltDHiliiiir iij I'll,' .\ihnaii\ |Tllu fiillowiii;,' iiitiiesting items were reifi 'veil after wo went to jiress last week. -Eii.j Mr. lien. (Jrahaiii has put a new saw in his mill, whieli is u'iving good sa'i.sfac- tioii. He has a complete set of hands and i.s tuiiiiin; out eoii.siilerahle work. Mr. liolaiid is here sii|ierinti'iicliiig the cuttiiiL; of about one hmulrud thou.saud teet iif himlier for shippiiyf. Mr. Kd. Kawcett is here with a gang of men running lo;is down the river for Mr. Tyson, of Clarksburg. .Mr. .lame.s Mageo is the happy father of twins- buy and gill. Mr. ilammoiid's youngest child died on Kriilay iiioriiing. t^uite a, niunliur follow- ed the I'umains to Kairmouiit cemetery on Sunday. Mr. ami .Mrs. Haniiiiinid have our sincere sympathy in their liereiive- ineiit. .Ahout two weeks a:.;o .Mr. Henry Kllis was kicked in the face by a Imrse which broke his jaw bono and knocked out a tooth. It was thought that he w;is pro- gre.ssiie.^ favuiably until a few days since, when ery.si[ielas set in which seemed to indicate serious results. Wa are pleased til learn again, however, th.it he is now out iif ilau^er. W'liilo Mr. (!. L. Thoiupaoii was doing ftouiu repairing ho had the misfortune to let a lart^u jiieco of soiuitliiig full in his face iiilhctiiii; a serious wound. Miss \. Thurstiiii, of Stayiior, paid our village a tlyiiii; visit -comiiig on Saturday and retiiriiiiig mi Monday. Misa.leniiie (iniliam lia.H returned huiiie after a four iiuaiths visit aaiulij; friends in (Iraiigeville. CIIILDHKXS IIKALTIT. One Iif Xiilin:'/( Kini/itt (Hfls i.i ii Iliiililiii t'liinlitutiiiit. li'u'inl it iiijidii-st iliaitiic liy tuiiij Siamese Worm Powders. Il'oriiu lire thf /nut/ill oiiim- i<t ininii) ,IUf„,l,ni in Chlhlnn. Sl.lMKSk U'(^/i'.V J'OWDh'h'S uillrri,el \Vorm.s in niry iil.sc irltirc thir/ c.rist, i/'i// ri'i/ii- liiti- tite Stoniiiili inxl linwcU at thi: sumr time. I'.if thrm, you tion t retjret it, Shnuhl iilinii/» br u$rtl fitr Siih lloiil- iirli(\ Ttirir iipiriition it mild and /ili'iimiiil. 'I'liii/ iclfiki- home iiirh tiiitf iilmt iinitl /or II Disiiidirtil Liver. Axk for lliDii. (Ill thttn. IhiHt j'or(jet the I'illK. I/' i/iiitr ilithjijist liiis not the tibori: jin- /•,imli<,n in ,S'/.„/.-, \V. W. STJ'JI'H/LX i(- CO., n/ Vni/onl. will .Wid. thtni to i/oii jiir/)itid on i(Ciij)t ii/''l[ic. fur titlur, i") iif cKch, or iiuiirted for $l.(lt). . w. sriii'iiiiN & (]o. /I) K /./i\/<, Whol.iol,- ,{â-  liilati, n I ii ; I) ! I) I II I I I (I I (I I (I I II THE MARKETS. EliKSHEUTON. ('iin/'unii Vorrtoted 7s,V4r/i ttich. Flour 8>1 85 to }( S)6 FalMVIieat !?() 78 to H 80 Spring Wheat 78 80 r-arley , (St) C5 thus ;!7 fiK I'eas (I 68 () iK) Itutler '.0 l.") Eggs, frosh 10 !0 rolaloesbusb 40 5(1 Turk ,. .Id h{\ Hay, per ton...'. '. . 7 00 8 WO Hicics 4 50 5 00 Wool 18 ai Sheepskins 50 1 00 Oeese .^., 00 00 Turkeys „. ft 10 10 Chickens per pair 25 ;!0 %^ka |)er |%« , ^ CO m Photos, hotos ) hotos. H'c iiri' â- now turninij nut work fit r auperior In stiji' arid finish to tuitj cn:r pro- <lnrrd in Fleslir'rton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FRAMING done in nil its bnnuhM. .4 ,jood stork of FHA.MKS oi,d MOI'f.DISdS ktpt const.inth/on hand. Will ,d.-<o iufoduc: the neir li/iO.'tl/DK I'ORrn.MT. .e picture that it girijn/ entire tuliffiirtion iclierrrrr inlri'diord. SAMI'IjES run be teen at my Gallery ichere all particulars «,« to Price. Style &r., can be ascer- tained. FIjESIIERTON. ^^ H E A R D ' S Z- Carriage Works, FLE SHEETON, .W.i.M riCTI KEKS OF Bugs^ii'.f, Spriiiii Waiioiis. Lttniltrr \\'<i<Ji>n!< aiitl Iron Harrows. PdiiitiiiL!, Trimming ttrid' Rcixtirm^ priimptlij ttttciidcd to. liO):si'~Shoeiii^ (t Sftffioltif. THIS SILVER-PLATED INSTRUMFNT The Greatmt Ditcovsrr oi thg Aga. Price - - $3. ORIENTAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE TUrt only catttrrh nuiody over uifiruil to tho imljlii! on I'j ilays trial; ft writtt-'U ijU5raiiti>u Kni<a with t-in-h iniitrumuut^ W. T. Uakji & Co.. 135 iju^eu htrvvt Wettt, Turouto. Out. ACTINA THE GREAT EYE AND LUNG RESTORER AcUna is not â-  medicine or a diguiting lotion or powder ball, but a SulfKoiMm- tiii;; Viipur, t)ifc.^il> and pluasaully u|Milio.l lii all houfH, tiuiL-n tout plaouii. Aclina No. 2. (Juickly tuliuvvu una thorouijlily cuiuu all Tbroal aiul Luiit; liisi-ast'H. Aci'na No. X IVsitivuly curoR all ili.'ionRi'H of tho Kvi-. Caturai^t Clrao ulaii'.l K.yi> liils. IiiUaiiivii Kyi-s, uimr auU (ar siclituiiuuiitt TuK UxB TUKAl'Kll «niI.K tl.OBKD. 'rilK .VC'TINA la 80L11 L*NDKIl ofll WUiri'KS OVAllAKTKK tJ.S 15 DAT* 1 TUIAL. KtwloHu Htaiiiii (or haittlMDiuuly ilUiutratuil buok and huAltls Jourual. W. T. li.VKli & CO., 103 Ijuuuii titruuc WuiiC. 'rurouto, Out Medicated Electric mhbBELTbubb Modiciittfd ((IT all UiHcumH of the blo<Hl nnU uor- vuUH uy»tt^ui. LadiuH' iW'lt 92 fur (uitialo coui- uUitit^it >uu(ii(>i't]ual. Uoub' UulLi^a, couibUMd CURES Si'iiiin.il woftUneea. I'rrurs ol' yuutli.luet inaiihooil, tiiKlitly j"<%t.iiii,si(in.i, Ktc The only appliano«s giving a direct current of Eioctriclty tpthe parts. l^i"" 'â- " wuu iMj^lii, ,,r ilay _ wiiiionnin.Miiviiiiium.'u. Hundreds of Tes* tImonlalS on file '">>" tlime rured ot tiiiiialo Umi-aauB, |iaiu» iu back amlTiiiis, fiuail aiiU liiiil.s uurvimii ilolilhtv. Ki-iitraliloliility. luiiiliatio, rbt-umansiiu. luiralyBiH, inurult:iii. Hiiatica (luuanu u( tlui kidiLtiyH^ urinal iliacatiu, t<ir|iid livur, Kuut, U'Ucorrlioia, catarrh «( tliu bliiUdur a«'\ual I'xhauHtioti. Hi<itiuial i'liii-iHioiiii, a.itliiiialicart dittuuito. dyBllllp^ia, couKtijiation cryaiy- olas. iiidii^.iHtieii. iiii|iotciifv.. elU'H. ftiili^imy. iluiiib at^uti and diabotua. S.iid nUiUip for haiidnoiutilv illustrated iKnik and hoaltu jimrnal. c'orrtiipoiuU'iico strictly coiifl<l,intial. Con' aultatiuu aud olucUiokl Uuatiuuut <rco. Aitcnts wautod wiry wUuro. I'ut. rub. SItitb, ltJ87/ Cures Ouarantood Meclioatoci Electric Beit Co.. I S5 Queen St. Wust, Toronto, Canada. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAN. TttK uun.tr tiE^tLTtt it#,vrt;H"*;K, Mar»,>l ci( Hnaling, .ind Knhinoor ol Medicines, f^T.TI â- Â»*if=» «^ tile t«.rrn(l« coiist'tiuviK-i-N <>l'In<HNcr<-tlon, ^~^ 'wuv-w. «u._^-,j» i:x|>n»ur<; aui) Mvcrwurk. e. troTJisra-, j\^ippx..E-.^3--n-o .ia.i>Ti3 03_,id 3s.<r32aiT \\ bii aio broUcM down Ivnin tliu odccls nl iibnso will find in No. H a radical iiiru lor ucrvouj vicliilily, iiruaiiio wuakncsa, invoitlnkarv viWil Ihkbcs. otc. Btmi-toms yon T.nuii No. 8 Siioi'i.n mc Hskh.â€" Want of unuruy. vertigo, want o( iniriioa*. (liiimuiia iif siKlii, avi'iaiiiii ti> isociuty, want of oininJonco, avoidance of conversation' (Icairo for solitude, UsIloHsnoss aud inability to fl\ tliu atlolilion oil a iniiticiiliir Hubject* oowanlico, (Uuii-ei.«ioii of eiiiritn. i;iddiui-w, loss of iniiinorv, e.xoitabiliiy ui teniiier, siier' nnitorrlnra, or liissol ilui sominal lliiidâ€" tlin result ol HuU-abuKu or inarit.il excisHâ€" iiiiuf>- tency, innutrition, uniiciatioii. barroiiuei.H, iMilidtation of the lii-an, livstirn- toiliiii:- iu fonialoH, trunibliiij,', iii.:liuicllolv, di»tiirhiiii! droimia etc., arn nil Hyiuinoiiis ot this terriblo habit, oftontiiiiuoluMooently iii'iiuireil. In abort, tlio Bpriiiij ol vitul lorue liavmi; lost its tonmoii, I very tuiictioii xvaniis in conauiiuuiico. .Sciontino writorrtand the «iiiicnntondont«. ol iniiiiio myliims iinil.i in imcrilniit; lo «io otieoia of seUabus'i tliu L'luat inniority of wiistod livoi wliiub ciii.io under llieir notice. If you am iiicoi.ipotenl, lor tliuurdiioua diiticrtof liiiRiness, ineaiiuc.tiilod tur the unjoynuutH of lite, .No. H offcis an oncano iroiu Uuidfecttiof oarly vice. U you aio advanced iu yoar.s. No. Swill |ivo yi.;i full vltornuil BtreiiKtli. If ymiate biokiMi down, idiynicullv aud unually Ironi oarlv iiid'scietiou tl.o r-siilt of ifiuorancc and loUv, send your address aud 10 cents in staini.i for .M V l,riii>.\'» Trealiso ill ilook Koriii on Diacascf) ol Man. Scaled mid sucmo from obiiervatiim. Addre:<M all ooniiiiunicjai.ms to M. V. I.VUONi 1'/ Wvlliniciuu Nl. K 'foroutv. A Man without wiadom liviis in a fool's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED HEAL THE $ICK> »)' A Permanerxt Qure. Pleasant QurCi,

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