Flesherton Advance, 10 Nov 1887, p. 4

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f / THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE XaXa rJ\rL,D, l- lu»-.'.l«C<>HN..w>papef THE ADVANCE. FlUiM THE OKKII K, ,>.v i<r«/uj;n Mtrpet, • - FUihi-rUnt, (hit. TEU.M*. OF BCHSCIlirTION: < ' t" " ann-ii:! when paid strictly ill advauce - • •. .••.r ill nm V } 'II not so paid. .. !• 'WWCI.TT, A''ii<t>r a;t<i Pniprietor. PLESHSUTOi,--. TIIUHSDAY. NOV. 10, 1887. KliironiM. SOTES. Ivlucalioimlly, Markdalc is ralliir â-  1 eitiaikublt! town, but tlii-ii iis ScIjooI iJoart] is coiii|iosi<i nf a ii'ijiaikabk- IS. t of iiiiji, ttlii) tire, tu .say tlie least, 1 1 miirk.tUy iiiilikr any School Tiil.stees We liavi' bad tin- tlili'.,'iat'ili boiioi- uf loliiiiif; in conlacl willi. Tlu; way l!:fy "honnt'o" tiiitlicis and iill Ihf vicuncii-s ill an auclion-salo-sortof- .style i.s also i.iiiai liable. In fact llpy ;:ii- II lai({lity k iiiaikable lot of^'cnlle- lucii, and, for tlic .-ake of our nmcli abiKstd friend, tbe I'ublic Bcliool T .iclicr, we earnestly trust that there ii not uuother such a remarkable ;;cnuol Tni.steo lioaid in the universe I The Owen Sound Advrrtiter apes liie Caumla ('ilizni. Grip and other iiiiik-ttiid- water Tciiiperaiicel'olitical : !.. ets, who strive to tbiow dirty water ci. Liberal (.'onservalive Temperance i:un. such tts Hon. Mr. Foster. Last Week tbe ' Tizer sneeiin^ly alluded to (jii/) B eait(<on •' illustruting the well '• deserved spankiiij,' wliicli Mrs. Yeo- •• mans adniiiiisiered to .\Ir. Foster, •â-  who ill bis spicch at the iale Napa- •• ii'.'O Teiujieraiice (loiivuutiou went •• back on liis old pruhihition jirofess- â-  ions and triid to play fast and loose •â-  Ulth the ipie.'-tioii." III. 11. .Ml. Fns- I. I IK ver trii (1 to plav fast and loo.-e V. illi Temiieianee that is a f.llseliood i:.a:iafactiirnl oiil uf whole cloth. \s to what Mrs. Yeomaiis did or .<aid, it I:; a matter of indilVeii nee. 'reinini- .â- j:;ci- people disagree oce.isionally, and I viii the leaders of till' llcloiin pailv La\i' been known lo diti'.T in mattery ( f ikiitional iliiportaiic.'. So with the t'onseivative parly, lint fir ^^'iiodness ,il.e don't try to mvke out that every i.HUiber of your parly is a |)ioliil)ition- i.t, Mr. Thur; ior it won't work. i'l.e ])< ople know Uuter. Sir Iticbaid fartwriybt knows iM'tli'r. ])i\ l.an- (ii I km knows better. Ves, and James l.'eiiry Little knows be.t4*'r ( ')"he CbatswvjrtU s^onH^i^imiidont of r..t' On'tiU Suiiiul AdJUtrtU.r uonld luviio a rather clivcr ediloi ill wiitor, \jixl M» a reportir lu' is lot a biiiJjanl fc'ifcess. Tak<' his last hale'i to the VV;iT for ilJS),rtlu;i!, and we tiiid hjiii oninieiicin^f to write iqi an item jini nt Lev. t'. Chiiiiipiy's lectin e in Cliat.s- worth recently. 'J'ln' bii;ji)niii;,' is i,;.ite iicw^y, and inleiistiii';. hiitiiflcr l>nniii>{two or tiiree sinleiice^ the \^. iter Buddoidy breaks olf into an edi- t rial article of nearly three (piai I. ;s t f a cohuun in length. Well written i: IS ; but the presumption of uying 111 get into the editoiial slioes is â€" well, ratb<:ir chei ky. Hamilton Spectator i MOn.NINd. j;Vl:MN(i. WKJChl.V, The Leading Libertd-Contirvativi: ^'iuftjKij>ir of (Jiimida. â€" (iKT TJIi; - Weekly Spwiatin* Ono Dolliii- a Year. (..iglit. tiivlnlvu, Alilu KditiniiiN. Tba (.'omiilutu .Nuui* nf tli« day, Our TowiiKliiii Fatlii'rs. Council opened about eleven o'clock, a.m. lieeve in the chair. Member all present. Minutes read anil confirmed. Mr. Smith and Mr. \Vm. NS'ilsou wait- ed on Council re deviation of lOtli con. iioluiid, Me.\rtliur â€" That John Sted- well be paid 91.H2 for {"ravel. â€" Carried. JJolaiid, .Sharp â€" 'I'liat tlie petition of A. Turner ami Hjh â-  H.i' ''ton, re H. Oftle'i:aii and Miss Ne'.hercote, indi- gents, Ixi entertained and that tbey shall receive (H each durin){ the six win- ter months. â€" Carried. Mr. Uinii waited on Council re ar- rcaruj;es of taxes. Mr. T. Taylor waited upon Council anent a drain on 7U side road. Messis. M. liicbardson and J. F.. Moore waited on Council re the draiu at the rt-ar of the Lots west of Sydcuhaiu street. - Sharp, Cairns â€" 'I'hat the I{eeve issue an order for i'i.M to Samuel Irwin be- in^ for timber for Hoyiie briilt;e, al.so to Oeo. Swaiitou $il for rejiairin^ said bridge. â€" Carried. liuland. Sharp â€" That Mr. Cairns be apiminted to see alter a culvert on 70 side road Ist N. T. iV S. ri>a<l, re Thos. Taylor.- Carried. lioland, Sharp-That Jas. Stuart be pai<l $'l, beiiii; .Arteniesia's equivalent for work done on the townliiio between .\rteniesia and Kupbrasia. â€" Carried. Cliristoe, Mc.Vrthur â€" That Itolaiul and Sharp bo a conmiittee to examine the reads on Smith's farm, on the Ictli Con., as .also the new road, and report to the Council at next K<-ssiuu. The committee to examine to-morrow or day following. â€" Carried. Mc.\rtbiir. Sharp â€" Tliat H. Cairns l>e paid 1)11 Valley H'lail I J days, S-'>, lettin}^ and iiispcctiii;^ briil^c on Cameron s Hiile road, 12, Miller s brid^^e lettiu}> and in- Hpectiiif^ 9'i, on base line iusiicctin;; 81, luttiiit; and ins|<('etiu;{ Eugenia brid^^e, ."iOc-iiit, tol.d J 10.,'.0.â€" Carried. lii'land. Cairns â€" That tho followiuj; accoiilit-i lie paid â€"Catherine .Mc.Vrtliiir for jjravel. i;iirtifyeil by C. C .laiiies, I'litliniiister. 8'J, Win. .Sliarp for letting; and iiisjieetinj^ juhs, il.'i, .loliu .McAr- thiir for Icttiiij,' jol> to towiiliiie lietweeii Arti'iiic'-i.i and I'mtmi. f'J. .loliu Wri^dit for Iniililinti fill iiiu;e, .Vic, 87.1.'), Imcm-, CK.'ilv aiikl .Vsm >is(ir. Mili-ctiou of .liiiiiis, 8i:t, also th.s iliiv s si...>i(iii of Comii'il ainl imli;;ciitn imiuthly allowance. C'arrird. .Mi'.\rthiir, Shnip-'riiat J. \V. Arm- stroii;{ III! i>aid Sl.i in full of account reiidiieil, and that this Council think it ipiite uiiiRcessiity for liiiii to ^o [ler- Houally to the bank or Tre4»«urer for or- dinal y dcpo«ils or ilralls. as we think the iiuiliiiiii of expre»H is sullicieiitly Hate, lint tliis does not iuturferu willi uecessary ii.'.len.iaiice yearly, to settle With or nartanse lor ilepi>^.it*-. â€" Car- ried. Council adjouriie I. ^â-  n ai 1-^ -â€" Anvni' lo M niimiN - 'lh' vmi .I'«!;irhn1 nl lllMllt ami ijroliuu 'It Villi- K-t liy a >li>i uiilM Builtiliiiiati.l .-Ti .itM HI' l» li'iiii "I ^- itiiii(:'i''-%'ih V Ir no,, ii.l .1 ...u • iiii.l I'.-t II li.'illi .I'Mi-. Win BinWh '»n.t; t:.fr;>..1IIi fur I f;ll'hrll 'I'.m I HlllL'. It« VKIIK . I.. ....Mll.lUi.' ;; Will III. .11 til. |ni'K- |itt:f hiilliinT tiniiii*'linti-iv. lifjM-nit ii|i«iii It. iiii'iiHTH ; i'lt.ro i-i ii<< iiiiHtukii alKitit it. li (MlllH l).t.l'lllri V Mill Ililin iKl-ll. 1 «1;:ll|ut«'H 1 1 Ml Stiilllil''il ulhl llinv.l .i-ilii-K Uiii.l I'lilir, siifliini tljii (ill I II!*, riidui-im liitlitiiiiiiat.ii<ii. uiid ;;jvi-ri ii>iu< (lllil nllijli{\- I,i» lilt; \vln>li' H'.hti-Ill. "Mil Will I- Idw'd soolliiiiK Syl up" I'lr clul.lii-ti t.'tthin(; i-. pliiai-mil to Ihi. tintu illi'l i-i tho ('liiHCiiptlnii iif iiiiior tin; nlilrHt mid l'r-.l fiiiiial.- |i]ivHK-iiinH llllil uijiHcs ill lilt) I'lilli'U ^t'll••'â- . mil IH tor mi I" i»v all ilmi-vi'-l'* tlirmiiihmit tliti winld. I'rii-f twctiM r.v â-  *â- â-  lit'* n lu'lllti. Itf i-iirc mid h.*-!; for •Mum. VVivmlo^v'h Suviiiii.'.ti Svuei*," mill tului no utlii'i l:iii<i. Tlw ADVAS'll fyom mnv till J an. isl, iH^ij/oi'i dollar. ittctliciil. m\- CAKTKR. M.C.l'. A S.,0>r. PHYSICIAN, MIKUEON, &r. FLESH EUTON. Office, Strains l.loi-k. It. si.lplice. Win. Wrlulit h Dcnti.otriu DENTISTllY Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. SLlKiKON DK.NTIST iiuld MedalUt a>ul Jlomrr G-raduate of the Wm viBlt FI,1.:SHKHTON, (MuDBhawH Hotel 1 and inl eacli iiinnth. Teetli ixtractod, iiisurt- >«l Hiid lUli-il ill tlie UiKhunt utylua of tbu art, aiid ut iiiutit-iate latt'.*. Hkaii Ofkk k. 701 "i'ljMiK St., Thkun tm %f^l\l J. W. FKOST, LL.B.. BnvviHivr, Solicitor, Conveyitttver. omcti.â€" Strain's Huiiaiii«. KlIsbukuton. A. A. CHi;sL*KY. Sulii-itor and Convoyancur lu-itjduut Otltiim^ur. MK. KHOKT will be found ut the OUiceDii ThtirsilavB »m huretoforc. P McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, ^-c. Ollir*', OV4T .MrFarlaiurN Klore, Miirkdailt*. .nuiioy tu Loan. MASSON & MASSON, I) MiniSTKUS. S()I,lrlT(iHS,,tc. ) ilui.v-. uwiiii SoiuKi, in Vl(ki-r'» lilorli, I'liiUtt .St ; llraiic'li ultlcii in .Markilnlr. ovor .Mf- Kiirluiid'M btuiu. on KriUay auti baturilay uvury wi'i-k. J .M.VSHO.N.g (â-  S. M.\SSU.\. \V. MASSO.V. N II -I'rivatK \ 'roiiipaiiy stuiiilii to iuveslat from Six to l-;ii;lit por ct-ut. John W. Armstrong, i''L..^llBllT<â- .^•, I'll. OlIKY. niMslON CorKT-n^EIlK. COMMIKKIO.NKil ^ lull n, iMhv.'wimror. Ar .VijiHit for |Miri'luis. ""â- I 'il" â- '( hinl- \|iiMai.t:r fore 1,, C ( ..n-. mi. I V. 1" n. ,t S S.Hli.ty. .Moni'v to Loan on tin- iiio^t rrasoimlil,. tf-rii. . IsM FH uy .M.\Kll|.\tiK I.UKNSKS .\urUlV IH III.IC. iMOiNKY TO LOAA. ^Vt Ci I'ei- <Jent. On Town or Kami l*roii<.rty. a D.VMLDI-;. Kio^^noi itiii W. ,]. P>ELLAMY. 1HI-. OI.I.IlK AKTKMKHU. tsscn.ixri-: Aur. ac TVI'.KDS. MllUrn.MIKS. 1,K,\KK,S. *<• , ini'imr *^ od ami )ini|ifirly exvcntvfl. IiiHiiraiic-o afTue ikI In tlrnt-claHM couiiiunlua. SIuiiuv to It-iidat Ji-wowt riitcs. aET YOUR MEAT The above mill i.s nov in good luiiniiif,' order for Ch..#p- ping. George Moouehougk, proprietcr, will be pleased to see all his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Logs Wanted. Farmers will do (lici Ixint wuaKlv iiuwKpapor in i aiiaiia. i:iiiii.ii»lW litM.ml foiiiiiii<i.loni( to atjoiit*. I ^^p\\ »„ i«nl.-/» •« i»nf-/» nf thi<! hoiiel M«rUi4 b^ tlin Hont .Viitliurn. JJr. J'aliuaKu'i^ tiruat Horiiwiiia. Tlia KulliiMt .Markut Itoportj, Ttiu ('lioj.'utti UiUiior Hverythitiy for EievylnMly, Tliii Hrr.c*rAToii ii«vi;r iiiiaHe^ ih-wm. in jiuvur <liili, and navur uhlrkii a ptilillc quantiou. Jt i« Hlwaj H cluaii auil atrun:;. Will piiraliaan for ynu for a year ilio \Vki{BI,t ^.l'F:<rTA rolt. tbii lioMt ('4>UMorvativ« Journal and (lici Ixint wuaklv uuwKpapor in (°aiia<U. (Late of ShfllMiniel .V«(t - iliitr to - ('iaiiluu'n - .V/i"i' - N/i<i;i. LAi>ii:s' HAIR 41 rn\4; \ SriU'lAM'V. Shnriii'i, .S/oii»/)oiiin;(, d-i;., <[r. Eurri/tliiiiii ^fii'tit-t'lutis. Oct. I'.tii. i-vsy. Fleshorlon Station Mill. â€" t-FROM-i Fetch fi, Mitchell, (iKM:i{.\L lilTCHER.^, FLESIIEKTON! |:--r'('asli paid Inr fat cattle, \c., Xc. \E\\ LSVEJtV! THK iiiu1i'i>!cnr'l Jvks to nnnoniico tliat liohiiy ^tal'UHl II fii Rl-cIaMt ItivM^y ill tho stand op jxthitu MuiiH)itiu't> Hutol. rioftlit'i'ton, nhoiu tlu triwuUiii^' puidic iftu hv »c»omi:'..'>d!ittd with ,'ci<>tl ri|{H and hoiHOS at u.t it r«ai-oLablv ])ui:rh I'j y niti and )>u colivincml. Ivcpt^ct fully youm, , W, II. jailNSTON. I'losliertun, Nov. lOtli. lsf«. NOTICE. GRAY CHAMPION! ATlKlltOldllllllKI) 1)1 T.Il.XM ni'T,!,, WlHl UiMi'l l'i'ill(,'iro, will Mtalld for Horvico at Lot ll-J Wi'bt r. ,V- Ml; ,.\rtriiio»la. Tkiimk,-»I Ifpiiid on or lii'foro lull. 1st. l.'iHM ; othtirwin" â- t'I 'i"!. Mm tlinroiiiili-biod IIKKKSHIKK Itu U! nt Niinioplavu. JACOl) A. LUVKIl. BELL" Uiiapproached for Tone and QiMlity. CATALOQUftS FRII. BEllACO.,«Mipii,oiit. 'I li t- CIIILDREKS HEALTH. 07ie nf Katitr,f» Kindttt Gi/t» it a IJeullhy ConxtitaPiuH. Guard it agaiiitt disentt by uniiig Siamese Worm Powders. Wonm are the fruit/id ciiuse nf Timiii/ dimrderit in Childrtu. SJAMJ-JSJ-J WORM POWDKRHwHl rxpel Wnnns ill fverj/ C(l»« where Iheij e.rinr, iriU regu- late the iSlomiich and ritiicelii (it the mine tinu. L'te theiH, you iron t mgrtt it. Should always be ii.<iid for Sirk IJtdd- iiche. Their openition is mild and plensant. They x/rikr home emh tiim- iclteii iittd for u Dimirdered Liver. Ask for them. Get thiin. Dun t fnrgit the name. I'tJOlc'H I'ltMT^ant I'illi-i. Ij' your driiggint hat not the iilnaie jire- jxir.ition in .Stoek, »'. »'. ST i: I' It EN & CO., (if MetiJ'ord. will ni'nil them to you jire/iaiil on recrijit "/'l^r.j'or tidier, a oj eaeh, or assorted for 81.(10. w. 11', sâ„¢:,\ a'o. LhnijiiisU, WhiiimUe A- ll,tuil , WHAT IS IT? IT IS A V.\CT AND SO CONTRO'VT.K.-IY THAT JOHNSONS TOxMC BITTERS iitnl NKKVINK iH t}ic> >>est rt'iiif<ly in thu iiiarkvt ri_n- iier\«)iiN diHi*RMt*M ii( liny Koit. Hv'(i'iia.Lo»H >>f .ViiiH-titr. liubilitv from loNit of tliiuU ur uvui- utirk, l*uli'iii-»H of roiii)>!uxit>ii .so ufiuii kcuii Ui \'>uii;j fi'iiiitl* s and ull L-uiii|daiLtti tLri-iiiifj fiuui l-o\*.Mty v\ lIOLxt. It inafHi' and no ^uin)tu)iiii( that JtUiNSON'S Ti>M<" LIVllll riM-Saro tint very bttst in iin. i.i:it k«-t fur iti'.fii-i'- cn'i-c'i liy Tfuj'id Livt-r aud durrauKuiiiuiit ol tliu Stvuiac'li or Kidiu-ys. It \* It fai-t hhd no oim> wtM d.-nv it tint MlHN S» N s AM. HI.AldN(i W Hn K'OIN I'.MKN'r in tilt' Ix'hi ill till- ntiiiktt loi llinnri, SculdH, Cliil- I'lfiiuH. Suit lilit'uni. I>Hi l>i-r« Ittdi, I'lnipleH ami all Skin DiKOKk-i'.t ai i^iIu; fioii. Kcrofuluun taint '^V. f>. CMIilSTOn liiiH hvKU ippointtnl .\;,'''nt f(.i till' ali»»vi) anu UaH tUtJii on sain at liu* M«-diujil Mall, Ftti^huiton, 'Iiy lur yuursulvua THE MARKETS. Fl.K>.Ui;UT()N. CttfcTutlji Corrcvti-il Kach n'fcU, I'lunr «l 00 to 1 20 Full Wheal . jjiO 7-5 to •• 75 .Siniiiff Whtat 75 75 IkhU'V CO {!.S Outs ' (t -^9 'id IVas r,{\ ,5i; lUutui- (1 I.H II '20 l';f,'-s. fivsh 17 '7 I'oliiloos bush 40 -Id rm!< 5 TiO 5 50 ll;t.V,l)er ton 8 i»0 H (10 Hides f. 00 7 00 Wool 18 '21 SiicopBliiiis 10 .-,(: (ic.s(> ().'> (\\, Till keys 7 OS Cliitdvciis iHi- pair 'iO no ])iifks per piiir (i 10 ,")(» AT GORDON'S HAllNESS 8 II OP FLKSlIEUTOy, You n ill nnd an aMLrtluciit of Heavy and Lisrht Harness. WhipH, UruKlion. < 'liny Coinlt j. Kwoat Tads, and tho rc'lubvHlud *'naiiiiihH (Ml," ^VM'OLL.lK.S A SI>E( l.iLTY.^& t'lieap for ('aH)i. Call and Fxaniiue. u. J- sruouL, Fteahertoii. ('oiirei/iuieer, Apjjrnimr, J'tit- iiafiir and Mtouij l> iiiti r. l>ii,h, Muri~ 'liUI'S, ^â- â€¢l.â- <f» oi"'^ H'ilh drann up audi l'iihudi(ai.t made on fluatent notice. t'h(Tf- ,,,â- , f. ,•„ Ion: Applii to 11. J. SPRO UllJl, Tuftiiuister, Fleihertim. CLAYTON'S II4K\ESS SHOP flesherton. Is tif fitiof to (ji-t >j"iir //iiixMs C'lJ^iir.^, etu", iiuide ti]i in ijood stijle. •â- Shifp iu tfohiistoii'ii Liivnj Office, Fltv-'n'- erton." DLWDALK PUMP WORKS I C. fi. PHILLIP'S, Miiiaiftictuitu of ifcii kmds of PUMTH. Cyliiider_Clieck ValveJ: Cistern Pumps. Urdui> Ui-^iiL*ctfuIly SoticitiMl luid HatLafaciiuu ^iimniiitr.'d. JAMES SULLIVAH, Titj-Suiitli, AiiKST, KLESHKUTOX. PHOTOIMPRY. MRS. BULMER. Vkoto^rapkcr, Fiesiierton - Ont HaviiiK f*pent tiOBi(> time in tlie Ktiidto of *.)ltf fiiMcuH TiTonto Phnl('(,'iaiduT. Mr S. J. Dixnh , wlu-re I ae<|uiifd vsiaaLde Knowledct* in Itutint- chint:, I fuel a^Kurfd I can n'w'vi f^nod K«uura( aatihfactiuQ. A call ri'siM-ctfully iiolicited. MUS. UlLMER. n.'alierton. Sept. 17tli. Ikm.'.. J^^lesherton Heat 31arkel» s. si'iurr. I'lllllllIIilOl!. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh JIcaKs coiintimily on liaiul for Cash, thders pruinptlj- filled. James SLLllivan, The Tiusmith, - Fleshertou. iiopaiiiii^*, KavftrouKbin^'.and in (act evary- Uiuiu in tliu bimiuuHH will reaoivu uiy Vi-oupt and caroful attvutiou at rouMonabli) jtrii'us. Agents, Agents ! •Now Ukadyâ€" [ â€" Ovii Nkw Hook. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" oli~ Marvets of the Universe Ml liirn full nnd k,'iaphic' (luscription ot all tliiit n nofKlirfiil ill ,.\ery Coiitineiit of ilio (lloho. iii tlio wiirlil ot waters anil the htairv HuavuUK. t (.iituinniK tlirilliiiK ailv.nturtm on Imul and mia. rclnwiii'il (liHuuvurloH of tliu worM s i{iuite»t ix- ivoroin ill all a«f«, ami reiiiarkalilo plioiioin.iMi In uviov rcHlui of Mutiuc. Kiiiliracingthn utiik- inv p!ivsii-al IfatuifN of tho i>artli the peculiar <liurinturi«tic»of the liiiuiaii race, of animal.^. MrilK, iiimiitK. etc.. iiiclu.liiin a vi\ iil deHeriptioii r>tth« .Atlarttic. I'acilli' hikI Indian Ocpann «t«l of tliii Polar SuiM. tli« ninniiturs of thi' deep. Ik iiutifiil neaNhellH and iilanlH, singular ftHliea and dwilli r» in tlie world (I watern, remarkable oDenu oiirri'iits. i.to . toi;i'thor with the ainaf.iii!,' I'lWiioDii iiiiof tho solar ami utiirrv s\stfiii«. In- lli-iirv Davenport .Northrop. U.U.i eiiil>elli»liod Willi owr :l')0 fliio eiiu'ravintpi. l.ihorai terms to imeiits. Oiford I'ublibhiiiB Company, 3 .Jordan St.. I'l.ionto, Out. 3I0-;Ki« = EUGENIA Real Estate^Agency MONKY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on term.s of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J. , Agent foi:,. the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business prqiriptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Qffic.c^ Corner of Inkennan and Napoleon Streets. HE.$?EY MELDEUM, â-  IGEHT.. t • V > I A U

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