r 11 K r L E s li li R r o N3 advance ffrUTQ T> A 'Dt?*!! rnnf h* Toniirt r>r\ n\a at Oao. Advert tt^ l)ure»u ( to Spnipe St. i whor** Rdv**r* iiilna •gotf»c^ Mkj bo Buute <vr U U H£W XOStlC I THE ADVANCE. Kvery Thiir-wday, Khom tub Ofkkk, ."â- ' //'ii/iam Street, - - Ftealnrtvh, (hit TKKM8 OK SUIISC Kll'TlON: ?1 i>«r anuum whon pHi'l ptrictlv in tidvflnco ilM per anoum whoji not m> piiiil A. R.FAWCETT, Eilitiir ami rmiiii'tor. FLESEERTON: TIllRSDAY, OCT. 20, 1887. .KDITrHtlAL \OTES. It lias been suggosUil that an Acad- tiav of Music be started in Flcslu!rik)n withâ€" well, we won't Ru^ijest the name' of the head man just yet. The whirligig of time will rovea,) the fact ii. due lime. Rus Wiman lectured to n numlier of Drampton ladies and a few dozen iici.^'libnring farmers recently, on the C'cniniercial Union question. It was 11 cold-day â€" for Mr. Wiuian ! And it promises' to be*^et colder. A fom- story buiklinf; in course of erection Bi New York city colliipsid on Monday afternoon last and a num- ber of people were killed and injured. A f»reat many biiildiiij^s erected in ctticH on this continent are little bet- ter than Lugo coftins. Wonder if it wouldn't bo a pretty good idea to build a tramway between i'lesherton and tlio Stationâ€" to con- nect city and suburb, as it were? Another good idea â€" a more practical one, too â€" strikes us, and it is tliis : How would a good straight level road, with a uico plunk sidewalk all the wny, fill the bill ? If anybody else Iuih troi a better suggestion to otler, let i:- hear it. A member of our staff mado a con- pie of rough boxesâ€" the roughest we liiive ever seen â€" for uso in our new printing office. The painters, carpen- ters and plasterers kicked them around !uid soiled their Imiidsome featuren bo- fore we got a chance to tai<c a second mortgage on them. Wo hated lilu; sin to ackiipwiedgc ownership, so when ii little boy asked what they wore for. the m. 0.. o. B. gruffly replied â€" ''Oh, them's old boxes we picked up to put h}<riug poets and other vermin in!" (luickly veer around und, obeying nat- ural instincts, oppose you still ; but you gain your point, and this is Juft what you have been iiiiuiiig ior ! DEATH OF THE REV. NElLES. m. The pilot shows his hand in thy most nnmistakalile manner in last week's Ilanovcr J'ont. We knew he would a)l along, notwilhstauihng hin i^rtfiil little dodges to screen himself behind the editorial chair, lie tlireat- (jns â€" the usnal Kiil)torfnc;e of cowards!' while the craven tool sliinds with his lingers in his mouth ready to, cany out the behests of liis crafty ally. Let l|im tlireaten to his hearts contfiiit : TiiK AiiVANCK has d<4iu notliiiig. of which it need bo ashamed. Ihit thu //i/d/â€" what of him'.' Wc shall see. Ii has always been said' that pig.<; :>re stubborn animals. Ko tbuy are. They ar^ also the most contrary brutes on t)ie face of the rartli. Tutadiiy, nbout noon,, we witiuiiik^d an inlm-est- ing illustration of tlm above on Uol- lingwood sti-eet. B.'veral men were most earnestly Oidi&voi'ing to per- Huade one oftlie swine lumily to go in a certain direction, wjiilc, with e^iual porsistencfi and eariji-skncss, tlie pig wa» acting as though some pvossing oiigagement was ingently attracting him in an entii'ily <>)>posito diroetion. The men rcaiomd, ci)aN<!d, cajoled, hut all to no ))iii)in!,e- ihe rope to which big pigship was atiaclied inva- rivbly pointed ill the ofipo.nite direc- tion totbo one in wiiirh howasnrgod to (limct his footHlt!),«. Foiv.ii was used, witli the same rpsuH. Ah:>ni tlie only wiy tft reason wtlli a pigâ€" or a "pig- lirndpd" manâ€" is to ndojit iheir own l/ne.'i of argument, when, they will Tlif Estimahlf ('liinirrllor of I'ir- toria I'liiri'i-Hitj/ JI'asKi'n tiniji. (^)bourg, Oct. 17.â€" At 4.90 o'clock this afternoon Itev. Dr. Nelies, Charr ci'llor of Victoria I'liiversity, died of fPyphoid fever after only six days' ill- ness. He was conscious to th(! last. The town and collfige is in (k^ep mourn- ing over an irreparable loss. Samuel .S. Nells. I>.U., LL.l)., for tliirty-seven yeai-s &t itw: head of the Univei-sity of Victoria College, was a son of William and Jhuy Hardy Nellcs, and was horn at Mount IMe.i.s- ant, near Brantfurd, Out., Oct. 17th, 1823. His paternal ancestors were oiiginally from Germany, ami wt !â- .â- among the early settlors in the Mo- hawk Valley, N.Y. in 18;(!» he went to Lewiaton Academy, N.V., where John G. Sax(', the poet, was his tutor. la June, 1S12, Dr. Nelies was one of the first two students matriculated at Victoria College, Cobourg. After spending two years i;i this institution he fini.died his under graduate course at the Wesleyan University, Middle- town, Conn., and received the degree of U. A. in 1840. lieturmng to Can- ada Dr. Nelies was appointed to the presidency of Victoria College, and since Sept., 1850, lias held that re- sponsible position. Under his admin- istration N'ictoria College has greatly prospered. The degree of D.D. was conferred njion him by Queen's Uni- versity in IHCO and that of LL.D. by Victoria University in 187.'K He was held in higli esteem by the educators of the province, and was loved and revered by all who knew him. As a lecturer and preacher on educational subjects he had but few peerii in the Dominion. In July, 1851, ho married Miss Mary B. Wood, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Knoch Wood of Toronto. Mrs. Nelies and live children, two sons and three daughters, survived the loss of a husband and father who was unifinin- ly kind and good. Dr. Nelies died on tlie anniversary of his C4th birthday. The funeral will take jilace at Cobourg on Wednesday afternoon. DR. NELI.KS' lURTIIPI.ACK. Dr. NcUes had a warm corner in his lienft fir the cdd village of .Mmnii I'leasant, five miles from Branlford, whore In^ was born. It is a straggling street, with old houses, and fine old trees on either side of it, running thriigh a rich and beautiful country, settled by the Nelleses, Diggar.s, llar- dys, EUiHCi and.l'.adicH seventy years ago. The Doctor would> rjo a long piece out of hiu way to see a Mount Pleasant hoy, and once found Ik> would sit and talk w^tli him, altogethotv an- miiidfulof time, of the chronicles and charactovs of his native place. A son's sad J(j1IU(<KV. One of the Doctor's sous arm-ed in town lust night from the west, hut not in time to catch the train for (.'obourg, He had letiied to bed at Thomas' ho- tel before the news reached the city of his fathea-'s death, and consequently had yet to loiun of his and his family's bereavement; W.C T. I" D(;t*rtirifiit.l A 4liKh Li<*rii*«c flil^'iiilsni. Q. What is liigli Kcense ? A. It is a law wliicli fur t stipslated sliiii antlmrizes the rum .seller to iiHiliu- fweture (Iruiikanls. '(0- What itiw material diifls the mm seller use in s6ch a mMiufacture ? A. lioys. Q. WlidB,. boys '. A. .Anybody's buys -jijur neighbors and your own. <.? What Ijenetit is to be derived from a liigh license law ? A. It will elevate the business. Q. What busine.ss ? A. The business of niiiking drunkards. Q. Huw dnfs it [ir()[)08u lo do this ? \. liy shutting up the deadfalls and rendering the palace sal muis more attract- ive. Q. AVliat is the ditl'erenco between a deadfall and a palace saloon ( \. A ]ialace sahiou is where the boys take tlieir tir.st le».son in crime ; the dead- fall is wliiire they t,TaduKte. Q. What is the dirt'erence between a rrohibitiniii: t and a Ili;,'h Licensist ? A. Hiirh liiceiitisl.s t)i;lieve in puttin;,' whiskey into u hoy (hrouyh a 81,000 fun- nel, and thuii putting the boy into the ','utter ; the Hroliiliitionists believe in put- tiie.' the whi.-tkey into the gutter and sav- ing the boy. â€" H'aiii AJninci'. If you want bargains in Watches, Clocks, .Jewelry, .Silverware, S])cctacles, kc. go to Hnssell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. \orth ilrey Fall Show. The North (Jrey .Auricultural .Society held tlieir annual Kail Show on Tuesday and Wednesday of tins week. The show of Oruin. Kruit, VeijelaMes, Dairy i'ro- duce, Maiiufaotures, etc., was hold in the Town Hall. Ill 'yraiii there was not as niuiiy entries lu laxt year, but the (piality wiis g.Mid. There »ai an excellent ilisplay of Putter, liotli as to (juantity and quali- ty. A numlier of .Maiuifantures were to the front with Furniture, Musical Instru- ments, Sewiiii! M.iiliiues, Harness, etc., and also a display of Cloth and (Jents Kurnishin;,'!!, by C. Hall, and (leo. Kberle. Till! show of live slock was not up to for- mer years in the number of entries. The Htirses were i)erhaps the best ever shown ill tUu county. Tutt show alt<>s;ut)iur was not a suueesH, and koiiiu steps sleiuld be taken by the Society, and all those iu- terestetl to improve our Exhibitiuiis in the future. â€" Oi'-fii Nrntiui Adrvrtinrr. Dk UN Yiini ti:\uii.â€" Don't allow a cuhl ill Die hua'l lo kIuwIv nud surely ruu into t'atsrrli. wlnii ymi can lpe cured for 'J.'ie. by iiHiii;< l>r. Cliasi'i. Catarrh Cure. Afew applieatiiiiiH euro iiisipieiit catairh : 1 tu '* liuM'S cures ordiieiry catai ill ; 'i lo ,'5 boxes ^â- uaraiitiiHil to ciiio chronic Qatarrh. Tr/ it. Only ii centu and sure cure. Sold, by all dualers. The Itoss Itarbei\ (Latu of (ibelliuruu) ye^ - ddur - to - iliiylDii'a - Shoe - Ultofi^ L.VIMES' HAIR «'l TTIX« A Sl'l.< lAI.I I. Shni'imi, Slunnpoiiinii, etc., d,'c. Eeerythiinj lirsi-clitM. Oct. r.tli, isav. If you waut your Watcli to go projier- ly and keep time to the minute, take it to Ilussell to be repaired. Apviiu-.TO .Mui'HKiisâ€" Are. you rtlnturbod nt nlRht mid liituliuuof your i-tint liy a nick child jiilIorliiR and cryinijwitlipalinif CuttliiRTooth? If somiiiii nt,oiu-u mill out II liottlii o( "MrH. Wiu- jlow'uHontlilm; Synip' tor cundron TcutliinB ilH vkIuk i-i iiical.Mil«.l,li. II will rclidvo the, lioor liUlii BlilTci-iT iliinindinttiVv. DoimiiU 11)101; U.iimtiwrB; tliiiri! 1.4 no iiii«talio iiliuut it. It ciiicH Dystinttuy find Uianha'a, roRlilalcs the Stonjsnh and ilowela, ciirca Wind ('nllu, K.iftmiB theriuint, rcitucuKlnlliiioniatioii, und Kivuntniio BiidiiiKJujy to thii whole DvntDm. "Mm. Wini- low'KHoi^'Jiiui; rt\ i-u)i" for c.hildveii t.iclliiim' i< plos^lMit t(. t-hitlHtc Mill if tho )iriia,'ri|itli>n of 01111 of tho oWidj* und hi.Kt finimlc phvKic.iniis mid iiia-ps 111 iii.i liiiii«id statpi-, niul ill tor mile by «11 drii:;i4lslK thlewliont the world, t'rlcn twiMity-fivo coiitK a liotlitf. Ilu Biirp and a'^\i for â- Mii«, WiN^i.oWH SouTUU.o SvBll-,' ami tiiku i.uotlior kind A WovT.p.iiiTi.Oiin.tN, Tho l.irxcst organ mill line tliat plaVK « oontrollins part of the li(>nlili of llic h.nly is the liver, ff torpid or iiiiictivp tlie whnle Hy(iti>m heconiPR diseiiied. Ur, Chase's Tiivnr I'ure is niadii specially for l/ivr aiii! Kiln 'V ili.-ie.is'-p. nr.il is f^ii.ir. nnU'eil to (oirn, lieiv.pe book nud nicdicine »l. Sold by all dealeis. James Sullivan, The Tinsmitla, - Flesherton Kmiftirintj, I'f^viitroufjhing. and lit fact overy- ttiiiiK i" tl>y iMisinoSR will rupoivu uiy prompt and cKroful attoiitioii at ruHi«uiiablB prlouu. Th e CniLDREKS HEALTH. 'One of Natures Klndett Gifts in a Tliitlthy Constitution. Guard it against diteose by using Siamese Worm Powders. Honiij (tru the fruitful cause of nKini/ ilisorders in Chililren. SIAMESE' WORM POWDERS will atpel Worms in eceri/ case. u>he.re the;/ ivist, will regu- late the Slomiich and lioiceh at the same time. Use them, yon won't regret it. JPlf»n?»iftnt Fill^! Should nhrays he used for Sick lUad- ache. 2'heir (/perotiim it mU>l mid pleasant. They strike home each time vhen used fur a Disordered Liver. Ask fur thevi. Get them. Don't fori/rt the name, .X*eok'»s I*lea.i«ant Jf your druggist has not the a bo vf pre- paration in Stock, W. W. STEP/JEN (f" CO., of Meafird. icill send them to you pre/mid on receipt of'lhc. for either, 5 of each, or assorted for $1,00, Dru'igUtis, Whole.fole <{• Hetail, WHAT IS IT? IT IS .\ K.VCT .AND NO CONTUOViiiWY TH.VT JOHNSON'S TONIC BITTERS luid NKUVINK is tlio best luinodyin tho market tor iiervotiH dJHeaHeK (if any Kurt. HvHteria, I^osit of Api'ftite. Dubtlity troui Iohh uf tluidii or ovur- wnrk, ]*alitut'ii» of C'oinpluxiun HU uftuii Kueii in yoiiii^ funialeH and all cumplaints ailsiutj from poveity of blood. It Ik a (act. ami nogaiDfiaylng that JOHNSON'S TONIC MVKU rilJiSaro the very Imut in the market fur di^vaftoH caused by Torpid Livor and derranKtiiiiunt uf tbu Stomacu ur KidntiyB. It it* a fact and no ono will deny it that JOH N KON S MA. HKAidNti WHITK OlNTMIiNT i» the Imnt in tilt! iiiarkrt f<»r lltirnt). Scalds, Cliil- blains, Salt Uhi'niii. HnrbcrH Itch. I'iiiipluti and all Skin Disoniorfi artNiiif^ froii. Hcrofulous taint W. S. CHRISTOE bay buon *ppoinle,l Arrcnt f>>r tbu alKivo and liau tbcni un salu at bin Muili<:al Hull, I'ltisliui Ion. Try fcr yourBulvus and bu iiatisnt^d, 1 1 [^ 1 "_[ oj o_| 01 ]"o THE MA 111 El's; FLKSHEHTON. Curcfully Corrected Each If'etih-. t'lour ?t00to4 20 fall Wheat $0 72 to 75 Siirino Wlieat 72 75 I'.ailey 45 (12 Oats 28 28 Peas 65 55 lUitter !T (I 20 Eggs, frosh IG IG Potatoes bag CO GO Pork 5 60 5 60 Hay, per ton 6 00 6 00 Hides 00 7 00 Wool...., 18 21 Slieopskiws 40 50 Gecso 05 05 Tuikeya 7 7 Cliickeiis per pair 25 30 DnckH per pair 40 50 NOTICE. GBAY CHAMPION! ATHouoroH iiui:i> nniHAM ium.. v uh KOiid pediffTco. will «tand for nnvvico nt Lot U2 West T. A- S.U.. Artumttsia. Tkumk,.:*! if paid on or i*©iorfl .Ian. Ist, IHSrt; otberwino, 3?!.2.'» Ah« tborotitjh-brud HBKKHHiUH ItOAU at ganiftplace. JACOB A. I*KVHB. Agents, Agents ! Now.Ukadv -Gun Nkw Hook EARTH, SEA AND SKY - OH â€" Marvel.^ of the Universe r.einc .1 full nnd f!ni.)iliin do3CTl[ition of all that is â- nondiirlnl in nvorv Continent of the (tloho, in the world c.f wntiou and the »tarr\ Hoavonn. (\>iiMiiiiinKthriliiiii< »U'<nituro>< on land and son, roMowiu'd ditiixivoiii-i of the. world's cnintost o.\- ploiern In all aKi'n, ami roiuarknhlo |>h<molii>'na 111 oviirv ri'H.liii of n»tiirB. KnihraciiiK the strik- ing iihysiual foatnrcs of thii (lartli tlie iiuenliar charurtorititu-s of tho liunian raeo, of miiiiifiis, hirds inserts, otc.. Incliidlni; a vivid ilimcriptioii of tho Atlantin. I'miith- and Indian Oonans nnd Mt thu IViliir S( as. tin) nionnlcrs of the ilimi, lieautlfiil noiishnll.s nnd iilants, fiiilKlllnr fl-hos find ihtfoUcrs in tho woihl (it waters, rrinarkahki oi'oan oiirrciifH. cte . tocother with tho nina/iinr phoiioiiioioi uf tho snhir and starrv nvstcnis, hv liiMiri Iliivenport Nnrthrfip, IVfi . iiiii'fll J-^h.Nl with ovor .11(1 IhiK nns.'ravines. I.ihorai ti-rnii, to at'onts. Oxford I'lililishiuij Conipaiiy, ,5 .fordaii St., Toronto, Unt. ail'p-:i(js AT GORDON'S Ili^llNESS SHOP FLKSJlERTOy, %u nill find an awicrtmeDt of Heavy and Li^ht Harness, WhlpH, BriishoR. Cnrry Combs. Sweat PadR, and tjiu eolubratud "HiirnuKB Oil.'* ^M'OfcLARS 4 SPE€IALTl'.^Ife Cheap fur CaHh. Call and Fxamine. R. J. SPKOUL. FUsherton. Cotiveijaiicer, Appro iner, I'til- luitiir and Miauij lender. Deeds, Mort- i/iii/i'.f. lea-ifs (lull irHls dravn up mid V'ldiiat'ious made on shirrtest notice. Vhur- (/!â- .< recti line. Appli/ to R. J. Hl'IiOL LE, to.-itiiiuater, Flenliirtoii. CLAYTON'S II4MESS SHOP I FLESHERTON, Is tlie place to get ymir Harness Collars, Ac, made up in good style. "Ship in Johiuitiin's L'lvery Office, Flesh- erton." DUNDALK PUMP WORKS ! C. /?, PHILLIP'S, Manufacturer of all kinds of PUMPS. Cylinder C heck Valve & Ciste rn Pumps Orders Itospectfully Solicited aud satisfuctiou fjuarautetd. JAMES SULLIVAN, Tiii-Sniith, .\OKS"T, FLESH i;UTON. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER r/iotographer, Flesherton - Ont. Havinf:; stpunt Boniti time in the stuilio of the faniouH Toronto I'liotoKranher, Mr. 8. J. Dixon, whur« I aci|uired valnable Knowlvd^e In lleton- chin^. I feel u8Hi]r«!d I van ^ive (:oo<l ({uueral salisfactioD. A call ruHpcctfully Kolicitud, MRS. BULMER. Flesherton, Kopt. 17th, IHRS. ellEBRATED pl - JD? CHASES t**^ OANOELIOH LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Liver Complaini, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, lUliousneu, Jaundice, Headadic, Dizziness, Pun in the Hack. Cottivciicss. or any disease nrising from a dcranRcd liv«r, Hh. Chask's l.ivaii Clrk will be found a sure and certain r<.-ni<iJy. NATURE'S REMEDY The umiuaUfieU succesu u( Dr. Chase'* Liver Cure In Liver Complauit rc-ts solely with the fact that it i» com|x>unHed from nature's wellknuwnliver regulator*, Mandrakk am> Danuki-ihn, combined with manf other invaluable roots, harks and herbs, having a powerful effect on the Kidneys Stomach, Dowels and Blood. 600,000 SOLD Over emt^haif million 0/ Vr. Chase's Recipe Books %}€rt told in CatuidA atont. \yt joant every ntdfi, w^man ami iihild who is trtmi/ed with Liver Com- plaieU to try this excellent remedy. 4 SoMETHiNQ New. Given Away Frec "^^'^ Wrtpj>ed ari>miiJ 'â- very b'>ttlc of Dr.ChaJie's Liver Cu»« U a valuable Houwhol'l Medical Guide and Recipe Ilook (84 pases), containing over aoo useful recipes pronounced by medical men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. ^TBY Chasi'i Catarrh Cure. * a safe and positive remedy. IVicc, 25 cent^. . |k #t,^ ..^ , JRY ChASE'I KtDNEY AND LiVER PiLLS. ^5 cts. per boi. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS «^«»< J.'SDMANSON ft 00., SoU At«nto. Bratffor* Fleslierton Meat .llarkett 8. SPIKIT, Propbistob, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. EUGENIA=IIâ€" Real E^tateAgency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrow.er. FARMS hoiif^ht nnd sold. CONVEYy\NCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in II.C.J., A^cnt for the Norwich I'i;e Insurance Society. All busines?. P'-omptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDRUM. AGENT I, L, i. >â- .'^ . \ i â- r i-: .'â-