Flesherton Advance, 20 Oct 1887, p. 1

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f ADVANCE. s 1 i 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRIjYCIPLES, jYOT ME^. : i â- â-  - VOL. VIL, NO. 330. 4^ FLESHERTON, ONTARIO^ THMSDA7, OCTOBER 20, 1887. A. R. PAWCETT, "'^""^ PROPRIETOR. I â- â-  '%. .'.â- ' â- ' tl. The Centre Grey ^-L,,„ J'* " »"«• Jewelry Storej Local 1111(1 (HIiiT Iidcri'stluij Iltma ijatliKri'il hy The Admiuce HijiiirtiTH, A week from Monday evening next is Hallowii'on. Commencai Fall Trade icith a very complete stock oj gnoih in nil linei that First- Clu St shops enrri/. If you, wish U) j)urcha$e a Reluille Watch. <'l«M'k. Eiiga^emyiit or Wo<l«lln« King tluit will bejatt as 'ejjreseitted in qual- ity and soUl only at a fair pay for your good* profit, Jo business with me. "The Feopk" don't come to me of "necessity" â€" tluy come as a fad front "choice" to "Xuw Advertisements" will be found on page S. A notion sale bills printed while you wait at Thk .Vdv.i.nte Office, Flesherton. Rev. TlioH. Watson attended the fjrcat Baptist gathering in Toronto last week. Mr. ThoH. Diincan intends moving his tailor shop to tlio office recently occu- pied by Thk Adv.\n<:k. Tlie Council has taken action in the ijatter of the Boyne bridge and has let the job fur repairing it. If yon want your Watch to go proper- ly and keep time to the minute, take it to Russell to be repaired Miss Bert. Jones, of Milton, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. Bel- Isniv. retnriicd homo last Monday. I A drain is to be dng from Durham I itreet to the Boyne. at the rear of the buy goods and get work done ; for lots on the west of Sydenham street. . 'chich confiifcnce I remain indf2>ted to . my many jtatrons. I am in a position to do better l>y the "public" cash or • credit tluxn any other Jtweler in Central • Grey. _ " W. A. BROWN, J he People's Jeweller. Murktlale. S.\Y, H,\LL,OTHi;UK! .\OVRKTlSIN<) I'.VVH! OJ courno it doos. Jiutt plant nu lUlvurtiBO- •iiuiil m.'''iiK Advaii-k »i'<l «uu Icir yoiiiholf. HiiuJiuilH biivu iloMo DO »"<1 wuiD huiiiHttuil. Have voi>t.' iiLriii vou wniit to sell ur rent ? -Vd- iL-itiHi) ill Tkk Advaxi'K. Havu you aiiytliiiia uiidul' tliu tiun vuu wuut to .sell or tiiulo? Au â- ilvurtiKoiuuiit'iu Tub Advan.e will liriim you i'«stonii)r>i oviiry tiliio. Do yon want tol,"> any- thiuKur liiro Imli)'.' Ai|vi;ni»o in I'H): .Vdvamk "vory liiuu. .\dilru»» or call on A. it. Kawoutt, \i>VASCK OlHuc, Pluuljoi-ton, for torins, 4c. WANTED.â€" Two fair-sized Spring Colts, for which spot cash will be paid. â€"GEO. BCSKIN, Flesherton P.O. 2t. Artemeria plowing match takes place to-<1ay on the farm of Ilobt. Oliver, Esq.. Olil Durham Hoad. Keport next week. Keep an eagle eye for Kichardson & Co's big announcement next month. It •Iwaya x"^}'^ ^ read their advertise- m«nt«. ooooooooooooeoooooooooooooooooooo coisipil mm. There being good prospects of a ' iVesli quantity of Flour to bo cou- snmcd in the village aiid«;iTouiidiug .'joiuitry the prescut Bjasou. the iwi- dei-sigiicd lias oiwned out witli a goftd 5tock of tlio foUowiu^ lines ; â€" ROLLER rLOUR ! AiSi Bninds. .' Rolled c^ Gmnulctted Oat-Mcal. (Corn Meal, .Cracked Wheat .Uliop. .Shorts, Bran and Oats, At r.ot>!Oiu Piwt'S for Cash. Special Discoiiiits Accoiiliidj U> miuiiiiit. nf Ptin:li<tsf. W. W. TRIMBLE, A'l'.cf door to (JUiytvu's Shoe Storn. Tf yoti want Imrgains in Watches. CJt<cks, Jewelry. Silvtirwate,.ii()efi)ifusl<M. &c. go to Russell's NoteilJewelry Store, Kleshertoii. .â- \n immense potato, weighing 3 pounds, was left at our office this week. It was growu on the farm of Mr. Win. Rntletlgc. sr. , .\rtemcsia. An w ill be seen by advt. elsewdiere in these columns, Mr. Geo. Moorehouse has the Flesherton Station Mill in good order for Chopping. TeriiUo Uju-gaius at Russell's Noted , The Boyne Water Bridge was care- \ .lewelery Store, Flesherton. .Tust now fully repaired by Mr. Geo. S wanton they arc giviuff '20 per cent. ofT on all this week. Councillor Sharp and Reeve ] cash sales of $1.00 and oyer. Come be- Cliristoe are deserving of credit for the' fore the tliirty da>'s are np and' secure , prompt manner in which they attended , one of those tine Watches. to- this important matter. | Mr. C. J. Leiteh, tailor, of tliis town, j Mr. J. W. Bates advertises great re- intends building a handftome brick resi- ' dtic-tions in cfle prices for all kinds of dence and tailor shop on Collingwood furniture sold by him at his ware-rooms street next suiunrer. He has let tlio' on Toronto- st»eet. Read his column job of excavating it to Mr. Geo. Glars^ ' annmmceiaent on last page of this issue ford, to bo done this f.tU. of The Advance. Discount Sale ! Some iieoiile have the idea that the Terrible Bargains at Russell's ^Toted i Market Repi>rtK in uewspajiers are never Jewelery Store, l-'leshertou. Just now j changeil and tlmrefore cannot be relied ! tbey are giving 20 per cent, off on all ! upon. This is a mistake as far' as TuE j cash sales of 31.00 and over. Come b(;- j .Vdvasce is concerned, as they »re care- fore the thirty days are up and secure fully correcte«l every week. I one of those fine Watches. | Having pnrehanBd an hnmense stbek Some young' rascait) singled out a i of Statements and BillhoadB at a great ! horse and rig, which was standing in reiluction from regular prices* Thf| Ad- i tlie Metliodist cthirch shed last Sunday VASCK Office is tilt- place for wide-awake ' evening, untied the britcheu strap of business men to get stocked in Hiose , tbo harness acd contrived to break the lines cheaper than any where else.- : top off the new driving whip. There j are evidently a numbc-r of pretty bad i boys ill Flesherton just now, some of -OB^- .Several persons, suspected of complic- ity in the recent burglarv here, are still drifting ainjlessly (?) aroimd in' this nei^hboriiotnl. Loud your guns and' pistols to the muzzle and tile your bull- dog's teeth ! These rascals mean mis- chief I Mr. W. W. Trimble keeps the best brands of Roller Flour, Meals, Ac. for sale cheap at his store near Clayton's boot & shoe shop. See advt. on this page. The Station post-uflice is being very materially improved, by titling up a neat little store in front. Wo congratu- late friend Turdy upon this evidence of prosperity. The .Advance will be sent to new sub- scribers from now until end of lf<H8 (1 year and 8 months) for ONE DOLLAR. Show this to your neighbor, who does not get Thk .A dvani.k. The Advantje and Iliiiiiiltoii IVeMy tSftfiMit^ir one year for Jl.iio s])ot cash ; or The Advance from now until end of next year for $1. New subscribers added to our list every week. ^Ir. Wni. Mewgill jr., (an old .school- fellow of yc Editor's) of Collingwood Twp., â€" t.ou of the excelleut Deputy- Reeve of that townshipâ€" called at our oflice one day last week in the absence of ve Editor. Mr. W. W. Trimble returned from a pleasant excursion trip to various parts of Michigan last week. lie met Mr. V. S. Munro in Detroit and says Mr. M. looks hearty .-ind is tilling a lucrative position iu a largo wholesalo establish' ment. wiioni may get an insight of prisom fife i â„¢"«' '»' rKUiced. if Cliey do not mend their ways. iMWM&SMTt &t\ In itrih-r In make roo'in for our largi: Full and Winter fituiik, we have decid- ed to give "JU jier cent, 'iff on all cxiflu Miles «y"Sl.UU and over fur the nent- 30 DAYS! This is •! ruvK chanco to secure fine, gonils at Wholesale pricfs as the stock A 71 818.00 Watch /^n-m/y 611.40; a SLi.UO Watch /'or 81'.'. IK) ,• a itlU.OO Watch for 8«.0O, warranted frnm three to five years. David Bates was riding on a horse in tlic direction of the Boyne bridge la«t | Tluse are the goods that received first Friday morning, when, iu passing an- i;>ri':i! at Flmiwrlun Fall Fair. Come A Columbus mi^emeut watch, pur- chased by tlic Editor of The Anv.rNCE at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesh- erton, has not varied thu hj tefxtuds from standard time durfbt; tuc three months « hich have eliipseil since tlic purchase was made. other horse, attacln.'d to a buggy, the animal managed by some feat of leger- demain to insert its hind leg between the spokes of the vehicle. David dh*monut?- ed with considerable celerity but horse finally contrived, after a series of I kicks and plunges, toi e.xtricatu its leg i "W" (~) 'I'H' T) without), breaking any bones. ^^^ along, and get some of the Bargains. Fositively for 'M days only, at ElRUSSELyS Our heartiest thanks are due Messrs. Will .\rniour. .loe KiiM, E. Vauwvnt, R. Legate. N. LawrciiL-e auil otliers for the ; step our esteeiiie We arc .iJways plbased to'Uear of the success of ijnr Flesbertmi anil district boys aAuroad. This week it is our pleas- ing duty to tell our readers that Dr. Geo. Armstrong, sou of Sqnire Amistrong of this town, was receutly ulevateil to the responsible and highly important position of a Professor in the Minneapo- lis (C.S.) Medical College. Step by friend .Ariiistroug is assistance rendered us last Friday even- ing in transferritig our presses and other heavy iii.itirrial to our uew office on Sy- ili'uham street. rapidly climbing the ladder of fame in the medical world. May he soon oeach the top 1 .Master John W. Field will 'lorapletc his third year in The .Aova.vce Office on the I'itli of November. .\s a token of the estimation iu which Johiiuio is held by the Editor, ho was recently present- last. While in town lie was the guest j od with a neat .silver watch, piircha.sed of Wm. Ward, Knq. He (Mr. Hewgill) j at ^Ir. W, A. Bnwn's .Jewelry store. • JEWELKY STORE, Onl. nth, HH7. Mr. Daniel Hewgill. brother of the universally esteemed Dcputy-Rcevo of Collingwood 'I'owuship, Mr. Wm. How- ill, gave UM a pleasant call on Friday lives about three miles bridge. west of Wood- You will now find The .Advance print- ing office in ouo of the uew brick budd- ings recently erected tor the Editor â€" nearly opiiositc the Klcsherton Photo- grn.pli Gallery on Sydeiiliani street. Call aud see us when in towu. 3 00000OOOO00000O0OOO0000000OOO0O00 PltlNTlNCJ! Yi;S, OH. YES! IT WIT,I< PAY 1 nil niiiniu'rantiwrsons who road tliia advt. | â- ouettlloir I'liutiilH clone rt.t 'I'HK Aliv.iNLK Of- i ikv Kli'sliorton. Onod work nt honest pricoa â-  uvei-v tiuiu ! A dollar savf.l in a dollar eaviiodâ€" j â- io the provorh ((ouh. I'lviniihlots. l'o»tor.i, Clr- i culai-H, I'rom-anis, UodKors, Stroivincra. Hill . Hi'ads \oto Hoails, Itecoipts, Noto Poriiin, Hn«i- ' iiosi C'lrdM. ViaitiuK Cards). Laboli", Taa^*, itc, rlaill or Colored. Addross or call on A. K. ' Vawcott, AuvvNiF. Office, Kloshcrton. for terms. , ADVERTISE in Tbe ADVANCE Attention is directed to Mr. J. E. Moore's largo advettisomcut in aiiotlier column. Mr. Moore is selliug furni- ture very cheap and purposes employ- ing a number of workmen for manufac- turing purposes, when jiriees will bo still further rcduied. His aunouiiee- ments will appear iu these columns from time to time, aud readers of Tui; .Advance arc aslccd to be on the look out for them. Mark<lale. .Master Geo. W. LelJard completed the first year of his appren- ticeship in The Advance Office on Tues- d.iy last. Both boys bid fair to reflect credit upon their parents, tlieir native place, and The .\dvanck Office. Flesherton has never hatl a more en- ergotic citi/eii tlmu Mr. .John Gordon. Ho has always taken tlie most lively in- terest in the progress of the town aud has sacrificed time and uieaus repeated- ly in that connection. As a Temper- ance worker he stands without a {>eer in this district. All will, therefore, most sincerely regret that severe loss«is the auspices of South Grey Teachers' I in the North-West smue time ago, have A.ssoeiation. Mr. Watson is, like Dr. tended to cripple him financially somo- McLellau, a very fluent speaker, but as I what of late ; and all will unite with u.s a delineator of chaiacter he is â- <U[>erior ! in the earnest aud sincere wish that he to the latter. He has a pleasant but ! '""â- Y successfully tide over the ditficul- ... , , ., ' ties â€" from which uo one can claim ini impressive delivery and frequently „„,„itv_a„a resume his accustomed po- "rounds up his jieriods" in a manner [ jiition iu the rauks of our business men. approaching the dramatic. Dr. McLel- lau is a more profmiud reasouer but Mr. Watson holds a mixed audience more completely under liis control than the former. But bo these things as they may, the lecture <<n Mr. Watson the famous orator and humorist, lectured in the Towu Hall here Friday evening last, under the aus- pices of the Ladies' .\id of the Presby- terian ehureh. his subject being, " Mind ^'oiir own Biisiin'ss, or the Eleventh Commaiidnjeiit. " .\ curious one truly, but forming the text for the most hum- orous and instructive lecture, with one exception, ever heard by the Editor in this place. The exception was the splendid aiblress or lecture delivered by Dr. McLellan a few years ago, under The boys who prowd around the Me- thodist church shod hei'o on Sunday nights, may be introduced to Squire Armstrong one of tlies^tl d.iys and asked Friday night was ' '« explain why they get into vehicles, 'L'uK .Ai)V.».Nxik is now published froi.j :tlie new oflice on Sydenham sa-cet. Our fat-ilities for the rapid, neat ami Jchcap execution of all kinds of' .Job Printing are unexcelleil iu, sjlis Coiiutx Work is progressing iu connection with the FlcKlierton Roller Mill, whicli. it is expected, will Ih; in operation about New Year's time. The fine uew water wheel has arrived, the tail race bus been dug out, and .Mr. Bradley and bw assistants are putting fcrth every effor"^ to complete the iiii|>ortaut improve merits neees.-iary as exiieditiously as ,i' all possible. Soon the pleasant hum it the uew uiocliinerv will Ihj heard. Burn. Sui.i.iVAN. â€" Iu Fli.slierfon, on 'I'hiirsdnr, Oct. IJtth.thc wife of Mr. .James Sulli \;ui, tinitniith, of a daughter. thoroughly eiijoyoil by nearly every person present. Kor our own part, wo eoiild liavo sat foi liours longer listening to it ; and while not prepared to accept every statenieufc i xpressod. wo can sin- cerely say we put in an evening of real enjoyment, aud felt grateful to tho Ladies' Aid for the rich intellectual feast provided lor tho occasion. Tho lecturer was fr (pieiitly and heartily applauded, and at tho conclusion, on motion by Rev. A. Wilson, seconded bv i Mr. .John Vu(ler--ou. a cordial vote of I thanks was tendered him. amuse (?) themselves whipping the horses while the owners are worshipping inside, and otherwise mmldle with what does not belong to them. If the sexton would arm himself with a good healthy cowhide and "wariu their jackets for them," it would only be giving those boys what they richly deserve. Several 01 them are known and will be watched in future. .\sTH>n.i«-Porsoiis who have suffered for years with Asthma will find a quick relief aud cure iu the double treatment of Southern Asthma Cure, tmmim^^msiSiimmm^m

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