Oct. 13, 1S87.] THE FLESH KR^ON ADVANCE. ♦"• K^ . V â- / Faraitara ! FURITITirilE. â€"â- \ The 1 = Flesherton Furniture Warerooms Oji Durham St. arc being constantly 1 resupplicd with > NEW STOCK Whicb for elej^ance, dusiis;!), and work- ' manship cannot be surpassed in tlit ' County, and at prices as ; LOW AS THE LOWEST. â€"SEE OURâ€" CllADLES ! » I Either Fannel or Spindle. VEIiY CHE.VP. FOLDING CRIB BEDSTEADS At prices nevf r before heai'd of. CHILDP.ENS Cot ^^ Bedsteads ! Beal BcauXies, at tiguros^ tJjiU will sui-priso you. SiNCrLE AND DOUBLE. BEDSTEADS Of every design and price. Another lot of those Cai^elP f(odkei^^ ! Just aTived to be trimmeJ; to your order. We have more of those handsome I3edr<>om Suites* ilmtare giving s<"i much satisfaction and plea- sure, to be sold at close priee.s. All kinds of Lumber, Lath, or Shingles WANTED and will be taken as. cash. J. E. MOOEE, Contraefov .!'â- Furniture Iffaler. Dnvlinm St., ^.nxt door to M. KIrhardson & Co, County Xewri. Mr. Wni. Harvey, an old un renpucted renidt'iit uf Prutou, died m Hopavillo on the I'.Hh Sept. He leaves a wife mid four children tu lutjuni liia death. â€" Duniiuik Uerald. A youthful Dundalk huntt-T aiiuud his loaded gun at a pigeuu in a tree, uue day recently. Th« pigeon became curious, llew down on the youth's shoulders and proceeded to investigate matters general- ly. The young hunter dropped his gun ni aatoiiishuient, when the pigeon flew off into the depth-s of the forest. While Mr. NVm. Middaugli, ofMelanc- thon was uj.iwiiig a load of hay along the back line near Curbetton hist ivuuk, one of his horses stepped on a buruiug stick by the roadside where bush tires were raging, and turning iHickly, u])sct the hay into the tire and it was barned up.-;- iJn.ulidk Hrrnld Mr. Ditniei Sullivai], a wealthy Irish Catholic fanner of Albion towu^thip, has presented Rev. Father Jetfcoti, the pop- ular lan.sh priest of the Roman Cathohc congregation here, with a tine horse wur^ about Sloi). Movt christians think tboy ;ir© doing well if they give a few beggarly dolTars a year to the church to which they belong, but Dun. Sullivan does not de- serve to tie mentioned with that class. â€" Oruii</«i/ii; Puit. Miss Mittie Frane orxaiiized a Wom- en's Christian Tempersiice Union in Dun- dalk a couple of Weeks ago, with Mrs. Newell, wife of the Editor and FrofTri*- tdr of the Hvnilil, as President. Mrs. Newell is spokeu of as a very energetic and eminently practical Temperance lady. South Orey fair was a success. On Sunday niorniuglast.it Silverbtook, Mra. HeniT Whit*-, .me of the lirst set- tler* of Mulnmr. passed to the other world. She w;is well known and much respected. 8he was the iuollu:n>f a large fatnilv, two of which resides in Shelburne, Rt»bt. and Tliouias. Her remains were interred in the W'liitiield cemetery on M^lnday. â€" ^lulhimtf Free Fresa. Shelljurue villa^'e council granted $20 to the tjravuiihui'st :iutfurers hc'tt week. Good act. The C. P. H. Co. intend building a million busiiol elevator at Owen Sound. The Thorubuiy A\-i'-s is of opinion, that the Great Northeni Exhibition held at Collingwood recently, '"was not nearly up to tint of luMi year." ThornhuiT wanta a High School. Oiannevillf ^rsin buyers use "grain t%t.s ' and now a big »curiii is fatvwing among the nei.'hixjriiig farmers. The rain on Monday formed a piHil on Water Sitreel, owing to there being no pro|H;r vent for the gutter, whereupon a wag I'osted .1 n.jtico on the telegniph [Kist : â€" "No tisihinK or boating allowed here. "â€" (>-ife)» .S.mu/ TitneM. Mr. Wni. Robertson, of the parlor boot and shoe store, made an aosigninent on Monday for the benefit of his crsditors. Carrying too large a stock tlutse dull times Vina ii\w cause of his failure. â€" Mt. Fumt Hi'ltiitienhitire Mr. H. H. Stuvel, formerly of Mount Forest and now of Wiiinipef;, has launch- ed out .as publisher of a mat little 8-page monthly, called 7'/i< Xi,rthâ- ^^'ed Bitptift. We wish frieiHl .Stovel success. Wliile threshing at his own farm on .Saturday. Mr. Alex. Chilton of Norman- bn. 1st Lieut. of.No. 3 volunt*>erconipany had tlnj. niisfortujie to get the second tin- gero this left hand «aughf) in, a knnckle of the macliinc, resnltiHg in the linger be- ing so. badly crushed Uiat it had to be aiiiiictatctl at the second j<)iut. On re- ceiving the injury Mr. Chilton drove to Mt. Forest and liad tlie wound dresst^d. â€" Mt. Fi/rtM HvpiiMiiUilije.. The conundrum fiend drupped in the other day and asked us wh}- a perambula- tor wan like a Collingwo.Hl bed. We gave it up and he explained fhat it was "be- cause il^ was a littlv buggy.' The funeral was strictly |mvate. â€" MaiforJ Mirrur. License In.s}>ector Campbell of Thorn- bury raided Condy's Temperance hotel at Kiiiiberlev a v.'wk ago Monday. Itisre- p<u ted that lie found a iiuanticjy of whisky in one of the WIrounis. The case has been placed in tlie hands of justices Uilray aiicl Stuart and the tlial will take phwe at the ollice v( the latter at Kiinl>erley to- morrow (Saturday.);â€" J/tiyi»(f Minor. The Thornbury ^tuuiard is in, favor of annexation pure and simple with the United States. The exhibit of articles at our FWl show ill Chirkaburg was ahead of any former year, there being over 2000 entmes. The show of fruit and vegetables was nol up to la.st year, no doubt caused by the lonjf continued dry wejither. In grain, cereals, Ac, the show this year was up to any for- mer year. In domestic nianufactui'es the show was excelletU. â€" • ThornJbiiry Standard. Durham Presbyterian ladies h:ive ju.st Sent a client (jf clothes â€" valued at JKX) â€" to tlie North- West, for distribution among the Indians out there. Constable Noble, of Markdale, was in town on Saturday with a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Luke on the charge of steal- | ing a horse from Mr. Hannah of Flesher- i I ton Station. It seems that Mr. Hannah < ' drove over to Markdale on Friday, ac- I compained by a little girl. He went into one of the hotels and left the girl sitting \ in the buggy to wait for him. In a short I time Mr. Luke came along and told the girl to go in and get warmed and he i^ould i hold the horse. She did so and he drove • oil" with the horse. Not turning up a warrant was got out for his .arrest, but he j ha.s not been seen since. The horse was | found out in the country wliere it was i left by Mr. Luke who had no intention of | stealing it but merely drove it off for a ' joke. â€" /'»(W(om ''Aroiii.;//-. Mr. Luke de- | nies having had anything to do with I "spiriting away " Mr. Haiuia's horse and 1 rig. AdvertiMe Well. From the Yonkrrs Ouzftte. I Arlverticu wull 'â- tis tliH secret n( ijlory, stick to J this principle fa^t as a leticli: I Think u( the iiaiii»s tlmt are fnmons Id story^ I a<lvertis*3 wuil is the lesson they teach I How have man uompaMsad *o wide a counection. I uiaUtt the wuriU swallow tbuir nobtruma at will â- .' I Tis that l>y constant aud serious reflection, ad- vertise well IS tile princiiile still. .Advertise well ! you will never repent it; noth- * in^ more wisn cati a biiHiiiess man do. Stick t<i this motto, and never forget it; adver. i tine wellâ€" it will pull you sale through. I .\dvertise well ; do not think what 'twill cost you: publishers' bills are but friends in dlii- Kuisu, How do you know what your caution lias loat you: Would you be wealthy, you must ad- vertise. '. .\dvertise well 1 thouuh business be waning ; those who apeu'l truest must wiu ui the end. Up and l>e duiug! no uc-ed for complaining; act for voi:rs*»if. and be your own friend. .Vdvertise well! all lanes havu aturniiiff; noth- iUK pays l>etter than paper and ink. Thousands who duih- this motto are «puri)iug, flud that it brnigs them to bankruptcy s brink. Ptdtal. DR. CARTER. M.CP. iS.OsT. PHYiilClAX, K1RC:E0.\, *r. FLESH BRTON, Office, Strain's block. Residence. Wm. Wright » DENTISTRY. M}'!4terious Murder ! Cocr>>.<;jf(H<ieiic« of 7Vi<? Admtfe. MiDDLETos, OsT., Sep. I'o.â€" One of the most heartless murders ever publish- ed, was committed a litile '>ver a mile east of Stewart Station this morning, jmiging from circumstances, a'^out 2:'J0 a. m. The night watch-man of Mink Tunnel, while performing his duties, dis- covered evidence of a terrible struggle in tile sand by the side of the track abo'-.t seven a. ni. In uis own words : '•.\ljout two o'clock this morning two halfbree«l Indians came to iny stack and asked f >r matches, wliich I gave them, after which »!iey went away. T noticed they went west, but not having luiy suspiciiuis of their purpose, I did not ixiy any further attention to them. About seven o'clock, I went out and widked about half a mile TlLomas Henderson. L. D. S. .SLTUiEOX DENTIST. Gold Medalist: and Hmiiir (.imd'ttitv nf >hr R.C.D.S., Will visit FLE8HEBTON. Munf haw's Hotel 1 and :J of each mouth. Xeetu u.xtractuil, uist-it- ed and dlled in the uitiliest styles of the art, an J at moderate rates. Hk.vd Ofkkpi. 761 VOXOE ST.TiRCNTO s£fg«l. J. W. FROST, LL-B-. Btvrri.-*tfr. Solicitor, C'onreyaitrer. Onice,â€" Strain 5 Building, FLSfcHKBTo.v, .K. .K. CHEStEY. Solicitor and Conveyancer, Kesident Manager. MR. FBOST will be found at the Office o» Ttairsdavs as heretofore. the stiir)' goes, and' when his back was turned, the h ••nest buyer slipi^ed a codfish up under his coat-tail. But the garment was too ahi it to cover up the theft, and the nierchaui |jurcei\md it. "X.>w„' said, tile customer, aiuious to west, when I discovered evidence of a i improve all "iiportuiiitiea to call ;itteiitioi terrible etrug-le in the sjuid. Tliere was I '" "" vin<-4u.s. The Dot-tor's i'r«>srriptiou no (iIoimI. A pretty good story is current on Dr, Race. He was sitting in his uliice the other day when a big Chinamau rushed in in a state of i^reat excitement. "Where Doc Lace '." he ans^)ed, his al- mond eyes popping out of his head. "I ;un Dr, R,ioe, " .^aid the physician. "(rive medicine forChinee Ujv, ijuick!" 'What is the matter with him .'" asked the doctor, reaching fur his prescription case, '•Him dead '." .1 Cast' of PructivsiJ Economy An anecdote woiili laughing over is tt>ld of a man who iiaU ;iu uUirmicy as well as an appetite fc r ti.sii. He w;is anxious to keep up Im8 ihiuacrjuc Io» liouesty, even wliiie eiij.ynisi Ins fiw.unito meal, and I. Harland's store, on Ifnday »ud Saturday "every while niakiiiL: ;> bill with his merchant, as- | ""*'''• J M.\.s«ON. Q.c F. McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, tfc. •fllcc. over XcFarbuid'g tttore.. .WarkdMle. MMwy t« Loaih MASSON (fe MASSON, ~ B.UtolWTEltS, liOLIClTOliS. Ac, OrncEsâ€" Owen Sound, in Vlcker"» block. Poulett St.. lirauch olflce iii Markdale. «Ter Mc- 8. M.\SSON. W. »l.\.SSON . X Bâ€" I'rivato JiCoiupauy sfuuJs to invest at from Six tu KU;ht per cent. iJ»^nr5$ Catds. a hit of blood onthosand and stones by the side of the track, and some on the rails. Looking over the lank, I found the dead body ..f a half-breed, lying face downward alxnit ten feet from the bank, fearfully mangledâ€" alui..st i>ast recogui. tion. Abi ut the face and head he was so badly disfigured, that I'could not say as to whether he was one of the men who were at my stack or not. ' The murderer i.s still at large, but strong .su.spii-ion (loiiils to a certain half. breed Indian nam- ed Louie Moses. A»t- this there is no certainty, but public sentiment is of opin- ion that the c<iuntry wuuld be well rid of liiiii. The object of the crime is ditficuit to dotermine. It certainly could not have lieen robbery, altliougli the fact that he had just pureliiised a new pair of Ixiots and a hat and that they are b.'th gone would suggest that opinion, impossible as it seems. He wa.s sjiid to have been a very i|Uiet iind well-behaved half-breed, whirfli woulsl indicate that it w:is by iio act of his that he g.a into the mw, iinless as is supiM'jed, that whi.~key had s.nne- thing to dsi with it, which is iT.ibable, afc he, in company with others, where known to luive Sold some tish to a dealer at Pen. insula SWition yesterday. They pri'liabiy got h.pior there, .Vriangeiuents h:tve been made for the holding of an in.pjest, I'ntil then, the case will be wmpoed in mystery. I may SaBtheradJ jiiat I was down at Stewart StrwiiHi and saw the boily of the murdered man. Ir was a terrible sight, C'»UK«- aiul Eil't'i't. A few. ai.oi)th.s :i^o tJiere was an .idili- tiou to the family of Col, iiiol Percy Yer ger, (UI which 'Ceasion Mrs. Verger's imtheE, a venerable lady, spent sevend weeks with tJie tiaiily. -V few days ag" Mrs. Yev;.'er received a letter fitini her luotlier to the uli'ect that she intended to iii,»ke :iii»ther visit, "Is grandma C'Uiin' .\.;ain â- "' ;isked lit- tle Tiunmv, making a disjjusteil face. "Yes, Tommy "Oh, Lord, tliat means another sipiall- ing baby in the lioiise," .sighed Titinniy, thinking of the I'revious vi..iit <if the old ladv. Mr. Merchwit, I have tradeil witk yoKs great deal, luid have paid you '•(> pnuiiptiy and. Iioncstly, haven't I?'' •'Oh. yes." answered the merchant : "I have no reason to complain, "Well." said the citftonier, â- '! have al- ways in.sisted that honesty «ns the best |xUey and. the liest rule to live aud die by.' "Tliaii si>," replied the niurchauL Aiul th't oastiimcr turned to depait. ••Hold > n, frieuii, ' cried the nu-rchant. ".S(x-akin_' of. hi>ne.sty, I have a bit of ad- vice to '^'ive yiui. \\ believer yoii come to trade ag.iiii yon had better wear a longer Coat or steal a shorter codtish." ioha W. Armttrtagi Kleshektos, Co. Obey. niVIBIOil COURT CLKKK, COMMISSIONER ** In U, B., Couvtvauoor. ,vc. .igentfor yurchas- aed sale of :anil». .tppraiser for C. L. C. Coui_ and T. V B. A » Socictr. Money to Loan ou the. most reasouable tsrms. laaCFii or M.\1UU.\GK LICBNISliS. NOT.VltV tljill^ic. MONEY TO LOA]S. A-t « r»ei- Cent. Oa To^ui .IT t'&ru) Pcoi^cty, S. D.«MCDK, Klcshei lou .III iduiirim; Litile W\iv. Helirv deorni' ".My dijar, iliis .steak is burned to a crisp, Mrs, tSeorgeâ€" "Mercy me ! so it is !" "And the iMitatoes are not half done," "So I >4»'e now." "And the bivaJ is sour, and, in fact, there's not ii thing tit to eat, and I'm as hungry as a bi-ar. W hat on earth have you been doing with yourself all the morning ?" "I've been swinging in the hammock, dear, dreaming about how lovely every- thing wdl be when your milluniiitviii gets. here. " The Jitd^'f uiid the 4'undnrtar. | ^V J BELLAMY TWr. CI.KRK ABTK.MrSIA, coy VE Y. 1 .V( -Eli. ( â- ( ).'»/.U/,s',s-/c ) ry^CKAXCE AUT, dC T)BEDS. Mi)RTO,VUi:s. LK.VSES, dc . prepnr ^ od auil properly executed. Insuisnce aJlec Judge Doiioluav of the Xew York Su- pruniM Co'jrt, oii.iAie iwciknoii w;ui brought to his bearings in a way as effective as it was amusing. He wanted to st^p wliile the conductor was on the platform collect- ing fares. ;iiii palling the rope the car was b'-uui;ht to u sudden stop. TIio con- diict^ir rushed into the car and demanded ; "Who rung that liell f" "I ilid, ' said .Judge Dotiohue. •Why (" "Peca'tise I v.'.-mtcd tq |jret off," .\l this the cdiductor induU;ed in some remarks whktl were not cbm|dinientary.. The judge afterwards ciunplained to the siiperiutendeiit of the line, wlio promised to look into the matter. When they ue.it met tile judge demaiulcd of the .su|ierin- endeiil whether he had reprniianded the conducior, •'1 s; oke to him," was the reply, "Well, what did he say I' â- 'Ho said that he was coining up some day to adjourn your curt '." The irate magisinite saw the point and did no pursue theinvestigatioiii. How He Wiks Matle B«(ter Off. .•V Scotdi. tradesmaii wlio h.ad amasfeil, .as he b«lit->>ed. t'4,lH.K), wa* sur|irised 'oy his idd deik with a Ivilance.sheet showing his fortune tti be t'ti.OOO. "It can not be,' said the [irincipal ; "count again. " The cleik did count again, and again de- clared the bidance to be £0,t)00. The niiiatcr counted himself, and he also bnuighl out a surplus of £0.000. Time :vfter time hOiCJist up the columnsâ€" it was stiil a (i and not a 4, that rewarded his labors. So tlio old inenjhant, un the streiif^th of his good fortune, modernized his house, and "put money in tlie purse" of the carpenti'r, the i>iuiiter, and the up- hol.storer. Still, however, he had a lurk- ing doubt of the existence of the extra £'"J.(XX1, so one winter night he sat down to !<ivo the columns "one count mor»." At the close of his ta.sk he jumped up as though ho had been galvanized, and rushed through the strojts in a shower o{ n»iH to the hou.se of the clerk. The clerk's head, ca|>ped and drowsy, emeroetl from an attic window at the sound of thek'jock- er to in<}uire the errand of his midnight visitor. "Who's there!" he mumbled, "and what d'ye want t" "It s me, ye scin'iidrel !" exclaimed his emtjkiyer, "ye've added up the yew uf uiU" Lord among the pntuids." lid ill rlr..L. class ccuipanies. Money to towoht rates. lend at 6ET YOUB MEAT i-FROM-: â€" iPetch & Mitchell, GENER.AL BLTCHERS, FLESHEKTONE KSrCasli paid for fat cattle, kc, ,tc. XEW LIVERY 1 VHV, uudorsigued beR« to announce that lie litt.« . • started a drst-class Liv«.'ry in iho stand op iposlto MuusUaw sHottil, Flushorton, where the travelling public can bo accoiuniodated with l{ood riijs and horses at most reasonable pi ices Try luc and be convinoed. Kespectfully yours, \V. H.JOHNSTON. Plesherton, ^ov, I9tb, 1886. Pietnre Framing, ^featbj, Clieaplij t^- Quick- ly Dows, hij J. E:. MOORE, Qnrhaio St.,.Oi>posito Claston's^H»nlo«s fchcp BELL" ^ Unapproached for Toor and QuaJitj. BELLA CO.,,Giieipii,ttiik *^v i