THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. \ â- THIS PAPER n:s:^5.^S!i^ liiiiiMliSnT tm mateta* »UI HKW YOB^ THE ADVANCE. U publioliud Kvery Thursday, KnOM THB OFFICK. Cw/.oif/icoorf Street, - - Flesherton, fhit. TERMS OF SUBSCKII'TION : • i rer unmiui when 1>»W strictly In B<l»»iiee il.M i>tr aiiiiuui when not no jiaid. A. R. FAWCETT, £dit(>r (iii'l Proprietor. FIjESHBRTON: THURSDAY. AUG. 11.1887. i:r>lTORIAL yOTES. Mr. .lohn O-sbornc liandod us a i;o|)y of the Weekly Montreal WitncMB tlie other (layâ€" tiated July 27thâ€" wl.iili contained a most lionible ac- roniit of the system of "baby fanning" wliich has been practiced in that city for many years. Two Wilnrtt report- riH t;iv.- a lengthy account of very searching investigationj made by tiieju, llie result of which is to open tlio eyes of the public to one of the luoBi gigantic evils that can possibly iK'l'al any community. It is bonded, ;'Th(> Murder of the Innocents,'' and tnily the /acts iirescnted â€" as elicited by intcrviewsand careful investigations â€" fully Ruetains the strong indictment. The article is too lengthy for pnblica- lion in our columns, but any of our readers who would like to read it can send to the Witnfn oflice, Montreal, for a copy of the paper of the JJTlJi July. THE EDITOR AND UI8 VJtJTlCS. The Durham Chron-'rl,' has passed into the hands of Mr. W. J. Mitchell, late of the Hanover /''>ii<<-4bat newly tlL'dKtd disciple of Dr, Jiiiud6rkin, M.l*. lor , South Grey. It is. said, however,, tiiat the Ckronitk will no\^ become » Cou«en'ative paper.. Odr friend ofi tli& T/rrjt i?«M«wâ€" « \*iYy i'ei<i)ectal)le neiw«*|>iii»!r, let us add â€" makes a distfticlioii betwetin tlio •nowii" of DurhaniiaiiJ the "village*- uf i''lcbherton, wiiicti i« largely iu f»vor of the former., lint when cer- tain circumstances- :ue oonsidered, I'Mcsherton undouhlully takes the bun. Fur instance, Durham, wuh ({iiito a "town" when whorfi I'Meshciton now stands was a hawliug wildeiner.s ; luid iit this moment th(v foiiuer is not half lis hii'u'e again us; tliu liUterl Fjiclb aiT mighty stubborn. tbiii{j9, fiie(ul Tbwneeiid f The petition presented to o«ir Town* .ship Council ouiMbnday, re ailditioihv) taxes in case mllers-are put iu Fletih- (â- rton flouring mill, wa.s pruttically ro- jected by the F'athcM-s. It soonnd sumo of our rcproi^otitativca weie afiaid of establishing a prtiiuident which might occasion the 'l\'>wnHbip some trouble in the near fiiture. It was urgeil, that if the pniyer of the ^^ti- liuiiers wen; granted, the respHStive proprietors of l^lewe's Mill i..nd tlie ICu- f:;enia Mill might â€" with v<\\m\ justiceâ€" ask to be iuchidtd iii: the w- rangement if at any ixmit. they saw Ut to put ill rollers. It was also ^et forth that the increABC in taxes, consecf^ent lipoii )mttii)g rollers in the Fl'esher- ton mill,, wuuld bo only a trilling amount. The Fathers may by rji^'ht ill the i)osittuu they have taken, but (luito a number of mtepayera do iioi look at tha umttor in the Huiiie ligiit. They argue that the small luci-euse in tuxes should, huvQ made it all the eas- ier for tiie, Fatlicrs tu liiMti aoeedivl to the request of the i)etitifiiu!i'8. It is farther contended, that tlio same ar guiiient holds with equal fi>rq« in so far as the othm- mill ownaiu are con- cerned, llonevar the matter has been definitaly settled- but not to the general satisf^otion of the piiblie. In concluding, wo might say that the ward system has its defects. We will Rpcak of them again. VOW DVai'BPSIA anri I.iver Oomplaint, .you bare • prtiilttd KuarRiiti-u «ii every but- lit) of Sliilol.'f) Vitnlirer. If. uiver fitiU to aure. Suia at Mttdifwl Hull.. ^ The Editor is a human being. He is ushered into the world much the Karae as other representatives of that great family. While yet in long gar- ments he is toddled off to the Church and the Babbath School, where he learns much that is good and a little that is not so good. By and bye ho learns verses from the Good Book. Sometimes be ha.'s carefully committed them to memory and recited them faithfully to his teacher. At other times the good-natured tcachei' does the reciting while the embryo Editor follows closely iu his wake. His youthful fi-olic8 are much tiie same as those enjoyed by other boys. And he gradually grows np into man's estate â€" still after the manner of his young companions. Then he becomes au Editor and iheu his troubles begin. We have been explicit thus far iu oi-der to show that an Editor is much the same as other people. He has his faults and bis little weaknesses, and it often strikes him tnat several others are similarly afHictod. Does he make mistakes ? Of course he does, for "to err is human," and Imve we nut said he is human. Does he earn his bread "by the sweat of his brow'? ' He does; Drop into his otl)c«» and you will find him iugging with might ami main at the ponderous baud press, setting typo, or, with sleeves rolled u(i above lus elbows, you may find him writing ed» itorials, locals, or puffs, and slushing pieces out &f exobanges, while the dev- il stands moodily by yelling fur cop]r\ at the top of his voice.. A man enters the dingy "den" witli slow and solemn. tread. The printers are still clamoring, lor "more copy," but this is a "mighl}« man of Crath'g sad the Editor suspends o|>eration8 Mkl.pasRes the timo of da.w '"^he man sol*uinly adjusts his spectaclti,, sits down, puJlii a late edition of the paper out of an initUle [koalt«t, biul {ilaoiim hifl index t'mgtu- ouia carefully marked artiale, ejtclaittia â€" "Bir, there is a i)c- uulaurHippaney about yourstylu uf writ- ing, that is imsitivelydisagi-eeablc to my feelings. Now, just read tlml iU'tiele, sir, It's too bad, really t^o buJIl, Of course you'ie. a young man and may improve in time I hope you will- yes, sir, 1. frankly say itâ€" 1 hoi e yo" will. Yuu .have my best. wiahcB, but try anil 1m' more careful.'' After tak- ing up an lidiir or luoratfllio Editor '.s valuable tuike ho stalks salomnly out into the street, and work is resumed. ArH^thvj' man drops in us tlioui,'li shot from tiie mouth oC a cuiinou. "(IoikI heavens, sir ! what's the mat- t>'r with your paiier. liliuik me. Sir, otn't yuu let the preachers talk relig- ion witliunl tiu'iiiug yuui' paper into a wishy-wiiihy ro4ign»us va4 ! 1 tell you, sir, I. won't liH.Â¥e it â€" more, if you per- sist iu that Sort of tthing, you'll have to flop niff jiuptr. Do yon hear. Sir?" Then he bounces out of .tbo otVicu like a rubber luili. HoiiuD time elainsos before the next niaii rails. He comes iu with aiuer- ry twinkle in his eyes iiiid ii elieert'iil look, (iversiuuadiiig his couutuiiuuce. Appearances are often deceitful, how- ever, and they, are so.iu thi.s castj. The. I'Jditor is notdoceivodâ€" he is too good ajiidgo.ofhumaii nature fur that; and, IttJ-sideH lie has met the merry, eheeifttlgeutlenmn before. ".\li,good mornings .sir ; preparing editorials for your next issue, . I. see. (ioitd paper that last. Articles.- well, written, lo- cals spicy, and all, the rest.. H«;rtly printed, too." This to mnke the ti^wl, boied-todeatli-Editoif feel in go(>d Im- luoi, winch he does straightway, if ',ve may jiulge him by that forced gfiu whieli passes in a .sickly nmn- iier over his countenance. TJiwiâ€" "But, »U)W franklyâ€" ^a8be.tween fricuds, yon understand-^you spread the Hat- tcry on too thickly ; you really dotmy gooji fellow. You'll pardon my frank- ness, uf cuuise ? " As a matter of fact the Editor ib offered nir other alterna- tive. "You don't mean half of it, you know â€" the (lattery, I mean â€" and as a mattor of courtie where all arc kftiiM so indiscriminately, the commodity- flattery I mean again, my dear £riend â€" the commodity becomes cheap, if not altogether valueless. You're not oftended, I hope ?" Of course tlie Ed- itor is not oftended â€" -bortd he is but he does not say so. "And then, my dear fellow, you art becoming too oracu- lar â€" yonarciiow, reallyâ€" and, besides, there is a tendency iu you to reflect your own opmioiH rather than those of the general public." He also goos away and the Editor once more re- sumes his work with a heavy sigh â€" of relief! Then there arc the critics who â€" "Dttinn witli faint praNo, assont wltti civil leor, .-VikI without Ktieer>ii^ tiuioh the reat to Htieor ; VVilliuK to wuund atitl >Hi afcffcl to litriku, .ItiDt hint a fault, and IkwiUatMialike." Ill fact all the sons and daughters of Adam's ra?e aro critics. .\s Sain Slick would say, ii's '•hniuan iiatur'." Go where you will, there ore critics a»tl critics. The Ih-st see no good in anytliing under the canopy of high heaven but what is fonnd in them- selves ; the latter admit faults in com- mon with everyUnly elKv, but u£t4a- all they cannot help tlvuikin^ Uiey oi'e a little better than their nciijh'Ws. Living in such iv ciitieal world, the Editor iBUbl be prep«i-ed to 8«e bis bults magiiiik'd and his virtues ignor- ed or barely nciiccil. NTliat matters it that ho Las been x»truuvcrtal iu doing scores of good turns for the pub- lic, when he has hurt same politician's feelings by givin«» (rxpresaion to ceitain sentiments not in liarniouy with the views entertained by the said politic- ian '.* Why't he reflect public opinion and keep his own to liinisell? And so forth, and ^o forth, («^ injini- turn. And yet we never hoard of an Ed- itor who endeil his days in a lunatic asyliiin. Everything is favorable in the matter of making him a tit candi- date. IJiit ho dui'sn't go â€" soiueliuies au odd critic or two does, however. And so tliu world wiigs. Itr. crtf Vdfii (tenMii.' .4)(»i*t mllow a enia in th<> ticiid to iltiwly nuil aorely run into Catarrb, wbrii ycm ran bflpiireil for 'i'le. I)y iiHini! I>r. CliHse'h Cuturrli Curo. A. (.;« applii'iitiuiiH otirii inaiiiii'itt catairh ; I tu" lioxtiK ciiri'H ordinnrv oatiirrh ; 2 to H ItoxiM in^'tiurniiti'iMl tooiirc elironie ratarrli. Tr/ it. Only 'in oviits und RUre oure. 8«>ia by all ilciilcm. WHAT IS. IT? â- Mi<> CIIILDIIENS IIKALTH. Chif of Xiitur.'t KiiiJeMt Gifit it a Ill-Ill I hi/ Coniililufmn. Gmtrd it agaiml di»ensc Inj xitiiuj Siamese Worm Powders. W'ortm one the /ruiljul cause ij/' iMiny lUtDrilem in fhildrrn. SIAMESE WOUM I'OWnejiSwilletpel Wormi in Cfiry anr inhere ihrii ixitt, kcill re^u- lalf the Stnmiiih andJkuceU at ihettinw time, lie thciit, you non't reyrtt it. â- I*«:*ok'm J'lenwnnt £. JRillw! IT IS A FACT AND NO CONTBOVEB8Y THAT JOHNSON'S TONIC BITTERS and NERVTNR is the liest reroeily in the market for nervous (liiieasos uf any »»«. Hyi.teria.l.o«a of Apiietito. Debility fium 1ob» of lluids or ovor- work, Paleuomof Comiiluxion HO often seen in youuB femalnH and all ci<iii>laintB arising from poverty of bioo<l. It i« a fact and noBalrreayiiiBlhalJOHNSON'S TONIC I.IVKK PIljl.S aro ilio very 1>e»» in tho market for diiiea»o» causod by Tor|>id I,lv»r and derrangeuient of the Stouiach or hidnoyM. It i>i a fact and no om- will deny it that .lOH N SONS ALL HKALING WHITE Ol.STMKN T i» the bt-Bt In the market for Bnriis, SoaldK. l.hll- biains. naltllliouio. Harbors Itch, Pinrplea and all Skin UUonlora ariiiine frou. >»«rofulouii taint "W. S. CHRISTOE has been tn>oiutod .\gcnt for the al>ove«iiirha« tliHUi on sale at hi» A^lical Hall. Fleaberton. Try for youmelvoa and be satiHlled. DUNDALK PUMP WORKS! R. J. SPIJOUL, Flealiertuu. Cimveyiiiicir, Appriiiiier. Val~ ii'itor iDui Muiiey Itml'r. l>n-ih, Mi.rt- gaqen, lemws iiud Wilh Unni-n «;i nint Vidmitimui vuidf im ihi.rti .it uotice. ( hnr- yen veni lair. -ipi'ly '" J'- J- f^fUOt LE.. Pustiiuister, Flefheliun. C. R. PHILLIP'S, itaunfacturer uf alt kinili, of tVXltA. Cyli nder Check Valve A Cistern Pwmps. OrdwxH llospfttfnlly SUiIicitfd aud tifttiitfaction JAMES SULLIVAN, Tf;.-S«irJ(i. AOKNT, Ono High-llred Uurbaui Hull, "KING BILLY," 'iVif lii'iiiit t'k<iin)>ii»i, WH} itaad tor sorvioe for the \ ear ImJT, at Ix>t ItW, Ut Kange, W.T.JtS.K., Arteiiioaia, at the Hiuall »uni of JOc. W. C. PARKKR. notice" GRAY CHAMPION! ATHOllOl'OHBRKl) DlKH.Ml HILL, with qiHvl pwligree. will stand loi service at 1-ot Iti Wimt T. AS It . An..uiesia Tk«J1S.«I if paid on or before .lau. Ut. IHMJ : i)tli.Mwi»e. ^i.-ia. AlHo thorougb-brud UKKKKHIUK HOAU at name plaiw. JACUK A. LEVKlt. CLAYTON'S H4R\ESS SHOP ! i'LESHERTON, r» the plan to yet ijmr Ilnrueia Coltan, de^ made itj) in ijund ntijle. Shop in W. (JUiyttni'g Hoot li- Shoe Store. Flenherton. HARNESS HARNESS. ...If yew wanil Harness, Siugle or Double, or Ilors* Ulawtet*, Trunks, liells, Valises, ^uiry Comba. Brns-hes or the ielebrated Harm .•» *)il, call it examine before iiurcliasiiig sracwherc. K. J. WATSO^ . PRICE V ILL E. PHOTOGRAPBL MRS. BULMER. Photographer. Flesherton - Ont SJutuld idu'di/i h»n»e,l for Sick Head- iiche. Their irperation i» mild and pleniidnl. The)/ strike home each time when used for n Di*ordtred Liuer. Atk for thmii Uet-them^ linn't forget the iiinne, l-''««!lt*S I'leiiwant //" your druggist has not the iilovefnv- pitrntioJi in Sfoek, W. W. STEPHEN <C* CO., of Meii/ord, vili send them to ifou i>rrjmiil on rcccijit of 'ibc. for either, a of each, or asterttd/vr $1.0 J. James Sullivan, The Tlusmitti, - Flesherton HoPftirinK, V.ftvetTOUKBliiK.and in l»ot ovtHry- tntiiK (n th« bu*iii««H wUl rw;uiv« my prouipt aiitl oftr«lul ftiuuitiou at r(-ik»<>i)Ablu |lrlvlâ- ^* 'fnT MARKETS. FLESH tirroN. Ca$'e/'uUy Covrrctcd Each U\ek. Flour «t 0()tt)4 20 Fall Wheat $0 75 to 75 Spring Wheat U 7J> 75 Ihirley « »« l> 45 Oats tt fl 2G -.h; Feus 47 48 Iliuter » 14 14 Egrtii, fre.Hh 14 !4 Fotatoes bu»li 50 :A> Pork 5 00 5 CO Hay.pertou l»l 00 10 00 Hidea « 00 7 OO Wool 2tt 22 Sheepskins 40 50 Goesc 05 05 Tmkeys 8 8 Chickens per pair "25 ,HU 1) neks per pair 40 f>0 AT CORDON'S II A.RNES8 SHOP ELiESHEKTOX, \K>\\ will find an a«B(.rtniout ol' Heavy and Liffht Harness, Wbipa, Bn»h( % Turry CombR. Sweat I'ads, and t)iu<x-U'i;K.tttwl "HariicitH Oil." :dIArOLLlK« A Sl>E('1.4LTY.^^!«t (Miua|> for Cash. Calfand ('xaniine. fauiona nt'.'dio of th» u'routo i'uotti»(raph»». -Mr. S. J. IMxoii . Havln((»pe»rt boimp lime in th Toronto I'uottmrapfcM wherv 1 aci|iiired viiluabUi kiui« :t('t'"' in Keton- chinc 1 fool aaauivd I can (fivu Kood i;«n<tral aatiafactiuu. A call i«*p«ctfully nohcitad, MRS. IJLLMEK. FlosbortOB.Sept. 17th. IfKi. W.H'JTIiPHEN&CO.. Diuyyiati, Whi'U.i'di: li UvtuU,. POSmVE CURE »oa CATARRH. ItnnwfiatiRiliif roa GoiiUaJIfead; HAY FCVrR. :j mahx to vbs, â- NotaSnuB, I'owiler or lultaUng Uqul4 frico ct*. unil $1.00, If uot obtaloabld at your jrup :l«ta, tont prepaid on receipt of price. Aildroi* ^ULFORO A CO.,,UrQiP<LViil«», Qnu. ,V>D- CHASES J HAVE YOU liver CoiiipUii.t, Il)«pni.U. Indicwtior, Uilwu-jneM, Jiundior, Heai'a.'c, l>iiiin'.», rain in ihe Itack. CoMlv, iie^, M Jji»v .iiwaj.* m i\int fioni a deraiiaeU . Iivtr, 1)«. tMANas l.iva.: Li M-. w.ll be (uund a lur. and (.ert.u:i r« iii ii\ â- NATUREO REMCDY The umiiLil fie.l -utcf»« of I'r (.haie'* Liver Cure in Li»er i.:i«ii| •'.>"" "•"'^ » lelv » ill iha fait ihm it ii comiKjuiuled Iroa. ii.niiie .«tll luiownliyMrefuUlor*. .\Ui:.u.\KK .\n;' lUMiKii...^, lomliiurii wiih unny ulhcr Mivii oaUe pk)1«. kirkn und hcrlw. Ki> inn » Biweri'ui ctl'«4,t UM til'! kiil'iKy*. S omach, Uowcia iind Iocki.' goo.qoq solo Over ,»M-'i.i./ mill':,"! <•/ .'''. i /mu'i Riii/n Scoit W€rl laiJ it Ciiiuul,! a.\m.-. Il'e Jvaitl rriry ma», womMi muf chi.U wlia it trr.ut'ied with Livtr iStm^- f^aint til try tk'i e.Melttnf rt-mttiiy. • SoMtiHiNa MiW. CiTCN Away Fki Wrapped arownd eveiy bo*l!t»jl' L>r.C1u.«e"i Liver Cure U a v.ktuAUe HuLKeUuld M«ilic;d r.uide ami Kec-ipe Ilouk ^$4 pa^c«), (UiiL-iilliii;; over 3tx> u^ful reripcK, prunou;ti.ed Ttyinciliral me:i and druKgi^tn asinvalu-. able, and worth t^-n timet t.Ve price of ttM medicina. ITIY CHASE'3 CATtldlN CURC. A lafc and p<Mtiv»- i yemcdy. I'ncc, t\ iiav.. TIIYCHASi'sK)ONEiriNC*llVU fllU >S CIV per box. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. BOMJUISON a Oa, •al« AtMt««,.ani«or4. ITlGshevtoii Meat Slarket. a. SrUUT, . . I'HOMIIETOB. ^.1- â- Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresh Meat.s constantly on hand for Orders proinptly filled. EUGENIA' Real Estate Agency â€" •"â- - â€" ^^IP â€" - - .- -it" MONEY TO LOAN at lowest r^ of. interest and on., terms of repayment- to suit ben rower. * . .>i;. , . FARMS bought and sold. CON-VEYA^NGKS of all kindfe properly executed:. COMMISSIONER: for, takingaffidavits-in. H.G.J.,. Agent^ for the Norwich Impc Insurance Society. All business^, promptly, carefully and confidentially, attended to. OfficQ, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENRY MELDEUM, J -i- â- *!9 4 f