Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1887, p. 5

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VHIJW'I \il J'- '' I'HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE .-<••â-  •j jfltffi^rtau ^ilrance I ! Announcement ! In the matter of It is generally conceded that the - , TAKES THE i EVERY TIME! Pesters ! Fosters ! Erom an Eighth Sheet to a fTiammoth Three-Sheeter â€" plain or in colcrs â€" at prices that will arrest your pitten- tion and surprise you. PAMPHLETS ! Big, Little, Great and Small. Anction Sale Billsf WHILE YOU WAIT. Circulars, Bill Heads, Note Heads^ Streamers, Flyers, Dodgers, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Shipping Tags, Labels, etc. etc. DRUGGISTS' LABELS As cheap and as good as can be obtained in the city. Is added to our stock ev'pry Spring and Fall. NOTICE! The Advance will be sent to any address in Canada or the United States for ^i per year ; and to England, Ire- land, or Scotland tor ^1.50 The Apvance un([uestion- nbly has no superior as a live Local and I'amily newspaper in Simcoe, Grey, or Bruce. "\ A. K. I AW CETT, Elitvr and P>oi»ietui; FLJE-JHERTO.N, ONt. For The Advance. lu Menioriain OF .lENNIE A. ALLEN, ELDEST DAUGHTER OF D. ALLEN, KSy. , OWEN SOUND. DIED JUNE 'iND, 1887. Just an a fra(,'ilu tlonur, by ruile winds Hliakon, H^riKavH to hft it!^ tiroopiug huail In vaio. So tUis i'n'otl ouH. by <i()«l in nierey taken, Sucuuuibud in lifu'H fair uwru, to uiur il pain. Gentlo in rninil, uniluarojT by lovino eflTorts, A thuuKuiiU acts recall tho dear im« now, Who calmly sle>»|««tb. free fronneartbly troubleâ€" No caresâ€" no iUs. to mar the peaceful brow. Those who lo*k'cjauk, ruiiieiubur kind words spoken, i S*?me worthy ileediJorforined.caUs up to mind Herthonylrtftil ways^some tender t^ft or token Speaks forth tiie'i^ower of friendsiiip's chain to bind. Tho' the loved Ujpn is laid away forever. Htill. in our hearts renieuihrance cannot die; .Vnd oft the stilhie.^s seems to hweetly bring us A whihper from tho one uo Ioniser ui(jh. Hack to the home wliich once her presence bri^hteneil, Back to those Imlls where on<% w^s heard her voice, The litrirken moiirnerH turn, in anguish feeling How hard, in such an hour, to say ""Kejoicel" Ye weepiu« ones, bear up through this afHictiou ! .\nd from this tlioujiht a solace strive to gainâ€" 'fihat He, the Oreat Physicniu, guards thy treas- ure, Where uevoruiore can enter dua^^h nor pain. Edith B. ViuiDuneu. pweu Sound. July 3rd. 1H8?. 'Notwuhstaixliii.i{ sii iiiuuh has been said and written alxmt the W. C. T. U. , Uiere are Still a sre"* many people who know almost uotliiiig about its on^aniza- tion and work. It is tiie outgrowth of the woii^lerful "â- Woman's Temperance Ciiisiide' of 1874, which started in the littlt town of Hillsboro, Ohio, on the '2Mi pf December, 1873, and in a iniahty whirlwind, drove out K'fore it the saloons of Ohio and the adjoinini; states, all over the country. The women were stirred to actiifii. liledi^e book in hand they went from salonu to saloon, from druir store to hotel, jxayini;, siuiiintj and persuadinir, all the way from Mississippi to Massachu- sbtts. Uut iui exuitemeut like this could not last, and the mothers of the country Iiatl other duties to perforin and so wh^n the wind subsicicd many uf thv fiijuor sel- lers who had utKler presiwre i»iv«.'n up the business, opened tlieir doors afreAh and liro>4!jht out their beer and whiskey. Therefore, it was felt that something must he. done to keep .alive the Temper- ance sentiment of the country tlia' had been awakened by the crusade, and at Chataauxua the next yeai' the kadera »f the movement ijiet in earnest convention and on(,'anized tho W.C.T. U.,â€" a mere handful of (.'liristian women, that is 4TI, but like the i^niin of mustnrd seed, it luts grown until it has •'waxed a great tree,' planted in liiuyer and watered by tears, it<i i^niwth'iuui been marvelhuHly rapid aswell .'vs great, until now .it the end of thirteen years, tt has developed into a Veritable Hunyon tree, droppini; its branches here, there and everywhere, it has spreail itself over the wliulo world. Woman, it is said is the weaker vessel. Well, perhaps she is weaker in body, but keen iiitellocts and reiiiaikablo executive, and administrative ability have |ilaiiiied and coiiductiMl the W.C.T. T. In reijard to its I'lijanizatioi', there .ire first the local Unions with their stafT of oflicers and supeiiiituiidauts of de[>art- inent.H which manage the work of their own small corner, the county Union comes next, as in cities where JJii^ie are a num- ber of branch Unions. A lUt^trict organi- zation is iicuessai'v to superintend the whole Work of the city. Ne^.u the state or prinincial Union which meets once a year to plan for the best interests of this large section and then the Dominion or National which is the executive for the whole work of tho cipiintiy. Mrs. Yoii- iiiaiis is .tlic President for Canada, Miss WiUard for the United States, .md lastly tlie Woijd'a W.C.T. U., with Mr.s. Hii-irt Lucas in the chair, which plan.H for the Extension of the work iu tiie world. Next week wo will speak about its work. Saved the Child but Lost hiit Money. From the Owen Sound Times. On Satui-day, the 28th ult., half a doz- en men and a woman were crossing from Bruce mines to St. Joseph Island in a sail boat, when a sijuall struck the boat, tip- ping it, till it half tilled with water. When the Ixjat tipped, the woman (Mrs. Mc- Donalil,) fell backwards, but managed to grasp and cling to the bout. In doing so, however, she let go of the child she had in her arms, and it was drifting away when Geo. .\tkiiis, a bl*cksmith from Port Huron, jumped in, smani to it, and bruui^ht it back safely. When jumping in, he tlwew otT his coat lunl vest, which were unfortuijatr-'ly ciirriud <.>ff by the j^'ell afld lost. Besides lositg them, they cojitaiited all the money he had, so th.tv the result of his act cjf brarery was hi£ arrival here a few days subsequently Ayithoijt coat or money. NKWADVERTIiSEMEiNTS. CiPE BKETON KAlLW.iY. Sue. -Strait of Vanao to (rrand Narrows. Tendkr fob the Woubs op C'onstbuction. SKALt 1 TKSDERS. addroased to the under- sii^uu and endorsed "Tender for t'ape JJret- ou Uailwi. .'." will be received at this office up to noon on Wednesday, tile tith day of July, 18H7. for certain works of construction. IMans and profiles will be o^>en for inspection at the Olflce of the Chief Kngineer ami Oeu^Tal Manu^^er of Government Koilways nt Ottawa, and alsi> at the Office of the Cape ' Ureton Rail- way, at I'ort Hawkesbury, C. H., on uud after the tith day of .Tune, 1NH7. when the ^^eueral spucitlcation and form i»f tender may be ob- tained upon application. No tender will be entercaiueil unless on one of the printed forms and all the conditioub are complied with. Uy order, A. P. BRADLEY. Secretary Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 27th .May, ItW. Witt«r'i» Mistake. From the OranKeville iSjst. Last week Squire \Vilso|i drove i|ito town with his horstj and buggy, intend- ing to remain until the County Council Session was over. The 'Squire always stops at the Conimerciid, a.id Mr. Witter ordered the hostler to put the horse in a pasture-Held wliich Mr. \Vitter has near the C. P.R. Station, until the Squire would hi leaving. A few even- ings later Mr. 'Witter visited the pasture and found tli^jre wliat he supposed to be a strange bofse. He foi-goL abaut having sent tile Smiire's there, thought some gipsj"" wiia imposing on him, and immedi- ately led the hoijo to the £^t Ward pound. When he reached home he bro't the hostler to task for allowing a strange horse in the pasture, and »:uj told that the only strange horse there, was Squire Wilson's. Then Mr. Witter realized what he h.id done. The 'Squire's horse >;us at ojice released. Poumii-keeper Uimpbeli'did .lot collect 'ia cents, and Witter did not receive the 75 cents reward which the youthful cow snatcher is [Miid. NOTICE. GRiY CHAMPION! •A THOROL-«H-BUED DURHAM HULL, with 4* good |>ediKree, will stand for service at f.K)t Hi West 'X. A- S.U.. .Artemusia. Thumb, .*1 if paid oiii or befiire -Ian. 1st. 18**; otherwise. *1.}S. Also thorouglr-ored UERKSHIRE llOAB at same plate. J.^COl) A. LEVER. DUNDALK PUMP WORKS ! .C. /?. PHILLIP'S, Manufacturer of all kinds of I'l'Ml'S. C yUfld&r Check Valve & G is been .Pumps. Onlerii lluspuutfully Solicitufi aud HatiHfaction miarnntfed. JAMDS SULLIVAN, Tln-Sniith. Aokst. KLESHKRTON. 4 UiUI Mii.xtans. l-"roni tt>^ Sbelbiinie K<-oMoinist -Mr. K. V. Bowes, Uafiffi", got a wild mustang the other day in 41 horse ta.ide. Hu i^ said to |iave got the niiimal from a man whol'Uves near C >oksville, aivd the Cooksvilie man is said to have obtain- ed him from .some gipsies. Mr. Howes turned the animal into Mr. S. b". M. O'Flynn's pasture field on Wednesday of last week, and next morning Mr O'Flynn had a two-hour race to catch his own horse, which had got running wild with the mustang. After capturing his own animal Mr. O'Flynn gave notice to Mr. Bowes to get tho mustang out of his place or he would shoot himâ€" that is the iiuistang, not Mr. B. Mr. Bowes then thought it would be as well, for the safety of the iiuistiing, to get him away from Mr. t)'Flyiin's place, but, notwith- standing tho repeated efforts of himself and tilheLt, the animal would Uot be caught. Saturday evening a crowd of about thirty men and boys proceeded to the place, and, after a long struggle, the mustang was taken alive. Antics of flli^iMi $^*4iiiid Cows. From tho Owen Sound Times. We have often Ueai-d of a "Bull in a China shoii," but never of a cow in a par- lur till the other day. This is how it liap|>ened. Mr. and Mrs. .1. D. McNab, Upp.ireiitly having the utmost confidence in the Oow B^iJtw, le fi their reaideuutw on the weat-e:id of thuniver one day this week without secureiy fiiatciiiiig the gates. When they found that a couple of vagrant cows, iiotcontsnt with getting into tlieir yard, had foix-ed tho door of the house, and marched into the parlor, where they proceedeil to make theinselviis at home, to the ruin^if the carpet and damage of the furnitui*). McNab now .-wiys the Cow By-law is alielusion and a snare. WHAT IS IT? IT IS A FACT AND SO CONTROVERSY THAT JOHNSONS TONIC BITTERS an<l NKKVINK in the bust rviiU'ily iiithu inarkut for iiijrvniiH diti'iaHeH of any Rurt. Hytitcria, Luhh i>t .\iiputiU', Dubility fmni Uxw of lluitU or uver- WOlk, VtllclltmH of ('()lil|Piuxi(>Il Kt> (iftCMI HC'Ull til >i>iui(; fc'iualcH nud all coitiplaintH urisiuij from poverty of bluotl. It irt n fact ana noftaiiiHayingthat.IOHNHON'H Tl»M<' IJVFK PILLS aru tho very b««tt in the iiiiirkL't for ilistfHAcH c-ttUHvd by 'r<ir|iiil Livor and ilurraut^eiiiuut of thu Stuiiia\:u or KiiluuyH. U iH a (aet ami no mm will deiiv it that .JOHN- SON S ALL HKALINO WHITK" OINTMKNT id tliu boht in thu luaikut for Huriin. SchIiIh, Chil- bhtin-*. Salt Itht'uiii. HarberH Itch, riniphm aitti tkli Sitiu UiiutitWm wittiiiM Iron. HcrufuJuutf («iut. W. S. CHRISTOE ban bnvu ippoinUMl \t{t>iit for th<- ab4ivi* aui] baa theiu on ^luv at bin Mi'dtcal Hall, KlifRbertun. Try for votirMitveH ami bti Huti>nu(L TH1-: UOADSTi:U ?<'r\LLkiN. 2Heilial. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.,OsT. PHYSICIA.V .SIRCEO.V, &<•. FLE.SHEKTtJX. Office, Strain's block. UoHidence, Wm.WriKllt Ji Jeuti$tvu. J.P. MAK1>>UALL. L. V.tt DENTIST, GK.aJL'.VTE of Toronto School nf Dentistry, will be at Markilale the 1st aud Hi-d Woilnei.- daytif each niontli, and at Flehliert^m on the Iht and :ird Thurwiny in each uionth for the praotivu of liib profession. ffrjal. J. W. FROST, LL-B-, BiirrlHtiir, Solicitor. CoHveyit iicer, OlHue, â€" Strain s Huildin^. KLEKnEifr<'N. A. A. CHESLEY. Solicitor and Conveyancer, IleNident Mana^fer. MR. FKORT will be found at the Offlce'OB Tkursdavs an heretofore. p. McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, tfc: Offlre. over MrFarlamlN Store, Markdalv. .Vou«y to Loau. JabUee Jollities. The Jidiilot issue of (iriiis Own Li- brary, entitlt'd •Inliili'o'>i(dlities. liasjiuu been issued and is having a very largo sale. Iu additiau to a tiiij (lonblepiigi' cartoon, there a#c two full pagocartoors the words and music of a j^ipnlar s».iig by .John Inirio, "Quccii Victoria's .Inb- ileo," and pictures on almost every l a;;c of the book. I'lic pricey is only ton cents, and it may be had at all luiok- stores, or will be sent on itciiiit of price by the publishers. .Adiliess (i-t"i'. To routo. Out. A^UM* • 'Tit ' " MASSON & MASSON, B.VHKISTKUS. SOLU/ITOIiS. Ac. OFK'^liB â€" O^tiii HuiUid. in Vicker's Ijlnck. l*oiilo4t t»t.| branoh ^Ihuu ^]\ .MarMtkht. over Mc- Farlaad'H aturu, uu ^'jiday^Kid Sttt^irday uviry WL'fk. J M.A;*^0\, (?a?. -S. M.VS»0N. W. MASSON. N.h. -Vi*at« * ('oi(if>aiiy«i.TtKi.dB »%-.|ivvrbt at from Six to Kit{ht pur cu&xt. â€" I ga John W. ftrmstrongi Klkshuhto.n, Co. Oiikv. DIVISION COIKT CI.F.RK. CO.MMtSSIONEH iu H. k.. Conveyanopr. Ac. Ajjentfo'r pureha>- aed sale of laiiuH. .Appraiser for C. L. C. Coin auil F. 1*. H. Jc S. Soeitity. Money to l4>aii on iliu uioBt reasonable terms. Iskikii uf MAKUUUK LICENSES. NOTAKY I'CHLIC. MONey TOLOAJS, At I»ejf Cent, On Town ort'tmi Property, 8, DAMLDl--.. FleKhortou. ANDREW McGIRR. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, FEV£KiiHA.1l, ./' ^tSI W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLKIIK .OITEMKHIA. I 'OX VE YA At 'Eli, C< i.MM ISSK >yEJ,' lysL'KAxrt: Ai;r, at*. r\Ki:i)S.MOKT(i.UiKS. LEASES. *c.. prernr- 'J ud and properly executed. Iinturaiiee iinec- >-d ill tlrst-elaas vouipanieii. .Money tu liiidat I 'Ut-st rates. &ET YOUR MEAT i-FKOM-t Bl LLY V. !^^*=^ ^ Mitchell, Tl» .â- Ilbred Duiliiini r.illl. (i DAUrTLESS! " WILL \f/: tin llli! serv*c of CoU't I lie seiison of IN.S7 at ln> oitll pl«oe. Lot l.Vi :)rd ItaliMO West. T, ,(;• S U . \rt(.'Ui(irfui. Tkumh; -,-,1 in'rer COM. piOiil'I" "" "i' liffoi" â- lull. Isl. INKS. Ciiws not ivtuno'il leyuliuly yt bull will l)utnio;;ed wln'tl^, r in rulf or ii.>t. UON.aO Mc KKNZli:. (:i1:m17» I'lupriekor. TIMBER AND LAND SALE. CKHTAIN lots and tho timber thereon i^itnate ill thu 'I'l'UM^biim <*f Alliiii. .Vsi-iKinaL'k. Hid- woU. ItiUiiij^t-. ( aniarvoii, (.iiiniibell, Howbiiid, SliemiiiLTniiili. Trbkiimiiifih and Mills an the ^L^tlill.llli1I Maml. in tlie Distriot of .\l«onia. in the rioviiicr of Ontaiio, wil bo olTcred for Sale at rul'lu- Aiiclioii in blocks of ;iU() acrea. more m h-.-^w. on tlie rtrnt day of Septeniber next, at lOotloek. .V.M. at the Indian Land Ulhco in tho Villap' or .ManitowaiiiiiK. Turnir' of Suit.' :HonuH for timber payaldo in cash, pi ice of bind Payable in cash, a lieeii^o fee alHO pavablo i» cash and dues to bo paid aceohl- iuuly to Tarriir iinon the timber when out. The land on which the timber KrowH to bo ft'dd with tlie timber without cuiuUtionH of set- tlement. YfKiY full puriiciilara please aj'ply to JaH. C. Phipp^, Kwq., Indian Supt. Manitowaninf.;, or to th« undorKi«"tif*- No other paper to inHort this advertisement without autnority through the Queen'H Printer. la. V/VNKOUOHNKT, Deputy of thu Supt. Geu'I. of Indian â- ft\ .11 Uaie ki.s own ntablu in KUhhertoii, on Mi»M)AY. M AYlIkI. INS7 at 12 oVIo* k n.H.n.anu piMi.i.-.ito LinJf> s hutul, .Maxwell, whero be will ii-inuin over ninht. Tl i;s]).\Y. will luoceed to .lonatban Iriah's \\ iiirlnnii. Uit iio«in. thence to -lobiihton'M lioFul. Pmi'lalk. where hu will remain till Thursday m'Hllin;: I'lILUSDAV. will return to Fleshert4j:t for tho ui«ht. KKII'VY. will proceed to Atkinson •* hoUd, I'lifevilli). for ut'on, and ruttirn tohiMiwiiHtahle fur til." mt4ht. ^.\I I KUAV, will proceed to Marnh's hotel. Miirkdiile, f<pr uoini, imd return to his own stabli< m I'U'sherton, where he will renniiii till the fol- U'uin*{ Montlay. The above route will be continued dtirhiK tho hL'iison, health and weather permittinf{. Description and Pedigree; lUl.LV v.. f..iiled .Inn.1 IHth, IMK). in a dark tlapided bay. stands l-'t biindH :\ in., weighs 1 1 *>0 pounds, ami for bone, nnisile. style and lu-tlon, Ciinnot l»tt ss'irpaHsed. was sued by Cb-ar (irit jr. â- lam by Kui«*iott, '2nd dam b\ Hoyal (teoi^e, -Ird tbini by Hlour s MeHsenKer. CIBNtH.M. lit'lHJttBRgi. FLESIIEKTON! t^^E'CasIi paid for fut cattle, k^., itc. TERMS : To Insure a fr;il !?bMH» ptiiHbb« March 1st, 18HH. Season mares .â- *M.<X). pa\abliVlast rouml of burse, or not later than July iith, tKH7, if imi then pai<l said nniruH will be i-bar^ed as insiu^id mares. Sin(,de liNip jJO.iX), payable at time of >erviee. All inaros not roturneil refjnlavly to hor*o will be charKetl aa insured nnires,' All ioriilonts to mares at risk of ownei's. Owners trviUK their nuires to sail! Inu'se and kni»win(< them to !)e af- liicted with any contatjious disea'^e. will be liable in ilannifjUH. (iruum's Keu '2^ cents. A. S. VAXUUSEN, t)w iier. OKO. OL.VSSKOltl). (iroom TAMARAC , ^^x ELIXIR V NATURES REMEDY. FOR COUGHS'.COLDS.HOARSENESS THROAT a LUNG COMPLAINTS Instant RELitF Positive CURi: \EW LIVEKV! THK nnderst^'Uid be«« to announce that ho ha? started a rtrst-clafH Livery in the Htand op. pooite Mtinshaw M Motel. Klc-hrricn, whoru tho travelling public can be uccommmlated with ^oimI riijN and horscK at niost rcaA^-nabh^^ t'lJcps. Try mo runl be convi?iced. Uespectfullj .-ours. W. }^. JOHNSTON, FloHlierton, No\. itfth. ISHtS. Picture Fraiiiiug, Xeatlij, Clicdphj tV fjidck-. Ill Ihilyc', III/ J. E. MOORE, Durbaiii St., Opposite C!n>ton's Hariiei<8 Mi*i\ Department of Indian AffalrK, Ottawa, '2)jd Jund iWf. .^ffair DOuaLC T«C*TW«NT UTHERN â- " t«CH ^»C«.0. ASTHMA CURE So IN»TANT dSLICr ro« ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS by mail on receipt of phice Samples, 2Sc.; reqular Size. Si. 00 aDsaua FULrORD A CO., â- hOCKVILH. out. BELL" Unap)« ga.ched for Tonsand Quality. CATALOQUE8 FREK. BELL&CO.,6Qelpli,0nt ^ t t •t ^:V^. .«^'

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