*s- THE FLESH ERTON A'D VANCE [May 5, 1887. 1^1 ' a OOTS &s HOES ! Haviii'^ received lirge additions to tny Stock, I have a good supply on Land of Smnnici.- Goods. LADIES' WEAH.â€" A fine assortment iu Pi-unella, Fiench Kid, Goat' I'olisli Ca!f. UaS and Heavy Boots. MISSES AND BOYS WEAR.â€" A large vamiy of Lace Jt Button Boom, â- Slio<."S and Slip{»ei-8. C'HILDUKXS WEAU.â€" A vtiy larj,'e assortment of all sorts and sizes. MEN.-) WEAU.â€" I have BtifT, Calf and Enamelled Balmorals, Oxford Ties uud hitroug Laco Boot;-;. FOE PKICE AND QUALITY, CANNOT I'.E SURPASSED. VUVa. CL.AYTOW, - Flesherton. CHEAP AND # DURABLE ! T H H \V I-: L L - K N O W N SPEIGHT WACOM! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. .STOVES, TINWARE. &c l">r sale hs usual l'"!r<:-class value 1:1 everv ileDartment. STRAIN'S, i< i.i:>Jii KK-^rox FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT. ALL lilNDS OK ]i^:^ d M::ii:sril Mi J Such as Mjuuuifcut.s, Tomb Tables, HeadsCoues C (iinter and Table Tops â€" ui American and Italian Marble and Granite, and made on short irKico. .\lso Mantles iu Marble and Marbleized Slate, Ac, ic. !»*».ihert«ti,*Au'4: :». 18»a HEALTH 10 li ALL. HOLLOWAY'SPILLS&OIKTMENT IHE TILLS I^i^^er, ^^tonxaeli, Ivitin'yK, anil iiowelK, Uc) irivii^-^ratofiu'l ro.'tort* to healtii Dcbiututeil Cuu>Ututioii.<t. smd aru iuvaJuaDie tu all Coin ^i4.iul»iuci'icatAl to KomalcH of *ill a+;c'f*. I'"or Chilartt: itiA thu iiiicsi ihcy arw i'rito*c5». 'V [{ \- I N T M E N T Is iiii:it»lhble r-mt"lv for Ua<l 1,cr». Hart Itreasts. UlJ WnimJB. x>ri» aud I'lctfro. It m famouirf oi Oout ttii'l KhuumatUin. For dl»unlti-« o( Ihn Cliu-t it liun no ui|ii«l. ForSOllE Tirno.lT, niiOAClfJTIS. COLGHS, COL/)^ o;^:'..lul*r -Swulliuii*. auri all Skiu I)i!*ea««« it lia-^ lio rival, and Jjf cociriu: ted aad dtiff joints it actii liko & charm. M inufsctured only at TrofeAsor H>jl.luvvav « Katattli?thinent. 7H, >>w Oxfonf strei-t < late 5»a, Oxford Strert ), London, a. id a:-o -^old at k^. l^d.,i^ W.. is. 6d . Ut..'Jlls.. B.n \ :t:ts .-ach J'-'-x '-r I'_>t. tuid may he hud of all Mt f ciu** Veudors throuKhout tho WorUV jr-#- Pxirrh/ifi^rs sh'r*tl'i look f( ^h^ LftM mi ^/c Pott •uui Bfj-"*. If ih»i aiiilypn.i u t^ot .1.;.'. iirinrd Stt'^'f, Loh'I'Oi, fhf^l 'Wr '*itvrioH\. FOR SALE. f Th" ti!i'liir»ii;:ud hai Wlutu .V-ih Ilutter Tubs auJ Churu-H lor »aio. JOS. McCOKMKK. .j*4-;fl*», Flin*hert»'ii EARM for SALE TO KENT ' * BKISI. Lot 170. t oil 1 Wust r. A .S. Kovl, Arte- m>u;ia. coutaiuin« W acrus cleaicd au 1 m tuo/)atatcof cliUiviitiou, Wull TC itorort. Or- chir-l About 2* uiiluB from Kl«>5hort<>u. b"or rull t>artitalars applv to the uii.lert.iguod, JOHN O^IRLIA. KloHherton. "7arm7orsale7~ B:- ISO Lot 1.'*. l-t K T ASH. .AitcliieiiJB. one mile (roDi Kle>.iu'i ton, uontainiiiK .iO acros. i!l -Ifarvil and in a kckkI ktatv of cultivation. S , v.n'faiHng â- .troalil of wat^T runs aciOHS farm . ;i:-o»nfvor-failiu:,' Hpiiiix of watfir. No* liauk Lam .HJxiC, with stoim staWiiiK full »i»o of haru, . uniierneath. Lou House, (ioo/1 i*oil and free 'xom frost. Part pavniont ilowii, tima ou bal a^QO. For lull i>irticiilar«. avplv to U. L.WHITK. .XRt.. Heshprton. "TbTsloan" J. W. BATES, Furniture DcaLcj' and Undertaker, SID SHOOTING ACCIDENT! .1 Ouii Areiflefitally EuritlodeHUiul Itiflirtn Tfrriblf ff oiitulit on Two YoHMfj Men. Frtnn our Maxtvil Corr'-jipimdent. Our Maxwell correnpondent soDd.s as the following particnlars uf the sad ahootiug accident ou Monday last in the Township of Osprey ; â€" ••Quite an excitement was created here on Monday last, wiieu word was broDght to the village Ciiat two yoaug men of the t illage were .shot. It ap- pears that Thomas Blakoly and Wm. Ferrier were out on a. shootiiio excursion and ou goiuij down the blutf.s of rock on the bank of the Beaver Kiver. Thomas Blakely, who was somewliat in a<lvance of hi.s comrade, fell on the rocks, the gun striking a xtoue exploded in his arms, the sliot tearing quite a large gash m hi.s left arm. But poor William, who was a siiort distance ahovu the rocks, recived ab-jut a dozen grains of shot in bis limbs and body. (Juite a crowd gathered at the place of the accident as soon as possible and li<; was carried home iu a very weak condition. Hopes are entertained that he i.s not fatally in jured." Dr. Kerr is doing everything that medical shill can suggest. The accident was one tliat might have Imiipeaed with the most s!;illf:jl s^jortsman, and no blame whatever can be attached to Mr. Blakeiy. wbo, ({uice naturally, has been plunged iuto the deui>est detspair through the uui'jrtuu- ate occurence. L.vTEn.â€" Win. Ferrier was not as badly wounded a^ wa.s at first 3upp<jsed and will likely be able to move aaoim 1 m a few days. oTHEB Maxwell items. Mr. .1. Blakely aud Mr. C. Little left here uu Monday last to seek tlieir for- tiiues in Nebraska. W«i wish them all the pleaHure and wealtUthey anticipate. The show of horses came uS here on the 'iTth a.s advertised and quite a dis- play was the result. th«re bemg some very tiiio animals cxlubifaid. But. when the exiiibltion was over, there was uo Committee to l>e found, iiud no one seemed to know who tffc'V were. So that those who had paid tlieir dollars a.s entrance liad either to aliut *p or set em np. If ix:ople look to their "wu interests tliey always take their Watch. Clix:k, aud JcwvlrT repairs to Rus:iell'» Noted Jewelry Store, t'leshertou. .V. perfect job every time. 'it. Hotrl £lt*pii!«es. Vfi'-'t),' i.Ti/ Sf<i i"Iitr'l. .\ nicvtiinj "f the Lueiiue Coauuiwiuu- ei-» for the E;i.'<r Kidiii,' of (Jrvy «:i.< held at Mullers II'<icl, Clarksburg on .Sitiir- day last. .Mumliurs fMuseiit »eru .Mciwrs. , T. W. Ty»..i.. T. B. V\l«te and W. I Bnwii. and h'.s<i the Licciiiic In»|ifi.t«'r. Mr. JaiiieH Ca4i'()b<jll. LioeuHes grunted were art follows, viz. , tin; <^iii.-i;i!» Hotel, CLirksbur-.', Mrs. J. V. .MuUcr, tlieR..y;d Hotel, ClurkaburXi C«i't. E. U. Fars'ey : the Revere H«.tel, Thornbury, .M. .J ReyiioULs : Lirw Hcuse. 'ITiornburv, C. I ' . Wii!t;iii» ; Kaveiiiiii Hotel. Kaveiiii:i. W. Weir; (;!> he Hote-I. Hvillicte, is. Rowe; MuiiAhaw Uotel, FUshertou, A. Mun- shaw ; Lurtw Hou»>.-. Hi eklyn, W. Dod- Min. .\pp!ieati»>ns from .Alarkdale, Fever- »liani, .MwHell, Mcliityie'a Coiueis, Kiinbvrley, Ceuarviile and Dundalk were laid over. Tuo coiuplaiiitK were laid auaiii.it t!ie Royal Hotel, Clarksburg, and fully investigated by the CoiiiniiwioiiKis, and after mature deliWiation lliey di»- uiiiMed tiiHiii, all lir>ldiiiu that the Hi>yal Hotel, Clarksburg, was â- me of the best if not the best conducted hotels iu the East Riding of Grey. Three petitions from Temperance Societies in Kinibeiley were laid before the CuuiiuLvfU'iiers [.i-nyiiig not to lii.en.He any hotel at Kiuiljcrley. The Couiiiiis-sionei-!) will take these peti- tioii.s into consideration. Kf.,KSHK:W()N, FARM to RENT. Au H^UslNd Koll^yj* furin. ArteiiK-.-'m. Al>ou >«' aoiu-i clejvred ainUn i;o..'<i stiite of ouUi I vatiou PraiUi! tmuiw. frauie bam, frMuif stable HmnH orchard. Well wat«ied. Plowinj,* nearly all (loitoiii tho fall. For tcniiH and full {lartiou- , lars ikpviy ^^ UOt; Kit LEVKK. FleHlu-rtcu. 1 .4Lso a. Farvi for Sale. 17 FOR sale" ilaaatni (lUarititjl of Shin-' M"''"' U iinles from Fle^horton.UorKl warm * *â- "â- u I ,/ / frauiwdwolhiij*. 7 rooiiij*. Kood cellar. »iood»table o'le.s, 4'v.. on kanU at '»'»«y"^'»'"n«^,p'i''«,i:«,'-''„„??"''5 "•;?'• }'"' ^'.'^ ) v7 1 pattloularn applv to W.J. BKI.L.tMY, Hwher- ; tvu. or to C. W. BELLAMY, Markdale. Eu'^enia. James Sullivan, Honey to Loan. ' , „. .,^ „, . . At o-i P.r i'.nt. l„t.,e..t o« .Struiyht Loan. I ThO TlUSmittl, - FieShertOD WITH iDtoroHt paid yearly, uot in advAU^«.No t '^oaimiaiiiou charged. Apply to Rtmairiug. BavetrouKhing.aud in fact vvery- thiufi in the buHiuAMfi will rMeive my & I'BIVB TII<IR\-HI'lt%' l-rouipiand caveful atte.,tiou»t A.vU#tKK< â€" lUUKAUJlIU r«s<ooabU piieea. Ilunor Roll, fwr March. KlMliBKLl.V ^1 HOOL. Fourth Class, -F. Tliurst 'ii 253, .1. Dynes 'J-20, A. Thnrstoii I!'*, E. Carrutliers 1S4, E. Dynes 184. Third Class. -R. .Vbenron.bio I'M. P. DyiR'S 12C, E. Giahaiii U'o, ,J. Howell 117. Sr. Second Class.â€" J. Haiiiniond 131, R. Howe 130, J. Carrutliers 117, H. Faw- cett 113. Jr. Second Clivss.â€"N. Gilbert 15.3. Wm. Muiulle 137. E. Lawrence 12ti, Wm. Lawrence 133. No. on Roll for month 93 Hiijhest attendance 74 Average .,.ti3 S. Gaipi."*, Teacher. FOR CLOTHING. PleaHC call and iug[>ect our new stock for spdttg and summer. Beautiful pat- teros sad at a.>toMi«)liiu^ly lc>>v piiuvs. R nUMBLE. ^tf.) A SPELLING M^TCH. | rupilnof Two JftemeHia Sfhool 1 Section* try t'oncluHionn. â- Between tho Mathematical Eilitor'a j corner in The .Vdvanoj and keenly con- tested siwlling matches between pupils nf , various school sections, educational mat- ters in Arlemesia iiave reached a dizzy. ; enthusiastic pitch. , Abuva paragraph copyrighted,â€" All i rights reserved. Last Friday afternoon the EJ.tnr of , this'paper attended a spelling match in I the schoolhouseof .S. S. No. 4, Artcinesia. vrheii he arrived at the dtior the whole , atmosphere seemed charged to the muz- zle with strains of sweetest music. On ; opening the door he found the senior pu- I nils rarioed at the head of the room and ! pouring forth such a melody of song as must have held the attention of the must | critical eoiuioiseur of voeal ma.sic. It was a sacred piece and a deep hush fell on the hearers as they listened, enraptur- ed, to those pure child-like voices. The ' siii'/ing ceased and as the talented young vocalists filed off to their seats '.Ue applause wait enthusiastic and .spontaneous. Then | I We Were introduced to the zealous and j I pains-taking teacher of S .S. No. 4, Mr. j Cleniis, alter whicll the rules of the u:ateh Were arranged oetweon that ijentleiiian I and our respected friend, Mr. C. .1. S[ rotile. of 8. .S. No. 3. Sides were ; chosen, a Third Reader placed in the ; bands of ye Editor and the tug of war t I couiiuenced. For half an hour the wordy , ' warfare was continued without mterrup- I tion, amidst breathless eiciteniciit on the < part of the »(>ectBturs. Sioiue of the spel- ' lers were rather ii«rvous and went down ' I on Words they could easily have -spelled i I under dilferelit circuiustaiices : wliileutii- I ers were cool and selfposse.ssed thnjugli- : out. Xi the cud of half au hour four pu- | ' pila of S.S. No. 3 and SIX of ^^.S. No. 4 werv left standing. Then cams a brief inte rmiaeion, after which the stubborn • : contest was renewed, the Fourth li^iador | ' bein;^ used instead of the Third. MisH | I .\tknison. Teacher 111 S. S. No. 3, Pr>j- | ' tun, was referee and performed herdutuss | very iiii;)artiaily. One by â- nc the spel- [ lers drojiped < ut of the ranks until only Mlss-.Vnnie .VkinK and Master NewUiii | Lar^e remained >taiidini; Viv Uie colors of S,. 'i. No. 3 and Mias B.Uiiion lunin- ' taincil the now unequal contest alone oi, : t the |iart of No. 4. Now c.tnie a '"jaw.' breitker. Miss Baiiiioii iiiade a brave effort, but, being somewhat nervous, left ; out but 'iiif letter, and tlie palm of the hard-won vjct'jry rested witli S. S. No. [ 3. Next came some of that grand sini; , , ing for which No. 4 is »o justly evlebrat- ) ed. ; Brief Speeches Were next iiiatle by tlu- : I genllii cli.iiruian, .Mr. Bunn- n. .V K. F.iw ' ; cett, and Mr. C. J. Sprouie. The liint â- named ijentleman paid a verv LTacefid I coiiiplniielit to Mr. Cleuns .and tl<e pu- pils of No. 4. "God save tiie yiieeu ' brought the interesting proceediii^s to a I close. Ye Editor, III comi'aiy wiili ?.:r. ! Spioiile, the Ml.v-es Atkili.--.i'. and V.i C'lemis, spent a uiost eiij<>a!)ie «\eoiiio at the residence of .Mr. Jaii.e:, Best, ai... Were most hospitably and ri^l.t royally en tert;i.ned by that gentleman and his ani- I iable lady. j I"SI'K1.N0UIL1. srllI.U.N0 A.-.-01.L\Tlo> I 1 No. 3, 18 111 i;o««l tiuhtin;: tiim now, so , thiit we need not be surprised to hear â- f them waiiti;!^ to liy uonclusioiis with tlie ' ! Flesherton "Maple Leaf Spelling dissocia- tion * at an early date. I So mote it be. It will pay yon to come 30 noles to secure some of the terrible l.ariaics that are Koiug at R;is.-.cU s Noted Jewilr\ I Store. Flesherton. Come at onee. 31. . j "Billy V." j ; This is rather an odU n.uoe. but it is j \ applied to one the liamj.'xiniest roadster I â- stallions in Northern Oiit»ii.i. •Billy V.' ! I is the propeity of A. S. VaiiDuseii. E.s<j.. of this town. ,uid will liuike the season of i 1887 .IS per i-,.ute. &e . .advertised ni our ' ... I coluu.lis elsewhere. â- Billy V." is >>nly three yeam old, stands 1,"^ hands 3 inches high, wei!<h» 110" pi^uiids and for bono, j niascle. .style and action is without a peer. : He was 811'eil by that fanioii.s liorse, Clear ' Grit. Jr. dam by Kemiett, 3iid liam by : Royal George, Crd dam by Bhu^r's Mes- .seii^er, .so that it will be seen he comes of well bred iMicesti as. .\ persi-iml in.'-pec- , ti>>n ha.s satis&ed US fully that he is all that Ins enterprising priprietor claims ' him to i)e. The impi'rtaiiee of usin). I such riibt-cl^i-ss stock must b« apparent to all pri>!i«8«ive stock-raiatrv. ] AUK YOr .MAl'K iiiHeraf'Sr by In 'igi^st- ?^ iou. (!oiiHii|iatioo, lizziH's*. Li>^s of appe ; tite. Yellow Skin? ^hllol^s Vitalizer i. a \ pvsiinv twe. bolii »â- Meilica. I^all. %i!is .llitti«' Fraioe. Notwichstanding the downp<.iur of raju a fair audience attended the entertain- ment in the Methodist church, HesUer- ton, hiSt Tliursday evening. Miss Mittio Fraine has a very pleasing appearance and created a decidedly favorable impres- sion. Her rendering of the ''creed of the Bells" was certainly the best we have even heard, aud, judging by the enthusi astic #ncwe which foUowed, the majority of thcjse present held a similiar opinion. "Searching Ainoii',' the .Slain" was strik- ingly realistic and bron^'ht tears to many eyes. But it is in liumonjus piucus iha: she cicels. altli'.>ui;h she has few equal > in any one department. Her powers j i an elocutionist are reiuivrkable iu nianv respects. For in«tance. a certain selec' tion, if read by a cluIll^y amateur, ^yea. or in' a clumsy proie-ssioi.ai i uii|.'ht fail to awaken that deep and intense intereft which the author intended. Place the same aelectum in tlie hands of an earnest and painst;tking artiste, such as .Mi:-..-. Fiaijie, and what liidden beauties ai' sudd<ml)r revealed ! â€" at once ne Me en.'i bled to grasp what the autlior intendf should be conveyed to the minds of h:.> readors ur hearers as the case might b< Look at the hidden depths ;n the iininoi tal .•jhakespcare as revealed by cultivate'^ disciples of David GaiTick. What to li.. casual reader is often hazy and monotoi - uus, becomes charmiu|{l. "tolistic, inter esttng and instructive WLjn rendered by MisB Fi-aine and all e'lually earnest eh cutiuntsts. The readings (or recitations for they were all committed to memory) were in sjK-csed with v<>cal and instrumental mu- sic; This part of the prmtntin was well sustained by Misses Dtimude, .\rinstrong. Rtcliardsoii and Christoi*, Mrs. W. W Trimble, Mrs. Dr. .-irmstroiis;, and Me.s srs Russell & Barnhousc, thd latter be- iilH loudly encored. Dr. Christuo ocx'ii- pied the chair in his usual happy nianne:. SUNIiAY EVEMNO. >)n Sunday evenMii; Miss Fraioe duliv ered a practical and interesting address from the pulpit of the Methodist church to a very larue congreifatioi.. She seeiij^ U) be an earnest and zealous Christia;. lady, and her remarks created luite - profound and, we believe, a lasting im- pression. We understand, that she als. delivered a brief but bcjiutuul address t the Sabb«th SchiKiJ cliddreo in the aftei IKXIU. Volunteers. Ni,i. I) Company. 3Ut Batt. will meet at the Drill Sheil. Khjihertoii, on Satui day evenings lor drill, until f;^iji r oi duts. 'li yuuniit men wanted to tid ut the above company. -\pply to J. .' Fielil.ljeut. , No. Company. Fleshet ton. t.f, A NASAI. IN.JEirrOB ir^e wiiu each bol tit, of Sliiloh's Catarrh Kera«ly, ,'"r ce !',<' ven's. Sold at Medical liali. Day and Night Duriux ^n aeule srtack of BruiK'littin, a cesMless tiekiiii;; in llie tliro.iC. auJ an exliuustiH;{, (Irv, bai.'liiu;; eoiigli, siOicC !je ^ulfcrer. .'>leep is b:iiii?heJ, aud (jreat piontrHlioii follows. Tills (li»ia.«e U uImj ;ilteii,le'l witU lIour«fne«s. riml loinetlmes I,o!.s of Vuiec. It is liable to become elirouie. involve tbc Iuii;{s, ;oi(l tcmiiuate fatally. .Vyer's Cherry rceluml ulTurds sjH'eily relief and cure in euse9 of Druii- rliilLs. It controls llio l.ii^;lO.'>iliou l<4 coujjh, sud iliilllecs refre^llill;^ sleei . I h.nve been a pracliein^' pli\»iiian for tweuly-foiir VfHr«. :iiitl. for Ibe piu-l tHelve, li.'iw; <,ulfeivi| from .imiua! attaeks of Hroneliiii.. After e.vljaustuij; all the Usual I'eiui'clics Without Relief, I Irii-J .Vypr's (. lierrv IV.-'oni!. It helpnl 111'' iiimieiliuiely. and elltii, .1 a «i»'fdv cure. â€" U.Otoieiill. M.D..i.ario,ltoii.ilL'>». .\y<M^., ("Iierry I'eetor:il i> t|.-i i.leilly tlie best reiiieily, «iili:ii my kiiowlixl^'p, for cliroiiic I<i'<jiK'liili.>. anil all liiujc i!i>ea.>c4. - M. A. Uusl. M. v.. Soiilli r;oi.. .Me. I wa.<all:iek<',l. Ia.»t « liiii-r. Willi a w\cro Cold, vviiieh, from e.vpoKUri'. v''''W war.«K! ami finally settled on my I,uiij;<. Uy niiilit .-weiits I wa,-, lecliu'd :oiiio.',t to a â- keletnii. >ly lonxli « le, iiiee>Mml. ami I frequeiilly spit blooil. H\ phviieian told nic 10 u'iM- up iiu-inesB, or 1 »oulii not li^o a nioiilli. After lal.iiiK ^.oious reiue- dies without ri'li,-f, 1 wa,', liually Cured By Using two boltlei of .\yer's < tierrv I'ri-torn!. I am now in p,T'fc< t health", sml al),e to re-unie liii.tiiii ss. after hawm.' boeji pru. iiouiieeil iiieiiralile with Con.niiipliou. â€" S. r. lleln.ler>oii, .Saul.-huruli, I'eiiu. For years 1 uai in a ileeijne. I hnd Weak luiii;-. and MilFeii-.l from Kruiichitls and (. atarrli. .\yer'> i herrv rietoial i, - slorej ine to liealih. iiiiil 1 ha\e been for a long time eomp.initi\ely \i;;orons. In cii.so of a ^ii'ldeii cold I iihviirs re«4)rt to th* I'l'etond, and tind speei'Iv relief.â€" Kdwaiil K. Curti:>. Itiulami. \ l'. Two years :i;,'o I siiileied from a »evprc Broiielii(i>. The pliv>ieia« »tleiKltii< me iM-e.-uiU: fearful that Uie diseav; wouhl tpr- iiiiiutte in riieunioiii:!. .\ tier irviMjf vari- ous nwdieliies, wiihont beiietii. W dnsllv irescribed .V\er^> l hern recioral. whi, h relfevetl me at ouee. I eontlnu. d lo taKu this miilleine a short time, and was cured. â€" Ernest Culton, Logansport, luj. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rr«par«d bv IV J.C, .\v«r k Co., Lowell. »â- «« Bold l>jf all Dr^mlai.. I'riM (1 ; iii •juiliea.Ji^ 4 * â- .â- â- \ 4- C â- ^n-' ,*M.f,% ♦•^ â- •,:•â- ; â- -^-,