Flesherton Advance, 27 Jan 1887, p. 1

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Death's Harvest Sudden Death of James Carnahan, Sr., James Hopps, and David Grier. Scarcely had the excitement, caused by the startling announcement of the death of Archibald Elliott, subsided, when news reached us in rapid succession of the death of our life-long old friend, James Carnahan, Sr., of Thornbury, of our friend and townsman James Hopps, and of our young friend, David Grier, of Priceville. Swiftly has the angel of death passed over this section of our county - warning all of the near approach to the eternal world, ushering many "through the valley and the shadow of death," from whose bourne no traveler e'er returns." James Carnahan, Sr. The manly form and genial countenance of the subject of this sketch has been familiar to the Editor of THE ADVANCE since his earliest recollection. He was one of the grand and sturdy old pioneers of the county of Grey, who will be held in grateful remembrance by the first settlers of the Township of Euphrasia, and the memory of whom will ever be fondly cherished by their children, James Carnahan, sr., was an honest man, a good neighbor, a true friend, a loyal citizen and an unostentatious but zealous Christian gentleman. And, although the material body is no more, he leaves behind him in this world that which is more desirable than great riches - a good name. Sunday morning, the 16th inst., he appeared to be in his usual good health. He was out in his barnyard, giving some instructions to one of his sons, when he suddenly fell and almost instantly expired. Thus, at a good old age - seldom reached by a majority of the human family - James Carnahan passed suddenly into the kingdom of Heaven. He leaves behind him a wife and large family to mourn his loss. James Hopps Deceased was a resident of our town, and although he labored under the most adverse circumstances, we believe he tried to live as a good Christian should. He overheated himself while doing some work for the Editor of this journal, and then walked some distance out into the country in the teeth of a piercingly cold wind. He became thoroughly chilled, went into the house of his brother-in-law, Mr. Holley, and after some time was obliged to go to bed. Inflammation of the lungs, accompanied by a high fever, set in an notwithstanding all the efforts of his physician, Dr. Christoe, he only lingered a few days. On Thursday, 20th inst., shortly after dinner, he breathed his last. He was unconscious for many hours before his death. On Sunday last, his remains were followed to the Flesherton Cemetery by a very large concourse of citizens and others. Deceased having been an Orangeman was buried by the brotherhood, a goodly number of whom were present in full regalia. The casket was borne on the shoulders of four members of the lodge of which deceased had been a member. Rev. W. Ayers officiated at the late residence of deceased and also during the preliminary ceremony at the grave. Flesherton Band preceded the cortege, and played some very beautiful and solemn airs. In the evening the Methodist church here was crowded with people - the Orangemen occupying front seats in full regalia - when Rev. Mr. Ayers preached a practical and interesting funeral sermon from the words "Prepare to meet thy God." Deceased leaves a wife and family who should receive the substantial sympathy of the community in this dark hour of their affliction. David Grier The subject of this notice was suddenly stricken down by an unusually severe attack of bilious fever. He lived only a few days after the first attack. Deceased was the eldest son of the late N. B. Grier, Esq., merchant of Priceville, and possessed many sterling qualities of mind and heart. He was one of the most popular young men in the community and will be much missed by a large number of friends and acquaintances. His remains were conveyed to Mount Forest on Sunday and laid to rest beside those of his father. Had it not been for the terrible condition of the roads, quite a number of members of the Sons of Temperance Division in this town would have attended in order to pay the last tribute of respect to their late worthy brother. Other Deaths We learn that there are two very sudden deaths in the neighborhood of Markdale, but have not been able to glean particulars. X I \9 \ .•j^tt&apos;i tU ,â- -<» mt% iW^i j WKiV FLESHER ADVANCE. TRUTH UEFOllE FAVOil."-" FliLYClVLEU, XOT MEX." r VOL. VI., NO. 293. â-  :U FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. JANUARY 27, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, "&apos;;?,Sp*ri ETCR. â- At,-. n1 - Hampden TH-Bits. Ciinlisting nf Lmul mut (Itlur Ihirrvsiiny Itiins &apos;jiithfvd Inj The Adv<iuce Riportim. ! CARPET &apos;\Vi:AYIN(i DONE BY N. •; CAMPBELL, FLESHERTON. , BOOTS A SHOES SELLING OFF eUKAl&apos; AT W. CLAYTONS. Flour ami food of best qualitius always in stock at Koefor&apos;s Flenherton. Watches 1 Arti&apos;inesia Council will nieot for t)io &apos; ilosTiatuli of biiMinoss on Moiiilay, Feb. 1 7th next at 10 a. in. sharp. i For v.reat barj^aius in Ready-Made (â- "lutliinK, ^o to J. G. Aiulcrson&apos;.s great I clearing sale Markdale. I koop t!ir> only (tonqtUte utncl; of Amcrioan Wntrli(>n, (&apos;locks. Silver- ware, .7i.v»thy fi Specks ni this sec- tion olTiivy. Can do bctttr "casli or r!0<lit" for tho pnbli<&apos;, tlum any Jew- eller within L5 milw. SPECIALTIES :â€" Wedding Biogs. Difticnit Wateli Repairing. TV. A. riifow^J, A lielUMe Jncdler, MARKDALE, - - - ONT. &apos;.Vo ro&apos;.;ret ti> luani tliiit tlio doctors liiivu iriveu u;i all liopi-s of saviiii; tlio live iif .^Irll. Joli!i S»iii|j1«>. Mr. Dixon&apos;s r-jily to "IVowIor" and &apos;Mr. Brandor, ro Priceville school, will , appear in our next week&apos;s issue. Don&apos;t forf^et the jjreat clearing sale now goiu*:! ou at J. O. Audersou&apos;s 5ladi- An irainensp stock of clocks arri*i<\ oooooooooooooooooononooooooooooooo dale. thi.H week at Russell&apos;s noted jowefry^ store, I&apos;^lesliertou. 2 t Miss McCaiisland, of Thorubury, is visiting her aiuit, Mrs. Vim. Clayton, of tliis town. cAiiD (IF nmi ! COAL OIL. â€" Canadian and tine Amur- icau Head Li^dit, WlndeKnb- and Rc-tail, boltouj price* at ^L Ricliitrdsun ii Cu&apos;s. The The new Consorvutive papor, Tlte IhiHij aUiiuhird, has j.;:-.t reached our sanctum. It contains soincable articles, Jjut we will reserve a fuller exiircssion â-  4|-our views in reference to it until next â- JMck. %&apos; â-  &apos; y We understand that the annual meet- ing of South Grey Coilkcrvativo Asso- ciation was held in Durham week before last. Wc only ascertained this fact on Tuesday. It would be much better if such tncetiugs were more widely adver- tised. In ll.Aul£i»g i«v eust,ouK>rs for tlteir | ^"^ "^"-^l &apos;"^^"&apos;^&apos;-&apos;^ ... , "â-  ,1 . ri „ unabated interest liberal patronage m the past, 1 havx; &apos; "^ , . .,,,,. &apos;ehurcli hero "&apos;iiucli ph&apos;iioiire •" bpint&apos; "Still al&apos;ie *&apos;v^,- supply them with the followiug cele- brated maohiiiee, viz., continue with ill the .Methodist Several have profoHsed The Toronto Light Biuder. The Toronto Mower. The Sharp Sulky ]liik.>. Tlio Massey Harvester. The Ma8S(!y Mower. Tlic Toltcu Pea Iliirvestor. Tlie Fox Pea Harvester. Hamilton&apos;s Coinbiiiatiuii Plow. Tolten&apos;s Uentre Drau^&apos;lit .lotutcr Plow. Hamilton&apos;s Scufllers. niamilton&apos;s Bos-j Oang Plow. If )ini want your watch repaired propwly. tak(,&apos; it to Russiill, Flesherton. â€" tlia finest watchmaker in this coun- try, &apos;i t Road tlio "Auction sale of valuable projierty" in our advertising columns to-day. Robinson it O&apos;Brien, vemlors&apos; Solicitors ; James Thouii)soii, auctio- neer. The annual meeting of East Grey Ag- ricultural Society was held in Fk^sher- ton last week, when the old officers •Wisncr&apos;s Spruig Toolii Cultivators.; were re-elected. The meeting was a very interesting one. Tiie Ciiathani Fanning Mill A full stock of Repairs always on liand. Parties requiring any of the abo&apos;vc will Jo well to call and inepcct Mach- ines, which will be found in Sproulc&apos;s &apos;.varcliouse. A. S. VanDQSEN, Fl.F.SHKltTON. ooooooooooooooooooooooooonoooooooo Walks ill Ills SIooj). Editor Adtiinre : I walk iu luy sleep ; how can I prevent it ? Yours Ac. SUBSCRIBEIt. [Don&apos;t sUjep.â€" Ed] I It is a fact â€" and facts are stunners â€" that (Hiople coiuo 20 miles to buy their watches, clocks, jewelry, (Sc, at Russell&apos;s noted jewelry store, Floshortou. Prices I must bo right. 2 t WATCH ^lodM, Jewelei&apos;y. ^ilvei&apos;whi&apos;e, Bpcx, ;i: The finest and best stock of Waltham, Kl^in, Sprin-;- ticld, Plampden. Illinois, & Swiss Watches. New Haven & .Sct5i Thomas Clocks, weight and spring. Jewclery, (Wed- <ling Kings), Spect;&apos;.cles, &c. to be found in this section of country is at RUSSELL&apos;S Notkd Jrwelkuy Store, Flesh- erton. None but Genuine Watches kejit in stock which bear warrants from 2i to 5 years. Just received a very large consignment of Clocks which were bought for c.ish, so you may expect bargains all of which l.»ear warrants from i to 3 years. A very fine stock of Silverware, Ladies&apos; Kings, Chains, Necklets, Brooches, Ear-Kings, Cuff-Duttons, Bracelets, Scarf Pins, &c., of the finest qnality, at lower prices than you can get them for elsewhere, and also remem- ber the only place to get your Watches, Clocks & Jewelery repaired properly is at Russell&apos;s JVotefi Jewelry Store, &apos; . Flesherton. Flesherton SoIkhiI Hoiue had a iLirnnv escape from destruction yesterday. Good 2 ft. wood dry <ir green taken in oxclmngo for a few good Fur Robes at M. Richardson & Co&apos;g - Auction sale of fat •» stock, imple- ments at lot 53, 1st 00 . ?<.I).ll. Gl^clg comraenc&apos;fig at one o&apos;liic&apos;? p.m., Thurs- day, Feb. 3rd. For f . I .particulars" see bills- Alex. Stotharo . proprietor ;, D. McCormick, auctioneer, "UlU&apos;rii urEluriitiuuisl.s." , Miss Jennie McGarry, of Montreal, , who is generally acknowledged to bo the queen of Canadian elocutionists, will &apos; furnish the fieoplo of Flesherton and j neighborhood with a grand ••Literary j Evening," under the auspices of the W. DEA&apos;ril&apos;S UARVKST Siiihirn Ih-ath of&apos; .hiiiK-n fnt-uit- Imii, St\. .htttifH llt>j>pM, Hint BarM Uritr. .Scarcely ha<l the exciteuiciit, caiii«:d Disciiunt sole of Fur,/jc at M. Richardsc.n it C >*. of iho bargains. ihIh and Caps Secure some ".\s the .\iivASCE man has stolen our heading "Political Pointers," wo liave been obliged to invent a new one.&apos;W Thnndiiuij Xcw.H. The boot is oo&apos;^^e other foot, uiy sou ; yositole tlifthe^. ing from us. \, V Mens Long BiMittMnni; off very cheap at M. Richardson & Go&apos;r. Why and how is It that UiiksoU&apos;u tiot- (â- d jewelry store, Flesherton, dues the best trade in this Boctiou&apos;-&apos; Because their goods are bouj^lit for cash and the goods are solil at |f>vor ibices than â- >b<-T«, iMi«&apos; t&apos;««".ii,&apos;^^&apos; k;iow it now. Dr. Baruardo, of London, England, is sending out, tho first weel{ iu ."Vlarch, 200 Boys, (ages 10 to 10 and upwards) for farm and other employinuut. Those desirous of securing such hel|> are roe- commended to n-pply early to Mr. Eil- ward Duff, Dr. Barn.irdo&apos;s Hume. Peter- hoiougli, who will furnish all necessiiry j)articulars. Another car of Coal Oil at M. Riidmrd- son & Co&apos;s whole and retail. The IViceville roller mill is now coin- jdeti&apos;il and iu full worldug order. The roller procciss is tliorough iu every re- siiect. Mr. Robt. Mcdowan, tho enter- prising proiirietor, makes an announce- ment in couueetioii therewith, in tliis week&apos;s A|)Van<-k, which will bo reml wilh interest by many. See his advertise- ment cl.sewhere in these cohiiuus. Bargains in lioys Felt Bouts â€" Stock ti) bo cleared out at 25 per cent discount fur cash at M. Ricluirdsun & Co&apos;h Mr. Saniplu maintains that what he said ah&apos;iut Washington Territory w.is Buhstanti.ally correct. Mr. Jlocire might not hu losiiiLj money in .1 way, but assuredly lie was not lunkiiig any at [ires- ant. Mr. Saiii|ile ^:\ys he is ]irepared to prove all Ills other s.tateuieut.&apos;t by porsoiis who havo been in that country, .Mr. Dun- can to the contrnrv liotwitlistandiiig. Tho recent fre.shot, or ".lauilary thaw," as some call it, stioek the town of Col- lingwooil with yreat force, and for the time Ixiiig the |)!aco might have been likened unto Venice, were it not for the absence of the orthodox "gondolas," In our mind&apos;s eye we fancy wo see Mes- srs, Chislett, Itiady and Ward paduliug along the streets in wash-tubs, pails, Ac. Colliiigwoo<l ought to be moved over to Flesliortou, whoro a chanco would bo afforiled it to get the water out of its ears I C. T. L&apos;. of this place, in the Town Hall, by the startling ani:ouiiLem< nt of the Wetluesday evening ol next week, Feb. &apos; death of Arehibal.l Elliott. subsid.;d, **&apos;*• when ne«s reached us .11 lapid suce.s- WHAT Till- MIKSS S.VYS : .... Miss McGarry, as an elocutionist, has no suiM^rior in Montreal.â€" /><(i7 7 Wilufn. The Dramatic UoaWiug ol Miss JJi;- (iarry at the William Molsoii Hall, \<as toucliiui;lv au<l laitlu iliy lenden d,â€" Montr.nl &apos; Umild. Miss Mc(iarry read v. itli sj iiit and effect, giving to her words an intense reality, w Inch carries tho iiiiiuU of tlu&apos; vast asseiuhlies over time and sirace to the actual scene.- J/&apos;(/^^rc.i( <;<u.-/<.;. She can bring tears or roars of laugh- ter from Ik r auiiinee :&apos;.t w ill. No OIKl ev»r plea-ed a St. Thoin.&apos;.-i aaiiiiiux- better. -.s<. Thoiiuts T,i,.. : Miss McGarry. of >!• • &apos;^i. I is an 1 lo- culiouist of abiliiy, HI. i.i> *<..s i -, ,1 rieli mellow Voice, which ciieaoic ; tim eiiai 111 of her liaivo manner. Her imitation of the lirst -.-ttleis of the Townshi,, of church MlsiM the"t:.-.aol tlie Lells &apos; , Krohra-ia. and the memory of whom was cleverly doiio. In iho courtship ! „-ii| ^.ver Iv fondlv cheri-ht"d bv tlica scene ot Shakespeare&apos; ."Henrs V " be- .-liddren, .lamesCarnaliaii. sr.,"was an twceu the Plantagen. t Kmg an.l Queen honest man, a good neighbor, a true Catherine of traiicMe displayed a ! fHeud. a loval citizen and an uno,tcn thorough mastery of the I rench lau- talious hut &apos;zealous Christian gtiUtU man. guage. -7«.â- o,.fo^^,V ! And. althounh the material body is n,. SlK.&apos;akmg of Miss McGarry-whom he ,„„re. he leaves behind him in this werll very warmly eidogizes- the .listinguish- | that which is more de«irable than ^jiea;, ed pastor of tho Mt tropohtan church, ; riches-a go«l name. Sui-dav mormm;, loronto. Rev. E. A. .Stalfor.l. says:-"I | ,i„. uMh inst. he ap|K ared tobe m his have heard her favorably c.mpare.l j „^„al „,„hI h.-allh. Ho was out i.i hi-i with .Mrs. >.cott-Si.ldons as an artisU;, U.^mvard. t;ivinu some instructions t.. and there IS nothing in her .i.lertain- !,„„. ^f i.js .,„h. when lie suddenly I. II meiits unsuitable to bo employed by I ,^,„i almost instantiv expired. Thus, a-, tliurch Societies." , , .^ a goo.1 old ag« seldom reached bv Ih^- 1 ickets of admission : aduts. 20 cents ; ,„aj„rity of the human family -.&apos;lame , children, 10 cents; lady and gcnUeman, I i^rnnl.m, passed suddenly "into th.- 30 cents. ficUetH can lie procured in j Kingdom of Heaven. He lejives h. himi !• lesUerton at \\ rights store, Russidl&apos;s i.im a wife and large family to n;oi.r:i jewelry storu, the I&apos;ost Omce, Gordon&apos;s ),;., {q^^ sion (,f the death of our hl&apos;e-Ioeg oM friend, James Cumahau, Sr.. cjf Thorn- bury, of our frii-nd aii<l tow iisman Jaues Hopps, aiul of our yuuiig friend. Dawd <iri<r, of I&apos;rieeville. Swiftly has &apos;.he angel of dt ath i>asse 1 o\ er tlii.-i sectio.i of our county â€" warniiii; all of th.; near apiiroa<&apos;li to the eternal world, usher ing many •ihrough the valley ami the shadow of li&apos; ath." from whose hourui- no traveller e&apos;er returns." JaMKS CaILSAIIa!*, SB. The manly form and genial coimt(5. liaiK e of tin; subject of this sketcli lias I.eeii faii.ilir.r to the Editor of TlIK .\1>- v*\tK sinew his lailie.-.t rci olluetioii. II. .-.is ,ii;.- of the yiand and sliinly o|.| 1 oiieers of i!i.. county of Gr<y. who will to held 111 nrnteful reuienilKraiu e by harness shop, the ADVA.ser, UUicc, or .&apos;nibers of the W.C. T.U. from me Dress (loods original prices from 1.5 c. to :tO c. now selling at J. G. .\ndursou&apos;s f )r 10 cc.its. Su|i{»er ill OdiitVllowS Hnll The ovstir siippei giviii in their beantifully furnished hall hist .Monday evening, by the meiubers of Dufforin L<Klg<>. 1. O.O.F. , was assuredly a very grand atTair. It was found necessary JAMRS HOIT^. Deceased was a reBiilenl of our town. undMltiiough hu lalnjruj uudur the ntus^ •tirerse circumstances, we lielievu h.; tried to live as a good Christian should. He overheated himself while iloingsomx work for the Editor of this jourual, ami t&apos;leii &apos;valt&apos;od some distance out into the Co ntry in the teeth of a piercingly ti&apos;.., wind. He liecamo thorough I. cliilled. went into the house of his brotli er-iii law, Mr. Holli-y, ami after sonn- time was obliged to go to boil. Irllaiu mati&apos;U of the lungs, aceomi>uiiied hv ,w ^ liieh fever, set in and notwitiistainiiiii; to use the Masonic hall, as well as their i all tlie efforts of his physici.Mi, Dr. own. in oriler to aeco&apos;iimodate the larye , Chnstoe. he only liiigi red a few days, gathering which hail assembled to do U)n 1 hursday. •2()tli inst., thortlv after honor to the Oddfellow -I spread. The I dinner, he brealhe<l bis ia,--t. Ho was oysters, coffee ami other refreshments 1 nncon.-icious for maiij hours Kfoie his were serveil in the dining room connect- j death. On Sunday" last his remains ed with the Masonic hall, which K&apos;ves 1 were followed to the&apos; Flesherton ceiiie an idea of the gooi I feidint; that exists ; tery hy a very large concourse of <iti between tlies*&apos; sotieties. Among those of the brethren who were most courte- ous ami attentive to quests, we might mention Messrs. .loseidi Blaekbiirnc, .lohn Whitten. A. S. \aiiDusen, C. J. Leitch. R. .1. Hannah ami .James Sulli- van. The 1 O. O. !â- &apos;. oceuiiiesa front rank among tho charitable institutions of this country. Long may it flourish. For the greatest bargains in boots of zeiis and others. Deceased having lieeii an <)raii^;eiiiaii was buried by the broth- erhi&apos;iMl. a goodly number of whom wer•^ present in full regalia. Tho casket wa-. borne on the shoulders of four memlHTs of the lodge of wliicli deceased had Ik&apos;iii a meiiiher. Rev. W. .\yers officiated a. the late residence of deceased ami als.i during the preliminary cercinonv at tli.&apos; grave Flesherton Band preceded th.- cortege, and played some very bi&apos;nutif I any dct&apos;cription, go to .1. (i. .Vudcrson&apos;s j and solemn airs. In the evening ti..- great clearing sale. Markdale. kiiiihcrlc}&apos;. From our oint Corrrtjmuditit. yhn^ Voun;.;, of Tliorubur)-, is visiting frieiuU here. .Miss Hell, .It Meaf.-rtl, i.j tho .Mis Will. .McCoiiii.ll. &apos; i .Miss Thurston, of (Juelph. is the guest | of her sister, Mi-s. .-\ldons. | .Mi.Hs S. E. McQiiilkin. of Kimberluv, is visitiii&apos;,&apos; friends in .Mono. I Rex. Tortliiie.&apos;, of Durham, preached in the Or&apos;iigo Hall here on tho 7th inst. | Ho gave a very iutoresting •&apos;.iscourse, • Tho Orange soireo came oil oii the 14tli ! inst. and was a success. Addre-sses were | uiven hy Rev. .J. S. Ci&apos;rcoraii and Mr. V Methodist church here was crowd--.! j with peoide â€" the Orangemen o<&apos;cep\iii. front seats in full reualia â€" when h«&apos;s. .Mr .-\yers preached a practical and in 1 teresting funeral sermon from the w.ird- "Pienare to meet thy God." ] Deceased lea\es a wife and faiuih &apos;uost of I ^&apos;"^ "&apos;"&apos;"&apos;&apos;&apos; receive tho substantial yiu {lathy of the eomniunity in this darl. lOur of their affliction. DAVID (IRIER. Tho subject of this notieo was ver > suddenly stricken down by anunusuall . Hovcre attack of bilious fever. He live t only a few days after the tirst attaeu. Deceased was the eldest son of the late N. 11. Grier. Esq., merch.intof rriceville. and jiossossed many sterling qualities i.f mimi and heart. Ho was one of tiie T. Carr.of Eu-enia. Instrnuieutid luusio &apos; "&apos;^&apos;^*: j&apos;"&apos;&apos;"&apos;,&apos;"&apos; -Ny""*^ &apos;"?&apos; &apos;" "",&apos; ,&apos;&apos;""&apos; hy .Miss .Aldoiis, which was yood. Tho Hoin;, ".\ii sa.j Willi Wo yet, &apos; by T- B. (jaiidin and R. D. Carruthers, was encor- ed by the audieiiou. Soin;, " Wouldn&apos;t you like to kn.iw," hy Miss Thurston, of Guelpli munity ami will lie much missi:d by large niiiiiber of friends and ac.iuaiii taiices. His remains wero coiiveyi .1 to Mount Forest on Sunday and lai.l t.i rest be.-iiile those of his father. Had 1! not been for tho terrible condition Acoident. While playing foot-ball ono day last! week, George Cruiekshank â€" a lad about l.*) years of ago â€" had his leg broken by 1 another boy. Tho accident occurred at the Heathcotu school. One of young Cruickshaiik&apos;s comrades ma.lo a terrific kick at the hall which mis.sed its aim and came witii full force in contact with Cruiukshaiik&apos;s log, breaking the latter I and dislocating the auclu us well. iuelph, received with great applaii.so ","&apos; &apos;""&apos;,&apos; "â- "" "&apos;" t*&apos;""&apos;&apos;&apos;!&apos;&apos;" comUtion o. Mr. Thos. Gilray, District Jlaster, oc- \ *â- &apos;&apos;*•&apos; &apos;&apos;"&apos;^&apos;&apos;&apos;*- &apos;1&apos;"&apos;^" &apos;* «"H"1&apos;<&apos;&apos; *" uiemlx rs upied the chair and gave a short but in- ; , .&apos; " ^""&apos;* "&apos; Temi.crni., . Division 11. I this town would have ari ndud in ordei &apos; to ]iay the last tribute o: u ipiict to tlit ir late wortliy brother. &apos; OTIIKR DKATllS. We learn that thoro were two ver\ sudden deaths in tho neighborhoisl of Markdale. but have not been able tti ((loan particulars. Underclothing !iO% less ttiau rocnlar &apos; u. ,",„-. 1 &apos; »- „,i,„i -»i . • ,. J r^ . , btack of Prints rogular price, from wholesale prices at J. G. AudefBon&apos;r, u to IS cents, now 7 cents at J. G. teresting address. On Friday evening, •.&apos;Lst iiist.,anum- her of friends from Thornbury gave a mand concert in the Metho.liBt church here, proceeds applied to tho I&apos;nion Sab- bath Sohool. &apos;Ihoso friends havo tho hearty thanks of the school. Markdale. now / Audersuu&apos;s, Markdkle.

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