Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1886, p. 1

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Hymenal We tender our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spencer, who were yesterday united in marriage by the Rev. Mr. Ward, of Markdale, at the residence of the bride's parents, Artemesia. May their lives be one long honeymoon. The happy young couple left for their future and far distant home in Georgia, U. S. this week, accompanied by the good wishes of all Mrs. Spencer, nee Miss Jessie Clark, is a native of Flesherton. Inistoige We have in this writing to record the death of Mrs. James Ross, aged 72 years. Her remains were interred in the Wallace church cemetery. The Rev. J. Ross of Dundalk, conducted the burial services. I X FLESHERTON ADVANCE, "TRUTH BEFORE FA &apos;OH-"&apos; J^ VOL. VI,, NO. 289. Don&apos;t Fail -TO CALL- Tit - Bits. J yf L<*a! an&apos;/ Other IntfrettiHg Iltmt futkrrdl by Thf Advanre And inspect my Urge and carefully selected stock of very Fine Goods, at real reason- able prices. WatchesVCIocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Novel- , ties,tc. Latest Styles, New- est designs. Ladies&apos; Gold Watches and Queen Chains, Ge-nt&apos;s filled Gold and Coin Silver. Have added to my stock, the ta-snous "Colum- bus" Watches direct from i the Factory. Everybody | welcome, whether you bfty or not. The Hhelburne Kemuimitt inaned verv handsome I&apos;liris-tuia* numher. S, Danrnde Etq. bae boon re-appoint- ed Truatcc of Flffthcrtcm School Board. Get your Flour and Feed at Reefer&apos;*, Wriylit&apos;H warehouse-, FlcKhi-rton. The Collin^wooJ Ei>t--rj>ritf issued" a iH.iuufully illustrated Chriutmav sup Tlu> average attcndaute iu Flwhertou f- *<* ul BUB>tm > 1 &apos; &apos;"" >iu The to- escape tl tublic deacrved. tlu wa*>pui cvntly hv&il of an ler Onr astet ni yop frieod, Mr. J. G. Arintr<.nv, Wetley Smith. Jennie Tread Koefer, of t our ofllc lant. Sorr our old ho In coom Hermonx. day, aii.l .1 the lunrni ,11 -i Her. i t-vt-iiiiii; &apos;PJLVC1PLES, WOT ME*".&apos; FLESHERTON, 5TAI 0. IECEMBER 30, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, man who fain have- crawled to a kgt hole and drawn th, h>le in > T him. in order to wolirmni he richly deserved. V 1 &apos; wajLpuhliran. We re nearer home. Promotion Exanlnali* Flrhrrtint f. tirhool*, />*"<., The following pupilt were promoted : Third to Ftntrik HUM. George 1&apos;ickrll, Martha Beatty, Ada Sproule, Bella HotfK, Thoniat Gilchrut. Geo. Holman, Lou Armttrontt, Bert. Prrtt. called ..._. COSMTIOMAL PmoMonoiw : Daid in onr aipiirp. on Monday Matthewson. CJertie Kecfer, CharUjt l*i- we wm*>t at home to * c holli , Ellie Oordon. &apos;, thi whom there art- Junior (./ Stiiur Third. Florrie M.Hire, Edith Helhmy, Brt Cordon. Mina Bunt ; and other* on con ini,iver*ary , llUc()| bring allowed to w>rk in the >r bettetvpo*. -iii-xt SMI. Oil v> ,l< til preacH hen . llev. VAv.r Mill hi "S, . < (&apos;orow&apos;ti Hiil.jt-it in the x.- "Karl CoiiMTsion," c , |lleltlj<ivtj , ht ,, t.iwhich they really| the POLITICALPOMITERS. Ilip, hip, hooray 1 Another, and th*n a tiger ! Capt Rorke alerted M.P.P. for grand old Centre OWTT. DaTid Creighton re-elec- ted for Xorth <Jrey, aud John Blythe re- elects! forfcouth (Jrey. Well dune. Grey ! Three Conservat- ive* elected notwithstanding Mowat&apos;i gerrymandering. poor Starrett ! On the nitffit f init. he muit have felt like Alai &apos; _ , - .^.tjon F.aminati<rt> and rec-i>.- Mr SPECIALTIES. Neil W.CauiiU>ll. of IJtuUtk, was EJ K^ Sft. KWJ. naignoii. Th ftmt xiliw-o council for Dnudalk will r flp< t.i m -\t.\l<m<::\. Nu-r tJiiug to lm\f a ct>nm-il in on &apos;* own town jiiHt iwU tlioOr.&apos;.iiKfTille )i-.|&apos;lfif it IMII t. Fitting Specks optically, &apos;difficult Watch Repairing. J a y * \\7&apos;->r&apos; Hit "W. A. BWOWN, -4 JMioUc JtuxUtr, MARKDALX, - - O.VT !:(.- intuit liavp been waved by ir&apos;onipt IMU of Ayer&apos;s Cherry pec- toral. A\ur &apos;n Aliuauau for the new year in out. < ><t oiii-. Utaih wcurrd/by Sbi.^&apos;* Catarrh dr. Price 6O eati. N.ii i. Suid at M. I...... Hull. certificate*, ii;iie<l sanctioned by thf Ii W, t, -inlii our conciliations to Mr. nl Mrs. H .1 . Spenc&apos;, who were yea- 1 tuuli-il in maro^e by the Rev. Mr. Ward.pfMarkdal, nt the renideucc of tli* l<ri,l&apos;r, j>.ireiliA:t. iut-.i;i. May their 1m--. ., tun- loiiK*"" VIII.N,II. iiil( by the Teacher and ixytor IKWIS, Principal. Tin- y.>-,Mit tt&apos;UpU i.-r tlieir infan- th,-\...i andlM-.intnntrH.m4;. &apos; I - I&apos;&apos; " &apos;. M &apos; !.&apos; lru V I n u, n 1. 1 L. O. I N At the I>.-i-. MUM-MIL&apos; "t tl.f al>\v Lodge, lii-lil in their ]"<h- &apos; &apos; 1 lowing In. iliren wt-i. &apos; :s i" r \t. tliii \\tiL. ac.-iiiii|&apos;iui wiflhM of all. Jcssxj C&apos;lnik. IniiiM r 1 !. i - i of ry. the M.-thoOmt The Anniversary Sal-bath Schoul, Klmbctou. will he held on the eveaing of New Year - ilay. Jan. 1st 1**7, intlieMetbotfet church hen. Tea m-rve,l at 6 o&apos;t loci j m. A plcud- id programni* of choi-x UecitatioiiH and 1 >inltn;iKti by UK- i.njuN. nlw> a in 1 &apos; CanUU. "Mi* ni^lit "f i; iceu* !...< at. a IMA of u ^ iu which a lar^y uiiinl-. -r "ot Sttc take |*rt. Aiiuivenary M rimm will |irt*.-li. .i .in Sun. lay, 2ml Jan. at ti.:Ml|i m.,hv H.-V <<) C&apos;urniitli. ,,f Markilalr. Tiokcln of a<liuiiwMoa to ten and enter, tuiiunciit. &apos;.&apos;."< . . nt-.. -.unO.-l I&apos;etllrr, I&apos; ^1 IU v. It - . &apos; haplia. " Jauu-K WilliHM. I.&apos;.-. See. Ja>. Hnnlie, Km " John W. HtKith. Trena. " John WilliMim l>ir. .,f < &apos;,-r " Ephraiin Hn-li,-. I^-turer. " Robt. CninpU-ll, lt Com. (its,. 1&apos;arka, &apos;Jn,l " J.*. Fenwick, 3rd " - Henry Wfl^ir, 4th &apos;&apos; " Thoroaa Cmw, Tyler. Thi Lodge ia in a very pr&apos;*peroOB condition having a meinberahip of 83, the year beinij 7 iieeting i* the W*d- TW"rnrir T a4odv J . tne &apos;"" "&apos; tlle ln "" n - neaday on or befor^upri l &apos;."&apos; thren l w y in each month. Viiitirr^, with >.-,.. ___^_ welcome. tin Down on Hi, :;., it, 1,1, A th> anuoal School .M,-.:tiny. S. 8. Illle. No. tt, ArU-iii-ti(\. it WM in., vi. I by Mr. /V,,ii our mm >&apos;rmpmultnl, .1. Mit-kliiiR, Hpi-i-nil^i, Sir. <MN." Mt-1. A Tery piunfiil arei.l,-nt }iai><-"<fii1 to dram, that w> ,lMr*> this TnmU.--< not &apos;Mr. Ja. KiMpborough (art ^fe 1 *i. lr toallfnv the Tech<-r< U> HIM- the "Hihle hirh he lost tlit- um- of his lett eye. Sol-tiont," if it i* |-osihl<- to aMn.l :t. "&apos;&apos; *&apos;" hatiimeriuK a block of HUwl aud but that we UN. tl;<- < >|<l HibleinU-a<l. l&apos;i< &apos;^ it rl-w up and struck him in Carrie&apos;l nnaniiiio tli.- i vo. He inum-.liau-lv went to an We IIU * - *-- &apos; ---" - >&apos; the hole in after him f Hie tra*itt ^,/ria mutuii .&apos; It wat a glorioot victory. Every effort ti f"rth on the part of the Reform- er* 4iid iimnT dl*affect&apos;d C,.ll,r^ :.t! t&apos;Hj.t. Rorke. \N i- don&apos;t .|>ieatir ! .: ,,f tl- farmer t,, ,lo al! &apos; . in Uifir (Hiwer t. defeat tn .tiTif n>. miner : &apos;.nt we do maintain fliat Mr. McG&apos;lman and hia folluwiiiK d<werv the rMt centure fir their unpatnotie and duloyal c,tir. Fortunately the loyal Conservative! were equal to the occasion aod aaved the riding to the party. In Grey, at indeed throughout th whole province, the Catholic vote went alronat !id for the Reform candi<t But, notwithitaiidiuu thu fact, no*. with- itandinv Mr Mt>wat&apos; Rerrymaiuk-r. and notwithtandinn the tplit in the riding, drey preaenU an unbrokvn crvatue f.-.-nt. Well and noWy done, ye itrdr men of Qrey ! i I th Tl The Conserratire* ol Cclro 11.1 . . Mllil nobly tun^. &apos; WINTER STOCK ! C. W. L<Ml|{e N Dec. 2Oth. tlie f,,ll,.wmi( electetl f..r the year 1M87. Itr .F \V IU.-.. M. \V 1 Bcpl ii....!. K..rman. &apos; John \\hitten, dvrmeer. \V lrv in, Id t ^riter. M. KichariKon, financier. s E \\ . 1&apos; Crnsl:v I. Watchman. J. W- L/irae. <. &apos; that tho TrQ8tcT4 f >M-ee.lit in T.irnuto. Init wan too lat<- t<- Euuuuia Schm.l S-<-tion have tinannn nvi -tli, , \ , -M^lit. ,,f tin- injnnd optic. ooaly rt-soh ,1 to nit in. >riali/.<- the Ontario Politic* nn,l Matrimony an- tho chief i-n< iiiuu-nt, ttJ^iuy toU; |-,nnitt,.| to topirs of, vcr-ation around hero now. it*&apos; tin- aiithiiriard v-reioi of tlu-()l,l.in.l Mr Sliantz has been ii k ;airi<l an N, 1, -itaiuonl criptur-h iiihtcadof tlu- t,-a,-li, r m S S. N,,. 4 Arteim-m. f,. t thi- "Ilibht S<-lectioDK." L-Usiiin^; M ,ir. &apos;I&apos;li- 1:. \iv.-\l ineeUngii still continue ,, I . &apos; lere *&apos;"&apos; ri &apos; stviuiii({I> &apos;ii-r-~.f ul. .... Mm. W. Thompson ;,l Cruior*. and A^ the r,. pU lar * the A I. Mr A. J,, C-HOI, of sh, llmrur. are tuit- ... erton, held in K frirniU in this locaht\ . wi-re Mr. .lolni Johnwm. who hat had a* n&apos;vcri- attack of inrlaniatioii of tli** hinu-t ha^ re. ,.\<-ro.l nntler the rare of Dr M, \Vjlliains. W<- have in thin writing, to record the&apos; ,1,-nUi -if Mrs. .Iaiiu-< KD. n^e.l 7-2 yearn. Her remains were intcrre,! in the&apos; Wal- lat-i- eh.ireh .cinet*-r\ . The Ki-v. .1 KOH of Diiinlalk. contfucted tho liurial serviei-s Ita. lii-lor- are l>ecomin>{ uumerout in Fawcett wan unannnoutly elected the nfi K hl M <rh,K>,| of lmHio K o but juilc- Orud LOOM RepreeentMtre. ji, K f r ,, m the loi, a i,,,-M,liht wall<- nn.l The ReoeiTer and Recorder were ap- IMIKKIHR mat, h.-s which have recei.tlv poM.e.| Audit.-rv Tlieofttcen. will I* i,,. Ukon place w,. foel awnred that ere long tnrna .tailed on Monthly evening, Jan. 3rd 87. thwKRcntlrmi-n will c-han-o their way \. Unrut, Rfc<.nlrr. |0 f living, "tlon&apos;t j;et - - * J . r lf j H ,,, along, ate 4 tr&apos;J-<. mu Toornbury *Vr gaid w ( - hadn&apos;t cot our wisdom teeth, and prop)i*Hits| the election of McOohuan l>y ,-v tr.-n:.-n.|,>:M majority! Kron if wo haven&apos;t cut onr wiwloni t<--th yet, we can down tin- .\etri man inihi- prophecy bu*ine&apos;evt-ry time. And when we do get our wisdom won&apos;t wo junt be a terror ! &apos; &apos; THI VOTE IV AITIXESIA. K Me. P. \>ar<! No. 1 88 3 ,s) Ward Xo. a 108 8 57 Ward No. 8 | 7 ;m War.t \n. 4 i\4 ,, Wv- - N - M 4 847 23 23.! Majority for Rorlet 114 At top of ftgnrce, "R." itamls for Itirke, "Me." McCohuan, ami "B. &apos; Brown A we f> to preae the retnrtiK for Ceu- tre Orry are not all in. The latent re- Still Leading the Trade ! RUSSELL! I Jewel i<v gtill- from, vis., one iu Holland, one in Sulli- van and one in Knphraaia. Mr. Korku majority will probably be ovtr 100. LATER We have jnt received the following trlegram from Owen S.u.i,,! : l;"l:KK&apos;s MAJORITY ONK in \ DRW) AM) FIFTY MXg (159) with two placfR to hear from. Hurrah ! We Invite Everybody to See it. /ncomparab/yl the Finest Variety and Best Value Ever Offered Here, M. Richardson & Co. FLESHEETOIT. New Goods arriving every wecck. Our Winter Stock of Silverware, Violins and Fancy Goods have arrived, and are Qpllifinr fn cf -^ f *lA T .. Il_:. A __ - j ua7^Oi 1 V l call at RUSSELL&apos;S, Fleshcrton. All Watches warranted from 2j to 5 years ; Clocks from I to 3 years. Watch Repairing a Specialty, and a perfect job guaranteed every time, rt Russell&apos;s Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Reeveship of rVrtemssfa, TO THK KLKi&apos;TimS&apos;, k,* your Itove in the pant. I efaim l.--That as far M prrwiu*! fff.irt I iTt- kept down tuxalioti. t. Tho bent officer*, irrpuprrtivc of 8. rin- tinniiceR are good uo waft,-. IKI loKHet. 4. Your Township glands \ii^\t Jn tlir County. 6.- -With pniv refrard for yir in- &apos; r,ckU*n(VM ill wnrra,,t<i voided . 7. Will yon lludly poll vour volt (or we ou M>MUY neit. R. CHRISTOE. * , 1 I

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