Flesherton Advance, 8 Jul 1886, p. 1

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Born In Flesherton on the 5th inst., the wife of D. S. Munro, of a son. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. R. Bellamy, of Flesherton, clebrated their "Golden Wedding" on Tuesday last. The ADVANCE tenders the venerable and much respected couple its heartiest congratulations, and hope they may live to celebrate their "Diamond Wedding." - 1 PHOTOGRAPH! MRS. BULMBR, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Ravi I sonic time in tin- stoillo of tho Toronto I'ti,,t< trrarhrr. Mr KM luxnn, ^n J acquired valuable knowledge In Hatou- ohln. I fofl aau/d 1 ui ulvo uood funeral MtiataMlou A call r*]"Wtrully o!lrto<l. MKS. i;ri,MER. Pleaherton, Hep 1. 17th. !Hb5. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch, TIME ~T\VI1I-.E. Taking Kfffft, M < '/</;/ ^ LEITCHS Tailoring "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"-" PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN.' FLESEERTON! VOL. VI., NO. 254. FLESHERTCN, ONTARIO. JULY 8, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, - /.s flu- jilnrr ft) ri Suits made injtttu-rf. lftS5. HTATI'iV- Turonl,, Cardwell Jiiucti"ii Charleston Oranxtt- ' Arri\r ^ Oraiuerllln JoncOou., in 17 ' Khpllmrnr 10 4' Diin.lalk 11 1U' >'|.KHHIITM II. ". Mararialo II -! ' ' \'. . l-.-Upl ChaUwortlt 1- * " U W krriv, i ' in -.11 Uuini: Smith. I x,. Mall Chauworth Wllliamfc.p* MarkdaU . LnMt*i) 430 " " -T (142 Hbrllmrni- 7 H " Oranijovilli Junction SOU" Orange- l Arnvi- nil,,, i Luav, Charleston H M Cardwoll Junction 9(1 " Tswonio Vrrn-- 1" '. " :i ni I ( " j i',." - 4 .11 " 4 SI " n n n M " it 30 n W. WHYTE. Ox'l, Hl'r'T. DM. Ml ill. I.. (,l s'l. I'AHH.AUT. J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles &Q., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. C/ieap for Cash. Vertical DR. CARTER M.C I' .V S ., i INT. PHYSKIAX. si I:GKO\, FLKSHKHToN. t, tir.rf (,. /*iri;t< ti < ', ni ( Ar. J.P. M.lKSllALL. L.ll.S D :: \ T I s T , GHM'i \ ' I will IM at Mark flay 'if *.-h >ii',iil)i ill lr I 'I'll of hi* prtiftwuioii. ith !i :!., ^ratlin J. W. FROST, Ll, ItnrrlKtrr. Siilit-ilnr. t'-'iit-<ii<ittrer. i)i:i,-M. Strain's HiiiMin . I'l l s!il ltl"S. A. A. l'li;:-,l. I V Hoi I, 11 i mil (lututanwr. l;,-si li-nl .Mal.u^.-r. Mil KIlnsT will l^ f,.i.ii-.l >t Hie OClceou Thur,lvs I\.T, o Hampden Movements ! Four grades. Key 4 Stem, with my own name on. Fine valnu, $14 to 680. Also Waltham, Kh.Mii.antl Springtifld \Vati-h- es constantly in stiul, at r< ,ni]>etitiiiu n-au Clocks, Hollow & Flat Sil'-iTwaro. I do a larx Istoiiioj, keep a liiifly assort c-d stock, .--til i and t;i\f customers value fur tin ir money. T!"- public know my abilities as a practical Watch 1U jiairer. W. L BROWN, Cheap Oaten, Fi^s, and Lcinons at Cntting prices in Prints, Muslins 4 I Modical Hall. Summer Dress (iooda at Ilicuardspil i it CO'B this week. Sewing Machine Xeoille* to suit an; machine, at Kn M II , Noted Jewelry Store, Fli-shcrton. Mr. Dyer, of Os-hawa, eldestdanght- erof Itev. \V. Avers -has been visiting t the MftlindUt parxouagu here during tlic pant week. Our genial frieiid, Mr. T. Henderson, L. I). S., of Alliston, gave us a pleasant call last Friday. Hi in rusticating in our picturesque district be-iny an ar dent admire.r of the beautiful in nature art especially the 1 furiucr. Call and Let a bottle of that famoim S( ii!._ ; Machine Oil that Ktisscll lias for sale at this Note<l Jewelry Store, Fleshcrtoii. Full stock of Harvest Tools at Itichanlson A Go's. I i mlcrs for *t hool HuUM*. Sealed Tenders w ill IH- reei-ived f..t notion of a Brick School Houae in the Village of I-'leshi rtoii. up to anil includ- ing July 16th. I'ltiiis It Specifications may he.- xe<-n at the office of son, Kleshi-rton. S. Daiiiudc, TniitoM W. IVkell. At Last, A our Mrs. A. li. KH weett returned home jnvabli time \isiUni; friends in Toronto Township, ()raii",evillf, and eNt where. H. f. T. I . Thu Flcnherton Woman's Christian , Teni|>eraiice t'nioii will meet hereafter Artenu-Hi. fannor and one of t . v ,. n twn ^.^ jn t|w ^ ^ TB|B|I . Pleeberl n y, ,,, K M, u had -omei,,^, T , u . &fft Im .,. till ,,' }lM ,. or,lHOUJiatur,Uy afternoon last, Saturday. Jul> 3rd. The i.eil mi-tin*. ' tlien-f !,, will be held on Saturday, July 17th, at thu usual h..ur At Last F which resulted tiualK in a trial b B1 t!u-r- got. Farmers wanting U'ht quality of Ma- chine oil should call at Itu-hardKon'x Men-. H, -l.i rton. A !ar-e st<-k received. Wool, 17 to 20 i-'-nta for ^ood fleece wool, at Hu-hanlson & C'o's. si ///./. i/ A; vr.s. \\ e arr :i,'.i:n r> p;ii|.,-!lr.l t. , reft r subject, In-caiise of tho manifeat to which we are b> inij subjected by Ollicu Ins|iectiir Spry. A. our readers are I aware, we have btruii ordered to <hs<-.,ii Tho an wt fur A Jr-r!lT. Markdale, - Ont. Tit - Bits. l ' / !.? /,'.) Mr. Win. Ferjfuson, Insi>ector of S,l,,K,|,f,,rSoutl,<ir, > .haviunr,M t;l ,,,| his ]M>sitii>n. n nui:ilxT of i^-ntl lia\-c alrt-a'ly aj'[.liei| fur the ">iit." A large iiuinU r of cattle were offered for nalu at our cattle fair last Monday, , tinue the iiractiee of *>iidine out luonle- hut an not many >>f them wen in good ; ntenU lu connection witli tli.- .\i>vt\iK looted JT \%t>l r> Mini VfHhtrton, Lai ik of W'ftci*ea, I'l^-k-. .).-. ! ry . . io.. i QtBWM Btefkb*. Just imagine a r'ii!.- S;,,l - '.itch .-_' warrant,-.; tw . \\ .. \Vaeh ..... fnnii $!'!.. -i) up. wairaiit<-d from -_ 3 . jftc. a j mlr U) $1 . ,,, f:llll ,, ls j; ljlllral . , ^ ^ :y in i other. And if you w.. . . ^ ! 1- r._. I: :i M the man to go to. as lie sunern'tefl ill rpam '"" for wore A tine, in w --i.li'walk in front of Leitch's Tailor Shop, toj.'- tin r with a will . iu-u Mfii. which over- li:u,i:- the >nii-valk. are aiuon^Ht the irnproveiTM-nt-. mi Durham ntreet. made. Considcritit; ruling markets, too, the prices asked in many cases were too TVir . Get your Roller Flour at \V. W. Trim: ' Mrs. l^ratt, .-.ill--. II!. L i !>r. M. liiclianlson k Co. are now show- '.,< lui-L'i'st range of Cloths fur ml at lowest prices. Tin in w I: M :.-i chiiach here i* pro- A Mi a near her father -. o'clock on Wedne**lay tuorninx of last week, and it was :i o'clock in the after noon before the almost distracted pa reut* succeeded in finding h< r. It eeiim we hare ben fprruilly in./ from -A host ,,f n,-n-p:i|H-n, fn>in the {act, that although Home weeks nay, iunth< hive flapped since we fell under the ban of t!ie I'i.st.il ln,|iiiition at Karrie, vtlirr uew.jiapen have Wii rl.Midiiii; the JAS. G. RUSSJILL, Tin: BOSS u.\- little tfirl of Mr. W. J. Cooey's Ford Roa.li yot l,,st in the woods, resilience, about 10 j c " u tr y " h supplements of every des- ]cri|ition- with remarkable refulanty from ttiat time to tho present. VV- ti"W deiuaml. th it tb'- Inspector (hall attend to hi. dutie. and settle th,> a-ipplenu-nt Mr. Alex. Madill. of Eugenia, possesses a very fim> IVrchernn twn-yuar-old filly, C1UFTK8 A few ruinntcM after MIX o tl. k lat v. niii^'. Mini, K"">t! hoiui; frui I,.- office. the Kditor of thi< paper wa* Htar tied by tho scream, of a woman '. T help. On looking around it watt prrcem*! tliat Confei-tionnry wlmK-.-alf <r retail ,.t M -lu-nl Hall. harrel *ji< <-> Kl.nr nt 4.'.O \V. \V. Trir-il,!,. iine Oil of the tin -it qual- ity u(\errl"U- to !'< Kail at l!ic' No- t, .1 J, - Almond i. I .11.. i-t* and Me !u-al Hall. rr, -si,,; t:ic. ly. The brick work ii t by the famous stallion. "Xn fiuisheil, mid now the eiiri-cnt, r, ,11 Mr Madill's filly w;i* weinlu-d in Flesh i-rton Wetliiestlay of taut wwk, and i turned the scale at 1880 pounds. Now. trot out your great Clydesdales t have <-\ery i Inn h the work for- ward l ci'inph tion. Any on. ; , rent a hi-M-o- and < of land adjoining for in,-; purj tises inear Fleshertoul apply to A. K. Fairrct. Ai-vtv, K. Offlcc, foret, r . ts.it he anall play to all publishers ; that ho .liall do unto otlien aa hi- hoa be, n doin^ to tht- or elae. frankly sckiioslcd^e inability to fulfil tht- function* of hu in thu important particular, and to aoiue man who i'-i/,'. Mrs. J. D. Clarke, of Hamilton, is the gucxt of Squire ArinHtvug, her father. .1 Critic nt thi- <>r<ttri. Amount lli.' liir^-e auenibly of who attended the Oratorio of ' Eether fair the ery eame from the premiMM of Mr Kdward Whitten. A ({rntk-n.an ith a hutse and buggy ha<l just dr. the reeideuee oppoMtr. and seeing wo- man in snch U-rnl.le ilistr, - t.- ! his ban* to the fence, and making his way around the t>aek of the house, i-ri-tl that Mr. John W hi' youngtst i-luld. a bnnU little l.,\ hi. own grand chiltl. as we liave jiuit h-arni-il ha>l fallen into the well. In ^' r " ezeeflsBt care .-. had I jns* Jaiahsd c baaing up tba. ^enMl* tm i th that , flno f, w dUye ! - "ii the day I nann"! tin r<- MM a larire crowil in town, of course. < n.- Duaa hrt >r c ht Kb bone "I- to Ui> . ilthooicli the Kates wen v.1 them frsm their , u> was all done a* oooly as tboogh the w. how M I UM caretaker to kr*r|i tliiu|(s in deceat r if erery cheekjr wayfarer is at : hU rty to one thesw grooadsi as they mav thilik fit ? i never saw Mrs. Clarke lookiug bet- \ ll " "eaubful Vuesn," last evening, wa. a l-~- than five minuteM the rl.il.i wae res- tcr than <lie does now she weuiH to handsi uner with increasing years. Mr. \V. .1. MIOHS of 'It will be remmnbcrered by many of at new |',,tat, . in the HBI Itural ^ ! In- tmi last wn-k. He l.i.l n, w I early as U. of the of McCDLLOCGH, So! id tin; < Ofllrr, over MrFnrlnrutN Stun*. Money to Loau. MASSON & MASSON, BVHKISl'KHs. :-, II.!' I r. ii:-i, Ar. OITI, K~ Dw.'ii SM..II.I. In \ii-k, T'n blork. St.. l'i.i Mlk,l], .,;, r .\|.. Karlaii<l'>tori>. on Kri'lay ami >alur.lay , \ur> J.MAHSIiN.g.r. H.MASHUN. \\MASHdV K.B. I'rtvut,. . C.iini>iiy'ii fonill to invittiit rolii Hi Ui KiKl't p. r ci.t BabDWIII EAVD.. u f. >i ill.u.. I >.! tt ..tliviv HANDS, EUHLIN & QARVIN, BAM; Doll Slau-:i T<>-1>.:. . Tlie K.iceilia i- ' i!"M Haw We lirxx M.-. <!.. o::r ehiru| .ion aii-l, r f i r a our ruaderx that Mr. i'larke's hnahand it one of tho talented editor's of the ever popular Ilirmill-m TH'*. \\-are mm h |>l< i^-.l t,i learn that "iir ( -luer vounjf frini'l. Mr J. J. Han- rather ln>rt. t..ut, but , an, I r- -t. r, ! t., it nmthir. \,r\ *. me what fuany and cUctaU .rial la>ly, aywl little th- w r- f r it. iniMha|>. about -well, .he waiu't f-rty. Every little while tin. pcr>u would hunt nut wrtli inch ntartling exclamation, as "ill,, .]..,i ' t!..it scene', nj-tled I know that curtain won t w,.ik ri^ht " " Th- r ' ,ii, In t I tell you thu curtain wouldn't work '" I.vhen ilreases were tr**\f iiismstsi , Uirir sinvmc uulca. ftultless, was charmctenn-d aa " - thuiK awful. " ,.r in Mine other term Hhurp. Adiiiissioii 10 cent-.. 1 i .! - u.--. Hall Clubs will play s friendly r^mr n 1, 1 liesnticM. one of them | KxaiuinatiouH at Toraali very sncoessj* tin Aerii-uitiiral (Irouiids bin- thi- . ,- n\> r .1 f.xit in length. It is fully. Mr. Itsnnon ha oiir best IM-)U . afterni.on. H;ill to ! fae. I ,it '!: HI Irivv snrn as fine a lot for his future Micress-. vnl if a most I t|iuilly cliamcteri<tie ,,| the female mii.d. in ll.-iit moral eharaeter, and i l,-i In fft this fuw little , rittr mad,- thin::* earnest, niid /e.iloiis application, count dtx^idediy uiiplt-.uiaiit and ami. y:n^' in h, r for anything. Mr. it. is hound to ael.ieve immediitte vi.-iuity, and sstidthini;i which j it. Would have been infiinti-ly twlttr and more ladylike if left nniaid ; f .r thi-ro was 1 hardly a performer on the |ilatft<rm who hsd not frieixU or relatives .catttn,! through the au, lu nee. These spiteful public criticism*, during thu performance, of an l Iratori,, i,r anytluiej clue, are in h'.rrid bad taste, and have r\ t-ndi-ni - y t,. create much iil-fee!im{. \\i-.i. n t Vn.> who tin- fussy little lady was- as the fact* given alnivo were furnished u by i In the iiiviiitiiiir the n.iise and ex tin-lit hail iUrtleJ the brave recuer'> hone, winch, brvakmi; theitrap by which it wa. tir.l hk" a., injih [-atrt*nl. dath- madly ,! n tlio utrwrt He had A h.-n be got dear of the | DOga7' win' h wa* pretty l*lly iinaHlir-t and uul n .t .top until be amrrd at AKKISTKUS. It Klktrs ,if iiitrt'l-t Kant, Tor.iutu. N(ITHIKS. c. M.nie . t', l/oan at DfliccB. 10 KiDf Street John W. Armstrong. DIVIBION roruT CI.KKK. ro In B. H., Convi'vanrrr, .*.- Au,-nt <! aaj uf Uu.U AppnUrrr f.n r I." C t'.nn nd F. P. M. * h s,,,-;,-:i Boas? to lota on the ost reaeonabls toma. I->rrn UK MAItUI u,i: MCKNHKS. \OT\IIV I'l HI. 1C. W. J. BELLAMY, TWr. n.ruK IKTI'MI ~l\. CONVKYA .V 7;/;. < o.MMl.^lnXMi, /.V.N'f'/.'.I.Vr/; \i; T. ,n'. T|RRnH,MnKT(IA(li:s. I.I \Si:s. f. , . iircrar- *J ed aal properly rxni-ut, .1. Inanrann- ani'i! %*d i. flrtt-claan compatiioit. Money to leinl at levertratfi R. J- 8PROUL, fltlkrrttm. I ',.nivy,iii,', r, .Ifi/miiii-r, f'ul- and Afonry /<,/,-r. I Ifrrit, Hfiiri- lta$tl nii'i Wills ,/r.m-ti u;> >in,/ mtnl> n sh^rti-nt unties: Chur- ati vtry low. AmA v t,, Jt. J. UPMH'I.K, Foitmaiirr, flethfri'in. Money to Loan. AtH Per Crtit. lnt,- r ,.it o, Ktr,,i,/ht Axwin. TfriTH Intrct palil yt-arly, not In a<lvancu No " eoniniimilon chantwt. apply to A.OEIER. THORMIIRY. H. M. CHARLESWORTH, OWRN HDl'M). (1ST., Breeder and Importrr of Orane. Unff, Cochin aad Mammoth Light Hrahinan larti" an turk, .>>.. ft. Buff. IS pur tin.., Hrahinm ti |mr dni<<n Ha floe Blaok Rpanlnh anil Plymouth Buck M* to Mil. ImjirnTe your (took. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, $ (^i>>i net Makrr. All rnpair* I'r..in|-tly A finally nlrcutotl. Wh|. linrhani Ht. neit to 1/oitch'ii Tailoring Plana and pc-rlflcatlnnn on h,>rtett notice. -nth and Finn l umber for v,i,- ThaandnrilKilr'l Imi n .pmntity ,if I'lnn l.uin- Draarl I'ln L*th for nala at KlealiortonHtaMnn. VII.l.AOK l.nr FOR SAI.K. . naloKoo.| lot for a!,, in rin.hortnn, |n will >,r ,||. p,, ( . ,| ,,f on reaaonahle teruii. Apply al AnvANrit Offlrc. or to AkKITW Mel^xn). F!<,Kh t ^ton st-iWon. ^ : . ..IhoiiM-, hfre rle wan >.. Mr ll.irn*, >n. ^rrsndfsther of chiM. was the rescuer. s|i; r . . . aul Hr.it- .1 '. Mrajrrf aiilr. L . . ! fr..r !.. (rentisss of Malcolm aanolx . L. t U-). :u.l range We*. T. * - !. 1 1. Art, mi si,. 1 two Tear oil . I two yt'ar oil "I and white r. 1 year *al 1 . al l>'Vt- Mill iv ..' ait The watrr in Flesher's |-,n 1 has not as low for yearn as it IH at thr present lima. It must IK' at least three and a half fort lower than at any time last yrar. This is probably owing; t thr immense amount of extra power re quiitx! t,i kei'ptlie Srotitn handle fa, tory. tin wtH'len fai-tory, an. I the Hour and naw nulls in running '<) ruti-m. Our other f?u t,-nes are nls.i haviui; a very In avv neasou's work. On Saturday T>iug last a number of loys \\.-re eni^agi'd in Helling lemon ade in a stand on Mr. K. Trinible'R va- | cant corner lot in tin* place. Tho Inland wns pretty well patronized by the : village small I<O\K. as the leinoiiailii was 1 Wing otTi-ri-d at tbe rate of two glasses) I for five cents. After ilark a lamp was lit in order to facilitate business ,,),, r.i tions. Suddenly seine |ierson blew out the light, uii'l at the snn.e instant other |H rson quickly took p"sstioii of the pail of lemonade and made off with llo i.i Wakr .'.., l K...I, u. Tin- ..'..I fashioned imthod of rtpainni; and iiiantAinnii! ,-ur r,vii n a relic uf a byifoiie m(e, .11 >rj *',', when tliu coun- try was newly settled What i n.-w want, ,11 of a tiint ium sum from e* !i p<-r.u h.il.lu f. .r Ui\ti.>n, sml the in in a ;uatic manner \>\ i-in|,l")in; ' urs who are u*el to that kn. nient. and mi|--nnteii,i,-i by compvlent penons skilled in road-niakini;. T: . uld not be many years before the o.uii- h ,|H- slie will d.i next tin:,- I- r cnticiimir at 'I'-lulflil, i I ' inim .n perforine, U-st See " (,)lleeli |M,rt it .vt being thu they ever attended. Mi* S A. Th ,mp*on ami , and re- Mr NEW PRINTS, NEW DEESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING- ! it. Of course bnsiiioMH hail to !* sus |Qadta aro visiting frieii'U pen.h',1, and up to tho hour of writing no clue has boon diwovrred as to the identity of the tlii, vos. Born. In Flesherton on the fifth inst, the wife of D. S. Munro, of a son. the .o!di-n Mr. and Mr-.. K Kt-llatny. "f Flenhor ton. celebrated t)i< ir" (lolden \V-ddinK " on Tucwlay last. THK AHVANCK U-rders the veiierablo and much reHpevto-d couple its heartiest cou^ratiilatioiiH, and h"|H H they may live to celebrate their i'l Welding." III KVI'FV 111 fjtl) ^ ' J ti Sixth Vonr. Tin- Fleshcrton Ai>\ VM K has entered upon its sixth year ami is well deserving of tlu' name it Rets, n tirst-rlasH local apcr. We wwh Hrothrr Fawcott con- nuwl SUCCCM8 which he well merits. - Erh,,. + M. Richardson & Co. HATS, & CAPS Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality, Style, or Prices * \i I >WCII Sound. Mr. \V. H. Thurston, of th II ' /, IIH wife, mill his sist -r, nre > mi; lelativex ami frieml* here now. (,ueeii s Vail, y < ', .iirril. K. T. "f T. , N" 170, has a meni>s-r*!iip of so Th.- ii mcrrs elect for prwent t.nu arv S l> Uiuidin. S f. : T. IV farruthen, \ .1 M. Tliur*toii, IV C. ; II. V C.i-nlm. Chaplain ; Miss S. A. Tli,uiip.*,n, K..,-. Secretary; F. A. Tliur*t.,n, Fin. > R. I>. Carruthrrs, ll.-r.tl.i Mi A \l Thurston, (Jiunl; S. t' 'arruther, Sentinel ; Mi* M ( .' I ^wr.'ii -.-. Awt. Srhool meet in- of >!<< liim. A meet in- of UK- Uiitepayern of I S-hool Section No. f> will he held in the. ' Sohoolhouse on Tuesday afternoon. .1 il\ 18th. at 4 o'clock, for the pur|x>si of confirming site selected, or ni-lection of ntlior site for jiropostMl school build- iny. anil for ^riintnn; Trustees powt - t , of uld M'hcxd property. Wo state here, thixt the ihrx-ntnrot have bo-n dipos, d of in a v .inner hi-h bftltkip if ; Utal'l. (41 the !;, -ve and ether .'Ird Tnendy ,.| ' ,. a h n . ntii Seir.-t Towiihlii]! oITu ial , ai..l fiimncially IM-IIC lt FriiUy of em -h month \\hil* ficialtotho ratt'l'sycrs of this si-ctiun. Degree Snd Tuesdsy in each intmth. instead of the i|uairmircs hi. li < n.,w have dunnt; i nn.' ami fall. As tin- work is porfi.iii patchw.,rk. T1i*rs t. BO cuncvntrstivw ot* > ,rk . A base hall nmtrh played oil D.'iinm .n at i,.i Day hctwf. n Kimberh-y and I ineraville and itnitinuiiiK rilit II, clubs, on the irn.uii.U ,.f I", mi. r, m win, h w .,u!d ! t the Ulter were vi,-t,,ri.'U la 'i . lasting fur year - A iiiiiiiU-r of KimU-rley citi/em vimU-J thr result ..f the UU r ex|<nd. ,1 . :. w*. n.'U is - rri-j.til 1,- moat esses the ordinary pi\- '. with having a ditch OUT tin- r>',l t" h"M tho wt-r, v i inmif that the r--ad bed is th . . ii"t thr ,-s- ; f,.r. unless tb- i itfall f..r tli- ^it.-h <*. t). . ; is totally undrninetl, and " " It .* no us* dumping ;.T> ,,rti..n, .f a road unless these wet |rts arv tint properly uuderdrsined, either with tile nr eohblv .Uinc. \V Li., w . .- certain r. -aJi that have abaorUil l,da| uf (Travel year after y*ar only to *n,k d . u ml" thr mud. w hm-as, by a litti" judi- cimu draining', thnno wrt made dry ami thr ,-,,,t ,,f , )p ,i r:l would s.-., ii U> MVtxl out "f the rot ..f gravel. >n,> thin< we ce-t.-vn!) like t" V". that is, e>.vh toninhi;' ivuncil the pi,,|.ii.-t..r of a g.Hnl r.,l scrap-r whereby a ix>u|,lr- ,,f men with a At the Regular M.-uting "f Fountain tliurt ,,,,, ,. f . ^^ C ,,, M ,.,,, . Coiu-il N., Mil K T of T. held on tin- 6th inst., the following oflirrr* werw in- stslleil f,,r Uie current ijuarter by the D. C., Hi.. J. Cordon : Hro. I). Blair, S c " F. Hunt, V. C. " J. (J. Russell, P. C. Rev \\ . Ajer*, I'liip |!r., .1. H. HiMrl. T " \V. A. Milbiirn. Km S ".I 'lonlon. Rev. Sister. M. Leaver \ " r.r,.. K Siilln:in. Hrnild. Sixt.-r M K Smith, l'-|." Itro. K I'edlm, Cuard. " T. Hlakely, Sentinel. I>r Chris.H-. M..,l,,-:,| FN if m. JUST R1CE1VED A large consign- ment of Hay 1 Rakes and Fork- large consign- ment of beautiful Glassware in the very latest de- signs. A. large consignment of S,v S. I. (',irrutln>rt, 1> Kojnl Trinplars. II. mi. m 1st and '""1 !>:: lhr.'. r f. ill n,,;. > ir. i Th> irad st-reper* ar exti-r-n.-'v , m !! ved :u thr I 'nite.l Sf.-(e, het. their u*r th,. r,d-bd m r.niii.Usl ..ffm a m.tiner that cannot hvdoiieby h,,\. Mr,W : N Y.. i . f that pi*. -i llir ,, r ,i,|,. bta physician, tli- .tii.-HJM. I . , ' ki.luev atvl liv. . t , .1 . "'"' ' 'i- i.i. ntli he nilirclv rr red. l" i lur HO|.I,I:I; 1 1,01 i;, #. ,iA \V. U'. TIU.MIT I s t'lvnum ' ft rt'i IVwd. i- The public are cordially invited to come and in- spect those goods and compare pri- ces with any other house in the trade. It will pay you. Money is hard to make, but you make money every time you buy a dollar's worth of D. S. Munro's goods. The goods are the lest in uhe market, nnd prices are right.

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