Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1886, p. 3

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HE ADVANCE. sB of the loading Local ami Family Kewspeper to Northern Ontario. Published Every Thursday, FBOM TB* Or not, OMnyuiood Street, , . flethertott,Ont. TEBM8 OF SUBSCRIPTION : I.OO per annnm In advance ; 11.50 If not paid las oil d of H years. No paper dlscontiuued aU all arrearages am paid up ; and uo iuUtrij. mat takuii fur less tlmii one year, exeept wtoei Mini arrui^t-ujenta lor shorter period) art Me with the publibher. ADVEBTlgCtcTBAIEB, dc. Casual aclrrtismonti,8contpr lit Lnaort too ait cnt pr hue oach subsequent Insertion. Brauint dvnii Qint to b paid (or when tMced. Advertisements without apecial dixec ious will b inserted till forljij and charged aooofdincly. Liberal inducements to regular advertiser*. .Notices amoug roexliuy matter, 10 cuuts per IIn each iusertiuu. No advurtiBumeut discontinued until all air rear-ages aru paid up. Copy for advertiscmeuti should reach tbla uffloe not lator than uoon on Tuesday to unsure sertiou in current Issue. A. R. FAWOETT, Editvr aiul Proprietor. f lesherton Meat Market. BEPT.QOOD, Pxoramoi lash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep, Prcsli Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON ' James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton, llepalrlnij, Kavotrougiilng.and in fact every- thing in the business will receive my prompt an.', careful attention at reasonable prices. .lorn & .clcmr. is .toe.. CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It ike place to get your Ilarntu Collart, <tt, made up in good ityle. Shop m W. CZay<<m' Boot <t Shoe Store, fletherton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, Having made extensive improvements In my Grist Mill, I am confident I can give good aatiafactieii. CHOPPINQ DONE ANY DAY Good Flour always 011 hand. Custom Sawing, and Bills filled on tbo shortest notice. Lum- ber and Lath alwaya on band. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, o - oftheooatoJfailvcrtllii|f.TbeadverUaerwuo wnntu lo Kp.-n.l i. iif iMIar, fliiilK In II Uie In- forinntlonhoroqnin'S, while forhlmwab will invrst i>iu! hiinilM-<l tfaouaftnd 4l(illr In :nl- rcrtlninir. ft si-lirini- li I nrl touted wlilrli will inert liiit i vry viiniri nn - nt,r run bt mmla l,< ,(oo fcv '/'' 'anotnatOt arriredat l/ywr- .ii t. ''' 'hiiii;!" hiivf been leswed. in .1 i louny a<WrfMforIOesnta, KOWKLL A > . IJTISIM. IHMIKAU. l. IT; .1 liijj lltnmuCq.1, Bew Viirk. IIEBRATED FH Wriic- U> Olio. RATED FH CHASES e . tlA?p.,.Kr 1' ... .-on.hin.rt .'hm other inv.lal.l. -ml h'".J ^?\l* powerful e(I. I < ~ ! m -^ h ' Ilowel ' * Blood. 600.000 SOLD VtaraMUy ,v-.- -/ /"- ''*' K '"K **' 'mm tf a m c *!* "< il ' w ' JV"' -"" ewoun MU! tki!,i ntu it tr<*l-ild ml* I."*' <-" ffmnl to try tkii irctillit rrmrdi SOMETNINO NEW CnfCN AWAY riti iWrappd wound every bollle of Or. C'h' I ivrr Curt ia a valuable HouwhoM Medical C.uidf tl Recipe B* (>4 pi*). c..numinj ant tan uieful ir i|-, pronoun<-n! hymfdirl men n<1 dmggxn invln- aWe, and worih tn titnn the price of the medicine. .TIT Cdufi CATAMM Cum. * f' ml !''' rrmerty. Price, ij ccntv ,TIY CHAII'I KIDNEY AM* UvtR Pau '5 c pr boi. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS * 00,, e.le Aeawle. A TORONTO TRAO-BDY. Dreadful Ending to Unhappy Mar- ried Lift. A MAN SHOOTS HIS WIFE AND THEN SUICIDES A terrible tragedy was enaated io tbe norlbeaatern eectloa of Toronto yesterday j net aa tba afternoon waa oloaicg. No. 610 Parliament street, opposite Ibe gatea uf Ibe Bt. James' asmtterv. waa Ibe oeno ot ibe affair. Obatlea Bald, a drunken, worthless man, tbot bis wife with a revolvi r Iwioe and thou shot himself, Mrs. Reid ia living aud ma; resover, bat tbe would-be murderer U uo;trjor. Ten jearn ago tbe two were married. MM. Ktid wan left }2 000 by bar falber. Tbe tampiatiuu to cqaander tbia lillla aara waa beyond Rsia's powers cf renstanor, aid in about a year'a time bis wife's Intl. i furtooe bad disappeared and bo bad made bimiaU t worlblei s drunkard. Teen, it it said, ba began to abuse bia wife. Oa tbv adviee of ber friecda iha separated from bim. Tbe would-b, murderer and uaioide ecu- tioaed to bang round town. Ba baonled ibe boteU, aud waa known aa a boardmi; rioose beat aod a neollemanof leiiore. Mrs. Held went out in tba afternoon yeattrdav, and on returning borne tbortly before 5 o'clock waa told by a boy named Norman Ponobi r, wbo livaa ia tbe boaae, tbat a man bad culled daring ber abteooe and a>ked lor ber. Be gave tbename ot Bodge. Mre. Reid suspected tbat 11 was eitber ber ban- band or an aocomplioi of hU. Raid made bia acpcartnoe, walkiotj into Iba baliway witbcni kLooking. Be was aadar tbe inflaanoe of liquor. Bia wife would not ipeak to bim, but be instated oa being beard aad hboved bimaelf into Ibs dining- room. " Too bava nol need me right," bt aaid, with t drunken simper. Desirous, of getting rid of bim, Mrs. Raid dstpttebed young Pooobar for a polioeman, wnila sbe scut a yoocg lady, wbo was alaying Ibere on a vibi', after aome ot tbe naighbora. Raid returned lo annoy bia wife, aad becoming enraged at ber silence, drew a revolver, roebed up alo:ide ot ber and t resented il at ber breast. U-eatly agitated, the woman saoeked Ibe rofian'i arm up joat at ba polled Ibe trigger. Tbe [on did nol explode, bat tbe k I eceond Held levelled il again at tbe pile and trembling woman. There waa a ibarp report and a bullet lodged in ber left arm near tba elbow. Reid followed tbia witb another abol, tba laadan miuils tbia time taking tfieel in bis balploss victim's orek. Bbe fell baek on Ibe loange insensible and bleeding. Tbinking tbal be bai daubed bis murderous work and sen! bia wife 13 tbe olber world, tbe fiend sbot him- self ibrongb tbe bead and sank to Ibe r. Mm Watson returned witb asaiatanoe only to wilneea Ibe wife and tba huabacd lyinfi as abe Iboogbl dead IB their own blood. Police and physicians were nmmoned and Mra. Reid waa pot in bed. Tbe bullet in tbe arm wai extracted. Or. Brent probed for tba olber ia tbe neok, bat did not eome across it. On aooonnl of tbe palj-ii's weak oonditioa ba refraintd from iurtL eearab. Tbe marderooa bosband still lay iotanaible cu tbe bloodstained carpet, wi h tbe warm red liquid ociiog out ot a big .Jonnd in tbe aide of bia bead. Iba bullet ami bave imbedded iteelf in bia biain. Daleeiive Radbaru bad bim re- moved in tbe ambalacee to tbe General Buspital, where be died al H 30, having never rallied. A \tni>: t:> i i i. . With Which |rcss l< irl J|<Dr4 ike Urcai fcxhlMilea In I o A London oablegram aays : Tbe Queen symbolically opened tbe Indian and Oolonial Bxhibition on Xacaday by band- ing " Our bu" too key of it, wbieb tbe Prmoe received witb tba gree b.c mln* the Orand Master of thi Freemasons. Fcr only a moment he beld it op io its ease to Ibe pnhlio view. It is well worib a ruinate deecriptiou. Imagine it half a fool long, made of boruiahtd gold, eat off wilb enamel and a variety of jewels, Ibe bow beicg hexagonal lo abape. In tba eentrt of tbe bexagon, aa seen from one aide, is a golden representation of tbe bead of a lion in bigb relief, tangoed witb ruby, orownsd and set in 1 red enamel sarroonded wiib a band of wbite c^tmel, witb Ibe inscription, Tbe Oo.onial anl Indian Exhibition." Frcm Ibis aentral circle radiate te tbe acglea ot tbe hexagon aix ablelda in raised blue enamel, each bearing a symbol In gold of tba eolony or depeodeney, tbe animala chosen being tbe sheer, elephant, tiger, opossum, beaver and buffalo. At ibe bow end of tbe key and larmoaotias; the bow in tbe Imperial orown, tbe band of which ia jewelled witb rabies and emeralds. Tbe pin ot tbe key aa 'l leaves tbe hexagon start! from a centre of 'oar elephants' hrds, whcfe trunks form a Kokel on either aide of tbe bow. Tbe radiating shields are of yellow gold, and bear tbe nimea ot aeveral ot tfa oolonies, whoie symbols are on tbe obverse, and in tbe eantre U a saa' .ivgel of gold. Tba key it not merely au tu.b!am ot tba Stale eere- mooy, bat is alto a muter key to all the door* of the E- 'bition. Sext week tbe Qaitjo opeus tbe Liverpool Es!Ui(ion. A JIOTHBBl'S llrrol. I oii.lM, 1 ol WMW I .l . In It. lojj M ftBT* SI . r ll.prln, A Fort Boott (Kama*) despatob aays: About 1 o'oloek Lamb'a dam broke and an immenae body o( watar uuiii witb Ibe already swollau brook roabad djwn tbe valley. Tbe boaae occupied by Sarah Brown, a widow, wan struck by tbe torrenl and ewapt 100 ysrjn down tbe stream, bre il lodged among tbe trees. Mrs. Brown and four ot bar children were in II. Tba water roie rapidly around it to a depth of aeveral feel. The motber beld ber aix montbn 1 old infant in bar arma above tbe water, leaving ber older children to care for tbemaelvei. Bba suddenly noticed that ber ">-year old boy wa drownlog, and in attempting to save him Iba infant slipped [rom her arma and WM drowned before aid o:>uld reach it. The remainder of tbe 'imily were raaoued. TBB H41IU It. I t I t I ! I- I KK attlr f Carkallc < 1.1 Tsihra lrniik l.r Mhl.Ur.. nnil A Chicago despateh aays : Tbs fsel developed to-night that wben Roaeofeld's drug store was raided by Ibe iu b on Wednesday aod the rabble seiaad upon ivary bollle thai bid the appaaranee ot beiug a raoep'aale of sipirila, a large bottle ot carbolic auid was among the other* car- ried away, and owing to Us general reaem- blanea to wblikey il was paesed from band to hand aftor Ibe raid aud drank by bait a dczen or more of Ibe mob. Tba acid began to take effect aa soon aa il entered Ibe itomaeb* of Ibe r utere, and in spite ot tbe best efforts ot tbe doetora two ol tbe drinkers have died and three more are at death's door. General Longelreal, now a silver-haired veteran, went to see how be waa repre- enled in tbe oTelorama of tbe second battle ot Ball Huu lo Washington Ibe other day. Ha waa Ibera portrayed, witb looks much blacker tban be waars now, in a group ot officer* around General Lee. Being a-kfd bit opinion of tbi aosne, be raid : " Well, it leema to ba about all bare except tba ran." Several Mormon misiionarlt* bava been mobbed in varion* parta ol Bwitzirland and tbey bave determined to abandon lor tba preeant their prcaely tiling ffforta In tbat country. -Profateor Are you at theorem B or C, Mr. Beok worthy. Mr. B,- I gates I am a THE WESTERN SLAUGHTER f ite Mori of the Wounded Chicago ''oliceme Beyond Hope ot Recovery. m BONB-IHROVER A REVOUITJOURT H6ENI Wiiconiin'i Governor Determined to Pre serve Pesos at al I Hazard*. MILWAOXM, May Roeideote of thi outbera portion of ibo oil; who were Mil al an early boor Ihia morning notice'l a great bum bar of Polea who bad participated IQ yesterday's riots al Bay View, mu^ and in 1*1 m, making their way toward* i large Polinh Uboreb in tbal neon'on of tte cny . By i, a. m. four hundred men wore assembled, aaob bearing a buge elnb, uoo bar, or tamo other implement of waxtiae Tbe meu wera formed into line), aud .1 (be order proceeded to tbe direction of B View, r.ising theory a* tbey went, " Kil tbe militia and born the milla." Bbiug apprised of tbe moo's coming, Major Traemnr ordered tbe four cjmpamca under bia oitnruend to form maide the roll iog milli eooloanre, wtu.re tbey bad been in oamp duricg the uigbl. and ekationad tbetj iu tbe beet potaible poaition to obeck tbi atlsoking nob. As UM latter arproaobec tbey were ordered tn stop. No beed wae given and M.jor Traemor repeated tbe order. Again the crowd, wtaioh we* BOW about filtten hundred strong, ignored tbe oantion and [tuned toward tbe bridge Tbe order to fire wta then given, and ae nearly aa could te learned tbe four com panic* emptied their gnna with a Heady aim al tbe throng. Seeing teveral of tbeir number fall wounded or dead, tbe mob threw themselves flat on tbe ground and sought tbe shelter of the railroad embank- ment. Tbe retail of the first volley having snob a lalntary effent. the militia again stacked iheir arms, and a sqaud of pcljje assisted tbe woucded. TBI IILLID aii WOCTBBD. Tbe killed and wonoded were ae followa : Killed Michael Kuobaitki, married, laborer ; Franez Kuuktl. sged 64. >hot ihroogb tbe bearl while feeding obiekena n bin yard ; Jobaon Waaseka, laborer klartiu Jankowiaki, laborer. Tbe following are mortally wounded A. Erdmau, ('. Dadik, Frank Nowilza, sged II. John O-iozki, aged 28, and KreJ. Gold btcb are not seriously wounded. Tbe rioKri in greater part retreated to be section of tbe city when tbey r*>td>. Tbe excitement there reached a hi*b pnob, and threale of vengeance were heard on every corner. In the weetern portion of tbe oily tbe O rmau Socialists have eaun-d ibe police and tbe militia reserve al the armory a great amount of trouble. Three imes bavs Ibsy been called to Milwaukee Oarden to disperse a crowd of 1 000 or more striker* and Saeiaiuta, each time tbe vigorous use < f policemen's clubs) upon the beads and baeka of the mob being neeen- sary. The rioters, or those of Polish nationality at least, proceeded to tack the rraidcLce if Capl Barobardt.'of tbe Ko - c osko Guard, leaving it a complete wreck. The lolnriated Pulaodars tbn ameoabied tear the Polish obareb, ai.il Is ie rum red decided to arm themselves and m&ka a raid on tbe militia at Bay V.iw Milla tbie afKrccon. AXOTBIB DUICIBANCE. While tbe trouble wse going on at Bay View a large crowd of Socialist* aad sinkers assembled al Milwaukee Garden aod were preparing to earry out a pro- gramme of riot aod destrnation, but sixty /olioemen aad three Infantry companies ere despatched and cleared tbo preuiuea. The mob tbeu re assembled and proceeded a Bmtt'e brewery, where a disturbance took place, in whioh it wae neoessarv to resort to firing, but ao far ae known no one was killed, though it is believed several of be rioters were wounded. Tbe eily I* In a tale of excitement unequalled a* any time since tbe present trouble oommeoeed. LATIIT LOT Or VICTIMS. Of Ibe policemen hurt with pieces of tbe Doming boom and tbe ballets fired at them luriBg last eight'! sflray, John Disgan and Nicholas Shannon are dead. Tbe following officers are believed to be fatally wounded, bat were still alive at 7 P.O.. : Jseob Uaasen, Nelson Haussn, John Barrett, Ueorgs Miller. Tbe following twenty four officers wbo sustained ssrions and possibly fatal lojuriee are at tbe County Hospital : Tbomaa Ma- Henry, Henry Weinkle, 8 MeMahon, B F Sobnell, Jjhu II King, John Djyle, Beery Smith, Tboman Heoaeaay Joeepb Worman, Jaa Brady.C.W Wbitney.BerLerdMnrphy, Timothy Flavin. Lanrenee Murpby, Peter Bullerty, Tim O Sullivan, 1' MeNolly, Michael Horao, Auiiasl Ktller, Alex Jams- on. James Stan ton, Patrick Haitford.Jamee) Barber, Wen. Barnee. Tbe oitlsens wounded and at tbe County Hospital are James Lite, a looker en ; Tbomaa Nolan, one of tbe mob ; Miotaael Haiu, Joseph Habo, Robert Bouilen. Jobn Lepland, John Fraeor, Frank Baab, Peter Ley, Jobn Baebeo, Augntl Jacob, Jn K )outohie?, Cbarlti Schnmaoker and Emit Talc, This doee not oomprlac, it is bilieved, more Ibao one third of tbe total number wounded. Nearly S10000 has already been Mb eribed on 'Utaange for tbs familiei of tbe dead aud wounded officort. Tbe police made another raid on tbe cffioe of tbo Arbeitrr Zeitung yetterla) afierncon. Tbey arrested a man in tbe offiae, wbo, upon being searched, produced a large revolver and dirk koite. In the ottae were diicovered several boxea of dynamite aad a Dumber of red flig and inoendiary baonetB, all of wbieb were seized. Tbe dynamite waa taken to ths lake (rout and exploded. Ths e steel wae terrible. A piece about the aiie of a hen's egg was plased la a coupling link and exploded, aod tbe bear> iron waa scattered into fins bil About 9 r m - deteetivee made another Kearoh of Ibe .'rbeiter S.eilung premises. They were rewarded by tbe discovery of a great lot of ammunition umtaUo for Win- ebsaler rifles, sbot-gnne and revolver', le -ral (akti for bombs, a dirk-knife and a huge OoJl'a ra**lT. Tbe stuff was found under an old aLh mr RTANT EV. DISCI nccuD. Tbe police ate rapidly collecting evidence agaiuet the ebief conspirators among the Anarchists. Tbey searebed Spies' office and found absolute proof. The ioflamma tory circulars headed " Bevenge ! " " Work- ingmen, to Arms I " and " Attention, Work- ingnien I " were found with tbe form ID I ype. These were locked up in tbe Central Hi.iiou as evidence tbal Spies and Sob abb directly incited to riot and bloodshed. Toe Anarchist 1'arsons baa not been captured as first reported. He ie itill in biding Babwabb was mistaken for him wben tbe flrel arrest* were made. Inspector Bonfleld raided Zepf'i ball this morning and found a lot of mnsketr, red flags, and German books expounding Sooialiilic doelrines. This attention tbe police alo raided tbe ealablisbmeul kepi by C. H. Biisell, on Booth Clark itreet carrying away ninety gun> aod revolver*. It was deelsred Bienell bad been enpplyii<K the Sodelisle witb gaol. n an MIDID IT TB . A mob of tl.OOO to 8 000 pemons reaseem- bled near tbe corner of 18 ih street and Centre avenue at uoon to-day and raided Ronenfeldt's drug store, carrying cff every- thing portable. They then raided a liquor store In the vicinity. Women and children joined in this raid. Tbe polloa diiperaed the mob. Mayor Usrrieon tkii aftercDon, after ooninltiog witb kia department officers an oitisena, pablisbtd a eard proelaimiLi; tua gatherings of people In crowds or proces atons on tbe streets and public places of tb city are dangexcns aid cannot be permitted and orders have been iawaed to prevent al oeb gatbetlugs, and to break up aod dis perte all orowdr, to prevent injury innoaent peraont. The Mayer urg*s al law abiding people to quietly attend t beir affairs aud not to meet in crowds. the polios order any gathering to dtipere *ud Ibey be not obeyed, all persona so dis obeying will be treated aa law breakers am will incur the penally of tbair disobedieuoe nQOin ox a MC&DBUU orriCBE, The n quest over tbe remains of Poii< Officer Diegan waa eoDcluded this evening Cbrii Spits auj Michael Sabwabb.twokf tb priaooere, mads ssatementa in Iheir own behalf, which damaged rather than helped thorn. Tbe jury recommended that all tbi pruonera be held (or murder. 4 BOBUBLI nctturr. About 6 o'clock ibis eveiiinx three officer* alalioued oa Das^Uiaea atriel Tiadao *tre ehoi at from a aaloou. Office Miobael MtdJeninalantly grappled a man *ho held tbe revolver, and in ibe stro^ both were shot, Madden'a wtuod baug mortal. A small riot occurred al the town of Laks ; night. T wo policemen were badly bnrt Tbe leader of the rioters, named Blank, was shot through Ibe bearl. M-eCormiok's Reapc Works started op t morning witn a pretty tull foroi. Tbe collecting o( evidence agaiuat the conspirators i preceding rapidly. Tb Slate At oroey saya : " We will push tbe proaeaution of tbe men wbo luiugated the riot, and helped to carry out tbe murder aa faraa tbe law allows us." Tbe fund (or the benflt of tbe families tbs dead and wounded baj swelled to 124000. The folioa raided tbe hull of tbe Anarcbiata at 105 Nortb Welle street Ibie morning and aeued a few muskets. Officer Madden, wbo waa snot last night s i-ti.l living, bat bia erudition ia cnlieal i'dlly three- fourths of MeOormiek'e em lioyees reported tor doty this morning. The proprietors of the Peering Works lave deoidtd to grant a work day of sight : and an aavaLoa of 16 per oenl. ou the former pay. The men will return to rork. Omcera Barrett, Blavin, Miller atd 'aeob Uauser arc beyond hope of rev ry. 1'be remainder of the wounded will irobably recover. ojil Lniz, a omliau wko wts shot, it a a djion condition. An iueeLdiary fire waa started in tbe amber yards near Nortb. Avenue Bridge tbie mornihg. A can ounuiuiug ex losives was found in Ibe yards. It la now bought the man who threw the bomb on Tuesday was a revolut onary agent from ibe Baal. Uffintr Barrett, wounded by lh|ijxplotion f the botubou Tuesday, died this forenoon, d Officer George Miller died to ni*bi, akiug a total of tour deaths to date mong pcUeemeu. Offloer Maddeu, wbo wae shot laat n>gbl, ia still liviuk, but bie ondilion ia critical. Officers. F.aviu and aeob Haossn are beyond tbe hope of eoovery. Tbe remainder of the wounded ill probably recover. Detectives inspected Ibe house 823 Henry treel to day, Tbey found fifty rounds if m mouiiiou and two rifles, a iwcrl bay oue . i.iy and a qaai.tily of Atiarebial literature. 'to oo:apaut of tbi hunec, Ooalave t range, asod to be a uitu'd^r of boenba, a* arrested. Tbe police raided 71 \Vet ,ako elreet, seiatog a uuo.b<r of rtd flag* ad bauneri', eaibltainsd with me moel iUld threat* agaicsl tbe euuttlluied athoiiuea. Twenty rioters in tbe Twelfth street die rial wire arraigned nd held until Satur- ay in 1100 nail ear.. Toe yafamaaiar <t Ibo Nortbweetern E.ilway aye to sUy ft jaisjil a*, mejsi east* to tbe yards aod eajei slled tbe few witehmen who oisie woVkiog to leave. At 11 M to iiigbi two alarms of fire ware truck, oue alarm from Aahlaod avtnoe iridge ia tbs lumber district, tbe other ia rom Stale) and Hameou sttests. ths eenlr* of the eily 'e loweel quswter. If tneendiary ree were to be lureod by Anarchists it would be difficult to ekoote two other loea- uus from wtaioh cqMaly dlaaeiroaa eon- *gr*iiooa could spreeU. However, in ten minutes the Area were acuouaeed to be ool. Th I', .i.lrni . 'I. lrlm.nl. I llllroil.n.. A Buffalo N.Y, despateb ta)s; Tbe ollowiog letter was received hers > eater- ay : DBAI Hut WiLinon, 1 am in rtoiipl t >our favor, aua m raster sorpnecd I tbe tone of your letter. I eertaioly rould not interfere witb tbe matrimonial botee ot my brother. I am a vary warm riet.d ot Mix Vau Vechleu, aod. aitbougb am nol sj intimate with iewM Fcleom, I sleem both aa true lypsja of American womanhood. I am pained to read the goeeip u ths newspapers about tbe marriage, al- bough 1 am nol prepared M say tbat one ill take place. It will greatly plsaae me o be relieved frox the duties of Doeteai at ha Pnsidsat'a boaie, wbieh I have tilt wsre impoced npou ma, acd wb ob have greatly interfered with my literary pleaaure and puriuita.-SiLcerely yonrt, Tar ttl.lrr. I rriBlol? Ne Irl.h. A Li:iooln (Neb ) deepatoh fays : Preai- dint K<au, ot the iruh National Lmgue ot Amertea, was Interviewed to-day rcu<diiiK ibe slatsmonte in tbe St. Jamei Oattttt aod olbtr LoDdou papers whieb af.nbuted lie Auarohial riots in Chioago to Ibe Irish element. Mr. Egan was very Indignant al tie charge. He laid : ' If there ia one fti.ru of Ibe Socialist troubles mpie tioeable than another or more gratifying o every friend of Ireland It la that up to be present lime not a single Irishman has been found on tbe side of the red flag, and point witb melancholy pride to tbe fact bat about three fourths of tka gallant let- owe wbo fell in defence of law and order ere of oar nationality." Tar l" Have - What oa earth are tbe people g jug to o with tbe been Ibis year ? Tbe whole oonutry is alive with them ; tbi churches, school-bouses and some private dwelling! isve been rutbleeely taken posseision of >y the inveterate little workers, and tbi irospcol U tbat either tbe people must orrendsr or tba beea must go, aod tbe alter don't appear to hurry about it. We uitgot tbat all tba public buildings be donated (or beehives and thia tall tbe autiri vallnydeclai as dividend on honey. Tbere'i millions in il.-Sanfa A*a (Col) Standard. Bblr tir.. K r lr*as ttw tlurru. The following eablsgram wai reeeived b> ibe Qivernor-Oeneral from tba (jaeeo : Opening of ibe Oulanlal Kxbibitioa went t ft splendidly. Delighted to see to many of my Canadian enbjtota. " VieroKU.R.A I." The Oavernor General mads a suitable A Berlin cable aays : Emperor William s taking eoma much needed real al Wies- itdso, and bis health bai already shown igna of improvement; notably be isaluioil uiirny tree frcm lhoe feinting file to whieb be waa so distressingly nubj-ol for ome month* baok. He will shortly viaii E-us, aufl in July he will proceed to QM- iru for Ibe baths. Toe Emperor still remains in. very feeble health. Too little 2 year old daoghter of Aogual Cutsober, ot Niw Haven, played about Iba oom on Tuesday with a sharpened slate anoil in her mouth. Bba fell and the leuoil was driven into ber tbreal, piercing he jugular vein. Bbe died almost immi- diately. the tptrll< , Orad.fl.k Hbukr- Omni Like Urlsief UM !<> .Hast. Nu words re so natural to bomuily, none eoilruighl and qaiek from tbe bearl i the laugutge of toe baade, observes a writer ia " Cassells Magaainr." Oar Orients) friend*, wbo are c( a more slow ud clinaifled oharaoter, disapi/rava cf tbe Weetero Custom i.f taking bold of the {ireeiooa person of an ac>iaaintanee and ahekicit bixn for welcome. It may be more digbiQtd to bow, tnl if fraokoeae aud acuvity be our obaraeterietiot, wi Ilka tbe trastfol mystery of a baud-clasp. Ilia ao index in itaelf Tbe formal aod cold charac- ter often HVroig,bt (Ujgsra for a_> u>-lai<t ; the dull and ataiLietie lets us take h Id of the band like a diad flb ; tbe energttio buai- ness man meete an old fnjcd with a grip that bnag* the) water into bia <>ts; the warm hearted take* our band acdholdnil. Tbe nervocR band, with it* Mtl-clionate HWiftneav, eomaie out moat readily aud long- ugly. Aud is lucre ajuj tbtDK niuru ua;urs>l to a reverent love than thu BHiM cl the band tbal bas becc bountiful u luvu to tu f i i.i- Newibwru A Winnipeg derpatcb says : Tbe fto viucil Q^yarumeLl will ifler a rewarl 1 ->r information a* to tbe cans*) tf the death of ens K-JOX, wboio et:; pO'd to have had a ontitleraUe sum ot money in bia posses- aiou, nod who bad my itw. -lowly diaap- from WiLtipeg. A border ia believed to have beet: committed. Delfgsiea leave for Ottawa tomorrow uigal to interview the Government regard- ing a Kraut for Bed Biver iu prow meets. Tbe delegates will also prcc.-ed to Mon- treal and interview tba Canadian Pacifls Railway yudicaie with regard to diaenmi- nlin*i fra'gbl rates. A Winnipeg de'pa'ch says : 1).*. Me- Ujuald.of Mir.ued.sa, o-;mtnilted soiaida yesterday by tbrowizg bimaelf Into a He Oral tried to end lid with a Thrlr a Ti.e railioK for Kill'* grt>ve wai broog'at m fr o Si Vral ytslerday aod placed in poaitiju. Al the baa 1 u a (lain wooden ores*, bathing tba words " Ljuii Dvid Mai 9 A Winnipeg despatch aay a : A large party ol immigreno from Ibe taat, in charge ol Riv. Mr. Brtdger, arrived tbia afternoon. Moat ot tbem lolet.J to 111- obaoe land and follow farming. This afteroooo tbe membert of the ttilb Battalion were preaented witb tba North- west medal* by Mrs. Aikvna, wife ot tbe L.eotenaol Governor. The L.ovi Legislature to-mbi paaetd a resclution aeking Ibs Doc,iuioa Govern- maul for a land grant for Ibe i*ortags jLtral Railway. Tbe awards by the Dominion Oivera- menl to the Indiana wbo rtmained loyal daring IL laH rebellion art now being mad i. The Minuter ol Public Works to-day sent a telegram to bir il-.o or Liagevic, urging tbal imoiediate uleps be taken for ibe backlog of tbe AiMuiCome River, lor be purpose ot prwvaniiog an overflow. e ikj. , i oi nisielT. An apoille ooee wr. :r, " Let love be witboot dinoimolatioD." Hadte lived in oar day, la migttt bav< il. axbt it quite aa riant to nay, " Let love te witLonl cLtin.ei.t.it\ " In locki'j* t,ver ibe re- of charitable i-i^itnn -n especially ur-l> volujfuy oots ws are fr<qjeLtl> iiruck by ih- ulWr abse;-cn of _> ailjmpl to Ceal iu wbat ovgut be oiled a acirutino manner wiib tbe fae s thai o me w-thio Itibir loops. laatrad ol tbii, we u .va any amouiil ot mtmaii-D'.a.iiy aud kino, >li>ua aaeriptioca ot tbaLki to Proti- dft.cs, eoLBiderable Uudaii.u of tbe iffioera eoijage I iu tbe work of Ibe iontita- uon.audljug lute of dooaliont, win tbe Ok ant* of tbe dcnore, of our-e. Now, we vald ebwrfnlly xoori!e all Ibis tor a it tie tut jrtn:iun likely to be eorviaastele u a ceieclido p iul cf view. Say n ia an 'orphans' home" Waal we should like o kuow inoonutcliou wiib Ibs rperatioos cf auoh an Inaihatioo may be roughly lodi sled aodw tbe folk wing heede : 1. lo agard to each icmate, wbatbar be or she il really an orphan or not. If ao, how tbe condition of orphan- age and dependence arose. 3 Bow happened Ibal private aid from riend* ur relatives was nol forlboomiag whether, for example, Ibe existence of a convenient asylum into which tte orpbao could be pal bad anything to do with tbi ibilda beiig lUoed there rather tbaa other wine provHid for 4 Waal moral fUoia eem to flow frcm tbe ab-etce of >artntal affec:i"nand u flucnce 5 Wbat be special iLflaenets ol ibe boms or asylum aeem to be in different olaaa-s of jti. tf Wbaitbe lubsxijuenl cojrse in t.'e ot ohildreu relea -ed from tba horns bas wao. from Poplar Stiem.^ aToafA'y JOT Aoaideutt, now tbal tbe open eewo'i f r hnuting iaon, are tube expected. Proper earefulneaa would prevent tbem almost antirsly. No man wbo onnol keep bis wilit atom bim under almost a'l circacn- nees ie til to be truiud wiib a lotdtd juu. Tbe man who always bacdles a gnu aa il il wera loaded aLd dangerous will *topi aocideDla to bimsell and olberi. In buDtiig Kama lake no ri-ka whatever ot rating man or beaal. It u always beat to keep out ot field* wbore tbera are domestic auimuli feedioR, uulcsi yen own tbe Held* and animala. " L>ck before yu ib'.'oi," it agxxl maxtiu to? tba bucler to apply, especially when hie doga ara en a point. iJook all around bafore floabing tbe game, and if there ia any living lbin eioepl tae game lo range, doa'l ibool tbal way, or better, don'l ibool al all. udlilosi In 4 iTiluailen .* SJavme Irian. To tfupporl ibe idea Ibal motbert-io-law bave never been favorably regarded, etbo- uil.gista tell us tbal a singular custom, wnion enacts tbal a man shall never look upon tbe taee of bis uxoiher-in-law after be i. UQOO married, pre vatla among nomeroai eavage peoples apparently widely aoidered by geographical distribotion aad differ- ences ot race. Toe enitom obtains arocug tbe Kiffira of booth Amtrtaa. aawng. aevaral c t the AuairaUao tribee, and among many Polynesians, a faet whieb acme people aaiume to point to a ojaoaan origin uf theae racei, bol which others look upon as leetimcny cf the existence of a natural law, as a pieae of wisdom indigenous ta eaeb ot tbaae ooantriee, aod the direct growth of itdividoal experi- ence. Tbe custom being fooad ia auob widely teparated coitiornta a* Africa and Australia is considered aa proving tb*t il oiotl aave boeu ssajastsj by oui common netisilty of acinaa nature, acd reaeena are not waating to aliow why aavages diaaovared it waa better for a mm nol to look apon bis mother in- law Pumarlly, -ay tbe supporter* of UH. theory, because bis mother in-law waa a picture iu aulieipaiiuu of what bis wife v. a< likely to be. Before marriage, a mat 'a miod may nol be open to the cold pro- aaataa ot eompariaoo. bai afterward b. bcKim to oooaider what arl of a bargain bo baa made, and if hit mother in Uw baa sol improved with age, tbe ghastly poaeibtiily ot bia wit. becoming like hat rues before bim. fleLoe tbeee savage tribes prescribed tbe role tbat never aTter marriage tbuold a man see hi* mother. in- law, aod Ibis in ume bevaate a aoaial law or erwtorc. Il bas been more tbaa OLOS flippantly sogeiid tbal tola 'nron uf a veaerable experience raigbl be accepted and the custom adopted birr, while others, iqaaily regard leaa ot aootai and other eonaequeceea, bava advoeated the insti- 101130 of a kind of auitee arraagemsLt, wniob mould bind the Bnu-b mairoJ by soeial propriety to does her mortal career upon ber daughter a marriage. Apart from tbe soggeeilon only being available >a aasee where one daughter alone Massed . marriage, tbare is tbe o.ors Importer, i consideration thai to aiiminate mothare tn-law altogettaer from tocisly aven it it were poaaiale, wesjld be ami dieaetroui ia lie effects. Is ber preeeaee really always ao dleagreaabls. so baneful to enjoyment? It her advice oevrr needed ? Tbs world baa always sided again.l ber ; il does not atop lo consider Ibe (Jooole ebaraoterutiee of legal mater nity wbieb are involved wben bcth sous aod daughters marry , it atoll persists ia viewug ber only m her character ot wife's mother, and repeat* and revivinee from lime to lime all the maJieioaa daooaeia- uone or witty ecicrame laat bave ^^^Mae aseooiitad wiib ber Lams. Thaekarai even, who, wiib bis large knowledge o' iLe world and ot tae human bearl, might bav. been expected to be more lenient to tbe unfortunate race of mothers m-law, goes (ml ot bia wav to draw the horrible Mr.. MaekeBae. ru >lo , sweil, siily lnUs Uoaie, and c-ucb ujared wives of ber iniiBasal auoes, withoot rtflecting ibat they might IL I .c:r t-jra tec MI mother* tn-law. Djee oo) ibis fact fu.-mio food for ren oviou to the youug botbacds of to-day, wbo a qatrter .t a eeutary beceo may find ihti/ i ' wives u-avotd-oly dntticg into i. iher in-lawbcod 7 Aud again, la it cot ra.hir UL.reieui.abla Iu a ycoug man to urj,ot lo hr wbo ba* bad Ibe greatssl snars 10 mooldiog ths ota.-ae:r acd train- i-g tbe bati:< ut the uie woman he bas eboeen fr jm all oiuers to be hi* ecmpaatoa for life? HJW strange it u, when one looki the <]ditun in Uw face, Ibal a lady wbo i* e. ueidered harsSits euoogk uniu her obtlJrco o>arry, stiooli attar tfcat hippie I ot family events be elevated to suab a palatal peJ:el of diaswrseabii- aeeej ! Aa a nittter of faat, in spite of all Ibal novaUste and playwngbla have written. tbu motben-ln-law of suns generally g*t oo wun them far belter than with their daughters in law. f<UMtt< foaaity JTa-M- *ii far Mty. Al STeuio I walked on the ooeta fbore, Wba tbesbadowe wen aUMriof (ut ; The sun seemed to nat.r, lbo [re ties to poor Bit fadlag orlmaon oo sea a> raasli Aid UM waves geo tly tlcbed, In Ui' loia-porple arkle. aoe-OE, eease SeMfeooee soar*" Leave u aoe- la tbe ebbiau tid skasbord tide a ahlvenaf ' ------- Tbe see, like my life, lay Wbeze DO llchl or lo. or hope bad past; Doll gray Isj Uj.j o*miug, Oa,lMfatlOb,beaaiyl coaaeeawe more.' I knelt la Ihe array oa tbe noMSeoe*) saad. Aod drew ttkwe s erues. 1 1> type ot worn, Tttea tbe crown aod Aadpalasla tbebeeut Above 1 Orew tbt tiev Ofeu- oyHop.. tb* stsx Thai la UM WeM aXar Ia folden lettvs wrote) ;-"Onee leooldkaow; bis tbe A I. Irl Pi l.on. t . U.ilne; S(., p, A Boston deepatoh lays : Ada A. Not- ing, sged 19, wae en route to the Lai caster ndusuial 8 ihool yeelerday aflrrooon in obarge of a female attendant. While the run was running twenty miles an hour be girl wint into Ibe saloon, spratg brougb the window and clinging to tbs ub buns} Ibsre till Ibe train m?l a freight rain on tbeotber track, tbsn i>be wae-etn to drop between Ibe two tralna. Botb raini were n topped and the employees rsnt baek to tearob (or her mangled amaior, but tbey found only a trail show- ng tbal aba bad fled to tbe woodi. I ar uirnti .1 ss Hhark'e i.m>,k. A B-ro-ula letter says : Tbe following wire the contents of Ibe stnmaob of a *hark aaptnrsd by H. M B Rovsr, al 8l. Kilta, on tbi till iuaiaol, and wbieb was opened In tbe prieenea of nearly all on board, first an amply meat oan (about two poundi) waa brouibt oat ; loan earns out together two bam baga with the booee. e(l in, lwoiwB>bafor waebing down deoka, a stone about fl vi Inehee in diameter, tbe remaini of an ell hat, a haversack witb >nca.lee and straps, and a grsat Dumber of joues, apparently tbost ot a male or borw*. llarry Uyndmao, Preaidint of tbe Kog- lish Social Demoeratle Federation, In ao interview with a London correspondent, ill bt wis rtrongly oppoeed to tlit movement made In Cbioaga, a< it is an- wi for an gnorganixid mob to oppose) a dulled force ; but be was ia nympatby with ibs principle for wbieb the Boeiahate ware contending Owii'R to the prevalence of aaab, tbe entry ot beep into Brui-h Columbia with- oat inspection ia prohibited. -Innocent mother -Who ie tbia Mrt. lip I overheard tbs boys speaking o( laal ni<hl in tbeir room ? Indifferent father- Never beard ot her. lonooent mothar I think the muit be ac. old colored woman wbo does tboir washing , they always ipeak of her M Auntie Up. A woman trom ber early inclines to reminiscences. As sha grows op the stamrs eaeb notable adventnrs and cash ileasaol frieodsblp npun ber mind by aoiuc tubin. Oar lime maseam* wnb ibtir eager oclleetioj of odde and bile would rale into uotbiigneaa wben com' pared with ibe bottom drawer of a girl's Ibis abe generally devotes lo hir . At 5 sbs commsneee iloring n witb horn ehceiaula and broken bits cf cJored IKIUOI s K ivso bsr by dear friende Some of these are the mysteries of tbe " teoreta " wbieh are tbe Ufa ot childhood's freemesoory. By 10 she baa a gold piece, generally bestowed by a bachelor ucole aod perhaps eotuo tokeni from frtende tbal are dead. They are prese t foor-leavtd clover, pinenebioni with axilogteal tendenoiee, gray flannel rabb i. ad aneb, a (sw oarafnliy prseerved valso- time, some bottles tba) once bell per- fumery and io (reseat only a tadinii leMesWeta to the noetrtls. At IT abe bas some laded mlats, aome locks of hair, a tew siraps ot dried orange (.eel. a Collecvicu of dauciuit {roKrammss, and carefully tucked In Ibe furthermost eoraer a bundle of notes tied witb a bins ribbon Aa tba yeara pee* sUll tbe treasures r.cr . IJy a:.d b, tiio wedJitg sli| t. r, are laid away tn the drawer which holds the valsutinei, aod still, a* the years pase, ojmee a pair of the wseslabaas, kicked out at tbe heel, and a eilken curl wtieb shows a silvery gold ia tbo light. After this Ibs keei sake* ars Iswsr, and are ofteoer Ike "uvenirs of sad days than of glad oue*. finally, after a long lim*. tome cos lays way 10 tbe drawer a tuuinbed red metro rnent wuh a look of gray bair aod a thread- thin wedding nu< Then tbe drawer is looked. Ckietfo Xnri. I n. .. Irj Yauug Man' 1 My dear tu, you wMMedly know the cause ol my visit.' Old Oeol Yuu want to make daughter bap PT ; yea, I know. Do really mean n f ' Tyong Man" I have BO bigbtr ambi lion I U.d Qant- - If you really deeire ber bap- piosae, toll and complete, then don I mairy bar ! ' on- my yoa " How do yoo do, Mrs. Teagar T " " Pretty wall, I thank you, Mr. MeGin- nita.' " Havs you been calling tbia beautiful afternoon ? ' " Well, not preoiaely. I alarted oul to call on my friend. Mrs, 1'sterby. aod 1 ol hall way Ibsr* before I fortunately remem- bered Ibal tbia waa ber at bom* ' day." Oaa of the good Baraaritana, while look- ing to the wants ot dimreeaed people in tbe submerged part of Montreal lately, came aarosa a woman wbo waa wringing ber hauda aod crying bitterly. He inquired Ibs oaose ot ber trouble. " For pity'* eaka." she aaid, " take me to Point Bt. c: !:!" ' " Have yon any one there in daner T" queried tha detective. " Nol only io danger, ' replied tbe old woman, ' bat drowned, 1 am almnat eertain 1 Leaving my boaae in a hurry Isat night, I forget my pet oat, wbieh ba* been my MI paoion tor year*, and I wiab to *ee aaawt hsr." At Paris Henri Roaberart, editor ot L' Intrtauiftant, aad M. ParvaUee. rbagbl a dual with pistole yeatarday. Foar saosa war* flred by eaeb eonieelanl, BOO* of whioh did aay barn. beterkaesswaeDaalaadtzuskornliigtalr; Ajtaiu i nAJUeMi Cy ejae saiSftiSM seek ' aoacbt o* ib easide ny eirues wae oea tsssiw; >eubar ansa. mtuoa. aoreleed coold I see; Ao4i KM waw seemed tu say, uot duos U>i sorrow, A brufM u>-incrrow bhall brtsMi stee EMTOIIV s U Kerp u.e saiMblae wltbia, Wno u*tb ban* ti for UMe>. Taa tar eree* stall sat b* I-.xe U. y cross oo tbs ee-wa>lMd Three l.ltiic t "if? IuUt bWi b a ask flaw 10 Bad bun a neat : There UL wvotrare v oe tae sea; Aod one flew tra.rfhl for Uw uortii ~-nPtt hat th thira ni - * ttii tlihsilnilaeal And ibe bird UUAi ilewfae Is IBM aaaje ! Tn.r. ie uoe in a cMtl* over MIT sea ; And oue La a pu> ta tba nunfc ceeaaiie Bat a OSH that dnasas o< UM Aasl oae looks OTUM oenb en Hot tte tair* Luue tiitJ, He Uiucs o er a ante la tbe eileet west. Witere i.o tsal 1 iote te lylo(. sea ; i a at tua < >u U4>ox Tar <4'.it.. HI, t*eMl The eenal-abnual m eating ot lite Sebbalb Hcbool Aswcetation of Caaada WM heed al Elm Street Metbodlal Church. Toronto, yeaterday. Arrangements were Made for work daring ibe enstusg six month i and for tbe Provincial Convention, to be held la Hamilton. In tbe avcolog addrwaaea wen delivered before a large audience by Mayo* U jwlacd. Bsv. Or. Polts, U. M. PSMCJSM and others. Towards tbe eloaa ot the forward tee ftMatioa of Bacday para4a* and bandtv An animated liiinasiiiil toUowad la* gatv eral faeiing heir.* oae .f o^tdsmnaiioa at soah parade*, ktav. Dr. Powta did act ac- prov* of tb* intj set having been uitra*)tMad al all. lie thought that u aaoold bt swt- wtd wy Ib* Ministerial aaar ereuaary *araaa> txoeedlogty well, will ot a ttm dyawfeia it raa( at a Haae wbea Tr aael CeSUej On II bat o*earra4 alao to ta* writer to many obeervatiooa aa to las) eireom- stauess oodar wbiah tea and Kfe at*) found lo agree or Uaagrae with d ffsrwal persons ; in tbe flret rlaee. ae Ba W. Dtjarts baa pointed oat, taa, it taaao at iba same time as fnoaeoas food, ia uiucu more likely to retard its dsgeeaiaOB and eauee d)*pepia tbaa U taken a little time attar aaung , aad ia* mstom adapted by many pcreoca al brcakfaal, tor loaaana*. ol eaiiag Oral aad drinkmc their tea or coffee afterward 1* a eeoatba* ace ; ao also il i* belter to take on* s & D'etat* tea wiia- i-ut tb* ousxmary breed and baiter ot i tbaa with it, luderd. wfai r 'here 1* thai eaa be aaid afeioai a cup at mot taa a* a umalanl aad restorative, wbea taken abcat midway between lunch and dinner, and witoout solid food, il may. oe taw otaer band, be a fruitful eaaaa ot dveoaaaaa wheo aeeomparied ai taat Mas* wt It is also a eorioaa taat that many i witb wtil agree beeom* the atajsati at they driLk this they ma> be ioffnng Iroffl mental worry a weU-raeoejniaed taat that psraeas waa are prcns to EMVOM ulaaai*at of tae eirenlatioa acd pelpttaataooa at the sisrl bav* these aymp it they ptraiel 10 the tue of taa or~ a beverage. Tbe exaeaaiv* eoaeaaioMaa at tea amaag ab* women of tbe poorer i is tbe eaoa* of ninth ot " heart eompiainta ' tba food o* obMata largely tf stauoas (bread aad butter ebkiy). te- Kxiher with taa. i. e.. a food aaawaorr which is one of toe greatsal of all retardere of tbe duMtion of stareky food. The .* 01 cf oofee aa a retarder ot sloraaea digeatiou would probably b* more fall tbaa u Ie were II not so constantly tb* preetoee to take il only la small quantity attar a very larg* meal , U u then mixed witb aa immtnsa balk of food, sad lie relatlr* percent*** proportion rendered tnaignifl. eaot ; and to ibe etrooe: aad rvrareoe tha eluhily retaratng iffeet oa dtgaawiaa ll would tbeo bav* mat ba, a* Sir ' suaxu, aot altogetaat a but after a esar* meal aad U pwaaaaa*oi teebl* dtfeattv* power the coo of e- ffee would probably exeratasj a iffet oo digestion whieb harmful Dr / fivrswy 1'ee, ia Seine* JfoalWy/OT alay. v I l. All O.t UMftly. Tbe loeal diviaiooa c*T London are wbat poutiag. A booaeboidar in a I to a Ldon paper tboe Uleiseras** I " Wb*r* do I lira ? ' ba aska. " Jaa aay oo* tell m* ? I eaaoo*. tor rwaaoa* aa fol- lows : Tbe daeda of my boos* atate al Upper TooUac. Tb* poesal aalboriue* *ay at Balbam. Tb* laiioei masters aay Clap - bam. Tbe rating paopl* say Battereea. Tbe soeal direeior* aay WiabUdoo aad Putney. f If I pay ray taxes 1 go_ bam. It I pay tb* (a* I go to y. It I pay my water rat* I moat go te Kiagetoe-oa-Taamea. To pay loeal rataal moat go lo Belter***. If I vote for a msav ber of Parliament I vote for Clapham diviaioa. it I took cat ia treat ot the boaae Wadaworth Common ia WO yards ta front ot me, and Beltane* two milea beyond tbal. If I look oat at tb* hack ot tbs bouse I'ppr Toowng Park is only Otty yards from m*. It 1 go W tea* *ad of nay road I am than in th ,-*nah ot Waoaa- worih. it 1 walk over tba toad I am la Ualtortea. K I go to the olber aud ol tha road I am in Blrealhaot. it I get over my garden wail I eaa sit on a poet witb a part of my body ia tbres or f oar partakae al the The " liu't tbti road one in tbe wholi world!" over a Miaeouri branab tor. " Mo, I don't think *o, wai the eoav pleo-at reply. " Bat-great beaveae good bswaw what da you call this?" shouted tbe passenger, a* be buog io ta* asa*. The kiad trwaaset* t tb* rail, *ar nothing arare, Taa (an t upoo. to taa aa tbe ilee wiiaoel sons little uaplsatantaeaa, ajtaooga the engineer will do ki* heat to redae* II *> "' mini < am." the peel U boar* twelve ot cholera and tour death* bave reported at Venice, Italy, five two death* U Tlaaiiuat. tmi :

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