Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1886, p. 1

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Mr. Dougal Currie, an old resident of this section, and a pioneer settler of Collingwood Township, departed this life on Friday morning of last week. Mr. Currie was well known to most people in this part of the country and his quiet, gentlemanly demeanor, and his many sterling qualities of head and heart earned for him the respect and friendship of the public. He was not a very old man, and his death is deeply regretted. - Collingwood Enterprise A Fatal Fire in Owen Sound A Young Man Burned to Death; Others Escape One of the worst fires we have ever had in town, though the destruction of property was not large, occurred on Monday morning last. About a quarter past one on that morning, the frame building on Division street, owned by Mr. John Hatton, and occupied by the shoe shop of Mr. H. Archer and the grocery of Mr. Peter Bruce, was discovered to be on fire. Though the fire men were quickly on the spot, the interior was all on flames and it was too late either to save the building or to remove any of its contents. It was known that Messrs. Archer and Bruce, as well two brothers named Mastin, slept upstairs, and a thrill of horror ran through the crowd as it was rumoured that Harry Archer was still in the building, as he had not been seen. For some time nothing definite could be ascertained, but by and by the front part of the upper floor gave way, precipitating the contents of the room above down to the lower floor. All doubt was then set at rest, for the flames now being subdued in the lower part, the lifeless body of the young man was plainly discernible amoung the debris. Tender hands bore the body away, and the crowd left the scene with greater sadness than had been manifested at any fire for years. The deceased was a fine young man, respected and liked by all who knew him. He was a member of Knox Church choir, and sang in the opening services on the previous evening, and his sad fate cast a gloom over the town. The Foresteres [Catholic Order Of Foresters], to which society he belonged, took charge of the body, and attended it to the train on Wednesday morning, when it was taken for internment in Bradford, where his people resided. Mr. Bruce escaped through the front window with face and hands dreadfully burned, and is still in bed from the injuries he received. he states that he and Archer slept in a front foom up-stairs, while the two Mastins slept in a back room. They were all in and went to bed before eleven, putting out the lights. The first intimation he had of the fire was by Archer jumping out of the bed exclaiming, "Oh! Pete, we are being burned up!" He grasped for his pants in the dark but did not find them, and had no time to search. Meanwhile Archer had gone for the door leading to the stairs and opened it, but the flames and smoke burst in and drove them back, when Archer closed the door again. Bruce then rushed against the window to burst it out, bu the heavy middle bar resisted his strength and threw him back. As he turned he saw Archer grasping the quit and wrapping it about his shoulders. He then smashed the lower part of the window with his hands, and swung himself out by the iron rod which held the sign. Finding that Archer did not follow him, he ran around to the back to see if he had got out that way, when he found the Mastins boys on top of the shed, they having escaped through a back window. He was then taken away by friends to get clothing and have his injuries attended to. He states that the lights up-stairs were put out when they went to bed, and as there was niether fire nor lights down stairs the previous evening he is unable to account for the origin of the fire. An inquest has been commenced before Coroner Cameron, and it not yet concluded, but no material facts aside from Bruce's statement, the substance of which we have given, have been elicited, and there is as yet nothing pointing to how the fire originated. CALL AT NOTED Jrwelry To buy Watehe*, Clock*. Jewelry, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, Ac., if you want to save money, a* Ruwell i noted for seHnitf a fine quality of good* at very low priceH in fact other dealers through- < >ut the country complain that Unwell i puiliii&apos;.! thuir trade, a* they cannot com- pete with him. 1>> not leave vor re- pair* with anybody but Kusiell, the Boa Watchmaker ft; Jeweler, a< he attend* to every job himself. JAM. C. RTBSELL, Jeweler, <frc. , FUtherton, Out. Canadian Pacilic Railway. Owen Sound Branch, Effort, Afoifcldf, Jtdy *7t*, ~Serth. KI. Mi.J Toronto Cardwell JuBCUJli OUT CUrUtou 95" > tt Orange- i Arrive 950" I TOT rlll ;i*v 1005" Orncvil!p Junctios &apos;an 17 " Vhelliurint ..._ Duiiilalk - &apos;11 10" Vi.rsHr.mT&apos;>* 11 * " Uarkdal* "M Wllliam-fnrU _ If lit|iiii. y Ch&Uwortt. ...MS*" |s Dwe> Boond. v S : 7tt 1* M . * :)r) | 8M 910 rangerlllo Junction.. . 800 " Oray,, ;e .( Arriv. 1 vTli) I Loar* - Charleston 6" C*rdw*U Junction OUT " Twonto ArrivtlOtS " 515 5M " 6U " B " HSI - r. WJIYTK. Osil&apos;L 80TT. D. , OSX&apos;LPAM.AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has ?.ny quantity of Shingles &c., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap jar Cash, DR. CARTER, M.c.r. PHYSH&apos;IAX, FLBSHBBaON. t&apos;tidmct, iirst lu IHri.-ii.>i ( Viu / iiffife. grntbttu. J.P. MARSHALL. L.U.K DKNTIBT. A!&apos;. VDI&apos;ATK "f Toronto Hchol of V Will ! at Markili-lr III- Ul r nil :ir<1 Wo.rio< dijrof t&apos;n.&apos;.i in >nih,aii<t at Klhrt<n on thi tut anil :tnl &apos;I liu.^ Iny in u.u:h mouth for th* i*raciio of hi-* iiroftix^ii.ii FKOST & FKO>T. B \KHI.-.TI-: US. HOI JC1TOHS. CO ,v,- OfBecPonlHI Htr.t. OWHN Horsp.aiicl r.ry Tliu<l.y alFI.KKKKhl&apos; ;. \v FIIOST. r. i. ii. AI.FBZD FROHT, Crow* County Attornr. P McCOLLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, fyc. OfHrr, tivrr NrFarlan<tN Ntorr. !Harki!:>.>r. Xoiif) to Loan. 2IASSON & MASSON, i:-. - .. I) iirncu* Uw*n Soonrl. In Vlrkor&apos;i Fmil.iU St.; Branch or.-r In Uarkdalo. nrr M- Varltaa&apos;* atora, oa Kri,layaud HaiuiJay erry went J.MAIWOX.yC S M.VSSON. W MAHHON. N B. Prlvatn * Cninpany&apos;t funil* to Invert at mm Hi In K H!ns. rt.PKcni.Ix. I-IIKH w ,.ABVIS HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, to L*iii,l&apos;r tl- llmidt, . .&apos;ni.icrrous. NOTARIES. > -.MIYANl&apos;l ..>. Ac Moliay In J.,.ahKt lUti-H uf Intvrwis. OJIIcen. 10 KiufMtrn-t Kat, Toriwto. John W. Armstrong. I-&apos;i.i ^iiKiiruN. Co. OaKT. DIVIHICIN COHKT CI.KUK. COMMISSIONKK in II. IV, OonvayajNSr, A*. A^mttfor jiurnha0 and <! "I lamU Apprnlxr fur r. I. c Com- n I K I&apos; It <t H Hoclstr. Morey tn r,o<i <>n thn amttrcaaonableUntf*. lawr.a orUABBIAOB Mc.&apos;l \V. J. BELLAMY. TW T. OI.KIIK AIITKMKXU. DKEDB, MUMTOAOKH. I.KASKS. *e . pro,.iw ml allil liroperlV e<m&apos;lltil. lliKiirnliiT aller t*<S ia fln>t-ua companies. Xloney to loud at lowitra>ta*. R J. SPKOUL," flnhrrttm. (&apos;"nrtyancrr, Aj>f>raiifr, Val- uator d( Money Intdrr. limit, Afnrt- letatt nml rt&apos;illi ilrmrn tip and i i&apos;i&apos;/&apos; H </i<>r^f ntttifs. t&apos;Tirtr- gr ttry /&apos;&apos;. A <>i>t<j to R. J. S/&apos;/.&apos;f >!&apos; I. K. Pcutmattrr, h&apos;ltihtrinn. Money to LOOT.. At J /Vr (&apos; til. litl-r&apos;^t i.u Straight Lixin. TTTITH lnlriHt palil yearly, not In advance. No rnininUlon charged. Apply to . 4,Kll.ll. THORNBIRY. B. M. CHARLESWORTH,, OWRK-flOi:Nl), ONT, Fr<1r and Inipnftnrof Oranief. Buff, Cochin an \ Msniinnth Unlit Brahman lurRo a turkoyi. IBM., Btrtr*. $8 per dos.. Brahms* p*r <\nr.n Hv nn Hlck K|Mnili and Plymouth Bock atWtanell. Inip.roTB your tork. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, 4* Cabi- net Make All rj>lr promptly A neatly MwMiw. She>|>< Diirlinin St. nexl to lolt^h Tllorlni(. Ploniand a|ioolncati,m on nhortost notirv. Lnth nnd Pinr l.mnbrr for Hair- Th iiu Ixrulitneil ban i|iiantlty of I&apos;n I.utn sr and Pins Lath for sal* s*nsB%rk>nB*s4le. VIM.AOE U>T KOU HAT.E. I atan also siloed lot Inr sale In Floshitrton, which *iii iiii,iip<w,.,| of on rMHumable terms Apply at Am tsi K OWri*. or to McLKOD. Pl**bOT*saltatloD. Flesherton Adv &apos;TRUTH BEFORE JA VOR-"-^ 1 PRINCIPLES. WOT AfEJV." VOL. V., NO. 257. FLESEERTON, OHTARIO. MAY 20, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, PROPRIETOR. LEITCHS Tailoring FLESKEETON! Is the place to get your Suits madetn future. Remem her Till June I will sell 3 oz. Coin Cased Broadway or El- We regret most sincerely to learn that our esteemed citizen, Mr. WM. Col- quett, U anffering from a gerere attack of in flam at iun of the lung*, Qsnil of Revision, Township of Arterncria, will bo held in the Town Hall. Fleeherton, at 10 o&apos;clock a. m. on Monday, June 7th. We have been obliged to leave over " Markdale Items," "Fuveruhaiu Items." and other matter, which came to hand too late for insertion iu current issue. The mem ben of Fleahertoii A. O. U. W., No 142, were entertained in a ntont pleasing manner last Monday oven inn by Mr. Wm. Irwiu, Principal of tin- Hi sli.-rton Pubhc KcbooU, and his good lady. Of course our genial Menil, Jiev. Mr. .\\ers, was there. The refroeh nentn were par excellent. I&apos;lioeU: and Norman atti-oded a re cent practice of Quaen Kather. When aakod how or why they came, Phoebe promptly replied, " By Hpocial request. Spriux arid other kind* Around Town. . *""rv CtHt-Oi.it, ,! -ais> of Mr. Just aa * go to prssB we learn with Mr. Brooks baa hi. new house complet- ed and moved therein a short time ago. Corporal Hale* ia talking of building an edifice. The Corporal means business, too. Mr. W. J. Bellamy has commenced the Court of Revision, Township of Osp- gin grade American Watches rey , wiU be held in the Orange Hall, ItenpulU.hedby the long-Bufertng edi 10 in at $11 Cash, Ellery&apos;s S 14.50, Maxwdl. on Friday, May iWth, at o&apos;clock iu thu forenoon. See notice "New Advertisement" column. Bartlctt&apos;s $18, key wind, war- ranted 2 years. Clocks, Jew- elry, & SiHcrware, at as close prices, Goods. Mrs. Dr. Carbcrt left for Torontoou Wednesday evening of last week. Her husband, Dr. Carbert, will shortly com- Q ... -. . iiusuaim, i^r. v^arii^Tfc, WIIIBUOIHJ iwut* S P C E3 > C &apos; menco the practice of his profeiwion in Accurate Repairing, the city of Grant! Hapidn, Mich., I". S. Mr. Oeo. Glassford and hit* energetic assistants havo made a iuost -,.. * erection of his now residence on Toronto street, near hi. office. |*.^.f f4 ; fururu of |3 : liwp, u u- it- -n t i -it 1-1 i v -u &apos; "&apos; 9H ; six prizes of ft ; total f"><) tor " by special reouert," but that does- M &apos; W - W Trimble will hk.ly build on , jj^ g Maft** - Fruu.- h.t not at reader it any the more palatable or hi> lot n * r tht) Methodist parsonage thi*> yet complete. It contains a number of year. It i* a fine site and ought to be iui useful and valuable article*, inoiudmc agreeable to the public. Peter Neg.iiijijifc was on Thursday bast mauTifxl to Verooiqse Tehkummah. The numerous friends of both parties on the lot iu rear of the Methodiat church have ever since been showering congrat- Mr*. McMullen&apos;s new brick h-.uie on Mr Wm. Smiih will erect a Slut, tircy. Bait. Kit* Advance Programme of the irst an- nual match, to be held in Owen 8>>und, commencing Thursday, May &apos;1 , at ^a.tn. ]tryimn,t4il Jaf.if. I, KanfC, 2100, 400, st 600 yards ; fire *h..U, at saeh entrance deuce, Fleahertc*, thu < Thoweay > mer &apos; &apos;&apos; ning at i o&apos;clock. Tram ("run. To be competed for by five previously named ofllcer* and men Sport and !&apos;iali from any company Kirst prize, Claland ChalleiiKe Cup (value f7">) and f 15 ; &apos;.&apos;nd pruu>10 ; Srdpnui*- The KirforiVaa-*c*sptad tie invi- Jiultr>.l::il /&apos;nica. -Kirst prize, Hntari > tstion to pUy in Itundalk ..n tbe Mtk o : \ Silver Medal and .", ; *n,l ,,ni* by May, on eowhtiAii that tra.I/uaealk team ~,roulo. M. Ka.t ir,y. *o ; throe ^ . ^ m ^^ "irUwto. [Later The bujra art not foaaff to Ds- dalk after all. It leems ilxir (un conditions) came to hand too olker arraaftsaeuu aunuf th* meanwhile. Ed. ] several piece* of value. Winners their prim according to (heir scores. 1 T ! shot for by members who have not won a prize in the other matches. oJatiouH on Kipositor. Shake Peter, and give our the couple.-M.nitouhn ^"^^ &apos;f ..WaA^-Any one wh,, ha. been a Mr.rred. Ryder has commence,! ,, . r ........u-r ,,f .jfe ;,., Hat, f.,r ,ne month atKins on his new brick hmiau on Kluca- W. A. BROWN, A Reliable Jrwrllrr. Markdale, - Ont. THE ADVANCE, evrry Thursday mnrnituj. ) . rtigardH to Mm. Peter \ eroniane Teh excellent kiniiiiiah Kegomjijig and beth atn-ct. ., ... . &apos;ktuiiiuah Negouijijig and nay you u i lob in the cutting on Collingwood Htreet. , Mrura M, . dmico many ii-iiex together. <Msian>&apos;p The job was performed within aremark- loontract f.,r % \Vhitteti have got the ably shurt )>acc of time. Attention is directed to the advertise- building th* -Mr. Dougal Carrie, an old resident churc1 &apos;&apos; " 1(1 havt c"in*M* &apos; H.pU.1 before matchea laehuil.le for membership. Anntuil t&apos;ff,- I hie dollar for oftcen &. 6O eents for N (&apos; < > and men. /fi)fr All lio<,ting must be done with regimental nflea. /&apos;.,.i(.i.ii. Standini; at 200 yards ; any, It is not likely that tss fmmm* wUlf> t,, Mrf nl on the 24th, it bring so i vauient to reach that torn frusi ton. They will passably try te match in Mark dak mirtjrr. A junior O&apos;ncket team ha* bee unl in FleahfTto, with Frank VanDusM, Vie> Captain ; aod Rofcsrt Kea- A. R- Fawcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Cinttittinq of Lutal nn<l IHhrr Intrrfiting Item* githcri.l li Tltt Adtanct ttryrlm Squire Arimttroii^ and wifo were \ IMUIJ;.: fricii<l>> in Toronto and Hamilton last week. An ortU-r of tho White Crow in con- nection with our Fleahcrton Council of Itoyal Templars of T-mi>crancc it to be organized ahcrtly. Klevlicrtou el mow factory reconi- mcnred op-ratic i- , for tho loasou on M..h.lay last, 17th iuxt. Duiidalk fact- ory oix.-no,l aiuc day. The P-oyleii family attend all the ouucwta goiufr an.! do not fc.r^^t to !n>f> in on their ucigliborH forjtua oocatiiou- allv. Mr. F. T. Carr left fur Toronto lat him be-fore placing their cowi elsewhere. &apos; The Shdburue Frt&apos; I&apos;rru says it has 1 been informed that the fall wheat in the Kiirroundino; townships was bailly dam- aged by the la to rains." Also, that on , the lii^&apos;li ground a good deal of the wheat wan killed by frost. The thorough-bred Durham Bull, " dray Champion," will stand thin sea- son for M r\ in on Lot 14&apos;2, Artcmesia. getttlemanly deui<-anor, and his into thrw> chl> " 1 &apos;""&apos;, ch with aseat- mauy sterling qualities of head and in capc&apos;ty sufficient f..r 80 pupila, .* in heart earned for 1 in, the respect and &apos;" 24 - ntl wl " c " >uin " &apos;t-t lodern ini] n.vcments. The lanitary cuoditnm of our town has over foitr cow a. RODOEB LXTU, projirietor. I cannot buy Watches, (.&apos;locks, or ink. rings any lens than other Jewelers, but I honestly advertise to fell clotwr. I and the public can prove tins by calling to nee my fine stock and get prices. \V. A. Brown. Jeweler, Markdale. Out. Angus Plowc-H, eldest mm of Mr. J. S. I&apos;lewrs, of tl:e ShclburnP Holler Mills, died in Ton ntu uu the "th inst.. aye ,1 ir. yearn. Th" lemnins wrro brongh: by train to Sheilmrno ami intern-il in tho r. is:i ., r\ il., re. Tin 1 f, moral waa very largely atU n.l.d. ^Mr. K. Vanzar.t. our famoun marble man, has securcil t!u- contract for er- ecting tho 111.11,1:111 nt to tho memory friendrfiip of the public. He wan not a very olil man. and hi* death in deeply re- p*tte<l.-CUi*yw>od Xnterfri*. ] materially impr.red, and in c..mi*n*.,t We are i>leaaadoobiieiTe that our with former yeara, ia "away outof aight," young friend. Mr. ^111 Writtht. pawed to "^ homely pliraae. hia primary examiuatioui at the Toron- Sproule&apos;a h,Ml i. to be entirely clo*ed . Stliool of Medicine with flying colora < to the P ublic in futur Mr Ulaford *ca v td the t round CUVIT- the * ned Ul * considerable dq.th ih..uld forward at once to the Sccrrtan th^ name* of N.I Ml. and men who wih &apos; t j<>in thr K.A.W , with their member-, Kip fee. It u to he b"prd that a rigor- ous effort will be made to induce a* many as puauble to attend. J 1*. TiLFotn, I*. Col., sVssisWL J. B. M< LEAS. Lieut., 8e<..Tna>. Charge. 11.00; a reduction to any one bis name appeared well ap to the list * of successful Mtudeut*. in hut weeks ~ daily paper*. Mr. Wright in gaining UM we * k . nd il wil1 Iikel 7 be used for practical information, in connection with ""!" :idy of the noble adeuco. with Dr.&apos; Two M*rdale baker* canvassed the Cli ristoe. until the .ummer term, when town froni "" 1 t<> er * a !" Saturday, in a he will again reamc his connection with ptrited^endeavor to secure^ a ".haw c.f tha School of medicine. Friend," the pro- Queer tlung t,, --^^ >thout import.ng out- of the late Souirc Korr, of Saturday eve-mug, with tlie po^bihty Thc m(>I111I11 ,. nt j. ^ ^ l)f ^i,,, *"; over of continuing liis journey far u the Pacific alopon. 20 $Hio.i. foot iu height, and will cent the public eatrunage. "The Farmer&apos;s pertyof HewraH. A A. Kennedy, Arto ure iu uw " tin ->ia, U au excellent General Purponti xders. Sittllion. " h&apos;arruer&apos;H Friend " was a wacdcd 1st prize at Ka-t Grey Spring Show, liold in Fleihortou this year, also ftratprisoat the Maxwell SpringShow. "" demand the removal of such. Olory,"" Hani Fortune."" Matchum." : "&apos;&apos;" Dl "" i !k . <"Ui the M. II. <&apos; .( and other e,,uallv famoiM horses are an- th &apos; I&apos; 1 * &apos; 1 &apos; &apos;"&apos; tnc V"en. Birthday, ceston of Messrs. Kenuafiy&apos;s " Farmer&apos;s Th- Kl,.*hert..n 1&apos;ul.lie Sch.j-1*, umlt-r Frieod," who is likely to make a big Kepi lo Ur To tht lUitor of the AJtaner. Sir, Regarding I>r. ChnV>e&apos;. version uf " FV-ta and Figures." as appeared in last week&apos;. AM AMI -K, m which he solicit* invtMtigatioii, 1 mi^ht say in the first place, the Dr. ahould have taken th* pcv- cautioii to li-.k up some of hu statements ,f with more care some of which am a* far as either the Scotch piper Offer. Mr Jam.T. Wikwc, ow fur of " Towif Cliniaa." desire* ui to infora the public, that wiy person twine "Cliroaa " Una sa- auo and raiaring atock thrf rnsi which will b* awanleil lit j>ru sit Eat (Irey tl hohi- tion, fall of 1SH7. m the R. WaUir * Car- laiif cLvH.csui hTeth aenrietuf "TnH| Climax " fret the fulluvma; Ka, 18M; afcick taking 2nd pnaw ataaw aame time, can have * * Climax&apos;s. for $6.00. l>r. Christo* says Station part of see- ti,,n&apos;a assimment u tW.nno aad a ainall We have repeatedly drawn attention to 1 fraction. NOW. laat year&apos;s assessment, by j *%c o oUtruct.ui ,,f our public streets and I Mr , IMU ^&apos;."jL lCUI T 1 V W 700 ; which oniuxlifare* l>y pilei of wood, Ac. \Ve Mill MI -I.uu.-M As will be seen b; rxjsUra jue from this office, Her >Iaj *t j&apos;t Birthday is to be celebrated in the loyal Tillar* of Maiwell in a tittuii! manner, by a isrist <>f athletic gamee and apurta. such as run- ninf rase*, jumiing. i,uoit pitching, throwing hasBswr, putting ibmildkw 8es th* bills) for particulars. lulucin,&apos; fl.UOO therefrom (a* the Dr. says it ha* &apos;&apos;&apos;, "nee last year) would leave a much larger fraction than th* Dr. w,mM roek* it appear. Thu I>r. tiike* upon tuni*elf th* unwar- rantable Authority of stating tliat there ia no Inimedinte proipeot of increase of ase- usiinent at Stall, &apos;ii, wlueh i* a haw un- iin- fr The AOTAJICI from Ike Bit ow axial Jan 1, Isaat Browa. of Botrivvll Oat. . was anuVtea 1 withrhnmic hnmor ntHk|no4. H> *e>y* thu careful and efhVivnt management of truth, an there i* one new and handsome on- dollar l~, it !, ,f liiniwk Blond Bitter* i Pn.icipal Irwm and Mus Hopkins, an in Jelhnit almost completed anil pn-spects w* wortti mt-r. than J*t"M paul f..r . ih*r I* very healthy state -from an educational A second party of 500 boys (ages 8 atainlpomt, of course. to have Dr. Barn- ,.,,, .&apos; Air. W. H. Elder i* making some vtry London and , &apos; desirablu improvements in connection with hi* l:o-n and ground*. A spirited debate came off at the reg- ular meet nit; f the Fleshertoii Son* nf . . Teiiiporance held last week. The subject, or<ler iu winch they are sent mancl com- r , . i "Resolved, that country hfc is pn&apos;foraMe pletLtl. and should b*j made early HO that ,. . . to city life, |io voted a very healthy and do to for- to 10), U expected ardo&apos;H Trailing Home*, Worcentenhiro. Kngland, early in June, and will arrive in Peterborough towards the vud of the month, f-js," Applications for then* boy wiB be dealt with in the nf a few more going up thuiunum r Will theate cscapn the Assessor i The Dr. can c >urit on all building* prvcted or u&apos;u\n to bs erected iu Flssherton, but for Station, keep it down by all means and give it no- thing we can keep from it, n-emi to be the teelini;i of 1 r and alinutt all the leading Illi Il if Kl"&apos;hert"ill. Ni w, aa rviotrd* f 130 ainkiui; fund on &.:>, 1 would think 175 nearer the mark. The Ih- munU t^&O for Teach.-r .1! the Station and only count* fMO for It u a nliablt bl.w4 panfivr. *, arner. all a rr.iiiL&apos;- UK utH may bu wart] tl,. in on arnval. All communi- ,-Hti, .11- to lie nent to Mr. Kil war.l Duff. Kti|-huU&apos;uilnt, Pir^Jtasnardu&apos;H Diatrib- i. me, Pftorborougti, Ont. NEW FEINTS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING ! New Goods in Every Department! M. Richardson & Co. HATS, & CAPS, Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality, Style, or Prices The Ni- w l.i.-r use Art. Th new license Act which come* into force mi May lnt contain* soinu new and striking pmviiiuns. A light in a bar-room during prohibited hour* shall, under the edifying diacuasi-iii, in which Mime of the lady members ii~ik an active part. Thu affirmative sido was awarded tho victor) Kountain Council uf Koyil Templar* f Ti-niperancu ha* now a mcinbenhip of about 40, and still growing. Mi. R. Trimble, *iii>erintendantnf aide- walk., now divides luunm with Mr. Will. Richardson, in thu important position uf our Town Parliament. At tho adjourned nieetiiv ,f the Quart Act, bo dee mod prima facie evidence &apos; er | y R 1>ari | ,,f ,| H . M,. t l,,.di.t church, held the wuV (>( liquor ; alo any proprietor allow ing pesrsiMia to frequent his bar-room during |,r,ilnl>it-il hours shall be deemed guilty of ait infriiigenient of the act. Per- *i>n, not inmates of the In-u-i-, found in har-n xitna are liable to a line nf not more than 410, or lesa than | for eacli offen- ce. Italao become* a puniihablu offence for a dealer to dispose of liquor to any per- son who sells illegally. Any holder of a beer a>nd light wins license convicted of *ellinK>hall be disqualified from holding a license for tljo 9ecediu year. Any municipal council has a right to p<u* a by- law prohibiting shopkeeper* who hold liccnios fn, m selling anything else but li- quor. Markdalr. Tr> the EAHorot Tttt Admnr* Dcivr Sir, - In the last iaiue ,f the Marlulnle appeared an item r*- ferriiiir to the w-enlrnt which happened to Alfred M>ffatt on Good Friday. Any pen, ,n reading the item (which ia mi- lemlinu.) would naturally think that John- aton Wilf>ii waa wholly to blame, Mid that ho had tired the gun with tho inten- tion f disabling Alf. Now, any Kditor with a grain of common aense, would have valcon the trouble to enquire into the fact* of thcoane from both siflos befuro insert- ing lucli an article. It was very easy to [rt tlm dther aido of this unfortunate affair, tout it ap|>ar* the Editor had no deire t<> ((et Wiavm&apos;a statement. <>n the other hand w And Alfred Mnffatt wan hiiimelf to blame, simply because he r- | quested and ovwi vrjrd Witam to 6rs the gun. M^nii; there waa n<> danger. Of c<> one -very person feel* sorry for poor Alf. in his misfortune, hut hs has lout hu eye through an accident, and not with iratenti.Mi, as the Standard would lead ui to believe. Thanking you, Mr Editor, for above |*ce, Yours, Ac., in tho KiniMiieiit i,f the , liunli laat Friday cvcnint;, the minister&apos;s salary waa fully met. Tho tinance* of the church are in a healthy condition, allowing a marked in crwwu, in aevrral du]>artmc!it*, a* com- [mrtnl witli last year. At the adjourned meeting of tin-Quart erly Board, the following motion was put and carried without i> diasentiiiK "Moved by A. R. Kawcett, sMonded by 8. (iixKl, tint the Hoard takus this op- portunity to eiprean its hearty approval of the faithful iiuudier in which Rev. Mr. Aver* ha* diachartrvd hi* duties a. Super- intendent of the Kleaherton circuit during thu conference year rinsing, and unani- niouily reipicMt* the Stationing Commit tee to continue him in the same poiitiou dur- ing the iiicoiniiiK year." Our Brass Itand la coming to the front in fact it* bound to tret there if a moat thirtl Tevher at Klehertoi\. , it is *vi- ill ;it lie likes U> count low mi the ei|<rn ses in Klenhert&apos;iti *chi>ol and raise them all he ixiaaibly can on Station part of . in the eyes of the public. IK- also counts |50 expenses where a much lea* sum wi.nld ho adequate. He also says we can- in, t I mild school at the St:it:,,n less than fl.iKMj, but we find tlie iu unt inenti,.n ed iu former article would IK- sum&apos;rient to ,-li,-,l at Station. e Dr. say* our average cannot be ut of the teens. The I&apos;r s.vnn to kn,,w &apos;at the luiinU r of children ar- I i, nml Si.ii;, n than we who live b.Te, Lut we at Station feel o,ntidei>t that could average ii. -iri r &apos;.&apos;*i tluin tl.e tuvii*, and he I nsuierato t<- allow un. or omnt for us $-.11 Ci.veriunent .11.. I Munici|l ap D. S. MUOTO C Ad VCttl SemetltS pn,| rmti,,|is, which would l<o about S a pupil fur ay *> pupila. Vet he count* < frOITI time to time, herC He #1-" :,,r Fleaherton school, and surely&apos; tho average attendance could not amount wi &apos;! inform the public oi the In 1*1, nml therefore some f the pupil* must av crate im.ru than *i each. Why immense barc?ains he is offer- nut ifive M fair an amt. according to aver- &apos; ate f. .r Su: llie I>r | uU all thu advantage* of I&apos;nioii hforu your rvad- ers. but doe. not want to put the many advantages to be derived by Station tde and TL A hlS S P aCC lfl -tiL n 11 & Special!)&apos; r lor mg. Ihi- l>r also soeius to think the de vati, M of theyr affair compared with the hii(h k&apos;rade of vducatii&apos;ii taught in Fle.iherton . h .l. of winch theae young ehildrvn can derive no As the Wool season ap- 1 ( preaches, he will be prepared stock of roods sui- tienetit, not ln-injt able to them. As a geuwial rule fsrniers children, as soon a* they reach the age of being of any use anmiul farm, have got to tay at homo tt table for the season, at prices that are right. His stock oi Boots & Shoes - . . L i work, and tnim if they nils* their eduoa- ic pain.tak.ng and efllciont bar.dma.ter .,,, , t)l% . ir x ,. ut)l ^. ^^ ^ lfcr count f >r anytluiit;. Citizens&apos; ii|,|,rt home institutions like these liberally and ungrudgingly. It pay*. The practice of Ijueeii Kther comes on apace, but tlose taking part in it must re- member that time is precious, and be in their placea promptly at the appointed hour, 8 o&apos;clock. the wurUl without, a s&apos;act of which th Dr. i not entirely ignorant. Tim I r states emphatinUly, that section of ffet.OOO oannot support a *chix,|, whilt- he a* ro- [hatifally *tati<d stated at one of school meetings in Fleheri.-n. that any leu than a fK&apos;XWO assessment ..nldn-t supports sohixil. Now he has hi* standard as* ess- in. -nt 960,000. New, I don&apos;t think it of any interest to him t" try and deprive the young of Sta- I. llier. &apos;&apos;"" "&apos;"&apos; surrounding locality of their The oratorio of " Queen Esther&apos; will Mr ^ m Rutledge, sr , in the pi^sence be given in the Drill Shed, Fleaherton, on of two reliable witnesses, says the Dr. the evening of Dominion Day. It now n>- tld linn his school taxes would amount main* for those, taking jrt to attend the y*&apos; &apos;* yar*. which looks ah- urd mi the faco of it, and when shown practices regular, y and punctually at f iti plain figure* the amount it would bt o&apos;cli>ck sharp each night, aeeing thai the ,, (, yoarly, he aaid l,e would not be date of the concert has been definitely sett- In \e all at the Station when the l>r sail led. The oratorio, if carried out accord- " il >""&apos; * *. 80 much for this mt; . . Musical Diiwtor Munro&apos;sidea, will jgjj^ 1 &apos;[ """&apos; NuUurt &apos; h Mrth^sH be tho grandest muaical event which ha* KIIV( . n , l u pity the man wh h y tho dtotales of hi. ever taken place in this district, and it is own conscience fc think A tat lor hunsei to be hovitnl that all will unite in reml.-r >&apos;"*. !> ^ "tr 1 &apos;"" "Ti^K nV"&apos; r Fair I&apos;lav *frlW "" wouW bo -M I I mg Mr. Miuirt. every aanistance in bring- . ^ t ^mm<>n r*porl that h would ing about a " ctmiuinmation so to bs wished for. run nct election, Durham. around her* and even FAI ,- sorted up and ev&apos;ry- can get booted. He has had a great BOOM in Millinery so far this season aud the rush still continues. He is offering special value in Tea, nothing to beat it ever offered at the same prices since the world btjj^an. Full stock of Laces, Em- &apos;: ..Mtjfri es, Ho* e i all sizes and prices, Mensfine Under- wear, fovply Dress Goods, iScc. tc.. &c. D.S.MKEO.

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