Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1886, p. 1

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Brooks. -In Flesherton, on the 24th ult., the wife of Mr. James G. Brooks, of a daughter. Chard-Holman. -At the residence of the bride's father, Flesherton, on the 21st Jan., by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr J. Chard, of Artemesia, to Miss Minnie Holman. Fawcett-Carberry.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Wilmott, M. A., Mr. A. R. Fawcett, of The Advance, to Miss Maggie, third daughter of James Carberry, Esq., Chinguacousy, County of Peel, Ont. Petch-Hall. -On the 26th Jan., at the residence of the bride's father, Churchville, Co. Peel, Ont., by the Rev. Mr. Hicks, Mr Wm. Petch, of Flesherton, to Miss Nettie Hall. [The groom was supported by his partner in business here, Mr. Geo. Mitchell, while the bride - who looked charming in her handsome bridal costume - was supported by Miss Nettie Madden. There were a large number of friends and acquaintances present at the wedding and the presents were numerous, costly and usefule. The young couple took train at Streetsville - after the marriage ceremony - en route for Toronto and points east. They return to Flesherton to-day. The newly married couple have the good wishes of a large circle of friends.] B. Launnce&apos;s Spectacles & Eyeglasses Are the&apos;oiily genuine English Article* in thi. Canadian market. Roal Pebbles are kept in itock Teats am given to pur- hjMti to pruve genuineness. They are r*eo*amt-iiiliu by the President, Vioe- Pre*., Ki IW , and Ei Vice Free, of the Ifodioal Audciatiuu of Canada, &a. J VS. G. HI SSELL. ./u.&apos;.r, ,(,-., J7aArf<m, &apos;hit. Tfc* only place where they can be got Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME TAI3L.E. Taking E/eat, Monday, July 7tA, Colnx North. Flesherton Advan Toronto Xeave 7 Cardwell Junction &apos; 9 OI " Charleston i tf * " Orange- 1 Arrive | SO vill*. ,&apos;Luav. JlO 05" ......... TI Kip. 445|>ni Mixed. TO) I 7 - ...J Junction lo 17 " ( TM Hhellmrn* (10 45 " i 804 " rhmalk "" &apos;" " &apos; "" " " &apos; 910 !.;!?-"! 1 2" \rr,v. 1 ... WUlUraifnrd Ohatowortti Owen Boa**... tf 10 i) " ilUK S.MIlll. owee8oiiDil Chassworth Willlamtford Markdal* S90uu i! i&apos;.|.n. s so - s 10 60S &apos; AM&apos; 3W 4H Donrtalk T06". 4U Bh.lbume IT. 11" 4 ST OrasvlUJiin<rtioa OO" 5C Oraof*- 1 Arrlr. U" 51 vflle. lUave H35"&apos; SO CbarlMton 8 M " : O IS Cardw.ll Junction 9O7"i*) Taranto \rriie 1044 "&apos; 8 " Mi*.--! 1 It W. WHYTB. D.HcNIOOLX, OStM&apos;LPAM.ACT. MiaL DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &S.,O.TT. PTM( UN. M 1C*. 1 ON. Ar. , tisr< tv IWrkiivH Cuvri uffie*, 1 >r. Ilixnii. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOirCI/KK, PRICEVILLE, - ONTARIO. - Cbsrcbas, I&apos;l and HoM.leuce Mtr l>rmbrt<rlao J.r. MARSHALL. L.U.N DENTIST, flRAnt&apos;ATF. of Toronto Hc-liool o( Dontlttry, ~ WUI lx> >t Mrk.lli>thit ltn<l <1 *A&apos;wlnnii dfcy of sc!i month, a.n.1 AI Kl-.hrl4)ii on tin* 1M and 3rd Tlmmlajr In oacli mouth for Ui practice t his [! &apos;-I&apos;"&apos; FROST & FROST. BARRISTKBS. ROI.1OITOUS. cos VI: V AXC US, tc offl 1&apos;oulntt stiiH-t.o.iKN SOUXD, and >*ry Tliur..U} at t Llislll lUtS. J. \V KHOST, f,I.B. ALFRED FROST, Crown County Attoruaj. . sii.nwis IIANDI. a. r.Kcnu&apos;<- riD.w. HANDS, EUHLIN & QARVIN, .SWcjwur to 1/iwlrr i(- lliiiul*, BAKU1NTKRS, BOMCITOHH. NOTARIES, CONVKYANCEKH, 4o. Nnaov to l."nt I,. w.l Hate* of Inlvreit. OtUcfi.. 1C King Htreet Kut. Toronto. MORPHY & MILLERS, BarritUrs, X>ilicil<>n, ffvhritM PtiNif, Connrytinctrt, d~c. Orrirr. -Ovor XeFarlane&apos;i Drug Store, DURHAM, ONT. John W. Armstrong, FLKSIIIRTOX, Co. On.fr. DIVISION COURT CI.K.KK. COMMMRIONRR In H K.,Oonvevnc.r, Ac Assort ferpvuska** and sale o( laniln. AMMSMt l.>r r I. f.C&apos;om- and K P. II. A H. Society. Money to l>n on th mnit rnimonablo turius. lusf K. or MAKMIAUE UCRN8R8. _ Jas. 2. Sloan* IlfSURAXCB AQEXT, SUUJtJXIA. Rnpri.nnntiiiR that unll.l old Fire Infiirtnco Co., th NORWICH Uxiox, <* Norwich. Kuiiland. Innurance effertod on HOIIHH*. oiitbullilingn.Ao.. at low rates. lnmir a|aliii>t )l|{litnln(. W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CI.KIIK AFITKVrSI A. COirrEYAKi&apos;KK, ( &apos;OMMFXMOKKK, INSURANCE A<i&apos;T, <&apos;. DKKDB, M()HTOARS,LEABEB. Ac, prepar- d nd properly e*outKl. Inaurtnco 9eo- l*il In flrat-claim companlM. Money to lend at low*it ratal. Money to Loan. At 6J Prr <>n<. 7itt*TMf ^n AtrniyHl IMIH. T1TITH Intorent |nlcl yearly, not In n-lvnn,-. No wv oommliisioiichar|{l. Ai&apos;ply to A.OKIBE. THORSBCRY. FRED. RYBER, Brick and Stone Jllason. FLESHEHTON. Orflor. In Town and Country promptly and sanfully xeeo.tol. THE ttAROTS. FLESHERTON. Carefully Corrected Kach tf&apos;eek. Flour , Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Hurley (JfttS ................. Peas Butter Egfffl, fresh Potatoes Pork... Hay, per ton Hides Wool Bheepskini 4 ftOtol 50 (0 80 to 80 72 76 40 28 Turkeys Chickens per pair per pair 62 10 17 2ft 4 90 8 00 25 16 00 05 07 25 40 60 &apos;29 62 12 17 26 b 00 1000 7 26 16 70 06 08 26 50 &apos;TRUTH BEFORE FA VOX-"-" PRINCIPLES, WOT MEW. VOL. V., HO. 242. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. FEBRUARY 4, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT EOIT * * A*. ajmssj vci A If PROPA PROPRIETO*. THE ADVANCE. A. R- Fawcett. Editor Tit - Bits. Cuiniiting of Local and Other luteratiny /tans yathrrnl by The Advance Ktftoritn. Miss Ellen Gordon returned home from Ouelph laat week. Jamea Beecroft, sole agent for Fleiachuian&apos;s Compressed Yeast. Try it. Mr. John Glasa, of Owen Bound, is viiiting at Mr. James Ulaai&apos;a. - Mr. R. >bt. Wilaon, of Owen Sound, ia riaiting at Mr. Bradley &apos;s. A call at the Noted Jewelry Store, Flenherton, will convince everybody that Russell can give you value for your money Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Akitt, of town i if Col I ing wood, are visiting at Mr. James Beecroft&apos;s. Mr. Symington and wife, Mr. Gard- iner and wife, and Mr. Palmer all of Dundalk called at TUK Ai>\ ANTE office last Friday. Don&apos;t forget to bring your watch or clock to Russell, Fleaherton, when it wanU repairing, as he guarantees a good job every time. Be sure and wait for the &apos;-merit to be given by the Band and Glee Club, of Flosherton, it will eclipse anything ever if iv. -ii ill Fleaherton. There will be a tea-meeting in the Methodist church, Kugenia, on Thursday evening neit, llth Feb. If you want to have a good time, go ! The Band and Glee Club are practic- ing very hard for their grand union con- cert to be given this month. Don&apos;t fail to go. Bttinurant. Jut receivad Quarterly meeting services in Mutbo- diat Church, Flesherton, 011 Sunday next. Services at 10 o&apos;cluck a. m. , love- feast and sacrament afterwards. Funeral sermon in evening at usual hour. The adjourned meeting of the Plnt- holdera of Fleshertun Cemetery will be held iu the Town Hall on Tuesday even THE MUSICAL FESTIVAL. in, a,!,,,,,, l,,,t a Mil *ii u I Trrat. mi:. Feb. 9th, at 7:30 o&apos;cock. It u of much importance that there be a full at- tendance, aa aume urgent butineai niunt be attended to. Mr. J. W. Frost having secured the aervicea of Mr. Chesley, a auliciUir, will in future bo able to keep his office in &apos;nliertoii open continuously instead of OIK- day iu the week ai hitherto, hia ova visiting day will, however, be on Thurs- day ai heretofore. NATIONAL PILLS are the favorite par- dative and anti bilious medieint ; they are mild aud thorough. Born. . In Flesherton, (in the 24th ult, the wife of Mr. James U. Brooks, of a daughter. Married. CRAB.D Hoi MAS At the residence of the bride&apos;s father, Klesherton, on the 21st Jan., by the Rev. W. Ayers, Mr J. Chard, of Artemesia, to Misa Minnie Hoi in an. KAW< ETT- <&apos;AKBXKKY. At the residence of the bride&apos;s father, on the L&apos;Ttli ult. , by the Rev. J r. \\iluiott, M.A.. Mr. A. R. Fawcett, of Tut ADVANCK, tu Mian Maggie, third daughter of James Carberry, Kstj., Chiuguaoousy, County of Peel, Ont. Prrt-B HALL. On the 2<>th Jan., at the residence of the bridu&apos;s father, Church- vi II.-, Co. Peel, Out, by the Rev. Mr. Hicka, Mr Win. Petch, of Klesherton, to Miss Nettie Hall. [The ifroi&apos;m was sup|M>rtd by his part- ner in buiineas here, Mr. Ueo. Mitchell, while the bride who looketl cliarn.ini; in her handsome bridal cost nine- was sup- at Fleaherton Restaurant, Frush Oysters, i ported by Mias Nettie Madden. Tli.-re weru a large numlmr of frienils and ac- quaintance* present at the wedding, and the i .resects were numerous, costly, and Lemons, Orangca, alao NuU and Apple Lunch aerved at any hour of the day. JAMIS >.K< Rnrr. Mr. M. Richardson preached in the morning and Mr. W. A. Brown, of Mark- daJe, in the ev.-nin?, in the Methodiat church, Fleaherton, on Sunday, 24th ult., in the absence of Hev. Mr. Ayen. It-.th diacuunes were practical and interentiiur. . The proprietor! of Hagyard&apos;a Yellow Oil bavti HONA rii.K evrtificate* of some moit rvmarkable curei of PeafneM, by that niagiral mnrdy for pain. Yellow Oil Ian cure* HhtmmatUm. Spraini, Brnisra, Sore Throat, anil nil in rlammatory trembles. useful. The young couple took traia at Stn-rtsvill.- afttT the niarriiu. 1 "&apos; eeremony rotitf for Toronto and pointa esut. They ri&apos;turn U> Klcahertun to day. The newly maru.-il couple IIHVI- the H.H ..1 wiah- es of a lari^i- circle <>f fiu-nda. 1 Nmvonrntna. The nnhappy and <!iitr*i- ma Oiiihliti. n rall&apos;.J IHTTOIUD^CH KMBC* rrnm debility, irritHli. n. iHior circulation and blooil of low vitality. K or^aciie tho syi tun by lliirdoek Ulood Hitters, whieh give* permanent itrrn^tli by iuvigorating Hi. MtH d and toning all the organs to perfect action. Great Sale ! NEXT AT FLESHERTON ! ON MONDAY, FEB. 8th. M. Richardson & Co, Will commence their annual Clearing Sale, by offer ing at PUBLIC AUCTION! A large assortment of General There was rather a slim attendance at the musical fu*tival in the Methodist church, Kluahrrton, on Wednesday even- ing, dOth ult, owing to th* very stormy weather which prevailed. However, the programme wa* ably sustained by our musical amateurs. We noticed a most decided improvement in the rendition of the various solo*, duets, Ac . by our lead ing vocalists. The selections were cbacte and appropriate. " Coronation " fully realized the fondest anticipation* of all pruseir*. Thu Brass Kami never played better ; ttiere waa nothing harsh or dis- cordant, or shrill, nor yet squelky, about their music on the contrary, the femes were aoft, clear, diatinct and musical The Glee Club did well, conaidering the nature of the selections necessary to be given, and the limited time for their pre- parati.ni. Two anthems, by the Metho- dist church chiiir, utonished as much as they pleased the audience, by the unex- ceptional manner in which they were ren- dered. Mias Edith Richardson sang one of the solo* faultlessly and in tone* so rich, clear, and twet, a* to hold the hearer* i]*!! bound. It has never been excelled in Flesherton. In the duet, Miss Etlitli and Maud Richardson won golden opinioni. "Ashamed of Jesus," by Miaa Ella Ayen, showed that young lady to be poeaessed of a remarksUy strong, sweet, and clear alto voice -such as we have never heard excelled by any amateur vocalist in town or city. Mias Damude is decidedly to be raiik&apos;d amongst the beat amateur vocalists we have ever heard. Her singing on this occasion ex- celled all her previous efforts, which shows that she has yet to attain to greater degree* of excellence in the vocal art. Miss Chriatoe aaiiK in her usual charming manner in fact the range of her sweet and highly cultivated voice, seems alnut unlimited , avml n-> natter how softly she sings, the tone* of her voice are distinctly heard in every pswt of the auditorium. There i*, al*o, a marked iinprevemenieiit in her articulation. Mis* Addie Arm- strong it rapidly coming to the front ranks of our local amateur vocalists, and I as she really pnaae*e*s a grand voice, we surprise and cliarui the most fastidious) audience which can be mastered in the place. Mis* Maud Richardson has im- proved greatly aa a soloist, and on tins occasion secured the marked attention of her hearers. Of Mis* Edith Richardson we have simply to say, that her singing waa faultleas throughout. The cantata gave, much satia/actioii, and tho marvel was that it wa* so well rendered, there having been only two copies for the use of the large numtwr who look p.-u i in it. Mrs. W. W. Trimble aang her sl very sweetly, but of court* there wa* little op- portunity for the display of her line scope ..f voice. Mian Atone I- itch did well, aa did Mr. Harnhouse, Mis* Ayen, Misa Bdith and Maud Ktchardson, Master E. Richardson, and others. Misses Ada Sproule, Looie Arnntn-ng, Tin* Richard- son, and Lena I-arge, in t* " Lilly " onit, brought tears to the eye* of some by their clear, child-like voices and their pathetic sttitodus. The Band, (ilee Club, Choir and audience, then sang "(tod save the Quevn " in a right hearty and loyal manner. We could not cl< c this rather imperfect report, without referring specially to the zealous, untiring patient and indefatig- able efforts put forth by the lender, Mr. C. J. Sproule -in the. limited time at hia disposalin the prt&apos;|>aration of the pro- gramme. Heileservo* the thanks of all. Rev. Mr. Ayen wat also a moat diligent worker. , ! We inue a large supplement to the Ai> vs. K this week, which contains the con- cluding chapters of the story which has been running in our columns for some time past, " Blue Veins and Klack," to- gether with a variety of other interesting matter. This supplies in a measure the " vacuum " caused by the non-is*ue of our paper hut week. To have to remind some of oar corree- Kfrcicct, ttc. Public service*) (free admission) will be held in the Town Hall, rieaherton, on Tuesday, Fb. lth. when the ordinati.,u of the Rev. TW. Watson. [iest..r ..f the Baptist cliurrh, rleahertoii, will take j place at 2o&apos;cluck p.m. At 7 o&apos;cWk p m. I <>n the sain* day, there will be a teamert ing and entertainment, fr, r which an.x- cellent programme has been prepared. Addresses will be delivered by the R. v J. P. McEwen, of Owen Round. Her. D A. Mc4;reg..r, ..f .Stratford, Bookwa, o oiias in the matter of sending in news items during the paat two months. Cor- respondent* are important aids in country newspaper work, and when their budget* of news are published regularly, are look- ed forward to with pleasure by constant MsJejtJL (irant, of London, and others. Admiss- ion to tea aud entertainment, 25 cent*. 8** hill*. i&apos;unrrrt. An Orange Concert, under the auspice* >f Eugenia L O.L. No. 1118, will beheld in the Orange Hall, Eugenia, on Monday evening, Feb. 22nd, when a splendid .>r>>grauiine of recitations, dialogues, vocal and instrumental music and address** will be given. Doors open at 7 p.m. . n cert coiiimeti.-es at 7 .&apos;#). A.liiiiui..n L&apos;.&apos;I cents, lady and gentleman 40 cents Knyngrit for IStHl, Mr. C. J. Sproule. has been engaged at a good alary as teacher in the achool- ious, a short distance south of this vil- age, for the present yc.tr. Mr. Sproule eases high educational <|ualificatiiis, and is a young man of exemplary habits ml earnest devution to hia vocation. We x>ugratulate the school section alluded to upon securing his services, and have not the least doubt but that the record of the resent year&apos;s labor* will be a good one. thfy Burglar* Mr. 8. Darnude&apos;s office, at the FUsher ton tannery, was broken into by some persons on the night ..f the 24th ult. As nothing in the ofllce was removed, and the aafe unmolested, it is thought some drunken Irani)* had made an attempt to to effect an entrance in order to secure shelter from the keen, frosty atmoeph. ir without. If nut tramp* such as described, might they not have been bandars, who were frightened by n>me lat.- |aaer-by, or obliged to move ..ff /ri.ni some, other cause * The question is a difficult one to answer, as, with the rin-ption that it is known they wnro overshoes, no clue has been - bumetl ai to theii identity. / TKI Sin. M<*l disease* of tli* >kin arue fr-.ui U4 UIKM! tnd laek of cleanliness, eacrnt whin esuwJ If prub or insects. Eryi|>la. Salt Rhaiuu. T.tUr. I&apos;imnUs and all Honors u( th* blood ale ,-uiaM.- by Burdock blood Bitten, wuicb punnet the blwul. In our list of officers of Royal Black Preceptory No. 343, published in our issue of 21st ult., "J. 0. Lu*U " should have read J. C. Irak, and " J. Wiltcrm " should have read J. H&apos;ittm. Tho faff tirttlrri. adjourned case* against Mr. Win. Tfiirrff. One of our citizens having missed a lumber of article* from hia stable recent- y, caused an investigation to be made, | hen the majority of the missing article* were recovered from the stable of a |>enon iving not a hundreid miles from Flesher- W. People will do well to keep their tables l.x-ked while such light-angered n are alm-a-l We do not meti- loii urines this time, but should another such case occur, we will certainly not withold them. Farm t<el<, implement*, Ac., at Lot 26, Con. 12, Osprey. commencing at IU o&apos;clock *.ni., on Tuesday, Feb. 9th. 11 months credit on all sums over 95. John Spence, proprietor ; John Speers. auc tioneer. See bills. Farm stock, implements, Ac., at Lot 40, Con. !>, Arteinenia, commencing at 12 o&apos;cloek, noon, sharp, on Wednesday, Feb. 10th. 1 1 months credit on all sums over (L&apos;). William Herron, proprietor : John Spcers, auctioneer. See bills. ->/. ./,!/. StaltlOH. Messrs. Trimble i Pickell have just returned from pun-baaing the pure bred uu|~.rted 4 year .,1.1 Clydesdale stallion, " liucxHWiLLY," rev&apos;Utereil iu the British Stud !<.-. _&apos;<_!. W. have seen his ped igrev, which ahuw* him to be a grandly bred horse, and be is satd to be a brau tiful ty|ie ..f this rery popular and useful breed of !i,.re, weighing over 1900 Ibs., aud costing tiJOO. We understand they have secured the hone for Un days n &apos;i..ii that they are able to secure the requisite number frf subscribers. Their t. which we believe lacks s>.ine FVirrwvl/ I\irty. tame two doten of our young people assembled in Misa Hind&apos;s refreshment >ins on Thunday evrnint;, 21st ult. snd proceeded to enjoy themst-lvvs in the us- ual manner. The cm-it of the evening waa Misa Pane late milliner in Mr. K J SprtiiiU-&apos;s sti&apos;ra and although her health was not drunk, as is thv custom at more adult lathering* of a somewhat sim- ilar charocU-r, ) hi-r amiability and genial good nature was honored ip an oqually interesting manner. All rrxret MIM 1&apos;ages de|rture from Flushcrt<.n. The refreshments served did credit U> Mias Hind s excellent eataolithnient. se the *-* Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats & Caps. Millinery, Mantles, Furs, Boots & . Hartley referred to in oor laat issue came up aKin for hearing on Thursday eniiiK f"llintf. iH-fore squires Ann 8tr<inK nd Hkhardsi.ii. They were both ttled, tl.i- dufrii Jaiit , aying all coaU in matter. Mr. Maawon ap|aro<l for drfendaiit, and Mr. J. W. Kniat, LLH., for the |irosecutor. Flfuhrrtnn V. !*. Report. Report (if Flssherton Public School for Januar}&apos;. 18<J6 - * ! "" r I**!*"*""*** : No. of pupils rei*red !>8, agKreirata at- tendance 1054>, No. of days the school waa open IB, arerafr* daily atttsidaiic* 71, hiKhest daily attendance 00, .we*t daily attendance 66. Junior /Vpirfm...( No f pupil* rejriatpred 86, aggrenitto at- tendance 7H, No. of dy the aoh>ol wwi open IV, average daily attendance 4 1 -&apos;, holiest dally attendance 68, loweat daily attendance &apos;26. WM. ImwiH, Annthrr Important Item. Mr. .). K. Moore, our well known mas- ter contractor, han purchase)! the exten- sive premises, formerly known aa " H-N.p- er&apos;s Factory," situated on Durham street, near M. Richardson & Co&apos;* mitminoth store. Mr. Moore is fitting up th* prem- ises in tint-class style, and in another column informs the public as to the lines of business he is carrying on. (hie part of the premises, we understand, is t" I- fitted up Kpecially for Leitch&apos;s tailoring eiitnhlishiiient which is now one of the most popular place* for superior work in the county of Grey. ate* tLc^rraat servic* t-> tho country ren- dered by Messrs. Trimble A Pickell in the introduction >.f mpenor llixi.ACB*. If yon infer from Headache you may lx- surf that your Stoiuail. l.iwr .T TU.Mitl iii at fanlt. in-1 perhaps all tnrve are e.<iut>iii.&apos;<i in l>al aftitin. If so, the best remedy u Bunluck Blood Hilleri, which cores Hesxlaebe by rrgulathig the orgauie action generally. I~ O. L. Mo. &apos;i4-t. The brethrvnof L O. L No. 244 held tli, ir thirty aixtli animal meeting on the evening of 15th IVc., when the following weru elected officer* for the current year . W. Sharpe. W.M. J. Morrow, D.H. J. Hales. Chaplain Ovorge Mix -re, Kec. Secretary. J. Beat, Fin. Secretary. M. O. Orr, Treasurer. J. Wn-ht, I> of C. T. J. Sun v .n, Lecturer. J. I.) ..in. 1*1 Coin. D. A. Stinxm, Un.l (&apos;.in J. W. Breen, 3rd Coin. R. Sample, 4th i&apos;-un. E. Loinaa, 5th Com. This lodge ism a good rK*iti..u finan- cially, having now one of the best fur- nished halls in the dutrict and a goodly sum to their credit in th* treasury. Vis- iting brethren always welcome. Goon Vjitr. Manv iufferers bsri mr-liriue nave* brm ilnp pointed, don t K up. bnv a rrlijtbli. article lik Dr. C&apos;baaw&apos;s I it. r I&apos;urf. an.l with it yon get a recipe book al.-ne worth the money. Shoes, &c. This will be a rare opportunity to secure bargains. lilldffe. W.- well reineiiilx-r the time when this neighborhood was a " howling wilder- ness," so to speak. But thinu* have changed since the Agricultural Kditor was a school-boy, and now Duncan is a flour- ishing little country village, boasting of a good general store, a pout office, a black- smith and carriage shop, and a grocery- store. Duncan is on tin- town line be- tween the fertile twn>hip* of Ruphraaia and (,&apos;ollingwood, aK.ut six miles south of lleathcote. Amongst the many enter- prising agriculturists in the neighborhood, we nu^lit mention Mr. Win. Kerr. An old schoolfellow of ours, Mr. David Car nahan, is utArtiiig in blacksmithing their. Duncan is likely to become a smart little place in the near future. I.iver Complaint Censes I&apos;jnrx pi*. Indigent ion. I.iver Complaint Causes Sick NICE. Mm. Henijr Dibbs, of Kerriilale. 1&apos;arry Soniul. tmtiflw to a vr<-m|&apos;t eora .-( . nl %r k -. ,i KUmls of ill.- neek and sn> throat by ill. ini.-rnal un I exteraal ne of Bagvarefi Y.-H..W Oil. Yellow Oil Is a sure relief (or ail painful onditiona. I.iver Cuiiiplaiiit Cantea All Kidney Troa hleR, Liver Complaint Cansrs TLrae fcurtbs of sll line**!. I iv.r Complaint is enre.l by Dr. (&apos;has- a I ,i?rr Cure. lrtrme>la Igrtrnltnral The annual nn>ft n> K - ..f the Arlvmesia V^ri.-nltural S.^iety a held in the Town Hall, rieaherton, ..n Thursday the 14th ult., for the purpos* f recuiving and dis |Mwing of the Auditors&apos; rr|>rt, election ,. otticers, and other business. There wai a very fftir attendnnce >.f the numbers ami others. The Auditors&apos; report nho ed the Society to be in a very healthy condition financially, the total rweipU fnun all v>iitves during the 1202.64, ilialiursementa f?12.53, a tmlanee on hand of f30 11. This is a very eiioHiraninH state of things am |H&apos;akii well for the) nffiorn and members of the Hociety. The officer* elect for arv as follow* : K. Oliver, Presidsnt. D. McLean, Vic* I "re*. Directors, Qwo, Stewart, Ja*. Bmdie .lames Stewart, Alsx. Stewart. D*vi< Harrow, T. Conker, Joseph Auwuni Donald McMillan, Archibnlu Curri*. Auditors, J. Ratea, J. Gordon. After the adjournment of th* publi mei-tinc. the Presidrnt called the Uinx- U.rn together when James Brodie was un anmtotixly r-<<liicttxl Sec. -Troaa. It waa divided to hold the fall show Tue*day, (VjC 5th. TO REMOVE I ral|. with I&apos;r.&apos;f. 1 ..-V. Mn*-lf S&apos;*tiar Snap. A delightful mlicifj sp fr the toilt< NEW STOCK -AT- L otfd Jewel: y Store. r&apos;letitu-rton, Uni* Consisting of Gold and Sil-er Ladi** *nd~ Gents&apos; Watches, Brunch**, Kar-riufi, Chain*, Kinp, Ac., all of tU tinea* qual- ity an* al M la* priett a* an y dealer eaa h..n.anJy sail tkssn, .1 A *. **rK*-pamng a specialty, Every j*b> warranted Bawl .r. Un. ulltiral *-rC). The annual meeting f members of the above Society wu held in the TownHalT, Klraliert..ii, un Wednesday 20th January. The Auditors and Directors&apos; rwporU wet* received aiui adapted. The attendance wai got.d and all paserd at very satisfac- torily The new Board n eusnpc*c*J aa follows : TW Kells, BUq , re^leete*} PrewUe* Jhn Abbott, lat Vice-Proa. D. R. Kiln, tod Viee-Prea. Director* :-R. Oliver. A. Mimehaw. 8. Damude. W (j Pwk.ll. K Rathvet,, Wm. Norton, T. UiUay, R. T. MeGirr, S. Htote*. Auditor* -J Brodi., H. M.ldruw. H. Danud le .Uassd Sec.-Trwsi. The Society <lecided to hold Apria>,{ Show of entire stock on the 29th day of April. At MT.-IO. n*A<fi11L STlTUUCTT. Member* subscription*, &apos;. ...... |126 00 Admission fi-rt t.i EihiUti-jn ____ 180 M Legislative grant ........ TOO 00 County Kraut . ........ . WO 00 Miscellaneous receipts ......... 07 BeJ. due Treasurer .......... M 81 IMa? 64 I>uimranaenU. Bal. due Treas. last report 1 70 Priass |id 1H85 44* M Pru f..r | rt ious year . . . . & 00 Portion Legislative grant paid Tp. Baaittie* 410 4V Paid fr titling up Ex. grounds. . 5 30 Pd. for new building for Poultry W 70 " on purchase of ^rounds A rr.t. wt M " printing and ad\eiUaing ... . 36 (4 " Baad M Sh..w day ... . . 15 09 Grant to Tp Societi**... 100 00 " Working expenses, including service* of Sec. -Treas. 123 49 f-lMt 64 H,r.-i PiunruiEss. \Vberver I f. I --lit ..( Miru. 1 ui..* my Uvv awt cork- ing ri k -nt or ra-krd with a hrxiaeh* I Ui* [&apos;base&apos;s I.irer Cur*. There ia awm real wnrsU Iron on* due* nl 3 u or Liv*v Care tun in manv bullies ..( oo. MeNasMT, H. nJ Hrad. ADVERTISE IN THE ADVANCE. i: J. > ri:..i i . is \tn.t n I \|-|<iaior tor that old nltmb&apos;caad hnonrsblam. n? IWM|IM um|ui>. rh CtuxU FrniAii*nl L a utd Mona* I&apos;INB- n f I .r. nt.- H ii authunwd tu Uo4 a uw* qukauiir . f iij.xirr t !ows ntmnt raw oftnt<*r**t Tbn wuttinf rbp nflsivv will find it to tlirtr Kliaatsc* tu tlrm bin Mil. I |. ! r. M I , . . > roa bor ! l*m Hsrpsitlnc Apply to iMKv ITM.nl 1. J. E. l IM.KI Rui/itrr nrnf Contractor, Ihirhaai tr^t. TT.-wprr old t*ii J Efttmatn far (Tmmsi Ktfatn. l -.11. ( I . ml. On Frni or Town Pr..p1y. al i HPK. 1 1 r LU r*r Iteie. Tttr u IXHI fnr Inn 10 ik \ 1 1 1 w. u* ri rkiM tu U> M*lk*s1M ad hllr IB I V. . . - . ., . v .- II * *- - . I rr M.I: MILE. .&apos; . ii T at|-r-.|~&apos;l> .... in th* villail* "&apos; HahVii. ~-mp->.l of s H ! ant Ha. aow i*us<d by J ..l.n llal* a IIW.UHK H.HU* Daw oFBBt*.l hy Klair ... l . -t ! wbKk_- W < Jan S. 1*M. tbr. W a tub). A - &apos; &apos; % "f rnaaiatf ssot* aioa** *A <>n.. taaa aay- thitu !< m Atuvrto*. B..&apos;h VIM at all *) can lit* at h .nif wid v<rk in &apos;par* MWM. or aJI tb* tint&apos; ( |.itl i > r,. r ,ir4. W. will p pat u r (or raaoai Co . TunUayd. "&apos;:.;.:: Caul Notice to Contractors. F\I fl< TKNDRM addr*.** lo tk* md* un*d and Mdorwd "Tod tot U>* >llud I nl will t raelT*<l al thU ofic* until the. IM; 1 tli* Ksstaisi and Ws*tt nuU o. MUM&apos;O th. Mk<U* <rfJAKL VBT urtf for lal.iric th.&apos; wmltouf U>* lock*, -lt. *c.. , . .. inn Ib* bvmt.t ..f th* l-i-k. l that .( UM Wcllaatd Caal h*tw*n r i ril I &apos;Tl b n I Thocwld and for dnyula th* SttBBantI i Thut > Id an.f llaai Th* works. Ibrouvhovt will Iw let In wa|..ol th* anr* with tb* prtd Inrava. of ftvtii*. i*|ii tlsr a a- .lliit~ tk* natnr* Ik* . l&apos;ln au.l .l*<M.-rlptivv -ri-HrMIrm cms b* mrf IthUooBr* o* and a/Ur MONUVY. tb* nth *ay <4 JAM *KY out (IMWi. WSMSW pit.i*4 tonswof toSMtw eu b* oe4alswd. A lla* <! at inf orniali-n r. Ullr. Vi tb work* nortk (4 All aobunr will b* turath*d al th. l*k.l Bug! nrr >fl>cr. THUIU.I p . til fof wt>r AUanbnrx. |>lwi. M>nattrivHmil<lrnt Contraetom an r*^Mi*.l to b*ax thai t*dn will not a* coo>ldr*d anl*M tu. tl* In krcunlanr aol. in tb* eaM of i. h~l &apos;hf . -tual .llii orcunli.-n aii.l |>lc rf r**i>4*n>-* of rarb b*r of thr Mine . and further, an M*|H&apos;<* chequ* fi-r th.- .ism " Two TWOI-SAIIP IX.IXAB* ,,r i,i..r -^eordtaa&apos; " Ib* ut**l at tawwork tb* wrtl.&apos;n mint ao*nii|n> tk* r**r*rti trmlr> whl.-h umliall htorflt*d If tb|rty MI.-. .-ntilp lnoottt tor tb wort.ttherit1 in Ib. oSTw *lt* The amount rmulrrd la ** * will W 1.K.I th. fora o* t*nd*r Th chwioo -.r nmiwr ts *t ! will k* rr*-irne>l -&apos; ih* i.-r*-llv part*** whoa* InT I.T, V* IK&apos; I .-.-I.t*.l Thw lHriiiirni .l.-w* not. IkMir to ac**pt k lo , A P . PRAPI.ET. l*s*sa- Dtoartrornt nf Hallway* an<1 Caaali i Ottawa. th DMMBtMr. UK*. {

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