>v^:r$r ,»v • i.inTKii.- â- % i.i-.i ir,ii> JHOM MOTIIKItS. J'.v.'iv ?,))}â- wo j;cl WKoi'.s from iiiolhors jj;lliri(.' «( i:!.'..lNri'»lll Biiby- Own 'lah- {Tls have tvi'ii III l!i*ir lilllo oti<>.-. Soiiio |»r«i.">t' lh«'iH' fur I'liisiiiiallon. hlniiiai'li «riKt l<'w«>l (r iihlj'-: ollni-i tor hty^nK- jri;; ii|)"«iW»<. unrf situfilf [cvcr.s; Mittn' t>'« >.l^»al ft''fp.t<i tf/'lliin;; t>«l)if>. while .j)V)ii;rs jfO f*f f'"' »^}<'„^i\y llial llio 'liilj. .1c(^ hnverswyeil llcir liilU; fines lif<>. ^e liav<> ltKi'i.-:iuilh of lcll<>pj. Nil prSL'<iii;:''lhp 'I'abli'l.s. for Ihey Mr>\<'r iln fiarin â- -sjwttys .(L'<io<i. Mr-, floboil riotvo. r.eir> lijipif'. Ont.. wi'ile.s: '1 would 111 il bf v,ilhi>rl Rahys Own Tali- Hi- ill III*' hnuK' for a day. \\ li.^ri ariylhiiiK ail? .my lil!lo on* I (livo Ikt a Tahlil hikI .-lie i.- sC'ii alrij.')!!. I cm !.'iir>' oltxT tiKiltier.s will liiid (hern Ifiiiti? as sdlusta 'Ifiry." .<iild tiy dnif!- jtislfc or by inail al 2."> cfril.s a box, from The Dr. Williams' Mfxliiiiw Co.. Btxxkvllle, Oil!. , . i AN ODD (.I.OCK \\I> IT.'^ MAKKK. linpiiioiis riTru'liiiian Wlio is An liiinHir ol a I'oorlioii.sf. Ono of Uip nio.sl wondprtu! and uni- que '•! ifk-, ropr'scnltn^; Blhliral .situ.*-;. has bwni fiompk-lrtl liy l.«>wi.- .luliaii. »n iiiiiisle of lln' Ninthniiiploii dninly AliiislKiiL'-c. .'^lulh BiMlilelioiM. Peiin. Julian i- on PxpofI watihninker. but illness has crippled him U> a f!''Ml ex- tent, making him incapflbli' nf follow- inp 111.- Irade. Nolwilhslsndiiif; hi.-; pliy- «iical di.sabili if.- Iif .-till letaiiLS all llii'' feniiL- of hi.s early manhood, 'rhf" hap- 7 te.sl MioiFienl.- of his life, he .says, were •rnipied ill crmslniilinj; llie rlo<-k. Julian wa-i liorn in \a.-l. Ilepurtmenl *>f Mam-he Iberge. I'rancf. in IK", and foine.- nf a family of walclimakers. At Vw iifie of twelve lie weiil to Helgiiiiii Vi liarn the trade of his forefathers. From then until Ihi' illn»\«.s llial crippled him Julian prucli.sed with siicce.ss the m'ahlimiikltij; trade. II was .soon after ^l.s adini-ssioii Ut Ihe alnxslwiii.'ie that he roncened the idea of biiilriinp lii- clock. Aflrr criii-triiilinn the works of three (TiKwv'iit sized liiiiepieces he comnieiiccd the real work. Many thousand pi«!eis cf wocid and metal are conlained in fbia wonderful clock, and it ti^M^k Julian •fveral ywars In build it. The work •' first wa.- .s'ow. and at odd tiine.s he «frew diagrams niid .spent only spare wionienls on his devico. But a,s time went on and Ihe con- ftom^rale mass of wood and metal be- <:an to grow irilo a InngihIe .shape Ju- lian hccanie more hikI more enthusias- tic, ami llnally it wa.s hard work for the • ItendanLs to gel him to out his iiieals •r pet sufllcienl slivp. His companions at first Ihoiiglil his *Us of me<-lian;sm were ttiose of a de- â- menl^d man. but their doubts were igrfiduHlly di.spelled as they .saw the ♦volution nf iiii eighlday clock. .s<i con- •Iriicled as to work aiifomala to repiv- pent the advent of .lesii.s in the iBifliignr. .surrounded liv an o\ and aA-: ffip vi.sil of Ihe wise men; l|«> Might â- CI Jaseph and Mary and the filiild. M'aled on an ass. to Kgypt. and Ihe •mning nf Herod and the .sfildicrs. ne.siile.s this, the clock ha a dial giv- ing tlie day of the week and the inonlh and the .signs of the zod.'ic. fl also •hows the rising and .setting of the nun and moon. 'Ili^ro l.s ,i time dial. fhe c'oik .s'rikiiig liourly and every quarter tioiir. 'I'tiLs wi nderful (lock sland.s seven feel liigh and is about two feel s\\ wclie* .sipiare aiul crmlains a liirgc amount fif inehaiii.sm. A .sixteen- pound waight runs Ihe works, and the «in<> Ihat ruiLs the strikes is eight poiind.s. Hundreds of persons visit the •linshoiise to see Julian and his clock. "Yes." .said Ihet young mnn. pen.-ive- t\. "A dog I once had .-avod my life." Tell me about il," sajil tlie young lady, Willi eager interest. "i .sold him for IW. .said the young man, "when I wa.s nearly starving.'' : km:ki> to run. Mlieii a Tiiniel i.s "\ll In" li VdoplK an Alliludi* of l)eti»lii>ii. Tlimigh a cunel i- .-iip(>.i.srd in have liii'ricl Mnliiiinmcil in four leaps from Jcru.-al.'iii lo Mecca, seven mile- an lioiir i- tlM- latter day C'iniers limil. II cnii. not riiniiiiaui Ihi.s rate for ov<'r two hours oitlior. Its u-nal K|><''ed Ls live miles an hmir â- •-a .slow pace Ijeyond which it i.s dan- t'erou.s to urge il, as A.sialics .say. it might break ils heart and die literally or tlie .spot. \\ hen a camel is pres.sc-l beyond Ihis s[>eed. and is .s; enl. il kneels down, mid iiol all the wolves of A.^ia will make i budge again. The camel i-eiiiaiiis v.-heiT- it kn«cls. and wtiere il kiieel.s it dies: \ lire under its nose is useless. 4. Tltl'. ONI.V ni-,I.IABf.F. sir;.\. "J'li you lake any alcck in these open vviiiler proi'hels'?" ".\'m. I don't b;Iieve llie cold weather is over until my wife quits lolling me we are out of coal. ' ZAM-BUK SAVES A FARMER'S ARM .•^OMK si-:\s \ HON \i. pRooi s ITS IIKALINi; IH>VVKR. or r.verv I . light d.iy brings interesting instances of tlie wonderful healing power : t /ani-Hiik, Ihe herbal biilm. Mr. Win. Snell, a l.nngenburg. (.^ask.). farmer. .-ay.-: "I sa\ed my arm by using /.um- r.uk. I had 11 terrible scalding aecident and tho arm after ilie injurv 'look Ihe svroiig Uiiy.' Wlien 1 .startotl to use /.aniBiik il wa.- all swollen up and liiscolored. and I feared il would have 1(1 corn." off. In a few day.- /am-Buk killed Uie poison, reduced the .swelltng. (iiid tiiially healed the arm complelelv ' Kryj.:M\ rinKo. Mr. j. i-;. cusiik. of ;!4:t WiLson .«i|., Ilitmillon. says: - "lAery winler I ii.seil to have eczema III the haek of my hands. I.a,st winler I wa.- ospeiially badâ€" so bad that I tiad In h»» ofl work for three week.s. \\ liile suffering acutely I was advLsed to tiy /ain-Biik and did s.i. I could not have lielieved iui>thing could have heahyj so i|iMckly: II just seamed to dry up and, dear away the sor»hi, and in a wonder- Do Your Children Cough in the Night ? Wfiat inollMT'.- or iRlher'.s heart ha.s not leaped into llieir throat wtieii they ! have Imvii suddenly aw aketied in the nigtit b.v llmt haifi and prolonged. 'P ttial .smothering, chnkinp. croiipy cough â- that l)eloken.s the must .serioiLs rtisiilts !unles.s relieve*) at once? What shall I Idc' is the lirsi thought, and without .in fffeolive and reliable remedy at liand ,llie child may suffer or die before relief can tie given. SL.OOUM'3 â- â- OLTSFOQlF EXPCOTORANT â„¢i U a quick and aheoliitely .safe, reliablo i«nd certitiii cure for all forms ofi:ougli, (Cold. .Sore Throal. lagnppe. Croup, IWtwMjping Cough. Bronchitis. .Vsltima jand all irritated and inllanied condition* c' the Ihroat or chest. It will save every mother many a sleepless, anxi- ous nighl. and the cnildreti a.s well m Itdulls many an haur's suffering and illnesa. I " I ba<l liMa HuirerinffiN- art tw>i munthii wUI) I ftu atMtiunU rrngk. u hul alsn my littla (iri. We tn*d ««v«rftj rvimadivi ram m4>n U> %ay Sma : Itor* without obiaiain( my ^p^reot n\i»l. in , lavt w* wtra (rowioK wura* 1 gut a ImUl* nf UoltaC'MM* Kxpactnrmnt frum bijt <inif(iiit nixl in- lid* of two 4f7> Um cxMiKh vu rurad, sihI th« r«- iBlta an p«ni«a*Bt aad mpi4 UuU wc deoiiM to k««p <V>l(a(iMt« Bxpsctoniit in ovr koB« cub- liaiully.' I KOBKRT PALKN, D.A.K. .StUioa, Ottewft I No home stioiild be without it. It is the greatest family medicine for these troubles ihe vorld lias produced. Keep K on hand, it i^ a never-feiling frinad. I5c. at your dealer. CM>OD FOR OIJ> \ND VOfflW. PKRFtC4rrLY HARMIJ«»M. CHn.DREN U>VK Tt. time my hands wore quile Ji'.ssie : "What did Jack menn when he Wild lliiif Miss (ilde had a benutifiil figure ?' .May: "lie u/ts probably re- ftrnng to her banking account." Too many people a.s.-unie that lliey tiHve <loiie ihcir duty when they tell you «hat Ihey think you oiiKhl to do. "â- AU-lemioiis' and "facetious'' are the riily words in Kiiglt-ib having the vowels ill llieir order. A Cine for niieimiatism. -.The inlru- hi*ti\ of uric ai'id into the bir id ve.««el.s », a fru llul caikse nf rheuinalic pains. •Vliis irngiilanly i- owing to a deranged aiKi unlieultliy condi >.!i of tlie liver. \riy<in'' siibjecl to tin- iminlul affe<'tion "»ill find a remedy in I'arinelee's N'cge- tr.ble I'ills. Tlieir acli»*(i ii|h)ii the kid- neys is proiioimced and most InMielicial. end by restming healthy aclion, they correct iiiipurilie., in the blood. IPehind is Ihe only r.iiropean cniinlry «f which the p^ipulalicm has been greatly •fduced during Ihe pa.sl rciiliuy. First Stranger : "F.xe.u.se nie. sir. hut I notice thai you are louking al me closely. Is there anyttiing iilioiit me that is fanjiliur?' .Second stranger: "Yes. fccrc is. My umbrella. ' fully sli.ir! cureil. " I'lLKS ('.I'HKD. Mr. \eill Devon, rf WebbWood ;Oiil.\ says:â€" "Kor eight years I tried all kinas of tilings for piles, but gnl nothing to do me any t;ond until 1 struck /am-Buk! That quickly worked a complete cure." '/.aiTi-nuk heals all skin di.seas«\s. cuts and bruises, ei'/ema. sralp .sore.s, ulcers, ('happed places. .Spring piHipli?s, scro- fiihius ailment.-, poisoninl wounds, swol- len glands, boils. .\s an embrocalinii it cure.- rlieimiHlism, sciatii-a. elc. All driiggu-Ls iind .-.lores sell al !*\\ a box. Ill' from '/.am-Muk I'.o., Toronto, ti boxes for S2.r>0. .S'nd Ic. slaitip for dainly trial tox. "My ! but there iniist be somelbin' awful Ihe niatl.^' w id the Missus," said llie cliainl-iernuiid; "c<in«iuiiplion, niny- liap. ' "Why do ye say llial .'' demanded lliocook. "I jiisht liCHi'd Ihe iloilor lellin' tier that her lungs ks 'normal.' Uon I that sound liiirible .'' Paiii.s,. Like Ihe. Poor, are .Mways With I'.s. Tluil portion of man's life Vhich is iiol made up of pleasure :s liirgely ('Om)Kisi\l of puiii, and to be fre.«' from pain Is a plcn.sure. Simple reme- dies ai'o always IIm» liest In treating lindily pain, and a .safe, sure and simple leiii.Hjy IS Dr. Thomii.-' I''.rlectric Oil. \oii cannot do wrong in giving it n trial when I'Ctpiired. Kirul I.ady : ".\fler I gave y.iii Itial. nice dinner, you didn I saw that wood. " llo- IxHigh : "Pardon me, lady. Yer grani- Miar is bad. You.m> slKUild say 'you didn I ] sec that wood.' niul then you're wrong. I .saw il when 1 came in. ' BMOKS' MEW GURE i r TOURS From >!•» to (M6. VOf pr.>f ntaiiBa, writ« Rev. Dr. W (throw TORONTO. > STAMMERERS Tba ASNOTT riBTHOO l> tb* anly |«tl. cal aithstffsr tkeeartaf StaaiaertH. It UMtatbtCAUSe. aat mtraty the HABIT, •â- d laiurM aMaral tpMch. PaM^lilal, par- licaUrs â- â- < rcfrrwncct >tnt aa raqatat. THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BRKI.IW. ONT. CAN, YANKEESWORSHIPTITLES .MARK TWAI.N PHi:nir,TS MONARCIIV rOK I tin UKI>I BI.IC. Kaninus iliiiiiori-l lias a Diq at .\ineri- ' can \Neaknrss lor Cash and Kaiibles. "Till- Com iig Aineri -an Monarchy ' is 11k; tille of Mark Tv^ains remini.scenccs' ill tile .North .<Kni(yican B«view. In Iheni he vents tii.a huiiior on ttie .American's well-known \v or.-hip of titl«ft and money. "Human nature being what il i.s.' ho say.-, "1 suppose -we niiLsl axpect to drift into monarchy bye-and-hye. II is a saddening ttiougtit, but we cannot ch.inge our naliire; we are all alike, we are human IxMiigs; and in our blood and bone, and irjaderlcable we carry the seeds nul of which monarchies and aris- tocracie- are grown; worship ol gauds, lilies, dislinitions, power. "VSe have to worship these things and their poAs^ssions: vie are all born so, and we cannot help it. BVnOAI.N HINTING. "We h:ive In be despised by some- body whom we regard as above us. cr we are not happy; we have lo have iioiiietodj lu worship and envy, or we cannol be content. ' In Ameri''a wc manifest this in all the ancient and cuslomary ways. In pub- lic we scoff al tille- and hereililary pri- vilege, but privately we hanker after tli*ni. and when we get a chance we buy them for cash and a daughter. "Sometimes we get a good man and worth tlie pri'-e. but we are ready lo take him aii\\*By. whelher he be ripe or rotten, wtvrther he \v dean and de- cent, or merely » basket of noble and sacred and long-descended oftal. ".\nd wIm'ii we g«t him th« whoW" nal on puldicly chaffs and scoff- â€" and privalely envies; and also is proud of the tionor which lias lieen conferred upon \u CARlvS.^ Till-: LIST. "We run over our lisl of tilled pur- cha-es every ii'iw and Itwn, in Ihe iiewspap. rs, and discii.ss tliem and ca- r>8- them, and are thankful and happy. "Like u;i other natiniis. we worship money, and the pos-e:vsors of i!â€" they being our ari^locracy, and we have lo have one. "I siippo.se we mii.-t expect tliat un- avo d.ible and irresistible circumslances will gradually take away the powers of •he Stales and concentrate them in th â- central givernmenl, and that Ihe Re- public will then repeal the history oi all t llie and become a monarchv.' Before yoa get Pen- Angle gannents all tlie s h r i n k is t a k e ni out. Pen- Angle^ 'Underwear^ 'keeps you com- Vfy as well as 'vann, because the ' 'short fit>res that kinake some under- ^wear itch are taken ^ out of Pen- Aagle wooL • /fanf Ig a vaiiety o( (abria, tlyici and IB all tizei (or womea, men diildico, aad giMaiHwd by jriMr ewa Teething BabieSi^ are saved safTering â€" and notkera given rest â€" when one uses Nurses' ud Mtthers' Tratsm Qaicklr relieTCS â€" regvtates the bowels â€" prevents convttkiotB. Used 50 years. At>soiately safe. Xt irat-atortt. Ke. ( botthrs, R.S,. Nati*aal Drue '^ Oictiiical Co., I>aritc>l. Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41 -Qneea City' â- bcao tbia * pare MaMaU duac pure OolMw lair â€" keaf Ueadail < c Ike hot <|aallUaiW fag*. Jttk jraar f i « « a /«r TheCampbeU CamobcirS Mining Co. L»i«4 ^^ >»>.^ T<«M. j.a*.a otat Queen City HOW .SHIi COT K\ li.N. lie fiiiiiid fault with her ryjoking. His temper cifl displayiHi. .â- \nd never got tluough lalkiiig ftf "Ihe kind that mollier made." At l.xsl, her patience wavered, To try there was no use, .And .soâ€" well, -he got even â€" t^he simply cooked his goose. Bronka' -El' dlgcoTerr. woD<t«rful. No okDoakMia iprlnaa or pada. Automatic Air Conhlona. Biii4( aM «nn tli* brakaa Mrta toaellMr aa »ii awK a kraMa Uait- No aaivaa. Mo innpkol. NollM. Dnr-j abla^rlMsp. Pat. 8«pl. 10,'Ot e E. â- lOOKS. 10. llaaU- ai4f.. â- 4, Iron Ncedail in tlia lilixxl n( pile, ma 4own iHiiipla " Farnxiin,* Iha btKt lonir. rill It Uara. At all (aaaral atoiao and Ilrugsiiita. More loa •at '; .see ttiat .onie liv.liirer says thai Ihe *»rr«go woman talks so cai-elessly that â- a's diniciilt 111 understand her." "I wi.sh itlial lecturrr could be around when nty â- %-lle sifieaks her mind lo nie." fn England, more than double as many deaths per million of jMipiilalion occur Jnom accident as in Franco. LUCKY SW.S. ,\dmiiers of great, rich, or famous I.Mple often bestow their wealth upon the obje Is of their regard. Tlie (ht- man I'.inpeior hoad*; the list of lucky ones so .avored. His receipts in money and real estate during the !a.st leii VMi's would, it IS said, make u mil- 'li(ini**cc envious. Following' a i>recie- derit. a Hamburg nierctwint prince left 'liiiiw^ llinii $I.O()(i.lV)0 to lhi> f'",inperor's Cliaiuollor. whom Kai.s«M' William iin- luediate'.y crealed "I'liuce'' lluelow. 'William .leimings Hryan recently came 1> weallli 111 the same way. in I'.ng- i'liinl f.otd Ale; Ion has received SllKi,- IlKXl from an admirer of liis public ca- lie r, and Or. Juiiic-on inherils a sum oiio-llfUi larger iimlcr Ihe will ol Mr. I l;e;t. Queen Victoria wiis very fortu- hiate in her adniireis, of whom tiie j\ve4illliit!st was Nield, wdo beqeathcd lo hei tlie .sum of $l,ir(O,00(). Many patent medicines have come and g'llie, but llickles Aiili-Con-umplive Syrup continues lo occufiy u fon'iiiast pUioe among leni.xlies foi' coughs and ( lilds. and a- a prevenlive of decay of lli<! lungs. It 1^ a slundnrd medicine that widens its sphere of usefulness year by year. If you are in need < f something to rid yourself of a cough oc cold, you cannol do better than try Uiok!e'.s ."<yrup. * "Poor woman I .^he work.s hard all day, and llien she's up nearly all nighl wilfi Ihe babies." "Whflt'> ilie iiiatler w ith her husband ? \\ hy doesn't he help her?' "Oh, he puis in all his time agi- taling for an eight-hour day for the workingman. " "A Urara yard Cmigk" in the rry rt tortured lianga for laarcy. iiiv toam .tlleii'd l.ung Balaam- arhwh i^ u^ad with gnod alTact «ven io uooiump- tioa a a«rl; staai-' .^UBSTinni': for dri.nk. "Is .your husband keeping his promise li abstain from drinking'.''' asked Mrs. Wise. "Oh, yes, faithfully," replied Mrs. Newliwed. ".\re you sure? It's pretty hard for a man lo resist the leinptalion." "Yes, but ho tells me he's found a suhstiliitrt which be eats wtKmever tie foeUs templed to lake a drink ; and what do you suppose it is'/ ( loves* T' Mother Cicaves' Worm E.ilerminatcr j lias the largest sale of any similar pre paratiaii sold tn Canada. II always gives .satisfactiiiii bv restoring health t-: ' the little folks. Or. .<liarp<-» : "I say, Mr. Dooley. you're j n long liine (wying me your aceounl. " | Ml. IVjoley : "And ils a long loime yo ' look to cure :iie. be jablx'^rs :" I DODtfS IKIDNEY 1;/ PILLS What iboulii ba Pergatten ? Ererythine thai AarH. what lib •.•uld not lie f'lrgotten .' " The l> A I." Menthol I'ti^AiarK : a poHCive cure (or Wttscu- l«r rhauniJLtum luid neunUcU Mistress:' "Norah. you don't ,seom tii try to k'ani oiiylhing. Ilaveiit you any ambition in life." Kitchen Maid: "N<;. mum; but I'v.- saved something, an' I'm goin' to have a gr-raiid funeral \*hin I die, mum." Impurities in the Hlood. â€" When the actii II nf IIm' k:<liieys becomes impaireil. impurities in ttie IjIikmI are almost sure I.) follow, and gciioi'dl derangeiiK'nt id the sy.steni ensues. I'ariiiehsv- Vege- table Pills will regulate the kidneys, .so that they will maintain t;<'althy «ctlon and prevent llie complications which terlainly (joimo when there is derange- naent of ttiose delicate orgaas. .\s a restorative tlvtsse fills are in ihe llr.il rank. Where liX) to l.'iO per.wn.> live lo the .sfjuare mile, the dcalh-rate averages 16 the square mile, the death-rate increases to H per I, two. Like a had haMI a akin diaaaa* growt. 8er«t«- lovi haaian, •ea*eaa and all aruptiona aaajr ha aured with Weaier's (,'amta, aasUted iaUra»II* hf Waavar'a Syroy. All Urii^tUU. AUSHRALIAS l.ROWTII. This is the record of .\ustralian sta- tistical facts in iflOt. as compared with IMl, with a population, be it remeni- tiered, of only l.UOO,!**). and after a pet-- icd of unprecetleiiUHl drought and dis- aster : Volume of lrade;(incrca.<s«). .. £17.272,189 .Vgiicullurai. pastoral, in'ner- a I (increase) 8^.521„589 r.ank d(>p(toiUs iiicrpasc) 0,.")03,561 .Savings ban;, deposits (in- crease) 2,785,187 .Shipping tonnage ;increabei. 2,952,073 I'rivale weatlh ipor inhabi- tanl) 2f>0 Hallways (incieasc! in miles). 1,150 P.i'idgcl . "Oi can't stay, ma'am, on- le.K- ve give-s nie more wages." Mrs. llirem OfU;n : "What! Why you don't know how Ui piiok or do housework al a'' I !" Brid^j'et : "That's just it, ma'am, an' not knowin' how. suit; the wurk is a'l the harder for me, ma am.' Why will jom poiiMia your ny*lBmit with fake trUBi.i when fef»aJi» trouble -fhoulit ka tp ai jrou wfMild tredkt a :ior« flower. err at thc iiat m> tni 'nwa TUa " KtnM»Gip«tor " iit a locnl remedy aaai^ appliod by rear.wlf. <:oflts bat tweeeaU adftyaad la Kuarankeed ahMoliitety antiseptio. It i* eolav- iMa ami odorleaa. and ifl retierin^ thoa a a a d a ef woman who did not dream of tielp viti\o«i UM aid ol a tarYeoa. Prire t\.Mi per bouW, aawt prepaid to any addreaii in Canada. THK CMANOIPATOR CO., \]-> Von/t« SI., Toroato, C» asaata Nanted In Cuery Team. AOBNrs I.\TBST JialXINO CK.MK- daUy ea.97 for workor.4 hao,11in£ oar , puww fcaipe •- aead at once for partii-olara heSoaai loBoaone olite ceta your terrikery. <'eetrai Happly 1:0., bept. 3. S^ Richmond utreet. Loudoa, Oat. OHENIl-LE CURTAINS UOI CURTAIHS ""'^uM^^ Wnu to ria abeiii youra. UiTiM aMnidaa arsiaa ea.. •«â- i«^ r.i-riTiNi; nin of him. I'.va : "I'etcy squanders money tiorae^ tluiig awful. His father says he is no- thing but a itetH to him. ' Jack : '"ItMin why is his fattier going to send him away on ,» yacht '.'" I'.va : "I suppose tie wants hiin to be« RoaUng debt. ' It is only nece.s.sary lo re:id Iha tes- timonials to be convinced Uial KoMe- ^ay's C.orn Cure ls unequalled tor lh« removal of corns, warls, etc. It la a ctjiaplele exUngutsher. IN THK -SKK-ROOM. Pearl : "I am awfully jealous of thst pretty trained nuree I wish Ihcy h*d engaged a iMinely one to attend Georga." Ruby : "But she is only taking hM pulse. " Pearl : "Yes. but what giiaranlee ha*« I that she might not liike his bi-art?" Dear Mother Ymt brie one* are a coaMot can k Fall and Wioia weather. TKev «â- otA cold. Do you koow dbout Shilok'a Cwaamiiboa Cure, the Luii«Taaac. tad wlial it na* done iot to many > h ia aid to be the ooly reliable teaedy fer al Jiieain of the air pasuga ia cMUm. kis ahaoluleiy Karoueu and pteaiaat !• kke. hiaguannleedtocuteacyouti ii reltvaed. The price ia 25c. per I ami M dealers ia mcdidae tell 314 «HILOH JT»»« remedy thoukl be in ereiy houaafcolA 'mrFEMCES^WElR BEST" ISSIK NO. 9-~»7 iStit of Hlgli Carbon Wire, Btakea It •till ^HK atrongar In lorvlr^. PAOft wm,K well nrore It to ran. COrUIO-not rrimped. Thi* It atays tauU -• • - - rKMCK PaintMl WHITE orer heavy COMPANT, LIMIT KD. B»lT»nl«lti«-ru»t proof. Kxi>etjimartdeaae« to erect iV Laada all In aalea 909 -an in mertt. Oct lllualrated booklet aad 1W7 prioea before baTias y .