Febbuaby 28 1907 THE FLESKERTON ADVANCE 'MWWWWVy F. T. HILL & CO. WWMVVW^) Just fifteen Days More of f OUR GREAT - February - Graniteware - Sale Just fifteen more days to sell Graniteware and then the opportunity to buy all kinds of Graniteware ata saving of one third to one half to one third less than regular prices will be gone. Thrifty housekeepers should not miss this chance to anticipat«j their requirements and refurnish kitchen utensils in all kinds of Granite- ware at such economical prices. SB?"?W»*" GRANITE PUUDING PANS 150 only Gr.iiiifc PudUiiiit Pan, 4-(iiiart size, in gioy ftiid whitf, .VlcLary'N niake, reKulsr iJ5c ralue, selliiiR for I'Jo GRANITEWARE WATER PAILS 70 only Oranile Water PiilU, in colorn of crey, blue and whitu, purfuctly a uainluss, no chance fur a leak, ouamelled on steel' Regular value 75c, 8ellin<{ fur 48c. Rogular value $1.00 selling for 58c. 250 Graniteware Basins selling 2 for 25c. 250 only Granitowaro n^sins, enainniuled on steel, piirfectly siiatnlosK, in colors of white, blue and lirey. durinj{ our Kchruury Graniteware Sale sulliiiK »wo for 25c l8c Granite Pudding Pans February Sale Price lie. 200 Granite Pudding; Pans, very u«eful size available for niiiny piirpuseK itnd the kind that sells for ISu. anywhere, February Sale price each lie Granite Slop Pails and Slop Jars. 45 only Granite Slop PaiU in white, also ffrey, extra heavy and full size, roi(ular ^1.50 value, bollnig for 85 35 only Granite Slop Pails in white, also grey colon, adjustable lid, strong; steel pail and seamleis. ilofjular 85c value, sollinii for 48o. Regular $1 00 value lelling for 68c. Pre .serving Kettles and Lipped Sauce Pans selling at half. 75 only Granite Preserving Kettlei, regular 35c, fIzp, February Sale Price 18c. 75 only Granite Lipped Sauce Pan.s, regular 35c. kind, February Sale Price 18c Granite Dinner Pails selling for 35c, regular 65c value. 36 only Granite Dinner Pails', cups attached, alxo separate inside attachment. This article is a boon to the man taking' hi.i meals with him, February Sxle Price 30c. mm MARKPALE MWl«?|>}$^ I J. & W. BOYD Our sale closes Thursday night January 31. We begin stock takipg Monday, Feb. 4th and will finish about Monday, Feb. IS. During these two weeks we are putting on a special sale of furs and ladies jackets. 5 Ladies Fur Mantles, sizes, 3-10, 1-88, 1-36, cash price 520.00 21 Ladies cloth jackets, grey twcpds and black beavers, sizes from 32 to 42, regular $.J.OO to $10.50 sellin? for 3 00 11 Ladies cloth jackets, blacks and fawns, selling at 98 Flour and Teed We have a full stock of flour and feed including ^ Bran, Shorts, Feed flour, Corn, Barley chop and Five Roses Fl on r Every bag of which is guaranteedâ€" the best flour iu the land â€" no other can equal it. Hardware . Q $ftf A full stock of stoves, ranges and heaters, axes, saws $j W and all kinds of woodnian-'s supplies, also I BUILDER S SUPPLIES Parties contemplating building should not neglect get- ting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. •f| overy 'rimrii'liiv at 'mcnt of these are left to iudi- Ividiial edort. Iu the enforce- mcnt of the liquor laws the Whitney igovoruiueut huH oiilv been doing it's [• publishufl fvery 'rimrii'liiv at tl.iK) \>e:. duty â€" belter, it is trut, than that duty »nnum if puiil iiiiulviuu;i;, il-Tjo if not no paid. I !,_„ „.„ , r j u » i-n .,, ... . ' „, ' , . ., . has ever been performed betoro â€" still All duuscniiiT jiaynit; *1.00 utrictly in . '^ %t\vm^~ advance gut the Muutrval niiald our (r« M a preiiiiuin. year EDITORIAL DllIFT The worll is certainly moving towards aerial navigation. The Bcientilic American last week advertis- ed an air motor. There must be a dotaaud for such a niacliine or it would not be put on the market. That the dying machine as a mode of con- veyance is not far away derives it's strongest probability from the fact that the governments of various countries are preparing for it's advent and discussing it's probable iulUieuce on future wars. If it inakcs wars im- posBible or too horrible for humanity to countenance it will be the crowning blessing of the ages. there is a danger in the pharisaical altitude which should be avoided. The people can bo trnsted to give honor where honor is due. We con- fidently hope that later on Mr. Whit- ney will see his way clear to grant the prayer of the delegation which waited upon him l-ist week, and wo look to our representative here, Mr. Lucas, to assist (which he can materially) in causing the light of wisdom to shine into the hearts, of Mr. Whitney's cabinet. Tliat was a great drlngation of tem- perance people which waited upon Premier Whitney on Fiiday last- The gathering was 1000 strnng and it overflowed the assembly hall at the parliament buildings. The dele^a- lion thanked Mr. Wiiitney for the manner in which ho had enforced the law during the past year and only made one reipiost. to repeal the three fifths clause of the Toinporauco Act. It cannot bo said that they received much consolation along this line- Mr. Whitney told tiiem plainly that he would mike no hasty cliangos in tho Act until it had been thorough 'y tested. He had been busy enforcing tho past year. If later on they thought the percentage should be lowered it would bo done. It rests with the tempcrunce now pcoi)le Grand Vidloy Pre»bytoriHn.s have in- creased tho Halary of thwir pastor. Rev. Mr. McCliniock, 8150, inakinu it $1000. ThoH. Gowaii, editor of tho Thornbury Henihl, and who ia aho a niemhor of the school boiird of that town, has been en. KaKeil an principal of the Clark»buri{ achuol. Tho •eclKma join. Mr. Jo.soph Dudireon last week sold hit team of four year old draught male* to Mr. llrecken of Burlitijjton for the haiulHoine Hnin of $0,50. Mr. Dudgeon has mora of the uhuih cla«a, but yi^unver, Krowiiig into similar value,â€" Chatsworlh News. Fines amountinit to *1, 150 have been collected as a nan It of prosecutions for violation of the li(|uor law in Colmlt, town T*oniy-two "hlind pi^;," wore rxidod' by Otlicer Morrison iiridHr the inslruciion of the Proviiitial License Departmunt, and liquor of all kiiM.k wan contiscatod, Tho law at pre.<ent providea that no license m.iy be issued within six mil.-s of a mininx camp ami it is found difficult to enforce. As much as «10,000 haa been ofrered for a yearly li-.-ense in Cobalt Out. The Depanineul has so far de- clined to grant any. • A letter dated at Siotia Junction on Feb, 24ili has been received giving an acoonntof the tranio dea'h of Hoberi ORleetoii, which occurred last week. ihemselves, to make Mr Whitney"'*'.'^""'"' "'"^"'"''*"'*"' ^y " f"""J. J'>l"> EOdtbat it is in the welfare ^f iiiai^'""-''' *'« K<>i"({ into camp about eiL-bt -.vortiiuent to place eveiybody on anlr''"' '''"'" ^T^ ''"'"' ^""'""' ""'' *''« It. 1 , fo'inor Btayed behind the rest Ash,, ^footing and lo..ee that the laws had not arrived in abo tw! hours hi ♦„ forct-d as well. It is the duty I oompamon returned to aearch f. . l.im ^^^jernrauut to enforce ito own; After walking' t,ro miles he found «,, lace •II you realizes this truth in Iho. where wolven had crossed the trad, «,vl ^AH °^''*°''"* '"WS- llUti too I '"»'l'hip around. h»j diacovered Oxl.tston'a ki • r*^ it comes down to acta! '^'"''' '*'''"''* ""''• "'"'hes and hia ha' il (lutslioiid the enforce- ''â- '*'' '*'""^ "** unfortunate man. was only too evident; he had been devoured by the wolves. Deceased was uot well known iu the district, and Ida couipanioi s did not know where to lucatM his friends. Charles F. Raymimd, iu Raymond's Record, OakvilK- : They tell me that you are thinking of leaving the [arm tl is aprinf;. Don't do it; keep cloau to ihe soil. You are tired of fooduiK the cattle, tho sheep and the pias, lirod of chopping the wood, tired of cleaning the ataHi-, tired of the store on the corner -tired of it all. You havo vihitod tho city, and its roar fascinates you. £>-cryone seemed well dressed and happy, and the laughter and oonversation of tho p-uiKers-hy were music to your ear. Stay with tho farm, for it is a healthy .spot lo live on, where you get a complexion from nature's brush and an arm made stions in OihI's gym- nasium, where you neeb iiu medicine to make you eat. Stay with the farm, where life ia natural and friendships mure ieal, where yuu can wear what you want, when you want and there is none who will crit- icize. Stay with the farm, with lis apirit of trust and friendlniesii, from the collie who follows you up and down the line lo the swallow who builds iu the barn. Peter Roanlree of Merriton deveh>ped a severe attack of deliruim trcment, and was takou to the siation, later beinu sent to the county jail in custody of P. C. Arnott. When half of the journey had been accumpli.shed Roaiitreu refused to proceed. The constable drew his baton, but the prisonor, overpowered him, took It away and proceeded to administer punishment with such force that the stout weapon waa broken on the con- stable's head, lenderinij him almost unconscious. The prisonor was hand- cuffed to the officer and could not escape. In the meantinio help arrived aud and a cab was secured, and in company with three othwr constables, Uoaiitree pn - ceeded to jail, but broke all the windows in the cab on the jouriiey and ^ave end- less trouble to three strong officers. The Registrar-General h. s asued n iw forma of burial permit. An underiakor, cluigymaii, sexton, himsoholder or other puraon engagini: in 'he roino»al or buii<l of the dend before tho |ierniit has been issued incurs a penalty of l?20 ind costs on conviction, PurMOiis dying of ainall-pox, scarlet fever, diptheria or chidora niust be buried forthwith by privalo burial, and liniisportHiimi of tho corpse ia forbidden. An eflVnt will be made by tho depart- ment to prosecute all otftn-lers, as there haa been some laxity iii tho undertakers and others in their observance of the law. It ia unlawful and inconvenient for relatives of tho deceased lo leave the obtainnig of the permit lo tlie undortsker, and tho practice should bu d:scourng -d. J. & W. BOYD F lesherton, Ont. PRIVATE SALE For 30 Days Giving wp Business 1 Horoe C years \ I'ow 7 voars iu calf 1 Top biihKy ^ **«* o' sinsle harness 1 Cutter Pair light bribslcliiba 1 Sut Heavy haruesn, Snt of hoiibur trucks Several ploughs. Land rollers and iiulpers. .-iO.ixiO ft. l.umbtir, S00K<|uare8 shinKl«'. i>im»li". flnorinca anil other house flniab. Come aloni: and get tbia atuS at your owu p.iice while it laata, Everything Must be Sold Will also roci'lvt' ofTers tor tho purobase or lose of the will property aud dwolliuij. R. P. LEGATE CEYLON Tarm tor Sale Lot 30, con. W, township of ArremeRla^ con- talninu 100 acres, -10 acrcA uncier cultivntion. 20 r>o(i'l panttire lau^, dtiared; reut Iu busb, good orchaiil, well watoriMl; log hoitso log st»t>le, fiamo barn. ? "'iles from scbool. WIU bull cbca]!, on uaey terms. Apulv to I'iiar J.W.CH >ZIEH, Rufieuia HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to got the best Photos ia at BULMKU'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Farmers! V' Look Here! I have opened up a new HarnesB shop in town and hnvo a good sind ever iiicreasint; stock of Belto, Blankets, Robes and all W'intjJS Nkckissities for the Uorse Owner. Drop in imd have me do ai>y HaroesB Repairing you may haw. 1 can do it riijlit. 0. W. Phillips Directly opposite The Advance office. FlEsherton, . . Ontario WINTER HARNESS GOODS Bid Stock » > Best Stock SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babie.s' pictures. Picture fraio- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and wo will promise satisfaction. MPS. SUriAIKR bO Yfc»H!» EXPEtlliiNCR Bells, Blankets, Kobes Fur lined coats, pockeibooks, satchel*, razor sirojis and other leather goods. Cutters-best makes-and everything in the harness line. W. MOORE, Flcsherton Ont. SI\ortt\orn Cattle fcr Sale Lovinias atul Wimplon, tlio best of brtMidlnfl and qualil". Bnll, cows aud lieifors for kaTo at roasoiiatilo pricua Lot 32,oou.5 CUA8. 8TAFF0KD, Floahotton Tradc Marks DcsiaNB COPV«lC,HTS Ac. Anvonaa^ndltig aK^atoh and oeacrh'Mon ni:\; cjulpkly narorl.iln our oi'lnlou froo wlii'tlicr aa llivPMllo'l !• prithftMy paleulnbla. Cfunniimlfa. lton.si»lrlot]yc.»oUdGiitlftl. Hiindb<x>k"n I'ntuiita Bout froe. (>I(KHtt ak'ODcv f(.i rji.curlnt< I'lu.-ni*. I'ateiaw tjikon thni'iayj .Mupii .t Co. recvlvg t|KCia( 'uittce, wl! houC cliiir«o. Iu tbo Scientific Jtisieria^, A hati<1«»mely UlofllmtM wc^klT. 1 firpof t clT- cirlntioit '..{ miy ftrit»ntHln .loiinir.l. 'rtrrn^, M â- veiU", f-vir Titontha, tL 8otd byall nownHpHlora U.aa^' ;;JiM}. tU fi' ^/^ *<^iv4>v..uii i. ' Yorkshire Boar fqr Service. The underalflned baa for aervtca on lot ws, 2i)(l W. T. Jt S. K., Arteinosia. a thoroiiRlibrrrt Yorkabiro boar, "Lakevlew Victor," No. 18M0. Terms *I 00, Tliorougbbreds oxiia. A aul«u> did stock I? s**Br, 3 mua 1 Feb. TH08. QUIGy Prop, Farm to Rent I-ot 141-142, 3rd range T. * S. R., two miles from Flesherton, coiuainiiiK l(KI n.in>s, (ioixl orchard buildiiiKs, iticluclliiK biiclj house. Splendidly watereil. Applv to IS.\AC SINCLAIK, Fleshcttuij ft*