Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1903, p. 7

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V lOTATWIBGEINKISBODY OODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CITRED W. J. DIXON'S HHEUlfA- TISM. He was Crippled for Weeks Before he Tried the Groat Kidney Kem- edy â€" How the Cure was Effected. Barwick, Rainy River. Ont., Dec. 28.â€" (Special).â€" The cold, wet wea<- ihcr, with its accompaniment of Rheumatic patn.s has set the people here talkinj; of the case of Wm. John Uixon. Mr. Dixon, who is well known in this neighborhood, was a cripple from Rheumatism. To-day he lias not a twinge of his old enemy tnywherc in his body, and ho gives ill the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I had an attack of Typhoid Fev- jr," Mr. Dixon says in speaking of •lis cure, "and after 1 got over it. Rheumatism set in. I had pains in my back and in my right hip so bad I had to use a stick to walk. I had no comfort in sleeping and could no more than dress or undress myself for two months. For three or four Weeks I could not put my right leg on my left knee. "On my brother's advice I .started using Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after taking three boxes I began to walk around and do my work as usual. I am all right now, and Dodd's Kid- ney Pills did it." Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. The natural way to cure it is to get the uric acid out of the blood. If the Kidneys are sound they will take all the uric acid out of the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills make the Kidneys sound ITE'W POSTAL DEPAjiTXJEii. Scheme Devised By British master-U«neral. i'oiil;- SatisQed that a "cash-on-dehvery" System of parcel postage wUl serve the greatest good of the greatest dumber the British Postmaster-Gen- eral has had an outline of the Echerue prepared for the informatjon of shoi)-keepcrs. large and small. The scheme proposed is as follows; Parcels and registered postal jiack- ets will he handed over to the Post Office on the understanding that the sender receives through the Post Office the money due to him on them or gets his parcels back. Parcels and packets will be accept- ed at every post office. aiKl delivered in every part of the United Kin<^om by postmen who will collect on de- livery trade charges of uioderatL' Amount. The sender oi a. trade charge pack- etâ€" i.e., C.O.D.â€" will be rciiuirod to write on ,he cover his name and ad- dress and the amount to be collecte.l on delivery, and also to tender with the packet a form of retjuest. The receiving post office .vill give the â- sender a. certificate of po-sting. The postman taking out the packet from the office of delivery will col- lect the charge. No receipt will be taken or given jn delivery. The Inoney will be remitten to the send- er of the parcel by a money oraer or postal order. For the services remrorpti ;^ -jniall lee will bo cfitrged in adailicn to the postage Commenting on the plan, tiigh official at St Wartin's-)e-Grand said that the advantage of the national COD system as against the or- dinary carrier was. that, while the ordina]"y caiTier serves only where he can make a profit, the Post Oflicc will serve near and fai', large cus- tomers or small, without distinction and at a uniform rate. The small shopkeeper will be .able to order goods from wholesale houses with greater facility than previously. IIORSK S SENSE OF SHELL. V horse will leave musty hay un- ffouched in his bin, nowever hungry. He will not drink of water objec- tionable to his questioning snilT. or from a bucket which some odor makes odensive, however thirsty. His jnlelligont nostril will widen, quiv- er and query over the daintiest bit offered by the fairest of hands, with coaxings that would ni,ake a mortal shut his eyes and swallow a mouth- ful at a gulp. A mare is never sat- isfied by either sight or whinny that her colt is really her own until she has a certilied nasal proof of the fact A blind horse, now living, will not allow the approach of any stranger without showing signs of anger not safely to be disregardfsl • • • The distinction is evidently made by his sense of smell, apd at a consMh-rable distance. Blind horses. AS a rule, will gallop wildly about a pasture without striking the sur- rounding fence. The sense of smell informs them of its proximity. Others will, when loosened from the stable, go direct to the gate or bars opened to their accustomed feeding grounds, •nd when desiring to return after Iiours of careless wandwing will distinguish one outlet, and patient- ly await its opening. to be the actual box brought to ICngland by William the Conqueror who kept iu it the money wherewith he paid his troops. So from Nor- mandy came the idua, which British ingenuity has improved upco, until the result is the traveling trunks with which we are accompanied in these days when we undertake an extended visit or a sight-seeing tour of the world, and by which we are enabled to dross as becomingly and comfortably, no matter what ex- tremes of climate we may encounter, as though we were .at home with wardrobes full of clothing at hand. A CONVICT'S WKDDING. A man who had just bi«n sentenced at Geneva for two years' imprison- ment for assault, was by the clem- ency of the court, allowe<l to marry before settling down to the prosaic realities of hard labor. On the wedding morning, therefon-, the con- vict-bridegroom duly handcufTcd, was escorted from prison to the offices of the magistrate, where the civil cere- mony took place, tv;o prison warders in uniform standing by as witnesses. After that this curious bridal party adjourned to the house of the newly- weddod pair and sat down to a sumptuous repast. The day passed in feasting and song, the bridegroom evidently having made up his mind to make as much hay as possible dur- ing his brief glimpse of sunshine. The only skeletons at the feast were the uniformed representatives of the law, who, however, seem to have made their presence as little irksome as was consistent with the due per- formance of their rather anxious du- ties. SHOULD MFN EXERCISE IN MID- DLE AGE'? Mi<MIe age is from torty-fiive to sixty-five, unless, indeed, from sheer laziness, from indolent hahits, and indoor life witli the windows closed, from smoUing, from drinldng arvd eating too much, the individ^ial h<is become prematurely aged and podgy writes a physician. One .sign of preniature age is put in front. The person firads it soincv.-hct inconven- ient to stoop to tie his slices, and to rise from the cro4ichin«r position. I don't know that I could cure a case cf tills sort, but if. the patient did all 1 bade him I should have a good try, and I think I co.Uild give him back at least ten years of his life. Exfncise, never of a violent kind, should be taken every morn- ing; and afternoon of a man's life. That and the morning bath, -with massages and friction, will keep a maji of c^•en seventy or eighty as bright and cheerful and active a.9 a Kiouaitaip trout. There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. It malces the home brighl and dean. ib COMPENSATIONf For sovi.Tal Weeks in the year no mails reached Shetland. A visitor to the islands asked one of the residents if this blank period was not rather dull. "Oh," was the reply, "they're just as bad in Lunnon, for a' that time they never hear what we are daein' here."- The youngest conductor of an or- chestra in the world is little George Howard Meredith, of New York, who is only five years old and but 3 feet high. He has been astonishing New Yorkers by the ability he has shown in conducting the large orchestra at the Casino Theatre. a£^y^ ^^e^ tU' aJL H^l^ /^64^^ y Z^^^>^«e<^ If a man lengthens his nishts shortens his days. he LOWER USE BETTtR PRICES K ^^ ^^^ QUALITY CAN BE HAD I Pails, Wash Basins, mXk Pans, &c Any Flr«t-Cla«« Crocsr Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. Btat« or Otno. Cmr of Tol»do, â- > LaciS COITNTY. f FliANK J. CHKNF>Y makes oatb that be \a senior partner of ttie firm o( E''. J. CUENKy ft. <JU.. doing bualness In tha City of 'rolndo. County and btate aforesaid, and that said Urm will pay tlio sum of OME RUNUltKi) 1)UL> LAilS for each and every casu of CA- I'ARKU that cannot be curad by tlia Bsc of HALL'S CAT.tllKU CUKK. FRANK ,). CHKNliY. Sworn to bcfocQ, mo and subscribed lo roy presence A.l>. lCk:)ti. j lined his views on the needs of Sunday-school when a pause lowed. the I Of all the games of chance fol- m.ony is the most hazardous. matii SixAlenly there came from under the ; , Nothing plea-ses the average womai sofa a terrific blast from a tin liorn. : so much as iier abilitv to reverse i The good man sprang up in alarm, and the artist dived down with the intention of pulling his son out and making an example of him. All he found Was a tin horn, over the mouthpiece of whicii was stretched one end of a long piece of rubber tiii8*~0tb day ol"Fecember" j tubing leading suspiciously into the stair and upward. man s omnion A. W. BLlilASON', A otarv Public . "Never mind," said the minister. BKAL : â- ""* â- ~'~ I resuming his seat; "your son seems I to be right in line with modern in- Hall's Catarrh Cur« is taluz )at«â€" | ventors: the horseless carriage, the i »ally. and acts directly on tlie blood I rr-ij-pipgo teleirr-anh the hovlnss tin and mocoos surtacea of tha system. ^ ,7 '^'•"•S'^a.P'', tne DO>ioss tin bend tor li-stlMionlals, free. : horn- !•'. J. CUENKY t CO.. Toledo, O. I â-  Xold by all Uruggists. 75c. i UaU's Family i'llis a.'e tha best. Nutritious and Econo;:iicaJ. 4iiâ€" 21 in-X.IJIENTAL NICKNAMES. Almci^t every corps in the army has a nickname. The "Kusty Duckies," "The Straw Boots," "The Daily Advertisers," are the nicknames of some crack cavalry rcgiuieiits. Some regiments of the line ai-e known as "The Holy Boys," "The Klegaiit Foe- tracts," "The Peacemakers," "The Lightning Conductors, " and "The Blind Half-Hundred." The Royal Army ilcdical Corps are known as "The Pills" and "The Linseed Lan- cers," and the traiisp-irt jiart of the Army Service Corps as "Picklords Hussars." Salt Rheum. T«iter, Eox^ma. â€" These distressing skin diseases ralreved by one applicition. Dr. Agaew's O'mtmenI is a potent cure for all araptions of th: skin. Jas. Gafton, 'Wilkesbarre, says: •' For nine years I was disfi.^ured with Tetter on oiy bands. Dr. Agnew's Oint- ment cored it." ascents. â€" 31 Vihcii a marri'-d man declares that ho never felt better in his lif^;, his other half should look out for .Squalls. Iinofd's fii m. CIimiCHS UHITK ELEPHANT. CHOOSING THE NAME. "My dear, I have been reading up within tlie post week, and I think I have a name for the baby," said Mrs. Greening, one day. "You have, oh? Wliat is it?" "I read that Phoelius, the god of day. comes up bright and beautiful in the morning; that he lights the world; that without him "' "Now look here, madam; let's have no foolishness here. You can't call that child by any such name. Did Phoebus of history yell from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., and intern^ttently from three to seven o'clock! I mysc:{ am doing tlie god-of-day business in tlie matter of getting up, and I'nj not going to divide the honors. If you v/ant o, mythological cognomen for that destroyer of rest, I have it." "^Vhat is it?" asked Mrs. Greening, with considerable asiierity. "Aurora!" brutally yelled Elisha. Then he left the house. .toil's LifliniEnt ^m CoNs, dc Affected Young Poet (with lu.xuri- oiit locks)â€" "Do, Miss Bella, grant me one favor. Let me ask you " Miss Bellaâ€""! know what you're go- ing to say. You want me to lend you a hairpin." I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis , 6y MINARD'S LINIMENT. j ! J. M. CAMPBELL. ! I Bay of Islands. \ I I Was Cured of Facial Neuralgia RE ID ; by MINARD'S LINIMENT. i WM. DANIELS. j Springhill, N. S. I I was Cured of Chronic Rheuma- tism bv MINARD'S LINTMENT. GEO. TINGLE Y. Albert Co., N. B. Billiard Tables Tha Bast at tH* LowaaC Prtoe VVrito for Tarma BROS*. M'f'K Co.'s Its Kins •*, W. g:;-3i CLEANING LADIES' . . . ^ tI^ t-t "Did little Jim enjoy that child- dren's party?" "I think so. He wasn't hungry until ne.xt afternoon at four o'clock." WALKIN) OR OUTI.'va SUITS Caa ba dou« ?«rfflc'J7 b? our ?r*:>ch P'oe eg a. Try If »niTi3H oxerncA?* dyiihc e« . KOHXItEAJk rOaO.VTO, OITAIf A * 4USBXC KIMS 8T., E«ST TflltiKTtJ. fkUDV Lips and * cliiar complexion, tha prid^ of woman. Have you lost these charms through torpid liver, ccnstipation, biliousness, or nervousness? Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills wiil restore them to you â€" 40 little "Rubies" in a vial, 10 cents. AcJ lilie a c'naim. Never gripe.â€" 29 The hat that suits a woman dom has a price that suits her band. sel- lll.S- BASTEDO'S " SPCIA!. ' SALE OF ' Send for c»ta!og, '(Vatt'veex »a »a2se. Raw rurs and ac'isimgr, Send :or pries lia r A I kri I W MUNTfilESb MAYBEE 103 »o» «t.,TO«»WTO TO ^*T«*IT UT»a*T;o.">t. tBRtlfsritentfbaat an rtttut^ Aa. Th« Backache 8t»Ee may bo just that incipient form of kidney diseasa which, if neglecied, will develop into slub- bt/rn and distressing disorder that will ta.k« long tedious treatment to cure. Don't acg- loct the " backaciie stage " ef lUo most Insidious •£ diseases. South American Kidney Cure itoys the «ch« ia eix hoar* md cores.â€" JO Mlnaffl's Hn.ifJigp.t luiss liptillKfia. HAI^DLY CHEAUCAJL. Tcaciier (to class iu chemistry) â€" "â- \VJiat docs soa-water contain be- side.'? the sodium of chloride that we have mentioned?" Smith minor (promptly)â€" "Herrings for breokifast, sir." . WHY TRUNKS ARE TRUNKS. ifavc you ever wondered why « box in which you pack your clothes la called a trunk? It you go to the old church of Minister, in Kent, yon will there be shown an old wooden box. of which the rounded lid is made of a portion of a trunk of a treo hol- lowed out. This old box is supp«>9od Most jieople think too lightly «f a cough. It is a serious m;itter and needs prostpt attention. Take Shiloh's Consumption djll*G Tha Lung Tonic when the ial sign •( a caogli ar •old appear.^. It will oaia yt>u cAsily and ^cUy thenâ€" later it will h* hantcr to vut. Prices Mc, 60c and MOO S. C WBLLS A CO. Torooio, C«B. f«Roy, M.V. la "A great, big. able-bodied man liki- you ought to b« ashamed to ask a said the well- to-do citizen. "I know I ought." an- swered Meaiiderir.g Mike. "But. mis- ter, I'm jes' naturally too kind- hearted to tap 'iui on de h>?nft and take it awoy I'l'ojn him." There are scores of parishes up and stranger I'or nioiie.v clown England where one linds a lordly dv.-'.'Uiiig house as ihi.- parson- age, wiih an income i'or the parson which would not ke^> a suburban villa in repair, .says the Church Times. The church's magBiiiceat col- lection of white elephantsâ€" these im- l>osing lesidoiioes and spacious ground.T which the clergy occupy, .so sorely against their willâ€" make it diflicult for observers to re.ili^jo the poverty which too often is found in coBJuncfioTi with thoin. Lifebuoy Soai,- â€" di.tjii'ectant â€" Is i strongly recommended tiy the nunii- | cal profebsion as a safegiiard ayain.st ! \nf«ctioi s diseases. AU KiKSS ftUiTS or "What do you think j)ro)>t»9ing to me w known me a week?" "I the reason." of Charlie's ho hasn't think that's MWs Vmml tm Mmn> LUXliliy IXJK DOMI'.STICS. Far Over Sixty Years MR.O. Wiskiut ' ^natrn svcvr hm 1*^ n»«s1 bj niUiomof nwlhtr? (or Iho r chililleu »;i:l« Umhilis Imx-Ui"' ih« ciiil ;, !.'.'t-iii tfi- K-imr. »I »>»i«iiD. cnryi Hind cr.;i*-, rflgrilmjw Ui«»taiDn«h »nU bjwe'iS, ana !â-  un» hMt romoclj' '•"â-  l)inrTlii«v T"<>nt>-fl'« C«»« » iMUl^ 9«!it !.» Inigf ljt« >hrv^inbout the w«rhl. '»e mra and _ uli (ur" .«i>». WiNaiowsSoiffniS" Svnop." Poultry, Butter, Honey, Apples, THE Oawson Commission Co., ) Aijd Farm Pro- duce generally, consign it to us saJ we wlU jjet yuu good ^ric««. 'rOKOITTO. UMiT*ll T. F. Tko ?aost extraordinary luxur.v in . the way of Si'rvants" accommodation j pn'vails at llryanston, Kiiplaiid, thp | . Iiugc palace built by Norman Shaw I ii'or Lord Portman, where every de- partment posse.s.>fes its «wru private sitting room, «uid where? the house- maids, laundry-tnai-f's and kitchen- maids ail Iiave their separate apart- ments distinct from those of the uii- per servants. THAI' HOV WILL DO A wall-known ai-tist has a young son who serves to keep the family from falling into a state of tPtbargy Tbc otlwr ^ay the ucw niinisiar of the church, in whose Suiiday-achoel the artist is interastcd. was Aie to call, aad the artist said to his wife, "My dear. I wish you'd send that hopeful of ours upstairs while the parson is harr." A proclamation of banishoiout wa^ accordingly iasiiod. The minister ar- rived aaiT took bis sent on a sola. â- J'hings Twnt on Muoothly for ten minutes, and tlie cedler had Ju.nt otit- FOR SALE AT ALL B0Ot<ST8»ES. .\n old woman met a well-to-do ami hiHuorous Irishuian, and said; "Kind sir, could you give a copper to a. poor old woman who is sliort 0/ breath?" The Irishman gave her a j quarter, with the remaj-k: "There { you aie. my good wouiau. Now, don't take any more, for, tiegorra, ye may be short of bre.ith, hut what ye do have of it is mighty strong." The Ojiaticftt Book of the Year. eg Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder Is a eatarrh Cw« that Guar* •ol4e and Catarrli. I I Aituall.v, )>aailivcl,v iDdisputablv. tr> I feful&bly. t'uras C0IU.1 aiid Catarrh! Xst always with Irrt application, al- though avail that invariaDIy brtn^ ra- lit! In 10 minutes J)ul it Cures, it LMraa Ceies and Catarrh ic â- r, AsntW* LIvar mia tur* Unr KM- «0 doses to cents. WAIFS" FROM THE IHOCES AND HICaWAYS. Peauti.'uli'y coi:iid iu green !ealher, stamped in gold. PKtSC SI.OO Tlie Anon Publi.sliinjj Co., of Can- j ada aie Issuing n series of Volumes I compiled from the Nowspapcrs and j Magaziacs of the dny. The •First j 'Volume is now ready, a.ud will be I sent for One 'Dollur with privHege of I returning if not satisfactory. ' In order to secure articles for the j subsequent volumes the pifblishers I aie ofTerliig Item tmousano bouabs cash for Newspaper, periodical ami Maga- tlne ClippiBgs from which to malta their selections. For Copy of Book. Trospectus, and Tremiiun Lisf. write P. 0. Drawer 2193, Moat real. Canada. ^ Oomlnlon Una Stsamehips IWontraal io Liverpool Boaton to Llverpaoi Lirse anJ Fi?>t/3tea»isb'ps- Huperiar iio:oiinr.B3A-on ?drftlt dfto.*! 01 n4 aeaiterv. Samijiu tail Su<arnojm& w« amidrhipd. Si.i:n;lftiattmtioQha9 'M«&£.;«a to tb« Second SaloJQ ami Tliirtl-C^af* mccvniLa^ialicni. iVr fKtoaof paS'air.'&ut! ail partiimiftri. ftptil; to ASJ t^'Si^n ofteef«mp»ilj. or toT*3K««£cr «fi*r.c. 9.W UOMIXION LrSE OCnCB'! : .♦* W^ # '•' 1 5i Issue No. 1 â€" 04 k

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