Dwo. IA1903 Tii'ft i?i'KsiaK^^oU Advance Eugetfia Planing ^iils Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- Jings, et<;. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR I fiisbertoii Furnttiire | We an Mrrrins the n«we«» itylM •of-MMonabW good* In M Ikim •< Furnittur*, eonsUting of: Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sid«bo«l4s, eitcosion snd centre tables, ebsirs, window shades and •urUin potss, yietnrei, easels, ete.. Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Be- pairing. Undertaking in all its branches. Satisfaction goaranteed. W. n. Bunt. Prop. R. Kinnear & Sons MAXWELL That's the Place to Buy -^^ AHREN'S BOOTS & SHOES We will sell for the next thirty day, Ahreu's Shoes at a very small margin on wholesale prices. We want room for our Ifew Year Stock of Goods, which will arrive in a few days. MEN'S UNDERWEA,R at all prices. WOMEN'S UNDEKWEAB at their own cio«<, aud Youth's almost for the taking sway. Remember Our Hardware Line We are prepared to buy all kinds of Fowl, for which we will always pay the markec price for all Kood clean and well dressed bird*. Do not scald in taking of feathers. Our Grocery Line is complete. We have 4k few boxes of old raiaiiis going at 4 lb. for 25 cents. KeilNE«R&S(KIS, MAXWEL Avers For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coa(hs of all kinds, you cannot take any- thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask your own doctor if this is not so. He uses It. He understands why it soothes and heals. ' I hkS s tcrrni* eosch for WMkt. Tksa I •Mk Ajn't ChtTf rcctenl and <otr on* kotu* MnyUtolT emi «•.»_ ^^ Uat-t'i. VMMtOMiu. M. JeMfk. Ktak. {.aATBBOO, UntSli Mmu. M«..lta.«lJS. AUdnuBiiU. for< Coughs, Colds V*u wW I liaaewi raevwery by tak- er Ayw'e MttoaCfeaMtm*. Thoroughbred Durfaaai Bull for 5«rvic« Cora niitito, 290^Se Ths naderslcnsd bu a fin* »a»S Dnrhani Ball lor MrvlM oo lot lil, T. and â- . R. T*rm(â€" (1 lor (rad* eowi, tS lor tborooch- bred*. Fodlgroo on appUeation JACOB LiVRB nsshsrkea r.O Business Cards M'OtnUiOUOH ft TOUNO â- *' Hanker Msrkdale £>o a g«aertl bankiog basineis. MoDsy loaned a reasonable rate Call on as. &J SPBOULB Fottmaater, Flesherton uommlasloner in B.C. J., Anotloneer Con- veyaaeer, Appraiaer and Money Lender Beal Estate and Insaranoe Agent. Deeds mortgaueB. leaees and wllU carelally drawn op ana valuations made on BborteBt notice, money to loan at lowest rates ol interest. Col eotloiia attended to with {ironiptnesB cbarges low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion Btaamsbip Company. A call solioited. Stttstkcttoi €iunBtaid Ouf fiiar- antie means tsomethin;. "Wis are not here to-day and away lo-morrow; you know Just where ito find us. Comfortable." vision or your money back. No f uess work. Accurate, scientific measurements and tests. Difficult cases a specialty. W. A. Armstrong, JIW(-.ir,R AW3 CPTICJA' â- i _ *'4/^f?HE?^TON. Societies AO U W meets on the last Monday in eacn xnontb. in their lodge room, Cbrlstoe's block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., Bobert Best ; Recorder, IJaa. Felstead ; Finan- cier, Wm, Bellamy. Visiting bretbreo loTlted. pBINGB ABTHTK LODOE, No. M33,A. t AM, meets in the Uasonicball, Strain'a bloek, Fleabirton, every Friday on or before tbe (all moon. F H W Hiokling W M. Cbas Uansbaw, SeLretary. nOUBT FLBSBEBTON, I, O. F. meeta in V Cbrlatoe'a Block the last Frida; evening each month. Vlaitlus Foreatera heartily reloome. C.R., O. W. Bellamy; B.C., W. Buakln ; Fin. Bee, Dr K. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before lait day of each month.) Medical DB CARTRB M C P ft 8 Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc OfDoe aud rosidenoeâ€" Peter at., Flesherton flSiiniK Pn-pnrati-.ti i.' iir-oeeii^iry if yoii wi.li t<i sue ph). If you intvil <n tr:tM»nrt biuiin(;RU i.f H y kiiirt j'lii wi)ii!(l Ix-swily luiii'iioap- ud iTiiliiiiil r, biiitiiiuiis rdiirati'iii. Thti moa' lln'r^.u.','' trninin./ <f iliii l(iiid;;»ii \iv OWBM SOUND, ONT. Winter 1(11. . om .e ca« J»:i. <lli. Oat Bl<i.,ae fii!n.li>' adilrosninK C A. FLEMIN6 • Principal DB. BCOTT, M. D Member College Physic. A florgeon Ontario Oraduate in Medicine of Toronto Univeralty, FellowahipDiplniua , Post (iradu- kCt 04101%! Schonl and Hoaiiital, Chicago dlaeaaea of eye, ear, noae and throat apooially treated. JOHN A. BCOTT, Maiwsll JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Bargeon Oraduate of Ontario Veterinary -College, rusldeuoe â€" aacond door aontb waat on Uary atreat. This atreet runs aouth Prasbytariau Church. n WILBON "• ^iraduate of the Veterinary Science Aaaociation. Ueaidanoa, Durham Itreet, o|>- iwaite Boyd, Bioklibs'a hardware. Legal J. W. FfiOST, L li. B. Barriator, Solicitor Conveyancer, ato otnoaâ€" Next to poatotlice, Hproule'a block FIxiherton, evcr> Tliureda aud, court days N Itâ€" Uweu SouiKi oDice, Frost* block PoQlett atreet eHHt. LUCAS, WKIGHT ft McAKDI.R HarrUtera Holioitors Coiiveyanocra, etc. OfBcosâ€" Owan Hound. Out and UarkilaleOnt. W U WnioiiT, .VIc\Hi)LR I B LtiCAa N l<'-I''lnaliorton nlBce, Mitchell's Bank every Saturday. MACKAVftSAMPSON .nanlgtere. solicltora. oKKtCIs :â€" Dwnn Hrniict, Merchant's lla-ik Klock, N -if I'atturaon Ilnuae. I^undalli ah) Htraet. every Sktnrduy XIoiiov lo loku at 44PfroRnt. A. (). M^I'hW. M A,. W.V. SA.MI'SON.L.L.D Alwava In attendanct* at Plftherton and Duudalk Division Court*. Denti.stry DR. B C. MURRAY, I., D. 8, dental surgeon honor graduate of Toronto Tliilveralty and floval ('(.MegH ni Onntal H.trKoona of On'tarlo. '>n1rpâ€" Oppo<»ito AvniHtrnitK** Jewdlery Htora. Will vlait MalHcll tlie last Wedneaday of each month, and Duadalk 1 aud 1 Tharsday u each luuuth. RstlfOtlons OB Municipal Economy (With apologias to Bobbi* Burns.) Ane ulclrt before tils ingle aat Boioe twa thro* crones in auld time ebati Fresh cam the fae'ea aoiue foigat To memorv ; Tb*ir princely prsaeno*, manly gait. Aye pleaaetb ma. Amang theshadca wba waked from sleepi Waa Ijfrkle, Itecva, who did him keep, Brave as a leader of the ahuep A<rd wine for all ; A prophet aaKe whoso words so deep My poo cnturail, "I left a faithful widow's bed Whaur last ye saw me lay my bead, To scour the hills I useu ta tread To search a reeve. What auld fraeud's chiel wUI tak tb* laad I'll pull bis sleeve. " I see the luit for ofDce grow In seltlsh minds, wha won't ba slow Ta uae all achemea wi* bigh and low Tlieir ends ta gain ; Tea, far and near their nets tb*y tbiow, Tliey lug aud strain. "I've dona tb* beat that's in my power To save you from this awfu' hour. When rascals uiak' your month torn soar Wi' aickening waya ; In puny bauds the dark cloodi lo^er Aud taxes ral>«, " I search the bills to find a man Who can cope singly wi' my plan. By whom all beueal men may stao', Support blm well; Bandy or Paddy, adds tbe man, Ti* TOtee will UlU " Tb* men wba sit roood yonder board To guard tbe toonabip's legal board Borne aimpl* qa**tlonsâ€" 'pon my word â€" Canna acre* : Cromwall enUrwi' year sword, And gas tbem fie*. •* Whether four three toot pipe* eoald eairy More water tbao six two -tool fâ€" leirry t Ton eoaldtdo that while you wcoM tarry To shake one's band ; But township ebiattan thongbt'twealdrary Uke river saad. â- â- The *am* great anvil bought tome timber To build a bridga, but tarnad that nadar, Built It ot atoa*, and, holy thundtrl Signed donbl* papata Tb* people pay, el eoors*. to Umbet Bis legal eapert. â- * 8oms twsnty moens of tlms were giyoa To grade a road, all smooth and *t*B( Bpaeial for cnlynts. tan or el*v*n, To suit tb* haulers : rrae Pliny's Pond to Adam's BavSBâ€" On* thousand dollars 1 "Tb* ealverU all were tnOlt, of eoorse, Of twelve-foot cedar, soma say wois* ; Position nothing if we force The dollar* soon; rrom sie a deal gae seek diyoree, Then raise your tune, " His wife's gude brither's eldest son Was baaling stones to bnlld a barn ; We'll dam bis gates to hae some fun And drai\ s<ime pay ; Some eight feet wide 1* passed and don* And done to stay, " As over hill and dale we go In single file, as well ye know. To pass the teim an* meets, I trow. would puzzle Hoyd. Beat wait a opell, an overthrow Ye might avoid. " But wait a moment. Did ye smell it ? Theroftd'a on Graham. Who Would tell It? But he baa proved itâ€" costs will swell it, Burve>ors are heard. You'd better buy whUe ho can sell it or try a third, ' ' " But many a tale tb^t 1 might tell Uf bridges, taxes, landa to sell, Of borrowing front thVpoor man's well. The sinking fund»"i. %.;•'. My old friend's gone, afidAvords rebel To rhyme in sound. ' ** â€" A. N; O. A. Dec i, 1903 A native of Artemeala a s aJ I " " Consumption Begins With a Cougti;;. Ths couch racks and t^arstbs tender tissues of the throat. loflamation super- venes aud then serious bronchial or lung lr(>uble is established. The impottaiit time IS at the brgiiiiiiiiK. Stay the pro- gress of the cough by using frai^rant healiDK Oatarrhozono which reaches every part of the br.)nchiul tubes, throat and lungs. Catarrhozone destroys disease germs, stops the cou);bs,. heals sore sfota, clears the noae aud throat of dischBrge. Catarrhuzona Hoolhrs, never irritates. Guaranteed for every form of catarrh. For lasting cure use Catarrhozone. Two months treatment (1.00 ; trial size 25c. Honor HoUr Report of S. S, Ko. 2, Arteineiis, for November : Class IV., Sr.â€" Willie Oihson. Class IV., Jr.â€" Ethel Hill. DelU Beat- tie, Harry Pallister, Fred Gibhbn,. Class II.- El va Hill, Delia Gibson, Edusr Gibson, Fred Teeter. Class II. â€" Lolitn Beatiie, Mima Hill, Mabel Love, Eva Purvis. Pt, IL Sr.â€" Hi-rbeit farter, Reta Cargo, Emerson VVioe ; Lancin White, Frank Teeter, equal. Pt. 2 ,lr,-Gord..n Gibson,' SJdiih Hill. Pt. I Sr. â€" Uuoigie LitllrJKhns, Laura Carter, Walter Cargo. Pt IJr,â€" Otto Baker, Gladwin Wice, Lloyd Purvis, Harold Hill. Average attendance 26. Etta L. Docqlas, Teacher. Report S. S. Nu. 8, Artemesi«, for November : Cluas IV, â€" Mina Benson, Oerty Paul. Class III, Sr. â€" Ruth Paul. Class III Jr. â€" Mamie Magee, Willie Milligaii, Class II, Sr. â€" Jennie Oamnn. Charlie Jamiuaon, Ethel Truonian, Ella Magee, Erntnt Hopper. Class II, Jr. â€" Elwyn Jimieson, New- ton Lloiison, Nettie Truoman, Maggie Caraon Parr. II.â€" Lyda Trueman, Wilfred Matjee, Stella Pedlar, Pjrt I. Sr. â€" George Benson, George Cnrsoii. Part I. Jr. â€" Edgar Liiit»n. â€" â€" . » » .#, I â- â€" â- Division Court The Division Court hold before Judge Morri»<>n on Pridny litsl was remarkable for tne sinnll number of cases on the dockt:t, there only being two cases, one of which WHH of liitlu imporlanoe. The 6 st case was that of Searlelt v. Allan, a suit to recover the price of 1(K) quarts of milk supplied defendant. Allan thought it was not his duty to {my but the judge thunght otherwise and gave plaintiif the full amount, five dollats, and ooata. Bi>yd T. KetBan Bros., a timb«r ease, took up Ave houra of the court's time,and| resulted in quite • red. hut lejfpil batlle. Boyd Bros, tuppli^^ iteenan Bros, of Owen Sound with a car of cedar limber to be such as they had been supplyinv lothe C. P. R. The timber was shipped to Tor- onto for Keouans tn be used o\\ s'>me city work bus was refused as beioa; unfit, Keenan's threw the timber back on Boyds' hands. It was then sold to the C. P, R. at one dollar per thousand ieiu than Keenan had agreed to pay, Boyds then sued Keenans for the difference together with other expenses in connection there- with, amounting in ftll to |<38, Keenaiia entered a counter claim for damages and loss in connection writh the non-delivery of the timber, totalling the same amount, A larce number of witnesses were heard, including several from Toiouto and Owen Sound Lawyer Wright appeared for the plaiutifia and A. Q. McKay for the defendants. Both gentlemen handled their cases for all there was in it. Tbe Judge gave Keenan Bros, 920 .damages and alao saddled the coats, whr<^ Would be heary, on Boyd Bros, Tbe result of the case hinged upon erideuce giren by the C. P. R. inspector, who said that bad tbe timber been shipped to him ha would not have accepted it for what the bill called for. !J|S been aiked to supply informationâ€" 0. i^< Suu. When You Need Pby»le Get a box of the old reliable Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butteruot, which loosens the bowels without eaot- ing griping pains. No remedy is half so satisfactory as Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 26e. The eonnty of Gray should be morinS to get ashare of the tsillion dollar grant uf tae Ontario government next year. Tbe county council would no well to take the matter up at the approaching January session and maks arrangements for com- menciug work early next tommer. So far f20,000 has been paid to the county of Wentworth, Simooe has earned about $25,000, Wellington abcut $25,000, and Lanark about t20,000, and these sums will be paid as soon as the accounts are in shape. The latest county to begin a movement to take advantage of the Act is Perth, and A. W. Campbell, the A&. sittant commissioner of public works, has A Noted Horseman'* Bxperlenca Mr Antoine Wendling, ownef ^ Deveraa 211.^, and proprirtor ol tlitl Clifton Huuae, BrooKville, says no lini- ment compares with Nerviline for gener- al use around the stable. For strains, sprains, swellings, internal |>sins and enpecially for anectioua of tbe whirl bone Nerviline is unequalled, Mr. Wen Jliri^ believes Xerviline is indiapensablb, ils a horse liniment; it has strength, penetrat- ing power and works thoroughly. Every horseandstock ownershould use Nerviline. Sold in large 26c. bottles. The Markets. Csreftilly C«rre'r «4 Kfci;1i W««^ Oata 86 ^o 2« Peas 68 o fig Wheat 70 to 72 Barley , 4&to 46 Butter 16 t<* 16 EKgs freib SO -.• SO Pork li 86 to 5 60 Chickens p«r lb 6 te 6 Ducks per lb < ^ to 7 Tuckeysperlk It tc IS Oeee* without heads.. 6 'o t Hay IOO;to «,M Potateesbeg ^ 55 so 'iS ^ood*M WtumtlbtoeasBM^ atOuate ss^mI lives â€" Ivsiisl Brtts^ ltateMyssjl st JTmHswi irMk> pstgsaiisBtly euss all • ^Teifcrtsiitaboâ€" oti i MWiltfcee Ji i ij w g s Wood's Phoaphodiiiti in M. I 1,. .-.=.. Douglaaa & Co. and W. E. BicbsrdsoD, . 6r K K tic K (!<, K \<^ o<W K o rt K c> h K «£ smcniRE CURED WnmOUT CUTTIIIG, niR OR L(»S OPTIHC He aoattar bow loar yoa kavesaSMad er iunr b ar ta r e a sly yon Iuit« bcsa ttaatadbr I annreoaia. bycattlar.etretchinirand bnrolar, w* aali yoata InTaatlrata ear NEW MEfTHOOelcarliirlt- Oartraatmeatlsarlirlaat«lt}>oarsetoe*,an4 Istharaawtt of 307«ara*cxperlcttce luthesespectaldtasasci, TJka s(f Ictnra tlaawalalhecanalia palalreasly absorbed and bcacs rcmored forever. Anydlscbarve,wl>iclioftes ac* compaales strictsra, disappean, the Inflaaied tarfaca islualsdat>iaUacaMiBwaa4 bonUaff seasatlona cease; the Kldaaya and Bladder baoome stnaf and aefsial, tlie •exaalornas leraln Tlfor and Titallty sad Uia patlsat (sslsaa thoacktUt were W0(tbUvuir> AU cases are tteatsAasderif POSimmi GVARAHtU OA MO PAYm OtTB HBW MBTHOO TDBATM8RT Will care yoa. aad out* a man ef Toa. naderttsinflneaesthabraln bccomea actlva, the blood pant^st aetliat all platples, blotches and alcers beal ap: the aervee beeoas stroor as stseL so tbat BerTMuaaas,baslilalnessaaddespoiidiencydis^pear; tba syea becota bilcltt, tb* face (all and clear, eaern- tetarasto thocod7,aad tlia a5«nl,phyalcalaaasex«al i arstsaia ara laviroratad; all draias ceaseâ€" so Bore vital waste from the ivstcm. TtaaTazioaaorcanabecomeiiataralaadaiaalv. Tonfaelroersetf amanasakaow nairiacacaanotbaafaUnre^ We iBvite all the afflicted to consult as conlldsstlally and f rsa ef charge. Doa'k kt anacks and faUre sob yea ot yonr luud«Lraad doUara,. WB Wltz. CUKE TOtT OB RoTPAT. Watsutaadcare NSRTOUa DB8II.(TT, BKXDAI, WSAKHU*. KMIS- I â- ION% SYPHILIS. CIiKBT, STKICTOKI, VAaiCOCU.B. KIOMIT M * I BI.ADOBK DIS8ASB9, and all diaaasaa paealltr to snaa sad woiâ€" â- mmMOLrimam emx. Boom nm^ cniutratsd). U aaablstocau, write for Qmmmtram Blamk foe HHsmo nmmtmamlm DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN t4fS9bemyML, omrmoiT, mtCM, «â- .".â- K K -^ K K ,ic K K ^ K K A K K :, K . . FOR F1R5T CLASS CARRIAGES * AND FLOUQtfS . . â€" GO TOâ€" ^ Heard's Works, Flesherton g^ We have Cutters, Sleighs,Buggies, Waggons and Carts ^ Kleury, Dyment ButterfieJd and Wilkinson Ploughs ^ Shares and repairs of the best quality. Spnng tooth aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmacle haruess. I^orse Shoeing and General Blacksmithinfl* m Fur Fust Class Buggies, Carts, Ploasuro and Lumber Wagons, cutters, Sleii^bs. We koep a »l"ck on hand t<> choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and tfuarantee firar cUsh work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and alao Mawey- Barns and Noxnu repsira for binders, Mowots, nil kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. â- ^ Ulhen in town give us a call