October 15 1903 THE ILESHERTON ADVANCE Don't von lUant a TW flu for Your l)or$c / We have just received in stock n line selection of them, also ilL:s:le Gi:*ea<se Give us a call and soe the Avoiulei-rul display we have for you to piclc i'rom. REPAIRING DONE PROMPi LY V^ R'l. M O O R K FLESH KRTON Business Cards WfOULLOUOH & YOUNG '"â- Itaukur Markilalo X>o a Reneral banking businvsa. Money loaueo a rousouablo lata Call on UH. RJ aPBOULE Podtmastet, FleHliurton ^oiumlsslonor in H. C. J., Auctioneor Con- Vfyancor. ApinaisBr and Money Leudur Koal l'>8tata unci InBuranco ARont. Duoils oiovtKaKon, loaeus aul wills caitfully drawn up and valuations niado on ehortuHt nntico. uicuiiy to loan at lowest iato» of Interest. *Col o'ltioiia uttendud to with proniptnesB cliarKos low. Agont for Ucuan Dominion tjtaaiuahip Company. A cell Holioited. Societies AO U %V meets on the last Monrlay ui oacM month, in thtjir loogu room, C!lirl8tou'« block. I'lcBlierton. at 8 |).iji. M.W., Hobort Host ; Kccordor, .las. I-'el'nt»(id ; Fiuau- uiur, Vila, lluliamy. VtEiting biothroL invited. Eugenia Mills Planing Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, ]jall asters. Cor- ner Blocks,Hand I'ailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- iiigs, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR PKINCE AUTHTU L.ODHE, No. xa, \. A r.I. moots in tlitj Masonic ball. Sti-ain'e block, FlaGlicrtou. ovot-y Kridav on or before iba full mocn. K H W Hiokliufc- W M. Chas. .Munaliaw, bocrotary. OOUllT FLESHP.UTON, I. O. F. nmets in Chrlstoo's lilock the last Frlda* ovoning each month, Vi'titint; Foresters heartily Toleomo. C. R., (!. W, Ilellamy ; It. 0., W. Iluskin ; Fln.Soc.Dr K. Blurray. (Pay dues to »r. Murray on or before laet flay of each month.) Medical D" CARTRR M C P & S Ont. Physician, Snrgeon, etc OUlce and residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesliertou o E. 1'". X. nibby.-rhysloian, Surgeon etc. Fleslierton, Ont OlUce andRoaidence. Colliii(;wood strcwt, one block east Presbytoriau church. May bo found tliero day and night. Coroner for Couuty of Qroy. War! War! 9 Out of Every 1 Hii , tliis tuiriUe ilisea.so in thu UoatI | H pout of every lo X Aro lusiDK tlioir Hair 9 out of every lo X Has Dandruff SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members College Physio. * BnrReono Ontario Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Di)iloma .Post (irndu lie o Ileal School and Hospital. Chicago diseasoo of eye, oar, nose and throat specially treated. H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Fevers hnm. axwell T P OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, lesidunco â€" second door south west on Mary street. This street runs south I'resbytorian Church. WB OUAP-INTEBTO CURE IIOTH Flciherton Tonsorial Parlors . Tits1>tyJon Furniture 2 mjiferooms, Wuare cirryiu.; tho newest styles of soasnnal)!o ;4 'ii'ls ill all li'i'-H of Kuriiiituio, cunsiatint; of: Pirlor and hiMlrooin salts, l(Miii;.;es, si4olxi.li-. Is, oxtiinsi.'ii nnil coiitri! lnliK'", cliiui'h, wiiutdw similes tiiid curiam ixi'ts, pictuio', ousels, etc., Which wo otFtfr at $ 4 *'«Ay%^*/%%'%^'*k^m^.*'V%^ LOVVSET PRICES ti â€" rioliiro Fviimins niicl GonoViil Ko- jiiiriiij^. I'ii'U'itiikiu/ ill ,ill it« i]niMch«i. SalisfucliDii guaranleort. \V. rl. Bunt, Prop. WILSONS jraduato of tho Veterinary Ecionco Association. Uosidonce, Durham >treot, op- poaito lioyd, Hickliiig'a hardware. Legal OAM]^Y AT FEVERSHAM Cottcludcd ffom puye four pelilinn nuaibst you. I told liim I w'uiiUl cdiisidui' the niHltei niid Kue hiin in Tor- onto 111 the conrHo of a ft" duyB. 1 do not uhU you to justify ine and I am not ciideavorinj; to justify inyaelf in reference to this ti'iwisHcliun. 1 was coiitcHtin^ a riiiiiig that was strongly Lilieral and I auc'.uedud in turninz a Liberal iiiiu a Conservntivi mHJority of 'Mii. At l!io same liino with all tho forces of tho cov- ornineiit lo conteml with it nould be nn e^ceedill};ly hard riding to win i.i a hye election. I was linancially not in a posi- tion to spend 85000. The facts to h.ivo been decided by che ccninii.ssioiiers were. "Didthis uuui receive monoy ; did ho it- ceivo palronaj^e ?" This man Su!livi;u 'ii)- proaclitd nio coming, as ho said, from the •jreatesi scoundrel in politics to-day, ,1.K. Stvattoii. Ho made th>> id'opositioiis I have slated. 1 decided that this wiis an opportunity n'lt to bo lost. Can you douht what I am tellinjj you ; there was a prolest against my election pe:iding. In any event this protest was cillBd olf. You are all awarH of that. Did I get any p.it- roiiayo ? Mr. .Johnston, the goiitlenian whoso nanio was s-ugiji'Sted by lue at the plehiscite vote taken Dec. 4 last was ap- pointed as such. Task you, does not this offer coiicluiiivH proof that the goverii- inentand.T. R Sti-.-^tton at that time thought I was all light I So that the fact th;it I had some patronage has never been successfully denied. These aro f.icts that have been eatalilished by evidence. I made a inisUike when I made my state- ment on the door of the House. I did not know it then, but I can see it now. I simply gave my case away. I should bave made my charges in a general way and then hold my evidence back for the in- vestigation. But. I was unversed in these matters and C'inse>iuently trot caught. Mr. Gamey then referred lotho money deposit and sdd he had also made a nii^i- tako in piying ihe money into court. Ho charged Judge Hoyd withdrawing interest on the money deposited. From this he proceeded at some length to coniparo 'he commissioners report as published broad- Cast, wilh tho volume of evidence of which a very small number was printed, and pointed out discrepancies between the two. He charife Judge Boyd with cas- uistry and deliberate falsifying of the re- port. "If Sir John Boyd," said the speaker,"will swear lo the correctness of his report, in tifrcen minutes 1 will sweat out a warrant for Ins arrest.'' Moreover, ho defied tho Jiiduo to take action .•igainst him for the broad statements which he now uttered. The meeting was orderly and at times tho speaker was cheered loudly â€" for in- stance when ho referred to the fact that he was ubou'i lo go into the Muskoka bye election to wiirk for iho Conservative candidate. The inefitiiig was apparently wiih Mr. Gamey to a man. After adjouriiinoiit those from a dis- tance were served to a supper at the Tem- perance House by tho Oaprey Conserva- tive Absuciatioii. Cook's Cotfoo Root Cofflpoaod. I>adlcs' Favorite, Is the only safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "In the hour and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of etrengtb. No. 1 and Na 2, No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases la by far the beat dollar medlcino known. No. Sâ€" For special casesâ€" 10 degrees BtronKer â€" three dollara per box. liOdlesâ€" ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Oomponnd. Take no other as all pills, mixtures and Imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold and recommended by all dniS(?l9tB In the Do- minion of Canada. Mailed to any address on receipt of price and four 2-eent po.stafie Btamps, Tbe Cook Cuniiiuny, WiudKor, Ont< ON o. 1 and No. 2 ar.^ so'd in KlesnertTn by V Ii. liicb'Ardsou and Oouulass .'i Co., urugyb's. Y5?i5.MTEI> A innn to repifseiit '•Caxaua's <>ueat- K.ST NfltSEUins" in tllO tOAl) I'f and tbo surronn l£"!y3iVViiV\JVVtfiruv>rLrvrtiyi.i;iiVViri 1 Photos i â€" TAKBN 5 â€"AT THE n I Flesberton 3j Photograph \ QaHery ^ aro done in first-cl.iM siylij ai;U at ;j lowest rate3. &p(vial att<i;liou 3 aivpM to copyina. B.ii)ies' photos. ^1 a .specialty. J'ictures fi ameil. a MRS BU.I.riER LfuwTJUuwu iS&InjiStjinS UTJUUiji/Lrmru ;:';r,:r' "'"'; n. ru run ml 3 ulllio J. W. FROST, L L. H. Harrlater, Holicitor Couvuyancer. eto oHlcoâ€" Next to poHtoffice, Hproulo's block Fljihorton, every Thursdn oud, court days N Bâ€" Owen Hound otUco, Frost" block Poulett street east. LUCAS, WRIGHT & McAIlDLK Darrlstera Sqlicitora Conveyancers, etc Offlcoaâ€" Owen Bound, Ont and MarkdaleOnt. VV n WnioHT, McAnm.R I H Lucas N Hâ€" Fleaborton oIUco, Mitchrll'a Itauk every Saturday. MACKAVASAMPSON .Barristers, solloitora. OFKIUKH :â€" Owen Sound, Morchunts Hank Hlock, N. of PatttoKon House, Luudalk ain Street, every Saturday. Money to lokn at 4} per pent. A. G. MACKAY.M.A., H.E. SAM1'S0N,L.L D Always in attendance at Fleahcrton ond Dundalk Ulvision Courts. Dentistuv D«i "»^ B C. MURRAY, L,D. B. dental surReon honor i,M-inlnate of Toronto Unlvernity and Knval ('olle^:(t t>( Dental H.O'Ueons of Ontario. Ollluo â€" Opposite .-NrmatronK's Jewellery Store. Wilt visit Maxwell the lust Wedneaday )! each inoiitl;, ami Dundalk 1 and a Tluuaday Iti iMieli tiiohth. mm&Kd* K K <S*;K vK & I^^Hfiak Jl'Vtf ;&' CURED W3TH0UT CUHIRG, PAIK OR LOSS OPTIl^fi No matter Iio't lorir yon havconffered or how barbarously you ha»«beea treated by Btirseonfl, by cnttin.7, nlretcMlnfr and burning', W9 ask yoti to Itivosthfato our NEW Mlil'Ilon ofcorln;r it. Our trc.itment is oilglual withoiirLClves, acd la t ha result of JOye.iro'cTpcrlenca Inlhcmapcclaldikcascs. Xhostricture tiar.noln th;i t nnal la painlest.17 alir.orbrd nnd h'.*nrQ removrd forever, Anv dir.rliar(,-e, which ofien nc- comp.-inlj« atricluro, disap|>«:irB, tho in named surface l\ healed up, all scaldlntr »nd btirninir sensatloa.i ccano; l".:c Kidney.i .ind Lladdcr bcronio Ftroujj and normal, tho sexual or;;.-in3 retrain vlifur .^.nd vltallt? snd ths patient feels ao tboueUllfo vrora TrortUllvir.<j, Allc:isciaro uoated undcra P&Smva GUJlRAmEE CR PJO PAV» OUa HRW METHOD TEKATMENX will core yon, and mafcearann of you. Under its l:iflncncolb.> brain becomea active, the bloiid pnriLec co that all pimples, blotchrj nnd olcera heal up; ll;o ticrvca bccomo stronr? ao steel, fio th.\t norvousncsi, bAHhlulncas and deRpcudeniv disappear; tho cjob become bilrht, tha facefnll and clear, encrity loturiisto Uuhody.and tbo nior.il, pbyalc.^lrnd sexual | inrstcnis are invicor.ited; all drains ceaseâ€" r.o gnoro vital waste from tUo flyatem, Thavarices organs bccomo natural a. id i.i.mly. Yon feclyonrcjlf a man .^nd know marrUifO c.ionot ko a failure. We Invite all the nfllictcd 10 conanlt us canndoutislly 1 and frco of charge. Don's let oniojis and f.^kirs rob you of your hard-cacaed Collars. WC WILI, ClIRK VOtfOR NO PAY. Wo treat .indcnro HEUVOUS ur.IULlTY, BEXnAt. WPIAKNRsa. AMIS- SIONS, KYPiin.i;», CLfe:'.T, strictukb, VARicocEi.r., kidney amA I ULAbOEK DISC\SF.S, end all dikeasuri i>ecnllar to mca and womoa. oouxuuairsoa nrcF. ocoia mce. (illustrated). If oaabletocall, writs for Onasf/oa Otanli for fjomm TfoalKtmnt, §SS ahetbiy SI., DETROIT , miOH. S« T««*a IB PotfoU. •OO.OOO C«r*«. Bank ••cavttty. Niil McKechiiie of McKechnie Bros., Durlinin, died Ia.st week. Wo mo informed by County Comnii.'s- sioner Chas. Gordon, who is inspector of tho building of the house of refuge, that the institution will not be rea<ly tor inmates before next year. Tho time fixed for conipletii 11 of tho contract was Oct. 15. â€" Advertiser. For an Education that is pmctica), useful nnd up-to-lo date at'oiid tho -/VO/fr/f£/fA K ^ K K :< ^ K K ,^ ^^ ♦ w .^^\^ Owen Sound, Ontario. Uest iinirses of study in Business Subjects, Shorth>thd nn Typowritiii«. Rest Methods. The most thoroughly • ui[)p.'d College in Iho DoinitHon. CiiudoniK may enter at any time. Full parlicuUi'B tiont freu to nny uddruss. C. A. F LEMING - Princip al Stray Heifer Caiiih to tbo pvOiiiisofl of tho nndor^icnftd, SopUMiilHir 7, a two-yoar-oUi led ami wbitu roan heifer with fUiull turoi>f)-iu honiH. Tht* ottiitu- is n qnosto-l to pt-ove proptnty, pay ux- I'O.iauH aiul tnko thm>anio awav. \V. J. MrAi>9. Lotaoo. D. R., CoylonP.O. Farm for Sale Lot '20, r.on. 7, Kuphriisin, oiio huP'Ivo.1 actPR, fli^ ctoivn'cl, two fraui>> Ifiru**, fhoil, slicop poii, hO'.! poll, two framu hi'tiauN, «no(l oichftiri,ii»*vi!r- fiiihnftHiirlni*. (â- niivcnicntto church and school. About tii^'ht uiilcft from Muiiford. (}oo<l im provm) fHrii), and aK up fur thu riKht man. Ap iilv oil pr4MiitKcs or tc JoIlN ANDhlKboN' Ul uiit)\ul'.0. Yr.ARft '%^^yY^;-V" AAUt Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnTr>o» Ron(:iriy ;\ •hctfh «ti<1 ricscnptiiin mn; QDlttklT RtcurlMiu lu. oi>nnt>u freo whpthor ua I'tTt'uHon In r.ob"M7 riitai'tnhte. <"i.mniur.t~n- tliinii«lrliHly Ciif-tliidtitiu!. lYftmlhookon f'altntlA Milt f rtto. i;Mr»; n.-ijti~v f ,r v.i-ciirtii»c V^ai*"^** Patrntj taki-ii tlir«i':«h ^lunn A (N^ ro*tl*« tjK^riai notk:«» -niitirmt ch-trac, tn the Scjcttflfjc i!n5ericr.ii. A handsnmclf lIhiRtr<i-Hl w»«.klT T.>trr«»i •!»â- fiMallou (f any f,(i!i-i>iiilo tonrtial. T«rtii«. H a fwir; fnar BionUis, TL t^uJ by all ii«>rMMw«r^ wyWI JLCo.'" ' •'~'^-»^ New Tori Our Pardy Sj^jejalssts III FuuitTukks, S.-.ivu. Kr.i'iT.s, Or.\.MEN'T,\1.S, SllKiUs. ItosR.S, ViNF..-', Seed I'ox.vtoE,;, A .-. Stock true to name and free from V mi Jose Scale. A pfriinim>iit po-iitioo foi tho right man on i itht r sahi;y ir com- uiissi-iii. Stone & WeHington FONTHlLLN'JRSeRIt over 800 acres Toronto Ontario Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord fltinto, 2906$. BOOTS: ,^.-^:â- .^ BOOTS , BOOTS \A/'' '""^ prep-vrcd to fit Man Woman or ^ Chill in Boots of ^b.j much celo- biMted " AIIRENS" Boots ;tud shoes. Non- Boots, is the time to buy your Full Tho undersiKned has a Hue nsed Durhaui : Bull for aeivico on lot HI, T. and S. U. I Teriup â€" -^1 for f,'rade cows, 6;t for thoroiich- 1 breda. PediKreo on application J.i.C01i litiVKIt Flosharton P.O Mothers bring your Children have thoiii tilted with the Sboo that wear and keep their feet dry. "THE AHRRN3SH0B and wU' A car loid of tho best American "PENNOLINE ' Oil ju'^t to hand. We cm con- lii^ently ivcommend this oil to anyone wlio wants tho BKST. 2Dc. per g^ilb'n. Sold »t Boyd, Hickling & Co,, Flesherton McTAVISM III fl[Si[fiIi!l liiill ForFiiHtClasi Diigyioa, Carts, Ploa.sure and LuraV.er \\aj;;ona, cutlers, Sleixhs. We keep a sti^ck on hand t<> choose from. ALSOHOkSE SHOEING ANOUENERAl. BLACKSMITHINQ and liuariinteo fiwr class wo'k. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough rppair", and also Rtassey- Barns Hiid Noxon reimirs for biiidera, Mowers, -ill kinds uf ma.diinety, aluo runder Twine on hand. » mbcn in town siv$ ii$ a ca!S « . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . % â€" tiO TO â€" Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cutters, Sleiy;hs,lU!«,'gics,Wafrnrons and Carts Klcury, Dymont IJutterfield and Wilkinson plough Sharer* and rei>air.s of tho best quality, Spring tooth and Iron harrows. Ahst) first class handni.-ulo harness. f^orte Shoeing and Beneral Blacksmitbing.