}. <^ ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •' PEINCIPLEb NOT MEN." VOL. Xlffi. Fleslicrtoii, Ont., Tliursday. October 3 5 1003 W. H THURSTON, ?ffi?KT â- OK â- â- ^â- The biggest \ display of high grade Jewellery north of Toronto is to be found at ARMSTRONG'S . . [ ! .... . FLE8HERT0N Ar:d at Biaht Prices 4 iiel. tihHrtrliii^ ewes, Jas Oliver. Ewe LiiuljB, U Keuce'. OXFORD Ai;n(l ram, J Fiiirbairn. Shearling ram, J Fnirb:iirii. Hum liuih, J Fair- biiini, Win MtHi'. A'iuJ uwes, J Fair- la' rn, VVin jliai. Sliearlinn ewes, J F.iiihriirn 1 rii.'.l 2. Ewe lambs, VVm Mi!.-id, J Falrbairii. CLASS 4-S\VINE, BERKSHIRE y-jir, over 1 yrâ€" Juhn Erkliardt., Sow ill ui^.Johii Eck'i;irdl. Spring pig, 1903, SUFFOLK Bo\r, over I yr. .J Sharp. Sow in pi;;, J E.jAbirJt,U'ni Men.!. Spring pigs,19<i3, J Eckh.udr, A McEachern . TAM WORTH Bijiir, over 1 yeur, Wiu Mead. Artemesia Fall Fair. This fair, held at Priceville on Friday of last week, w:i3 favored with choice wejither, akliou'^ha litile cool, and the aitvndaiico was cousequently large. AH round rlio show was probahiy better than any former yeir. Fiuir, roots, ladies' work, etc., were especially goad in the inside exhibit, with ;;ni'n soinewliat shcfc. Outside the com petition in all kinds of live stock waskeen, Thai-o was onsider- .•tblo sport in connection with tho"fHir this yenr, promineiifc speeial events which attracted the crowd being a biscuit eating contest, won by Postmaster McKiiinon"b Ultle l»d, Donald ; and a football kicking cniiteat. Everyone present thia ye.*r voted the show a aood one, and much credit is duo Mr. A. Butter,lhe secretary, who had put a kir;.;e amount of energetic work into it. Following is the prize list : â€" CLASS 1. HORSES -DRAFT. Spanâ€" Jas Putton, D McMillan, Geo Swansfoii. Bioo.liusre, with foal. Arch McLiau. Tw>. yeir-old j»eldinj;, .lames Fatten..! olin McMillan. 1 year old geld- ii ji, .1 Caldcr, J McMillan. Spring colt, J McMillan, .J .Mcliiiuwi. GENERAL PURPOSE. Span, .1 Nichul, J Sharp, J CaMer. r>iood mare with fual â€" Alex McRjie, R NicliolsoM, .J McMillan. 2 year-old celd- in>.', W L Dixon,.) McMillan, lyear-old yeldina, Thos Wilcock 1 ard 2. Spring colt, U Nicholson, Jas Oliver. RO.VDSTER OR CARRIAGE Span, J Cairns. Brood niaro with foal, C James, T A l''erausou, R Oliver. Single driver, N Campbell, .\ McRaa. Farmers' trot, Colin JIcLcan, R Oliver. 2-yi' s'clilii ::, Win I'.iton. C O James. 1-yr ^eldiii'.', \V L l)ix)ii,J Fairbairu. Sprint lolt, C .lames, T .V Fcrf^naou. Sjiecial for lady driver, A K Mc.Xithur. J D. K. McArthur, Judges S John Hill, ) A. E. Matsh. CLASS 2- -CATTLE. DURHAM. Bull, 2 yrs c.I.!,i;e<. Snell.D McMiUan. Bull, l-yo.ir o'd. J Fairbairn, J Eccles. Bull cnlf. Will P«tt'!i, Oeo Snell. Miloh cow, J Eokliavut, Win Pation, D Mc- Millan. 2-yerti-iild heif.-r, J Eckliardt. l-year-i'ld hs-ifer, J Ecklwrdt. Heifer calf, A Muir i and 2. GRADES Milch covv. (IS cnliies) J Nichol, Wm Miadsi, DLua'il >L-Lean. 2-year-old heifer, .\ Jluif, Win Mead--. 1-yearold heifer, D Campbell, J Eokhurdt. Heifer cjilf, Jas u;iver, D MoCo'uiick. 2-jr old steer*. J Burnett, D. Cimpbell. lyear-old stovr, Wm i>Joad,D Campbell. CLASS 3 -SIIKBP, COTSWOLU Ram, a.;ed, .\ .Miiir. Shoarliiii; ram, A Muir I and 2 Uam l.iiiib, A Muir 1 HUd2. A(;t-d eives, A Muir. Slieailins; tjwoH, .\ Muir I and 2. Ewe lambs, A Muir. LK.ICESTEU Aswl rarr.D M;MilI«n,.-V Muir. She.^r ling ram, T Nic'iol, J Burnett. Ram lamb, .V Muir, l> Swaulon. .\se<l ewes, D McMilUii, .\ Miiir. Sliearliu); ewe."», D McMillan. .-V Muir, Pair owe lambs, D. McMillan, (i Srtanlon. SHROl'SHIRB A^ed rmni, U Kennel. Ram lamb, R. KMiiiel. Aged ewes. Jm Oliv«r, K K«ii- 1 Win Smith. Judijes -Win Willis, j Robt Briyham. CLASS 5-POULTRY Wyandotte, W J Adam.s 1 and 2. Buff Cochin, T A Feryuaon 1 and 2. Biahnus, A Muir. White Leghorn, W Meads, D McMillan. Houdan, W .1 Adams. Br Lesjhorii, Th.'s Cook, A McLcod. Piy- niouih Rock, Thos Cook, T A Fercuson. Black Miiiorcas, A Muir, W. J Adams. P.iir ducks, W Watson, .1 Burnett. Pair turkeys, John McPhail, T A Ferguson. Geese, C Tryiin,H Watson. Heaviest doa egs^s, J C Adams, Col McLean and D Mc- Vlil Ian equal for 2iid. CLASS 6-GR.\IX AND SEEDS Fall wheat, D McMillan, G Swan^ton. Barley, 6-rowed, (i Swanston, D McMil- lan Barley, 2-rowed, A Muir. White oats, A Muir, .M Melnnes. Black oats, A Muir. .J C Adams. Large peas, A Muir, J Nichol. 6 ears cirii.D SicLean, T A Fe'gusoh. Timothy seed, \ Muir, D Mc.MilLiii. White beans, Thos Cook, T A Fer;;usun. Col beans, D McLean, Thos Cook. WU.X seed, Jas l^liver, A Muir. Clover seed, red, W L Dixon. CLASS T^^^^ROOTS & VEGETABLES Elephant potatoes, D McMillan, T .\ Ferguson. Hebron potatoes, W Mead, D McMillan. Potatoes, any other kind, \V Mead. Col. Potatoes, D McMillan, J Oliver. Turnips, D Harrow, A Mc- Eacherii. Table, D McMillan, T A Ferguson. Turiiip.s any other kind, R Nicholson. Mangolds, A Muir, D Mac- Connack. Turnip beets, T A Ferguson, R Oliver. Blood beets, D McCocmick, II Watson. Danish sugar beet«,.\ Muir, D McLean. Sugar beets, A Muir, D Mc- Cormick. Cabbage, Ox Urart, Duncan McLean, D McCormack. Cabbace, any other variety, D Harrow, D McLean. Cauliflower, Thos. Cook, H Watson. Potato onionji,D McLtan, J C Adams. Dutch sets, T A Ferguson, H Watso.i. Onion* ftom tops, Dugiild McLean, H Watson. Onions from black seed, D McCorir.ick. Parsnips, T A Ferguson, A Muir. Field carrot.s.Ueriuio McLean, U R McLean Shorthorn carrots Arch McArthur. D McMillan. Table carrots, any other kind. T A Ferguson, Yellow pumpkin, H Watson, I) McCorinick. Pumpkin, any other kind, Jas Oliver. Squash, Dug SicLean, U Watson. Celery, A Muir. \V J Adams. Citrons, D Mc- L<>an, U Watsou. Watermelons, D Jlc- Cormack. Tomatoes, D McCormack, T Cook. Cucumbers, pickling, U Watson, \V J Adams. Cucumbers, ripe, D Mc- Cormack, J C Adams. Radishes, D AfcLean, T A Ferguson. Co! vegetables, T A Ferguson, J C Adams. T . ) C. C. James, Judges , I , " (Jos. Aussum CLASS Sâ€" FRUIT Apples â€" Northern Spy, Eckhardt, W Wat^in. Golden Russet, C Tryon, A A/uir. Winter apides, .\ McEachern, W Meads. Snow, n'ook, C James. Col- vert. Dm McLean. Alexander, W J Adams, .A Muir. St Lawrence, Rotien. Kenne', W J Adiiii:s Fidl .ipples, H Watson, D McCormack. Coll applet, J Eckhardt, R Kennel. Crabs, lar\re, W Adams, K Oliver. Crabs, medium. H R .V/cLeJin, D Harrow. Pears.J Eckhardt, Vtiii .UcLeau. Grapes, J Eckhardt, J J Nichol. CLASS 9 -FLOWERS Hand bompiol. W .Veads, H Watsiin. Table louiiuet, H Wats.ip, Thos Cook, l^oll house pliiils, II Walst'U. CLASS 10â€" DAIRY PRODUCE Roll butter. R N'chobon, W 3/ead, H Watson. Tub bufer, SV L Dixon, W J Moad.H, J Mo3/illaii. llouieniade buns, .lohn McLean, D J/c.Villan. Uonieni.ade clioese, Geo Swans'on, Don J/cLean. Homeamde liieid, John A/cLean, J C .\daius. >/ola.<3cs, W Adam«,.lohn jW,;- Phnil. -MjiiIc »ui;«r, W .Adiins. CLASS 11-MANUF.\CTURES St horse. »h(>€s, H McLcin. Afen's calf sh(H>«,ir,eii's kip shoes, women's ahoeK, Du>{ .VcLeau. Rig carpet, Jkfrs Grier.J McPhail. Plain Hinnel. Dug McLaan. Woollen bUiikcU, J McLean, D Mc- MilUn, Judgm â€" Jo* AuasuiD, Joha RuiwtMltUr. CLASS 12-LADIDS' WORK ' Woollen yarn, double, J McPhail. ' WooHen yarn, single, J McPhail, H R j McLean, flomeuiado socks, J McPhail, John McLean. W'oollen Stockings, J McPhail, Dug McLean. Men's mitts H^McLenn. Doug 5IcLean. Lady's mitts Mi-s Grier.J McLean. Patchwork quilt, C McDougall, W J Adams. Log Cabin quilt, W Meads, W J .\danis, Knitted quilt,John McArthur, H McLean. Crazy quilt, Wm Meads, W' J Adams. Tufted quilt, Mrs Griet (2nd only). Fancy quilt. Myrtle McArthur, J McPhail. BterUn wool work, not raised, W J .\dams, T A Ferguson. Berlin wool work, niised, J McPhail, W Mead. Vr^'ath, any kind, D McCormrck, T A Ferguson. " Gent's shirr, J C Adams, W J Adams. Hook mat, W J Mead, W J Adams. Crochet in cotton, JC Adams, .Mrs Oner. Crochet in wool, J McPhail, Mrs Grier. Knitting in wool, J McPhail, Mrs Grier. Knitt- ing in cotton, J McPhail, Thos Cook. Braiding, J C Adams, J McPhail. Tatting, Thos Cook, J McPhail. Embroidery in silk, M .McArthur, Mrs. Grier. Outline work, W J Adams, W Mead. Woollen work, T A Ferguson, Toilet set, D Uarrow.Johu McVIillan. Lamp cushion, V»" J Adams, J Adauis. Bun cushion, D McCormack, T A Ferguson. Spider web cushion, D McCormack, Mrs Grier. Homemade slippers, Grier, W J Adams Drawn thread work, M Mc.\rthur, J Mc- PhaiL Battenburg, Mrs. Grier. M Mc- Arthur. Table centrepiece, Mrs. Grier, M McArthur. Judges -ilrs (Rev)L W Thorn, Mrs W A- Armstrong. ricFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. HARKDALE, ONT. . . : GREY COUNTY'S BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST STORE . . . Exceptional Valu es. ft is a common principle of business the world over that buyinu' makes selling po:icr. We buy all classes of merchandise direct from the makers, takiui; ad vantage "of cash discounts and saving all intermediate prod's. It i.sn't po.^aible for any store to onn reg- ular goods for less than we. That means that every day values .are better liere ihaii you'll tiiid anywhere. If goods are unusually cheap, we know it aa soon ;is any one. If manufacturers have bargain lines to r.ffer, this store aonerally eet^ first chance. Look ar-iuml all yim plense; compare values tilt your heart's content, but done losa sight of QUALITY in the buyini;, and don't spend a cent until you have visited this store. Remember â€" your money back if noG satisBed. Rain Coats We buy Our Rain Coats direct from one of the largest and best m.anufacturers in the Dominion. As we pay spot cash and buy in large (irancities, we have be< n put on the jobber's LKT, that is we buy at the same pricesas wholesale houses, â€" this means a .sjiving to you of the middleman's pmlits. These prices (quality '.considered) are the best we have ever had. £ugeni:i The woods are lovely at present. Hoary winter will soon change the scene to one of desolation. Mr. William Cameron and wife have gone on a visit to friends in Nornianby. We are ph'ased to hear of the safe arrival of iU-s. Hooper from England after a very pkasiyj<; visit to her friends, whom she had nut seeu fur thirty years. .Tohn Walker and bride, from Guelph, were the guests of Mr. Wm. Walker, sr. , for a few days recently. Mre. P. ilunshaw 13 visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs, Edwin Large, at Sarnia. Mr. Samuel Fisher and daughter, Mary, have leturned from an extended visit at Holland Centre. The H.u-vest Horae'held in the Presby- teriiin chui-ch on Friday even:u'.i turned out a success after the disappoititment of tha storm We.liiesday evening, although the speakers promised did not put in an appearance. Yet the program was a very good one and everyone seemed plea.sed. The ladies of tha church foel very grate ful for patronage received. Proceeds 515. They are hjiviug the basement finished and electric lights put in. Tho church now presents quite a creditable appear- ance, Thomas Spcnce of the Toronto fire de- piiitmeiit h.is been visiting his many frieiics around Eugenia Air. Brigns and daughter from Tara wore viiiitoi-s at W, Walker's for a few days. Mr. Wm. Donaldson and wife, Toronto Junction, were visitors at Mr. Henry Feuwick's for a couple of weeks. Miss Hattie Wallace of Winnipeg and Miss 11 iiiiiah Ji'idlace of Toronto, are visiting their parents. Geoi-ge Bowers of Toronto spent a few days tisi ting at Mr. H'oodburn's. 20 Men's Gray Twill Covert Ch.th Coats, fancy plaid lined, raglan style, loose back, slash pockets, velvet collar, length 50 inches, sizes 36 to -16 iiiches,8ood value in the regular way at §4.00 each, our price jo^g 12 Men's Grey Tweed Rain Coats, in herringbone stripe pattern, latest cut raglan style, shish pockets, ndl cuffs, vel- vet Collar, etc., long length, with fancy pl.iid liniug.a very dresi»y coat suitable for any season of the year, size 36 to 46. They are extra value at the the price §5 20 Men's dark Oxford rain Coats in fine twill cl.'th with fiiic.v pkid linings, single breasted with roll cuff, slash-pocket and Velvet collar, a very dressy coat and stuaranteed rain proof" sizes 3(5 to 46. These coats are positively the best value we have ever bail at $o.5<3 Other Special values at 2.90, ?.50, 6.00, 8.00 and 810 00. Ill Ladle's Riin Co its we hive perhaps the largest stock ever shown in Markdale and at no time anything hko the ralues we have to-day. We start the price at 2.i)0 and advance by easy stages up to the fine imported cravenette cloth x SIO.OO. You can judge the whole sttnik by thesu three prices. 20 only Lad io's Rain Coats in tije al! wool navy blu-j cr!ivonette,made in ilouble breast yoke, baclf luose Sttiiis; style, vel- vet collar, with small velvet flap poekei-, plaid lined., guaranted waterproof. This coat WIS a job lot and well wi.irlh So in the regular way. You can buy one to-day ^ir So.JO IS only Ladies' Heavy Black Coats, plain black lining, roll ;uffs, yoke 'ouck, ati extra heavy, warm coat, suitable for cold or wet d.iys. This coat wm have always sohl at §5 00. They are extra value at $4.38 12 only Ladies' Heavy O.xford Gray Rjii:i Coat, raj/lan style, box back, roll cuffs, slash pockets, leu^'th 94 to 62 inches, exrra heavy and suitable for ulster tor cold weather, guarantee rain proof, splendid value at $5.5i} Heavier Underwear T . here is a chill in the air ! Better change your under wear and regukte its weight bv he advanced season. You'll find everything here that you'r likely to need -the tinesc merinos, scotch wools, fleece lined, medium heavy orextrn heavy weigta iu plain,ribbej or fancy striped, direct fi-oiu the best makers. IMcF'ar'laixcl, Sta-ffor'<i « Sc Co. W. Hocklev Proti Great Bargains in 5uir,mer Goods Prints Cheaper Than Ever l'2.Vc. Priors Selling at 9c. Address and Presentation lOc. Prints Selling at. Hie. Prints S.-lliii!.' at. 7c. Prill's Selliiiij at o}. Prints Selling at. . .vc. ...6c. . . .5c. . .3^0 On the evening of t>ept. 22, a number | of neighbors t<) the south aaihered at the â- residence of Mr. Jacob Holley, east b.\ck , line, Artemesia, when a plea*in6 time was spent and the following address and presentation given ; To Mk. asp Miu. HotLBY, â€" Di-ar j Friends : Having learned that you were alxjut to leave our neighborhoiHl, we »io ^ here to say good bye and wish y^ni well, j You have spent your youthful years in our mi ist, and your gonial disjM.i.siiious 1 have won many w.inii friends in this com- '' muniry. We have alw.iys found you ready to help in time of nee>l. In bust- j ness you have proven youreelvos upright, li« iiorablo and o being. We ivgret your i removal from nmong us, but heartily wish you hejdth and happiness during the ev- ening of life iu your new home in Mark- dale in retirement. As a slight token if our apprcciati.m please accept this tat>l.>, ' easel and picture. May they recall fit^in time to tone pL*n.s;int nicmoriis of your j old friemls ami ne tjhlKirs, and may the j bles-<iiig of God rent up"!! you both. j Mr. Hollev np'i. dtVelingly aii.l ai-prc- ciativoly. He sincerely apprvciat. d their expri-Rsion of gond will. Came il.stx*CK,y Com<» to tho praniise* of the uutlorvlttu .^ last Novcml>tfr. on,, steer -2 jttp. old thi:» si'rinc. ownor cftu btve s.'vtua by provina |irop«ity aod |>«>i:>ii >i|>ooM*. H. 3iioWS FsTsrahua lair U 19QB A Snap in iTusIins For Two Weeks of a lai-g? Assortment of Patterns iu tho same lOc Muslins sellim; for 7.io. 8: Mu.iliii; selling for J»|c. 12Jc Musiins selliog for <jjc. Ladies' Sailor Hats On sale at One Halt the Regular Prices. Dargains in Boots A largo table of Bariiain Boots, Regiil.ir prices $1.00 to SI. 25, now ou sale at uCo. per pair. Jem Jars ^Vo ,ire cleariog th;s lino at the lowest market prices. As no have larae ordeis of Fall Go<id* coining in, wo must have ai.ove goods sold out to make room fur now goo^ls. Ladies' vests o.i side at ejich He, Gent's Sumiuer Underwear, pet suit 30c. *1 no I-I it« f,„. -n. •* Large stock of new Boots has just ar- Sc H,:l: fcr ::::;• : ;i^; •'-''• ''^^ ^'^^'"^ ">â- "? f- ^i .L. oOc Hats for '. , .2ae! '" ' '"'"'''y 'â- ^'' Tan Cromc Bhiclicr.ss!2..'j0 40c. Hats for 20c Woman's heavy Pebble Laiigtry for Sl.t;:i) Wo also cany a nice assortment of fine shoes for M.ii, Womon and Children, . HIGHEST PRICE5PAID FOR TRADE HERE . . W. I5oc]k:l€5y E^i'otoia Sta,tio3nK. Ce €>n$ijjttpti«?«$. Tbo loik'tiotl havirR boon rv^t.^roil to hcaUli by in:|)le tnonuR. «Ifor nufforiouff^r Hor- • ml yoarfl viiih st-vort* \u,vu »Jr.?ct:uH, nnA th-it iIioaI >Ii:4oa9ucon.4uniption. i* anxiouH to m.kkt* k •.(•>« M to hitfc'Ilt'WMftr.?!*'!* the tn«*aii<t of cure. To thns« wbo (IttRirtMt, lie will cliwfrfully «iini (fvpcof ohAn;»l * oojiy of ilie prciicriptiun iiii'J. which thcv vrill Aiul ft •»ine euro for con.iucnp- Uon.vsthiha.catttrrh. bronchiti* and aM thii»(\t %u<\ limit malaOie*. Kc* hotK-A all «ttiTeiL>r<i will try hinrcuieily, as it ia invalunhle. Tbr»n«(1bRtr- Inft tlio i»rt»fi;riptiot:, w^iich wIU eonttb^ni noiJa tii»; an>1 may uroTti a bluvMiii;. wtll pi«at« ad rtrafw. Ke». vbWAHD A. WfLSON. Brooklyn, >cw Vvrk Fariaa For Sale j SvltMi.^i i fann for ?eU\ onW **3RV: ?500 to I ^t^uJ, IjiiUue*! easy K-niit>:35 act-vs ."Al for any ; inacbi'iory, Ui lu-rus ijia»t tiuil er att, lalaniu , WOtI liittbcio. ; BO<»«l rrftip* bant anil nweliiiiK, I wo:l Wfttt-ieii atid ti)o»e to ttrbool, cbrjubie, F. O.. btuvrs, jtc. Apply tuU. J. Sl»hOCLK. CoDTa\r*no«r» Fleshorton Pig Came Astray Cnnio to Iho I'rrn.ifcii of ths i!i.d«r«tgne.l â- bout i«iit. '.s, u blmh viR- 1 h« twner ts re- qiicKtril to iMcvB |in|)«rty, J ay oxpeuses ana takQ the sauiu awiky. B. liEcorrx ' 1 hiltitf n, to< ft mil