1' il t t 1 £. ij 11 E R T O X ADVANCE Sew. 17 1903 i 1 PASrOR:â€" GEO. Â¥. flORLBDRT. ticrvicc at II a.iB«acli Lard's Da; Next Sund:«y â€" Pastor will pr«mch. imthodist = eburcb, TUsherton PA3TOHâ€" Kev.S. t xison WllB on Service-* Sunday 1 1 a.tn.Je 7 ixd» Sunday September 20tb. The Pastor expiicts to preach at both siTvices. Service at CVylon st 10.30, conducted by Mra. F. W. Nichulson. Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully Culled for the Curious ^*" #' Fresh lime always ou hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugcuia. Shi")jlos for Sideâ€" 1st and 2ud cla.<« Apply lo N. McO.muel, Proton Statiou, The Fill! Assizes opened in Owen Soand ou Monday bjto:e Chief Justice Meredith. Mrs. Oliver of Peterboro is the guest of h ;r uiitJe, Dr. Chnat<ie. Dr. Chris^oe has a few ba!<» of good timothy seed for f;dl sowing. ^ D iii't get your feet soaked this weather, but calUt Clnyton's aud get a Rood pair of shoos. The Northern Lifa Aa.sarance C oui- p»Dy of Canada, represented by K.Gamble, Fleaherton. C;U1 aud »ee him for a pohcy. Revision Court of Artomesia voters list has been chanaiid from the 23rd to the 25th iust., in the town hall. Messrs. CharUe Howard and Milton Tipp of Collitigwootl.drove over Saturday, leturnini' Satiday evening. Ye oMe time ro-iceri in the town hi'l, evening of £ vir day. Fayl not to render your prejenoe at ye great eveiUe of ye geitson, 5 good Ttllase lots in one bluck in Flesheiton, for sale cheap and on easy terms, must be sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, b'lesherton. Wantedâ€" Immediatelvâ€" a girl to do generalhousework. Liberal wage.s and steady employment. Apply to Mrs.^Rev.) Ivison Wilson, FleshettoD. \ Wantedâ€" Good judges of boots and hoes to inspect and try our boots and shoes. We have as good as can be got. Ci»yton, the shoe dealer. Boyd, Hickling & Co.are showing wnne novelties iu Yak Laces and Insertions, Silk Apv>liquc.s,ami Dress Triraimnu» this ^ejk_all up-to-date and much indeinand. Mrs. Sheppard aimou.ices her fall mil- linery opening for Sept. 24 and 25, and " '""t^illowing days, and invitus every Udy to '" call and itxspect hot stock of fall h*t». Mi?s Osborne, Miss Graham and Mi»s Uelle Henderson hare aaain taken up their duties at Boyd, Hicklmij & Cos. millinery. Ltok imt for something natty iu fall ladies wear. Feversham and Flesherton football clubs will pUy a game on the agricultural Krouuds hero en Friday (to-morrow) evening. Game to begin at o o clock â- barp. Diedâ€" A t Kimberley,on Saturd»y,Sep! . I-,'. Aura Frauce-s, youi.Rest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Go. Walter, agetl 2yr», 4 months. The funeral to<.>k place to Floah- •rtou ceiuotery on Sunday. Steer Stniyod- From the promisrs of the undersigned ab..ut.Iuno lG,oneyefir- liui; steer.rol. Inforniati.<n asto hiswhere- Hbouts will bo thankfully recoired. R. Povteous, Fleshertou P.O. If you want something really pretty and •tylish in new Fall Blousiniis go to Boyd, Hickliiis! i<l Co., their assorfraout is so Wr<e »nd so reasonable in price. Irwin- Smiihâ€" At Stockton, Mtnt., Mr W-C Irwin to Miss Isabell Sini'h, on Sept. 9, UHW. Mr. aud Mrs. Irwiu will arrito in Flcsherton this week to vuit the gniom's father, Mr. Chas. Irwm of the suburb*. Congratulations to the young couplo are iu order. Coiitiiru'd daily rains make it almost impossible for farmers to get the la.<it ves- tige of harve5>t cleaned up. We believe then is considerable grain stid out to tUo south of Kle^borUin, mostly peas and oats. The great ni.ijoriiy of the f irniers. however, have all all their grain »afcly boused. Mrs. Alex. Stewart of Toe««»ter is »i»iting with relatives in this viciiitity. Master ChariioTh(mii«oi., who is with nnyd Hiikiing & Co., received a nvncy kick fionia two-yearold colt on Sunday. Thi animal struck liim on the jaw, cutt ng it and loo.seniiig a few to»th, but fortun- ately 110 boi.os were broken. Mr. Robert Clark, one of the pioneers of Arteniesia township, ditd at his son's resicrnce, Maxwell, ou Friday last.at the ago >'f ^ years, the funeral taking place lo Klwherti.n cemetery on Sunday. Mr. Clark came to Canada from Irelatid in the forties and settled in Arlemesi* in the year 1330, the Brsfyear that this town- â- Iiip was opened up fur settlement. He â- HM a liUcks'uith by trade and worked at bisint'ustry in Flesherton (or tome years. CH late years he has lived with his sou Wm. a! MaxwuU. Th? funeral CftVig* on Sunday wm very larg*. Tiie big East Grey fell fair co ww off on Thurxday and Fridaij of next week. .\.rrange your aSairsso aa to be with us. Markdikle citizens b«nd has been en- eag*! fcr the second day of East, Grry fall fair. Should the weather prove good it is expected that the result will be a bumper ^how this year. Mr. J. E. F»wcrtt, principal of the public school, baa tenderea hi« re.s- igiwlion. to take eficct at the end of the present month. Mr. Fawcett will re- iiiore to Torouto, where he has secured a a positioo as teacher in a city acbo<ji. Men wanted â€" 30 first class bushmen at ouce for lumber ca mp, highest wa^es paid and 6rst claaa accommndation. .Aplilv at camj) to D. McBride, foreman fi>r Keenan Bros., Hickling Bros' 8lh con., Artemcsia. Send in one dollar to R. J. Spmule, secretary East Grey Agricultural Society, Flesherton, before the 24th inst., and become a meiuboi and partake of the liberal prizes offered by the socie'y at their exhibicioa, on 24th and 25th inst. After winnins the 2.30 trotting race at Toronto Exhibitinn last week, Messrs. R. T. and Rusiel McGirr s<jld their trotter, Brownie, to Mr .I.E. Swartz, of Wing- ham, for for SoOO. Brownie also won the 2.40 trot at Barrio and the 2.39 trot atOuelph. â€" Meaord Micror The fall meeting of Owen Sound dis- trict, Methdlist church, wrill be held in Markdale on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, Sept. 16 and 17. Rer. J. A. Rankiii, President of Toronto Con- ference, is to be present and deliver an atidress Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Entries are pouring in for Flesherton show fair on the 34th and 35th inst., and the secretary begs to remind members and intendins; exhibitors that entries must be made n:<t later than day before animals cr articles intended for exhibition are to ba exhibited. The staff of this paper neglected last week to thwnk Mrs.W. Wilcock for a gen erous donation of luscious plums. The memory of those plums has not failed away, however, as this item wUl testify, and we ha-sten to make good the omission. Miy Mrs. W's shadow never grow less and her trees bear heavily every year from this on. Miss Etbel Trimble, daughter of Mr. W. Trimble, receivetl quite a fright on Monday. Going into the cellar she en- countered what she took to be an enor- mous rat, about ten times the size of an ordinary rt>dent. Mr. Trimble went on a tour of investigation and discovered the intruder to be a large muskrat, which iie quickly sent to the happy huntinj grounds. Uow the animal got in is a mystery as the windows had screens and no hole could be found. The ladies of the Methodist church will hold a cuucert in the town hail ou Friday evi'iiing, 25th Sept., the evening of show fair day. The program will be a good one. It is CEilled ye old time concert. Local and foreign talent will be present. This concert la expected to be unique and will be deserrinjOf a bumper house. Every- thing on "ye olde time scale." When at the show do not fail to remain over for this concert. Rev. Ivison Wilson, pastor of the Methodist church, met with a painful and serious accident on Saturday last. While climbing into an attic fr<>ni the wmidshed a piece of board upon which he was hold- ing gave way and he was thri'wn actors a scantliog, the fall breaking several of his ribs. The rer. gentleman was of course unable to take his services on Sun- day. Dr. Chris'oe supplied for him in the niorniiU{ and Mr. r elstead at night. The injury will confine Mr. Wilson to '.he house for a couple of weeks. East Grey fall fair, which takes pta;e here on Thursday aud Friday of next week, ought t<> be bigger and better than ever this year. The diiectors have pone to heavy expense in improving their premises.this year and the people should turn out loyally iu a body iu oruer to keoi* the show on a go<d foundation. With proper eucourngement the society may build a grand stand next year. When this is done no better equipped show gD'Und will be found in western Ontario. Give the affair a b<>«st next week by at- lendini tbo exhibition. Become a mem- ber if you .ire not one already and bring out your exhibits. A jolly party of Duntlalk picnickers drove up to Eugenia for a last picnic of Uie season o:i Thursday last. The day was not all pleasure to thorn, however, heavy rains iu the aflernovm knocked tha fun endways, and to make matters worse, when half way between Eugenia and Flesherton an a.vle of thoir wagou ben i , the wheel dished and the whole party was spilled out iu the mud. Some of the gentlemen came to town, got another rig aud went back after the girls. The dani-igetl vehicle was btouzlit to Mr. D. McTaviah's btacksoiitli shop for repairs. .'Vfter these were made, al>«>ut 9 p. m , the p.irty re- embarked for home, where we trust they arrived without further mishap. A threshing machine man in a neigh boring township worked a scheme this j reason which did not pan out as he had hoped for. The al'ieged facts are as fol- lows : The thresher wont around among the farmers and got some fifty of thcra to aocvpt his services for threshing. Ue thou entered into an aitreement with proprietors of other machines to raise the pricw of threshing from tl to ftl CO per hoar. When the .icheme leaked out every ene of the 6fty farmers refuaed to have anything to do wiifa thu mau wlto deVuio(wd this tittle o«m>bio« aud ha was forced to mov* Iu«^ machine einpleiely out «f the dlstriot. We believe the isentlemaa is now running hifi ootfit not many miles fron Fleshertou at the ordinary price. For sale â€" Good heavy work teani,(2700 l.a.), a snap if taken at once, aa we have no use (or them Juat bow. 11. P. Legate, Ceylon. Canada's Great Weekly. Illustrated In keeping with the progress of the age, Canada's great national home newspaper, the weekly Globe,will be very materially improved for 1904. Numerous imp<.>rTant changes are in contemplation, but the leadiug feature will be the introduction of an eight page illustrated aapvlement on calendered paper. This will un- doubtedly make it the most popular weekly otifered to the people of the Dom- inion. For particulars see advert bment ia another column of this issue. Church Notes Flesherton Methodist church will cele- brate the 26lh anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 27ih. Special sermons will be preached at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m.,by Rev. Wm. Johnston, of Harelock, a former pastor. The choir will render a very choice pri'gram of music. A special thank offering contribution of $150 is asked for to cover the cost of completed and contemplated improvements. A harvest home festival will be held iu connection with Wesley church, Meaford Road, on Sunday and Monday, Sept.27th and 28th. Special sermons on Sunday at 2.30 and 7 p. m. On Monday evening the ladies will serve a splendid hot fowl supper, after which a high class program consisting of addresses and recitations, music, etc., etc., will be carried out. Full particulars later. Save the date. A Disgraceful Act To The Editot of The Advance Dkak Sib, â€" Will you please allow me space in your paper to make mentioa of a very disgraceful transaction which hap- pened in our burg one day last week. A very lespectable widowed lady and gentle- man were married publicly in the presence of a number of their friends at the home of the lady in Vandeleur. Now just think of what followed. A number of y<>uth3 and citizens of our anti-religious settle- ment, turned out iu a manner that would be considered disgraceful, even for the heathen of China or Japan, let alone the Pharisees of our self-sacriticing burg. They charivareed and carroussd artiund and disturbed the neighbors for miles. Now, Sir, as for the couple that were married, I would defy this howliu-? mob to name one disgraceful action that either of them have committed. Is this the case with the mob ? No sir. We will end up by inviting some of them to simply go home, quietly sit down and read over their own family record before going to the synagogue to pray. A CmzEJC The county of G ley would do well to follow in the footsteps of Dufferin by see- ming legislation to prevent the killing of the small amount of game still remaining in this county. The TJeutenant Gover nor in Council has issued the following order for that com ty: â€" Upon reccoinend- ttioii of the Uonorabl the Commissioner of Public Works, the Committee of Coun cil advise that puisuant to the provisions of section 18 of the Ontario Game Pr-- tection .*ct the hunting, taking or killing of deer in the county of Duffenn be pro- hibited for a period of five years from the first day of November next. The com- mittee further advise that in accordance with the provisions of sub-section 3 of section 7 of the said act, the huntiuK, taking or killing of enmse or partridge in the Si»id county of DuSerin be pr>hibited ftir the term of three years from the loih day of September next Co Consumptives* The uu<ier8itint»il baving b«en re^torad to health by siaipl© moann, »fter suffering for 8o»- eral \ear3 with severe lunj? affection, and that dreai\ OiHeaseconAHinptlon. i» anxiou?) to luakt) kr^owu to bis Mlowsuffdrers the mcaos of curt*. To thoso wbo (Jesirtj it, he will cheerfully seud (free of eharsel a copy of lb© prescription uwvl. which thev willfliui a Riire cure for conjittrap- tlon.Qsthibtt, catarrh. brvnchitU atiJ all throab au^ lauK inaUdiei. Ho hoi»e« all enfferers will trv bisiomodv. a5 it iaiu valuable. Those desir- ing the prefcriv>tion, which will coetitheiii uoth iuK aud luAY prove a b'oaainu< will please a*.! drew. KoT. EDWARD A. WILSOM. Brvoklyu, New York ARTEMESIA Voters' List, 19O3 SOTICK isherobv sivou tbat a court will Iw ii»li1. pursuaot totha i)ut»rio Voters' Lists Act, by his honor tbe JuUge of the Couuty Court ot tile couutv of Qrey, ftt the town ball, FI«*«U eitv^u.ou the isth ilay of Septuml)«r, .\. D.. S903. at 3 o'clock p lii., to bear and dvterntlue tli« i««Teiat couiptaints of errors antl ouuMioue iu th»Votpr«° List ot lb« Uaoici|iality of Art«~ lueaia for 19U). All por^ons haviiid bminotie at the com t aro teuui>-*<l to att«ucl >t the sai.l tiui» ami plac«. UateU at FI««herlOD thin lOth dav of S«pt.,l;XU. W. J. BfcJlXAMT, Clork ol Artomesia The Markets. VarefuUv €«rre«- cd Ea«-U Yl>ek Wo^.l OaUi Peas WhHat Barley Butter K^gs f reah Pork Chickens per pair.. Ducks per pair Tuckeys per Ik Geese per lb Hay Fotaktee* b*)i,.,^.. 14 t» 16 n •<. 87 eo 60 86 to 65 45 to 45 14 lo 14 13 .n 13 SO to 7 50 25 10 50. 40 to aa 15 tc 15 10 '0 IU 0« to 6 Oo 1\.^ H new Fall 6ood$ We are receiving every day New Fall Goods and would invite every latly and gent looking for anything in our line to call and inspect our goods and prices. We might mention some of our specialities in Ladies' Jackets ^ I I Ja ili Oi \b \t m m m yyi \i/ Hi Hi \ii â- •â- ^f»f^ «3^ SHEPPARDi All the styles we imported direct from Ger- many ; they are very attractive and the prices are very low. Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Shakers All wool Flannels we bought at very low prices and are selling them at the same call. Get some before they are all gone. Boots and aShoes Our Stock is complete with all lines for Ladies' , Gent's, Boy's and Girls,and from the best makes of boots that we can recommend to wear. We just received this week a large stock of Gent's and Boy's suits ; also a full assortment of Over- coats ; something to please everyboily. iii m ff. m m m ff in Or ^. iit m ik \k \^ w iB ik Our Milliners Are attending the Fall Openings in Toronto and will be at work at once making up all the New Ideas in '• HxVTS ", which are very ' pretty this year. We are agents for ButtCtiCk Patterns and will at l anv lime get you the pattern vou want without extra ' cost. Also we ijive you a fastion sheet eveiy month if vou call for it. } H Headquarters for :r " - , Paints, Oils.... To those who have painting to do remember we are head quarters for Pure white Lead and Paint Oil We have also added this season the best Lubricating Oil to be got iu the market. What we keep you will find the best. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton Farmers ! Prepare for a dry summer and sow the famous Essex : Sowing Rape. Anticipating your Needs W. J. Douglass & Co. have a gocd stock of this famouns Eglish Kape â€" pure and fr^sh (not old stixk) but giiaranteed new stock, bought for spot cash aud we are giving our customers the benefit. We have al'K> • good srock of choke Compton's Early Corn North Dakota White rtint and Giant Prolific Sweety Ensilage, all bought for spot cagh. We solicit your patronage for pure Dnigs, mtt>nt medicines, ganlen and field seeds, oil oakeaudliouse plants in bloom. AX.L >l^\V ^TOCK ^ ^'^i-- W. a. DOUG;L,ASW