i; ft . i:- There are very few cleansi Ing operations ia which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant. age. It mzkes the home bright and clean. iB tâ€" f LEFT IN PKACE AND PIKCES. "Please, air," said th« new office boy, "I took this letter where you told me to, but the lady wasn't in, «o I've brought it back." "Brought it back, have you?" funi- td tlie irato morchant. "What d'yer (ncan by doing that? You don't Bcem to have any more sense than a bard-boiled egg. Take it again, and l( she isn't in leave it in the letter- box, or pu.'i>( it under the door; leave It somewhere â€" go; go, before I bite I'ou ! ' ' Presently the youth returned, and k satisfied expression was in his eye. "You left it this time, eh, Solo- mon jun.?" queried the merchant. "Yessir," said the sparkling lad. "I couldn't roach the letter-box, and It wouldn't go under the door, so I lore it in pieces and bunged it through the keyhole, sir. Was that right, sir?" BXPOUTS AND IMlHJR'rS. British Coluin/bia has prodticed $189,728,538 worth of gold •'an'4 ?58.t>89..572 worth of coal ajid cake. The French colanial party viisii the port of Diego-Suarie«, a fine na^ fAiral harbor at the extreme north of 3rai>agH.soar. made a Gibraltar, fnoin wliich BVance could dominate the Indian ocean. The prodtKtion of petrokiujii isi Roinnania has grown from oti.OOO tons in 1803 to 310,000 tons in 1902. Three companies practically control the entire ind\iBti-j'. Ker- Bone and gasoline go prii!,".ipally to Gornuany, Great Britain, Norway, Bulgaria and Francv, while the givater part of the exjiorts of ciiude oil is taken by AueSro-iHjungaria'n refij-.crs. EXPKCTED, BUT â€" - "Bobby, your mamma tells me you are a very sharp boy. and she pxiJects you to be a great man." said Mr. Blossom, as ho sat waiting lor Bobby's sister. "JIa never does 'spect nothln' right. She does-n't know what she's talkin' about. She told pa she 'spocted you and my sister would bo married 'fore summer, and fliat was more'n a year ago." GLASS-WALBED ROOMS. A novel system of adonmumt fo rooimn Teas been pen-fectctl by a Loii- do'n e'.ccti ifiaii. The walls are lin- ed wilh panels of transpaix-nt glass which are faced with negatives of well-known pictures, thiixjugh which filUirs sub'.hKKl electric light. The eftV'Ct is soniiewhat the same as til:o ligji of a staiiiod glass window, aaiij Is quite arti>-tic. TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THITNO. A wonderful beard is woin by Jean Uonltyn. of Moretlucan. France, It is 10 feet lOi inches in U-ngiuh, and neai'ly live feet of it. when lio staali^ ere--t, resits on tixs floor. The ends o( hia moustache hang below his waist. DUTCH AiaC UP-TO-DATBJ. For tl'.irlocn years tho Dutch have laaid oomj>uU(or>- registra-ljon of ii\- Joctio'us diaeacos. At their bosrt .«x<hools tUK-re is alway.s, bosiiles the tea'-'her, aii atteitdant who sees to the po:Konal condition of each cOiild u|M>a onturing the .'jc'r.vool eac^i diiy. â€" t * Miss Kitty, daughter of Dr. Jones, physician, loves her. father and takes an intei-est in his profession. The other day a lady friend called to see her, and asked her how she was and how they were getting on. "Oh, pretty well," answered Miss Kitty, "pretty well; plenty of colds, some bronchitis, and a little typliu.s fever; but. as papa said yesterday, to iiiako things lively, what we oeed is a nice little epedomic." Old Doctorâ€" "So you think my daughter's happiness is safe in your handsâ€" eh?" Young Doctorâ€" "I know she loves me. and I do not see how I could live without her." Old Doc- toi*-"Wc!l. you are a young man of good character. and I will give my consent on one condition." Young l)octoi^-"Namo it!" O'-d Doctorâ€" "It is that when she is ill you won't try to doctor her your- self." Mrs. Do Fa.shion â€" "M.v dear. I have picked out a husband for you." Mi.ss De Fashionâ€" "V^ery well; but I want to say now. mother, that when it comes to buying the wed- ding dress. I am going to select the materials myself, so there." "Tila.y I kiss you. Miss Jane?" "I am sorry to see, Mr. Briggs. that you, too, are ;alTi.>cted by the prevail- ing cause of business depression." "And that is?" "Lack of confi- dence." Then he kissed her. Lover â€" "Y'ou are getting in-ettier every day." Sweet Girl â€" 'Just now I am living on brown bread and water to improve my complexion." "How long can you keoi) that up?" "Oh. indolinitely."" "Then lets get uiarried." Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the disea.scd portion o( the oar. rheru is only oue way to cure doafr.oss, and that is b,v constitutional reniodiea. Deafness is caused by an lutlaniccl cod- diUon of the mucous lining of the lilus- tachian Tube. When this tube is inflam- ed you have a rumbling pound or im- perfect hearing, and when It ia entirely closed. Dearne£.s is the result, and ua- 1^3 the inflainniation can be taken out and this tute restored to its norinu.1 condition, hearing will be destroyed for- evei'. Nino cases out of ten are caused by Ualarrh. which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous ser- vices. Wo wil\ give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cuicd by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor clrculRrs, free. F. J "CHENKY i CO. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. T5c. \\»SX'm Ka.mily Villa are the u«st. Cartirig' Blue Ribbon Tea 4o Colombo When Blue Ribbon Tea is hermetically sealed in lead it is carted from the upland districts of the interior of Ceylon â€" where only the best tea grows â€" to G)Ionfibo^ there to be shipped to Canada. A queer cavalcade it makes â€" but it carries the richest^ creamiest;, delicious tasting tea in the universe* Slack Mixed Ceylon Green SHK t'RUSHKD HHIM. "Cassandra." sighs our hero, "there is something within uic that thrills m,e to the innermost recesses of my soul. I must tell you of the haunting heaviness, of the doubt, the dread, the pain that (ills me " "Fercival," titters our heroine, "have jtju been eating green ap- ples?" EVEN WITH HIU. Mr. .'Flirty (tauntingly) â€" "I saw Mrs. Bcvryman on the stiect to-day. Bhe looked charming in her mourning gown." Mi's. Flirty (sarcastically)â€" "In- deed! It's a pity we can't all bo widows." ^ TOLD IN FltJURKK. Undo Sam's annual incotno is 1558.887,1-18. Russia has (ifty-sevon waiships at Tort Arthur. , Florida's orange and pineapple crop Is estimated at S3. 500. 000. Nearly oncvhalf of the mortality in the United States is from diseases of the lungs, arid 75 per cent, of it pre- ventable. VALfK OF A HUIOHT F-YK. A luuJi l<as liuilt u,p a big bui.s-ir.e9s at ruget S,otiivl, near N'ancoiiwr. as the ie.«Mlt of a iKiliday e.xounjjon. In.'ltead iof loafing aimlossly, he used his eyes, and, noticing a little I'isJi, which he took to be a saiMine. had sonw titiiiOKl. with the ultimate iv- sult that his establi^lliment hns this year s-wK, out 175,000 ca,set>. A visiting justice to a certain gaol Raw a prisoner who had a rat in his pos.session. The magistrate iaiid: â€" "Ah. you have a pet. I »ee." Convict â€" "Yes. sir; I feeds Vim every day. I thiaks more of Ihnt 'ere rat than any other livtnff jreaturo."^ Magistratt?â€" "Ah. iii »very man there's something of tho \ngel loft, if one can onl.v find it. .low came you to take such a 'fanc.v lo the rat?" Convict â€" "'Cos ho bit ihe Warder!" r'f '"^^JLltrr^'A. Woman's tatc<s i^ t1>>r brtiine. Qunbusta â€" "1 .'iupposo hat's why they toy 'meney t&Uu.' KF.W CODE OF ITONDIt. ..\ .'^omewliat ixnuarkable textbook for Uho use of young (.iornten ;«oW- ie.rs has just been p:uliIisVied. It de- libeu'atelj- iiistiructs soLuiers to in- form their su^eiiurs of,,aU kind3 of o.fTwicee coi!i.initto<l by tlieir cojii- rades. Borvicos of this ch.arixcler ai'^ stato<l in tJic textbook to be a high duty, and worthy- of contmon- dation. ENGLISH SPAVm LiNIMENl Kemovos all hard, aott or calloused liimpi ind bl«niUlies troni busm. biood 8p»r<n :urb«. (pUat«. ring looo, swetn:/. sDifles <pr»ins. «oro and swollen thro.tt, cenghii, ore Save $50 by use o( one bot'.a. iVwrrantei !ba moiit wond«r(ul Dlcniish Cure eva knowa. What Luck!" Libby Luncheons made ready iu a itiw moaieurs. Veal Loaf D^iled Ham Potted Turkey OxTonsfuet &c. Quickly made ready la serve. Are U. S. Qovcmmcnt Inspected. Keep in the house lor emergenciesâ€" for sup- persâ€" for sandwichesâ€" lor any lime when you waul something g^ood and want it quick. Haadtfoine ilJu^tratad l>ooklet, "Good Tbinfnito &ac" sant free. Send five 2o Hlumpa (or large AtlaH ot ihe World, ia tiolors. Goodness First- Price Afterwards Should be the motto in purchasing: household articles â€" more especially in woodenware. Friend â€" "Now that you have made millions, what will you do?" Old Bullion â€" "I shall retire, and auiuse myself telling people what a burden wealth is. and how ha|)py I was when I was poor." C. RIChAHDS & Co. Dear Sir. â€" I havu used MTN- AKD'S LINIMEST in the livery stable for over a your and consider It the very best for hor.so Hesh I caa get and strongly recommend it. GKt). HOUGH, livery Stables. Quebec. l^ I Libby. McNeill & Libby. Chicago. IH. i t-f Sho^ â€" "Yes, that is Mr. tiamboge. the artist. Ho is wedded to liis art." Heâ€" "Judging fi-om his ap- poiiraiice I should say that he didn't marry for money." Mioafd's LlniiGs.ll Cures hU\]il If a man has no reputation to lose ho can alTord to ignore public opinion. For Over Sixty Ve»r» MlW. WlSSI-OW'SSOOTOIKt* S3f»UP ho* b«n UBcd.b7 iDJtIioaa of uiathi'r,< for Iheir children while le«thlD3. Itsooih«s tho ohiM, i^oflenfi tiioBuinfl, AliayHpain, 4:ar«r ffiodcuilc, rcpilaUa thestoiiincii &ud boirels. and in thtl tHst remtjtly (.jr Uiiu-rhoea. Tw«nty-i!TO ueuu a bulUii 9oId by dmgglsLs Uireiighuut that world. Be iau-o and ukfor " Miitt. W1N3LUVT 3S00TUINO SY&ur." 23-71 7S9 lUlU;i:ST IIAY.STACK. Iu Australia the ha.vstacks are of enormous size. The great stacks are built with picturesque iHuvkinl roof lines and 'amooth well-raked sides. It is a coBixnon sight in Australia, however, to see a haystack several times the size of the barn which hou.«!cs the rest of the crops of the farm. Tlxvse enormous haystacks fre- quently contain .some tliousuiids of tons of hay. One mammoth stack, when complete, was 2i>8 feat long. While its width was 97 fW>t. The height of the st^k.waa nearly lO* frpt. J-- r. ird's Ikml Cares BoffiV cU With the exception of lovemaking there are many new ways of doing old things,. Minard's Lininient Relievss Heufalgia It seems qnoor. but nevwthoiess it's a fact that illness is often the result of drinking well water. CHEAPEST NEW YORK EXOURSION. Ever planned goes via Lackaw- anna August \l. AM trains. To advertise its scenery, service and squipment. the Lackawanna Raili-oad wilt, on Aug. It. put on sale tickets tt Buffalo at $9.00 the round trip. good for 15 days returning. This Is the longest lim.it ever given. Choice of flve trains lc8%ing r.ulTalo At a43 and 8 a.m., i5.30. 8.15 and 11.80 p.m. If you want a ten hour :rip 1* will cost $9 50 on the Lack- iwanna Limited, the riii.-.^t tiuin in" MTvice, I'or our t'unadinn friends ipecial diagrams will be sent t» aeo. Bazxard, SS Yonga street. To- ff ontO', whore bookings can be mad«. Wha8 •ver you dp, j)iavo re.«ervatlon."» now. I'^dt^ particulars of this autl other exc^itsions Wfito Fred I'. X'"o.\, D. P. A.. Buffalo. N. Y. .yM: •.«.•' -;,'<$ AND are the goods it pays the hbusewiXe to puxcliasa. 'Just as good" means taking chances. Insist on yonr dealer sxtpplying you with those bearing na.ine "Cane, NewiuarU et",â€" popular ly priced. the PATEMTS It inki's nu oxporienccd uudi-rtaker to loolv, solemn and conceal his satis' faction at a I'uneral. SMITti a OAMCRON Qal!g4t.ora 01 Pat:!i)ta ' Caaa-tn X fe Build'f , Toronto. Vrita tit tiM adfim Levers Y-?, (Wise Head) t>i.sinfcct- ant .Soap Powder dusted in the b'ath. softens the Water and dislii- tects. Just bei-ause two. luea have on untU-rstandlug between theiiv thoy are not noces.sarily hali'-witod. Minafd's Lioiment fof sale everpliefe â€" (-• -- â- â- . \ Law Ciinnot iiiiike a uian lujivvl hut it can make him decid.tlly iin- couifortahlc if he is iumioral. t > 68 Gents' Suits Oleaned or Dred : nlao L*dl«i Wear ol %ii ttlndj, and Hou»e rTaiistnw r ' I of BTpry description. PATENTS RIDOUT& 3VIAY8EE 1^3^ bay 8t.,TORO»l'ro_ IN ALL COUHTRII?. 8PCCI«L ATTeiHTION I TO PATfHT : LITICATION. } Send for Handbook ° on rate«t<i fto. MUTI8H AMSRICAN DTBUNQ- C0''7, MoQCrcoii Torouto. Ottawa ft Quebab, Nil ^"EaiWtfaa«MMaawai«»wtimtfts3M IIMFANTS' DEUGHT Toilet Soap Best for J Best for Big Folks I Little Folks ♦-»•»««««:â- «♦ JOHN TAYLOB & CO. Perfumers and Soap Makers TORONTO. If scientiile pri-.iolp.l< count for anjthini thi) pattaf iiifl»Lud clr p.vl Imsn shoulQ bo 1 i;:ccc^9. Ithoiils the p«r;s in Mio.'i rofilloi ^hnt wi!b (air piny they miut baiil. UlnlUh indconi.'orlabio to wear, and Tour conlljcoc •« roi'tort'd th« moojunt it is ndju^iod. Yo' ?«n p.- ocurc iSwulT irom tlio Uolt H.-id Wim. • \Uit. Co... Httnl'i Sipc<â„¢!l»'»; VO ?p»d;ii/ \ Ave.. T^ron»ov Wnilo »'•»'. ORANGES Wc have Mexic ans, California Navels, Valenclas, and -* Seville.s. LEMONS WE •^7t â- '-i^ '^r* 82â€" 4^ y-i, ! Don'iiniop. Lino St»amttiup$ Montr «ai tft lift- 1 pool Brnt^^n I FuiibMl w Utw^I DOO tAnm and I'ul /.,r alTclBBtea bl, R«*oiid Saloon ra6««aofpM<a4r>al U.tl..ir.K MliU.t 7; atatcSt. HAVE ' THE., Carload evorv wecli. Ail the abovt.' at aiark«t fflces. \Ve tan alsithaJiU\- ^olll• Butter, ftirgs,>«uliry, MjI^c Syrup*TW< iMlii^r froiln-e â- .^ idVan. 1.1 i;e kv you. -.j. fits CAWSOH COMHISsioN CO,, V^ ted,, *• ;*t»r. Wntt ^ '^>â€" ».. «^- "v<»ln|8| ^y t " , •, -CO aai l t ' li. > ImmJL f ^â€" , iS5iif;^o. 31 0: