•4 Ir July 30 1903 THE F LE S H E R T N ADVACNE I F, T. HILL & CO 1 wwvyw^^v^ ., iiticler=prlced 3uly eoods ., 1 1 ^o^^' hicklinq | ' We place cm sale this wcok Bcores of linos of miisoudble merchandise at a fraction of actual value. We are deter mined to keei) businofcR liuiniiiiiii,' tlirou'.'h tin; summer months and will make extraoidinarily low prices a leading factor. Wo will have many lines on Kpecinl sale that for lack of room cannot be mentioned in this spaceâ€" g<iods jou'll watil either now ()r in the near future. Look tliiH list over carefully. Yuu may as well effect a saving as somebody eUo. CaiHes •^2. 75 ^ercaline Suits fon 9S Cents. 14 only Ladies extra fine Percalino Suitu (.Jacket and skin) These goocLs are perfectly made, correct fitting, be-.utifully trimmedâ€" the best and cheapest garnieut we have ever seen at the price, for only Assorted sizes, your ch')ice 95 Catlie Ctts/imei'e ^lose, 2 pp. 25c 10 doz. pairs Ladies' line, pure all wool Cashmere Hose. This limited i)uanlity is to be had in tizes 8A, S), '.l.^.thuy are pL-rfoctly sliiped goods, seamless feet and in the regular way would sell at aho^iL double the price we ask. While this lot lasts you rau haye your choi.'e at 2 pair for 25 La flies' Cotton rests, 3 pn. fan 25 e, 108 Ladies' Fine Cotton Vests, nicely tiim'ned and splendid wear- ers. This small lot camea to us in whites and colors, they are the fpialities that have always .sold at 15c. each ati.l should bo remark- able fast sellers at the price we've marked them. Three for only 25 ^en's Stiff ZHats 50 cents 2:) Men's Stiff Hats, in blacks, browns and fawns. These are new .slyle goods being placed in stock on Monday last, are all fine fur felt and at regular prices would sell at SI. 75 to «2.25 each. While the lot lasts you can havo your choice at the exceedingly low price of 50 & CO FLESH ERTON ONTARIO â- ^ Speciat in Swiss Embroideries..... 25 pattern.s Swis.s Embroidery and insertion, including some of our most popular lines, that retailed from 7c. to 12|^c. per yard are displayed on our centre tables â€" vour choice of any of them at 5c. Per Yard 75c. uaelies' Colorefl Sfcirts fof 4Sc. 30 Ladies' Colored Mercerized Underskirts, ten inch frill at bottom, and otherwise nic!>ly finished. This is a particularly nice lot and at the price we mark them will certainly bo sold in a hurry. Your choice while they last (assorted lengths and colors,) each 48 ^V X^rint rV/'appcf'S 68c We plajc on special sale this week 108 (0 dozen) fine print w rappers ill light, medium and dark grounds. This is the best hit of one dollar goods we've ever run across. They are to bo had in all sizes from 32 to 42, all nicely made and fii'iished, colors absolutely fast and dependable â€" without a doubt the very best wrapper value you have ever seen. Your choice any size 08 70c. tTanei/ ^at Sc ins 2 fon 5c. 10 dozen Ladie.s' Fancy Hat Pins, large bize, oxidized silver, or fancy glass heads â€" the kind that usually sells at lOc, special while they lasf., 2 for 5 fOe t7oilet Co mis 2 fon 5c 36 dozen Toilet Combsâ€" the ton cent kind. A few of these arc slightly damaged having perhaps one tooth missingâ€" just sufKcie'it injury to make them sell at this price, 2 for 5 RE.MNANT.S I REMNANTS ! REMNANTS ! All kinds, lengths and piices. We've gone through our entire .stock carefully and have placed on bargain tables everything in the shipc of a remnant. You'll bo interested in these price.s when you look these remnants over about half or loss than half their actual worth mm. MARKDALE MWi A Letter From the Wheat Fields Captain idd " run BY V. T. OAKU Port Arthur at high noon calls " Port your helm." We into haroor ;" by your hawser, sailors, stand, welcomed by the cheering people on the pier and on the <(traiiJ. Ashore. A train awaits us to carry us on to ihe west. Winnipeg 400 miles ahead. While we wait a train from the cast pulls in â€" eleven cars hiaded to groaning point with Galacians for the Wesf, packed thick as bees in a hive. And did ever civilization gaze on so motley a crew ! Men, women and hosts of children, dirty, mostly bare footed and cla<l, or rather excused, with scanty frock ; gibbering an nu'landi.sh jabber. As the ajigregation runs back and forth for loaves of bread the ladies of our parly cirefully shrink fiom con'aot with their clothing as thuy ]Mish and crowd on the depot platform Tli« whole scone reminds one of the ancient Donny- lirook fair. Time switches on apace and we are off again as darkness comes down over the lulls Morning â€" bright Sabluiih morning dawns at Wabigoon, noteworthy as the place where Mr. (Charley Leilch lived, now gone to niuigle in the commeroial life of the Eaat, and small wonder, fur, to our mind this is a dense wild wilderness dotted with waters. Rut soon stretches of farms reclaimed from the scrub are seen as we emerge frain rock i.nd dell and waterways to the plains approaching the ]irairiu, and tha rashness gradually dawns upon those who gaze on Ihe unfolding wonders. For the first time wonder irives place t:0 exclamations, until in a liurst of rapt entrancumeut one exclaims, ". Measure the plain, bridge the gulfs, •cale the heights, compass the iniuiensi- lies (if you can) " Here wo notice that anino |>oop!e know how to travel and enjoy it while the great majority cannot take anythiD'.{ out of travel but unrest. We want it to widen our horizon, to quiokeri and fructify the mind. To travel IS to nee, to see is to know, to know is to hj In the poasemion of facts undi^icovered by leas observant inindR. Knowledge is power, •iilightonmcnt, culture, relinc- n^ent, while ignorance may bo bliai. Winni|>eg ! Amazement follows won- the nucleus of an empire â€" sons and daughters â€" now the western empire un- folding, attracting hither the wiado'n and executive of the societies, of the church and of state, all on fraternal and busines.s melave assembled in this one week, June 10, 1!K)3. How inspiring ! Words fail to an adequate comprehonsion. Tho Methodist conference with its best of solemn theoliigical, methodical wisdom ; the Masonic construction, fashioning the cliaracturisiics of this niinhty plain of empire with trowel, fl(|uare and CMinpas* ; the .^foHt Supreme Grand Orange Lodno of British North America, a watchful 300, guarding with zealous eye tho faith Pro- testant, aijainst agression â€" all are here. What an assembly of safeguards thrown around this developing block of our loved empire ! (iod save the king ! All prospects are favorable for an im- mense crop. More anon. F. T. C. Special Sale of Hen's Suits 39 Men's Sack Suits, tweeds and serges, neat, attrac- tive patterns, small checks and stripes, dark, medium and light colorings.Avell cut.nicely made, well trimmed. Sizes 34 to 42. All sold in the reg- ular way at $5.00, $5.50 and $6,00. Vour 0boke for $3-95 S'ime lime ago Mi,ss Lucy Smith, a young lady livmg near Dundas, was stricken with blindness by the closing of her eyelids. Sue remained in that con- dition for ton day.s, when her eyes opened suddenly and she cnuld see M well as ever. 'The case attracted a good deal of attention at the time, but tha peculiar part of theatfair is that every day regular- ly since that time her eyelids close, and she is unable to see for one hour. She sufl'eis no pain, but the peculiar afflci- tion IS ruining her health. â€" Uaniiltun Spectator. , Public Notice All obstructions, such as machinery, wagons, buggies, outlera, sleighs, lunilrar, wood, poles or logs must be removed from the public streata of the village at once, ^r i' not cos'-s will be incurred. Bv Ob per Of Police TnusTBEs Public Notice Bylaw No. 1 of the Police Village of Flesherton, to regulate the running at large of live stock upon the streets of the said Police Village. dar at the marvelous advancement of this j The pollen trustee, of .),o l-otioo vm«e of city. Knlargdiitnnt, substantiality, beauty, I Flesherton, In tho ooauty of Orey, eosota as IMipulaiion. wealth and employment of all I 'oi'owsâ€" ,^ ,. .^ , ... . tl,e m.«t modern aystems of' businea. ; ...'^J.'l.m.'.'.tl" SH*y!^.lr.r"».ie;. "o"': ^^^*^\ street pavrmeiits and evory line of eon- | rkui, Blmeii, pix, uoator Ronse to run or be at vcniBUca and iiroKtaliU xmnliivniKiit ,l»vt;" within the llmltsof the sslil |>olloevill«|ie TcniBiice ana prontaoie '•mpioymont , ^^^ ,,,, ,^,^,^J^,,_^^„,llP^^^^,„J^b«lnB 1 WUIity yoara ago, when the present hrrsoliy may run:at Uruo botwoen the hours of writer fimt wrote for Tho Advance, a ''i»"^'"<''««- m- •"•'""*'''' o'«'«'«''»' "" J..1. f ..:_ .. I . 1 .1. . . 2 That It sliall be lawlnl for anj d«8h of ram and you cn>»sed tha slroetji,,,,,,,,,,,,, „„y ,„„,, animal or po\ with a homestead on imu foot, a preemp tion on the other â€" mud. At 11 a.m. ca Tuesday of last week tiro broke out in the Iiotol st.ibles at Walters Falls, consuming the hotel a, id outbuildings together with four or five houses As the village has no tire appli- ances the tlanies made groat headway de- spite the efforts of a str')ng volunteer bucket brigade t3 subdue them. It »vas some time before the fire was got under control. It is likely that an effort Will be iiiaJe by the citizens to .secure some kind of tire protectiim for the village. How tho fire originated we have not heard. The total b'ss is unknown. Tliero was an insurance of $700 on the hotel â€" Mea- ford Mirror. Co Consumptives* The undersitiiieil having been restored to health by simple moan?, after BufTerint^ for sev- eral yoai'8 witli severe luii^ affection, and that droail (liHoane consumption, is auxioun to make ki.uwn to his feilow dulTurerH the meatiB of cure. To those who dtisire it, he will cheerfully Beud (frnoof char^'o) a copy of tho proscription iiBe<!. which they will nnn a snro cure for consump- tion, asthma, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and hint; maladtei. He hopes all BtifTerers will try hlsrettiedy, as it ia invaluable. Those desir- ing the proFcriptlon,\fhicli will cost;them noth iuK and may prove a blessing, will pleatte ad dros^. Uev. EDWAKn A. \V1L.80N, Brooklyn. New York VOTERS LIST, 1903~ Municipality ^ Artemesia In the County of Crey NOTICF: is hereby given that I have trans- mittod or delivered to the persons meutlonad in Bections S nni! of the outario Voters Lint Act the copies required by said Section to t>o so transniitttd or delivered of this list, made ptirbuaiit to said Act, of all persons appoarinc by the lattt revised AnuesBaieut Koll of ttie said Muuioipality to be entitled to vote lu the said &luniuii>aUt> at Elections for Meiobers of tlio il^cyislative .\iiBenibly anil at Mnnlclpal Blec.* ,tlana;and that tto Hsid list was lirst pouted up at aiy otHoe at Flesherton on the l£Hn day of July, A.U. lUOS, and remain* there tor in- apectio. Kleotors are called upon to examine the said li«t, and. if anv otnUfliniiH or any other errors are [otuid therein, to take immediate proceed- ingatobavo the said errors oorreoted according to law. Dated at Flesherton this !9th day ot .<uly, A. U. ItXM. W. J. DELL.iVT, Clerk ot Artemesia. Bull for Service A Linen Towel For 5c 50 dozen linen damask towels, assorted patterns, red border, deep fringed endsâ€" size 29x 13 Special 5c. each Ladies' Black Cotton Hose For 5c. 12 dozen Ladies' Cotton Hoseâ€" stainless black, seamless feet, full size, summer weight Special 5c. Pr. y person to ...,, _ _, _.. loultry founti ! rnnuiiiK at larije oontrary to seotiou one of tbis Now fuiiihalt| , Any person er persons allowlne any of the Then' . . - Itaveineiit, lidewalkK %w\ roadlwd _ _. , , „^^ tlte ritnipLT io tho font, then Ihe oil dip, |?,"I"r»';>' '•>">" i"<"'" ' 4, "^ I ^ • t. 1 ^' 1 mi ' IbiH b\ law shall upon now the electric liitht and i>ower. Thou f„,o i,;,y,ii„uceof the 'animals or poultry almve named to run at large ' provisions of section one of conviction thereof bo- _iy .iiiitlceot the Peaoe for the county «f the one horse sbny or Rod Kivrr C»rt, «ir Orey be liable to a One not exoeedlnd ton dol- <1.w. L.^fn n.,M. *!..> .^1 .««.;.. «... ff.|,^.^ I Isra and routs and In default of pavinont thore- «loi{ ll»in, now the olectUC car. Then ,„, ^^on do.n.nded the same shin l«.<!olleoted one milroM hnd jua( rrnchoti the towii,|by rlii4tioHn sul saloof tli« Roods and uhattele now there lire » iiuiolior o( the »»bI "^t''" ''""»*"••';'''''"'« •V"'"' »°' ,!«;'''« , , mi , ' , .,, inullUiient diKtroBs boiiiK found out or which tlia fqu:|>p«il roaUi. Ihen the lone settlor same can l>o oolleote>l. suoli person iihall be juHt out on the nmirio, now pslntinl ' H*'''" »<• '"n'rl«oninont in titoconunou jail of I ~ ... 'PI.... <!.. .I.....I. ;.. â- â- I.... ,u,..; the county lor uot esooedluo tw^nlyoiiB da)i homes. Then tlie church iii « lumber „„,,„ u,aa„o and costs sr* sooner p»id. Iikll, now the modern cathedral, Thxn i All flues hIihII i>o disposed of at lollow* : Ihn â- â- ai.niM.r wurknian'a warb iir â- |r«i,i>..r'. one nioli'ty thnroof tothe p«r«on tUrongh whom IIIO IHonaor worKnmna g<tru or 'f«PP«-> «!t|,B,,o,„iai..i. is.ec^redand the other nioie*» iiutnt, now the»ppnrelol wealth, vlt'^iinoo ; tn the treasurer o( the township of Artedl^la, IIKO. Bull Por Sale I would say to my old friends thai I have tiur- ohsaed a flne yonnii bull from John UcQuarry ot IMckering, which I will use on a tfuiited unuibor ot cowa at two dollars for Rrades, Ave for thoroufihbreds. I will Fell I<ord Lavender very cheap and he would do for three years yet out ot this neighlwrhood. ARTHUK JOHNST OM.Vandeleur Come to the pramUes ot the underalpned lost NoTciuber. one steer 2 yra. old thH apriuR. owner can hsve aaiue by provtuit property and paying cxuensea. A. BnowM Fevershain Jnly 14 190S and reOneinent. Then the workniiin's Hitlute aa you paaiod, now the eaKer.quick ouward buaineu rush. Then the pmapnct u| greatu«M«, now tha rualiiation. Then tor the bouellt of the akld police vlllsc" A Thia TiyUw shall come into furoa attej; the passiuc thereof. l>assea this 98th davof^nlr.A.O, IKQ Byl«w No. 4J4 NOTICE Is hereby Biveu that a Hvlaw was panned by the TowuBlilp Council ot Osprey on theMlth day of Msy, IIWI, providlni; for the lKannotd««bentures to the amount ot $1^ fur the pill pose of public achnol aeetlon ^o. 11. and that such bylaw was ragiHtered in, tile re&intry ollifie of Hout^i j^r^y o" the ITtb (laj| cl June, Any mpVon to (lui^sh or set ailile Ihe same or any part thereof ninat ba mads «ithin th^ee iiionlha front the date of Ke§istration and eau- not t>a made there-itter. DaleA »b^ 14lh day at ^xi\j. IOCS, T9pa,qcir>rT.ctork- Ladies' Undervests for 5c. Ladies' Eibbed Cotton Hygeian Undervest, un- bleached, full sizes, short 'sleeves, just right for hot weather. $Deeia1 5c. Gael) f * . â- • . I. A Good Harvest Shoe for $l.oo 30 pairs Men's Buff Bill morals, whole foxe<l,neat shapely last, toe caps, solid leather insoles, stan- dard screw fasteners. Sizes 6 to 10 HeUULAR $1.25 VALUE ForOne Dollar . . ( HARDWARE DEPARTHENT p armers who are Wise Will not be persuadetl into purchasing the un- reliable Binder Twine which some dealers wish to sell for the .sake of the additional profit deriv- ed therefrom, (.'rudely made from low grade fibresâ€" such twine contains but a fVactionof the quality, strength and uniform evenness of tho carefully constructed Plymouth Brands. NO OTHER TWINR IS , "Just as.j Good:' 113 Ply/nouth.