txiBU hMntt, " TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKINCIPLEb NOT MEN." ni. nm, u m Flesliertoii, Ont., Tliursday. July 30 10O3 W. H. THURSTON, EDITOR PKOPhlETOB i â- : For tJ:ie Million ! We have an immense supply of Watches on liautl iiicludin" all tho best tu.ikessucli * • Cbi l^aniiltdti The best watch m^de 'n day. DUBER.HAMPDEN NEW YORK STANDARD ELGIN, WALFHAn The abiive are all the bKSt Aniericaii iimkt's. In chesiper watches we have Sniss wdtchea in U:*' vatiety. You can't make a mistake in coming here to select your watch. W. A. Armstrong. Railroad matters are again btiiiig dis- cussed. Kintbcrley Mr. N. C. Abercronibio h;w returned from Owen Sound business c.iUege. Mr. G. Proctor h^is the stonework all done of T. J. Reid's shop. Haying is about over and some have their wheal m the barn. Miss .Ainnio and Esther Mngce of Tor- onto arc visiting friends in ihis viciniry. Mr. John Abercrombio has returned from Sundridiie. iJorn â€" A dausjhter, to Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Reid, on Thursday, 2.1rd inst. Mr. S. S. Burrittis ijaintinjj the school hou^e. Mr. John Smart is ve.y ill at present. aiaxwell Mr. Glassford saw two bears iu his swamp, south cf Maxwell lust week, but unfoitunately his riflo was un'iMided. A }><K>d pm;raraui« ia expected at the IHiisonage garden paaiy on Thursday evening. Rev. Mr. Flemining and Mr. Bucking- ham exchanged pulpits on Sunday last. Mr. Robt. Clark, now about 83 years o(^c, is quite ill. Ave are (deaaed to see tl»t Br. Softly ha-* returned from his trip out west. Mr. Ed. Flemmiiig Sundayed at homo this week. Mr. Percy Buckingham of Chicago, is holidayinjt at home. The harvest has begun and barley and oats are ripening faiit, " No one may rest till the harvest home " Osprey is hard tu beat as » wheat country. Mr. Jas. Buckingham is cut in:< â- field where (he shocks are only about four paces from each other, and the rows are only about twice that dis- tance. Mr. George Pftltister has another fine Held wheat' Farmers Keoerally turn from the comet to the dry moon with a broad smile EnKcnia Berry picking m in full swinft at pre* rnt. ^berries are rery plentiful this •eaaoii. Mrs. MoMer of FIcsherton, Mrs Hooper of Kansas and Mrs. White of OolUnK^vood were visitors at the EuKonia House the past week, Mr. Duckett had k bi^ fire the past week. Lots of good freslt Imie front tho « ffeets of the fire. Miss Mand Smith of Toronto was the uuest <<f her sister, Mrs. Muushaw .'>f the Eugenia House. MiiB Edna Purvis of Toionto is s^Hjud- iiig her vacation with her aunt, Mrs. H M. Bowerman. Blatter O.^car B' I wernian of Cleveland is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. J. Thompson. Mrs. Sykes of Lady Bank was the ifueiit of Miss Beecroft of Edenvale the {last week. ^ Mr. W . Blair of the North Shore and his bride while on their wedding t<>ur were the ).,uests of Mrs. Buu Madill and other friends at Eugenia. Mr, Laurie Munshaw of Markdale (pent the pAHt week visiting his parotiis here. He also took in the Niagara ex cursion. Mr. Latimer, sr., has gone to visit his daughter in tho city. Uutfenia fnotluill tutim recently went tu Kimberley to play the Kiniberley tf'ani The match resulted iii a tie and neither side could claim a victory. Our farnirra are rrjtiiciiix oT«r the prospect of good crops this season. McK. Cameron of Meaford, who is int«rest«d io the electric railwi^ wmi in t >wn last week. Mist Clark of Toronto is a gnest at the Eiitfenia House. Ur«. T, J. SheppKrtl and family arc ••MiMiw oat at Ku|(tn'a. They think it MiKhtful M » plMMtre rMaX Vautlrlcur Hayinu is pretty well advanced and fall wheat and bailty is the order of bu.^iiiess. Tho trustees are having the school h'.ube rejjainted. Mr. Geo KockersoU is the artist. Mr. Colclou^h of Rivorview is holiday- ing with his aunt. Mis L. DousiUss. Mr. Geo. Hutchinson, jr., k-u been l.iid up fur the pivsr week with tonsilitis. Mr. Lighthou.se Smith is a freiiuent visitor at our bursj. Miss Jane Warlingand Miss Young o£ Toronto visited the former's parents, Jfefr. and Mrs. John Warliiig. MissSiindi Jidmstonaave t% party on Thursday evening last in honor of her friends. Misses Mary aud Edith Mitchell, who have been visiting with her for some time and who returned on Saturday to their home ut Hoath Head. Mr. David Allen and Mr. Troop of Hopeville visited at Mr. Geo. Warling's a short time aijo. Mr. and 5Irs. Alex. Carson spent Sun- day week at Mr. S. Gilbert's. Mrs. Richardson of Chatsworth visited friends here for a few days. Due of the new promoters of the Huron Ontario Electric Railway was in town Friday. This was Mr. Sawyer of Mont- real. He started in at Flesherton to drive over the route, with a view of aciiuaintin<» himself with the business possibilities of the district, and the pussibilities of bein^j able to secure water power. He was ac- companied from Flesherton to Hanover by Mr. Gilbert McKeohnie of Durham and ;W) Mr. MoKeehnie is an enthusiastic ! atlvocate of the railway, it may be assumed â- that everything favorable to the proposal was duly pointed out. Anyway by the time Mr. Sawyer re.iched Walkerton, he had about made up his mind thit the rail- way would be a good thing, 'hat there was buisupss enough in sight to make it pay and plenty of water privileges along the route to run it. He expressed himself as being delighted with the appear.ince of the ncFARLAND, STAFFORD. & CO. n.ARKDALE, ONT. ^ RUSH SALE In Every Department Head for this store's RUSH SALE coromencinc; Thursday niormng when every department will have exceptional Vilues awaiting you. There are two important factors that help to make t'his "RUSH S.ALE" possible for this week : 1. We're using our ready money to good advantage, picking up worthy lines of merchandise at: prices much below their regular market value. 2 We're weeding out our own stocksâ€" of many l;nes being left overs and broken lots â€" that have nor hardly hiwl time to be placed iu the shelves. How Grey is Divided The finidretiorc of the committee ua j redistribution was p'acod before parlia- ment on Friday last. The county of Grey i>ito three ridinjs, to be culled respectively tho E;>sf, the North and the S >ulh RiJiugs of Grey. The East Riding will consist of the Townships of Artemesia,Collingwood, Euphra^ia, Holland, Osprey and Proton, the town of Thornbury and the villages of Duudalk and Markdale. The North Riding shall consist of the townships of Derby, Keppel, Sarawak, St.Vinoent and Sydenham.aiid *ho towns of Meaford and Owen Sound. The South Riding shall consist of the townships of Bentinck, Egremont, Glenelg, Normanby and Sullivan, the town of DLfham and the Wllage of Han- over. country. Indeed, he had come up here 'â- expecting to encounter a serai- wilderness ^ ^'a thj enthusi asm of quick, brUk sales we're after and to your moaey-siiving beneflt and was consequently not prepared for the i if you come when we say. revelation which awuited him. From! . $7.50 MEN'S SUITS FOR §5.00 j cured from a wholesale firm that are going Walkerton, Mr. Sawyer left for home, | n of,|y Men's Suits iu double-breasced ' 'â- 'U' *^f the lie busiiK-s.^, so you can iina- but will be back in a few days to make; sack shape io n-ivy blue serge, dark and ; gine how cheap they are, for many 0" medium fancy tweeds, all neiv patterns and best of triraniings. Their mates have been sold at $6 50 7.00 and T.oG. Thurs- day morning they go ou «ile at. . . .So 00 S-t.25 BOYS' SUITS FOR §1.90 12 only Boys' Two-piece suits cnufistina of neat domestic tweeds and navy blue serge cloths. This is too good au oflfering to niiss. if you have any bi)ys from the H^iti of 5 to 8. More than half of them are ?4.25 ih the regular way. See them on Thursday morning at S1.90 $3.00 TROUSERS FOR SI 93 Just a few pairs left of that black silk finished English Vane*:iun Wirsctd trousers made with bet^t ijuality trim- mings. It has been admitted by tln'se who have seen them that they are sood value at f3.C"0. We have sold a large quantity of this lot leavinji oulyjll pairs further inve.«tieation3. If they decide to go on with the work they must sign the contract not later than the first of Sep- tember. â€" Telescope. The fellow who is responsible for the foUowiun is certainly entitled to the championship. A farmer in ludiaua had a novelexperience. Afow years agohebnilt a bain and in its construction used green willow posts at the comers and along the sides. For some time nothing unusual was noticed, but after a year he noticed that whereas he had laid the floor near the ground it was three feet above the soil. He discoveredtliat the willow posts instead of being dead were alive. had taken root Mid were growing. In i '" sell. They go on sale Thursday â- morning at $1.08 â- t .#1 < I The Central Pri«ou officials seem to be easy to work. Wir.hiu the p.»»t three weeks two escapes have tiken place from that institute and both criamala are still at Urge. Mrs. George Bond, wife of tne Rev. G. Bond, editor of tho Christian Guardian, died on Saturday at St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto. Mr« Bond had been ill for some time, but w«j« believed to be re- covering. She was tiken to the hospital for an operation to be performed, but it was too much for hoc enfeebled condition. Mr. A. 0. McKay, M. P. P. for North Grey, who has been ill at the Rossin Houae, Toronto, ever since tho close of the seaeion, returned to his homo at Owen Sound on Saturday. Ho intends taking a trip to Banff for his hoilth. KiuR Edward ha« taken action which will irreaty please ioyal teetotalers. A iiavat oflicer wr<ito to bis Majesty asking him if he would issue an order that when his health was toasted it need not be in wine. The King replied Ihrcughhts secretary tliat the L<->rds of the Admiralty probably would not like his interfering by issuing ordciR, but he woukl be kI*<1 t" have it oiiculatod privately that ho con- sidered a toast ss much honored by th'>s« driukins it in water ikS by thoseusint; wine. Robert Bains, ae<x>nd son of Chaa, K. Bains, Owen Sound, on Thursday latt went to Toront.>,to en'er the employ of the Can.tdian Pacific Railway an brake- mail. Thuraday night he left Toronto uu bisfirat trip for Owen Soaiid. At Cataract Juiiotion, about S oc'lvck, while making a ronninK shunt, he wan thrown from the ear, two wheels paaaios over hit left lef, crashing it at the thitfh He wat taken to Owen Sound, and tb« legtmputarad, but the shock was t'<o g(«*t, and he died at t p M. SMMhf their upward mov^ient they had carried the baru along. Liist spring the barn was oil stilts nine feet high, and he put in a new floor aud surrounded the p<ists with siding.lhereby making a two story affiir. There is now aspace of six inches between the floor atid the ground, and the owner expects tu have a three story barn in the course of time. The story of Jo^n Mann of Garafraxa, who is suffering from cancer on his lip, is interesting as showing man's inhumanity ro man. After wanderin<; around home- ess for mouths, he wasac last sent to the Home of Iiicarablet, Toronto, where be was maiutaioud at the expense of the county of Dufferin. As his malady pro pressed the home officials could find no lue who would oare for him,and last week 10 was returned to Orangeville. Mag- istrate Paitullo refused to commit him to gaol, to he was sent to Grand Valley Warden Richardson then issued a warrant >f comiuital, and whei> Mann arrived at the gaol. Turnkey Jas. Berry tendered his resignation. Drs. Lewis, Hunter, and Sweeny later performed an operation \ <n the afflicted man and removed tho .Teater part of his lower lip and chin. It is now said that Mann will[recover. In .ho meantime Duffetin giiol is without « turnkey. Came Astray. Kr«>mi9«4n;thflUQ<1«rsigaod. lot . r. * S- U, alx>uc .July 15. Kour yearling cikttle--3 stoera aud on« b.lter. rbe ownor i* reqno»t«f<l topiort p o|»>rtv, p»> uX|<eDM. aud Mki> tbem tw><r. K WALLER Klesliertou I' Q . Cook's Cottoa Root CompooodL LadlM* FBTorUe, I« the only safe. rellahlO regnlator on wUch woman can depend "In the bouc and time of need." Prepared In two degrees of â- treogtii. Nix 1 and No. 2. No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases Is by far tlie t>est doUar medicine known. S â€" Por ipeclal cams â€" 10 digrtH â- liismil Itiiss dollars per box. « lAdlM-ask Tour drusfUt tor C«ak^i C*«t«a Keot Otaav«n«. Take no ottier as all pllls. mlxtorea and Imitations are dansereua. Nn. 1 and No. t ere sold ao4 racoaimended br all dnunttst* in tht 0»> alnhm of Canad*. Mailed to any addreM en TtLt^t e<jrtee and (our l-eent poalan them are worth 50c. Thursday moniing they go on sale at 2 for 25c^ S4.00 WATERPROOF COAT FOR ?1.98 Fortunately and unexpectedly we secureil 40 more of tho.se Men's Raglanetie Rain Coats, Siiuie as we have been selling for the { asc three weeks (over 100 have been sold.) Thursday we put out this lot of 40 coat* (color gray same as last) at . . . .§1.08 §1 23 LADIES' WAISTS FOR 75c. Ladies tine white Lawn Waists with C rows of inser'ion down front, also (5 rows of tucks, the back has nice fine tucking and insertion makiaa a vi-ry handsome waist worth S1.2i5. Thurjday morning they go on sale at 75o TSo'POP SHIRTS FOR -^c 95 Men '(» fancy stitcheil double front cotton shirts in black ground with fancy scitcli- iu2, sold in most stores at 75c. This week ..' 49c- $17.30 SUITS TO ORDER FOR §12.90 10 Suit leneths of the fainons "Seven Towers" Serge, guaranteed pure Bally- ineiia Irish Worsifd, a Medium weight cloth in' navy and black, it is of the uo- wear-out quality, one fact you cannot c:et a suit made to order of any other kind of Worsted equal to this at $17,50. VVe put, in the best of trimmings and guarntce tit and workmanship every lime or no sale. Do not miss this opportunity of having a 817 50 suit made to your orderfor 12.90. Even if you do not want it just new place your order for it thus giving the tailor more time to make it. Just stop and ihink, a $17.50 suit for $12.90 5«c TIES FOR 12ic 15 doz. Gents Silk and Satin Ties io graduates, strings, bows, knolts, medium light and dark shades. "This lot we se- Vs Monday, i3th July is the day set apart for 4he Orangemen's Markdale oor store will be open for yoarconv^ienco in the way of leaving your wraps, etc. Come in whether yoiijfish to buy goods or not. 12ic GREY FLANNELETTES FOR 8k .About COO yds. Gray Domet Flannelette full 3(5 inches wide, extra heavy weiithc aod of a soft and lofty bnish. We lK)ught it cheap and you can share m it. Ou Siiln Thursday at only S.j 25c CHILD'S SOCKS FOR 10c 98 pair childs pure wool Cashmere Hnlf- hose, seemless feet, in) black, tan, ru<I, and pink, bought at a big sncritica and are worth 20c siid 2i>o. 'ihuraday morn- ing price Iter pair 10c Many other lines that are reduced in price will await you this week, but a^ space will not aUow mention of the same we are obliged to omit theui. demonstration in N«. t awl No. t tre toM In flttberton by W a. M«li«nttwi tad »e««laM*0»«|)V«S|t«u. W. HOCKLEY W. HOCKLEY ^ Proton Station Thirty Days' Bargain Sales. ^ ^ Ready-to-wear Ciothiag Groc^iivS A Specialty 10 Tweed Suits, regular $8.50 and 6 Ihs. Choice Japan Tea 1 CO $9.00 for *<5 00 5H,s. Choice Black Tern 1 00 5 Tweed Suits, regular $8.00 for. . . 4 50 Gotil salmon [wr can &>" Men's Fur Cnpa, Bell coney, oniy 3 lbs. scl. Raisnie 25c Ivft fur ^ *** 6 lbs. fresh Figs 2ue 6 only Ladiea' Caporinea, regular _ 3 Ihs. Coronation biscuits 25© price $4 for 8 75 2 cans Crwcnt Bakinif powder 2f Great reduction in Ladies' Cloth F'akud Pen-s, p;r packet Coats. A largo assorttuent of 3 B.,,ti^ Extiscts 25c Men's Pea Jackets and Heavy ,.1/-. 1 . j u «... >,. , ,w, Vlste« at rock bottom, price.. ..... *'""^ Grannlatod Sugar 24 lbs 1 00 Men'. Heavy all-wool guerneeys at B'!"" f «"^- ^^^^^ 1 «> per suit. f9cta Tnmdad Sugar, 28 I be 1 00 100 pairs hv\k*' all-wool hone, very 3 plugs Pri.ice of \VaW» Tt>ba-5Co. . . 2rc heavy at per pair i!6c 3 plugs Brier Tobacco 25c Como and. inspect Our stock of Carpets. Ymi will find tin? prices right anil the gCKxls first class. _ All-wool Sheeting 72 in. wide, on an)* at 43 rents \mr ysnl. 0«rdigal>^ regiiUr $1.00 for tl.lV eacb. Largs IV«w Sto<|k of terllntr Boots and ShooK I !