Flesherton Advance, 28 May 1903, p. 8

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May 28 1903 THE ILESHKRTOH ADVANCE ^ Don't Vou Olant a Ttv net for your lilorse ? \Ve liave just received in stock a line selection of them, also i%.xle' ,0]?e£i.se cindL Valioes Give us a eall and see the Avonderlul display we have i'or you to pick from. REPAIRING DONE PROMPlLY JRimL, IVI O O R £2 I-LESHERTON i I MAXWELL rjo You Know, If not It's Time You Did. You Ci'iu l)iiy Dry Oootla chonpor in 5Iax- wcll I him alon;; tlie U. U. Line. 'J'o Ivl^ cciiiviiioed of the fact jura drop in to Scrucl)an's old btaiid, wliere you â- will 80L'. Prass Prints, TiiMo Linen '.SiFIiimit'lottcs, Wr.ijijiti-ettt', ShoetiiiL', 'I'ickiiig, Sliiit I1.S Muslin, Liiou Cartaiiifl.j^ray nniMili';iciied cotlon. Overalls and l/\)lloii;ule. Also all sizes of Corsets, fru:ii iiO cents up. In nd lit on to our grocery wo keep FI.OIJJ, FJSII fti.l Dliy BACON. SKiCl i,C'( )IIN, MANGOLDS.RAPE, TURNIPS, MILLKT, and all gar- den seed?. ^Vhat yoii want, and don't Bee, ask for,and we Hill try and supply you. Business Cards lUr'OUIiliOUOH & YOUNG 'U Itankorii .Markdale Do k general baukiuij buuiuiwa. Money loaned a reasonable rate Uall on uh. AS VANDU8KN, .J P Olurk Stij DIv C«ur(, Oo Orey HHtim* of Marriage LiceUBos, CoDfeyancer Notary Fublio Auctioneer. Money to loan 4i per cent. Cbargea inodorato. FLE8HEKT0N P O RJ BPnOULE Fodtmaster, FloBberton ^>ouiiaiB9iouor in H.C.J., Auctioneer Con veyancer, Appraiser aud Money Tjeurter Keal Estatu and loHtiruncu Agent. Deads mortgagea, leanoa and wills carefully drawn up aud valuatiouB mode ou eborteat notice, money to loan at lo\TO»t rates of interest. Col eotioua attended to wltli prouiptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Staamsbip Company. A call solicited. SOCIETIE.S AO U W meets on the last Ilonday in caon inoiith, in thoir lodge room. Ohristoe's block. FlOBborton.at 8 p.m. M.W., Kobert llest; Kecorder, Mas. Fulstuad ; Finan- cier, Wtn. Bui. amy. Viniting brethren invited. PBINOB AUTHTK LODGE, No. :«3,A. t AM, meets in tlio MaRonic hall. Strain's block, Flesliiirton. every Friday on or before the full njocu. F H \V Hickiing W M. Chas. Munshaw, Becretary. COURT FI.ESHF.KTON, I. 0. F. meets in Olnistoo'B Ulock tho lastFridaj evenins each month. Visiting; Foresters hoartilv rolcoino. C. !{.. C. W, Tlellamy ; R. C, W. Uunkin ; Kln.Wec. ,Dr F.. Murray. (I'ay dues to Dr. Murray on or boforo last day of each mouth.) Medical DU CArvTF.R ^t C P & S Ont, Physician, Snrgeon, etc OlHca and rosidencoâ€" I'otur St., Fleshorton T^K. i""- T. m Ijljy,â€" riiyhician, Snrgton .*^ etc. Flosbortou, Out Offlce and Residence, Collinswood street, one block cant Fi-iisbytoriau clnn-cli. Afav be found tlioro day aud night. Coroner lor County of Oroy. Plymouth Binder Twine For Sale Here ]R. m:in'wea]r .^it.riJiiT.ririnru'irir^JVTruiJVlir'JWinnnA/. ^ FLESIIERTON TONSORIAL | PARLORS '^ DoXT YOU WANT YOl'tt UAIU CUT? ^1 ir s.', yon cm get it done in tne ^ la'iKl style and in the (|uicUoi<t jji o; l,;r. AUo Shave, SliampoM, Singe Vi L e. done in the most up-to-date Si -» â-  •â-  ^ \ way. 1 u ; I - o R J •; T u K s n ^â- v y A.WILSON SCOTT, AND SdFTIjY Mouibiiis CoUego Physic. & Knrpeonn Ontario Gnidunte in Mediciiio of Toronto Uuivorsity, FoUnwsbip Dn'loma , Post (irttilu- ftto edical School and HoKiiital, ChicnKO. diapftses of oyo, oar, uose aud throat speciull treated, H. SOPTI/Y, JOHN A. SCOTT, Foversliam . a.\well T r ottrwultj J Veterinary Surj;oon Graduate of Ontario Voterinnry CoIIeRO, resideneo â€" sjcoiid door south west on iMiirv street. Tliia street ruus south I'reabyterian Church. tl WILSON 'Jniduatn of the Veterinary Scienri .â- \»'locintion. llcsidence, Durliiiiu itreot, oii. posito lioyd, Hieklii.g's hardware. Legal FLESH ERTON Tanivvortli IrJoar lav 3ervioe. Alvin ( No. 728 ) Th" iMi lersigiu'd lias a thorouL'lihred Taniwntli. Uoar bred liy .Tolin liell, of Anili â- !â- , Out., for service on lot 170 eon. •-' K. T. A S. R. T.'rniH SLOO. l.Sp.lyr. ^ Richard .Mien, Fleslierto.i Thor.ni ^fibred Durham Dull for Service The undevt^igned 1ms n fine ngcd Durhnui Jlnll fi>r Ber'iceuu l.if. Ill, T. an.l S. 11. Toiiii'~VI for fjinde c'.'ws, Jr.i for t!ioron^di- brodb. redi;:iei) on apiili.-ni on .J.VC'Oli LEVl'.U Flesliertou P.O. .1. W. FItOST, li L. B, li.irrist.er, Kniioitor Oiiuveyancov, ote offleoâ€" Nc.x t to postoflice, Kprorlc.'s Mock r::lhurton, every Tljur-ido and court davs N liâ€" Owon KiHuid oilicK, Frost'^ block Poulctt street o;lht. r UCAS. WUIGIIT & McARDLE L* Ilarristers Solicitors Coiivoyancors. etc OITlcosâ€" Owciu Sound. Ont and Morkdalo Ont W H Wnioar, itlcAnni.i.; i n Ln-vs N Hâ€" Fleshorton oflice, Mitchell's Ilnuk every Sati ' rUOKKR & PATTERSON llarristers. Solicitors, etc Molson's Hunk, Owen Sound HARRY G TUCKF.l'l GEO W PATTKPv.-iON MACKAV&SAMPSON .norristcrs. solicitors. OPFfl'llS ;â€" Owon Srnnd, Merchant's Hankltlock, N. of Piittorsou House. Luudalk ain Street, every Siiturday. Mnnov to loi.n at 4^ per cent. A. O. MAClvAY, MA, 11. E "SAMPSON, t/.r^.D Alwavs in attendancf^ nt Fleshorton and Dundulk Divi.iion t'unrta. Dentlstry DR. E C. MURRAY, L, D. S, dontai snvceon honor graduate of Toronlo Unlvovsitv ami Itoval Collt^ge of Dental S.irueouR of Ontario. Oitli'fâ€" Opposite Armstrong's .Jewellery Store. Will visit Mnxwell tli.i lui.t Wednusilny -if eiieh monti., and Ounthilk 1 and H Ihursday in eiu'h nionlii. i^3emifF^^^f:7^w^mm^''WM^^^mB The majority of men hare Tarlcotela in the first, tocond or third 6t.iii<!. la t:ir c.irly Bi.ifes it may c uise many ayniptonig which llicintlcnt may Dot recoff. nijc as arising from this disease. In f.ict, wo hava h.ivo fonnd on examination, v.'.ricocele, present in hundreds of ca.<;oa where tba patient did not know he had ii ntall. In tinioltwiU produce such By m;iomg o«lho following-; NervousnesB, vo.iknessin ths bark, unsteady lining, tired and exhausted feeling, pains In tlia 1 ins. Irritation of the bladder and ki Ineys, sedimeut and lossin urine, etnlsaions at nlfhtwith lewd dre.ons, •exn.-il weakness and decline of manlv pim'c-râ€" these rr;niiln,no crnilually develop Into NUUVDIIS DKBILITY and nJpOTtt.NCY. Out NKW MKTllOD TVr.ATMENT WILI, POSITIVF.I^Y CURB YOlJ AND IT IS GUARANTEED TO CURB YOU WITUOUT OPICRATION. Throuirh Its Titallzing influenca Iha wormy veins reiurn to their normal caliber, tho clr. rulallon of blood Improves so the organs are properly nonrlshtd, and are restored lu strength and viuiir; tha otrTes becomo strong, ambition and energy repl.iee Ussitudc and dsspondency, all drains cease, the eyes l>ecanie bright, tho braia .-.-live, aud you feel as a man ought to feel in perfect sczualand mental coudillou. Wo GumrmnfeG io Cure ob» No Pay» AU esses wa accept fo» treatment are taben under a poalilce c'l'^rxitee that they are curable or uo pay. We refer you to several banks as to onr financial I esiionsibilily, so you may kaow we are good (or any contracts we make. fl'A<Btf#«iaa ^"^"""^'''"'"^ Have Tou lost hope? Areyon coatcmplatlnsr "â- ^•â- â- â€¢â€¢â- â€¢â- ^ marri.ige? Has yoor Wood beta disca-sed'/ Dave yon anv weak- nr-ss? Our New Metlwl Treatment wilt cure you. %Vhat It has done for others It w 1:1 do for you. CONSULTATION rREE. No matter who has treated yon, write for aa honest opialua Free of Charge. Charges re.isonabls. B00S8 FKEF. -"The Golden Monitor" (lllaMrated), oa Dlse.-ucs of Men. Ererything coafidcatial. Question list and cost of Treatment, TEBE, for Home Treatment. Drs KENNEDY& KERGAN 148 Shmlky SH., OETROIT, MICH. K b<Y\ K <S. K K <!^KK<^K K&>\ K& f\ Among the CAnndians returning from tho United States to Canada, a notable man to Im! repatriated Ls Oubrul DuTiont< one time lieutenant of L')uis Riel, who was on his way to Duck Lake, Saskateh- ewr.n, wliere lie will lakcuphtnd. Duinont h.as nccuhiuhited some liule money, but is probably not worth as much now as when tho Dominion Ooverninent placed a vnli • ation of 55,000 on his head. In the rtf- bollion of 1800 Duniont prsctically con ducted Riel's military operationi!,and was r jcognizod as being the only capable m.in, in the matter of carrying on 0, cunipai'.n, with the rebel army. Sympiihizers with tho cause of Louia Riel regretted that Daniont WHB not in command at 15atoche, instead of Riel hini!-elf,in which ca.se they would have expected a rebel victory. Duniont, with hie rugged, splendid physique, is a notable figure. He is 66 years of aue, and still as active as when he led his half-breeds twenty years a -o. lietween 1865 and 1870 Dunjonl shot 205 buffalo ill the Saskatchewan Valley. He niw owns some land thero.and intends to Viku ui) farming, beinj; prot:!cted by the amnentv iirocluimed after the rebellion- The Mercantile and Finarcal Times, referring to the purcha'eby Madden Pros. , Chicago, of a Briti.sh Columbia cold mine through one McArthur, the story of which was given in The Advance a few weeks .igo, says :â€" "The real estate fir^n of Mr.dden Brothers occiipie,'! an eminent financial position which lends increased interest to their successful mining venturo The aggressive methods which have made the career of tho firm conspicuously sue cessfull.were liiuhly atlucted in this min- ing allair and the firm's good fortune is a Kduice of L'laliHcafion. To show the cnorn-.o' s o'ttjut of this mine a recent ca load shipped givo.s §6,007 for twenty-one tons of ore, over §100 jier ton being in gold, which shows this mino to lie one of the foienio'tt in the world." The princitwtl of tho Walkerlon public school addressed a public letter to the parents of the yniiniier children, hi which he says: "It is the alni'ist unaainionn opinion of the teachers that no child shouM attend scliO'd uniil at lea.st six years of age and. many not till seven. While teaching in an ungraded school, I noted the age at which every pMi>il started to .school, and in eve.-y instance th"se who started atsevci, or eight ye.ars jiassed those who had started nt five in two years tir le-s.i, with ipi npp.ircnt fatigue or injury, while many of those who started at fiye were [) 'rmaiiontly injured in bodily and mental powers. .At live years of age chi'dr.'ii have not the idea.s or com- mand of limiiuage to profit by foimal teaching, and their briiins ate not stn.ng eiionoh to study for sever.d hours a day, any more than their little builies aic siroiig enongb to endure regu'ar body work for the same tiiiio. THRILLING EXPERIENCE Of Motomi&n WaldMt, In tha employ of TORONTO STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. DID MOT WANT TO GIVE U^ WORK BUT WAS FOROBO TO DO SO-TELLS HOW FON CIOMTBEN MONTHS ME HOVERED BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH, TREATED BY THE BEST PHYSICIANS IN TORONTO AND HIS CASE PRONOUNCED SO •IRIOUS THAT HE WAS ADVISED, AS A LAST RESORT, TO USE THE PR. SLOCUM TBEATMENT-IS NOW IN COOD HEALTH AND BLESSEa THE DAY HE HEAKD OF THIS IHARVEU.0U8 REMEDY. THOUOUCnBKED PUttHAM BltII W(Vk Service For servico on lot lOfi, 3 S. W. T. & S. R., Artemesia, the thorouKhbred linrhani lUill " Hotel Hoy," No. :)r«,-ib. bred by Conn Kuapp Dutluini. I'tuiitjree on applioiUi-ju 1'ernis 81 Wi:,i,ky Husiin, Prop TMORCIOHBRED SHORTKORN The undcrsignod has n ftno two-year-old thOiouj;hln-ed Durham bull for .service ou lot l."i('i. bi;ek lineeast, ArtomesiA. purchased from T. M, rc.il, tlio noted stock raiser. Terms il. I'edigrce on np}dicat.ion. ROUT. McGRUTHF.U Prop, The World's Fair Premium Carriage Stallion Prince - Arthur NO 1'.152, Y. C H. S, Imported . I uly 18'J2. \Yinner lit tho World's Fair, Chicago, New Yolk iiiid ()itaw% and M inner on live oecasioi.s i>f iiist priz- and sweepiii:i stakes at TiTonto shows, and many other valuab'e prizes, a record unequalled by anv cairiage or coach stallion in Canada. Prince Aiilnir is .pit only a very success- ful pii'/.o winner himself.lmt his stock has won a large pert'enta.Le of all the prizes oll'cred fop carriaoe clhssesat tho Toronto Industrial and other large shows during he last few yeius. They have also won a'most every prize olfored in tho carriage class in Grey county, and wh>!rover e.\- hibited, KOl'TE FOR I'JOr.. Monday, iM:iy -tth, he will lenve the Markdale llnuse, Markdale, and proceed to Fleshertou for noon ; Monday night, â- Maxwell. Tuesday noon, Singhampton ; Tuesday night, Uuntroon. Wednesrlay noon, Colliiigwood; »Ved- nrsrlay night, t'ollingwowl. Thursday noun Tluirsday iiiuhl, Thornbury. Friday noon, Koeklyii ; Friday night, lot 18, con 1(1, Euphiasia. Saiurday nnoii and night, Markdale ; where he will remain until the following Monday morning This route will be ooniinued durine the season, health and weather permilliiig. TKK.VIS To insure 811.00, one dollar cash down halance .Innuary 1st, S!K)4. All mates must be retiiri.td weekly to the horse, or they will be charged fnl' insurance in foal or not. r«rlies iLspoHing of their mare, l>efore colleciing time will he responsible for iourance. All accidents to mares at risk of own<!r». Persons trjing mares and not returninL' tlieni must jiay full in- suraneo. No grisim's fee. Don't ask the man in charuo to l»k» any other termi SB those will lt» a'ristly adhertid to. J. W. Manaky. MaiWAle. Mr. Alfred Walden, 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, who has been in the employ of the Street Railway Com- pany for a number of years as motorman, informs us that he had an attack of la grippe, followed by typhoid fever, and alter many weeks of sufFerina: it resulted in a complication of throat and lung troubles. During this illness he was under the care of one of the best physicians in this city, who pronounced It a very serious case and advised him to stop work, which he was finally compelled to *\o, Mr. Walden Iieard about the Dr. Slocum Kemedies and c^nnmcnccd tlieir use and after UMn« lliem but for a few weeks he noticed a great improvement. After usinfiT *-his valuable treatment for some little time, the cough stopped, pain in left lung ceased, appetite improved and night sweats were checked; and in about three montljs fie was able to go back to work, feeling as well as ever. ^ When interviewed, Mr. WaUcn seemed to be \n the best of spirits and cxprcs.scd hiri:self in the mo.*t grateful terms, ashe considers himself completely cured and in the cnioyment of good health. \Vhat the Dr. ?.locum Kemedies have done ior Mr. Walden has also been acecmpHshcJ in thousands el' other hopeles:i cases, which testimonials we have o.n fde. A New Discovery that Cures Oonsumption. The Dr. Slocum System Presents a Positive Cure far Humanity's Greatest Foe. Four Marvellous Free Remedies â- for all sufTer^s-s reading: this paper. New Cure for Tuberculosis, Consumption, Weak Lungs, Catarrh, und n ninijown cystenw Is your appetite bad? Are your lungs delicate? j .. Are you losing- flesh ? Are you pale and thin ? Do you lack stamina? Do you coutjh ? Do your lungs pain you? Is your throat sore and inflamed? Do you spit up phlegm? Does your head ache ? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most dangerous liialady that has ever devastated the e.irth â€" consumption. You arc invited t« test v.hat this system will do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a *vi FREE TRBAL TREATMENT and tho Four Free Prepar.-rtions will be forwarded you at once, with complete dirertlons for use. The Slocum System is a po.sitive euro for Consumption, that most tnsaiious disease, and tor all Lunp Troubles and Disocdors. complicated by Loss of Fle»h, Coughs, Catarrh. Asthma, Bronchitis and Simply write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Ccxnpany, Limited. 179 King Street West. Toronto, gtvait post oSoe and express address, and the free medicine (the Slocum Cure) will be promptly scnt^ . Persons in Canada Bociiig Slocpai's true otter in Amcricaa papers will please send for samples to Toronto. Mention this paper. iiiiraiMPi :c2 .- â-  , vvl For Fust Class Buggio', Carts, Pie.isnre and Lumber Uajjons, f^^ cutters, .Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand to chooje from. 0j. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOGENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ "-^^ and sruaranlee first class work. We keep on hand PImighs ami Plough repairs, and also Massey- Iliirns and Nuxoii repaii-s for htn.ders, Moweis, ill kinds of mi â- liiiieiy, a'so lUnder Twine on hand. » miben m tow?) QW^ iss a csil « TIesberton Furniture ; Ularerocms* ! Wc are carrying the newest styles of seastmablo goods in all lines of Furniture, consist ing of : Parlor and bctlroom suits, lounges, sidelioarda, exteiisiiii sod centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtnin poles, pictures, easels, etc , Which we otl'er at LOWEST PRICES liaiiis Bids â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, Picture Fraraiiij! and (Jeneinl He pairing. IJiidertakin-,' in ,\11 its branches. Satisfaction guaranteeii. W. II. Bunt, - - Prop. Shingles, Flooring. We have just placed in v<"'"°" " """' planer and matcher and are prepared to fu-nisU buih'lina material in all the above lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. HickHng Bros. 8th Con., Artemesia â€" Maxwell P. O. July, '0:? • 3 . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . -{;o TOâ€" Heard's Works, FJesherton We have Cutter.s, Slcigh.'^,P>iiggies,Wagg()ns ami ('arts FJeury, Dynient Butterfield and Wilkinson ploughs Shares and repairs of the best timility. Spring tooth aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade luirne.ss. I^orse Shoeing and General Blacksmitbina* _ A?f

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