Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1903, p. 8

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\ April 16 1D03 THE FLESHRRTOJf ADVANCE 7 Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Floorin}^, Sheeting, New- ell l\)st.s, Ballusters, Cor- ner lilocks.Hand Itailing, the best of Spi'uce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting,Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New run of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. S Walker Sloan PROPRIETOR W. nOORE WE ARE SELLING Blankets, Bells, Hitts AT COST PRICK Flesherton, = Ont. w hile you are Waiting -FOR 'R.K* Gamey's Charges Just drop in and see what we liave in the line of dry goods, Fruits, IMiislins, Ging- ham, lawn lace curtains, win- dow shades, Wall paper of all kinds. We can't innumerate, but just come and see for your- selves. If you don't see what you want, just ask for it. Ahren's Boots We arc expHCting tlicin ovory dny. You «r;' iilriridy cJnow our L'loi'i-vy Imoâ€" llio best MKiimy can biiv Kre li rir.in({es uiiil Li'iiioiip alivay-. uM h itjil. Miiiku, jjiiLL's for Hood IxittT and freah cgjjs EASTIJR CHEER TO ALL I MAXWELL Tan-ivs/ortli tJoar for iService. Alvln ( No. 728 ) TIui iinde'Kij;ii<'d Iiiis ii tlinrdiiijlilircd Tiimwoitli. Hoar bred by .lolm IJtdl, cf Anibpr, Otit., for Herviec on b)t 170 con. 2 K. T. & 8. K. Terms 81 00. l.S|i lyi. |{i;h irc Al on, |i le^bt;rl().l Busii4ess Cards IjfCOLLiOUGH & YOUNG w Hanker* .Markrlalo Do â-  Reaeral bankiag buaiuoBs. Mooer lotnad a reasonablo rate Call on us. i 8 VANDU8EN, J 1' n. Clork 6th Dlv Court, Co Orey BHtior of Marrlagu Lioeusos, Conveyancer Notary Publlo- Auotloneor. Money to loan li percuut. Chargou uioderate. „ _ ^ FliBHHKRTOM f O RJ UPBOULB Poatmastor, floshorton .^oiumisRlonor in H. C. .1.. Auotiooeor Con veyauour. Appraiser and Money Lender Keal Katate and Insurauoo Agent. Deeds mortsaBOS, leasos and will" carefully drawn up an 1 valuations raado on tliortoHt notice. nionoy to loan at lowest rates of intoroet. Col ootioiis attended to with promptneuB uhargoa low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Htaauiship Company. A call solicited. Societies A O U V^' meets oi. the last Monday n in ottcii month, in tholr lortRa ro"""' CUristoe's lilock. FlesUertou.at 8 p.ni. M.W., Itobort Host; Uecordor, Jas. IVlstoad ; t lORij- cier, Wia. liel.amy. Visitinfi brotbreo^uvited. pitTNCBTiKTHTU L,0DG13, No. .-la^*; *-, ,„ I A U, meets in the Masonic hall, btrain e block, Klosbi-rton, every Friday on or befor. the full niocu. p H W Hickhng W M. CbuB. Munsbaw, Boi-retary. nouur 1.-LKSHB11T0N, I. 0. F. meets in U (;liriBtoo'8 Block the last Friday eveuini! each niontb. Visitinu ForcstorB hearti v releomo. C. U.. C- W. lit-llnniy ; R. >. •, "â-  niiBkin : Flu.«u<^.r)r K. Munay. (I'liy duos to Dr. Murray on or btiforo la»t <l..j of I'uoh month.) Medical DR CARTRR , „ , M C I' * S Ont, Physician, SurRoon, etc OlBca and residenceâ€" Peter st , FlOBhertoii Tr*R. K. T. 131 bt>y,â€" Physician, Surgeon mJ otc. Fleshorton, Ont OlDco andltesidonoo, CoUiiigwood street, one block cast I'niBbytoriaii cbnrch. May bo found tlicro day and uit;lit. Coronur (or County of Grey. SCOTT, AND SOFTIjY Members Oollefie rhysio. * Burqeonn Ontario Graduate in Mediuiiio of Toronto UniverBity, Fellowship Diploma .Post (iradii- ato odicftl School and Hospital, Chicago. diseaBoo of oyo, oar, noso and throat specially treated. „ .,.«™ H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. BCOTT, Fevorsbam. axwell. JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, roBideiice â€" second door Booth west on Mary street. This street runs aouth Presbyterian Church. HWI L80N 'Jraduato of the Veterinary Ecionco Association. Bosidence, Durham street, op- posite Boyd, Hiokliug's hardware. Legal .T. W. FKOST, L L. 11. IJarrigter, Solicitor Conveyaoeer. etc officaâ€" Next to poBtofticp, Sproule's block F;:ihortou, every Thursda and, court days N Uâ€" Oweu Hound oDlce, Froat ' block Poulett street euGfc. r UCA8, WKIGHT & McARDLE *J Itarristers Solicitors Convoyancera, etc Odlcofiâ€" Owen Bound, Ont and MarUdaln Ont. \V H WiiiouT, Mo.\itnLK 1 Jt Lccab N 11â€" I'luslinrtoM olllco, Mitchell's Hank 'ivory Saturday, nU'lKiai & PATTERSON * Harristors, Solicitors, etc MolHon's Hank, Owen Sound HARRY G TUCKRR GEO W PATTKR.SON VIACKAViS SAMPSON .Utirristers. snlicltovs, V) OFFU'KS :-Owt?n Sriinrt, Merchant's Bank Itlock, M. '^f IVitt-trson rionso. Kundalk ail) Stroot. every Saturday. Money to lor.n rit 4Ji per cent. A. O. MACK AY,. M A , II. U SAMPSON, Ii.I..D Alwava in atteiidaneo at Kle'fhorton and Dundnlk Divisii.n Onints. Dkntlsthy DR. fi C. honor ci-adlKitf MURRAY, L, n, B, dcinlai surgeon f Toronto ITiilverBity and Royal (^olleiin of Oontiil s.irminnR of Ontario. OlUcrâ€" Ojiposito ArniBtroiiK's Jewellery Btor«. Will visit .Mii.'.Wfll tlu! iKHt Wednesday of eaohinontr, iiJid nnnuiill: t and !t Thnrriday i I iDich iriontlt. Y\ K&K&K K<5cK K&K Kc\K KA CURED WSTHOUT CUTTING, PAIH OK LOSS 0?lim No natter lio 7 lonjf yon hivoouffered or bow barbarously yoa ha^nbeen treated by â- srffcon^, t/ caltlnj,ctrt't:'ilniyand burninrr» ^-'eaaU yo'i to invcatltr.ito cur NKVT MUrUOD of cerlnir il. Our trc^ticent U ori^laat wilho!irielv>">, ni:4 Is t'.ia result of 3ayc.iri*cxpc:rIcnco In l!iToE:irclaldl8e.i»rs, Tbaetrlctiiro tis^ueln tUucinalU palnlctBl; nbrorbrj rrd b.iico r moved forever. Any disrhnr.-ro, which often «c. companicaetrictnre, dlsap^^o.irs, tlie In named r.nrfacn li braletl up, ail acaldlnff and burnlnKBen-.ationscoar.c: tUa KIdneysand llladder become ffrfij nrd normal, *ha (ezualorifana rcai.i vlfrnr :'nd vltilltv and tbo patient foclsaa IlioncUlUe were north living'. All casci are treated under a OCn rjr,W MKXnon TrnATMEJJT win cnu ytunnd r.i.iko a man of you. Under i:a liir.ncu-ja tbo broiu becomes actlvt*, tbo bloi.d purtbcc uotiiatall plmplea, blotches end nlccra heal up; the nc^rvea become etrtiuff na titeol, so that nervousness, bi:;lifulness ami de3pondcncydisap|)ear; tlio eyca i>ec>miri l>:tebt, tlia face full and clear, cnrr,T7 r^turudto t'l i body, and ilioiuoral, pbvBhal nud erxual ryatenia era lavlt'oratid; all drAiua ceaseâ€" no more vital waste 'troiu t'.io cystcrn. 'IhevarlousofKan* bciomn natural and manly. 'Ifou feclyriircelf a r.inu and know marriiitacuni.ttB a failure. Vfa Invite all the aniiclcd locousiUtna'onlulentially and free rf chttri^e. Don*l let qnarUs and fakirs rub you of your baxd^caroea dollars. WE V, ILI. CUIJE VOX/ O It NO PAY. Watrut sndc.ro NKKVOU3 DKlllLITY, RBXnAI, TVF.AKNreS, KMIS- SION9, 8YPlIlt.I3, r.LEKT, STBICTnRE, VAUICOCl'.I.K, KLDNISY aad UbAUOEB DISEASES, and alt diiwai.rs psec'.lar |.> men and women. ounmraTioa rtec Boetim phsc (ntusirati^d). tf Boabltto cill, trcl-.a for Qm^aHtm Btar.h tat flonrt Tf-tMrumutm M» Tmmt* ta l»«tr«M. »moja09 0«ra«. Baak SMSMMy. ^A.KnV'^K-^^-K: Presentation and Address On Tuusday oveniog of last week the residence (rf Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stuart, who rocxiitly moved to town, wis the senile of H plenaarit Koci»l KHlheriiii;, when the Rona, (laughters, and tonH-in law visit- ed tlieir iiarentRBnd presented their with two handfiofnoeasy chairs. The visit was in the nature of a surprise. A pruf^ram of music, etc., was rendered and an even- in;< of much pleafcuro >v»8 the result. FoHowini} IB the nddrcBS which aaoom- aniud tliu presentation: To Mr. and Mrs. A . Stewart. Dear Fathkr and Mothek, â€" We have taken posHeHsuui of your home lliia eveti- ing to spend one niorii of the many pleas- ant evoiiiiigs apont under the parental roof, and feel we should not let the pre.s- ent opportune time pass without aorne tangiblt! token of the lovint; estc^em in which we hold a kind and provident father, a loving and affeotioniite mother, and withal parents whose constant con- sidor'ition has hi'eri the welfare of their family and who hivo never ihouLfht any .'iacritici! too yreat f"r our pre.seni or future happines.?. For all those years of toil and care we frankly confess we can never rep.'iy you, but as u very aliijlit token of i>ur love to yon, wc ask yon to u'ci'pt those chairs, hopio" tliey may add somowlint lo yoiir ploaxure in the aftu:- iiooM of llfuiuul that Hs you ivst in tlieui ynur thoutjlils may go pleasantly back to somn of ;h(i instances of our liappy life tooctlier at the old home. As wo pass on throus^h our lives our thouylits will oft- tims be drawn to many kind acts yon have perfo-med ; to the many lovini; words of comfort you have S|iokeii iind to the good ailvici' you were capable of ;;iv- ini;, and then our thought.', are turned to our kind and Merciful Kaili?r who has given Hii bles.sing those many yoar.i iin I lio|)ethat it may !)•! the will of Hit-., who rules on high that you may he spared lo us for many years yet to come. Bu: our thoughts go to thosetlneo absent inembois of the family and back to the sad spots in the past wlien we wore called upon to sillier the grief felt at parting with a lov- ing and much loved brother and sister. Hut may we one and all so live that when wi leave this earth 'twill b- to join them in the better land. And yet, we cannot close without our minds turning to our prospects for many more pleasiiut liours togother." Signed on behalf of the family. Mark Stewart Donald McLeod. Bible Society Tlic annual business nieetino of the Klesherton braioh of the Bible society was hold in the Presbyterian church on Monday evening, the Gth inst., the pres- ident, A. S. VanDusen, ~Em\ .in ilie chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by the secrett4ry. Minutes of lust aiinu 1 meeting were read and c uiHraied. The secretary as .iiiB of the auditors, gave ha report ; it was lo the ett'eet that he found accounts carefully and correetlv kept. The report was received and athipud. Theireasurer then gave his report as fol- lows : Moneys received from cnlle 'tors, 854.10 ; tloee public collections in churches, 812 12; sjiles of piiblie Bible', rtc., *18.60; total, S84.8-2. This amount was ordered lo ho foiwiirdd to (.Tp|„.|. Cuiiida Bible Society in .support i>f its work. It was resolved to add to st ek •<ome $14 00 worth, or thered)outs, of ItiMes, c'c. .\ ooiiimii tee wasappoiiited, viz : Pres., Iieas. and secie'ary, t^ nnko s.lceiioiis. It WHS ro.sidved to ask the e litor of Tim Advance to publish the oamos of (^>llectors and their .mvoral col- hctions The ri ports as a whole were most gr.itjf^ing, and meoii'irs â- .! the ex- ecutive expressed that much of their suc- cess was due to tlio ccdiec'ors f>r ilieir prompl;, faithful and clioerfu! sir.ico.'.avd wi-di to convey througli The Advince the r 1110 t grateful th«iils. The I uancial year of th I Bi'd' s •.ie'y ba^i be n changed from Maith 'MM. toel'sc of cuirent year, ill eoiisei|iie. ee of tthicli it w:.8 lecided to iiiild our annual meeting and send tmt colleclors this year in time so that ihe re- port; may bo fowarded and apyoar in aiiiunl report of Bildf .society Tli-> i x- e iitivi- wer.' re-ele.ted and uio as folio -vs: Pics., A. S. Ya'iDuscii, E-.)) ; Sieetary, L. \V Tli"m ; Treas, and keeper of rle- liository, VV. II. Bunt; Ueproseiitatives as iiillo.vs : Me'-svs T. J. Shcppard, '\\'\n. Clay. oil, L' tI B.-ils, Clias.St" >ait,.laoiea Kelstead, J Col.piett, David McMulleo, Win. Barohou o a d lliclurh .Mhin ; Anilitois, Wni. Claylon, T J. Slmppard. O .LLBITIONS Missea Wile xand \Vallor,94 00; Misses Itussell and Sherwood, (iOc.; Mitses Ho;.|is and llalloNVHy, 82. ().">; jMis.-.es Fermisou 0.(1 Ooi.k, l5;!"40; Mi«s-s Tbi-llewnite nn-l fluid, $2 70; Misses Bell.i i.y and Mc- iMullrn, $1 00, M sses O..!o and t'iiit ii, fe8 50; MisM-H NoiLson and Binni' SI 1. 10; Misses SiniovJis and Chard, ify. 20; .Mi.s.. s Wils .n iiu'l Hale*. §11.20; .Mi.Wis Cullen and I'e.lbn, $2 00; Misses Smith and Will unis. 8.>c.; I01..I Pr>4.10. (-"iilribu- tions of ei 00, Dr. Ohriatop, Mr Mitvhell, L VV. Thmii, A. 8. VaiiUiMen. â- Mil For Rnrvloa on lot S9. con. S, Artoniosia Terms 7,1 oeuta by t'msiwsoii. bAMUKIj PEDUB, Pnof. MayfOS THOKOl'CnBHEP HVItHAH lUill F o I! SScrvice For Mir»l0« OH Inl i.-.V » ». W. T * B. B.. wteiiMSta. (ba tbai"> oUred J^urhani Rull. â-  ll.oiit Vcf "**•> !ifO«i. ' r».l by Oona Knapp. l)»tl...i.. l.-.ii.:i..u .Ml oin'loallnii. •ruvir.-t f I Wr.*r.i«T Itcaua. P«ai> J^ mmmws. have overcome the misty vision th* creeps on with the advance of years, and now 1 am the most pleased man I know." A pleased patron is the best advertiM ment. W e give free tests and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstrong^ .fEWELER AND OPTIOA : ^ FLESHERTON TONSORIAL j^ P.JlRLORS ;? i i i .s.t«. Don't vou WANT vorii haiu cut? if so, you can g.-.t it done in tn.^ latest stylo and in the quicke.'-t order. .Als.i Smve, Sliaoipo.i.Singe ISic dime in the most up-to-date Hay. 131<INa 'i'OUl< LAUNDRY befog; T! TLTESDAY B A, WILSON : FLESHERTON | SPRII^O 7£:R]i< AT THU Owen Sound, Qnt. Begin.i Monday, April 13th, 190J If you desire to secure a gnod buai- ne»s education and bo ready fi'r a g'loJ position you cannot aflford to iniis this opportunity. Bt-at college preinis»3. Bnst ci>urROB ofsiudy. Our eouries of study in both Busiuess and Shorthand departmiints are up-ti>-da-e, practical and the same as u.sed in the best biwiness houses of the Do- minion. Full parti.-ulars sent to any addreas* free. Address. C. A. FLEMIN'C}, Prinnpcil ftnjriruittMuwinfUiti)i iiUtnf ii!t^,'rtri> nrtrtiji ^ /T^Ti m â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE cek The Markets Uarefullr Corrcr ml Each W Oatb 27-0 Peas 63 o Wheat 66 to Barley 45 to Butter 16 (. Ewgs fresh 10 ^e Pork 7 50 to Chickens pnr pair.... 25 to Ducks per pair 40 to Tuckeys per lb 15 tt Geese per lb 10 "o Hay 6 00 to Potatoes bfti; 75 -.o Thoroughbred Durham Bull for ijervice Cord mintOt 29068* Tho niidnrsii^'n.t'J ,, " ft tin t Hull fornorviceoD lot ' -T ' TeriUBâ€" »i fi.rgr.-i.ln co« .S-lf^r thoroush- bicOb IN (.i;,'rce on annlicfttion. â- IM"!i IjHVER Flesherton r.O. I Flesherton I Photo<^raph I Gallery | C are done in tim-ela^s styie and at ^; Kiwe.st rate'-i Special attention C^, L'iven to copyina. BaViies' pluitos. ^! a S|)eciiilty. Pictures framed. I MRS BULHER iSjTJTStRKnJrtririln^itrCnHr YninjiJQiIiX t '%'9/ift/^/qk'^ -Qi/^/^^^-^-Q. /«/%^/% j \ Tksbertoti Furniture (Uarerooms* We are caiTyiu'j the newes* styles of seasonable goods in all lines of Furniture, consis'ini; of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sidetxianls, extensicn and centre tables, chairs., window shades and curtain polfS, picturei, easels, etc., Which we offer at LOWEST PRICES 5 Picture Framing and General Re poring. IJiidertakin'/ to all its P bianche>. Satisfaction t;uaraiitce(l ^ VV. n. Bunt, â-  - Prop. llMRIfiiCliliPMEimi Fur Fi I .st Cl«s-( Buggiei, Carts, Ploaauro and Lumber U agon?, cullers, Sleijhs. We ke-.-p a stock on hand to choo.'<e from, ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANOOENERAL BLACKSMITH INO and L'uariiileo firaf class wo'k. f»j\ We Koop t>ii land Pli>u<;bs mid PloUi.jh repHirK, and aU^ MiiiViey- uTy') Hums nod Nuxon reindis for lio ien, Mo«ris, -^ll" Vwi\^ I'f ^&n \n\ lii,.o' y, a'Mi BunUr 'I wine in liiv.d'. (^J « iUb^Bi in toivn oi^^ »$ a call « . . FOR FIRST ClJVSS CARRIAGES AND I'LOLQHS . . S^ â€" 00 TO â€" «' r Heard^s Works, Flesherton ^ We have Cotters, SIeighs,BH}^gios, Waggons and Carts ^ Klinirv, .T>vint>nt ButtertioM i\\M\ Wilkinson plouprhs ^ Sham's !5ikI rejxsfrs of the bost quality. Spring tooth J^ and Imn h^rrow.s. Also first duss handmade harness. J^ i- ^ f^orsc Sboeing a ltd General Slacksmitl^ing. ^ I I â- â- ri

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