Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1903, p. 5

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â- ;:^' THE FLESIIEKTOK ADVANCE April 1» 1903 X •r :r. •A: Iftotbddist - Church* Tksherton eAaTOK!-Sev..t3. Ivlson Wllaoii a '.•tf^ic!-3< rf 111 day 1 a.n\.ae1p. oi. The pHstir will proacli 'lb Loth aervioea. Ill tho t;voiiinj{ hi! will speak mi "Popular D ln-ti'iiia liegirUin;^ the Religious Life." Vicinity Chips 1 iiar.i.^ceristics of tlie Past i\vfH I'ltrefully Culled for the I iirious -j«- Frcsh lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugenia. A few l>tt}^» nf very limtd Tinu.thy seed for sale for oashoi- credit, at Dr. Christo. 's. UoBifâ€" Tcj Mr. and Mrs. W. Buskin â€" Oil Frid.iy, Ai^ril 10th. .i daufjlitor. Miss McKay of Port Hope is a guest at the Aletliixliist pai'winage. Mr. \V". J. Bellamy spent Easter with friends ill Nottawasawa. Miaa Carreno Frust of Owen Sound is the guebt of Miss Chriateiie Rchardson. M:ss Ml ss-ie Liuiii. of Durham is the guest of Mrs. Mark Wilsun. Mr. Ed. Fleuiina of iVIaxwell has taken a situati'.n with F. G. Karsti-ud. For s;ile- -Cheap iMi easy ter.iiK,a couple cheap firms. R. J. Sproule, FIvshevton. iVIouoy 'o loan at luiVcst lutus. A. S. VunDi:5ieii, Fiesiiiitnn. Mrs.Himsford and daughter of TiTuutu xro the guests of Irieiids in fci.wn '.his week. Principal J. E. Fawceit of the public sch"ol is holidayinij! with friends in MarU- haoi and Toronto. Tlie Ga".iey Scrattoa invostisjatinn will open ill earnest iu Toronto on Mni. day of next week. Mr. M. K. Richardson returned on Monday to his purliaiuoiitaiy du'iea in Ottawa. Firm to rent or sell-Lot 157 con. 2, S. W. T. & S. R.â€" 50 acres, 40 cleard. Apply to Noble La'vreiice, Ceylon. Miss Annia Wilson, who is altendinj; the N B. Collet»e at Owen Sound, spent Easter at the parental home. Mr. J VV. McKae, Principal of VVo.id- biidge pub ic school, is spending Easter holidays with Mr. \V. H. Bunt. R. VVriuht, Ha^ersville ; D. \Viii»ht, Penetannuislione ; and Ed. Elder, Owen Sound were Easter visitors in town. The Trus'^ees of Providence cliurch have extended the time for receiving tenders oil ihfir new church up to Monday ni<^ht, April 20th, 1903. Noticeâ€" I wish to aunouce to the pub- he that I am open for .stuue masonry and lathing contiacta. Jas. A. Felstead. Flesherioii. Mis. Wesley Buskin of the west back line has been daiii(erou.sly ill dininf; the past week , but we are glad to state that there is a decided cliansre for the better. Aniiiiij^ chose «ho took ad vintage of the holiday fare to visit the tjneen city were: Mrs. F. Uickling, Mi.ss Eihel Crossley, Rev. G. F. Hurlburk and ye editor. Miss Flossie Thurston of the O. S. business college spent Easter holidays at home. She was ajcnipaiiied by Miss L'.riiine Bt>le >( Sauli ste. Miu-ie. Timi'thy seed for saleâ€" J.imesSiu .rt of Kimberluy, has a quantity of good, clean timothy seeil for sale. He will leave a few bags at H. Cairns', Euyenia, also at Sprou,le, Crossley itCo., Fleshirton. Mr. \V. McClungnf Euphra-sia has ex- changeil Iii« ClydcsilaU btallion wuh Neil B:"n.(>f Heathcote for their slandaid tro ting stnllioii Riddle. Neil Bros, will tlBVel iheir Clydesdale over ihe route tbken by Hi uor Bouod taut year. Mo.NKV TO LoAN--At 4 V lo 4i( per cent, lixpenses low. Also a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap, .â- ^pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel burne, or Dundak otbeu Saturday after- u( on. Mr. and Mrs. 0.<born and daughter of D»rliiigiou wereguestsat the Metliodmt puiS' n: go this week, Mr. Oshorii la fui old Su^ day Hch"ul nuperiiiteiu'eiit an 1 »ildre*i8ud the Sabbath sclii ol scholars on Sunday. Farm to rent for a term of yearn. cousitting of one hundred acres, lot 32 on the lOtli line of Artemusin ; goo<.l a'.one dwelling, bank barn, well watered with pomp«ai.id sprink', and a g<Kxl orchard; a!wi ai,uaiitity of small fruit, and about 60 HcrcH ondor cultivation Any one wiah- ii«r to rent apply lo Johii«tun^ Qil>son q d Forks Mr. and Mm. J. I'. VanDusen of Dun- dalk spent Eaater Sunday in town. Mr. Milt Tipp of Collingwood and Mr. Backus of Owen Sound weregueslaat the Munshaw bouse ovei Sunday. There wosan eulipae of the moon on Saturday e»eniny but it did nut interest anyone here as the clouds and rain hiter- veneJ. Mr. J. J. Benson of Brookholm wan a caller at The Advance on .Ifonday. Mr. B. spent Easter holidays with his father on the 8ih. He is employed in the ceniiiiit works at Brookholm. A certain ynuiig man in town boasts of having oaten twenty-four eggs oii Easter. -A i;"od subject for debate: Was he soma uaw breed, or just a common razur- back? Mrs. Hugh Spofford of Osprey, ia aijed over 80 years (Jne day last week she drove alone to town, a distance of ten miles, to do some shopping. This ia a good old age record. Mr. James Aikenhead,iine of the oldest business men of Toronto, died on Satur- day last at the ai;e of 86 years. Mr. and Mrs. Frtd Uickling and Mr. VV. A. Arni- atrong of Flesherton attended the funeral, which took place to Mount Pleasant cemetery on Monday. pUy â€" and It most HMuredly waa a pleas- ure. We believe she proposes putting in another year at the Conservatory, wbi4;h will coiiiplele her musical educaiion. In memortam* Edith, eldest daughter of M. Richardson, di^d April 190a. K. 15. ^ Tiiere were tliroe gatherings of a social niture in tovn on Friday evening. Miss Ethel Trimble entertained her Sabbath school class, the Misses Ji'y gave a ijarty to a number of friends, alid a tew of the older heads foreiiaihered at the hospitable heme of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell, where pleasure reigned supreme for the evening. M iss Flossie Th urst' 1 a of Flesherton , w ho is.ittending the 0. S. business college, at the Easter examinatiou held last week received the silver medal for the ''greatest improvement in writing." Th« present- ations were made by Mayor Giior and A. G. McKay, M. P. P. The medal is a handsome inaltese en ss with baron blue background and suitably insciibed. While home for Easter Mis.s Flusaie received warm congrutulationa from her many friends. Shoreturne.1 to her studies on M snday. '"Canadietne," writing in Saturday Nigbi, has the following to say of the smile which bt longs to friend I. B. Lucaa (if Centre Grey. The writer is an author- i'y on smik-s, too; â€" "But when you seek a Veritable sunbeam, watch the radiance that beams from ihe youthful face of the ' boy of the Hou3j ' â€" .\Ir. I. B. Lucas of Centre Groy. Mr. Lucas can talk well and argu- forcibly â€" but hii^ amilo might rtina n. spouse from the Sphinx her.sell (fur we believe ih.it the Sphinx isaludj). It can readily be bvlieved that .Mr.Lucas was elected by accluuatioii. Thvre isn't a riding in Oiitaiio that culd be so un- kind as to shake its hea-.ic.whon the win- some smile Was turned upon it. Centre Grey succumbed at once, and ^ave ui<<re than was asked. It matters not whather the number r«iferii'd to be a follower of R'us or of Whitney, the warmth of ibat smile is ovin the same. It shines upon the just and the unjust, upon the. shores ol Man touUn and ihe hillsof Pi-tvrboro.' Two Clever Qirls .Vliss .'i.aid Richardson of this place has for some time lieeii taking lessens wiih McGilvary Knowlijs, Toronto, one of the best portrait artists in Ainei ica Last week while in the city we had the pleasuie of examining some of Miss Rich- ardson's work, which is of a very high order indeed. She paints altogetheriroin nature and some of her studies are lO' taiiily worthy of h'iarty commendation. We wore simply delighted with the evi- deu. 1.S t genius which we saw displayed in Miss Richaid.son's picture.s and we coulidently expect that she wi 1 be heard from lu the world of ait. Another young lady, who is 1. k'<ing a name for heraeif in the ni'jsical woiid^ is Miw Rita Daiuude, formerly of this place, who baa for .some tiiue been attei dug the Toronto Cousetvoi.ry of Munio At a recent rehearsal she received much favor- able comment.upou hsrperformance.which I wa.i said ' f those who andnrstood niueic j W> be exceedingly creditable. We a so I ha. i.* ,Z.imit* ot heaciiui Mia^. Rtia Sinclairâ€" Jewett A very pleasant event took place on ilfuiiday, April 13, at the home of Jfrs. Jewett, 11 Likeview avenue, Toronto, beins; the occasion of ihe niarriaue of her daughter, Edna F., to Rev. W. A. Sin- clair of Thornton, A hirge company of immediate lelatives and friends were present to join in congratulations to bride and bridegroom. Rev. I. Tovell, D.D., pel formed the marriage ceremony. The biide was beautifully attired in white oraaii'lie ami lace and carried a shower bininuet of lilies of the valley and bridal ro8e». Siio was assisted by her sister, Miss Edith Jewett, who was a' tired in white organdie over buttercup silk and curried a buuquet of pink roses. The gruotu was ahly supported by Rev. T. R. White of Eugenia. After the ceremony the party retired to the dining room, where luncheon was served. R. J. Col- ville being tiiast master. \ number of congrai ulatory addresses were made. The bride and L'room left for their homo in Thornton on the 5.3(1 train, followed by best wishes and showers u! rice from their u.any friends. Honor Rolls Report of Knnberley public school. SENIOR IIEPARBMENT IV class-G. McConnell, yV. Waltir, V Giloert, S. Bradbury. Ill sr-O.Gilbert, F. Hurd.A. Mundle, V. Ellis. HI jr â€" A. E Magee, Katie Walter,E. Bishop, L. Gaudin. Average attendance 32 5 J. S. Huff, Principal. JUNIOB DEPABTMENT I] sr. â€" E. Gaudin, V. McConnell, J. Rnid, B. Scoit. U jr. â€" M. McGowan, A. Curry, V. iVIaijee, E. Fawcett. II pt. sr.â€" W. Burritt, H. Proctor, A. Fergu.soo, A. McConnell, U.Ellis, equal. II pt. jr.â€" N. Burritt, N. Kuott, S. Lawrence, A. Bradbuiy, I cl.issâ€"F. Foster, B. Curry, A.Smith, B. Walter. Average attendance 32. A. A. JosssToN, Teacher. â€" * I ISI t â-  .A span of horses rnii awaw in Cl.ats- wo;th last week. The Newssays: â€" "Mr. -Anhur Philips of Massie had his horse au'l buguy standiim in irontof the drug store, and when the runaway leached it they simply jumped over it and if the wagon bad not been atttached to them all would have been well so far us the boggy wa.s ciiucerned. But the lig team hadn't desctiiiicd from their Uyim; exploit to terra tiriiia when the wa^on came in con tiict} with Mr. Philips' buggy and â€" well, such a wreck. The buggy was brokeu almiisl beyond repair, the l,arne.-.s was stripped olf the h^rse, the bit beinir bcul double in the horse's uiouihand the steu' harness mrn from the collar and straight- ened out by the force of collision. It was all a Complete wreck, and fonunate that n"biidy was in it. Both Phi.ips and Cook took the matter co'.il, the former telhng the l.itter ihat he Woul.J havo 10 repair tlii- buugy and the latter r^-plyiug that it was too liad that it happoiitd, and th;it he w;isa poof niaiiand tl'.o former couldn't take anything off him." The Cape Croker correspondent of the Wiaitoo blclio says : â€" " On Wonilay iii^hi last week the 4 year old ^,on of Louis S"l- oini'n strayed away from his home and not lo.si in the bush. As soon as he was niiiisi d an alarm iv.is given, and an army of Ibii 'lien and two women started "Ut to 9i-rtrch for him. These were aihied tn ui the n:oriiiiig and the .search w.iscoiitiuued lili 4 o'cdi'ck on Tuesday al'ten.oiin. » iiei. i.he little .â- no was found i^itini; on a biii.ili briilge lu'iir the lighi4iou.se. ti 11 miles tmni h.iiie. Tbi.Uiih the light had been \ ery cold, the child appeared none ihe worse lor his L-\p 'lience, the ibicl; oeitar bush tiuMiigli which ho ti.iuipid all iii^ibt <n- slept at times, pruteei iini liiin fffjin the C'ld. When piek d up by .Mr. Alex. r.i\l'ir, will) found liini, be rem irlied thai he was huii«ry and went ipiietly 'o slei p in the man's anna. The people we'y much surprised and great y njoicd at recover!^ H the child alive and uninjured ' Tl»e uiMlersiKiii'd having bfi n r.'stored to hef.Uli l>y e^iniple iiieHtie, Hltnr siilTiuiiii; for sov- cial \t'ars with sovt-ro \\iuu [iirtx.mii, and that (ln-ail tHseaso consumption, \a aiixioufi to mako k(.iiwn tu hiR (uiltiwrtutloi ors tho iimatiK of cmo. I'o iliose wLiO dtisiiQ it, )»o will clioerfuliv s«nrl itiei'ttf cliarKo) a copy o/ the pruMcriptioi'i u-^oil, which thev willrtiula sure ••nm for consanip- tion. isthma. catarrh, bronchitis ami all throat ail I Uum maladies. H« hopes all siiffurers will \\\ hiBrmiiedy. a^^ it idinvnhuiMc, Those dt:<air- inij t!iep'"^*-"criptioii, which will rosi|thein iioth- iii{4 aiiit mav prove a bleRKinu. will ploAMo ati- aics^ Hot. KDWAKD A. WILSuN. lUooklyu. New Yorh. ^ AT \Jlif JT T. J. SHEPPARD'S, J Hit ib lli Wed. and. TThurs., April 7 and. 8 il|i [;mili(l iiOS â€" FOR â€" Lumbier, Lath, Flooring. We have juat placed in poaitioii a new planer and iimtclier and are prepared lo £tiriiiiih building; material in all the above Kuas. Get our quotations when yua want anything. Hickling Bros. Bthann., Arkemeaiitâ€" AAa;prell P. O. Joly, 'Ot. \4^ ili \ii ^Y^ will make our aimual display of Spring Millin- ery and invite every lady who is interested in the great question of " What to Weak" to visit our opening and find the answer to the question here. The Millinery styles are prettier, daintier and more striking than ever. This year our liuyers took pains to secure the prettiest and newest Millinery they could find, antl we think when you see what we have to showyou,you will realize that this search ha.s been a success and that Millinery is t^uite diiferent from what is usually showu ; then our lovely models of French, English and New York hats, and original conception from our own trimmers, which for variety, elegance of style and artistic beauty have never been equalled in any of our displays. \i The Gentleman a; Oi â€" â- WILL PLE.VSE NOT FORGET OURâ€" Spring Suitings ! And new styles in Felt Hats. Everything right up- to-date. Order your suit early to avoid the rush. You will always find us leaders in our lines. We are also well supplied with a choice stocic of Ready-to-wear clothing to suit your prices right. ib ilii \ki iU i^ \A Hit y» Of Hi Hit k ilf 11^ \it \k 0/ >^ VS» T. J.SHEPPARal To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders. .... I would call your attention to the Blatcbford Celebrated Cattie Toed Anm Calf Meal. This food is very liighly iv- coinuieuileil by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. K. McGill at our Station, on his farm, where lie has some forty head of feediug cattle in stall. Tliose wishiug to try it can get any quantity for a trial, and from the recoiamendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any feeder of stock. W.ERichardson, : Flesherton. jTrfportant to ^arinsrs and. W. JL Douglass & Co., [>ruggist and Seedsmen, Flesherton Will for the folllowing tCtl dayS s't^h ^it the following prices.- Re-cleaned Alsike clover seed fri)m $8.00 per bushel Ke-cleaued Mammoth clover from 7.50 per bushel Re cleanc<l Common red clover from 7.')0 per bu.shel Re-cleaned Timothv clover from 'l.'lvy per bushel CurtiiD seed for IS cents t^r Tb. Gfardeu and' Flower seeds at *2 cents a package and all other field and gartlen .seed*;. Drugs, Medicines, Stiitiouery, Books and wall paper at lew «.. > prices. Cefttis Casb* « Also notice that the Steele.Briggs & Co., will give a cash- PRIZB of .$3.00 antl $2.00 for the best samples of Koyal (iiaat Sngar Beet exhibited at the Fleshertou fall (show, 1003, growa, i from seed purchased from, as and oar certifiicate of the fact I w»U be accepted as tj) tbo.^^auiRefSLuf thft reot^.

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