Flesherton Advance, 16 Apr 1903, p. 1

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< V ' } Ct^'- ':M I Jfkjsfetrtxjn ^•^K? .i?*. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL. XXU, Â¥ 11?7 Flesliertota, Ont., Thursday, April ne 1003 W. H THURSTON. EDITOR PROPKIETOB i r R<!ri'afi- n, 'â- Dolly's Ldbsoii," Mmtlia aHsistud liy Iiik brntlier, Mr. Riil)t. Hiiii-y, ' Bii-iiet ; ><in_'. •' Killn! Crnnkei," Alex. »iid the liltle Misses Eihi-l Divei unci â-  .N'cDoniilil; I'-iiriiri ii by Slaytrie Tryon, Hazul Spi'iice made pruity !it'le flower 'The Hni.il!.-st unit in School"; Hiuliland g'rls. Thfy wore pink and carried pinlt ' HiDj;, Alex. Mul)oi-;,M; djiil'gue/Yaiikee and vvliiu! canmti'inM. Mrs. Hockley, ' Slr!itaj|"'M"; (In t, ".My l'onti)e",Lou and moiiier of ihi' bride, wore a beautiful i U.laiTy< Wiitso': Uteit:ili"n, " Thn lost uown of pale blue and wliire voile with 1 l^un' >' ,.Mubi-l Puvni't ; chorus, "Tln'ce trininiins! of all over lacu ami applic)ue : bliml M c -", ( ncore, 'The Tbieo Kit- Mrs. Moore, London, another aunr, wore j Ions' ) <;ii'o '.'111'-; "Mary Antony's funural black sjitin. Mrs I5nt'an,aunr, also from â-  Ora'i.iil," W.C iniernii; 8.iord drill (jirls); London, wore old rosn. Mrs.Lou Spence, ' Ec-pitalio'i, 'The (iru'n'iler," Ann^iliell.i (ioortietown, coukin of the bride, wore a >Iv;Loiii|; ("laelic Roiig, Alex.Mc- beautiful gown of fawn crepe de ch-iie. Dom;i1.|; Kei'itution. "Ohiirjje of Gordma arD.rgit.'D. M<-Kinniin; Selection hy SI j.iiol oan.i ; ll.-cii:itioii, "The SlinisttT A l.'ahu'i on; Violin duet. N Mc- and H. .M-.-Do'iald ; Dialojiue, t . DoM-i-f; Putt, "Huiidied Ti-n;* i\ici).>naid amlM. Tryon; , "Co 11!! .-hi 1.1 under Diffioultifa "; "Bu'U..V'. l-y (ilee Club ; Uec- 'â- A Srhool luylh" Gladys Wa'snn; lance. Aiex. McDmald; Pniitoin HcFARLAND, STAFFORD & CO. HARKDALE, ONT. Qrey Coun'^y's Biggest and Cheapest Store. Always Interesting. SlaxwelJ The fuuTiil of the late Miss Annie Scut t, which took place lust wodocsday, was one of the larg. sr ever se^n in thn town.sliip. Groat .^ynipithy is felt for the bereaved fuii.ily, and many kind friends. livinL' at a distance, have senf letters of condolence. Mr. Marshal Kerton left last week to accept a situation m Vaughaii, near Tor- onto. Mr, John Clark and family leave for the 'A'est on Tuesday. Several neighbors assisted in movinc, his aflects to the sta- tion on Monday. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Wriijhf, of the 10th line, died of jineutnoiiia on Suu<lay niorning. Re^.T. Scott conducted the funeral at 13ethel church and cemetery on Monday after- noon. Mr. Sanders Hud.-ion a. id his daughter, Mrs. Cameron of Michigan, who came to otteod tbo funeral of the late T. Hudson, are s-ill striving "vith the former's brother, Mr. John Hudson, and visiting old friends in O'-pity. ^ »- i » €«'yi<nu. jt>T.-H.' I Kiniion "(joing Pipir.s,' I DialnsTu, I Chorus, j ituiion. ' I Swori I line; S'do.'My Shrppcid Laddie," encoiu I song in Gallic, Eniina .McLean; Dialogue, 1. ''Brought III his Senses"; Reciratio'i, ! "TriMls of a Tviin," N McKionon ; Wiiohes Parade; Trio, "Tliree Cro.vs," Bert Wa'sm: Vii'lin selection, N. .Ve- I Kiiui'in and IL McDonald; J/ilitary drill; Choru", "Rule Bl•i^â- â€¢.nnia '; TiiI>1hiiiix, "Brit:'Mnia ' "(ii'id save the King." Jl/i:-s K. 3/c.Vi'lan, one of the teachers foister, Toronto, These in the public school, wa^ confined to her of the many beautiful aijd cosi home In illness last week Mn. Alex, which they received Whyte has b.-eii .seriously ill last week, i Among the guesta from a distance were but is somewhat better we understand. ! â€" Mrs. Fredrick Diver, Master Victor During i^ne of the recent cold .spells and Miss Ethel Diver, Toronto; Mr. J j L. McDougal kept his horses in exercise Mino, Guolph ; Mrs. Moore, Miss Maud ' by drawiny a carload of hid»8 from the ' Moore, Mrs Brittan. and Miss Minnie station to till- tannery. | vVestheacl, Loudon; Mr. Win. Jliuo. JJfiss H. 'garth, formerly of Priceville, is Mr. and .Mrs. U in. Allan and Master W. vi.sitiujj A/rs. Beiley and other friends Allan, Ghn Williams; Miss Wesiraiii, here durin.' the holidays. , Berlin; Mrs. L. Spence and Miss Stieiice, John A McLeod, who has been in Georgetown; Miss Dorcas D^ver, Messrs British Columbia for some years, is home' John and Thos. Diver, Mias Annie Aud- visitintr hi.s mother. j erson, Mr. T. Anderson. Mr. and .Mrs. About ten or eleven of our senior Thibet, Miss Goitie Thibet, Mr. Percy acholais, who have been attending high , Thibet, Holland ; Mr. and Mrs. Wood, school in O. S. are home for the holidays. I Miss Laura Whittaker, Ceylon; Mrs. JWiss.'s iVcKiniion and Ferguson were ' Morrow, Ed. Haney, Ed. Stephens, Miss guests of Miss G. Nichol, one afternoon ! Lizzie Carson, Mr. W. Carson, Dunf'alk; at beeinning of week 1 Mes.srs. Thomas, Robert, (ieorgo and Mrs. M. Koilp.T was ahle to attoud chnrch last John Haney, Waroham; Mr. and Mr.s, Sund.v for tbefirsttimelsinoo she was taken ill. jj^.^.^^ j;,,^ y^^j^ j,,. .,,„, ^yj,^ ^aid- Mr. and Mrs, Simmons of Holstein visited Friday and Saturday at Mr. H. Tucker's. Mrs. E. White of Markdale, called on friends in town tm Friday. Mr. and Mts McLaughlin, near Price ville,spent Easter Sunday with the lutter's parenis.Mr. and Mrs. J. Cairns. Mr. and Mis W. Smith of Toronto are spending the Kastcr holidays at J. Ash- down'.s Mr. Lester llust.'n of Huron, spent Sund.-iy at Mr. Ciok's. Mrs. Talbot, is visiiin;; for a week at D. Madills. Mv. C'lrbett of C.irbetton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W I,. Wiight. Mr. and lUis. A. McPhatler of Owen Sound are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs Win Wriuht Jl/rs. Tru. man of Orantrcville is speiul- ii.g the EiiKier wi-ek with li<-r daughter, Mrf. John W ri^ht of tbe back line. Kevival inictiiigs are being conducted in the hall by Rev. Wilson. (hi Friday last while returning from FlesherlOM, T"in Ashdowu met wiihan accident, » liicli might have proved fatal. At the fo< t of the Orange hill, he l^ft the roiul and drove up on the bank. In S'lme uiiaccoiin'iiblc way he got his head betHeeii I he i-iiokes iii.il was ilrag.;ed some dislaiicc, but fortunately th'^ horse Whs slopped, and Tniiiiiiie i scaped, wicli « few li uisi s an 1 scrapes on the face. I'plc«'>1lle The scliool concert las' Fr d..v evenina was a complete succer-s in every ivay Rev. Mr. Mat'ies.u was elected cbaii man and ns usual the best order prevailed. Every piece was well rendeiod and f^d! tif in- terest and aiiiiisenieiit for old ami younjj. Mr. E.IS man liLo King Edward VU, is a (»ood organizer of coreitionics and seems to have the ability It) arranire the inin- iitesl details suL-ce.sslully. Many persons have expressed their wonder at th.- ability oi tile sch"loisio prodoco sucli a fine pt"- griii. ftud nil |irepared after schod hours, H'ld on SKtiudays ilurinii tliH hist thiec weeks. The dulls were well executi-il, the iiiuiiica! .selections on pipes and liolins were much admired. The di.-li>giics were «»«ll acted and bMU:.'ht ^[Tmt iu.tr8 of )HU'.<titt]r. The Maslud Witched, in odd HpfMro', Biiil i|iieer movements in ihe dim refleotio'i of the red and Rrecii f«ot huhis, presented » weird Appeftrance. Tbe â- ungs and recitation* were excellent.- We ^ive the fo'lowiog program a* rendered: Iwiipvpp (k^loctioii, Mr. (?. MrDonald; »j«!iii •election, Mr. Alex. M«Lali||hlin ; over pink with point de sprite yoke and orieiital tnedalioos. Mrs. Wm. Allan, Gieu vviiimins, another cousin woro a 'f^jj^ gtore leiids in interest at all times. Stocks are big- l)eauti''ul pink silk waist and black , , ,, . ^ . , , j . . • i i ^i skirt. Mii,R Lulu Westram, cousin, Ber- gest here, the variety IS greatest and prices are invariably the iin, wore a white organdy with a collar of lowest. All the logic at our command wou't bring shoppers s:!:^:;::' ti;e"::;-!;:nn, "1:;:":"^^^^ "nless they choose to come. Extra gootl value is the magnet and black skirt. Miss Wesibead, Loud- u, ' that (Iraws customers to this storo from tar and near. Sales wore old rose with trimuimg of all "ver .^,.g jmj,pingr up continually, and the entire organization keeps Among the numerous and beautiful pace vvith the uiarch of progress. We accept the responsibility presents wereâ€" A hands.ime parlor suit of doiug better tliaii the average. In mjinv classes of wavs we troni the bride's parents, a conch from i •^' ...i-i-- i,*».i " \\r • .. "^i • ^ Haney Bins., dininu mom chairs fr.m ^^6 instrumentftl in bring! tjg ppicc^ down. VV c impoi't direct Mrs. " w.Mids and Mrs. Taylor, dining from the largest and best Old Countrv tirras. We buv direct riomoiock fion, Mr.andMrs. j.Haney, ;f the Cana.lian manufacturers, and are in close louch a nve ocl'Ck tea table from Messrs. i . , , , .,, ,,t i. ii • â-  i- t • -i 11 steveiLson and McUnff, and a beautiful i With the bcst mills. Wc are at all tiiiies .satistied with small hand pain'i-d picture from Mr. "^^-^ f; ^f!" 'profits and mark all goods in plain figures with one price to all st'iy present^ ! Such values as thesc are by no means common. Note each item carefully : - Mr. and .Mrs. 'f bos. Nicbol were tba reci:>ieiits of ail iufant daughter last Siiiuia.v. The school cotice'.-t last Frtilav ronIiz«'l :?;18. The Ruus and other nurapliorualia purchasoil for the coiicerb tiavo btioe paid for. and turoed over to the trustees as scbool jiropttrt.v. Our teacher, Mr- l-lastinaii, hii.i a visit from his f Htlier.Kev. Mr.lOastinail of Meafard. mother and sistor on l-'iadaj-. Kev. .Mr. Eastman gave a short address at the concert. Klinbcrtcy Mr. Jiihii Hull" is spending his h<diday8 at the pareotal home at .VIeaford. Mr. Jidin Haiiini'ind of Toionto spent Easter liolidays at his parental home. Mrs. Win. Sc.itt and her father, Mr SnoU, are vis'tina her uncle at C iledon East. Ml.ss .Johnson is visitinsi her parental home near Tlioinbury. Seediiit; has coauneiiced. Mr.C. Kni'tt has tiiiished his Uino kiln. M. Charley Stuart of Meaford is spend- ing holid.iys at his parental honn;. Mr. George Ir'roctor and gang have com- menced work at Rockvale. Misses Clara and Ella Ihird are parental h mie for the Ea.stcr hol id.iys. ! tt;!:',.^" Reeve Eiskine was in town Satuidsiy, 1 dftii; also councillor Prini;le. | Mi'S L. Fawcett of Heathcoio is visit- ins; friends in town. The township couiwil have a;ipiiod for a ptovincial audit. Who is to lilanie for the mujdie ? | A sure si.;i; of spring : J. Plewis and family are moving to look after their bees tind fruit trees. | IS. law, Mr. and Mrs. .John Hockley, Mrs. Brign.il, Mrs. Allan, Mr and Mrs. Dony, Mr and Mrs. Ridei, .1. Rider, Alex. Mc- Lean, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Mi^s .Maud Carson, John C:trs<in, Jos. Park, Miss H. Lyi>n:;, Messis. Ed. and Jared Lvons, Miss Jes.sie Nelson, Lottie ana Margaret Qiiiu, Mr. Quill. Tims. Mino, Mi.ss Mary I Consley. The bride a»d groom left on the Hve train Friilay eveniiiij, for Toionto. London and other plac>-s. Th- bride's tiavi-lliiig suit was gray Etteiiie with waist of pink velvet. .After riturninsr 1 from their nip, Mr. and Mrs. Haney will 1 reside in Pinion. Toe. OVERALLS FOR 30c. 50 pair Men's Cottcnade overalls, as- sorted stripi" and check patterns, some with bib and suspender, others pla'ii block, regular 75 cent ipialities for X) 81-25 BED SPREADS FOR 89c. 50 Bed Spreads in assorted fancy pat- terns in red and white, pink and white, and blue and white, extra large size, 100 incles long by 74 inches wide, heavy knot fringe all around, regular value SI. 25 each, our price 89 50c. TWEEDS FOR 38c. 300 yards Fine Wool Tweeds, in as- sorted liuhtraediumn and dark patterns, very suitable for boy's school wear and good value at 50c. a yard, our price 38 16c. DRESS DUCKS F0R12||C. 20 pieces,«hoiit 800 yards. Dress Ducks in navy and black, aa.sorled stripe and spot patterns, e.xtra heivy weight and full 26 inches wide, splendid for girl'" school wear, regular value to day, Itic. yard, our price 12i 5c. WALLPAPERS FOR 3Ac. 1,000 rolls new patterns Wall Paper, white ground with neat design in glim- mer, the i|uality usually sold at 5c. single roll, on sale this season at 'Si 82.00 TOILET SETTS FOR SI. 68. 10 Toilet Setts in heavy porcelean china, six pieces to set, in fancy colored de- corations of pink, iihie, green, brown and pencil. Reiru'ar lf2.(X) values, on sale at 1.08 OK*ocea?y Speoials. I "b Ibs.pureJamaica brown sugar for 31.00 I 6 lbs. choice Ceylon black tea for 81.0!) ! Choice new Hallowee Dates per lb. 5c. j 10 Ib.tiii choice clover honey, per tin 8O0. 1 Large size tin canned peaches only 10c. I Lariie siz-d tin canned .sugar beeis (sliced) 5 cents. Lsrge size tin suckotash (mixture of corn and beans) per tin lOo. Choice spice English mixed pickles, 2 bottles '25c. Try our special brands of Japan and Black tea at 25o. lb. Posiively the best 25e. value in the tride. I that won't h" These are everyday prices, remaining in force as long lis the goods last long. Your money hack if not satistied. BiTcF'a.pla.nd, StaJffoj:*cl «Ss Co. l»ort Law I Seeding has now f"irl.v coniiiioiiced. hut tlie most of funiiiirs liav « been content with pre- ]p.\rin^ the I'tni!, and an; waiting foi waniior ' wiirts to blow. I-'iiU wlleat in goin-nil lonlis rather brown ann seal as a le^nlt of I'no I'le- qiielit severe frosts. Clover lia* coiiie through ; tlio ordeal wt-ll.aild to.dis all liyht- i A lit' In boy h.ss l)eeii {•iVL-lt to ndil joy to tlie 1 liearts of Mr. and .Mrs. K. .Mel'iilhiin . at the Mr, \\'in. c'liard has boiif^ht tile t\u -sill farm. Win. Kuiinv, who has residi-d tluneou Mr. Geo. ThoiniJson hasaddol toliis ceneral store an i.iiplmiunt iipeiic.v. Last week be re- ceived an nnvniee sh)|n\le t of stoelt, and no doubt the bu^ilies8 will prove very coiiVenieiit to the nistrict loid bun-ative '..jhinisulf. ^I^.s. (Dr.) Miirirt.v of I-'hishertuu visi:ed Willi ber paruuti', "dr. and .Vlrs. Uelidersoii. Mr. and .\irs ,1. \,, Wo .â- ! of Stuiiu Settloiiieut are spending Ka^ter liolidays ill this ueiybbor- lioad. Mrs. Mcljeiui and sons have uiovo 1 to their farm on the ttll line recentl,. pilicbased. Mr. and Mis. lilnltoy l^avc tnliou pes^ei-sion of The tow.iship council at its ineetiog on the tann bonyht lur^jU from .Mis. Mc^^eaii. Wednesb,vy,app.,inted the reeve to ...to .^^^^O^^^^'^J^Ull,^'^:::^^ "''"^'^ Ottawa ill the iiiteres's of the Port Bur well and Georgian Bay railroad, and of course Kimberley semis its biggest man, Sipiiio Stuat The best known man in Ontario is R. U. Gamey. 1 I ^ > â-  â€" - Fashionable House Wedding A very pretty and f>sluiinab!e weiiding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. We.'-ley Horkley, Proton, Thursday .-iftir- iio<jii last, at five p. in., when their only dau>'htir, Mi.ss Uosetta, was united in wedlock to .Mr. .\lber- Haney of ihosame place. Tbe Rev. Mr. Thorn oIKciaivd in the presence of a Ivrj-e nnnitief of trieiids and relatives. The pr«tiy brida entered the parlor Icming "n the arm of her flit her, Wbllo Mrs. Wi.ods, s.ster of the liroom. played the w<:d;linu march. The b'y wiod-iw in which they were m.ai ried WHS b<<HUtifully decorst«'i with c'cen and white. Mr. Kaweutt closed bis evsn^iolistic iiioetiiiusa week a^o Sunday and asavisibio result of l-is labors a eott'i«e"pra;eriiiuelili_i; has bjeii start- ed oil the I'b liiii', wiiicli is heti{{ well attoniled. Mr. iaiiies t'nutts has buriiod hiE fi-st bine kiln of the season and who has thereluiu iiono ills jiart towuril bouse cleaniiiji. Mr. .)obn .1, Meiisoii ui Oweu Soiiiiil visited with Ills aunt. .Mrs. .i,xuitusuii*Hiitlirday. News ha^ reached us that Mr. .-Vlhei t Hailev, foriueilv of this neighborhood, lias linked hia finiune wi'h It 1' oton Ma.ly. AVo oxtoud cuii- (jratulat.oas. Obituary Mr Henry Malhew.son of this township died on ^Vcdmsday morning of last week at I he age of 75 years. The deceased ^,'en'leiiiaii wa-i a native if Ontario, hav- ing been born in Y.nk county, near Toionto, in Ihe year I.S3S, where h- bvsd until 25 years of a..;o. lie then moved to limisli! tiwushl)), near liarrie, where bo remnineil as'nir' time, and then came to Attem- sia in 18()4. He h.is lived in tliiw township .'-in^^o that date. In 1858 he 'Fha bride K.»scharmiii«ly attired ,„„rried Ann McLeary,a imtiveof Ireland, iu white Duchess S1.1 in with trimming of |,y whom he had eii;ht children, six of swiuin and pearls. She ids. woie a veil whom, with hs widi>«, are s' ill 1 Ting The and oianKc blosHoms.and c*rriedabeauti- mo.i.l^ors of the family ure as foibms : fnl bou.jiiet of bridal .oijr»,iu-d with wh.t« William, ..f Markdale; Mrs. Wi|»..M n* tulle. MiM .M»u<l M.)0!e,U)iidon.c<.u»iB Maniiol)* ; RoU-rt, of Maple, York of th»bri<ie,miide» charming bridesmaid, county ; Dmid and Ma«gie at home, and She Wfire a beautiful tfown of ;pink with f^^^ „i,o lire* on tbo Peauon farm ne^r trimming of white »n'I carried pink ro»os j^e Tillage. The funeral Un.k place to whh »tream»r» of tiJleJ Tbe {(room waa Inrin's 9»mttety on Friday ls«l. ^ W. HOCKLEY W. HOCKLEY | Proton Station 5" i£ Thirty Days' p argain Sales. . . . | Ready-to-wear Clothing Groceries & Specialty 10 Tweed Suits, regu'ar $8.50 and 5 lbs. Choice Japan Ten 1 00 ^00 for ?« 00 B liw. Choice Black Tea 1 00 5 Tweed Suits, regu'ar 56.00 for. . . 4 50 Go.d .salmon per can ><,. Men's Fur Caps, Bell coney, only 3 M-.s. .sel. Raisins .->r, , '•'f'f'"^ ^ *° 6 11.S. fresh Figs.. '.'.'.'.â- . â- .'.â- . .'â- .â- .â- .;;â- .; 25,, 6 on'y Ladies' Caperines, regular 3 lbs. Coronation biwuits 25c Pf'^e^f'"- _ -'^^ 2 cans Ci-sent Baking powder...... o.-^ Groat reduction in Ladies' Cloth F'akjd Peas, p^r |iscket Coats. A large assortment of g ,.,„^,^.^ Extiact« .' .' 95,. Men s Pea Jackets and Heavy -"'- Ulsters a- rock bottom! prices <"""' <>v«nulBted Sugar 24 lbs 1 0« Men's Heavy all wool miernsevs at J^"'"" ^"-•"•- 31 lbs 1 (,o prsiii' ,S9cts TrinidiuJ Sugar, 28 lbs 1 OO 100 pairs Ladies' all-wo-'l hose, vcrv 3 plu;<s Prince of Wab s Tobmco. . 2f?e heavy at per pair '25cl 3 |iliiga Brier Tobacco gn,, 5w Como pind inspect Our stock of Carpets. 5^ ^ You will find the prices I'ight and the goods first class. J^ ^ All woil Sheeting 72 in. wiile, on sale at 43 c-ents p..v y-ird. *^ ^ 12 Men's Cirdi..;ans. regular Si. 50 for §1.19 each. Ijiig, N%w Stock o Su! a: ir5terlinsr Boots nnd Slio«-s ^ mSBlEE BUB F05 MKEl^^iiforse^^f the iiLdPrsianid haa a 6- •«, (Iiim t! i T1i« nn ilrr»lRn'd )nm k 8ve tkoirnthbred bred sbort Horn mill, 3 via. clri. for mi v TorkaNie hoar for »»i rkie on lot M. !\fth con- '*! f- 1'- * f». K. Art«n;«ru<. lUigfrr^ . o»wion, Art«««i«. Tiunna CJ. | |j|*ca(inii. TeiUia (1 (or mail**, • > wh. ;»t«i. )> I i i â- I â- â- :â- â€¢. .1- WM^rton- thurotichbrrd* JA('«I< â- ': I I ^^.. . /.'/â- i^^£laUJ&.iUi>W'..' Mtt KijiiaiHifisiMKfe«Man â- â- Mite

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