Flesherton Advance, 12 Mar 1903, p. 5

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T fi E F L E « II E R T O N - ADVANCE Maech 12 1903 Tksl>«rtoii i»A,S'rOK--K«v..a. [maoaWltaoij R«rvlce-iSuntlay 1 1 tx.m.Sc t p. m Miiniii.gâ€" "Tho Triumpli I'f Failuru" Ev8:iiugâ€" "J«z«!'er' â€" 11 churacer stui.'y. PASroR:â€" GEO. f. HDRLBDrvT\_ Sei'vice at II a.iu each Lord's Day B.i'.P.U. nieetinf' lucli Weiltn..sil;iy, 7.30 p. m. Tho pastor will pruach. Topic â€" " Fov uue ill the midat of Failure." Vicinity Chsps </har:irtertrtti«s of the Past tVeoU t'JiP«iiuJly l'iiii«;d for the Ciiriivus blind. J. H. -cheap. R. P. „„T::ir '*'''""'"'" """" ^'""""f Notice to Creditors U f-- J. ; Fresh liiiii;. always on Duckett, EugULiu. Now liith iiiill, for i-ide Loi;ate & Cu., Cuylon. Mr. and Mi-a. Ni'ff >f Not tawasflg'a visited with Mr.s. Bu'iner ilii.s w>?el(. Fur;ii til R ntâ€" 100 lioiva, 70 clciied. Apply to Mrs. A MuLeod, Ceyl.m P.O Moaoy '.o ioaa ;it lowest ratwS. A. S. VanDusun, Fle.ili<rl.'!ii. Mr3. Giior of Ptiiieviile viHitc; (i.iy.s (.f the pa'5t w».t!k with Tiir Boyd. When ncodiuL; i I-.xtriu liuhi iH!i.n;;.- â€" l.uup.s, shades und uiectriiiii r â€" go to Boyd, Hickliug & Co. They stuck thbui. Mr. M. K. Richardson left fur Ottawa Tue.Hiiay lo be i' resent at tho ojieiiing of Dominion Parliauieut on Wednesday. Thuro is a mild case of suiallpo.'C iu Mark'dale, the victim being Miss Hauck, niece of Father Hauck. Houaekeeijer wanted â€" Aacil woman prefened. For particulars apply at this office. Miss McKechnie of tho postofiice was culled to her home in Collin;iW(>od la.-t week by the illness of her mother. Wantedâ€" Hemlock los,'8, 18 and 20 ft. Ions;, 14 inch tops. Will pay §14 00 per lOOO ft. K. P. Legate & Co., Ceylon, F.irm to rout or sell â€" Lot 157 con. 2, S. W. T. & S. R. â€" £0 aires, 40 clui.rd Apply to Noble Lawrence, Ceylon. Wood lot for sale â€" 110 acres, none cleared, hardwood and cedar â€" I't -5, con, 14, Arteinesia. Cheap. This office. Notiye â€" \11 accounts owin^ to Jacob Williams, Eugenia, must be settled by March 25, as I am inaking a change. Notice â€" We ai-e starting tho mill this week and will be prepared to do eustein sawing and grain chopping. G.Collinsun. Mi.ss Jackson, who has been living with Mrs. John White for .some time, left for British Columbia on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Thompson of Dob. bington spent a few days last week visit- ing relatives iu this vicinity, returning on Monday. Mr. and Mrs R. N. Henderson re- turned to theu- home in Toronto on Mon- day after spendinga few days with friends in town, A load of youn^ people drove up to Markdale one oveniii',;Jast week to witness a hockey match between Dundalk and Murkd.ile teams. Th.j game was saiu to bo a good one and resulted in a tie. Joe T. Park, fmnierly of Dui..hdk, l;as puic;:r.sed ]J. A. Sr. John's jtwelety business iu Portage la Praiiio, Man. Joe's band rea'ized §127 from a ball given by fheni lately. .'^n auctioti sale of farm stock and im- lemonis « ill be held on hit 50, con. 3, S. D. 11., Uleuelg, on Wediic^day, March 18, at 1 o'clock See bills. James L. Tlioinp- ion proprietor, D. McCormick, auctioneer. Crcamory and butter facfoty at Flesh er';on, all complete, for sale cheap and on easy terms. Apply to R. J. Sproule, rerjl ejta:e agent and conveyancer, Flesherton. MoNBy TO Loanâ€" At 4J lo 4| per cent. Expenses low.^ Uso a number of im- proved and unimproved farms for sale cheap. Apply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne, or DtindaU office Saturd.iy after- Qoon. A $C00 program Friday ni^jlit.thH week at town hall, [I'lesherlon, u the treat in •lore for thosj who sec Laiug Bros.' life ni..tion pictures. Rev. Richard Hohbs. of Wiiigham, one of tho most criticsl luhiiitters of the Methodist chnreh, snys: One picture was worth the price of .id- iniraion." See particulars in this paper. No magic laiiterD pictures. Everythintj i-sday Bornâ€" lilakeleyâ€" Ou Mar. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Blakeley, a soa. Judtfe C'rea*ir died at his home in Owen Sound on Tuesday morning at the age of 70 years. 'J he ^jrohmged thaw of the past week has caused a goiieriil break up of winter. Whethsr it will reassert itself or not remains to he seen. Mr. W. J. BlakesUm, principal of the Dundalk public school, called on The A.lvaiice Tuesday evening. We lU'o al- ways deli;ihted to meet \V. J's. stniling face â€" it kind of cheers one up. This iai an off week for the Flosheiton checker and oyster fee^l elub. It is pre- sumed that there had to be a falling iff until finances aiiain reached hish wat. r wilh the champion loser. The undersigned has a large stock cf organs and sewing machines which he is preparoil t j sell at sacrilit.-e prices for the next liftiiMi days. It will pay you to iu- vo.-tigate. C. Patter.son, Fieshertoti. Opened this week at Sproulo, Crossley i Co.'s, Flesherloii, new extra C. F. F. curraijta. Vtry tine flavoiid Japan and green tea3,pal.i:on trout, herring and best ."vlauitoba mixed family Hour ; also finely flavired Navel oianges,leraons, nuts and Ciiudic-i, :dl felling at rock oottom prices. ;\ very fine entertainment, Town Hall, Fleshefton, this week, Friday ni^ht. One >l the beet Life Motion pictuie program'* to b^' aeen in Ctknada. Our best press noiicfS sue not to be compareiJ with the offer we make you. Come and see fiT yourself. We do not ask yi.u to believe te.-,.i.nouia's. iMr. T. J. Sh-. ppard will sell tickets at the door and if y<iu are not delighted you may retire at once and your moi.ey will be refunded. Tickets 23 cents, Cliildren under 12 yrs., 15 cents. Rev. E. R. Steinhaur, a full Wooded Cree Indian, and his estimable wife, a while woman, addressed a packed con- gregation in the Methodi.st church on Sunday evening. Mr. Steinhaur is the missionary at Fisher River, 100 miles n rth of \Viiniipi!g, on tho west shore of lakii Winnipeg. His baud ii umbers about 400. This gentleman is supported in his lield by the Kpworth Leaguers of Owen Sound district and he ia now travelling around making the ac<juaiuiaiico of those who support him, with tho expectation of rciurniiig home about the Hrst week in .Vpril. Mr. Steinhaur's is an interesting personality. He is a graduate of Victoria college, Cobipurg, having studied there from 1880 to 1884. Both Mr. Steinhaur and his wife spoke entwtaingly of their work, in which they appear to be very e,iruest and persevering, and remUrudtwo beautiful duets, Mr Sttiidu.ur has a very fine poice. The handsome resiUence of Mr.andMrs. John A.Boyd was alive with festive mirth and a gay tissemblage on Friday evening, the 6th iiist., it being the occasion of the 15th anniversary of iheir wedding. Abou'; a dozen cou|)Ie', representing the y hunger married people of the town ,S'it down to a most elaborate and tempting supper. After all had done full justice to the various and toothsome fealurus of the •'menu". Rev. Ivison Wilson in a few well chosen words, proposed the toast to the gonial host and chnrminii hostess, and the company drank t_o their health, longevity, and continueil happiness and piospeiity. Congratulary speeclies were delivered by Rev. L W. Thoin, and Messrs. Geo. A. Mitchell, ind F. N. W. Uicliliiig, and Mr. Boyd responded iu his usual hap[iy manner. The proceed- ings then took the form of gann;8, music and Social converse which were drawn out to the "wee sma' " hours Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are dcserviiigly popular and their many friends unite ia wi.shiiii/ them many more years of inaU-imonial ha|ipii;css. IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Hugh Spofford, late of tho Township of 0,:prey, in the county of Grey, furuter.de ceased. Notice Is beraby Riveu iiursuant to '-Tbo Boviseil StAluuH of Ontario" 1U97, oliapter ISO, tbdt all ureditors ainl otliors having claims against tbu ostatu of tlrii said Hugli Spulforil, wlio died ou or about tlio Twonty-tjucopd day of Novombur, liK>J, are required, ou or buforo tlio Sixtuutli day of .^pril, ;90:i, to seiil by post pre- paid or duliver to Messrs. Lucas, Wriyht J: Mc- Ardiii. of t'liu villauo of M'arkdalu, solioitors for i.auioi i.iiapp Preston ami'itoitirt Funwicli, tliu •â- xuuiitorb of the Last Will aud Testament of (.lio said docoRBod, their Cln-ibtiau and sur> iiiuneB. iL-UlroHsuH and doKcriptioiiH. tlie full par- ticulars v.. LUui.- ul;ii:.j'.5, Ibo g^-.-c .lout i>I' tUuii- a>ci un'B and tliu iiaturoottliu securities, if any, lield by tUfin. .VND !..!"-.. .ci- lake uotioo tliat a(t>ir sucli lust luontionod dato tho said executors siiW proceed tot.isLritjiitu the usseta of tile ducua.:ocl aiuonit tbii tiartios entitled thereto, eavini; regard only tvj I...J cii.i.u.s of wiiicli tu,y hl;a)l La.;!' have uotice, and thai the said executors will not be lih.biu for tho said assets or any part tht-reof (6 uiiy person oi jmrsons of wbo'au claims notice shall not have been receive i by thorn at tliu time of sueli distrilnitioii. DATliU tho Tenth day of March, A.D., 1903. LucAB, V.:.iGiiT<t McAii;'i.r. Solicitors for Dauiel Kuapp Preston aud lloliert t'ouwick. Executors of the last Will aud Testoujeut ef Hugh opolTord, deceased. Of ill (1/ 4g^^^^^ Stocktaking Over Ji t Sbepp ard's We find after taking .stock that we have a lot of odd hnes which we want to £lear out, and now is a good time to get a bargain in any line of winter goods. We have a few Men's and Ladies' Fur Coats left aud we might say it is a good time for auyhodv wanting a Fur Coat to buy, a.s the prices have ad"- vanced very much since we bought, of which yon will get the advantage, besides a big cut in the pres- ent price. HEN'S GOODS Men's Suits, Overcoats, Guernsies, Heavy Eub- bers, Felt Bootsâ€" we have the knife into these lines deep. LADieS' GOODS ' Cloth Jackets to be slaugh n go at any reasonable price. BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' Cloth Jackets to be slaui^htered, as we will let them go ai any reasonable price. Our stock of Boots and Shoes is complete. Sev- eral of our new spring lines to hand, aud we want room for more. Q ROC E RIES Stock new aud fresh, coming to hand daily. You can always rely on getting the' freshest Teas and Coftees from us â€" the Coffee we grind ourselves for you. We here thank our many customers for their kintl patrouage during the past year, and hope to merit a continuance of same by honest dealing and fair prices. i^idbcst Prices Paid for al! kinds of Produce T. J.SHEPPARD, % V«i \^ ill Oi Mif Of ^ m m ikt iHf >li ili (1^ (lir \li ^ il> i»/ illi^lK FARH for SALE T HE TOHONTO GKNEKAL TRUSTS COIl- poratioii is instructed by Kobort Christie Esquiro, tho inspector of Prisons and Public Charities for tho Province of fhi- tarioaiul Statutory Committee of Ar;-hibnld foster, late of tha township of .^rtomesia, in the countv of Grev, Farmer, to i-ccuivo tenders for llio pnreliasB of tho tollowiiiR property, belon^ini^ to the said Archibald i''oster, namoly Lots lis and 119, both iu tilo Third ttaugo Hast of tho Toronto and Sydouham lload. in tlie Townsliipot .Artemesia, iu the County of Gray, said to eoutaiu ICW acre-^ nioru or ks3. The property will bo sold subject to a leasu to one William Alcox tor flvo \ear8, computed from the fli-st day of April, IS'Jll, at an annual rental of one luinflred and eiRbty dollar?. Tenders to bo addro^^sod to the undersigned at thii oiiice of the Toronto General Trusts cor- poration, not later than Wednesday, tha ISth day of .March, .V.D. 1001, and to statu cash offer, tho purchaser to search title at bis own ex- pense and the vendor will not bocallod upon to inrnish any .-Vbttract o." Title or title doods other than those in their posso-'tion or contr 1. Tonilors -will only be accepted subjuc*. to tha approval of tho .ittornoy Gi-uoral and tha hi;;h- ost or an\ tender not necessarily dcccptod. Uatol at Toro. to this loth ilay of February, A. D. 190:t. J. W. LANGMUUi, Manaitini! Director The Toi out General Tr^l^t^(.V)rporatiou C,'J Youk'e Street, Toronto. J. ". EOG.\R, 60 Vullfje St., T'orouto, Kclicilor for Vendors. TlcsSjerton €ugenia ^ Nerve Energy and EyegS asses. Co Consumptives* The undersigned havinu hmni restored to health by siuiple means, t.Ii.ji- sutToriUK for sev- eral \eaia with sevi'ie luny alffCtiin, and thnt dread uiseatu consumption, i-. anxiuua to nn.ko litowu to hi.-)fello-.V8uif,'reiti tho uicaus of cure. To those »bo dcaire it, ho will eheeiluliy send (free of chai-;;e) a copy of the pro6eript;iou used, which tiiey willfind a sure f ore tor con«ump. tlon. aathna, catarrh, bronchitis and all throat and luiiu malaillea. lie hopes all snlforers nill try hi3reiin.dy, a.i it i8 invaluable. Thosedesir. iiig the preseriptiun,|>vhiob will cosiithuiu uotb- ini,' aud uiay piove a blet*8iug, will p'ease a. - dreas, Ko». HOWAKO A. WLLSON, Brookku, Hew iTork. ' Our Ciubdiny jCiii HB .iUVAVCE and â€" ♦Weekly Mail aud Empire witli pre- luium 9 1 75 ♦Weekly Globe 1 80 Fnniily ilera'tl auil V'.£ukly Star and premium 180 Daily Nows 3 10 Torouto Daily Star 8 30 Toront.* World „, 3 i6 Guardian .^. 190 Snn. ....,^, ,K \M. A constant dropping wears away a stone. A slight eyestrain injures the health because it is constant. The strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be remedied at once. This we guarantee to do with glasses. Consultation free. Delays are dangerous. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTJCIA >< To the Farmers and Cattle Feeders ^] I would call your attention to the BlalcMord SieEebrakd Cattle food And Calk Meal. This food is very highly re- commended by. the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. 11. McGill at our Station, on his farm, where lie lias some forty head of feeding cattle iu stall. Those wishing to iry it can got any quantity tor a trial, and from the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay- any feeder of stock. W.E.Richardson, : Fles.^kerton. GET « «i « Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord niinto* 2^06$* Red Clover Seed, Mammoth Clover seed Alsike Clover seed, Timothy Seed. We will save you money and supply you with choice clean seed. Give us a call when you require « Drugs* medicines orStaUonary « We are selling WALL PAPER at cost. See it. half of the origiaat Tbe undorHinned has a rtnn nae<l Uarh«m Bull for service on lot Ml, T. & S*. H. TerruB~#l for ({rade cown, #;1 for tborouKb- bred* I'edlgree on application. UCQB l4KVRa FlMbtrtouP.O. . W. J. DOUGLASS <ScCo., Flcjstiertt>ci., /

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