Til£ FLESH ERTON ADVANCE January 22 1903 Itletbodist = Cburcb, TUsberton 'f: f l! Snrv4oe-» Sunday 1 1 « m.Ac "I ex di Momitti.' â€" "The Luke*ann ChiUtian." Kveniiig^"Soriiiiin lo li.«;k»lidi.-r»" â€" iiiiiiitlily aerv'.ue (•'^ r>iii){. Scrvk> at C«j l<in 3 p. iii. Sa,]ptiist CliLur*cli. l>ASroR:â€" dliU.li'. HORLBDRT. Service at II a. w esirh Lord's U:iy B.V.F.U. meeting -iich VVudm-sday, 730 p lu. Next Suiidnyâ€" Ktrv. Ur. Bmw.. will pre<ich, 11 H. ui and 7 P'lii. Vicinity Chips €h:irarteristics of the Past Week <;arerully Culled for tbe (iiriuuii ^ â€" Fresli liiue always on h»nd. J. H" C^ckett, £ugeuia. \V lilted â€" 8 t< 10 ci>rdo3 ft.greeii winjH. Boyd, Hicidiii'j A Cu. Mouey t<) loan at lowest i&tca. A. S. VanDusen, FlesliiTtiin. A large hall tu reut. F^r pnriiculara apply at C.ayt^ju'n. Chuppiiig done every day at p!»iiing factory, Klesherion, If you are lo jkiD^ for anything >n the me (if winter goods.call at Shi'ppard's aud get a barjraia before stocktaking. Special bargains in Men's and Boys' suits, overcoats, underwear for this month. T Slteppard, Rpmetnber we take stock next tnoorh, arad before tint Jute will class anyTliinj; «t cost and list. T. J. Sheppard. Mrs. (Dr.) Rnst-lwrouyh of Everett, Wasliiiigton, is tlie guest of her sisttr, Mrs. W. .â- v. Armstrong. Highest cash price paid for furs, hides, sheei'skins aod tallow. Don't sell with- out giving tuo a call Muck Wi soa,Fle8h- eiton. Wanted At Onceâ€" Two good bush men, good wages paid, .^pply to Andrew L. Walker, Maikdale. MoNBY TO Loan â€" At +1 to 4| per ceii- lExpenses low. Also a number of im- proved a>»d unimproved farms for sile cheap, .-^pply to Geo. Rutherford, Shel- burne.'or DundaU office Saturday after- uoon. Lalies interested in the foriuation of a Women's Institute for Flesherton are re- <l'ie8ted to meet at the town hall, Flesh- t'ln, at 2 p. m on Tuesday. Jan. 27. Wood Wantkbâ€" Tenders will be re- ceived up to Fab. 2, nsxt, ftr Ihi supply of 20 cords of greeti haidwood, 3 ft. 6 iti., to the scboolhouse, Flesherton, not later than Mw. 1st, 1903. W. J.Bellamy,Sec. Rev. Dr. Brown, formerly mixsionary in India, snd now Secretary of Missions forOutaiio, will preach twice in the Baptist chapel on Sunday next, Jan. 25 â€" 11 a. in. and 7 p. ui. Reeve McTavish was called list we- k to Mt. Forest to attend the funeral of h s father, who died there at the age of 7S years. The reeve returned Saturday evening after a severe experience hattlitig with snowdnfts. Farut for Sale or Rent â€" Lot 4, con. 13, Osprey, containing about Peventy-five acres cleared, good frame bvirn 44 ft. by 72 ft. with stone wall undernenth; good house;. m)od sprinu and well on the prem- ises; about two acres of uO'<i l^earing orchard and small fcuito- " Apply to Rubeit Cieiuis, Redwingj P. O. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrow, former- ly of this vicinity but for soiHe ywars of Owen Sound, celebrated the 25tli anniver- sary of their wedding on tho 10th inst., wheu about thirty spent an evening of friendship to4(ether. Refreabmii.ts were a«rved and music enjoyed, ar.d many ap- propriate preeeuts were given Mrt Mor- row. Thn people of Priccville are moving in the direction of securing a public library fur that village and a vigorous cauvaM is beiuK pruseciitod to secure the requisite number uf lueiixbers. Over lialf the nee «wary number have already been secured. Mr. R. Grier has been temporarily ap- pointed secretary aod lubscriptious should be paid tu hion . Tho fee ia placed at 60c. or 91 f^or families. At the annual district of the L. O. L. of Artemesia held at Piolon Station the following oOSceis were elected: B. D. McLaughry, D. M.; H. Irwio, D, D. M ; R«T. T. R. Whit^ D. jhaplir; F. S«r- iteant, R. Sec. ; S. J. Htlbert, Fin. Sec. ; W.T. McKee. Treas.; R. Purvi8,D.of C ; D A.' Mtthewaon, Lect. The offir-ers were duly installed by the n.iMtt Worship- ful Grand Master and sovereign of Bi i^ijsh Amsrica, T. 8. Sproule, M. P., that Mr. U. E. Wilkei-soii, an old Arie- luesia boy, luu gone into the lumber and iiupleme.i business at Taiitallon, .M»n., in paniiersliip with a Mr. W. U. Ballam. Tho paper ventures '.Urt rpinion that thcSd two men will do well lu llleir bui-b- ness. May the upinioii b« vi-rilit^. The Bu.;ei>ia L. <). L. mUI Ik-M their annual *)ir>:K ii. ther lalirm Wedin.'bday evening, .jHn. 28. win n a go< d time in expioted Dr. S|.i'< ule, I. B Locai and otlii-r gui.ileiuen w 11 )»<i preeut an<l a cliiiiuBu>ua:culpr(>graiii t«n eieil. oMsebills. After a lung, weary waito. turee mouths for rujich iKii-y, Mr. O. aglti wai able on U'ediienday uveniug last lo turn on the street lightt, and we now have our streets lighted ill a tiisc i;lass inann T ly the modern illuiuiua'or, electricity. The lialita, toe, are vary satistartory, with the exception of ilie one arc liitht, which had to be returned t<i the factory for adjuat- ment. Mr. Deigle haa a itatf engaged in the instalment of pnvate lights, of which be will secure a generous number. That Hentlcni oi has woike<l liaid under dis- couraging circuiiiatancei, and hu.s been at g t expense in uettini; his pUot in- stalled, but ve trust he will leap Iho re- ward t>f the deserving. He purposes Mso sdoing a telepliMue lin< from Euc^enia in the near future, which will be a great con- veiiienc" tu tfic pullic a-s well as to hiin- ait Ttie Forre'lein »f this village gave wluit pui ported to be a concert in the town hall on Ti.ursday evonin.; "f last week and chirged 25 c nts aJini.ssion. J. C. Mor- gan of Ban ie opened the cncert with a 40 luiuute address oil the advantages ac- (.riiiog from a iaeiiiheishi|j in th s order, after wh cU the star distraction of the ei'eiiii'g took the boards and uave his audience a orayiin eiperie4ice with wh.it he called "PeculL'ir poeple." Tluy *ore peculiar people, t'.io. It was a ptjculiar concert all through, and Mr. Spafford, the anisr, is a peculiar eiiterUiinev. It is safe to Si<y that no such ioaue exhibition of silly fi-jures and bewhiskend aliiianac j.ikes was ever passed on a long-suffering audience as Spaflford was guilty of pro- du.ing ou thi.s occasion. The otficefs of the society who unwittingly gut him here were intensely mortified at the way they bad Vieeu taken in, and propose to give a free concert to an irritated public in the Dear future by way of compensation. Where Spafford conid have got his press notices is a puzzle. To say his show was rauk silliness puts it mildly. When the artist gets out his next list of press not- ices he at liberty to use the above. It i<< not copyrighted. One of the choicest concerts of the sea- son was that given by the Foresters at Eugenia on Friday evening of last week. The program was one of the bi'St listened lo f..r some time, including numbers by Misses Joy and VJr. and Mis. T. J. Sheppard of Flesherton ; E-Thwaite-Cow- per late of London, Eiig., elocutionist and c luic entert.ainer; and Miss Fhirence Mc- Mutlen, Hold medal violinist ofTirouco. The program was to varied as to suit all tastes, and so excellent throughout that everybody was delighted. Mr, Thwaite- Oowper was for twelve yours with ihg Henry Irving company aud understands thoioughly huw to pat a crowd in good humor. His repertoire ranges from comic song to powerful dramatic readings, and he can certainly hold his audience as well as anyone we have listened to. Miss Mc- Mulleii isa young lady possessing much talent ivith the violin, and her playing on this o< casiou was a revelation, to many, of the possibilities of the violin. She rendered five numbers aud was loudly encored on each occasion, and was gener- ous with her responses. Among her numbeis were "Air Varie" by Farmer; a niHzurka by Wienawski, and her last piece, and one which was probably ap- preciattd most, was the Marche Anglais. She is a pupil of Mrs. Dreachler Adams and Bernhardt tValther at the Toronto coiiscivatory uf music, and is an honor to her tutors. She is a young lady of pleas- ing presence and we predict for her a succts-'ful career. She already has a Isrve call for concert work,baving tr.tvell- eds thousand miles since last September in this capacity. Mr. Preston of Grand Valley occupied the chair. Eugenia orchestra also supplied music. The pro- Oieds amounted to ovnr 947. Wo notice by the Mooeoinin Spectator coup's being Mi-tsJeMiie C.Scott and Mr, .Vrohibald Cairns, Ijiith of this place. The bridu was assisted by her younger sister, Miss Lilian M. Scott, while tho bride- groom wixa ably assisted by Mr, John Cairns, of C^rndutT, cousin of the groom. At 8 p. m. the weilding party entered the sitting room, where tiie beautiful strains of the wedding march were being ably played by Miss Scott. Rev. T. RScott, of Oxbow performed the ceremony of prooliiimiog ihetii husband and wife. After the usual conuratulatiuns the near rolnlivas of the contracting parties eat down to partake nf a real recherche wedd- ing supp«r. After supper was over, Mr. Anaerson, sr. , in a short speech, proposed the health of the bride and bridegroom, which was drunk with entliusiasm. Mr- A. Cairns proposed the health of Mrs. Scott and family, which was duly-honored. Several other toasts were given and a very pleasant evening was spent in song and rieiidly converastion. The bride was givau away bv her brother, J. W. Scott, and she looked re- splendent dressed in silk orgiindie,trimm- ed with sUk lace and white ribbon, and orange blossoms in her hair. Thj bridesmaid seemed quite at home in her duties and was beatifully dressed in flowered muslin made over pink satin trimmed with silk applique. Little Willie Hogg, dressed in pure white,acted as page, and carried the rin>: on a silver tray. The presents were numerous, cost- ly and useful, which showed the high esteem in which the bride was held in this community, Mr. aud Mrs. Cairns left, by the next morning train amidst showers of rice and boots for a three months' visit to friends in Toronto, Flesh- erton, Creeinore, Bowiianville,Orono and other points in Ontario. Sour Grapes Cairnsâ€" Scott The;Mo< gomin Spectator of date Jan. 8, chronicles the following marriage. The genial bridegroom is well known in thi« too nship and the item will be read with interest by many Advance readers. The Spectator say? : A very pretty wedding was solemnized at the booM of Mrs.(Rev.} J. R. Scott, near Manor, on Monday ^veuing, Dec. ^b at 8 ^. m... the bapp| The Owen Sound Times, commenting on our Item regardinit the boycotting of Markdale by Otveu Sound people, says: "Neither Markdale or this tuwu has any- thinji to gain liy securing the house of refuge. Industriously it does not mean as much as a well conducted farn; man- aued by five orsix prosperous individuals. The only objection to' the isolated loca- tiun, as Tho Times has said, as it says now, a.s it repeats, is the l>sa that the Cuunty will sustain fqt^ll tim-; for extra transijortaiion f"f ipdiieu"; committals, ijraiid. iorors, irmiiity fc^Auocillors, and so forth, t<) say notUin'j of the loe« of the only good markwt in the county wher the products of the int^tuituti-'n can be dis posed of to advantage." This is certasniy a lavse of sour grapes. The press of Owen Sound made hurculean efforts to get the house of refuse located there, and the incident related by us last week was an actuar occurence, which proves conclusively tliat the lo»3 of ihis institution is an open sore to Owen Sounders. As for Owen Sound beinathe best niark.-t in the *>un'.y, rhat is all Donse se. There Hie half a dozen mark- ets in this county as good as Owen Sound aud several better. Notice to Creditors In tho matter of ttie estate of William Bandsll Dysop, late of tile t>^wu^hip oCArtbiiieKia iu the Couucy of Grey* Farujor, deceased. Notice ishoroby eivpU; pursiiaut to "Tho Ho- visoit StiitiitBS of Ontario. 1837. Chap. 12U, that all croilitors auU otiiera baviiiK claims agaiast the estate of saiil WilUain Randall Uyst u, who di.)'t on or about tho 3rd day of November. 1903. are required ou or b-rfore the Alth day of Feb., A. D. ia03 to Bond by post, prepaid, or deliver to H. B. byso. . Vloshorton P. 0., in the said township of Artemesia, ki the aforesaid county of Grev. oiio of the executors of the deceased, thuir christian aud suruftniH8,»ddresses and Je- bcriptious and full part cularn of their claimA.a statement uf tibeir accounts and the naturo of the 8ecurities<if anylbeUi by them. .\iid further take notice that after the l«st meotioned date tho Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among tho parties entitled thareta haviiiB rea^r 1 only to the claims of which they ehall havo DOtice, ai<d tho "xtcutors will not be liable (or the assets or part thereof to aiiv person or persons of whoso clainis notice shall not have bean ro- oeived at timtiof such dIstributioD. Dated Jan. C, l'M3, H. B. Dtsom. 1 KiiKD W. NicaoLsoN, > Bzecutore. Tros. Clatton, jb, / ii/ Of il^ ili aa \li ^ Hi ilf it Oi ilr ill Of m ili iH ill \^ ilf % Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye-glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit yofu -with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELB1«>ANO OPTiCiA ' Stocktaking Sale We have decided to hold a great StocktaJcing Sale and lasting Thirty Days We take stock in February and want to clear out as much as possible before that date. To do this we have decided to give a Discount of 15 p^f CCIlt* on all cash purchases and a Discount of |0 |>«r cent* on all purchases paid by produce, sugar ex- cepted. Our stock, which amounts to $12,000, is well a-ssorted in all lines and this is a chance to get good staple goods at very low prices. Our Winter goods must be cleared as after another month our New Spring Goods will sturt to arrive and we must have room, so we want you to help us make it. We might mention some lines we are well stocked in Men's and Boys' Guernsies, Men's and Boys' Suits, Braces, Ties. Dress Patterns, Waist Patterns, Canned Goods, Rubbers all kinds, Overcoats, Tweeds, Flannelettes, Linings, Teas all kinds Groceries, Top Shirts Overalls, Wrapperettes, Corsets, Boots & Shoes Crockery. •J^ Remember the Big Discount we are giving when you want any of the above. . It will Pay you. J. SHEPPARD, TIesberton : Eugenia T. â- ^ JSSJ^- ^^^:i^^^^^ Of #> iHf «li ik iif y» ik ilr ilr Hi ik Of Oi ilr ii^ ik iar ilr ili #' # Of m \lr ilr Of Hi I \A m To the Farmers and Cattle , ^ Feeders • -; I would call your attention to the -^ ... Blatcbf ord eeuln*ated eattU Tood And Calf Meal. This food is very highly re- commended by the Great Stock Breeders in the States, and is now being tested by Mr. K. McGill at our Station, on his farm, where he has some forty head of feeding cattle in stall. Those wishing to try it can get any quantity for a trial, and from the recommendation 1 have no doubt it will repay any ffeeder of stock. W.E.Richardson, : Flesherton. W.J. DOUGL ASS& CO. '5 To Tbe People of Flesherton and Vicinity:â€" We beg to announce that we haveptti«c&ttsedthe> Drug, Stationery and Seecfe Btesithjss of Dr. Christoe, and have made a veny oareful and thorough examination o€ tke sCeefc on hand and have rejected ard destroyed every tfeing in the line of Drugs and Medicines whiuli' we- found to not be of prime vp»Kty and standani strength, aud trust oy fiur dealing and careftrl* attention to business to merit a fair share of public pat- ronage. Wfr have o« \im\ii a large- stock of" Christmas Coys and novelties wbich we will sell at siicrifice price â€" call aut seet Wishing all the compliment* ' 'â- He sianon, .e8)>eatfuliy, (Soilindwood DKCoaisT. seeBMGN, erv Flealiepton N. B. â€" We are open to buy %ny <ium»*»»yof Cluver, .\liiilce or Timothy S««d, and wil^ jay the highest market price, npot c»«h â€" ^ * iiaaipie«^