Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1899, p. 4

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vlMM>hl'ri> who 1(1. tot i ,-c'n! v* th*ir ill plfi, ii.n|f> u. >l mir, . r.'r.it,' nudt|ki>oirii n p|>lloUon. TIIK AI\AN( 'K. KTON, OXT. Simple Homo Remedies. The roots of dandelion ned as bitters er Infii-ion Thin I* aa excellent remedy ler all liver cotnplalnu. It Is also a toaic ami 1-nren otwtlnatu <^>nstli>atlon. Catnip is a dra< n-wlly |ipular remedy. Tb* warm infusion should lie drank In tearopful doses, li )*nducesfreepurnplra- Mon: uiieful In colds, cello of Infanta, ervaui hvadach* and hysteria. Ualin Is I he moKt fragrant of herba. It U a pleasant and cooling drink In fevers avad may be drank freely. It Is antl spas- snodlc, and a safe and p.uanant remedy for tnsopinia from nerriiiisncM. It U also good for rainful nienstru.ttlon. Comfrey acu chiellr on th* mucoas tlskut-H of th. m.tr in and is good In all pulmonary affectiona. as coughs, bronchi- Ms, bleeding from hr lungs and Incipient eofliuninllnn sshnni.j K- t.vkt.,, iroely In th* form of an lufution or syrup. In burdock the root Is the part used and la a valuable altcmtlvu In diseases of th* blood, -m h tt K m eruptions, boils, old cor**, tettar; also a valuabl* kidney rem- edy. Dos* of the inf ii-ion, taken colil, U a half Uiocupf ul three time* a day before Calamus Is an excellent aromatic stimu- lant and tonic: uwful In flatulent colic, especially of children, and Is a good sub- etllutv fur soothing slrupn, many of which eontain more or less opium. 1 he root I* tb* iiart uiuxl aud is given in th* form of tea, Camomile flowers are usefnl In dyspepsia aud weak, tlel'llituted oon Itlons of the etomarh '1 hey make good rentor.tlr* kltlers, strengthening in fuinals weakness and hysteria. If the (lowers are simply hewed after eating they often prevent elehlng of the food and wind on th* to much. Something Mor* Thau a PurgatlT*. Te purge 11 ib* on'y etlt-ct of many pills now on th* lunrket. ParinelsVa \ ege- ll>l l'ilu ar* moii lliao a purgatlv*. Tii*y sirriigtlien lur stomach wiicr* otber Ills wtnktu It. 'I In-) i Iran-* tb* blood OT rrniiliiiing tb* liver and kidnevs, and tli*y munuiat* whers oilier pill com- pi>un<U ticpresi. Nothing of injurious alnre. uwd for nn-n-ijr purgsiiv* uuwan, aKr* into icir coiupu*iliuui. Ilrr4 Innorrnrr. "Thnt, sir," exclaimed the Indignant Merchant, "U what I coll a gratuitous falsehood I" "It's nothing of the kind," replied the nscrupulous salraman "I got a salary nd a oomuilaslon for telling that false- A Kl.i ml l.r.Mtad*. Mrs. West I r-ippow you have beard that our neigh lx>r. Mrs Tlngl*. caught Mir husband kissing tho cook yutordayf Mrs. Kasl Yes, but who can Maine him' It's iimlmlily tho first tlmu ho ever kail any one In the. house tbat knew bow to cook. lioNl4.ii Courier SHORT BL'T PITH! to Miss Linsey's Endorsatlon Dodd's Kidney PiHs. of 1 kr < M . - i tier *f I .1. . M .k .! mmt M...I..I,. MI,.., inker M..II.I.,.* w. r. u u i. .,,ii KnVt Hrr < ar4 ! M lin *h. *lrt.d l'- U( II.O.I-. Kidney fill*. Qosheo, I'Q, April 10. A Tery short, very pithy ami irelcrhty utatement Is Rlren for publication by Mins l.lizlo Llnsey, of this city. This statement, niiulo and <lgn- ed In th* prenenre of wltnvsket, carries a mesA of bm and i-ni-uuni|{,!iiii>nt to ^ riil majority of women, for nine of ev*ry V ivn" '-n aro mifTeren from one or (her of the long train of Ills known a* Female Troublr* To thru, to I In MI all without ezreptlon, Miss I.IIIM-T'S m Hi m ni proreii that ll rro Is In Dixlils Kidney I'llls a podltivo cure for ths dtMaMW that rob life of nil Its picu- ares anil joy*. Miss Ltnsejr write*: "I haw been a frrnkt (Terer from Keinnlu Wtukneuand llivtd- ache. 1 itWTeral nil ihstonun-s attomlunl open these diseaM-o. nnd could Let no re- lief, though 1 111,1 ninny dlfTrn-nt kln<ls) f remedies Soinu ilinun^i I bo|(an luing Dodd's Kidney 1'11'iiand my ooni|iletcure keffnn at the same time. I am now -imng and well In every way, thanki u> Uodd'i "CANADA'S GREATEST SEED HOUSE { ^y&f&iz. The Steele, Briggs Seed Go.'s Enormous annual trade In Farm and Garden Seeds has been at- tained by 26 years <ii constant vigil**re and care, snd in supplying merchants and growers with toe Tery highest Standard of quality that can be procured, -vnd at most favorable price* consistent with "Good Seeds," wnicli is the nut eueotial lor a food crop. - Among our many introductions of merit ' Steele, Briggs' CARROT Improved Short White It ma? W proprly called "t. Ittl* Giant." brltlom exceeds ui- rn inches In I'-ngih, *rd bat rrn crown to m<-d*ur iwenty- tcvrn inchr. In circumtrirr.ee; Mauds nearly onr fourth out *l ground, with wrung, band* me lop. broad ard hc^vy at ibe houldcr. tapering evenly to a p- mi. u p. ifVrt as tf turned In a I -the. "I [irroMr is pale green above ground, and a In. hi cre.-my *biie Lr drr grm.nd : flrtjj iirh while. K! d. sweet ai>d vrry nutritious. Under god cultivation b<t vtelded oaa thousand buabla per acre. . . As an Exhibition Prize Winner H b the Peer bthe... World's Champion Bccaioe it is the Surest Cropper The Heaviest Yielder Easiest Harvested The Handsomest Shaped Roots And the Very Best Field Carrot in existence Prlc (post-paid) per Ib.. 450. ; f Ib., aje. ; ^ Ib.. ijc.; 01., ice. PLEASE NOTE. A* a safe-fuard to <fOis. we supply the irennlne "Im- proved Short White" Carrol ID sealed packages only, printed in colon and bearing our name and trade mark aa shown in tbe illustration. If your mident merchant cannot supply 7011, whig to D* for it Refuse imitations of our package* and varieties said to be "just as good " Danish White Oats A remarkably heavy-yielding variety, produces strong, itiff straw, large. plump, heavy, bright grain with thin hull, and adapted to a (Treat diversity of sotls : withstands stormy weather without lodging or shelling. Price by mall (post-paid) per Ib . ijc ; 4 Ib*. for 500 . or by freight D ' express (purchaser paving carriage) peck jjc. ; bush , 8oc. ; 10 bush, lot* or over. 7jc. per bath. Cotton bsgs. holding ilf l>ush.. at ijc each Writs for our Catalrgne, contains de*crtplions and prices of the newett and best Field and Gardea Seeds. ** Pleas* mention this paper. "Canada's Greatest Seed House" <*STEELE,BRICCSSEEDCO., TORONTO. ONT. Limited Mftiri. Nurihnip & Lvmnn Co. are the proprietor* of Dr. ThouiuV Kclectrio Oil. winch M IHHV liHiig Mild In Imiiidiie oaniltlee throughout the Dam la Ian. It u itrli mnml liy Mte milTering invilid everywhere with motioa* of dm . l*cii- it hnnUlips pain xnd Riven umlaut rv |.-l. This VAlllrtlllo i|-einY for tlAot ''evrry ill Hint llnsh i* hril" t ." is valued by i ! minYirr n morn precious than gold. It Is ill., elivir .4 111* to umiiy a wteil (r.uiHV 'I'a i lie f. inner U la InilU- ii"*l)Io. unit It anould be iu every Awful. K<lle They're awfully af raid of small- pox In MM'ii'ty. I n\f*- 'I'liminy Wb.it makiMi Ton think MI? >a"li \V. II. uiitiiniin let nif go with her to u party tbi< nthrr night, and every latly there tuxl ti |K> ilrnuwd so aa to show hrr varrlnatloii in. irk If yonrrhlld I* \vi\f. pnevUh, nnd doee not thrive, a diM<o of Miller's Woim Vow don iHvasjiiiijilly will cure. OB. Hal.llrr'* U... II, A simple story, yrt a innit touching one. Is In tl>* rhlcago lime* Herald's descrip- tion of tho la*t hour* ef 1'rlvatu lien June., of thu Klrst llllnoU. Ho li.ul lain In a *tiii>or all duy. Kvvur had depleted his rvnerve force Toward evening he I i mil his eyu and Maid to Nurse Mary: ' Von say suinethlntf " "What?" she -knl He drew In- lin-athaiid answered: "You my: The lml is'" Ho wa too i for gone to niL itiull; but she undef- stood. She bfiit OMT him and rvpuutod: "Though I walk through the valley of the j shadow irf ilruiti 1 wil. " "Yu-." 1'rlvate i Juii, lutvrriipu-tl. ilie valley of the sha- j dow." lie lurnu . his fooo from her and j'vll asleep forever M - Tollrh.il. He klMml her rnUter mitldenly, And tlinu 'h iirprii.il was she, Shu only M u-'iiil n little bit, Ai.il nuld "That'll one on me." Weak, UM!*, nerrous women, whose live* are a continual round of suffering, need look no further for it <"ire. If thuy will se Drald's Kidney I'llls they are sure of eeiiiplni* mtorntlon to vlguruiis hrnllh. IKitld'n Klilury 1'ilU utreugilion thx Kid- Beys ami the Urinary Organ*, aud bring health, strength und vitality to wunk, do- fecitTu organs No Kidney Dlieiue can aa let when 1), M!I| Kulm-y I'llls reused, DudU'i Kltlm y I'llls ara sld by all drug- Ulsts al Mlo. a bus, i boxes fiW, or sent, a receipt f prloe, by th* iHxla* UeUiolne Ce>., L4iultod, i nr.,iii.i I Ipinii.-iiil I , "T feel like HO oents "Thirty OK nut Yun'r* rtoh I fil like a rtinn- inn! I don t know whethur I've; gut u ur not ' Di-tmii Krae I'reaa THE ROOTS OF CANCER Till* ll whrr. i hi- kn IH f li*. llMtor* >n lihnufli initii UIIH aironiilns; ilu. (ml t> iakf | : iiativiil ruin Th only J,rfi. I syMnia It ' iuli'lr- pleasant b,ite iii m. ni. P*riirularsfr. f. N. STOTT A JURY, MWlUlrVTUf ONT N'ew life for n qunrter. Miller's pouud Iron rill*. N mini. "Oh, I would iioti-aUChellteadnmmy," aid the young wuiuati who has a kind benrt What eluo Is tier' uslwl the oauatle young womiin. "1 do not know that he Is anything at All. Hut nil the (linniiilo* I hav* seen wore ruiuly in.uli- riot hra, and i'twllle would ruilu-r illn than i|,i thnt." Worms CJinv- frvri i-lniesv mnnnlngand remle-Mirs^ u u in^ ob-ep. Mother (i raves' Win m Kxli'riiilnnloi- is pleavani, ure and efTi-i-luul. If MUM ilriiLTu-iHt bits nou* iu mock., et him to pnx-urc ll for you. -11.- \ ..nl.l V .11 Maude If a rlfh olil man on tha edge of th,< grave 1111111111 pmnoet to you, would jou throw him ovrr* Marie Not until uftor I had aiarried him. liurd'a Lln-e i .. ! Mneh. "The Men of ih.f Mia having th *B- darlty to try to buy my vote oatrlghtl" flrl llninl the KIII ill | itlltM.in "Wouldn't you .mnie ts> kle termsf" akkul the tnllmui ' . tut. "No, sir. I ininKi rent It for a llttls while, but I wuiil in I mil ll." Is there KiiytbiiiK mine annoying than bavin* ,..,.,- corn mrpim! upon f I there anything inor* dfliuliiftil ilmn getting i ui of itT Holleiway's Oan Cure will do It, Try It and b umvtuoed. A siPlU Rraln of strychnia* will Mar Bflu,io grains of watar. ! K. l|ifM,lit Osk "Isn't Mand a rnthcr uncertain friendf" "Not at all; whenever she comes to see me 1 know she want* something." The distance I n in the farthest point of polar dlsDoverlo* to th* pole lieolf Is 400 mtlet. The railway syiitenti of the Mexican repvbllo now neumire 7.70ft mllesv aro l -. Her. Caller Is Mm IlniwnMon at homef Servant Yee'ni. She'll be at home all the evening. It's my night out. Health for the ehildrea. Miller's Worai I'owiler*. "What Is flotlun, pa?" "A ny story thnt mvs 'the/ marrlad and lived happily ever after ' " Bafrguy Delleve In expansion. Tugi;-yf Tuggsy 1 do when It's produced by a square Bial. A law granting t!OO to every borgher who Is th* father of twelv* u<ys has been Introduced In the Transvaal volksraad. oi.,, trill Approve of Till*. An Improved telephone lninnnnnt ha been Imniuht out by a Krvmhiuan. M. 1'liTre Guriuuln. The Invention ho* at- tracted much attention, and will. It Is sold, be of Incalculable u*e In ofTKvu. since It I* not neoeuary to approach the inurnment In order to carry on a oonvereat on, nor dot** the tone af voice become altered or wliuu trauiuulited a gnwt ill*- A cycling flrtu In Coloa;ne ho.4 patented a new bicycle I ,!!. In which Is oon.valoil a kind of rvxolvrr wlurh U to m-rvu the doublo pur]">^ of frigh:enlng awuv vlct ous dog and rheoky trump*. Uy merely prtMwing a button attached to the sido of the bell tun curt riilKun cau bu flrwl off In uoceaaion, thvMi giving u.'h a loud rvport that obnoxli u per%<ni and anluiul* would Dot think twico l lorw beating a luuly rv troat. For the Overworked. \Vbt are th CAIIHCS of ilf.|i<>Mileiicy .iml melnneholy F A diaorderetl n ver i-. on , .ms .tint * prime une. A ili Tili-io I livrr inraiiv a disor- ilrreil sliiinacli, ami n disordered slomacb, iiieitu* dia'nriutiic.* of thv iivrvoiimyilriii. Tbi> bmiHH tbe H hole botly lulu >ubji.-o- 'niii and the victim fe. HI k nil ovrr. I'.irmelee'a VKeUil>le I'llls are a recop- nixwl remedy in lUU>la. at d relief will follow tlirir ue. It ls cwtini.iuxl thnt fully two-thirds >f .the whole amount of publl inone; held by tin Uondoa (Kng.) bauk* does not bear llltCIIMt. If thecliililivn nx|iiiru phynlc none acts o ulce as Miller's Worm Powders; very pleasuiit to take. Til* H | ,,, I- 1.. iiir I ,,,*. ni A >iniviny w'th it capital of (b.000,000 tbrou|(h the ci.y of ll..v..a lu Cubu. I |. , \ . - , . T .,!. Cliler Brother Frvxldy. I'm mirrirlae'l te sue you Hook your Itmul in ho lUnli lit ucvedlngly bad forin Kreddy Well, tt'wfulh- irud taste. Imird's UulDum Cures Coltis, tie. K.ng Karreh. chief of a 1 irin> Kafnr tribe, has beconic a full ll.il-nl "worcher" ami rklee his blr>rleovcr t lie smooth Souia African velilt nmrly nil il.iy long. A new back for 50 cents. Kidney 1'ills nod I'hister. Miller's PLOWS, ROLLERS A HARROWS I h. u-.l Mn.l. ml f,ir t .- . .-^ ,- l,,i i, -ill II I 'I.OM ., IIKANO OMO IUCAS, STEIIE & BRISTOL, ; ;-'; Sm IMPS****!** t- ttM-Cfl Mtf*. I .**, J| ll. f .( !.* II- r*P BINDER TWINE"AND' ROPET ONTAKUI IIIMiKH TWIXR 'O.. Ill L'ulou Htatloa Art-uiie, 'I uruuto. SUFFERING WOMEN I c*n out* prrmnnnttv alt ituie*Nm (irculiir tv wuiuea. and o/ wi-nih, painful, Hi|iprri ed *uJ InYffulur nieitvtnjatiun, iciK-or ih.r, ci WHITE ro rntt BOOK Srx Julil L >><!. Ill W, llMWl. |M. Brantford *& STEEL TOWERS AND WINDMILLS TV* "i- ' drill, l.r Web te the length ef two and one fourth mlWw has beea drwn treat tt b*Ay W a single sitMer. Tliero M mi>r Colarrli .a thl* eilon of ths eouiilrv IUH all ihr til****** (Kit tocfilifr, ami uut I UH' Ust '*w >pait w4 tu{>|M,il 10 b* If i.i Ir. Fur a ri many XMI> ilm'ture iirn.iou u' it it IIH-A! discnap, and ( rwt il*, il lit *i , oiu>-,|i. , anil In i- .<i illy lallmf lorur* with lueil iroal .<ri, |Nuiii,iiiii-vd u liur*l>!. a<-iiu lias i-i i\ rui.i rli v > L>o a conttilutkon al iliatu*. and tlirr>ne r<M)inr,-s . oiiiiluli"iil tr*ini*nt* IIU' Cawrrh Cur*, nunu'*. iur*i ky F. J i:ri*ii*y * *'".. Tulnl . o'nu. I* tb only fiiill Mil m*l <"> en lh< n*rkl. ll 1* I km li ti-n>JI> In il" from lOriroH* >e a leupot a lul It M'U ulrttcily o tli bl.Mni ail I IMO uiftrosel thesrstrm. Thy Bffi<ran* haiMlr.ii de> i*iifr any * u fns o run. ,i lc trcilm'itd la Artdrrei F J UI*K.1|YkOU.,Tele4e t & / DrsaBSili, Tk*. .-.*. 11 * *tflx rsv r.lln (irl,, l.r. VA\ 4. 4 i,......ii i\.,,Mi nL ", l-..m, ....... *!,*<. llitfiti .d rot x..w Oak- T. N. 0. 21ft PIRATE I By Guy Boothby. "And wln'.t will become uf the Tan and I' "The hor-'-n will tin taken away from rhu yard wiuuu u bonr of our dupar- tore. The v:m cau remain there :< 1 :u n - ma it pleaM>. Wo will bone by the time thy flii't it we shall be f.r away troui I-jiglaml " "And do<"> Aim oudarstand your at- smngeuxiitu'" uke<t Janet. "PertccUv I called at the jail tLi* BOTQing, di.-k-iise'l M olloitor'i clerk, aw hrr aaii 'aid her all. You need bave no fear for her. She will play her part to perfection. " Kelt morning the long bonrj enetnt1 i If tbey would never pass. All ray jxrsrual arrancementi) b.id b>n mailn some days I rfi-re aud my Int-va^e w-nt off to the y:ibt at PurUmootb labeled "Captain It. Wakemen. " no thore was bcclntely tit thing at all for me to di; to kill tlie time till we were due at flu house. At I J o'cloi:k -harp to tbe oiiu- te Janet aud I bad lunch aud at half jBMTt set off to different directions, tak- ing particular care to see tbat we were not followed We reached tbe hnnsn almcot simnl taaoongly niitl were rexxuvetl at tbe door "by an irrei>ri>acbuble mjidnerrant, who 4id not seem in tbe least surprised to *ee na. Wai worth we found in a room t (be back, this time irrt-primrbably fot up ax m fJd family brtler. My sis- sar was slre:i<l< ,1rcnaiHl In httr nnroe't apparel. anl VTT eweet and womanly abe looked in it. In tb* pMsvge on thine tbe one mom wbicb had been made habitable wan a curious sort of stretcher. tbe use of which I could not deturnuua "Tbat is tbe bwipla.** upon wbicb we iball carry your punr Invalid wife out to the carriage. " smld Walwortb. yon iee, it is quite ready for oea." "I see, Aud when am I to make my toilet? I b;.v>5 brought the clotiiea yon inDtioned v it h me lu tbil parcel. " "that's n ,ut. I wan balf afraid you night briUK * handbag, which would fcave bad to be left behind and would Tery possitly have been teoogni/. .1 Kow I thinlj yon bad better come into the other room aud lot me maku you up t once." I followed him. and when I emergwl again a qua; tt-r of an hour later I might ery well h^ve stood for a portrait of u resreetitiitr. middle aged Eutlisu aval n.aij nu tbe retired list lly hair wu iron (tray, an also were my clo cropped beard and mustache. Tbe very out of my clotues and tbe fashion of my neckcloth ceuied to set forth my cull ing a* plaiu as any words could gpak. In tbia get up I bad not tbe leaat fear that any one would recognize me. By tbii time it was nearly i o'clock, and <he CMe was to commence at balf part. "li everything prepared?" I asked Walworth for about the hundredth time a* we adjourned to tho Hitting rooaa. "Every thiug," ho answered, with tb same pativu: equanimity. "Como into tbe yard and see tkern barnem tb- bones." I followed him out into tbe back re- cions, wbere wo found two stalwart po- liceoifn buMly im-upied itUicLiug u couple of burscH to an enormous 1.1 n i. Mario. They touched tboir hatu to m with as littie cnui-ern as if tbo busiut * tbey were pugged to carry out WM ou- of the very smallest importance. We returned to tbe sitting room and waited. Tlio njiuute* seemed lotig a hours, and to horrible was tbe upeoe tbat I began to conjure up all sorts of calamities. Perhaps I may be laughed at for owuiuR myself such a coward, bat let the pluckiest man living try th ordeal I was then pasviug through <' 1 see If bo would be braver. IS a Iw*sui condiuou of complete terror, and I'll awn it. Suddenly, with a noise tbat MMM down tbo empty corridor and braced us to acticu liko a trumpet call, tbe tele- phone t -H raug out Both Walwortb . and I '-.imped to onrtyetat tbe Home in- Unt und avpropriated tbe ear trumpeta. Then a tiny voice inside tbi umtrumeot id mynttritiuHly : "Tbe cage 11 adjourned and tbe orcwU U diaper sinp. " With a Htep as steady and a voice as firm M if be were ordering bis carriage (or an airiug iu the park Wai-worth went to tbe back door, I following clone at his heels. He gave a signal and then crowed tbe yard to the gate*, which he began to open. "Are you ready?" he cried to the "Quite ready," the taller of the pair answered, climbing on the box. "Papers and everything handy?" "Aye, aye, fir," said tho guard ou th seat at tbe buck. "Very well, then, go ahead and good look go with yon." Tbe gute wero thrown open and tho Tan rolled out into the half deaurtod street. "Now come with me." cried Wal- wortb, "and see if the carriage is at tbe other door. ' ' We wvut inside, paused through tbe boas* and out to tbe front. Yes. The shaped hospital oar, with th door opening at tLt end to admit tbe stretcher, woe already pacing up and down. Then suddenly I heard the roll of wheel*. They .mm cli.-er aud closer Then tbey stappv... the tales were tbrowu open, and a secL,ud or two later tbe vau rolled into tbe yard. Before I could have couiitid ti n the guard was dcwa from bis perch, tbe gates were <-. again, tbe door .f tbe van was opened j nod Alie ran d ,wn tbe ateps. Thou, i forgetting thute about us, I rutbeil onl und took bi-r iu my arms. Bat 'Wal- wortb would have no delay. "Come inside quickly," be mid. "Tbere is not a second to lose I Tbey may be after na already!" We followed him into tbe bouse, and then for tbe first time I saw that Alie Lad dressed herself ill tbe van for the part *b had to play. Throwing hnclf down npon tbe stretcher, ibe pulled the coverlet across ber, denned a wig witb corkscrew curls, drew a veil over hrr face aud announced berself ready. Jauet picked up ber reticule, smelling salts. ftawls. fans, etc. ; tbe maid brought an aruiful of rugs; I took oue end of the stretcher. Walwortb tbe otber. and w we went down tbe steps to the camay Then tbe invalid was hoisted in, Jati-i and I stepped in and seated ourselves, biaidv ber. Wai*, rtb sprang on to the box beaiiiu the ccucnu-an und away we went for W aterluo as fact aj onr spirited horse could trot. Not a word was spoken all the way. and in leM uan ten minutes -ve bad rattled op tha cau-rway and wen. tils embarking onr precious load upon tbe platform. As tbe porters came crowding around us, I thought tbu a fitting op- portunity for assuming tbe role I bad elected to play. So, calling npon two of them to tak* up "Mrs. Wakeman" and be very careful not to shake ber, I led tbe way toward tbe Pullman wbicb bad been specially reserved for us. Wal- wortb, in bn capacity of family servant, bad mounted guard at tbe door, and, when we were inside, went off to bis own carriage. A minute later tbe guard waved bis dag, tbe whistle sounded and tbe train steamed slowly out of tbe sta- tion. So fur we were safe. But, ob, what an awful risk we bad run! Fortunately tbe train by which WB were traveling was an expreMi aud did not stop anywhere until it reached K.it Inigb; so that aa soon as we were under way Alie could remove her wig aud bedclothes and sit upright "Alie," I whispered, taking her band nd looking iuto ber beautiful eyes, "can yon believe that so far yon arc safe?" "Hurdly." she said. "But we most not relax any of our precautions. By this time the police will have learned tbe truth, aud I shouldn't ba at all sur- prised if the train in searched at Kant- leigb. They're certain to telegraph iii Tery direction to stop na" "But surely they wi-n't suspect us?" "I hope not, but we must not make too sure." Herbe crossed tbu caman and took uiy sitter'* band. "Jan, t. what could George have teen thinking of to allow yon to run this risk? Why did yon do it?" In reply Janet patted ber band and looked affcrtltiuately into ber face. "If yon really want to kiiow tbe rea- son, it was because we both love yon." "Ycu are tuo good to me." Alie au- Hwered. her dear eyes swimming wuh .war*, "far too good." 'Hush! Yon must not say tbat. Let us be tbaukful tbat our venture has j n - perer. as it bait done." M lo after mile ped by, and soon we bad pained Wiurhoster aud wore draw- log close to Lastleigh. Tlu-u A: sumed ber \vi aud veil aud, hj\;'it: done sc. laid herself tlowu ouco more npcn her inch. Closer und cloi i v cane, till presently we entered the sta- tii-n itselt auil with .. great ratllu ami roar of brake* drew up at tbe platform. Then cooiu'ii tiie usual ucurryiu^ "f pas aengers, the "Ijr your leave" of porter* witn trock!i nf IUKRUKU, after that thu gradual Mih-uleuci- of bustle, ami iu t in-e iniuoti K all was ready for proceed- ing upon onr way once more. But JUM, as tho guard \vun about to give bis sig- nal the station master staid bis baud. Next momeut an inspector of p<.lice, ao- compauied by a sergeant and two or three countable* appeared npon tbe scene u 1 bewail slowly to inspect tbe various carriages. 1 leaned out uf tbe window and watched them, outwardly calm, but inwardly trembling. Every moment they were drawing uearer to onr car- riage. I looked behind me. Juliet wik seated by Alie's side slowly fauuiun her. From them I tnrueo and glanced dou-n the platform again. Tbe police were alrvaiiy at the next carriage and in a minute wmiM be at my door. What bould 1 do What should I suy? But I dared not tbiuk. I felt I must leave it all v> chance. A momcDt later tbe in- spector arrived and wa about to turn the handle. "Excuse me," I wid, pretending to mistake bis meaning, "but this carriage is engaged. I think you will find room In the next compartment." "I'm not looking for a scat," tbe fn- oer replied civilly enough, "I'm lookiux for au escaped criminal." "Hush, bush I My good sir, not so loud for nuTcy's soke," 1 whispered, us if iu au orKtat-y of fear. "1 have my wife iuBid- laugemnsly HL She must not I* 1 frix'it'-nod. " "I beg your pardon, sir." be answer- ed. "I'm sorry I spoke so lond. " Then M 1 moved etude to atimil him : "Dou't trouble, sir. I duu't think 1 need come in, thunk yon." "I'm glad of that," I replied. "And pray who is this escapee, yon are look- ing for?" "The woman there has been such a talk about lately, 'The Beautiful White Devil.' the managed to effect an escape on the way to Hnlloway jail this after- noon. But I am keeping the, train. I must get ou. Good afternoon aud thank yon, sir." "Good afternoon." I sat dow li with an inarticulate ex- pression of my gratitude to heaven, and iiiiuate or so later tbe train contiuued iU journey, iiot to stop again until we were iu Portsmouth town. When we arrived at tbe docks. Wai- worth and I carried Alie down ibe steps to the wharf, and as soon aa thin was ac- complished my faithful friiud went off in search of tbe launch which, it bad beeii arranged, sbonld meet and take as out to th,- yacht, then lyiun iu tbe bar bor. When he bad discovered it, we lifted our precious burden on board aud teamed t-Lt to where oar craft lay. Ten niiuates later we had Alie aboard and safely in her own cabin and were pro- ceeding duwn tbe Solent under a fall bead of steam. Our rescue was ccom plisbed. Leaving Wai worth and Janet to fight the battle of onr escape over and over again ou the port side of tbe deck, that night when far oat at sea Alie and I paced the starboard, only to filid oar- selves aft at our favorite spot, the taff- raiL "George, dear," slid Alie softly. wbeu we bad been standing there a few moments. "What a lot has happened since we last stood like this, looking oat across tbe sea." "Yes, darling; a great deal has in- deed occurred to na butb," 1 answered. Then, after a little pause, "Alie. do you know if you bad not escaped today I should never have been abm to furgive myself, for remember it was I who was the means of bringing yon home." "Yon must uot say tbat!" "Bat I mast say it; it is true." "Then I will furgive yon ou one con- dition! Will yon make a bargain with fcsf" "What is itr f "Tbat that" Her* a little fl* of modesty overcame her. "That we put into Madeira and yon marry me there. "Alie. darling, do yoo mean it?" cried, delighted beyond all measure at the proposal. "Of coarse. I mean it." "But would it be safe, think yon?" "Perfectly ! They will never dream of looking t'or na tbtre. V- u mu?: allow the skipper to understand tbat it is a runaway match. That will remove bis scruples and wake it all plain sailing " "And you wall really be my wife then. Alie?" 11 Have I not already be*.-n bold enough to ask you to marry me?" "Then, please God, we will put into Madeira and do as you suggest!" Aud that's bow it was settled! CHAPTER XVL OUB sUKBIADK A.ND TUX aBTTLKHXXT AUAI*. The first of tbe two circumstances to ke recorded is my marriag*. On July 18, seven days exactly af ti r saying good- by to Eug'ami, we reached Madura. Previously to sighting tbe Uland, Wal- wortb, in n conversation with tbe cup- tain, had all. -wed him to suppose that Alie was a great btireM and tbat curs was a roiiHway match. Hi* nautical spirit of romance was stirred aud be found early occasion to iufortu me tbat be would do everythiug iu bis power to further the eutls we bad in view. As soon, tbi-refore. as wu were at an- chor in harbor aud tbe necessary for- malities bad been complied witb I went , hnutud uptbe proper authorities a lovely morning. A heav dew lay upon tbe grace, und when the sou cam oat and smiled upon UH the world lookn. s if it were decked with diamonds 111 honor of oar wedding. While, we were waiting in tbe little porch and tbe clerk was opening th doors Walwortb weut off and tiuutod up tbe parson. Five uiiuutes afterward tbey returned together, and then before- the bar little altar, with the sou streaming in through tbe open door, George De Normanville and Alie. Oou- bar were made man aud wile. Ibe reg ister wan then signed and witnessed, and, having feed the clergyman aud tipped the < lerk, we all weut buck t. tbe town agaiu. It bad all been mot sutistuctorily managed, and I had not tne slightest doubt but that tbe halt imbecile old clergyman had forgotten onr names almost Lefore be had discard ed bis surplice iu the vestry. Of tbe rest of tbe voyage to tha Mas- carenbas there in little to chronicle, save perbays that we sighted latin mountain in due course, rounded tut- cape uf Good Hope safely, though w. bad soniu choppy, nasty weather iu do ing so, and, passing into the Indian oeeau. eventually arrived off the islann of Reunion an hour before daybreak. I was on deck before it was light, waiting eagerly for the first signs of day. Not a breath uf wind was stirring, ml as we were only under the rantics-t ail oar progress was hardly discernible. Then litilw by little dawn broke upon us, a clear, pearl gray light, iu which tbe world appeared so silent and myste- rious a place that one almost feared to breathe in it. While I was watching I beard some oue come across the deck he- bind me, aud next moment a little bamt Mole into mine. It wax Alie. my wife "Can yoa discern any sign of thu schooner?" she asked. Brfcre answering I looked round the horizon, but ibt-re was not a sign .f any sail at all. To port showed up the dun outline of tbe inland, witb a few small fishing boats coming out to meet :m rising sun. but in every other dircrtu i. tbere was nothing but gray sea softly beaviug. "No, darling," I answered, " see nothing of her. But we in'.i-t : too impatient- There is pit uty ,;f time for her to put in an appearance yet. ' MATRON AND MAID. The real QOIIIK 'it M. 1 M.i '!' Mian* iLu gifted actrtM. 1* Muuilo Kukailden. Paul beauty U said to have departed, a* a rmtult of too much tliuu. paint and enamel Harvard'* representative to the next trt- enuiui coiiitrw** at orientalists, to b Ix-ld In HID l.'iiniT-iitv "f Koine in Otobear. will be a womitt). Misa /!! NuttalL Mme Koetand. the wife of the author of Cyrano de Qvrgemc," Is oue of th*> most rellnod women In Part*, and U t* whbiptTl thill many of her gems of dl- tlun appear in her husUind J wiitinga. Mrs Bimlii tJilluun of Morohead. Ky., has beeniuljuilKCTl insann by Jud^u Nlckal and sent to the asylum at Lexington. Mrs Uilllain became Insane fnnu tb* etfucu ot a bite (ruin a poisonous oake ilia* Helun Sargent U president of tb Art Workers' CIul> Kur Women, a new or- gani. ,uon formed in Xw York to Inv pruvu the social status f the artUl'D unMlfi. to give to the mudel at luart a por- tion of the honor gainud by too picture. Quran Victoria ban conferred the deco- ration uf the Imperial Order of the Crown of India ujHin L*dy Curzon. wile of th rioeroy and giivi-rnor general of India. Lady Curxon was Miaa Mury Victor!* Letter, daughter of L /. Leltur of WaaJa- ington Mrs Blunt, mother of the blabop of Hull, died recently at theageof !7!-i yoara She celebrated the jubilee of King <ieurge> 111 with tuu- uruut-urandwutlur, whu wasi born tn Queen Anne's reign Their twa> UT*S fpaunid nearly the wbolo of the elgkv taentb and nineteenth centuries lime Candclarla. who died at San Aa- tonio. Tex., the other day. at the age of 114, iiussud the enemy's lines and entire* the Aiaiuo during its memorable sieg* when she acted a* a nurse, seeing the death of James Bowie and Davy Crocket*. The mate legulitun< ve bar a peaaioa of IT 1 -' a year Mine de Fevrter. a sUter-tn-law of til* French General de KevriiT who recently roalgned the grand chancellorship of the Loglon of Honor, wan murdered recently ay a male servant Shi- wan tc! years a* age and had made a will lavtng her serv- ant 4UO.OUO francs and making him execu- tor of her estatu Mrs-J A Nelson of Halley, Ida., went to the Klondike lost spring and opened a bakery, which, it m aid. pays her profli of |76 to into a oar Shu bought a claim which is paying well Mrs. Nelson la aa energetic woman who emi|fntod Ui Idaho ten yean ago. married and ha helped ha* husband develop mining property r 1 - [T0 nmil. ! H-ritl.IrT Perbapa lover* of heraldry will admit that whatever tbeir otber accomplish menu may have been the taerclds of old were not nsmnlly obttervant nntnralists Birds. beantH. tisbes aud reptile*. It i almost needless to say. have alway-. , n tered hiruely u.to that art which cynici. term "the ncience of fools with l< nu memories, ' but wbicb the stu.ieu mor justly dufloes a* "Mie staortbaui of history. ' will be sbown by . glance at soy of the numerous booka i the subject Liuus. tiKera. leopards, been, ele phants. wolves, foxex. rabbits, sqoir rels, mnuki-ys. tieavers, porcupiii horses, ane*. camels, bulls, greybnnudii end other dog*, ranis, bears, ate. to confine oue s teinarks to uimalit only oao alw:i-i eamly be found, if not .it once r> <l. aud tbn mmtiike of l-e Gliiidui i.i 'Vnetitin Uarwur'i, who mistook TOIMOU d Or device of au ounce or tiger cat behind a gnitMig foi "oat Inokiug out at tbe dairy win dow." may itill and followers evi>n in tbe preeeut day when oue reide, fur instance, that t!ie beraldio sutelope ha" tbe brad of a fag. a nuicoru's tail, a tnak ISHUIDK from the tip of tbe now, a row of tuffs' dnwu tbe back of tbu Dm- and simitar tufts on the tail, chest anu thighs Field PERT PERSONALS. When tho sword and pen Join forms, aa In General Kin UHMV sucoess U lnevitr ble. Boston Olobo William Noll was recently married la Cincinnati Happy mu:i No woman oaa 4riv a nail. Cliicugu News General ll.irri- M Uray Otis, though only on editor. Ulitii iu wull as kpoouU oorrospondent. T'nx'ka Journal. It Is to be notmil thin in all of Spaln'a trouble* Don Carlo* bun not been a bio to make progrees bujond u blufl. ClaoinnaU Enquirer The silence of Holygninist Roberta Indl- oatce thuL. in oino ru>pecta, he would moke a mipenor ort of oongresamao. k'.m^tj City Journal Ll Hung Chung U reported to be suffer- ing from a swelling of the lowur Itiuba Chung will yet end up on tho aUitfu. Minneapolis Journal Mr. Theodore Haveim-ycr boa earned $4 ajurur He uiiut fivl like a man who has found a ntruy diuio lu his jwc-kot or obtainsd a paw to a theater Haiti Herald Lillian Ruwcll must feel more or \i embarnuwcd. |)lav:n uroniid tho oouul and nuver knowing luit tliat ouo of h stcphUKbttndit Is iu tbo audience. Paul Ulnuutcb , Tbe Prince of Wales never boa anything I moro than ten, U>at mil .mo en for brwikfact And yet l>uieytx>di>* oinetiiiios wonder bow thu Urn Lib people cau allord to support turn TIM Lone Star for certain Uusn." sold Allc. nJ obtained a special liconne. A pir- OD WM the next person required, and when I bad diHcovered him in the little vicarage uuxt door to bin cborcb on the ontikirts of the town onr wedding was arranged for the following day at 10 o'clock. Accordingly nest morning after break- fait a boM vi HI manned, aud Alie, Ja- net, Walworfb. t'"i captmn and m.vM-:f went ashore. To avert suspicion we sep- arated on laDcin . s ui met again ut tb.' cborcb door bsUt *n b mi latar. It was Or, . lull I',I,-U * ll-rtllml Of IlllMtillK _ pm. i:. aContii -n-.|'umli nt. on the tr:i i he , links and gulls, and n lias lH'ii uilli'Wil with gooil results. 'Ihenull U a minirt blnl. even smarter thn:i in.- ilurk. which N N'thi-iin nlng ami w.-iry. but tho ^^ill. ;ilthoii|ih it U InipoMiiMe to cnvp up upon It, Is loe by of tlii' pn*once of inati : :i.vri the duck and will of'i-n liover iiNiut just out. gun ranitr. f"r the ]iurros',if .'ttlnt{fiKKl. while tin' i: " " f t man he'r out to iwii. "So it h;i|-iH'iis tli.it in'-nicnlly gulls orn nvn fi-.<lln|f on the .and tiuts, whirliimnlxiiit, ^ivpinu At 'H1 di: however, from the nu:ii working there. Tbe ducks are apt to take their cue from thoguilH. and if they -.v the latter food- InK iimliM urlwd oiivwlvp' ui'l -liowing no IndtcatioiiH of the pr.-~-nee >! mankind they will fly tX) the same >l>'t The iiport*- man ha* taken iulvantnre of the tnct thAt thednrk fullows the gull umlalsoof an other fa<-t thnt the K" 11 " " ro los * U *P | - clou* "f * ili^-'v thiui tlie duel;. He make* a decoy gull, which liirv* the other gulls whoonobeervinu it mnkc their peculhu cream of ,_Tvcting nnd lly to the spot whore it Is. 'I he ilucks. h<>n they we the guild then' and notice that they aro loak tnjt no irii of illBturnunco, Uy to tbe erne place, when tho sporisman buhind tb* blind troquuntly till" bis bag. !:! I y Tran.lnlrd. She What l 'kiss" in B'rrnch' He I can t <<!! you, but I oan jo. Yimkcrs Suit.-siii.in. Tk* Aril. I. He tolled o\ T |tieiur<-s tinnumbr>. Hearten It f'i * ' '' "^ *"'' K ni>n1 *- But ton. !'-' i. : ''I- fhonl ih.il could eho And win him it uerdon of fan>. J dahl on n Wf of a cun*n The tser of K g'rl. .me h. writ. fc broeh> him bJth pa:-oiis nnj honoi Tne prtr|i b nvr would sell! KseorU. THE CYNIC. The pooTor the plnno playor tne, louder be plays Every community hits customs of Its) own that would not ba tclcnuod In other oouimuuitlua Tbe only time a man remember* tha* be has any complexion at all la whon he elects a new tie When tho man a woman refused to mar- ry geu rich, she Is In a uoiUUon to talk about the Irony of fate. It takue woman a long to select a seat t the theater ae It doon for tho average man to pick out a new unit of clotbea. Have you never notdvd how the people flourish whom you dialiko and what trou- bles overtake those of whom you are fondf It ls r- rely the <-aae t hat a man can light a cig.ir nnd hi* wife nut get a look In her fnoo as U she saw 10 oante thrown Into the fire The worst enemle* hav* formerly boesi frloudm a* a rule, and OLB Is pretty apt w soy of tbe other "I uui UM bust friend he evor hiul Somehow meat never tate* right when a doctor fclta at tho head >f tho tab!-? and does the carving It U uw MigHWttre of suruioal opv.Tnc.lona. Ate iinon Globe. WARNINGS. Don t send tor a physician If you ore lovnaick. L on t eat pie with your flngen Ba* U With your mouth. Don't lenleot your family In order t poee as a publlo bunuf actor Don t ait down ami wait for a good Job ta come along and hunt you up Don t bilk too frooly when yon don't know wh&t you are talking about Don't quarrel, .mi, If you must quarrel don t quarrel with your brnad and butter i Don't think all amateur photographer* ; are peealuiMa baoauae they taa* poo* vluws of life

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