Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1899, p. 3

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ao THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -1831- Advance ,i.lt. MTKIKLT AT TUK OrriCE, SVI' rM;ivr si KKKr, M v- IIM: i -. O.NT., BV W. 1J. THfRKTOH. |1 prr n:iniiiu in. r 1 1 In adtanre Advertising Rates: ue Column, 1 year, f iO ; half col., 1 veftr, f 2tt quarter col . one year. (is. Trn 'lent a-lvertlv-ini-nt cliargixl at the rato II cant* ]ir lino for tint 110.11 tion and S cunt each tabHequent initTtion. HIGHWAYS AND DAMAdK BUIT8 The many damage casos arising . -n of ili'li-eJivi- highways in this ann lihoring tnwni<liip8 has caused tin- people to open tlirir i-yt-K witli i t i tlu- n{M)iigibilitv of municipalities iu n-spcot to the keeping of thorough- furt/8 in rt-pinr, and tlioy now recog thu fact Unit aomelliiDg must On Ada's OiHMtMt Mnfmt.nt. Orlfntbi' Menthol Uulmtnt to the frat- Mt curative dltcurvrf of the afe. 1'ent- train niaiclv. mrmbrane and tlsiue to tbt y booe, baoUbvi paint and aches wltk a r lmpolble with uny other remedy. I'M It for rhtnmatlim, nenrnlila. head- it-B a*d all aorruiiM, iwellloic and la- flaiuuiatlon. All druKg!>ti, 2S eta. S3 1 PEBflKIEITLI CURED. Notice toCreditors IS TUT. MATTKIl OK TIIK K-iT\TK OKKAM- II, I. ( IN MM. HAM. lati. i.f tin- .11.- 'I.. MI >l:i|i lit Ail.- intiHiit iu thu County of (.r.\, ('.iriuiT. iluceantiil, Soti.-o n lieri'l.v ..'ivi'ii ] ..... nmit to " Tin- K. - vine.) Ktatiite* ol Oulirin l^.r? rhapl.T !_".'. tl't all ciadlton an. I mlii-i> IIHV i i, . nun- t the cHiiIo of thu SKI. I Sain" .! Ciiniiiii!- iini . wU. nletl ou or li..nt tli. -. . ,, I .!-, of i lff.ih an- niiuin'-l mi ... U.f. IHtlltlav oltlav, |s>HI lo M-I..I I. I'.ir-t |.r,].ni.| or. I. -liver to Mmuri Kucai. WriuliiA IU-- Iho Vllitk'e ..f Mm k.Ui.- N...I. to,s Nn U.l. i u-l; mi.) Sn j *ii Mi'K. n/n . II... 1 \.--'. t'.i in i ' trls ut Itiu lt will an. I t.-tum. i.t ol n... SHI i their rliri^iiKii an.) MtfM ami dMarlpUona, u full |...n.. ' Ian nf tholr clalliM, tlit> HtAti'iiift't i.' lli.-ir nc . ii.int- Hll*1 tilt,- natU' eof thu i..-1-..rlll.-'. it anv, lirl.t Ii. th.".i And furt:i : itfL.-r ^:icli lst liieiitiolu-.l ilatu the mil I I x.. .' ..... II I . I \ -A ll I J'l ' I .lllltP tllU It* it- Of til.' .. -I uni. UK t. - I > I ill.' I I!M.O. tO. llHVillC r.'^HMl ..IlUt . till- rlHIlll- Of Ulll.'l. tliex -hull lli, 'ii I in.' i.nlir.' mi. I tliut T Kl'iftor m: liHl.li- f..i the nitiii I-M I* 01 i or 1'erwiliH of W|IOM' I'lmiiM i.. lieu i,lill not 1... i. i ..... . . . f, v. ; itucll ili-ti il' .Uv ..f A|ii,l. IHI Solicitor! for Ks.-e 'it ..r A K\ A Well-known ndlu HoOnrx l'a'- ( II. s,, n . ,,.,1 tow 35 .-nr. r. r- I luun. nil) t arrd by Clark*'* Koiu , Compound. U. 1 Vltt, V>"1.. K:u:o"p. write*: "I had miffi-rcil f,.r at leant lif. jrar fr..ni M-e i'rt-at "i>preM!venetM of a.<t!inm nt. I >'i.irt- ... -* .f hn-atb. I bnd during -hvio v. ,r< c natiMrd umii7 iilijsi<-lm mi.l t I'll il ' . :n- r iimlKn. nntll the il..-;.ir I- .1 me 1 til wlit ^t-i tt'in|w.rary rt-llef. but I wi'tlii l i .i>- -nyi trxiibli'd. I trii-.l IT. i.'lurl-.n'. ,\ i r .I':L|,.,I.,I.|. in, I aflrr l.-L.iii: Ilif "'>' '. ''.' I b.s-m>- gn-:ly rrilen.i, mnl Hire.. '. ^llv>' uMipli-ieir fiiri-.l in. 1 . 1 .'in '..-' bn-nthe a naluraliy tt ever, and -n-'i.ii <|..t-i4 iu>; iroiiblr ine In thi" lr>t. I << I I; nir duty 10 bear t. t-ltunny t" f)e n>!l. u .rfivt till* rt-tni.lv him Imt :n 'ny riute. mil w>ul.| nr^c n r- ii thin 1. 1 :!<< i" try Clark.-'! K..I-I ''i-i'.;. I. i- only ib.m.- %- li.i liaie .tT. r-' I all t'.*-i >-iir IK I have run |>vri-<-.a > b:ii l>lflus thin rntnedv nnii III..VP ti> - -- fr-iin 'lm." T1ir-.-li.itf -,f :ir -i.- K"lu i <.iii|,.iiinil nrf (uarai, .. ! o. .! , fi.t- iii|>!r will U- .in '.. inr |i." Ti ti..iil... .I with anthmn. A.'.lr.-** To' * Slai-pbiT^.n ' .. 1-1 I'lnip'b utr.'.-i. Lr lit.*, mi.! Voii.-ouv.-r. II. i'.. ul* ''.i.i- il.nn niriiiix. i^<>M by all ilnitu'!''* \\ i. -i wrltlni; for KIIIII-;. im i, M. iii (Ml wx&x&MX&xxz*x&&&&&!X~t-:* M. Richardson & Co. J*lesherton ~ ~ U tl:i- Ml] I r- i etire f< r . !H i>iw ': vi! tl.r .i.i,-!i..ut ilw li.i,:u.i{ h.'-pi j < nc.aiid aud i>i n.Li <'!:''.' Kohl ^>:ii!.iinil f< r . hi kn Bold by T. J. Bhejipard. i. n Ii.' done or hopeless inuYbU-dnfcRg yf ^Hr(l tliom in the. face. A few ycaid hi^f) the stniily H-tt!ers f tin .-o iitw rlistrictH would liavc considered : aliMi :'il and unmanly to ask tli it f. llinuin n to pay thi.-m for acci'i. ntr wliich they migliL have avoided with iia,poniib!t- care, hul of luttr yczn a plaas of people lias arisen who to think it the proper thin" to "milk ' tut piih'ic chest for their own pcciu ary buiilit, ngnnlli-ss of equity o IOIIK the law will allow tin 1 nnil of t'.osh to bn exacted If the dtinands of tin- i 'iplu were based poo Mtoal jutioe then conld bo no gjtnplaiut, but in many insunci s tin lit iu:i'i'l> are so i-xt<irtionale that no mlf reHpi cling lunnicipnl body can Ciiieriain them and i-onsi-iiin'iiily Uuge law costs un- piled up and in uiiiny inx'-ancet! the cotirlH allow Dr.- ] laintiff*' full original claim. Thii is u stite of affaiiH that must be con- tended against, and the only :tpparcnt way to remedy il is to place our hiirh wuvri in a thorough Htate of repair. 'i in- \dtance Inu always been an ;: I \rx-ato of (.'ooil ronils mid nipt up to- agitntiuti a ft^v your.-i u;.) until \\c vert nicl; and tired "f it, with litl!e ^u|K;rt:iit rcKlllt. Tn chi) the wisilnin A our contcutioiiB is limn; made urn,- ' in tin' most 1'iMj.li I'M- iiiHiiini p .--.iiiii , and \\!.i M i half dozen veins i^'o cinii;iarutivi'!\ f. w disriplea of a i')d roadu coulil be I'miml. t.-i!uy the u li'u'iilty in to liinl a limn wlm will i, .L ii'lniit thill 'In' lime lius n. mo U) 'i.iilvi- a \ixoniii-i i;i..\i- iii tiiH iliieo- tion. Dinrl piil, in.- ut tin punt Itringi IIM acootnplialied whai nri;u- ,t f.iilrd to i!'> 1 .1 il.i> wo I. iii'iil .it we said oi^'lii \ . vi/.., Ifhat HIS tin piui f wimlnm in i->.-iii (Ji'Lillil!li I n .1 lllli 'Irlll .U-: ..lit Iii i.ittue our. 4in;liw}.-> tlii'ion.'.,, mid t- .ii\i iiii-ir I ! Iruv. I .in'! inns ! nil till' i piil. nil.' ..I J iln-l" lout is luoinnio n;>. 'i'his al"i iijipli. . iiii-niii|iliii[{ touiiblnps as vri II as I j Ai triiii'sia. kVinrk..l 'i I'r-i.n Mm M bni-l I'nit tin. I'Liiiil.rl.l . Ill ii. tk ., ihe Mtatnni ;ii', tint ho , .1, wilioli noU'ei 1 .HI I.l I lull ;~ slu- n Irnnto'l for a in..|i'h iy her f.onily phy inn, but vrf<* woi>.'. !!' i. .1.1 JUT >.'. \. .is .1 'n.p. -i - i lot un "I in MII.I i .n an I i ml (I, at llo niu'lliMi.' c niM oiiiii l.i. Id r ilriinjiiti nii'^ ! su il |)r. Kiin.-'-i N. ||IM-'.M-I V f i OolUnillpli.ili; slni <a 'i;hl a l.'.nli' nii'1 in dor ill /hi f'.iHid lifci Ii n. lulu* uni li *' il" i' Slie r..i.iinti)l I II-.' ,1.1. III. 'I I llll"/ Kl\ ll.lltlo.. f. IIIII I 1 1,. I HI- If aolll, I Hllil M I Ii I . l"l'1 In- 1' "tt II h iii-euoik, mid i 11^ "il m-hhu eer wan, .s .11 be nil llni'^i-.'-.. I* ,- l.i. ti m ,'nii. m il VI ll. y/i t/ie matter of tha estate of jfnyus TffcjCood, late of Ike "Cownship of jfrtemosia in l/io fn tho fatter of the Cstato of County of Sray, farmer, da- \ John JtUan. 'Deceased. conscd. \ ,i-,int t,. i:.s d. iw.t i li. r. I.i yiv.-n tll<t nil n and penoot baring olaimi aain>t il,.- n Allou, Ut. nt tin* iowii-in|> ,.f \n.i ' . ..l i... i. '.,. i , ,,,... ., i ...-.Inn or kh .ut tli tw.'lltli ,lm .( elllller. A. I- . imiri. .1. r,.|uir..l t.. M-I, I l.i I-, t i.ii |,. i ..i t .... t,,.\,,i, AH..,, i i-it.'li. A.lniliiUtrittn ,.f tli,. -.41,1 ,.slKl--. ml,. Uvmn. l.uean. Uncut A li.t thu naiil ulliillii.tiiilrii ' Mity. \. li I--.-. U,, -n IIIIM, it i ti I ili-st ii|,ti.,ii-. with full t-tatein. -ill of |.r- > ..( Hi. u . UMIIK ami tin- nit n. of Ihl s...-|olti.-s.|( ,n , (,, .|,| |., ||,,, m A " ' ""I"-" i- li \ l n that aftur ' M,. \ I' I--, th.. - V..TI. 1. 1- i . . I- *lMd HtatutM of Ontario, i"-. . -...i-i. thai mil eri-.litun an.) others l.avir.R rlanm ai!alnl tin* i-nlalv of tin' -til \-i V" ill ..... i...l on ,.r l>oiit t;n. ii-h'h.Ul "f - rt-.l on or IK f -.e II"' I Itti Ui ..f Mai . IXC.', t ..... in I l i ' '" ii.'lit .t !' ii.. i- '.'I an.lM P *! 1 o-l "'i I I'ln.eiiii M ilr. th.i f Uii- lt . ,ii-t.'. i I miriiani'-- n rlnini-.t!" siatfini'lit "i il ' h\ fl . l tul. ill | in it-. . .1 I.. .li-iiiiMite Hi.. s- .l l \*. \\Kli, II I A H\ i ll,-||,,l, f..| \ h.1,1,1 UutrlX ' ' , t . s i , , i , llitl. I ' I l.ui'H- \\ IMilie i Medical Hall, 1899 | KKKI'.> KK ~ SQQDS - I '"inn;. MI lie I M oi.li>' ,1 li, Alf.tlfa anil Alsiki. TI IJMI' SI. KhS SI,...!,.'. Sel.vlftl, Urn. .- .l.i-l.tl. >', ml, I 'uli-r n ln>|it"i e.l. 1'. 1:1 Ji.'lln, in-, n. I VII Ai I. m Kip.- Siml. l!KI-:, BEKD I'.oii-h Sii.Mr Itt'.l. Kn-ni- , Sii.^.ir ei-t. i '' I'i ' Ken !i vy 1'nst Mullijel .il'il I i.l'ili n IH i't <;i; \ss s;;i:n T ...... ti.y 'NKINS Dut.-li S.tt.. P, la'oe (Inii.im ami ]:|.-k S.-'d Oiii.His, .,;, l,.,.,,. S , , .],. ', Si,, : ,|| i; ml,. n Nee,|i, Ki-h-r'n 1'r.i-k'i ilio nn.l .\li>V, Si. I' .n 1 , t'. S. A1..-0 Lonnlifrl Sue, i t i .s -n ( i t'UUX C.inid.i Kirly, MIIHI...S,, '... lOirli, s,-.t t'.in and K s 1 11;,, t'.irn. Your ell.'ii ..... f ,".'l ; -i-i- !H~, Mltli I., I'll, -\s, :,t llllll flll'll|l.':.1 p. i "A!, ell, AI l',,ti.il,.r l'i. ,-.-. I'.ini.. ','. ii, I'm: mill Ki-h ||, .-,!, ;'..':i- IMKl: V n viri.-iy - ml H Sli.'.l iiii'!l\.lin.' i-.. pi HI H ih:i '< l..i. k in In v -ir )A\ Ml .-Mi'.M. IVs'ii.i vl KM , v...' .s. i:.,tt, Ntr. ii'.-. v - ..us iio.l .1. n- I .i p.. \ \ v., :,IM- i'!lt-lp, rl.tH]H-r tiiil .'t',,1 \ .1 r.ook;i, an,! :5 'I he ei l.-l "It. .1 .III) ll ; o l!ut..|, lly; opl,o<|,biVI- :>' I nil I'll- niiiitl p: i e \\ 'ii 1:1 -S, i ii,,, . t,. . ,,'ii i.x ,. pi, p tal ii.i.s, veiy I.IL; 'i i' ' v . |..i. , |., |.[ '.. i s |U L. in. k llf roftl t rrallf iii fall Muck. V.'.'l..ii. pi . ' .!- >i n ipi.tntity of Tin Unfermented Wine TIM-: I'l'ti:: .M"' ;: mid nun ile-i ii.t ': \:-;:. f,.r s.,,-,-:i, ..... ti p.,. v *onl l.y the lo;tlo .\!s.. HI- I. ;\ ,. Stop It! Stop It f l> . t r. M,' int for a iniini'- ib..i * ^.lU'ti IIIIIP tinU to ..-I.IIU I i "iisandn .) n ip'ni'.i in L . ir v'la.i'i t i ilav wlm let l,'ll ttll.l llHC.>lll' Slop llllll II ' - nh Sh:| .1, c I' .. .'ii.oitniii I 'i.r , 'i nil oriik.'t(ist - *''' ; >' '-' ' >'U , '"" il a.id 11.00 a>,ttle. " " ' '',- '" ''P ^-.u, youf in.insjr m rof untied. initkmi! i I" i.itiinl i -.'I'l.n;, i!i i k. iiitieii.l ..f IfTuo'nt S-.'il l.y l)u- I ..I i. Vn k..|i it, ' HI -;i-\ .! M ,in,l IMI'KKI \l. I \ I I ! I. ; I'I .|l i.llilOII C \IK I I ,,,.1's, .s, ,',. ,, .,|M,. I,. ,,s ;.' ,1 l''cs. i.ll . f Aliii'ii i -111 rli n|i lot l';t-!i, m l.^^i nt tin:i\ ri.nli W.S.CHRiSTOE Prop.etor, Flesherton Stylish = Millinery The Millinery Show-room is fi'led with a most complete assoitment of the latest Millinery Novelties. Smart Trimmed Hats Stylish Bonnets English & American Sailors & Walking Hats I . ^Tcatest care i-; t ikcn with every Mil'i- nery order and every Hat or BoMnet leaving this Depnrtment c:;rn - w.ih it the evidences of artistic skill and ^ood taste. Tfew cace Curtains Exceptional Values \Ve have ji^t opo.vd out n. shipment ot Not- tingham i .ace Curtains imported direct from Er^ land. A niimbfr of ri>:h t ..m! hand-* une designs are included in this jviich.i.se they come in di!!crent lengths and we offer a wide chore m price com- .: 1 i i(-"*t Curtain n-><oitniLiit we have ever su!>:nitti'i^ t ) our customers. IM1..W, T'.iiKUe. Blu- < . I ei|' . il. .11 i | I'L' . V ,'l.||..|l s lo, nil .. ipovial.. $1.35 heavy s. .Ii-. ;i!l extra value. . (jZotAing / HEN'S SPECiAL THIS WEEK OOc KEITH 1 'i'^ ........................ 3.BO to .......... $ -' :o rOCTB > -l TS ...................... $3.00 t.. .......... g f- IK) - i : IS. . ..fl. 50 to.. . f 4 00 Special wett t/ J aver Offering / than ii.. .1 f' l; . ;< n" niiiii'ii',' fioin it io:inbor ..f of .-hi. i. -I- i'i I )io:tiri''ul do si^n*. which ei\. *. Id all lo I :hV ioli. The .|n:i!.'itii are jin>t suit- ai>|. I. -i pn;" nne siiiid', lo.ini* >\.. j.ist nk I.O-M lliiiu h.tii j.rict- lot (hem couiiuenc 3c per- roll J&Jk to vee Ghcm / W< Sell Every Requisite for The DAIRY Milk Pane, Milk I \iiln, ^t i\xincM' I ';\ il'-A, C 'rt-itiiu-r C \-\ns YOU OUGHT TO SEE ! Our Now I'.. Hi.- 1 Chin i. i'!i K i'i r >\n.t I'.ill Hi-nni;* mnl I,.-bor- i'!i K i'i r >\n.t I'.ill Hi-nni;* S.-n in.- Klin hnieiit. Clinrn mj IM iinp'y H p!rit*ute with Y1IKM. H. Richardson & Co. i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE APRIL 20 V I ' <l (I \) (I ll ^ (I F-sllurss Ar r .lu.> tw tin UOM aountti t til-- NORTHERN ' // "" OWEN SO'JND. O*TV.'!O prr. -n - nk > It'- T!r.- iu *' it'lrt ni tnn. b- ill :- ui* than ATIV ..U:.r or m-h'i.il in < .iM.i 1.1 I i .i" ..m- ' any other If ' i ' un- lofle ctmtAiiint; f it] pn --i -u. n tn C.A. FL:. i s-ui. llwan SuilU'l. oiitai'M Vicinity Chips C i-r-ir;-rj->t:-s of th<- J'.-.st H'eek 4'arefully <'u!led for the < H<tu i ' , i;-|7' \tf ! :<! :i,, : ;,:, * /n-r Nl , / (,!. t C"iriiiitiii.4 in* a wi 1 .n i'ur .^y riiiH K ..^i. ;.,, t,, \v. F.. Ki It. ri.it . ;'. Aj.jily :t >!Kce fur | n'iiiMilrii. A lurxv stuck .1 fit-Ill ami !rn-irn - it W. E. Ui.-h.irn!>. n -. H.T-U- tTii.nl 1.1 n limuo f.r a rig. 11 I!' F .r inoiit-y * . t. (jo t A - F.T the ui'Kt rc!il>li' | I field ..I- L .i t.. \V. E Uichanteon. Tlie firrt thuiiilHr st..ru) ..t the *a.ni 'H.'<1 .Hi ThuiMfuy la.-t. A s|u-cuil in.- tha .1 i i-il,.-.i '. i - M-.iu-y (.i li . Hndrsou. mi farm |iv |Tty ;tt .1 ....-'-. IVIlmuy iV We dirwl attt-nt:i.|i in t!n n-i> im nt of Mi-K.-ir'vi.l 5c lli.-ii.iri-.' i much t<in;, in hi i-^u^. il mill s.o \\ II U .ml'* H.IIII;. 1'kri-lainl I i.-y-li-e nlui- st my JTI.V. M .vy-Harri in |H;rfn;t mili-r clicnp. Small f;irm ut 111 mTt-n l.i l"i. .:!. 1 null' v-mt wf Kl.'lii'iiii:i. Ai : . ' V N. L>i;;nil, I Ji-Miif tn iiil'.irtn ;' |rt!i!io tint I am .-nil H4*i'i,t fur tin- \Vilkii>i>ii f' i iii|.lr iiifulrf :n il wi-uUl s. il.i-it. | .iT'.na^o. Win Sr.i:ll. Klx-^l.i Tt ill. Mr. \V. H.-rU IIH.S alrtaJy M i-iy t llo . iin-x. !! Ii. li i . . in UHII.H printer's nik ;m>l |'i"trs MXKJcdfagl/. i',,. ,1 -(..nil t.i ifti. Miu. 111. 1<9 ' .'i^t ..f ;. . .-,, (( .!. tr'-.l, '^."'tl II..UIH.- .mil trn. K--< t. Tin-- '.i right v.,m. A(iply l" W. A. AI-IIIMIII.IIK. \\ .11 i; < ' i . \iiii-.ti..n4. > i-.Tk of i \-iicv l.ir tlin o'ii:iiy, iliu-l I " >'! (lie . i " '4. Ii ...in. Mi.i.t-y l.i I" i ..... i ... fiiiiiii-i. r i .. ii'. ami mi t 1 ! in s. t-uiny in -im.-, ..| unl u;i:iiiU .">, jK-r (.'i-ir.. K.\ ;i '^ict-s ^ICIIMII i-i'tl !'.. . i;i-. |!...\ .".7. Tlli-ffW |>i-..|'lt- t l.i.l;i f ..W'j militll I.MllllKi-t .IK' IIH lU'.l t i i:il. .''I S'it|i;d;iy in'Xt, I'-'iul n.s. , mill ii-ti'ikt- tin- s:iini-, ItSrtt- tll'MIl' tn IllitUl- sr'lll. n ! lit .111.1 cl'l't' n li>i..ks. AriiMti. '^ I'.i. .. . K. ckv.ilu MilU. Bran, Rh'Ttn, chop, chop corn and on hand at W. Brn houae's . Get yi'itr flour while it in clieajr ami K<Hii1, price $2.00 ir lihl. W. Barnhouae- week. T if l:ir^ m.ijority iif our C"rreponil- '^ a;i|irnr LI ')K in tti- .in^ar bush thin ik nut for taffy. Tlit- liii'trv jip-ni'lnnt "f the Methodiat Leat!iu> [.rt'i ;in:'J an elcellt-nt pr..i:r mi fur U-t Mi.iiiluy nielli's meeting, wlucli wa much unj.iyvd t.y th<ie who wer- Th ..... iliint-rv o(>^i n^ lt wnek at .Mrs. Triinhle'a niilliiiery rioina wi-rc l.r_" ' . ; by t):e lii-lies. the laiye nunil^r 'f triisimed huts huiiiK I" 1 " n. mi:. beautiful " liy all who saw Hieiii. < >r I- .m: ^ n. W,- rctim nil-nil i.ur rt-atli-ra when in A! n ^.i i i .... thi'ir tr^ilin^ nt M.-Kir Tm.l .V. ' - Tii.y i-irrv th- l.irij.'Ht .':' :n I'rr.-y i-i'iinfy. and haviu|th<Mr 0*11 .-ui.l ilry .iHttls nmiiufH .-iiirim in T'>rooto OMI an- ;H-tlti'r MoF.lrlrtlill it m !.-*tlora. Ailvt. Wf h:ive receiveil fr..in * i- i- n. r ..f Eini^ .1* "ii : Winupt-^ a ; .'et ami l;*t nf Un.!^ in tin- Winni- p c .lutrici t'f >T IIHI..II.I Any mo ilo iriuif infiTiimti. n i r a list nf vacant. (mi i> m:i) pr. rtiri- tlie KHiii" t'V wrtnii.' tu tin- ' '.niiiiiiotii.iit.-r ..f Eitiiiira'i.M. i' W inn F..r S^lt- Tl.t- f.'!!"wina unjrifles ate fi-rt-tl at private i.ilt* ; One wm.'<ni. "lie , '.ue 1 inch st.'t-l pip- .IM! pulley, 'n;k> ciMiip't ti-, for run. MIU: buiUinuB; 1 plow nnil Irirr v. 1 itK ~msle ilr:v;r. . Tt-rinn oah. Apply to !' \l Tui^h. FVhert.m, . r \\ II \ fa'al accident HIXMI. r<'<t .it Muki.ile on Tliur'ilay .1 n Eilnitr, 6 vi-iir ..1.1 "ui nf 1 1. TV 1! fun f'irt-iiian on 'he I' 1'. U . w::s iu- st*n(!y killetl. Tlie Iwl w i* playii -n wirh a.iini' ..thiT cliil'T'-n .n HOIIIH M|ii.ir- tim- ber at the M:il|..|| U!'l l twti stick* wlrcli emu' together and .-nmhed in his ikul i )nr ni.til carrier* luve had ahard ' ir thiriii'.' tiu' pant w.-fk .uni h.-ive founil IMII.-:I ditr.i-ulty in ).el n^' ver tlu-ir r.-- pi-ctivt- i..i! I Mr. \\.Trnnble ill. "i'ji. dnverl'f'Hi-i 11 t-^.-l.-'rii'ii and l>iirha.n. li.m be.'i s f , s-,i.. u-.lv liamli- cap;ied >n Kn .!.> l.iM ir took him SKI i-ii ;<iul ,t Imlf I, niii-s t.. r.'iiu- frtmi l>ur- IMHI. On tl.Hinpli.' l.r"k.- '* rut .in.l SHI! to han't-H and uiih.irin * f. nir ' nios. ll i> - *y tha' .m Siitiinl. MolI'l.'tV hi 1 Ul'l II. t -X t.'lll|.t ill'- 'I p. Mr. !*nn lli'^Ti-. !K. o-irrifs the Kppinij niii'l, ILLS f .r .. - li.'un m.ik- ii'K tlio tr p . > r dny onl\. ..r rather one way tii|i eitoh dty. I- u inii^, niui Viin- J^IOMI- u -h s ,,,.. ,l,.lay. Mr. A. (! MacK.i) . c.'iiniy ctwu a'- torinry. i.s r..'.iv-.'.' th.' Onatiniiu)B>tii>rUi ..( f i tends thin wetx "ii h s m.-n-^i'.n to tin- j..'s :,. n ..f <)i-|'k r f. .r the \ "t' liify. The appointtnenl w:n n.'t a p.-liti.-.i! -m- !< M.IH. .! t! it il,. ">\vn att.'i-ny in i clerk o tlie jioic-' -!i u >l l)u .'i'') ii,i"ii ' tiifii 'i-.'iiiiii'. irs. f T!,.- . tit .ah "t tli.- ! uc i'!.'ik nf ;!n- i i .n M.'ii.hy a.!in"!etl ..f t'i.- c.iii>lnti.'i"ii, ami ' . .-i.f.rt"l into tlio 1 fst f.'Ht.in- tn rt'iinecti .n r L-r. '*n attori.rytlup. . \ , s . . ..n ill.- i|.<alh ... i \;?.Y.l h'l'.Nt. Mi. M . !\ i\ , a'.iiry mid ..tin ri|UHlitiica.ion enii:u-ntly lit I. im f.-r tl.e <-. 'iiilmied i.lnce*. O. S. Mr T. lilnkrley IMS nvouoil c..ir- ajiiiiiK'Hi-e fii in li|< yc o Huns diirinK t lio pi.sl wi-k aiiunt Ins new piitont .1 \ i.-o il.'si-riliotl in la.it Ht'i-k'-. .s n.-. iln'e firina having r--a.l the article and ruco m/.od the utilit.- ..f Ml . l!!ikolc, N invention. An in uiUiniiic'ii. under the autpicei ..fill. 'I'll IK' -nil".'! >vnl IH- nivon in the I.IAII I.. i.l uniiy in M.i;. lnnpi.c.t r ( IHI;>IH>H is sm^c't-d t-> b> prc'Mit and d 'lixer ln*:ulilrui on "A trip to Kurtip*.' The pr.tcooil* will be applied toward* M a r..f-r. ii.-i- lilirary f.-r the, tcbooL Th" Adv. iii '. ir i.i. i i"i ! i '.. ! : Vrllf I. -' . ' IV !:l '. >'lll f. .llllll Wn, l< i.np!y U.otiiiiii;. The Annalr'.n-- I who -ire ki..''*n Ha c;i'ei'| riiiii{ u on, ll;l\i'.in A 1 nil', will) :i i-iipncity . f aNnit 15011 foil of Ininbor per l.nar. run l-y n Wl h iM'-pnwel' '-' 'ijiho. The 1 . in.iinr.i-t': i- 1 u .- .; i ml ;'ie.s of nianulo r-llors, liu' t'loir stat .n s ."it .>f thectt i nearly i ..... ipli'i'd. 1'Iu ir utteiition will no* be tiiriu-il wholly 1.. ll'.e product i 'M i.l lumber, :i'ul til" ipiiintity ' f 01;* in tli. -u vat I i a si;/'it worth neeinx. Thu evict qumtit- in tec: is not kn !!, but it iiini(.' s .iiu-wiit re Imtweeii t* and ihr-o inill'on. T i <ivo > Ivetrer rJe of the huge i|iiantity, there were aeven acre* Dunda'k ha now rhree fine xoneral dry i<Mu!s atores and all appear tu be do- my a lar^e buainem. There ban been m much talk alxmt theae establiiihiiiunta that tlie Advance decided to invedtmaie and on Snturday t la>-t paid them a viait. Wi- found Mr. Archie (itbxiti in char.'e of M. Hi hiird-on ,v (,'o'n branch store, with several clerk* under him and many I'UHtoiiieri apprei.:!y lecuring sirisfac- I'iry liargmns. The store is beautifully :irriiL'eii .-ind is full ..t fH-nmiahlo i;.ls t i overflowini;. SIcFarland A RichardH h.i\ Calhoun'* old it.md but li.n ,- er- 1 ir i'.i the pn-niises until they have quite a* much floor space as the parent Htnre in Markdale. The imi'.i.^, .ilfi' le " Jack ' I'. . li.ir.ls m the |.r.sidinir ^IIIII.H here aad hi staff <.f clerks, he inf..nnl UF, are kept on the jump from iiinnnni; until lute at niyht. Mi-s Maud Il;irini..|| { Brighton manages the millinery depart- men: auJ hax a beautiful display. M-. .1. D. Brown, who recent!} leaned the NX .n Mock, ha> a iloublu st.'re with .'..-d m lliiiery i:s|.;.iy riHiiu at the reiir. MI.SI Wollit, n city milliner, idea her.- over a b.-uitiful dis;-liiy of hend m-iir for tlin 1 i-lies. Mr. Hn>wn in formed un that he hi.s done 'luring the .n.'iith jut twice the aiuount of businetu that bu did lact ye ir during the nanit* fiernxl. AH thr-e >torei* have largo millinery display* and the ladies ..f Dun d.tlk have thiti yenr a wider riii!B of choice in U'H.il* ..t all knuls t! ..tn they bave ever hiul hi i n . < >in- pociiiiurity of tlio three I'm .i.ilk iti.res it that iln-y . ; in.tii ii;.'ii by yi.ulili llchoi.ir who of ill . s mi. I attrac tion tn at least the younger portion f flit fair OHE WHERE YOU CAN aue Tffoney Thnt People am quick to appreciate a ifood thins! i nln>n liy the very lar^e 'juantity of Boota itnd Slii> that ire are aelling. \\'e have very ML- stock in all the latst Styleo. Call and we will s;ife y..u as good ban{ain aa ever you had ' Ordered Work and repairing Promptly Attended to at WM. CLAYTON'S Agent for Dominion Money Order Express Sheppard's Personals MT- '' ' |a liiiii been tin- 4Ui-st ,.f ber Loiisin. Mr. J. Run- stadtler "r -4 . ..iipie f iteckN. Mls \ Atmsliiii; retUI'llet! 1 i- fri.in i inter's s..j..urn with relative* ill Tomato. L>r. Ceor.-e ArniKin iu "'1 .i \\mihiiiKt,. n Rtntr are rho ' the fi-rnicr'a in.ithor, Mrs. .1 . \\ . AnnM' Mi <'hri.-.tn.i KicliardMiii of Mark- il.il ^peiit S.ir'.uiiay and Sunday t t!:e [.r>'i.r.-il n in. !. '.' !. . Ujtrdrum baaa >ituuti.'ii it '! i' i. ., i ear < )ttnwa. ^l t.'hns. ( ijoiiiriini luut charge ..f i inillin- ery bii.iinoHs 1:1 tiio same town. Mr. and .Mm. H. S. Hendemoii itre Mpciidinu the week in Tor nt,.. The band ii^ain favored u wit c.l.'lcu Illllsic on the M|Uiiro I'll xi IV even- In;; which wa inucli enj-.yod by thu rillagar*. FLESHERTON 1 New additions to our Jarge stock ot Seneral jJry-Soocts Hardly a day passes but something new fimjs its way to our counters and scarcely a day but we are making new and valued customers a sure sign that we retail at Right Prices ! Our stock is now complete in all lines We might mention here that we have some- extr< values in New Prints, Cottonades, Shirtings and Tweeds. 3 ::: COCT Cot i| ,-il. at -JM \v, : . t JM,,I.|-, Ijuri't . ,t.,^!if . i of W in i -lit ^. ll ul u*|iiov Volcanic bruptions AM. Craihi. but SK:,, . vn ' us ioli llfr n j..y. Ltuci.1 n Ainu , - ini. .l-.i oi.t iu o. i .;. mnl '.-v. r ..|.-.. I c-i Ills. \\'M: . LIMB Hjll -. ">-.! . B- *l I'i i-' I U.t) l.li eulU. I 1 '.. i-'.:: I .1 >ll I " -III! prl 7r'*ii r* * it * * H= GOOD - BOOTS ! ! I'irthe pasr two season^, owing to the steady atlvance in tlie price ol leather, manufacturers vere at their wits ead :o keep boots at okl prices, an<! i;-. nine cases out of ten the <jt:alit\ n.'d. Onlv the most reliable cic.ileis maintained their reputa- tion by char^in^ u higher prico and keeping up the quality \Vtr have been very careful this season in insisting on tlie ;uality being right, and we believe \vc have as line a stock of boots and shoes for the spring trade as it is possible to get by buying in large quantities direct from the manufacturer's and j-.-v in,- spot cash we are still able to sell good boo; - cheap er cheaper than you buy inferior goods for. [ ust <>;ie word about - WALL PAPERS - Our new Wall Papers, beautiful in design.- and ci'loiin^s, some of the finest effects ever se.cn in delicate tuitei! grounds with g'imiiKi ; >ld pat- terns are r .vn 1>\ us. The prices, consider- ing the quality are remarkaL-iy K w. . . T.J.SHE F J. B. Sloan & Son P ropvieoi > a Si. ; h, Doors, ' ::g. ' : ,,t K'a; 1 ;!:.;, i' r.lin-!<s,t!i. i-i':-t ot Spruce Lath.,N;>. i ar.i! J H-.ii'^'.i'S \ ' : ii':l.i and SidniL.fi, eic. ;icFARLAND & RICHARDS TORONW. DL'NDALK and MAiJKDALi: Direct Importers & Manufacturers Tiniii of all Kiniis Done to . . . Capti ni.il Silk H.,K!H ranginu to hand, c. nt:t:tiiiiu iiiiinl er of Nciv run ' ttfin. s f..r C'ko|)piii|{. - i' s t ion in .illi.ur line* Cash : for : Hides' She. 'I'-kins ainl .'! limits of f.irn pur- . liai.-il. for which higli-t market price will he paid. coM'tiil two Uep with uiaulu, ul.n, ln.ii.- . livV ard Va^Tixvl JIVT, hut a 'ft--."f OM-.P- ti'y li a'na<'y tietin an. Mid i' is el- inft.d that the end of the bin pi e will b ' ieach-d about hMVoat nine. Uonenadu aau*4|ea o hand, all* all du of wonts. M. WILSON. Meal Empcrituo, \ i n-jli tin- ro.iiis I the \ e ir l - iijjiiiiist lni-i,i.s.s . li.n e ... ( >y i I,.IIL'I itnlitto - nisi ii . in iliou:iy lmsiii..sjt m r..|i' iiiinm; 1'nily HO m I sol! Iu .-list. in. rs h> n i; in:iii\ in :.i fr.'in Onndnik who -ill -.. li..n,o well |-lt- . d HI; i In. ih us;.-., nii.i pi i. is. I.i . arrivnii: in rupid - kei |iili; HI stiltt bll.\ I'LL I"L' - Our M llii.erj I '. . n tin. -in i jus 1 in nveipt. ..f .- !. ..... t of \\"i.-e . .11. l-.il i I'miiii t-. Tuns. l'in,l.|onlorT Capti ni.il Sil in i. . I'M'.ss CMI i|i> \ ; rt i o . " ..- pie. . s . : l ]., f.'iitij. iis Itolil M. .1 . i . i.. "\ K MKI' I' P i s K .. l.;ii> ui in Tnn ai ililnc-k L-oli.r, inuuf tho aj ng, line* ..x 1 ' 'ir t' ii" <' '-''. "nr price Xl.UO |-r pair. Yu t-.m HI.IH. in u. S.;I KU i. buy IK r I'L M' lan.'iis I.KOi'l . I N I"S KrUMSillN'. liKl'T lac "inplet with .ill thut is n.> ami s ,, ,, . i ti-iitinii is bemu pti.l ' or.loto.l i-lnihiii.;. i-re r'ubt. S, e our Tw ..I it - . ' p. r yard, in*' t'io ilip.^ for boys wear, ntn.iiy ,,l .j. ,1 Men's Spruiu' Ties < I .11^ 2 t.-i '.> M.-n s u-n r,,., i,,, s |M ,,,:, ti ctmtn o.tch. T <t<iol< i' iHrk'o, nil ;H'./ in price fr Mil ">" ornts down. I'. M 1 1 \ >Hi '!, I'i'.l 1 I mini nip.iiti!it .'ii- tin-, tiino . .f ',, \e.r l>.irami l |n t'lve .pixlity fur your in n.'.s 111 i (<, < d.'in.' r.-tnin your eusl n M.-I.'S Kine I'i'M CKKJ , 'it r iiitohetl, n-v.nl.ir pri -e J'^.l'C). v.-ry spivini :.-'! 7.". M.III Plough Bui., ren'ilur $110 Special 7.V. Men* Plouuli Bo,n, reg 81 '.m, s -, cm: SM>">. M us rioii K h Hid . Ut M iiliu- 1 3i>. s ( itK;inl $1.0(). Men s |-,,,i-h Hill , Keuular 1 60, apecitl $1 l.-> Our itt.i-k ol I!..,.'* anil t>hoM "f all kin.U lit cmnpleie., but il-ace will no* pernn' "in .piotii.K ki uls. c .|or and prices. CK'ii'KKY DKHT 50 Hoxe R.-iiin, Vine Stock, JK tt>.. $1.18. Cofih S'-rch iV per packajjo. ^8 NH. SUK*', $1. W make a i|HK-ilty of TOM. Two toum j lit to ..Hllll. McFARLAND

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