Flesherton Advance, 17 Dec 1885, p. 4

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Thompson. -At the residence of her daughter-in-law, in Flesherton, on Sunday, 13th Dec., Mrs. Thompson, aged 91 years. Large Stock! Waltham, Elgin, Springfield and Swiss Watches, in Silver & Gold Cases, To choose from. Grade and Warrant considered, my prices are close to " Siarks, &apos; and you can prove this by calling to see. Anyone coming 15 miles to deal with me, I will allow them 5 cents a mile here on Watches & Clocks, be- sides the discount. This offer will run to Jan. 1st, lb#6. A call respectfully invited. ~\V. A. DROWN. To My Fatrms: I heartily thank the public for their generous patronage these past &apos;2 years and ou the following basis of IWHIUCHS trust to secure a continuance of the same : " Straight dealing, right rep- resentation, A 1 Roods, close prices, and honest kept warrants. Fine re- pairing personally attended to. W. A. BKOWN, A HelMble Jeweller. Beautiful Lines In Silverware ! 8 Casters, 7 Buttere, 4 Cards, 7 Pickle Cruets, 1 Tea Set, 3 Cake Baskets, 1 Ice Pitcher, 2 Fruit Dishcn, and many small Fancy Articles, viz., Napkin Kings, Spoons, Forks uud Knives. 10 per cent, off list prices for this mouth. See my Prices in all Lines ere You Purchase- W. A. BROWN. THIS PAPEE H FLESHBRTON: THURSDAY. DEC. 17. 1885. EAST GREY. Annual Mrttiiuj of Euxt drey Conservative A#ori<itlon. ii The annual meeting of the above association was held in Muikdale last Friday. There was a very good at- tendance from the various Townships represented in the electorate. The chair wag occupied by the energetic President, Mr. TLos. Kells. The fol- lowing were elected officers for the current term : Thos. Kells, President ; Thos. Gil- ray, Vice President ; Win. Douglass, Treasurer ; John Lyons, Recording Secretary ; aud Messrs Isaac Trayuor, of Dundalk, and W. H. Dodsou, of Rocklvn, corresponding Secretaries for the Southern aud Northern divi- sions of the electorate respectively. Township Vice Presidents : Artemc- sia, Jas. Brodic ; Collingwood, Thos McMurchy ; Euphrasia, \Vm. Pringle Holland, Andrew Freeborn ; St, Vin cent, Nicholas Read ; Sullivan, Jehu Sparling; Osprey, A. McGirr; Me lancthou, Richard Slack ; Mi-afoul Hugh Chisholm ; Proton, J. Abbott The accounts were duly audited b; Messrs. Brodic and Browu. After the general business of th meeting had been transacted, th meeting appointed Dr Sproule, M. 1&apos; and A. R. Fawcett, of THE ADVANCE a committee to draft resolutions, as result of which the following were sub mitted and unanimously carried : " Ketthcd, that we, the Liberal Con servative Association of the Hast Hid ing o/Grey, heartily endorse the ac tion of the Dominion Government faithfully discharging tlie iniixjrtan duties devolving U|K>U il.i in in con uection with the North- West rebel! ion." "Jietolver?, that the action of th present Government, in so rapid! pushing to completion the C 1*. It. deserves the united thanks of the pi o pie of this Dominion." "Raolced, that this association views with pleasme the efforts now being made by the present Govern incut to settle the much vexed Fisher ion question, and trust, as we cnnti dcntly expect, that it will result i putting us on more favorable commer cial relations with the U. 3. "Kaolvtd, that we heartily endorse the able, forcible, and outspoken man ner that the Mail newspaper, as wel as many other influential and impor taut journals of the country have dis played iu dealing with the prcsen political crisis through which th country is passing." "Re$ohtd, that we view with pleas urc the honorahle discharge of dut; o r the Dominion Government in tl.i appointing of the Revising Officers fo; the carrying out of the provisions o the new Franchise Law, guaranteeing as it must, fair play to parties of al political shades without fear or favor.&apos; It was then moved by Mr. Win Douglass, seconded by Mr. Rielmn Watson and "Rttolvcd, that while we regret the inexplicable conduct of a portion of onr fellow-citizens in the Province ol Quebec, by assimilating their morals with a double-dyed assassin like Rid this Association pledges itself to main tain the integrity of our Laws, and frown down all attempts at the sub- version of Virtue, Truth, and Loyalty, to the degradation of oar National honor, and a stain upon the escutcheon 0.&apos; our royal Majesty, Queen Victoria.&apos; Carried. Dr. Sproule, M. P. then delivered a masterly address on the present po- litical situution, which was loudly ap- plauded, and for which he received the hearty and unanimous vote of thanks of the Association. The Dr. then in- vited the members to tea, which was accepted, and after singing "God save the Queen" in right loyal style, all present adjourned to the dining room, where they sal down to an excellent spread, which rejected great credit upon the genial and enterprising host of the Muikdale House, Mr. J. E. Marsh, who is becoming very popular with the piiblie. THE 1 ALLEY ROAL>. It seems we have been misinformed regard to the Valley Road, iu so ar as the Township of Euphrasia is oncerned. We have it ou the best utlioiity, that the work has been usued forward in the most judicious ud energetic manner by Kuphrasia buncil, and that only a few days ago, :ie Township got the last deed of land n the route laid down for this much ivlkod-of road. Nothing now remains o complete this desirable highway, mt prompt action on the part of our jwn Township of Artemesia, which is low in duty hound to extend the road &apos;rom the town line between Euphrasia T.I new fields of labor. Hi, present j{ooil sleighing is giving the fariiKTS a good time in tafiing their pro- ilnee to market Flushurton being the contra! point and beat market at present. LUHTKKT Ml\ s. ClipiH-tl from our Kjcrhanget, and Other Suurce*. Mr. Win. Liilvin-, of Mulmur, has a The sudden death of Mrs. Washburnof j cherry tree which blossomed quite re- this place, was quite unexpected. She cently. Dundalk Herald, came here on a visit to her friends and in ! PROF. LOWS MAGIC SULFHUB about a week after arriving, died of heart disease. She leaves a husband and one child to mourn her departure. Christmas beijjg near at hand our little mo ~ B t hn&apos;paasabie, owing to the non- boys and jjirla are anxiously awaiting the en f orcem eilt of the snow by-law. all eruptive diseases of the akin. Delightful lor toilet use. The sidewalks in Meaford are al- return of Santa Claus. School Examination*. ( Contributed far The Advanct.) DU. LOW&apos;S WORM SYRUP will remove all kui&apos;U of Worms from children or adults. Died at his residence in Holland, on the 4th hist., Mr. Robert Gievens, On the 10th iust. the pupils of S. 8. No. , aged 80 years, Chstsworth News. 6, Arteuiesia, were examined by Trustees and this Township to the required and parent*. This school has been but cruiiims. Thus will be developed a very short time in operation, and vory urge belt of fertile laud, and some of niany of the pupils were for the first time he most magnificent water powers in Ontario ; besides affording an outlet &apos;en- those settlers, who have hitherto abored under serious disadvantages 11 marketing their produce, (!ojd roads are necessary to the progress and prosperity of any section of couu- try, and we confidently predict the FREEMAN&apos;S WORM POWDERS are safe in all cute*. The; destroy aud remove Worms iu children 01 adults. Mr. Thos. Hanbury, of Dundalk, is within a schoolhouse door since the open- to be a candidate for the Recveship of ing .n August last ; and of these, it most Pf the Herald. So we learn from be admitted, their advancement is mar- vellous. As yet the teacher, MissMacua- NATIONAL PILLS ire unsurpassed as s safe, mil I, yd thorough, purgative, acting _ . . J &apos; 1 Bttsi;, all** t 1^9 *! *,! t , jm tjvn *^, < i. 11^ mars, labours under many disadvantages, upon tne hi&apos;liary organ* promptly and effect owing to the absence of Object Lessons, Maps, and many necessary books required in the higher classes ; still their proficien- ually. Very encouraging results have ac- crued from the revival services in the cy in Geography, Grammar, Natural and Methodist church, here. Over 1OO dawn of bettor times for the settlers! (Jeneral History, without any other aid conversions are already announced. living on the Valley Road, who have so long labored under the disadvan- tages of inadequate marketing facili- ties. than patience, assiduity, and oral inculca- 1 Meaford Mirror. tiou the principle carried out by Cato, WHY EMPLOY DOCTOBS. Consult a doctor, Socrates, and others of the old school* &apos;or a 6 or 8 o*. bottle of medicine l-cou j -t a. i A I ""It W. Iticiiar.lM.n, Bole Ajj&apos;iit, and he raises a question in our mind if that mode I w|U give you , 12 om- MUe of ij r . is not superior to that in vogue through- Liver Guru for 91, and a Tsluable out Ontario, with their huge libraries of Text Books, Maps, Charts, Globes, Or- Maxwell I From uur oirn CurrtsfxmJi&apos;iit, The Gospel Anny being the main topic in this placce at present, your correspond- , appliances do not apply their own brains cut sends you word that they have acconi- ! to the advancement of thooo placed under their charge with the same degree of con- scientious zeal, as does Miss Macnamara. Book free. Ilecipe Warden Massie of the Central Pris- rerey&apos;s, &c. Either it is so, or that the [ on was seriously injured by being teachers supplied with all those modern, thrown out of his carriage while driv !__:_ . .. i - inir in tlin OHWIIH Park. Toronto, l&sl wonders here. About sixty have professed to Jiave found religion. Tlie church has been crowded nearly every iiult. and tin. U-.tt ..f order prevailing until Sunday iii^lit last, when a number .if voting men from a distance who, at .(her times, would like to pass themselves off as gentlemen came, apparently with i tlier intention than to be disorderly. But, on account of their parents and other friends, their names are witheld from publication. Thu hist meeting of t lie Army will be held on Tuesday < \ < n ing in this place, when they will remove Died. THOMPSON. At the residence of her dau- iu the Queens Park, Toronto, last week. Dufferin Advertiser. lliu.v inns Uronohltis comei fromCold> and irrltatiuna <.( tb Throat ; Hoarseness, Cough aud Sore Throat are its chsrscturia- tics. Then* troubles may be remedied by a timely use of llagyard&apos;i 1&apos;ectoral Balaam. CHEESE FACTOKY RE-SOLD. The ghter-in-lw, in Fiesherton, on Sunday, I Sliellmrnc cheese factory has again 13th Dec., Mrs. Thompson, aged 91 DCen sold tins time to Mr. Kobt. 1 Cornett, of Dundalk, for 1700. Shel- burnc Economist. i&apos;"i INVITK PIRKAJU wheu yon neglect a Holler Ftmirfnr Sale. Tliuse requiring first-class Roller Flour . . .,, , . B> -j M _u &apos; rvL&apos;tilar action of the buwtln, ami incural>l>< from the famous mills of Mr. Ford, Mark- NOTICE, NOTICE! Fiesherton WOOLLEN FACTORY. The undersigned having leased the Fiesherton Woollen Factory & put the same in a thorough state of repair, and secured the services of the late proprietor, Mr. N. dale, will do well tn call at the Flusher- mn j thu entire lystem with Burdock Blood ton liakerv where it is always kept in Bittem. which acts upou the Bowels, Stom , , : och, Liver nd Ulood. took, at reasonable prices. ,^_____^^^_BBK>BB.B | ACCIDENT. On Fiiilay last Thos. Moore in the employ of Mr. Newman, cut himself badly with an axe on the right arm near tin; shoulder. 0. 8. Advertiser. THE STOMACH Ii tin grand central of the living M stem, the first organ developed in aaimal life, au<i the lint to suffer &apos;rom ex oebsri. Ululate iU diseased action Ii) llurdock lilixnl Bittern, which restores health to the stomach, kuweli, lifer, kidney i, aud blood. THE annual show of fat cattle under the auspices of the North Itiilin^ Agri- cultural Society will bo held oil the Market Hqnare here on the 19th iust. 0. 8. Times. A HAWDV RELIEF for Faint, Aehn and accidental injuries ii an alrooit Uniterm 1 rt"|uireuifnt, Huch a ready remedy u In nt ni in llagyanl&apos;s Yellow Oil, that curia Rheumatism, More Throat, Cold*, snd a 1 Pain, Lameness snd Sore ness, whether in- ternal or external. On Monday last, Mr. \Vin. Wiytc, an octogenarian, residing in the town- ship of JiHitinck, south of Allan Park, f -11 off of a chair and broke his thigh close to the hip join&apos;. Hanover Post. The di? covery of the instantaneous protect of taking photograph* has been qnn-klv fol- l.mi&apos;it in tlie medical woild by a perfect and lUHtttiiluimms nmedy for all unite aches ud pains, as Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheum- atism, etc. Thit valuable remedy ia calUd Fluid Lightning, snd in sold at 25 ceutB a bottle at Richardson &apos;t Drug Store. Some person, evidently well ac- quainted with the premises, went to the barn of Mr. \Vm. Whitclaw, 4th line St. Vincent, on Sunday night last, and took therefrom a number of carpenter&apos;s tools Meaford Mirror. KIDNEY COMPLAINT. Much is blamed up- on the Kidneys when people are ill and enfl- cr from weak and painful back, etc. If yon rt giilati: the Li ?ei and Illood with Burdock Blood liii Irrs the Kidney* will soon resume right action. Burdock Blood Dittrn cleanses the whole system, Kidneys includ- ed. WONT GET ANYTHING. The credit- ors of Rice k Scott, checsomakerfi, do 1_._n -1 tial claims are paid oft. bhelbume bell, is now prepared to carry on Economist. A SXHSATION. An unparalleled sensation being crested sll over Ontario by the won derfnl and niie<|ualled manner in which Neu> Toothache, Uheuruatittm, Backache, F->sr UITCS cr Ciiill>lain ruquirv trratocot to a Hum. Tli?r in n , I,, tin lemody fur Hither limn H-i^.ur,1&apos;.. Vi>ll , Oil. the v.i II kn.iun Liiuwliiiid n-iiir I) f ( r I&apos;siu, Kliuiu>lit^, uuu all t e Ji|> taints. the business in all its branches as has been done in the past & would -i.j-i_ . _/ i i , -i drnifs need be taken for dayi. It is on in- olicit the patronage of all those fctii " tcnre Trya26cbottlcfromRichard - ou&apos;8 1 !ru^ iStore. having* work to do in nis lines, and feels confident in guaranteeing sat- isfaction to all. I will endeavor to keep on hand a stock of CLOTHS, FLANNELS, and YARNS to sell for Cash or Exchange tor Wool. W. H. FLESHEK. Drug Mr. Hroclebank, of Messrs Harcourt & Co., met with a painful accident last week. He was feeding blocks to ; a small saw when lie got his band too close and bia thumb was sawn clean down the middle. Bruce Herald. A rROFTTABI.K I.IFK. Few Illi&apos;Il ImVfl Uf I compliBhed the lame smount of work and gooil in tliifi worM an the celebrated Dr. t&apos;lmno. Over tVXI.liOO of bin vorks have [ l.wn sold in Canailn nlone. We want every p.&apos;rsoii trouble witli l.ivpr Gomplsint, I&apos;; e pPiiHia, HooiUolie. Kidney or l>inary Trou- &apos; MHH, to unll in lit V,&apos; Uio,h(r<lnoM&apos; nml Inn a h<ittln of Dr. Chne&apos;i Liver Cure, it will cure you. Mi.<linii,. and Itocipo Book H.IK&apos;. Lat Monday afternoon Mr. Amos &apos; Wril!t met -wit-i a painful accident ! while working IL tbe saw mill. He iwas canting a log and it slipped ami came over his leg jamming it very severely at the ankle. Chats worth News. FLUID LIOHTNINO. All sufferers from that terrible tormrnt, Neuralgia, can be inad happy in onu moment by a single application of Fluid Lightning briskly rubbed ou pain- ful parts, and without using any disgusting medicine dayafter day with little or no re- sult. Fluid Lij{htning also cures effectually Toothache, Lumbago, Rueumatium, Head- ache, and ia only 25 cents per bottle at Kich- rdKn&apos;al)rug Store. Markdalc ItemH. from our own Corretpondent, The roller rink is progressing well under the able aupervisioii of Mr. W. Mitchell. It is expected it will be opened about New Years. Markdale now boasts of a resident law- yer, in the person of Mr. J. JVIcColough, -if Georgetown. (ireat aru anticipations of the Metho- ditts on the opening of the new church. But, iu order that their anticipations may be realited, they will have to thrust their clbowa into their own pockets and not truit to fortune to nil their plates. liuaincsa is reviving greatly, a great deal of grain and ]K>ultry comes into mar- ket and is (juickly devoured by our busi- nou men. Quite a number of our young folks drove down to your lively village hut Thursday evening to the Hoyal Templar&apos;s concert. All expressed themselves plead- ed with the entertainment, but -.bought the usher might have been a little HIOIY hospitable in scouring soaU for the young ladies at luast. Now renew your subscriptions for 1886, and pay up arrearases. .lust look at the figures after your name and you will know to a cent how you stand with the Editor of the AUVANOB. Mr. Frank O&apos;Hara, whose home is near Kcnilworth, broke his arm close to the wrist by falling off the acafl&apos;old of a building he was working on, in the vicinity of Gravcnlnirst, Muskokn, the 26th of last month. He came borne after meeting with the accident and is now under the care of Dr. Cot- ton. Mt. Forest Representative. PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMER, F/esherton, - Ont, HaviuitpenttonK! tlniein tho iitiidio of th famous Toronto PhotontfitMr, Mr. 8. J. Dtsoo, where Iicquircil vahiunV k IIC.K I. ilp. in H,tn\i cuing. I fpol aKhUffKl I ran fivu j&apos;.n.rl ,.-. tlf action. A call riii.< (fully t<iiint.,!, MRS. r.ri.MEB. Fiesherton, Hop. 17th, 1S83. ffi V&apos;lMUB"^ im i URE?COL)GHS COLGSil U HO ARSENESS.ETC^I Important Notice! Tho Btibucrlbcr bepi to Inform tho people of Fleiherton and lurroundinffcountry, that hobae le isod 8 mil. s from Floborton, and In now prepared to funnsh bill* of any length or nize of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Aiwa?* on hand. Slabwond cut to stove-lengths on hand. Cimtoni Hawing done by the thousand. REASONS Whf you ihould get your Lumber and Shingles cut by Hpenccr: (D-Kvpry Saw in the Mill is New and the mill ia in perfect order. (i)l-BecUBe be in a practical mwycr and koopa hi* iws and machinery in perfect order. (8)-IecHBO he cuts nil Scantling Joico exact- ly to the bill fiiriiinlu.il. (4)-He 1 1 .- put In a Lumber Edger and all boarls are same widths from one end to tho othr. (Sh-Decaune you can take a load of logs to tho mill and a load of lumber hum, name day. (6)-Beause he guarantees to cut all cuttom work In a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaranteed. (7)-Becaue all sawing ia done at rock bottom prices. Lumber Vdivrrtd if Required. G. H. SPENCER Sept. 10th. I(#i5. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN&apos;S "WORM POWDERS. Ar pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Ii a late, sure, and rttetta*l r 9t worm* Jn Children or *aW* A RARE CHANCE To the Farmers of Glenelg, Proton Artemesia and Egremont ! Persons requiring LUMBER. LATH or SHINGLES, can get them t BROWN&apos;S Steam Saw Mill! PRICE VILLE. At Lowest Cash Rates. To those who have Timber :-Loga delivered bofor, February st, 1886, taken in exchange, for which Cash Prices will be allowed to ore Lumber can be got ant of a log at Brown&apos;s Saw Mill than at the major, y of nulls, ftB Brown has the latest improved substitute for the do-s" formerly, and in many places yet, used for holding logs in place while saw ?ng -Bring on your Logs and get your Lumber home with you. Wm. Clayton Has on hand a large stock of AUD CHILDREN&apos;S BOOTS & SHOES! Also just received a large assortment of Mens Frost Proof Felt Boots! First-class and cheap. A fresh supply of RUBBERS and OVERSHOES just received. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OP COUNTRY AT STRAIN&apos;S, FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS Or d i&umlal lff:ri:, Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Hendstone* Countci- and Table Tops in American aud luli-iu M:uhlc and Granite, and mad* on short notice. Also Mantles in Marbla and Marblei/.erl Shite, Ac., Ac. Floshurtun, Aug. DO, 1883. HEALTH FOE ALL HOLLOWAY&apos;S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Itlood, correct all IHaurdcrs of th* Liver, Htomaoh, liieln&apos;.y*, and Dowels. Tbeyinvigorateandreiitoreto health Drliilitati"! Constitutions, and aro Invaluable in all Com pUint* liKiduntal to Female* oj nil o,;o8. For Cliildron and the ait they aro prluoleM THE! OINTMENT banlnfaimj&apos;nrnrn-vlyrnrnad I*.**. Had Itroantii. Old Wonniln. Son* ami I&apos;lcrri. It Ufam*>fr Uout ami Hhouniauam. For dl*ordor of the Cho it U hai no uqnal. For SO RE THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swellings, ami all Skin Diiwaiwn It has no rival; and for contracted and itlfl jolntn it act> like a charm. Ranufacturerl only at Irofomior HOUAWAT&apos;S EKtabllshment, TH, New Oxford Slwt < late 53tt, Oxford Street ), London, and aro Bold at U. ljd.,2. Od., 4. d., IU., 23* ,, and &apos;.a*, oach llox or I&apos;ot, aud may be bad of all Modi clno Vendor* throughout the World. j&~ Purctuucrs nAoiiM Imik Ic >hr IsiM m\ Ihr I&apos;oh rnut Boxei. If the addrefi u K>< fi.t.l, Orfnrd fltrrrt, I.omlim, they are qtnriaut. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FLESHKBTON, - - ONT. New Butcher Shop ID Flesh- ertou t Peich & Mitchell. 1&apos;KOI&apos;HIETOUS. THF, iinderHiKncrl rtiHpectftilly take thin oppor- tunity to announce to tho people of FloRh- orton ana mirrotimliiiR ronntry, that they ha\e Htartnil a Butcher Shop in tlm KtHml in.-xt door tn tho Mtrblo Work*. KI.KSIIKIiToN. whore they will uo |>l<>si<il t.. i;n ,-t with all who favor tlioiu witli their patri ua^n. l-&apos;rflnh MoatH of all Undi. and Fixh.sc. iu thttir ie*u<nni. Uos|ii&apos;ctfnlly yiMirx, 1&apos;KTCH .< MITCHKf.I, Framing and House-Joiniug. Tlio undernlgiipil in prcpnrnl to i xcnite al orderi ontriiHtod i him for thu vrvctiuu of Ihivllin<i.i "in/ AVmm Hnitdiny, ilurinK th&apos;iraon of 1(W5. All material furn Uli< il ii no i|,.iiini Nona but cmn,i .in K.nki.i.-.. wniilfiyw.1 Tho KatiHfactlou my work liKgl*en n tuti past is a guarantee for tin- future. Apply to A. Mi&apos;LKOD. KioshertouKtatiuii The VVell-Brod Durham Hull. " GRAY CHAMPION," Will be for nervlco tho neaiion of IMS at Lot H, lat BaiiRe West, T. & H. Road, Artemtwfa, near Fletiherton. TEJIMSJ tfcl.OO, Payable lt January, IMft. BOGER LEVER, Proprietor. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, i INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE, f ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every species DIZZINESS, DROPSY, 1 FLUTTERING } OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF f THE STOMACH, DRY NESS / OF THE SKIN, T. IILBURN & BO.,

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