Married. -Keefer-Mills --In St. Thomas, on Wednesday, Sept 23rd 1885, Mr. W. C. Keefer, freight agent M. C. R. R., Petrolia to Miss Bessie, second daughter of John Mills, Esq., of Palmyra B. Laurance's Spectacles d Eyeglasses Are the unly genuine English Articles in the Canadian market Heal Pubblee ar* kept in stock. Tests are given to pur ehaacn to prove genuineness. They are recommended by the President, Yice- Prwa., Ex-Proa., and Ex-Vice- Prea. of the Medical Association of Canada, &c. JAH. .. Kl >sl I I , Jetoeirr, <tc., Floktriun, Ont. The only place where they can be got Canadian Paeiflc Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIME K/*, Jafcy, Goto* North. BTA'TlONtt.' Mall I El|.. Mimed. Toronto ............... Loave 7it)ui 44S]mi Crdwell JuaoUon ........ , OU7 , 30 " Charlmlon ..................... B 25 " " OrmuK- 1 Arrit> ............ W T ' rillo. i LHV ........... ilUOS " Orauxulllle JuucUoo... lo 17 ' IwltMirno .................... 104* " DundsJs I II HTATll)XK. Owen Round.... ..... Lvavu 5a)in ChaUworth ................... ' 90 " ' Wllllaui.forU ................ 00ft - SUrkiUlo ....................... : 0-27 " 2 " ; T08 " ....... T " 800 " H ia " UB" H .V. " VIH Mull DunrtUk Hhtlbume Ornenllu .luiictluu Onna i Arrive ........ ... rill.' , I....V Chkrlaiiton Carrtw.ll Junctluii Toronto ............... Arrive 1046 ' 10 " ISO " 3S2 " 4 06 " 31 " ' 4 W " 6 it) " 5 3S " I"! 611" 630 " 8 SO " if n W. WHYTK. OKN L fii-p'r. D. McNICOLL, GKN'L T* AOT. pcdical DR. CARTER, M.C.P. *8.,(>!<T. i vv si IM.I ON. *te. FLESHEKTON. Rttittrnrr, nrrl to IHrtrivii Court of/iff. Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCllKR, PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO. ra.ofl'-i" uiA Rmidonco near l*rerl>yterian CbiirchM. l'i i. . \ ill*-. Flesherton Advance 'TK( BEFORE FA VOR."-" PKIKCIPLES, XOT MI-:.V." NEW STOCK \T rfu n. (,'nt- f I jvM and Silver (it-Mi \VaUhea, KriH>chs, E*r it/ a*d at Wr f,tc<i tkui any drakr can VOL. V., NO. 224. JLESHERTON, ONTARIO, OCTOBER 1, 1885. SINGLE COPIES , 5 CENTS EACH. '^ *s , I warraiit.d vty job A FEW HINTS FOR THE. USE OF HOSE. To move t\* to*- tli ftxtli/. t lo t PMt; Htu^-vjh-y. 4 lo fllU. Exptrteiice villdtdtU (it proper tiuu in uch COM. THE ADI/nHNCE. A. R- Faivcctf. Tit - E it: E . Constating nf I.,;il Itenu jfnthfft-il PV J J Itrritiiiy For Constipation, er CoftlTtness, DO remedy la so effective as Avia's I'ILLS. They Insore regular dally action, and re- store tbs bowels to a boaltby condition. For Indlsealluo, or Dyspepsia, Arm's PILL* are Invaluable, aiid a sure curs. Ilrart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Fool Stomach, Flstulency, Vlnlnrss, llrxl- acbr, NmubncTfiS, Nauaea, aro 'all relieved and curcJ by A IK '4 PILLS. < In Liver Complaint, Dillons Disorders, and Jsnoilloe, A\Eii'3 PII.LS ibould be |lvon In doses largo eiiough. to eiclte tbe lifer snJ bowc'.s, and remuv constipation. As a clciniluf medlelus 111 tks Spring , the** FILLS nro aiir<]u.\lloJ. Worms, cause .1 by s roorlij condition o( tbe bonds, are eipclled by those PILLS. Eruption*, Skin I)l-.<-., and I-lle*. tb* remit of Indigestion or < uitlpallon, srs enrrd by tbe oae of A vis's TILLS. For Colds, tako Avia's I'li.M n rpco tbe pores, remove Inflanin-alory iccrettoas, and sllay tbo ferer. Fur Diarrhea .in.J Dri" nti-rr, canscd ly -_ suduou co:d.. MUgJui r-i.Ttc.. A ri * >*"*. P very d.j.v._ Cil 11 uA e- The dam lit ''.inipKi [luanl! \<-nA is un- dergoing repairs for tin *f!il trnde. Kla-lirrton Public! Mnolli txaily in need of repairing befwe-de eiwW meather COU1US. A ttn-jiedler forn? Wndki &mi hat botn duiii(; a lartje buiimieiii in lUnrn dur- ing thu last fow days. An immense stccotbod IPipes at Russell's, Flesherton, . A new fi>uudatii>nii*l|.luicLs being built at Mr. \Vm. Brsdl-LlQi mudence op- poaite Photo CJallery. Mr. Jas. Ludlon kui riiiTel hu h(jusehold effects to lini ti . there ho intcndi t<j romilf. A party wits given ts I ntuiIU-n jfclnM- ren at the residence ofH ffliM. on Monday aftcnnmlutt - Ni w uixxls arritiiiin PILLS ro tbi true remedy. Khrumallirn, Gout, Krnmltls, and Sciatica, often rctult from ili.-tstlre '. mont, or ooMi, and dlmppeir ' t, f: ; the rsa: ; Ij the use of AT rn's TILLS. Tumors, Drnpijr, Kidney Corn). llnl, and oilier disorutrs cu."l by Je''.: or obstruetlnn, >re cured by .Avrn's TILLS. buj)| r-; on , ml 1'Hlnfiil .Vni~iru- tloo, LTO a safs and read; In cure some of the ing. S .:m> young gaffwll IBM ia offer- been himself in ili-iiiMii*J(jcssla. Sev- eral of them have beau usviiigj fur the Ust two week*. A Ooapel Hand fr>in. H> shejiton will | visit Price villo a wevllnlf nfTiueawlay next ..-!.. nn that revivalKKiwiMNllisave recent- ly U'?ti commenced AVER'S PILLS. -Busacll, neahcitoioBalBi the tool, and iuatrii;il to Titebet, Jcntwtry. J.T. UAICSIIALL, L.U.S DESTIST, GltADt ATI: or Toronto Ktliool nf Dmtittry, wlllto at MarkiUlu tin- l-t nn.l .'r.l \V.-.|nu day of nwh innutli. *nd nt Floolu-rton on the 1st nd Snl ThoraiUy iu each luauth fox tlia practice 3Cr oal FROST & FROST. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mm. oldbyall'DrargUts. Cartlt under lha Ai//in<f ure interttd fret of ehargf. Q K11V1CK every Sunday t -.!>. p.m. Hun- ** dav Kcbopl at 1 p i, I'ruv r n. . i.m; o>ry v Kcbopl at 1 p lKvewnine atT:Ki KK.\ A. tor. (Ladles' A1U .Society ID t .:in<xtlou.i , pea- IOTHOM8T Full direction,. In varioa, la^uajoa, so. j C , ocks ai)J j cwc i._ p , ~ , ,,. ,_ company caoh package. A ooapw of stock bun vi'-nBni mui TWuiitu are now in tins section |>.iit-!nui:iiiy cattle Ac. They exjiei.-t to il.i,ii| il'.NMi oar li*ds "ii Thursday morning. Mr. J. \\ . Hciiderm im,. in Denial and energetic munairer of Ut I. .oof 8. if. Co., Toronto, attended th a u-iiiwt in the Methodist church henU Liiui*itTi. There ia no getliiibj jtu-t of it : Russell, Fleslicrtou,iiiii IkxziuiiaU re- pair your \Vatch orCICIol:, Ko give. satisfaction every tin*u i ILIO pay. - Don't fon-yt the S..i I Ti|*;nuici* Conventi ,11 iu It:, T T. Ye editor of the FVsjhcrton ADVANCE I A Ro}nl Kco 1 haa lieen victimized to the extent of f 1 in cash and an advertisement for two I The Wny t'lrt>rUni Trutt ilt weeks by a "Stu|> Destroyer" fraud ' dun. named J. YV. Williama, who Have his ad- dras* U Collinjrwood. Mmford Mirror. No sireo ! The editor of this paper ' rvicely our Klenhortou volunteers could wasn't victimized by a 1 SOUK chalk.' The | scarcely have been accorded a heartier advi-rtiaement was paid for in advance and, reception than they wore at Flcalit-rtcn the i mailed to fraud Williams belouued Ntatiou hut Saturday evening, on the oc- t.i another person, who shall, be nameleas. l*infl before flie train came iii,villm,'nn A NiTioiAi. EVIL. Tier* is no question and country ]-.... |.- mi^ht have been seen bnt that Dyspepsia ia the national ']' | driving or walking ali'tig on the duaty ttl our conntry, aud whtn complicated with di*lK of the Liver si i Kidneys is the | *" between tins place and the < )' I:. eause of untold misery, bur Jock Blood station. The spacious platforms and waiting inceaa at the latter place wore soon crowded by an exrer aud entli. tic throng of people, and when our well Had they been U'tnrnitie fnnii of oourae, ' caaioii of their return from the annual . drill, held this year at historic XUgam. Blltrn n wont cace known ^jst i The Flesherton AIIVJIMITI cn]>iee the item we had a couple of weeka om< abut the poor man who is now confined a.i a conducted band struck up with a lm-ly air, the mont joyous enthuaiaxui was np- . p:irent on even' countenance. The eag- lunatic, and sui>iios-d to have been croze<l i , ... _. ilc-eyed constable Cooey wa there, and by the excitement of tbe> Salvation Arniy, an the inspiriii'.' strains of music struck for tin- purjinse of saying that it is mis- The ADVA*' the Salvntion Army is not at Fleahrrton, but the (iospel Army. liirh it says "hiia done a good work here, and there was no excitement in coiiuix-ti.>n with their meetings either. They were r<>niloeted in a much more orderly manner than the average Salvation Anny meeting. " It also intimates that the 111*11 in <|ur*tum waa tint crazed l>y the Army. Our in- formation was pit from the gaol oficials ; but the Ai.vts. r bting on the doubtless has the cornet version. i>ooy was inspiring strains of avuaic "~ \ his quick ear, he lit his "<lhii'le'ii" and intimates that complacently niuokeil Uie pipe of p.-a<v. Itefore the arrival of Uie train, the band serenaded Mr. Win. H'nyr. merchant, and other citi/eiiH of thu stiti'.n. Mr Hi^x treated the hoys tn somu fine fruit And now the head-light of the engine U seen in the distance; and si n tho train .imvuy- ing the Volunteer! comes whirling into thv depot. Flesherti.n .ind I>nrh,im com- tf and aa the well known of our own stalwart U.js coino to frfew, chew after cheer rvuds the air, aiid the band airikea up in apleinli.l styl- There ia a (treat deal of hand sliskincr siul A WIRE l*XFriCTi6s. Thirln*; the Bum mrr an<l Fall people srr lisble to snddtn at- tack* of bowel compUinta, and with no prompt remedy or medical sid at hand, life rusv be in dsngrr. Thosa wbos exffnruev baa f )-. ii th. iu wisdom, slways keep Dr. r*owlr's Kitrwt of Wild Strswberry at lisod in prompt relief, tnil a 1'h, sifian b Married. MII.I.S In Si TtinMiii. o \Ve.lneaday, 8pt 23rd 1886, Mr. W. C. Keefer, freight agent M. 0. R K., Pctrolia to Miss He*si, seooo tor uf John Mill, E^I., of Palmyra, BARMsTKlta. toi.iriToits. <os vi:v vxc'itH, JM om I'liulcu Str t. ') IN Sui'ND, aud f*n Thandsy at FLKKIIKI(T( N. 1. W. niOST. L.L.II. ALFIIRD FKOST, Crown County Attornrjr. . Sil.liwis IIAXUS. n P. Kl III. IN. w i.Alt\ IN HANDS, EUHLIN & GARVIN, Anccriaum to Lamtrr if' Humln, BARRTHTKItS. SOLICITOUS, NOTAKIKK, t'ONVKY ANCKKH. *e M-.nev lo I at l,*wK*t IUti of inUTust. Offlccn, 10 hlng Street l'.t. Toronto. MORPHY fc MILLERS, B.\rriitfr.i, ffulieitum, Hirturir* PuWie, * '"/irci/.i hr^r.-., ft-.'. Omc, Oror McFarlanv'n Drug Htore, DURHAM, ONT. N.TV M,,ml.> ,v..,,,,, at 7:30. it":".' KiT ';; iSof y (LT?/.? ft01 '""""- Ild tho fl ' Aid Koclil) -in , lun. rtlon ) ' the evening'. AKu-iin. ( n-, ... Tli* *( -rsrlssat r at leal humors .( tl>e Blood is B*sjA*k Bl-.J ii,,.. ,r \ -. tj.,tiic* prixtaswa a >>Mty. It Il.k>*jb4 tsu'nt ol 8e in fuU, that terrille di,, ,u so eummou .n this Important .Notice ! The nlMvrl)>er !><< Ui Inform the people of Kle*herton and lurroumllng country. tbat b*haa (tanls. John W. Armstrong, FLESFIKRTOV, Co. QRRT. T\IVI8IOX COL'KT CI.KKK. COMMISSIONKR ** in M. It.. Ci>uvi'ysncer. *c. for iMirrhme and sale nf lan.U. A|>praiKr fnr C. L C. Com- ii.l P. I* II A H. Krli-ty. Money to lown nn tlio m.Hit reuousbln terms. Isaur.a or MAKHIAdK LICKN8E8. Jas. K. Sloan* lySUKAXCK All EXT, EUUESIA. Rapresantlng that solid old Klro Insurance Co., the Nouwicn UNION, of Norwich, Knitland. Inmraticu effuctod on Hoiifitifi. oull'iilldiiifjii, Ac.. atlow ratwi. luiuren attal ( mllm from P'h-iliertnn, and i now | rrparr.l to fur null bills of any length or mzu of Lumber. LUMBER LATH, & SHI1IGLES. Always on band. RlabwoodcuttoitoTelnngtbs on band. Cnstoni Hsu Inc done by W. J. BELLAMY. TWP. CLEBK v:Tl M? . CONVKYA NCElt, t '( ItfHVRAXi'K Atl'T, AC. DKF.ns, MOKT(A1KS. I.F.ARRR. Ar.. prepar- ed snil properly oxrrnt.'.l Infinrancfi IT.-r td In nrt clua com|ianle>. lowwit ri.- Monuy to lend at Victoria Hotel, OWEN SOUND. Tbls hoiiM h bun roflltod an.l i>Uro<l uinlor the management of Mr. It. H. Mi.ldaiiKli To hon dunlriliR all ttio romfortu of A .pilot hmne, when vliitlntt Owpn Sound, nn lni<*!n*B or plin- n, will flii'1 Hi.. "Victoria" equal to tbe beat in town. Caniful hontlera. B. H.MIDDAl'CH, l*roprletor FRED. RYDER, Brick and Stone Mason, FLESHERTON. Orders in Town and Country promptly and carefully executed. M:<ncy to Loan. At C>\ Per CfHt. Jnt,-rr*t ,,n Stmiyht Loan. WITH Interest paid yearly, not In advano*. No comuilsilon charged. Apply to A.4JKIBK. - tbo tbouasiid. REASONS Why you should tt your Lumber and Sliingl** cut by Hpenoer: (1) Every Saw In the Mill 1* New and tbe mill Is In perfect order. (2) Hecaute he ia a practical sawyer and keep* hi* *aws and machinery in |wrf.-. > ..r.l.T (8r Rcsuie he cuta all ScantliiiK Jolce exact- ly to the I .ill Turnlahod. (4r-He has |>nt In s L,un.ber l-'.ilwr anil all boardi ar* MIUO wldtli* from ono end to tb* other. (Si Hecause you can take a load of logs to tbe mill and s load of lmnt>cr home isme day. <) liccauae be nuaranteen to cut all custom work In a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaranteed. (7i IiccauMj all uwing Is done at rock bottom prices. r.nml:.-r Delirtred ii Work haa been cm mmnttt in oTer- hauling the furnace ami lil Alt -smim nxun- up the Fleshertoii HW-f,, J church. j The p.irsonsK<< waa neawi ! j rwcui vrd a ' nnu:h in-filed amount iiul i>jniin nf. -The Voluuteels rlu).iniiL<l t llueir clotli- ing Ac., on .Monday luiw r-ecived t portion of their pay. mini, osiimtv grant i will arrive in a few d.ii'iuiilwi 11 be dis- tributed anioDK the n* M. Russell, Fl. sliftrrtiiii. , imjs )ii goods from his brotlicaet iliwi s in tiie wholesale biiaini'M, iLl.loilk.iD* lio can sell from 1! to 25 pact eniH. than any other deakr.i, -Mr. \\iii. Strain Im IH ; ( jn a fine brick cistern at his remtifeitwMi.d IM thu plank on the ground (ni line | lil j- ! ui building a sidewalk aiu.iBJIIiuu rtstidenco UJrd Sept., the f..llowni|f were elected offi country. I !. -Ii. i i..n Publlr ../ A ttfiulawt, Xrjtt. ltig.1. S.-ni.,r dr|iart- iii. -i. t "4 ; Junior department 7* . total Number in Ili^lu'.it daily attei. dance, Snior dept. '; . .lunior dept. 74 ; U>uil l.'Ki -asjd Bounds of something cUc ' Tli Durham and F)ehurton boys cheer each other with lusty iptnd will, add M t!ie train moves off with the Owen S..ui. no ChaUworth o>ni[>aiiie the cheering and enthusiasm u simply immense. Headed by our band, Uie FVahcrton volunters aocouifauuani by a Urjfe nuin- ike out un it reached find aw. a larve to welc. Our County Show. ll'e/i ther .1 I.,- to* Hi! i (in tii*) 23rd bwpt.. in Tome*", Hitnirnh. irfc <^ thi> Intr Kxl H Hill, The weather wa a!' teen doiii,-J n lh dste <if Enst Crvjr exl. utM-o, l t: .' ' , the) !>! ,,d.,r ..f that glorious visitors .-.< l-v n -<- hibitsia tbe various in _..:..... but s<-arcely aa extensive as on f : i rr years. niu^ in A i.;ri , to the fact, that tin- I^.u .u.. ... wood ihows were held on thu um dam. In tliu liall the exhibit of friuta an.l n-getaklM w.vs larj;o M..' . waa J{"od but tho< .: nuiiien oa as usuaJ. In i Mr. .laiiii" Stt;.ii i. Mr. .I.u> I othen wer.- aucouaWul m \ -. /., :., but :uthe prize hat iii i full .M-ek. it in i.uedlrss ! nt len.-tll 1 i-l. In th. I. L. il.-[.t. III.- exhibit was uniasualK The quilts were i.ot a< IT i yvr. Orin very fin.- r\^ in attention, a ham.- . ..rk. ! t 1 .. n.. u rerj In ti.. hiuttT :n ' iu t.< Iw I'UUIM! . a specimens t\ : )...;. ulsr .'..lint;, f.i.r Mi ' i i home in me cliene * would have appeared to go -i .h .u : _ at theTomiitti r\liil.iti..n A i Ii. n ly the same .'.'ntlenun was I 'il the STH.I |,> M- .1 \\ dors, n, the well known n,n.| ; - ilai Ih ..f ScotUi.d M r-.-..- T .r. nt.. Our ..n ; tile lt h. .UIL- uiiule bread, wu cnni|H-ted for, Mi. II. i . M tthow . I the w r . K . Ti.i-^ht iuciiti..i> th\t the Mtiar was] beiisg teatod, i- half .f n.)*trrioii<- ly tli*|.p-an-.! Tiie dis| ly . f plan:. was uuuxiniicci.t. In the im.- arts, >" howc<la tine coUectum of phot. .. Mua iunuia I >ii..ii.|.-. MUs Kilith Kichanisoii and .Mi-i* Kdn Aim. itn.n-;- all of Fh-sh>-rr..ii aume vrry fine crav- -i and .-il |intin k i. Hr. C. Tf**cL;.. hi hail a ;uid sewing machine u. tl.e hall. which tttracled sixiciaJ attei.ti n Tbe exhibit of live stock was iplrndid " were some rualljr nn*) th-irou^hbrrd ""I IIM4JVM Of WlllMM an-t H i .uil'irra, T' ' r.t.. . al> Mr Th Xandrn, H-hrrt-.t.. . Ar-ci .. -ua. on tJan.iaj, H| ' n .-:vc.l it athr^ab- U, \ * T Hm:th, atfwl 49 ye*n. In llsbrU>i.. mi l.ui^ P. UmUd, C *d-yi-ara. [Uvuuvil ^ * } ui< man f |u-Jiiu-, n>l <it mn>. 'ii-l intrrrwi in tW family baryta* Tevuslkip of Efittuoert. .) PHOTOGRAPHY MRS. BULMER. I'll '"'^rtiplitr, Flesherton, - Ont a. M* . M'LMKR. ntarpriaina; A Heaseaia etoc* a spUodid her,l of ca4U, aeW raisers, had earned u6 4 first The ow shnwn by Uwm wss pun'-haard f. .r 9100 asM ia tW aSsMSt h*j*u>t Ter srKiwn iar.'i ..I.I bull cAlf witli '' i . i r Iioantiful in I' After stacking their arm* in the drill shed, and relieving thi-tnselvrw of tin ir heavy knapmrksand otfirraoooatrvmwnU, the voliintei rs aac-viidud the platform ami were treate<l to a lii.|iii-t tit for loyalty. and to i ulniont nredlmx to add, they did aniph> justice-. Ri-v. Mr. A\.r Lowest daily attendance. Senior dopt. 'htiu addressed some stirrini:> t 37 ; Junior dept. 27 ; U>ta] 04. Average daily attemluicv. Senior dept. , Junior dept. 57 ; total,10H. FRKEMAS'8 WORM POWhKRS are ah-, sur aud |i..Jy to remove worms from children or aduits. Kll Of I r li:j >. r iilli-i . At tlio regular nn'uii- .pf r'leahti ton Ihvuuon.HorMof Teui|* raikce, held on th ' tin -in, to which (.'apt. Campbell, n be- half of the v.'lunteem, brief! v re;.!.. -I IV>th the captain and the worthy lieuten- ant Field, looked highly pl.-.wd t the grand reception ^ivm them by their neighbors and friends. The Indio* whn rnt t<> so much troub- le in preparing tho Uui.juct are dc.-. . ^*jgh*** cfl ^|T'"'"*l j tti-t alii a;:i- *n in the aaoie herd . . I'." i "Is. Mr. Jas Stewart's . .-all', *liich was awar-!. .1 Mr. I! I'laiiu's apecial ptii.-. wenflieil 720 p<Tin,iN. Mr Arch. Cairns at. I M- Koirrr Ix'Ver eahibitwi tlinr tliorou^hhn-d l.ulU *hieh attracte.i V Mi inphill h..wiH| a pair ..f v-ry fin- four nminh old It. rkuhire pn>a Sir She|. 11. . !' Kiit.hnuia, showr.l . rl I"'"* "' el.-..|lel,f ',. . i .1 . ,.f I itallioM w:n v...|. i; ],| ' t.inl. r," "P 1 ' ' ' -!ars, '-1 N. K Uiasa I'li'd. s**isl*j4 T'I.'.' JilB\ J. HILTON .>'<... /Vj ' rW /.<. r, '. ircLltariBrst Dnvfhfj*. IIV T - r Onf o^r Farms For Sale and To Rent. 'or la I - \r- Htfi.l '. ]'. K. U y... , - . .. Stray Colt. STUUII) HtuMil.. prisUsnof ibaBMrl- * t : .1 ^^ h- <- KMS. T * - .,/ iy nn? t ith ltil. Blttol ' ,, i.n MAT a - . . . t o- ffVUBSaSI - . .-.-brrup r\i. e Sale OF - of th>' Very highest In lac past G. 11 . SPENCEK Bopt. 10th, 1HHA. So much for the goodoflol'Hi sl FlcsherUm circuit Sjiliolaill ichools were asked to cnntribulutt (I i.,r.U th, S. 8. fund, and Fleshotlui ock >1 alcu contributed ft. 20. Tfon V'leej clmrch 8. S. Moaford Koad, iij jeiiuio h ar from Do not purclmst; jenrrlSL Ironware till you sec Russell's itsBtat:wl ibli will on Laud iu a few (Awtieaio Messrs. OIM,. WrixhIAi Irram, at Ware- ham, recently Bold 32 hotujKsi-- -ilki-ck eigh od altogether 10,152 II. .. ir-ara average >f.1171bs. each - for f-UWt,. (00, U Mr. Jns. Kollis, of Uramptin m Mr. Will Ki-efer, soi.we31Uli-ii Iit-rw, has joined the noble mnnQuiil benedicts, as will be aeon in our initnisjce notice items. Will will kindly wishea fur his future pcrity, as well as that | Tbiillride. Call aud secure ispjuir f B. proa. Latirance'a Hjvctaclcn at Kusscll's, Flcshertoioi , In! on ly ALWAYS BEQflREDJ,.:^ ef> tbartie medicine. National 1'illiwiulDanUliUiisuipoiut | you. Hew Butcher Shop in Flesh - erton Peich & Mitchell. PROPRIKTOR8. th ".,* rl 'l<> Work.. KI.KHIIKK TON, wli,.re they will rm plnaned to mm.1 with all who favor thiu with |>atmnse. Vmlt Muata of all Uudi, u 1 Plah, .to. In their suaauus. Ke*p*ctfully your*, TETt Hi MITCHELL. . J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, FL.E8IIEUTON, ONT. THE MAMET8, FLESIIEKTON. Flour 8 75 to 4 00 Fall Wheat $0 85 to 88 Sprinjj Wheat Barley , Oats , Poas Butter... The Educational acniraitMawiD he hold in the Flesherton Metluodiii (Itiiurcli next Sunday. Uv. WosloyOCswiin.^,! Mark- dale, will preach in tho.! imrniing, anil Rev. J. E. Huwell, M. A J ., . druinnan of Owen Sound district, i i ins iMai weniu^. Special collections will MU.otIli- U p at each service. curs fur the current quarter : Uro. C. J. S| .i-oule, P. W. P.(re-elect'd) Em. A. R. Fawoett, V. P, (re-elected) O.A.N.Tage, W.A. Hnv W A Milburn, Rec Scribe. Sister Alice Leitch, Asst. Roc. Scribe. Hro. J.E.Mixire, Ch|>lain. Bro. .Ino. Itanium, Troasurer.(re-elec'd) Bro. JO Anderson, Kin.8cribe.( " ) SisUr Uopkma, Conductor. Bister Alice lUdUmy, Asst. Con. (re-el.) ltn>. Frank Vanduson, Sentinel. Thu lodge is in a douriahin^ condition, 'linUnn^ a>K>ut a hundred members in Kiod standing. Four persona promised i niomtn'rship mi evunirg named. they have ever been found to the front in this particular.ainl ua the occasion nanieil they iiiainfeKied even L-reater zeal than heretofore in "cappin;,' the fhm.nx ..f tl.> citizen-soldiers welcome home. May this enthusiastic |>a(notiiin never irrow leas. Huffrrers f'oni the effects of ijuininr, turd as a reim-,l\ f. r . lull* mnl f, v,. r . irv yer'ii Auu Cure, a )'-.rrful t. ui- |.ji| ( r. liolly veKfUble. without a prticl of suv noxious driiK. It aclii pr(iuptl\, I ;he chill, curing tlic It \. r. an.l i-j'j., il. raison, yet leaving no haiiuful iff. ct ut , n the patient. VILLAGE PROPERTY. U rwr nf UMJVI . . U prTWli thr tir.- nf Mir. thrr* will I n|.| fey -| at I'.! .K A Ktua. at tt). 1:1 iL. Tillage :f Priceville. : r.t l.y -ui'i.'nl .i:. .1 . llll^, "f l"..llK-l . : uniis iliirin.' the > ell. The.liiini-r at tl \l r hsw hotel was as] win h ri.jalty it..-lf mitht have "-.: ->.. ' - - .r.. ' .r r..wnl,i|. f i i . hi'1.1 in l'ru-..\ ill,, next ' '.' It is el[T ihil.iU w ol 1 <.-. catwJa* Uiiitsually tlu \ "My JaughbT has tiken the msdicine sithfnlly, sccnnling to dirrctioni, and her leallh an.l spirits are ho* prrfrct. The hu mor is all gone from her U< I wish every iDiioui mother mi^ht knnw what a bleuiug Ayer's Sarsaparilla is iu tueh cases." What Did thrj Mean. Thin question :it one iug)rcstc(l itself to he Agricultural Editor of this |>apcr, af- ter hearing a tale of WIKI from an fsteem- Owen Suiiiui. /Vnm uuruvn CorretfonJenl, Our VohintetTs. who weir niv-. by the llaml to Niagara, returne.l li..m on Saturday evening, all l.^.kni,- h.ili- ;n; hearty. Harry Wright, KJI | .. f T!i.- l'..yide I'oultry Yard," Owen Sound, at thel;nii' ^f >atri..t-B On* dn*> .( !- i l.|- I ;. r i *'. will cure Si. i Hsl.-rH.. nurli I , ur H..M l.y \V 1. Cn ...... t > Ion and ItiUoiSBrss. SOI. 9 Notice. l.chap 1 i I all l r.-ti(,,r. n - ' VI. I \ I. r. I ' w k , T ih J w rno-rr. DUI MU day of **" * rot ot h. i..,.- *r r^ ,-. vtxktn i , Exhibition, siiecevtled in . ir rj'i"K of high h ..... m with a |>air of 1m ' noted white faiv.l Hlatk S|min.ih cln.k ens, i-oiniH'tiiii; acninat some noted fu- cier. He u al*o breeder of hii;Ii riyinoiith K'H-k fowls whuli won at Owen Sound Poultry Exhibition last Kel'ru.iry. Our citi'ii were thrown into .1 state -. ' , . Hi . |o I ed young friend of his, who dmpped into j "' >*rni on Sunday uiyht, 11 h AI.VAN.-B sanctum Iwt Monday after- ^'"' n " i:in 'r"' f -''",, ' ; " U V '^-kof .. _ ' hay near the V \\ R. .ut.on hy . me noon. It aoenia the A. K's jroun^ friend u,,t ..ii tire and by tho Ox THi HISS. "LeatuLl k llaufLitinn to i berry Potatoes Pork Hay, por ton... Hides . Wool... 85 50 (I 80 5H 13 1C :T> ft !IO 7 (H) 5 00 10 U 8N fid 80 60 18 M I.'. 30 fi 76 7 on c oo 20 Slioopkiu8 045 060 fall," says tlw poet, but ; -iii.1 leaves are on the rise juil II ksw, Iwimg _.,- lized in inch fuormous ijisuisitl.jiiiii in. mak- ing Dr. Fowler's Kxtraol.floCIl.U SHia-wlx-rry th* infallible remedy l nQi.*lii<n Vl..rl>u* " ' J other " Lat Thursday Mr. lUo!l*'-er left a "ItJK Elephant" potato i imiiour tanctum which weighed two piiuiinali ian_ i >uiice. Wa thought it about inpiiMiiUe u, btat ad that morning root-irod a neatly done arrived mi the scene wan alin.t l> parcel sont U> him por messenger, from | consumed.. Inoendiansin tin- .-nuse. couple of )(OH<1 looking up ti>wn youn^; . K< ) , NNll i'. <r VV'_M of Kh-sln rt-n wlics, who ply tho needl somewhere in j here next . v the neighborhood of the Town Hall, (hi b*coui*s do* V. m the M.-thi^lmt I'hun-h Siinilay morning; ami^ \Vorknii-n .-ire now eni(ai(ed on theUrvi I*. R. elevator, e.'inpli tely o.ivi-i * ' aVptew- mtli iron, the w,.rk Inivin- N-en held . cr from last fall to allow nhrink.*;;,' , f t!i f buildmi; which present* am.tMi\e :t;>;x.>ar- anee and m [KTlectly lire |.r.~.[ opening the parcel, the A. E's j . .un. friend waa considerably d is^usUnl U> find uucloaed an old hat, which liad evident- ly boon iu constant service for aomu thir- ty or forty season* -around which was | There has |sed thr..ii;li it Mnce lust fall tied a Koixeoua green ribbon, and from which latter dangled a puscc of fancy rod ribbon, and some bcrliti wool of rarioua colors. Thu hat was well voutilated, aud ii sni-li a dandy altogether that it ia now on exhibition in the A. E's sanctum. AUCTION nf SALE f, , ' "J lV4i this, an.l were going txiiiiuMdttFBii ittni in ^"hat dos it mean, anyoow t Isitawn- Tlll Am A.XI K to that eWlittl, i -ken s> j.- l '" -n',no ; we'll bo mure charitable, and tato fr.iiu the Hev. Mr.A Ijm. csaticn WM . lw*e >* for tho young lulies to uurevel in, whi.h wt^litl | , 1,0 vly t, l( <li* very nnii h tangled wjb and then ' \ ounces more than that brmsHjIlh ;|sjiL>y Mr Lever. The A K ricultuiIa! Uin,.. r hau both potatoes on exhibition b mil M^ n rher they can bo seen for a j., ,ij . i i mind of our yuunx friend. PR. UW8 PLEASANT WOKM SYRl'P in a af and reliable worm fur all more. Worms ifflictiug children or adults. i,3un,iKio 400,0(l(). bushels Th^ .f at the rloae of last year and tho bojan'e this sprinx and summer. The elevator n now entirely -ni|.|y but new tram i , \ pectcd lo arrive aU. nt Oct 10. Tin proe|Kfti of a million liinheli . .-no- down bt' navigation <],>< Owen S .imil nnd Tara lns- Kail I'lay-.l a match hrrv '""-' ; ^ 1 ' :f >-'"- Village of Feversbam, o- Tui-.iln. -.Mlh win. wn.< won I seon- staiiilmtr at the rhe ,,f 3 to 1 nwpectirel}-. A HfcTv KN "TV t.. ,U> I'uesdny) y <wen Sound, the K'ain-, . - The |HM<B| (he press sud the profeeien ail benrtilv , n.U.rae thu rui'dtii i.f Unr.U-k I - Mint. . JOll.x s|'U Bitur. as th, best M.H| an.l t.iv,r ro K -,l a t..r an 1 r ,, rl f v me n. iw in nmf ing tonic now iu '" ' - "t ira*l >irlv. with '. K\,.. .),., Il.irwlrlt. Ti i. (JUAN I) .':. ";::,':,:,:: is !::::; FKKT MI; xi KOI il. Ti EXHIBITION >I!\CK ,., ;N..IN ; EXHIBIT" N -. a-. ^ --.i TMna t >" JO * M-S4* ,4 <tBV*sr*Ms*jl \n m*k mtt - ih rrt of ^r -if caro. to Ik* . - ..,.. .^,.,,. '. ,;K l .- . . - . ; 1 -. : t **akM in.rftir llM.Mri Hi. H Wal* 1 iw^irisaa-rt: eeeasMa-l ,-t u. ''r-Ai. HU aVval I n.nlit, bi'pVia ; ',:.;: a.lai- tl- ; IW* l I 1 II. .1 s.. <. Ir .1 : t -', ' iMUooewaiwr' ! .i 1 '. 1 ' \ < - I ff .-I Ir I W the dttliur>l...l praaTiM sk* hai *h. , ' ia. an. Iu H. a\rm LI h IB tl r \T .n . rra- ttf NlrWCOT tMTIanTKWT N - l Mttai>raT >i.U Una . I I-x -' ' i ' * ' ' *ai KaVoa*. asxf M iViSswr u 1 Mnaiuu. .oth. ast i- la Ssnvrew. uerfUa^J .11 k rtiM a< < rlswM .r, in to thr . >J n ts ..I MI.- I-- -.-' t - i M. . MdlnMtabttsbawr |uv- - Knr T na\i*ii*|. giem pimlntT. and rwrv mar - ufactnrrr hj tiitax n < il Is*. aw* n ISavlM riHMMM% KVr-l abltl M trad* aUn>jr fplluw sejat >f"fc. ; . v ( rtf>t>e.