Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1885, p. 4

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., _ WAL1HAM WATCHES,, Ely!* Wutchft, Si>rJ^fiild Wnlchct, method of foundftr.fr u it is, unit ut siuTi ^ Ami these ti "TRADE AND GET RICH." f On tht iniiu-iiilc of an honest equivalent in goods and work for every dollar received. TLis has been nnl. adl8 Gold Watches, Ladiet Gold Lockelt. fine Hull Ntcklttt, Colored Gold Sett, Long ' ' ~ '"^^"""^^^^"^^^^^l^^^iBB^Bi^HM^B s8tui(liuK, and iu tlic last 21 months it has Wn successful. I keen a large stock of Fine Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry 4c.; sell every article for just llaU customers jjttt v.iliu' for their money. 1 dt'iil almost exclusively with tho large firms of Smith & Fttdgor, Toronto, and J. H. Jones k Co., Montreal rely on, for they luimlli- \ 1 ^ooAs. It will pay to come lii miles to get a largo stock to select from aud prices that ensure satisfaction. ' iked for Iti-iMin, since Oct. '25th, '83, **SC5! \Vatcbes and Clocks. Repairing carefully attended to and fully warranted. Wedding Rings. >>yngemrn< tr Gtm*. Silver Kitty*, S!t-\ Collar and Cujf Htitbint, Ac. W. A. BROWN, ! i niu i JEWELLER, - MARKDALE, OM . SILVERWARE. ttuttert, Caiteri, Cuke Ditha, Fruit Difhet, \. . Agt, Meridon Plate Co. EUGENIA Grist Mill, made pxtonmve iiujiri.vcuii ut In niv ' Otim Mill, I anieontiilrtit I can jiv ywl (ntiafacliiii. cnorrixa DOXK AXY DAY. (!O<H| Fiuur alwivfl on iinnj. Saw in , an.i Bill* til!. J i m the- hlmitist n.ili'-c Lum- ber and Lath uUto'su li.ir.il. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, Advertise in Tne Advance. Vegetable Sicilian HAIR EENEWEB vaitbo first |<rrp.-.rnti><:i [>orf< ,"; r.-!.'^', ,1 tt CUrO lliatilM-* uf lUo t. ::';>. nil. I l!'e I'. 'I ir.o- cuful rwiun-r "f f;:'ii.l or IT..\ I .i.r to ill natural rolvr, grunfli, ai:.| j. ui: :ul l.aulr. It hu ll.ll m:il.y ii.nl. :!.:?, 1 ill I , i, c h.1VO -u fully m>l all tUo r>-i|iilui..fi.u i .iul for ilii- l r.-|>. r Ir. -.inn-lit . 1 l!.-- I . '.c a:.il m'.p. 11.U.I ' II till lit M V. I .: ll 1 M ..I;. (;:.. || In f.ivor. an. I ..i. i I it f..-i u: 1 i., , to trcry imntirr of l!ic ('..!<. Jtj uii|i:al- ll'lrJ Mircrm (Mil 1 ! ;., 1 :.l tli< C.1UK-. /At I II (>></'/. -1,1 :it,.j ill ;,,;..*!. Tli? l>roprirl"rs li:.i.< i f:on 1. en fit tbo net- | t if .- .' ... i ,.. t i. i tr.ci, v lu re i ti. ;. l.i i IA \cr it u..c ^ it* il.lr--nllKI.fll. 11.- u<> for dir-rl thiic of HIM.'* Hum KIM v.l:: K.I.I, i.i ) l.,-:-..\,i th.i |r- Ol.al nj-l-f .tt;> t.n-. 1 [ . i -.- - - i: .- si-:i [, irom 11 HI | il:.;,ci., run-* ni lr>t--s, tiiil lliui |>M lin . .\a llic r.iki t 't fi-ru i 1 (riintli. 'Jko clifi-ti of li i' - - i l, Hkt i -"-o df Imt r-nn.ii a :.. 5 i n.r,uli:cU mak c A li.j'.Ur ol c ,-n ./L-7. ri:r|<r!fci| i.;i..>n. f,-i.-r, mi, I ula I-.- 1.. ^ It mul ri.kbli I u r.i.-l \ . n-t:.-lo r.r i.u( i r. The \Vell-Iro<l Dtiili.in Hull " GRAY CHAMPION," Will lio for wervira the acajou of IHHI t l.i I 2, Ut Hanyu Wo.t. T. A H H.....I. ArtvlUKMa. near FleruTt,,ii TERMS !*!. Mr, Payable tut January, IM*. ROGKB LKVEH. Proprietor tf AC Y/\RD' S ' . ^x-vxtx^^j - VJ YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM BUCKINGHAM'S DYE WHISKERS Will chang* the boanl to a nalural >vrmm, or black, iitilrsirttl. It produce* a [K-nHincni color that will ni't wruh nwny. * onmtinni-f a alnglo [reparation, It Ii a|>i>l:cJ wilUvul troubl*. rnEPAnED BY B.P, HALLS CO, NsshaaJJ. BoM bf all lu-.ili:rs Iu M<liriii . FOB ALL THE TORUS FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Ayer'8 Mi n iirl.il. and KlnOll II:-. Hill r-. tho h. -I ri-nn^lv. drrnusit tba nwt Huirrhing and iL-rvufto An plaaant to \ak>. Contain tbelr own la a aala, tan. un.l rltrtiutl > la fluMreu or A Jk* Sarsaparilla. l, au buulw, H. l^leshcrton MeaU llarkel. SKPT.rOO!>, - 1 lill.TOH Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. ^ft'ntN constantly on hand for ( 1Mb. Orden I'minptly tilled. vance Balance of year 25 cents. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP 1 1 cuulalna HM f of in- 1 .11 1 \ c rtlnli D i-l'l-ll'l I, In ll f'fruiirrioii ne require*, wlillc foi I A book rvf Kfl jm^pi. Tlielx-M hook f.r an a.l viTttivor tci i-.. n cucoil or olhcrwlM*. laj>*r>an<1eatlinalo rtliwr who import* : I I ir n wanUto nix'n.l one ilnllar. flml* In I'Uic >" . e r''jinnm wlillc fm dim wfiii will liiVHMoiic nnnilrtxl tbi'iianml tlolhim In <! ?< I T7< k^' IF I'' l> r l^ f\ XT i !( V I |< I-C I I I \ *^ 1^1-7 11. I . 1 l> t V-r i.1 James Sullivan, vurllnlnc. aat-lifine 1* Imltcutnl wlilrli will mi-, t hU CTITV n.'julnnir'iit.or ran br mails mi-.- Tt,. to.loffhf Ihglii ,-luiitf;:, ,<i! v nrrirr,hil l.i/r.i r- 1HO 1 1 MSlllIllI . - rtll:iltle*, f. t4U eilfllom Inivc lifcn Hnlli'il. ' Xcnt. uoHt-iial.l. to HII y ilitn-im for |u ocnu. "' I 1 " Write to ULO. P. KOWI.l.L * ( ().. KKWPAPKIl ADVKRTI.SINi. lU'ltKAt). iiOSprucSt.rr1iiiliigllimcS,| ), Now York. nK In tltf l'f"!tll't ltl'l in fuel <-vrr>- IIIC-K nil) rtM-< i\i' my H.-fllt lit tl-lllJlUI lit CAUTION ! EACH PLUG OF TIIK MYRTLE NAVY . ifi .tick. IS MAIIKEI) T.&B. CLAYTON'S .8 um;ss SHOP : FLESHERTON, I [i Ihf iil:i<-f lii '/ft ijixir Iliirnr** ( 'iJlt<r>, Hxr, ttWll:' ll/i in :Joinl it ill r. .Vfurr-, Ill l!rini-r HONE OTHER GENUINE. TBF/VtltBRATED pn CHASES J 1 LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Comphrim. J.umJk., iltacU <Jo.in, or .ny .!. i livw, D. C*K - I.ivaa Ci wi ixl tcrtain rrnv ily NATURE'S REMEDY n(l fron, . will be found Mire Tbe uiviuilifietl Lirer a' l.iCr in -My ' rer ,.m. , con|undl from nalurt ' well-known liver rfgulalofj. MANimAan ANII I> >vm i iciv, cMiUnH with iany ohcr inviltuMc r,>o<-. ItirK n,l hritn. hvmg m powerful rfcct uii i-i- Ki.lneys SlomacB, Ix>weli MMl 111. -I 50O.OOO SOLD Cures Cholera, C ho/em Morbus, fy- tentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea /<.> ness and Summer Complain t ; al&ct Cholera Infanttim, and a'l Con:- plaints peculiar to chlldr:.; teeth- ing, and uiill be lounJ c(.i,at!y beneficial for adults or childrcft. F08 SALE BY ALl D'JCC!3TS. J. MILB'JRN & , Proprietors, utcliulil MeUlCJtl Inu !r anil Recipe r 300 useful recipe*, pronimn'i'l fiy medical nv.i iui'1 ,lrui:ei-" invalu- able, und w-itih trn limc ihe, piice of ine inoilkint. THY CMAU'S C*t*llll CUII. A >af and po ili.e rem'-.lv I'nc*-, i , ' i '- THY CH*5t'S KlMltY AID UYH PllU 'I cl. pbo. SOLO BY ALL DCALER8 T. CDMANSON o OO . Solo A E onle. THIS P APEE RliSm AdvortUInc Ilun-au i hiSyru^ Si. i. whrm uutracu Ui tw uuUo tut It Ifll HBW X THE ADVANCE. Ono of tli.- l.-a.liiiK Ixx-al an.) Family NYwi>ajx>ri! in N.iiili.-i n Ontario. 1'ublii-liud 111 very r jriini'M<ln.y, i'u -vi i in: Orruc. rrrt, - - HrjJwrtun,<M. TKUMH OK Bl-BSTKIPTIOS : iwraiiiiiiin in advance; 41.90 If not pail at (liu >>n .I of 1) yearn. No im|u-r dlscontluiiotl until all IUM-UI H^I-^ HI pai.l u|> , and liu subin'rip tioni* taki'ii for lt<Ha than oiiu y;ar, uxcupt when H|H4-iul iiinin,,', in, in- for >li. >itcr i>i-iii.ili are III* Ir with the |.lll.|lller. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and 1'ruprirtnr. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. SEPT. 3, 1885. Mt'XICIPAL NATTKRS IN EU- rilKASIA. In past years we have liad very lit- tle to say regarding municipal matters in our native Township Kuphrasia. At tho present time, however, our cir- culation in that fertile and beautiful section of our County has assumed such proportions, that wo feel called upon to "speak out" concerning all matters of importance to our Kuphra- sin readers and the more so at the present juncture, as some of our con- tt inpoiaiii's are ulrciidy discussing municipal matters first mooted in these columns by our esteemed and reliable r'.nplirnsia correspondent, wri- ting under the heading, "Kuphrasia CLitChat." As intimated by our correspondent, 113 well :i- by the Markdale Standard, Mr. Uobt. Myk-s is spoken of as "a probable candidate for the Itcevcship in opposition to the present Reeve, Mi. (liliiiy." Now, it is well known, tliut the AiiVANfK vigorously opposed Mr. Myli'h' candidature for the repres- entation of Fast Clrey in the Ontario t^'islature. That, however, has no- thing whatever to do with Euphrasia iininicipnl matters. \\\. have always maintained, aud now maintain, that Mr. M^les was the best Hoove Enphra- sia ever liatl ; and should he oppose Mr. (Jilray next January, the contest will be keen and close. Personally, we have nothing against Mr. Gilray ; mt as regards the Hcevcsliip of Kupli- rasia, we unhesitatingly give it an our opinion, that Mr. Myles is decidedly the bctit man fur the position. His long experience, his superior natural Abilities as a municipal legislator, emi- nently fit him for the position. In regard to the Deputy Rccvcship, we have expressed ourself already ; bill because the present Deputy is a "jolly good Icllow " we do not think it necessarily follows that he is a "mere tool in a public capacity." That is not logical. However, in nil these cases the people rule, and no doubt they will expressly themselves intelli- gently and decidedly at the polls next January. COUNTY AND TOWA'S/IJ]' FAIRS. It will not be long before the fall shows trill be upon us in full force. The first and most important on tin- list to ADVANCK readers will be the Kast drey exhibition to be held on the Society's grounds, Fleshcrton, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 29th and SOth September, this month. This exhibition has always held promi- nent place amongst onr County shows, but this year it promises to exceed all previous efforts on the part of the en- ergetic directorate. Tim Society owes its prosperous condition to its excell- ent staff f oflicers and directors, who h;ive ever regarded the interests of the I'.-n iiaii - cnmnmmty as of paramount importance. Provincial and other lur^e shows arc alright in their place, but none of them can possibly take the place of County or Township fairs, no more than the city newspaper can take the place of the country news- paper. Everybody should, therefore, regard it as a duty to warmly support everything which will materially ad- vance their own interests ; and our lo- cal fairs arc nmongat the instltutioiu deserving of their support and rncour- a-'Oliirnt. Full NT.TTLE RASH, Summer !! Eruption* >n<l ui'iii-ral toilrt pnrpotei uw Ixur'ii Sulphur Sop. AM, \Vi:i. I. ri.K.VSKl). -Th children like Dr. Luw'K I'luaimnt Worm .Syrup and rejoice ortr ju virtue . Si: I UK I.IVKl; wli u torpi.l itli 1'ilU. a good auti bijlntis citliAltic, l^ar ci at< il. A CREDIT TO FLESHERTOtf. In past years we have been plcaset to notice the growth and progress o: Fleshertoii in the handsome struct- ures erected each year by enterprising and public spirited citizens, mid in rarious other ways. The growth nev- er has been rapid, but always solid aud commensurate with the progress of the place representing individual enterprise and capital. Amongst the edifice* erected in our progressive town this year, that erect- ed by Mr. J. H. Heard, on the corner of Durham and Hill streets, is by fai the most important. Tlic building in question is three storeys in height including the basement or ground floor, it is four storeys built of solid red brick, and fronts on both the streets named. The roofing is per- fectly fire- proof, being composed of strong and durable sheet iron firmly- nailed to board sheeting, and, being well painted, impervious to rust. The basement or cellai will be used for storing iron, Ac. The first flat is sub- divided into two apartments the one being for the blacksmith shop aud the other fui the show-room. The form- er is tbe most complete establishment of the kind in the Comity. All sorts of ingenious labor-saving appliances are to be found, conveniently placed for the use of the workmen . A most excellent apparatus for setting tires under cover, at any season of tho year rapidly aud in the very best [lossiblc manner, is to be fouud in this model shop. Upstairs, on the second flat to reach which we ascend a grand broad stairway is the wood shop and paint shop, in separate com- partments. These, like the shops on the first floor, are well lighted aud commodious. This flat is so count-d- id with the frame building in the rear, that iu order to get rigs of any dcs- ription iu or out, it will not be nocce- sary to use an elevator or hoist, or anything of that description. As in the blacksmith shop so in the wood- working department, all the latest and bcot appliances for facilitating and therthy cheapening labor are to be found. The establishment throughout is a credit to the village and community mil a standing monument to Mr. Hoard's push, energy and enterprise, flesherton cuu now boait truthfully f having the most complete cstablish- ucnt of the kind in (I rcy or Hrucc n fact there we few as extensive car- iagc factories in northern Ontario. Mr A. in Wi-ni i. "I nm n trrak I CMI inilT lui.v.-, all ran down ith a C'rmiio Surnmtr Complaint," mid one gvutlfman i,. another ou our utrwt llic otlior day. "Now, take my adTice," replied his friend, "go to pour driiKKi*t '"l i:' t it bottle ( Dr. Pow- ler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. I never HIM- known it to (ail iu earing a uj kind ( Summer Complainti." TUE SCOTT ACT. Although a meeting was recently In-Ill at Owen Sonud to tako steps to re-open tin- campaign in HUH county, the results of that meeting aro not generally known as yet. There RCCIUB to be something wanting in tin- IIIHII- agcmcnt of the affair we don't know exactly wluit, but we do know that there is something wrong. We know that it wan decided to submit the Scott Act petitions to the people ngaiu, but we Imvo not been furnished with the details. What WHS the moJut up- erandi adopted ? Autumn liaa come again, and unless something is douc quickly, it will be too late to have the Act in force if carried for another year and it half. Wo don't wmit any more humbugging : is tho Act to be submitted or not :' Wo arc sick of sh and froth ; we want to see work done, or not done. Only, for goodness sake, decide one way or the other. Sprint; nnd Hnmner. Prepare the body for hpftllli aad rigor bj *kir>K 1'r. Clm>ii'i I.IVIT Can. No HpriDR Mi lii-iiii. cqaajR it. It stimnlatos the Liter, id* dinextinn. aud pnrlfion the l>lnd. Large bottle and llripe liook. *1. Bold by W. KichardsoD, Sole Agent. The frost on Tuesday night did not do as much damage to crops as was at first feared. The damage was very slight. Tm b*M btirner ttorr, the tctepttoM and other improvement* of a like kind IIAYP worked a donmtie and M.M.I! rerolntinu within the Ust few rrarn. Amnng tliw mi |>rtiVfim-nt it la Dot imfnir to inrlnde tbe "Myrtle Navy" tobacco. The groat majority of men raokn tolmrcn; Imvn dnnn no for centurien part, nnd vill eontinne to do no. It i* Important, therefore, tint they ulinuld moke lh l t quality of the irtiek That ia w lint tin v arc ii piilied with in Ibo "M,Tr- tie Nary." AH iinokera who b&Tc iinrd It knnw tli.it It* flavor anin't ho Hnrpaa**d, tlmt lU quality i* alwy unidniii ami tlmt the only care llicy have t< XIT|. in it* pnr- clm^i.. ii to wo that thn lro<J ifiarjc T. <ft I), is stninpeil on tho |iln.-. - Sb*cribi for Tut AivAXcr, PK1UEV1LLE POINTERS. A Lot of Lively Little Locals Gath ered Specially for The Advance. By the Agricultural Etlitor. The question about the disputed territory, between Mr. John Browu and Mr. M. Reilly, lias boon settled, and it now turns out that instead of building the fence so as to take in some of Iteilly s property, Brawn was actually the loser himself. lUsult: Mr. Ilt'illy has to pay costs of survey- or and lose a strip of 'and into the bargain. But, of course, it is best to settle such matters definitely. The boy Sinclair, whoso death is re- ferred to elsewhere, was buried in the Presbyterian cemetery, Pricevillc, on Sunday lust. The cortege, was uu un- usually large one. E. J. Grier is offering greater bar- gains than ever in every department determined to clear out summer goods at or below cost if necessary. C. J. Leitcli, our fashionable tailor, takes quite u few orders for suits here now that people Imvc found out what an excellent workman he is. If Itussell doesn't visit Priceville next week, there'll be ructions. The Agricultural Editor has said it, and Detective McDonald is prepared to assert that the A. E. always tells tLe truth when he doesn't lie. The Agricultural Editor's office is next door to t Le post-office. The A. E. not having timo to call on every- body each wcwk. has made this a sort of headquarters, and will always be pleased to receive visitors especially those having job printing or advertis- ing to do, or \\ltD wish to subscribe for the best local paper in the district, Tau ADVANCK. UTTI.K POINTEBS. The tenders for the new Methodist iwrsoiiagf, Priceville, will be opened on the Kiili inst. Brown's steam saw mill will soon "humming" in business-like style. Watson's carriage factory enjoys a good reputation for work done in that ine of business. McGowau's tlour mil) is a crvdit to I'riccvillr, and puts similar enterprises m larger places completely in the shade. Everybody is pU-aftcd to sec bi^- liearted, corn-Icons Councillor Mc.Vr- tliur back ut his okl poSt in K, J. drier's store agnin. Num. more so than the Agricultural Mditor. "L YCOPERfiOX GIGA \TEU.V." The Agricultural F.ditor thought there ought to- lr some more high sounding name than "puff ball' for the big heap of fungous left nt this oflicc the other day by Mr. Fltslu-r. Anxl there is: it in, I.^cn/ifrdim G!g<tn- ttum / They attain tli ir full si in single nij'lit. ami are said to be cle- UIOUK to the Unto when properly cooked and before they yet too <>M for use. The Lycnptrdtin Gij'iutiuiti is a species of mushroom. KING'S EVIL WM ftc name formerly slvcn to Scrofula because of a tupcntitlon that itcuul I L) fun-d by a kin^-'i touib. 1'liu v.ur IJ it wrvr -, nud knuwi I jut SCROFULA ttn onfy t>f ftirpltoy n Ihornir h fin Iflc* il-.U Of tllC l)l'Mrl. if tl,|. U lli-vl rlli 1 . the dlrMo \'~r' ; ' " "' taiiii iliroiitli frenrratlon ifl*r ^nni-:.: -n. A.. ' n-,- i i tirllrr !iyiii|itoiiia.!i- il. M in; in, :ii - .-t Krzctnn, < iilaii 'H -, II: ii|>ll(ii-, 'i'u- mors, lt<ill<i, fill l>i!iirir. IM'.'I ol;i", Purulent I'lreis, '.. i i,n~ ^ml I'll). alml t I>M.I|I.. . ,, 1 ulii ui-.i M i-nii- tllltlr, UlllUllnnl ism. > mini .; - t',-.. tarrn, Klilncy mul l.i -. I .-.i~i ,, Tubcrrulur ('OIIHU tupllon, mil \.m. ous nilirr ilanm-ruui ur iaiul u.-1-iin , aio produced by It. Ayer's SarsapariJ/a lai ili<' l>:l. ifi'irinir to lln> %il:il or.:, .n uml blood-puri'i/iny tilct/i'ci'iic. )' 1 "> lift- Ml an alti-nHii-c.- tlmt II cnuilctiin Irom the M-t.in lli>roillt.iry Pri-ifnln. iml the klmln-d |mi-im< of ronlMrlou* iilewM Met mercury. At iln- >:nii" linn- It <n- richer and rnaNlai braltliful ncliuii ftjuvcnattugtln! i-ii Regenerative Medicina It compo<>d of tha jpriiulno Sartaparilia, \vtlli Telia"- Dcclc. ,S'(iV- lin'iiii, tho Intliihi of 1'i'lnminm ml Iron, and oil. -r iin.-ii'd 1 ' in- df ^rrst po- tency, carrfunv :IIH| n i, nlliii-iilly com- rnood. It* fermilln i- : > in i-:illy known the mi-dicil |'K,(f*ii,n. .nil the l-sl phyxInlaiM ron!it!iiitly j>n HTilji. AYER'S BiHSAl-AHlLLA Mil OU Absolute Cure For 11 dleaw? rmisr,! by tlic vlllatlonof tbe blood. It U conn iilr.-.ti-l to Ihchtgh- ctt prartli'ublo <1 -n i-, fur beyond any other preparation for \\lilch like effect! are chiiiir-d. mid In Ilirrrfore the rhi^ptit, M well a* the hrt blood puri/ylog nedV cine, In tbe world. Ayer's Ssrscparllla riiri- ii.i-n BY Dr. J. C. Ajtr A Co , Lowe//, Matt. [Analytical ChemlsU.] Sold by all DruRgliiti : prlco 91 j ti*. bottle* (or 96. Framing and House- Joining. Tim timli.rnlcnmi In prepared iu fiecnte nl urili'i viitrutted !. him for th.i ITIM tifti uf Ihi.lliii'ji unit l-'iiini' iluiliiK tlieaaaaon of IHhi. All i,itnrUHiirnili<l if ->' ,li>ii,"l Von. i Inir, , ,uti|,tf ut W4>rkniori nmloywl Tb< Mtlalaotlon my work liannlvuii In too rm*t IB a :;umiiiitp,' fur th. fntnrii. Apply tu A. .Mi I, Klip Klu>liortvn SUti..n. THE REBELLION ! E. J. Crier's Store, Pricevillc, Still conttuno. 20 per cent. Reduction to Cash Customers for noxt 80 days. Just Notice! SOME OF OUE PEICES up every And you will bo convinced that we arc amply prepared to back statement we make : Factory, 30 yards for $1.00 Ottoman Corded All- Wool Tweeds, Carpet, Ac. at Bottom Prices. Teas at 8 Cents per Ib. Soap, 50 bars for $1.00. 25 Ibs. Rice for 81.00. Prints, from 5 Cents per yard up. Ready-Made Clothing, full size, from $5 per Suit up, _ ir E. J. GEIBR. : 'Highest Xfarket Price paid for Duller and Eggs. I have a Full Supply of Boots &: Shoes ! On hajid suitable for the Season, having just received a lar R c addition to my btock aud will be constantly making additions to it. INSPECTION INVITED. \VM. CLAYTON. - FLESHERTON. FARMERS AND OTHERS USE THE Peerless Machine Oil Which is unexcelled by any other Oil in the market. First prizes at all Ex- hibitions for 1883 & 1884. Manufactured at The Queen City Oil Works, S. BOOEB8 & CO. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVE IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY. AT STRAIN'S, KLEBHEKXOPT. FAMERS -.lsk your Merc/unify /or McCollBroslardine MACHINE OIL FLE SHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, AJLJ. KIM* Of , Sm-li SIM Mo:iunicu(.fi, Tomb Tables, Ileadstonns C Hind r niiil Tiiblc Tops in American and Italian Marble and Granite, nml iniulu on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Mrirblci/od Shite, Ac., Ac. Fluslicrtnii, Aug. 30, 1883. ri * J)i;;in<M, Lossof Ap/ntiti-, In</i<j<-3tton,Iiilioiuncs, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the JArcr and KUnfj*, Pimplft, Blotches, noils, Humors, Salt Ithcum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all dinciises arising from Impure Blood, Deranged Stomach, or- irregular action of the lioirels. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS IV if \ tho I UiMil, correct all Dlwraers of tho % Stonncli, KUln'yH, and noveelM. TrM>vlnvlaoriitonil rentoro to ti<")tli DehUltntH CouUltntloliK. and are in ml in Hi- In all Con. iilatiitnluolflbiitaJ to FeniRluiof all ,, -.:,-! For Clillilnm anil tlm ;, I thny are prlculeaa. THE OINTMENT hmnlnfallil'l" iiMiin.ly for Uml I^B., Hurt llrrnMn. OM Wonndu, Son, ami riccrn. It In faraoaa for (i ,ut iin, I Kh,-, minium. Knr illmiriliirmif tlmCluxt It li mi qul. For SOUK Til HO. //, r,li(L\('IU.TtS. COUCIIX, COLDS OUiKlular iiwjIllnKK.Riidall Nkl'i l>iiii It li no rival; and for i-onlractc-l ami (tiff j,.inli It acU like a cliaim. 1'. iirif.i. I'l: < ! >,ily nt Profomirtr Hofj.fiWA\' r.Htnllliliuif nt, 7H, : c\. Oxford Slrrel ( late r>:\:\. Oxford Slrrrt >, London. and uro nold t In. ljfl.,3. Oil . l M. II* .fan , nd :n nm-li II"T or 1'ot, and nwy l< hail of alIV<1! i - \ '-II.IMIH : hroiu.-liuuL tin \\orld. ft" J'ttrJlili' I J dl-lllt'l /,(>/. 1: >ll: !,,,/>: I 1:11 Iln l'i:l ; .i,i:( linsr*. If III:' Ult/ITM it H4 >l.f,ir:l .S'fr.i-f, /..in, /.MI. Miry <irr /Kiri'ini'.

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