Flesherton Advance, 3 Sep 1885, p. 1

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J. 6. RUSSELL, The Noted Jewellery Man, FLESHERTON. Jewelry, $c- Cheaper Than Ever ! Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch, TIME XA.OL.E. Taking Kfftct, Monday, July Hih, 1885. N*)rt*a. | Mall | ni*a. Toronto Cartlwull .luiicti.ni i 901 " *>" Oraniio- 1 Arrive ....... Till*. I I..-.0" ...... Orniiiji'Villo Junction HlMlburnti ----- ... ....... Dun.Ulk Kl.rMIKBTUM Mark.UI.- ....................... Wllliauiirfnrd ............... Ulpm 9JSJ ChaUwurth .................. 1 " Owen Hound ........ Arrival 1 00 .. llOOft " lion iio *s 'll 10 " II " ,-- 11 HTATKISH M.llth. EipT" Mail Owen Bound Leave 5 man. Chauwortli , WUIUmaford 06 kfarkdale T KlJtHHKHTOM * Uemtalk Hhelhurne T M Oraudovlllu .Junction 800 Oronu ' Arrive H H villa. /Leave H3S Charleston " SSS. 1JlJDeUU Arrive ,.o2 W.WHVTI-:. UKN't.Brr'T. D.McXICOl.I.. OBN Ll'Ai AOT DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &8..OXT. iinsi< it\. si lu.i.nv \r. FLKSIIKHTON. Itetidrncr, Mr ft tu Dintim Civit office. l)r. llixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCI1KH, PRICEVILLE, ra.t'llln- Kll.l Ituclllc Caarehe*. rrii-.-iii.- ONTARIO. l:i-I I'l. -l't.-llll Jcntbtry. J.l>. MARSHALL, L.V.M DBXT1BT, Gltvni'ATK. of Toronto S. li.i.-l nf DontUtry. will In- t Mtrkdale tl . 1 t m>.| in] \\ . -li..- dftyof ach month, ami t FloMhert<ui un tli 1st and ir.l Thurwlay In ewh uinntb fur the practice of bin profeHniou. FIWST & FltO.-T. BAKRISTKB8. BOIJI'ITOIIK < < ONVKVANCT18. Ac OfflcO I'.'iili It M 'i t .11" -. Hut'KD,aBM every Tbnnd at I- l.l'.hll I UTCN. J. \V KIKWT.M..B. ALTRRD ntOBT. Crown 'ounty Attorney. . SM.nwl* HAMDM. a. P. RCUI.I.X. HANDS, EUHLIN & QARVIN, Xuci-ruuirt t<i Luii-lrr t lliiuil*, B \nKISTK.US, KIll.K'ITdKH, NOTA1IIK8. COtiVKYANt'K.llK, Ac Monov t I..mnt Lewent Itnt4 of iiiturwt. UIBcen. 10 hint Street Hut. Toruuto. MORPHY & MILLERS, < ' Orru . Ovi-r McFsrlano'n Drug Store. Dl'RHAM, ONT. (favth. John W. Armstrong. KI.I HIIKIITON, Co. QHRT. DIVIBION <-<H'|lT Cf.RRK. COMMIHHIOSKK In H. U.. Cnuveyeneor, Ac. Aiieut fir purt'lmne an I HU >>f l.iiut" \|i|.ini .-i for C. 1. < ('..in au.l K. IV II A H. S.H i.'tv Monoy to Ixxu on tbe ni.it rvwoimlilu tvruii.' iMrm r M AHHI A(iK LICKNSKB. Jas. K. Sloan, AXt'K AUKXT, KUOSMA. .nliiiii tlil kollil old Kir,. Iiimirmicr Oe.. W NunwifH I'KIOX, of Nurwlcli, KunUml. lUMUrAIICU fffcctr.l nil HnilNfli. mitl>uiMillK*. Ar . at low rate*. In^urt ajtei W. J. BELLAMY. rwr. PI.MIK Anvr.xKsu. 'KY.l \<'i:i:. ro.M.MISSln.VKN, INM'KAM'K AU'T, <l -I'. DKKDH, MOUTOACr.H. I.KASI'.S. ,,- . |.r'Ur- wl Mi.l prnpnrly i'*inmt<l. InHurniKM- nffpo t.l in Dmt-elMi companies. Muni>y to lend at lowest ralr Victoria Hotel. (i\vr.\ sorxo. Tliii IIOUM* b*i IM'CII rulUtvil ami plaoeil under tlui niHimKiiiaont ..I Mr. K. H. Ulddaiigh. To tlio* ilimlriin,' all th conifnrtK of a quiet home, win-it vinitiiii.' Owi'ii s.tun.l n tmelntiie or pleaM- Mro. will lin. I tbo "Victoria " eqnal to the biMt In town, rarxf ul hoetlem. B. II. UIDDAITII, Pfaarlator FRED. RYDER, Brick on (I Stone Mason, FLKSHERTON. Onlein In Town mi.l Country promptly and mi-full , executwl. Money to Loan. jit O'i /Vr CVuf. litte'&t i.u J T1TITII Iiitomat palil yearly, not In advanr. No *' oouiiiii>ioiiuliai||ed. Apply to - THOKMH RV. New Butcher Shop In Flesh erton I Peich & Mitchell. I'HQl'KIKToKK. Till-: i.n.laralfned nepeotfullv take thin oppnr- tinillv t.. mi .-...,-.. to the pnnplu of Hll- erton auJiin I.MJ , i ny.that tln-y harn started a Rntclivr Shi ip ... tli.. utan.l neit door to the Mnrhl.i Work*. r'l.EHHKHTON. whero they will lin |ili.Rnl In iti,.i't with all who fvor then witli thiilr patnuiaKe. Kn.h M.-nU of all klt.il>. and Pish. Ac. In their neaoni. >Hy youri>, * n;n n ,v MIII iiij.1,. 'I ' Flesherlon Advance*^ VOL. V., NO. 220. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAYOB?-" PRINCIPLES, JVOT MEW. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, SEPTEMBER 3, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. Tit - Bits. Coniittnty of Local ami Other Hunt g<ithertd liy Tim Adninc* Rtportrrt. Monday next i* Cattle Fair day in Fleeherton. MasUr W. C. Wright Wt for Colling. wood on Monday. The Stay ner .Sim mail U a "math- er." Mia* Trotter, of Manitoulin,i**pend- ing a few daya at Mr. Win. Strains. Miss Page returned t town on Sat- urday but, from a pleaaant trip up the lake*. Mr. Geo. Anderson. U takiug hisholi- days thii week. May he liave a good time. lU-v. Wesley Cauin preached in the Methodist church here on Sunday evening last. fc-E-Harvrst Tools of all kinds, al o Machine Oil for Halo at It. Trim- ble's. Clayton'*, Fleahertcin, ia Uie |>lce to get a |>air of I loot* that will keep yxir feet dry. For quality and price, second to none. Miaa Edith Richardson leturned home lat week, from an extended tour Kiuth and nut vinitini.' Toronto, Orilliaand other place*. Master Josias Strain returned from M;untiiliii Island where he has been rusticating for aome weeks on Saturday last. *9AI1 kind* of Sniniiier Goodi will be sold out at com for the next 60 days at It. Trimble's. -Clayton's ia the place to get the bar- gain* in Hoots, Shoes, Ar. A fii.o atock always n hand to select from of th best make - ready made or made to order. The- name "Mrs. W. K. Kleiner ' t the fiN>t of the Gospel Army Jubilee bills, recently mint out from thi ofKce, should have been Mrs W. H. Klesher. "The spring wheat in some parta of Kip|H:l and alao in Amabel U ruino<l by rust, but we have heard no complai nU in tins immediate vicinity." Jr'iurfvM BAIT. Just received, a car of fine Ooderich Salt, which I will sell for 80 cents per barrel, net raA. B. Trimble. Mr. Joaepli Smith, IJ.~.t ,t Shoemak- er, B1 !.. i.. IMU ,... Urgr *.*% of hoot* and hoe, of his own make, which he U selling at greatly reduced cash pri- ces. - Thia is the first week in Rpptenilx-r, and we trust these who promised to pay us in the fall will remember this fact and make l.vi the Editor's heart by sending in their dull am now. Bacmc. Another consignment of Lon^ Cli'nr Bacon received and tell- ing for 8 cents per Ib. by the Bide, net cuA, at H. Trimble's. For tb prompt and n-ituiu curs of err- fipelss. UM- Ayer Barssparills, th peri fie rndorsod by eminent ini.h.nl autbcritirs. The Collinirwood Kntrrpritt publish- os, weekly, views of Scott and Anti Scott Act papers relative to the Canada Tem- perance Act, without commenting there- on itself. Malarial )M>ixons can be entirely removed (r .in 111* k.rntom by the ns/> nf Ayrr*s Ajrnp Cm.-. which . ml, HIM snre specific, in the form nf a v. ci tnl.li- product, u-< .1 in no uthrr rrme.lv. Warrsntrd. -Circulation of THK AnvANrr (,'ning up rapidly. All the local and district news in each isaue, also first-claas serial story, and choice selection nf family reading matter. lUlance of 1885 for IT) cents : new story this week. On Saturday l^jtt the singe- driver of the Roascnu Mago in some way managed to lose the Toronto mail bag. Fortunate- ly the Ing was picket! up liy soniu hontwt person and arrived here all right about aevoii o'clock in the evening. P<irry ft-iHH'l Htar. VNKNIIWX. There Is uo mniy known to medicHl Hcivnoc thst oan exuf 1 Dr. Fowler's Extract ..f \Vilil Strawberry a* a cure for Cholera Morkot, Diarrh<rs. Dvanhinr. or unv (,ir.u ..( Snmuier Complaiut sfllfcting child ren or adults. Some persons, who,no doubt.thought they were doing a very funny thing, put some filth on the gato leading into Mr. Tims. Leitch'n pruininos, recently. The Agricultuntl Kilit.n thinks |>eople guilty nf such dirty little tricks oiivht to bo - hibited in cinnpany with the other p gs at the forthcoming Bast (ircy Foil show, on the 20th and .*)Oth of thin month. Tim BKUT TUT. There ( no preparation .- tli.' people to any tint iM>uinv\ndii thvir coundrnc* more, or meet* witli s bet- ter sale than does Dr. Fowler'* Eitract of Wild Strawlx.rrv tl.r inf.ilhhl.. remody for all forms of Summer Cnmpl ints. There were two easeH of violation of tin- Scott Act tried here yesteiday Ixifore Mr. ( iilisnii, nf l'.u-li-> and L. Spraggo, of Ctdpoy'a Bay. There wero throe cnaeii preferred against one ayd one against the other. The former wan tin ml 0160 and costs the other foO and costa. There was no room available to hold th trial in so it was .held in the open air. -11' tartan Jan for Jlly and jrn for Jsm, J art for poitd bwtf and ham; Jan for pIcklM nJ () jr*n. Jan the chc(M*iit cTer t*n. Jan of (lam anil jr of sum*, Jars in fact of all izea and descriptions for preserving and pickling at I{ICHABDON'B. Major Sutherland and wife and Miaa Ellerby, of tho Oospel Army, returned to Kleeherton on Monday. Mr. Arch. Cairns, ar., of this town- ship, goea to the Model Farm, Ouelph, this week, to attend the big sale uf live stock there. From thence he goes to the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, where he will exhibit his well-known bull, "Robbie Burns. ' The Garden Party at Mr. Geo. Ste- wart's, last Friday evening, was but fairly well attended, owing to the disagreeable weather during the day. The Fleaherton Brass Hand enlivened the proceedings in their usual excellent manner. Those present enjoyed themselvea very well, and dispersed for home at 10 o'clock. Splendid value in Carpets at Rich ardsona. --The new C. P. R. time table, Owen Sound Hranch, which came into force nn tho 27th of July - and which, through an oversight on our part wu neglected to pub- lish in theae columns will be found on the 1st page of Tai AUVASCI this week. It ia mure complete than usual and will no doubt be a great convenience to the travelling public. The Fall Htock now opening at lUchardHon & Go's will excel in ex- tent, variety & value any former tea- aon's importations. Mr. Richard Parka, who has the con- tract for carrying the mail between Flesh- i and Feveraham including Mai- is a sob of Mr. Geo. Parks, who live* near Eugenia, and who for over ten yean c4 acted tho mail service between the Utter place and here so faithfully and elticienily. The mail service between hum tuid Feveraham could not be in bet- ter hands. DAKUEKOrs FITS are ofUa aasd by worms. Freeman's Worn Powders destroy M hr n Mr. H.TrlmwIr Pour- Hem. re on Ike troimd. To tiu EMar of TV Advance. Sir, -C./uld the Agricultural Editor of Tn A n\ A.XCK tell me when then* 1s a pruspect of Mr. NbU Lawrence striking another vein of coaj oil, as the first one discovered appear* to have ' 'run dry I" Yjurs truly, CAMTAUBT. fitrte>' un. KYORI ABMBTmONO. A. DvtdsoD, of Dundalk, was up be- fore Squire Armstrong U*t Thursday af- From our own Currttpo+de*!, KJIPtT TO JOB MJLLCB. A (loon Furs*. Pr water I* indlsfwns- akla to health, the least impurity should be removed by s good Alter, rare Bdxxl is al- so iadispensibU ; then san be no perleet health without it. Tb* Livsr filters the Blood. H|tnU* the Livsr with Burdock Blood Bitten and make pars Blood. A. F. A. M. The following art the officer*, installed for the ensuing twelve months, of Prince Arthur lodge, A. F & A. M., Flesher- ton : W. Bro. 8. D.mril , P.M. " R.J.8prule, W.M. " J. Black burn, H.W. " U.S. Muitr.., J.W. ' W. ft ran.. I 'Imp " W.J.BeUsmy.Sec.-Tmam. " A.S.Vanu*n, S.D. W.H.n.h.-r, J.l " .las Sulhian, I. G. " J.J.Fiel4 Tyler. John MeKssstr, Boodhead. write* : 1 Whrnevt-r I ftl oat tt sorts, biln ms, or my liver not working rigkt. or rsekad with a Mateh*. I take CMM's Mandrake Duufe. Ixm Liver Car*. Then ii Bur* raj brottit from one do *f rxxrr Li rrr Cur* Usui ia many botUw of aocae Tdiemea. H ratal ir, id. nf . Last Friday evening two boy*, name<l Whituk.-r and Sinclair, were driving Mr. Wai Hogg's team of horses, attached to lumber waggon, in the direction of Flcslierton Station. A short distance on this side of the Orange Mall the hones, which were driven by young Whittaker, ran away. Alm<t at the start, young Sinclair was thrown out and one of the wheel* paased ovet hi* body, fatally injur- ing him. In the meantime, Whittaker clung to one of the line*, while toeboae* dathed madly up the Orange Hall hill and got acroea the railway track at the Sta- tion before they Mr Robt.Kutledge, ol Port Kluuley, will please accept our warmest thanks for renewal of hi* ubacription and also for tion before they could be stopped t In- tending us the name uf a new nbaeriber, j miracle being that the driver wa* not kil accom |*n led in loth cases by the cash. | ] fc j u wc )l u i, u unfortunate comrade Our subscriptii.il list is running up lively now, which shows that the public appre- ciate a livu- local | |.er. Amongst the new subscriber* thi* week, was a gentlo- inan who lives in Middleaei county. Let 'em oom* ; we are bound to five them full value for erery cent of their money. Received tliia week at Iticliardaous : 3 Dales of Tapestry Carpets, 3 Cases Clothing. 2 ('ami Hutu. 2 Cases I)reM good*. In reply to a letter in last week'* Ai>- vaM B, with regard t<> i Late men U made by a "nameleai eorraiapondent," I have teruoon, charged with having feloniously J me rely to give hiui the name o/ Mr. John taken a purse of money from one Middle- , Graham, the farmer for whom he wa* ton, a certain evening m the month of ; *<". - ** >. of theaccuaations ; w . .... and it ia more than probable that he May last, whJe the latter wa* m a state know ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ -y< of intoxication. Davidson U at present received notice from at least two bar-tender at the DC Do well hotel. Dun- ' chanU to whom the accused gave order* dalk, but at the time of the alleged theft I '" r P}raent. And a* to the oat*,- or occupied a similar poaition in the Me- ' KT'^V 1 "" ^"i"!? ^X^ 7 ~ Mr. liraham aii.l Jo* Miller* father are Gulloch House, Several witneawa were i the author*. Now, Joe, if you call thi- swum, the statement or deposition of trying to get an liouoat lit mx, I thiak you complainant Middkoton who i* a Proton ' W1 " have a hard time in getting the pub- fanner, by the way-being taken first, of ' | ic '" t *'"' r " " '."^ ' U "' lk * '" r ," u ' ;have to sav about it the better for course. Th* mo*t sUrthng development* , j., (Um . !f B ut we will look ani...ual> for took place, however, when McCulloch-- y.,ur spiieal Lo the court*. But probably who waa running the hotel last named [ 7" " > you do not want to when the alleged theft occurred-gav* hi* I ', >urt wltn * 55fi2?H! * pleasu MBjaWM Maw) that, testiatonw. It seemed that the previous >E% , , TKM . day he t<>ld Squire Armstrong who, it I An entertainment wa* held in the Pr-s- i* well known, never *iU on a ca*e with- bytenan church here on Saturday evening out good r...u - that he saw the accused, ( ta " 1 ' *" "^ * t l ^"" K . "? ***** *"* ***, _ . i sentation of a beautiful writing drek and Davidson, take the pune of money from I . purm , , Mu . Annje r^,,,,^,,,,, whl) Middleton's pocket after the Utter had ha* been ..ruanist in the church for some been put out of the McCulloch House ; time. There wa* a fair attendance and a but, now he swore positively that what ) I' 1 ***"', 1 '*"ing wa* .prnt. Mia* Drum ...,,,. ., . . . ! innnd leave* f..r Collingwood to attend he told Squire Armatrung the day before L,,. Collc^u.- Instituted she take* concerning th* matter, was fake, (sen- with her the be*t wishee of all wh have ation.) Squire Armstrong here addressed aome strong bat well-deserred remarks to the witnea*, who put forth the plea that appear in "*" her acquaintance. Mis* Ella Kerr u alao going to attend thu Collegiate Insti;ulc at I'vlhuirwood. Mr. A. Sharp is going on a pleasure to-day he was on oath and, therefore, | trip thu wek. told the truth. License Ins[ctnr Camp- boll, who i* a saagictraU and who had been oloaely watching th* eaae thr..uwh out in measured and severe terms ex- pressed hi* astonishment that McCulloch should have the audacity to tell a magis- trate one atory one day and the next day ear poaitively that he told a falsehood when he aeeeru-.! that he saw Davidaon take the money, but the myst.-ry wa* in some measure explained when Me- . Mrs. Arkell* ha* been vrry ill for some days. Th* weather has been very wst forsoiite days and farmers much delayed in har vesting. Spring wheat i* alnm*t a failure, having been destroyed by the rust. Mrs. Robert Hooper, of Ktnloe*. eonnty of Bruce, m UUer, ay : "I !^e bee*) troubled with Dyipepaia and Liver C.. plaiuU for a nnmbrr of years, sad as* (1*4 to say to the unblte as well u friends that M -< iregori Sueedy Car* broagbt Be areeae. I an now all riht. thanks to kfeitre*. Culloch admitted that gold watch, ] or s Hpsedy Cure. Handredi of bk* testi received, and are If" lawjr, which waa in the hand* of Davidaon, and I "' ~* lreqostly 1 Case >Viiii-i-\-i, 1 Case Colored Velvets, and loads of Crockery, Glassware and Groceries. --Mr. W. K. Flesher dropped into our nfnce on Monday nn>ming with a clothes basket under hi* arm. The Agricultural Editor, being very curiou* a* to the con- tent* of the basket, glanced therein and discovered to hia astonishment a "puff ball" of such enormous proportion* a* to <|uite fill three-frurth* of the space con- tained in tho large clothe* basket in which it wa* carried. The Agricultural hxliti.r thinks t'ampiignc and McUruther had In-t NT secure back *eaU at once. A FitKQCKXT AXBOTAKCB. Many people suffer from dUlreaxing *iek headaches snd Mlii'ii* ttok of frr.|nnit oeeurrenee which s bottle or two of Bnrdoek Blood Bitter* would entirely rrmovr. It reculate* tin Stuin-i.-li. I.ivrr, Bowels and HI. KM! to a henltby action. Th* Hf.y Binslsir wa . Jiea tap by a Wav- eller, who chanced to be pa**iiig along a- bout the timu, an.l br .ught to tbe hoaee of his widowed mother, where he died an hour afterwards. An IimauLt Fo*. Thvfpoisunons germs of disease are larking in th* sir w* breathe and in th* water we drink. Th* system ln.uUl be kept ru> l-illji purinrd and all tbe organs toned to propav action. Fbi ean bst be don* by the rafejating, pnri?ying and tonic powers of Bordoek Ulood Bitters. being the property of said McCulloch, had now been placed In the hand* uf Mr. Lam.. n, of Dnndalk, to be handed wer to aid McCulloch. Strong presumptive evidence was also adduced to show that the witneatH > all had been tampered with, the complainant in the caw having been offered money twi<-v if he (complainant) would agree not to pmeccute. Fran are entertained that th ends uf justice will in this matter be frustrated. What con- fidence can be placed in a man after that he swear* himself a liar t Thia i* pre- cisely McCulluch's [Mwitinn. Squire Armstrong, however, did not close the enquiry, but it is probable no new developments will be made. daily proving that this is trnlv a wea Jarful curing Slonsh uly pn.' nsedjr. Headache and Cjstiv feul*. Sold at Biebardaooi Trial koltUs given fie*. Dreg Bilioa* ail els* n Hoon4. From our I!. Hon.ilal.i. To Ou EJitur i./ fAc jUnttct. I have ahaken off the dust of the city for a week'* pastime to the wildiof aquiet retreat, on the we*t blanch of the Credit omc 40 mile* from Toronto ; and I am not sorry, because I flud my health im- proved and my spirit* elevated. This is a quaint oki* town, situated a- midst delightful econurj. At the rising of the sun each morn, I l.-k from my window out upon the grand old hills east- ward, crowned with a wilderness of ma- ple, pine, balsam and cedar, with rocky intervals, covered witk shrubbery inter- spersed with a profusion of flower* of rar- ious hue*. Through Vie centre of these slo|ie* the riTer wanders till a mile and a half away it umtue wiUi the north branch, or main stream, undef an arch of the C. I*. K bridge, spanning a ravino at an el- e. tali. 'ii of 77 feet fro*> the water. All along the banka>(priiigs of thepur- eat burst out frmn the-hillndw* and tnck- What Hav Yo t a I'lrr,- r Ko;i-. It. . f .in<t Vliiv|;tr<l ?' Will, there u much to be said. Th*qaa* tion MnK asked nf tbe banqueter at the average boardiug house, calls up remmiseen ee* nf eloew contiguity to tbe born*, and beefsteak thiee eats *oath thereof. He, of enurie, ill pass, nnles* it occur* to him thst lie needs a binge for bis treok. BhoaU there be any saffering, the effect* of an in dul|^ne in such tinnous fare, nse UcOrrs- OT'I Speedy Care, a sure an.l effectual re- medy tor Dytpvpaia. C<stipaUon and all aflcctious of tbe stomach and liver. Sold by Wui. Richardson. Taut BOTTLES nut. The weather eetlnaea wvy roW Uomlrtnii prermiU to Trrjr larte i sleet ia Owe> kMM*. ae* wMek we ere very eeery %e eonfeu Tona< ssen-wko o(1i u4 do SDOW better, bet wlioeeeiatohaveno reawd for Un*s el vee sor their friee<U-ei<e see* li*fln aroaod et earner*, and awe partiealsrty on Bun dar*. In s beectly lUteot IntosleaUon. tntuttlo*- feejiscUMa eltlienrss they pass bj ostDBae*t obeeene snd iulitr lsacma*<e. Tke Wtierd Otl Concert Co ha*e been ftvlaf a eerie* of eseetseal cooeerte here. A sardeo partf wu htld on tbefroas^b of the C. M.cburebuu KrldsyemnnclMt The Bead wae praeeat ul nll?Bnt the (trlnii MMe excellent teiertloni A pUMaat eveoln* WM esmt !> s anmber of tke rovaf people el the M<-U>.<Vt ehunb.at the reaUenee o( Mr. J. Merrill. r.t hill. Tb wbuoU li reepeiieil beee as*ln with thi* nn vfflci.-nt Ntefl of uaecbers. The Hou. Ales McKenxle sad wife thr. .nj|] here to Port \rthur en ttetnnle; lot RTT Mr. Howell au retuiwl tnm the Firry Hoon-l eanp meolluc. sad ea lease.? mumlu( and crvinng to hie meal lrj (atiua. MlH Miller, of Mtrk.Ul*. i> tuitlnj Mn ) Mlllvr, II.) (. RUSSELL The Noted Jewellery Man I , s , FLtSHERTON. REPAIBII G ! /n a// rf* Branches Satis- factorily attended to- Jubilee. \f, Tat Avy . r hut Tin' i(reat Futer Cuottur i* credited le on to join the iwellinK ware, which with the following :- 'In all town* where ju ' tiliy ,.,, j, lt< , thrKreatOiitar- In; flu- 1 arr 8p*ll my name without a "J' in futurv, please; I'm nut acquainted with Mm dricki. Will. Henrick. Vall.suppoao we don't rill call 700 Vil- O.pr. > I iMiin-ll. TIM* ( 'tuiril met at SiMKruuD|>tn on the uid. Member* all prewrnl. The ifraud G-epel Army JehiUe hH Last evening in the Drill Shed, Fleabertoa, w*s the largest public dainaw>raiinw. of any kind, ever held in thu place. It wa* a sight never tu be fory ttm. Owing to th* JBsmansa crowd which at down tn tea, it waa nearly eight o' clock before th* grand march took place , headed by Majur HuthrrUnd and Flrah- erton Kraaa Band, the latter playing We're Marcatag M to war" aad the "Sweet by and By" aaost baaotifnlly. There waa a krge crowd ia the protea* ion. After manhintr thrcMsgh eo*ne ol the principal streets, the arnoneeVnj head- ed for the Drill Slit- 1 which, large a* if ia, was *OOM packed to it* wtmo** eafacity, many being obliged to ataiid. The Me- thodist church ck.4i <cupwd seat* oa the najfct oi the Urge and well arranged plat- fora, the lira** Band occupied the left aide, while i.n raised seats in the eentre a portion o/ the soldiers nf th* Uoapel Amy rr* MataxL In front nf taw plaHrrai ire seated Mj.* Rwthcrland, Mrs. Sutherland. Mis* ElWhjr. Dr. Christ* ,-hairsaan; Rev. Wealey riaa-, Rev Tho*. Graody, Rev. Dr. I W. A yen, and other*. ' A* soon a* perfect qtnei cured, Uie Band tlruck vp with, grand old aunaj, " AU Hail the Pe-wer of Je*u* Name." in which th* Choir, Army, aad coagregBiioa joined wrh Msch vt a* to avake the very rafter* ring. It wa* a tight seldom seen and on* wot aaaily to be forgritteel, to evwty p*rao*i ia that immense audience of bwtweea seven ami eight hundred people riee to their fert at th* atoevent when the Band burnt fortA to mlodinua etrama, aeeneapaateit by the uaical peal of the organ, with tho Irst bar* of the grand old " Cnronatea* " tune. Rev. Thoe. U randy the* eWlivere*) aahort but powerful prayer, after which the Chuir, nader the eaealkMt Ud*ahip of Mr. C. J. S,.r..ule. and with the aeouav pliahed orgaaiat, Mia* BejUa Chrttc*, F ,re stding at the organ, *ang " Wake) the Kong of Jurnlee.' Next eacse hrtaf bet itirring aad etoqaent speech** by Dr. t hnsto* (chainnanl. B*v. Wealry fa Hrr. Br. w*roe^wa abe) Rev T. I The Band, under the aplendM .4 Mr E Vanzant, pUytd 'Shall we (iather at the River." and other bamatifaT selections, while the G.*|*l Army sang of their favonte aungs, the Mngtae led by Mis* Kllerby After this earn* the " Salvation Merting, ' in which Major Sutherland made a powerful ami touching ap|al to the) B*xwiv*v**e) a* well as a few practical atid onatwiin *rne remarks to the yoanc s.Jdi*s. Then came the teatiavtiie*. an.1 at the) cke <|UiU a number came t<i the fr-mt f.* prajrr. Al an early hour tin- julwlew !> ke up, the Rand playing. " ShaH we (iatht-r st thf River. and all preaent heartily joining in the aingiag. The proceed* amounted to tbe haad- ome sum ..f 911500. The Udie and gentlvmen li- oiked a. faithfully to make the JuUW a sm. c'ea*. *r* .f tii.- nf*alc*t credit. The organ uard the Jeht)r kindly l**>t f-r the . i rssi * by nar lar musical instrument M-rtit, Mr. *> Carey From I', incil o/ CnHJncwotxl Tp re barn K "' Hrhoof h..n-- in T'nion Heetion i RnthrrfnrJ nor 9V>K tor prmtini; Voters' Itani nm Hcnrichua : rfigh ra* dot fur [ I.iat. HolU *e I Hsanoa aet l-'Wii f. r r*l rert on WHb HieVmeJ with roneher frwen A. Mclntjre s* to nonpayment of tsair trl o.atn and ll--<iuilOons lor lejr ul School nmoney fti m Sretioni t. >. 4. 8. t and 10 Co. Trea*. Arrears on lauJs ccerapM Co. niin- irte W June* sesiion. nuws|>a|>cr nrttpulilishedeverj'inan nhmilil advertise, rvt-n if nothing iiiorti than a .-ar.l telling his namu and the business in which he ii engaged. It not only pays the advertiser, but let* the people at a dis- tance know that the town in which you reside has a prosperous class of business men. As the seed i* sown, so it recum- pours i 10 i tint I am mire tliU is the stream so timidly portrayed l>y lunnys) in : - "f eteal l>y lanei an(r<ir plot*. 1 lul> by haael corsra, I wove lijr et fuecet nie iioln Tliat grow fur hai>py lover*." Ac. I think so, for poets have grievance* nti knuwn to ordinary mortals. Depend up- on it, he has touched ^>ith dimple rhyme the very *pt that matin my rustication. l>ensee. Never pull down the sign while I Ye giwls ! what m.ninwan sweets, drawn I you intend to do btuineas, for it often in- frnm fields of blooming sweetnaat, have dicate. the trip, commercially, i* broken. l ' >t ^-^ in ^ rt * ec , k ' '**>' ', , I 1 " *J maturvr UK. incuts the tale 1 may uiifuld, i but not jtut now. ( .1 1 ..rrl, I New TroliHrnf- | Fle*hert..n i* what ur> he called ma- Perhapsth* mot extraonliuary success n i6ci*nlly distant, but yonr doings in thst has I....-H achieved in mo<iern m<lioine j that n<ita!4e town eeoaue not the Btrang- bs* been attained by the Piu.u treatment I er'* notice, for.now an.l then, the AVVAH- ! for Catarrh. Out of 8.000 patient* trented | tr *) d " wn "" w * "" 1 wmk f "* f 1 ' li.x's you know not of. Our genial I*. M. tonsiil me a copy whioh. of uours*, I read how ? Tawcuh SraKuleliammer, jr. Township join are alright- when yon get enough money t<> mako them pay ! N. L What I affirmed yesterday to the ira- jjistnue as true, to-day, under oath, I as- J..linimi. fott That tbeaecof J. Rnther- aert is a J.V. Now I'm on my oath : then, '"^ *'" > P*" J * ~v* iseu* an ,. n l order f<^ h amount. I asiit.--McCulli.it K h. Jobnuton Hnd.on That the Clerk be and The in*t n-markablf tiling I ft rr heard i* hereby instructed to procure a r..pv of th* in all uiy ttipwrienoe. - License Iimtirctor ' ""J 1 ,' \ , Pott Johnston Tliat 1 Haniion receive Campbell. : t.ti.i (,.. bailahig enlvert ou r.nh snl. t..| An hotel-keeper who will nt protect a south of Houtbline in tbv year 1M1 and that drunken man on hi. premie fr , n , harm lll " '" " "i'T /"f lh ' "" luBl f Hadaou Jnhniton Th*t tlw tnreliee uf N. of any kind, ihouldn t gut a License. In .. McLean Collator ,.f lute. W. ctt sod apector Campbell. T>. MeKianon and of J. Klli-lt eoHretnr U. That . our opinion. -The People. l>.v,dson and ( Hall be and sr* aereby a*. ! prove.1 and aeeepted by this Coaaeil aad Ami ourj> t.w.- -RKpwctable Hotel lh , t t(l , bond* be emaled brfor* tlie Clerk kec|K.'r. I of tliia Council. There will be a S.<ial in th. T>nl! (Frt.l) eTruinic U. !'t|i*e f th* viands ixit used at the Junilma. A cowl time i-B|ctd. All are aurdially inriteil. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. To Rtut Thr CuMaje and gsnVti n Mr J* O Arooka. mef U>* I'lt^hertnn. to reait with avidity thouoh with a iiuxlicum of Several have questioned tho corroct- neas of our reply to "Querist's," question s* to the nann- of the Brst whitii woin.-in in Flosharton. Ono guutleniiin saiil it might be correct aa regarde<l the firat white woman in Arternesia, but In- thought potsibly Nfra. Munshaw-our hotel-keop- er's mother, now docensod was tho Unit white wuniaii in Fleshcrtoii. daring the put >ix month*, fully ninety per joent. have been cured of tbis stubborn (malady. This is non* th* less ktarliieg i w , rr ,,w. I 'followed' tb*) chit-chat ..f the when il is retnombrred that not fire percent, j aauntoring pedaxt igu*) and Maxwell of paticntn presenting themselves to th* throiiRh misty fields of rusting grain and regular practitioner are ben*fil*d, while the : daily worrimeijU ; and nest oaiuo Mark patent medicine, and other advertUed .ires | "*'! " "lc"J. ! l.is awful .lr,n,, . .. which wrai.iHMl two fato* in one. ),,,),,. ! nn.r reeoH a core at all. Starting with the I jg <>r w | ia ^ lle f,,||,, wt ^ H pn.f^,,,,,, 1 j elairn now Renerally believed by the most too ||O| w elM . mre n ut (lh j h(lW ^..^j ' seieutifio men thst the dis*a*e is due to Ui* . be writ* *uc% bitter words of i>ne atienin- pii'kem-e of living parasite* ia the ti*sa*,'entf How onvld he indulge in wakeful Mr. Dixon l ouo* adapted hi* ear* to their mood, after a haarty d.*r of u>rride, to I extermlnatlon-this^eeomplUhed.heelsimii 1 ^"' v * ch ''* a* wk<th humaiiity I the tatarrh I. pm.tie.lly .nred. ami th. per- ! ^,0^1^ naSed vSi*^wE' manency U uiiquwtioned, a* oares '< ; Jfeware ! an.und our Pn-mk-r's Lead i{a- by him ft nr years ago are our** still. Nol tnvr , the du*t of agn rest. O, thou onreUe Imn ever atu.mpte.1 to cure Catarrh cruc | ( CTW \ heart! no? many cycles' yet, u, this mi.nner, and no other treatment , h*. I or perhaps, ere another sphere wifl *t eared Catarrh. Tho application of th- ' S.|uire i t ration and timtneat in haixlliiii; the caae. UyitaiuU-r. He's a terror to thu lawless. - -Agricul- tural Editor. The volunteers f No 6 C., 31st 1*1 tali. in, aru <-[-i<Uil t.> \<v in the tlrill shed, FlenbtTton, on SatnnUy afternoon. -. . , OOMMI! '.f Ccllinfrw.nd Tp. t I e il affteee to bear iU shsre> of ' (acoiiHini; to il t-Moient in , t tbis i<ian- the expense* the 1'uxwi) Osprry aud Nottawamqra. Taylnr Pott*. Thai th* Clerk rater oa lt"ll all laud* which a* Johnstmi I'.-lU. Thatw* ina* be intr*<t rtiuedy i< simple, anil can pii-n. nt iKHaon of . . don. .1 ho,-e, thf year claim him a* it* own. Then and not till then, will thu historian record his worth ill his M,.tfHvo,,r.l,lf,,r..p.e,ly,n,fpem,,-nt ', ' cure. il... mijoriiy of oases lmi( cured ,t' fame be .untf in i.n.tint.Hl number*, from mii'trf. .!m..nl SunHror. slioul.l c..rrepi.nd Newfoundland r,K-kb.nind cc*t, where with M. Kr. II- A. lnvoti A Son. S06 King stonn-winds lure t.. death, to the aww- i street wHat. Toronto, Canada, ami eneliwe ni* *o,nn..rial in the far, far wret. O, ' itanni for their trrtli. DII C.itsrrh. Mon "*peti*l !" I pray the*, drrani no nn.ri ' Ire.lStar, N..V. 17. la. Vi. . .lUMW p Ity lawn t*4 and SS.1 to < and Wry rate* for Ci.nnty. Srli.x I and Tovnthi*) por- p>e *ad U> appoint t'uiWetor* respectively appoint wurr pause.!. Tli- sieiinienl l4Uf5. and IT I'oaiity Township snd School H Mill. the rate Sept. 12th, without fail, to pit-pare f,, r '" ^ " J-'l**^ " ^k the Co. Treas. to annual Jrill. Lieut. Field. Mark.li.l, /'n.wt oHr aim '>rrrj;.iiJrif , Quit* in int. T!'. tint flcht tonk plare on Tuea- la) ui^tit lat on tli I'ulillr M|uarr. Vulfiaranil profane language |wrva<l<t the atiiuMpherr to auch an eitent. thai >-nu eoald alnioet smell !- pl.ur. A eaaa of aManlt wae marie oat acalnd Jim ll.'iir > . f . .r ni.-i !t of the 8 A_ J C. ( i,l.. Il proeoculor. Jim had lo dance to the tuue t S and eou. In all over *!<. Thu will teach the villain pindllst a lewon. A caroen part; wai hrld on the Aarleultural *roiin.l ..n Friday en>nlu tail, hy the frt,-n<1 of the Halvatlov. Arm; . hat. H the woalber wai vrvv <nfavormt>le. tbe attendance was not as (real M it woal.l have bwen had the ev, nlnn prored Bne. Mr. W. J. Mr FarUinl aixl wife. !..> have none on a trip n\> the lakea, were unfortunate ai>o(h to take pamac* " the Fraiwe* Hiollh. wlnrh founde.nl on her outward vo> ac,- Tbe )<ax n fen wor twk<x cha.ie of l.y Uie \tlantlr ami arHv.v|-r.-U at llin Sanlt. Tbrv mil Ilk. Iv ie- i in ii bsf I 1 U I--AI FARM FOR FIFTY \( RKS. Wlag SwiUi Kaat eeaiel, x.. i. In Ik' Mh i'--ii <4 r iphri. wiihln new saOe c4 the *.mH.hln N Illtf* -4 Kleakvrhrr ami f.-r mile* from KoewiU *) *we ilsajwa. r-4 H<me ami Well, with ui%*bl. Men *e>4 Htai-lr UntlMlMdtB rtMrituM^e^eea. r * ohmrx. J. W. BATES, Furniture I>raler and Undertaker, rLKABKBTON. Coancil ailjwurned to me>*4 al Feveraaaa* en tbe ftrt UoaHay In Ueewabw nest. W. WII.NF.. Ospn y. Aag S4. IBM. I lisa f.-r year* been a ralarrobb. Mffcn-r jfroru Pyipipsia. ati<| irUj all knoti. iWn, divs ana the besi medioal skill ol )/ o- qaainUBcr. but .till grew wone. until liable to eat auythdig wllkont great tiff* ring, or itn any kin>) of work. I \*fv\ lo think th**e was no bfp* A>r ate, m.) tliat I mn. iTtly die; wb'ii likra ilrownliu; luan uiij at 1 itrnw. > Jeternilnwet to five ^|vedT Cnie n liUI.I M " iiiiprovt> MI i.iriill\ 'I .1 in t.. ^.-^-^- , was as ill s> I hail ever h,<i. m mr Iff. S.*l by Wwi. I i,-r Hi. I l-tllr*. THE MABKET& FLKSHERTOtf. F!o,ir ..................... |8 7Bto 4 Kail Wheat ............ fO 85 to 88 S,.riii(* UarUr ' bewail to m.uiin I ........ ......... Mutter KKK*. fr*ah Potator* Pork Hay.p Milieu \Vowl 9<) o no o M u 12 o 11 .". 90 T IX) 5 M e > o a o 5 * T a is o M M' K II 3 7S on 00 20 1%. ,

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