Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1885, p. 3

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H" N.ily >taading A i tbe OMD door, Rbaptlyahatlow I , . I Ou tu* awT' UK aad-falr I* Nelly. Yet bar *y* an sad i-lly'i abaaat lov*t I* a tailor lad. ng bearte will qnlvav, Tbuogh no tempaet bknr aallaiitthlpe h.v fouudenxi Wben tb* br**t* waa loW. ailor lad* *x* Aokle, CnaDgin*; Ilk* tbe wind; ally') lover far away An older lov* may and. . MeUy, ft* I thui ilonbtlng Hallor lad* ar* true; I *an ss* a *> laul bantu* Breast tb* billows bio*. I nan bear ber anchor obaln Hauling 11 rr her aide I ae* a sailor leap ashore, Ootautpptug time and tide. Nelly, woman, hasten, Put on yonr f rssbust gown. A tailor lad U oomlug up Tb*road tbat'* from tb* town . He's looking tor a place be love*, A milt' gaxdan stile, A little bomely oottage door. A little laMUn '* smila. Ob. faithful tailor laddl*. A slag mlgb:envj th**l f. r saen a welcome bouie aa Uunt I'd gladly eruas tb* tea. A.7 kowert arc d*ad that mad* a summer ptoodot vmy. Ids nooks and on the sunny bill, witli regret* tboas beaxu of oun grow MB A* a**u*tmies all b*aru wUL W lerrad tba btoaaonji, tor they belpxl to brtgbtra rise live* to dark with wearying toil and oar*. A> htf and drvain* forever h*lp to lighten TB* IMiavy Itada boar How Mk tu* flowers, who** transient life U *SHl*d The bopei and dreamt are, that for on* brlal how Make Uw glad heart a garden brifht and ipUndid A*-tloi latticed bower. On* lt**l* boor of almost p*rfact pleasure, 4 tarwtaste of the bappluaet to *t>m* . Viie*)**>dilitnfrii* -thegaidin jl*lditslr*alr* Awl aeaads to Borrow (lamb. C K lk*e*n heart t Tb* Sower may lot* It* glory U*MMb ibe toucb uf fruit, but doe* uot di; k< III* II will rapat tbe old, IWMI slory Of *>' diar by and by. tn Reewen. If never b*r*. tb* hope* w* oberl-b- *kw Bvwen of human live* w* count a* lost V. in hv* agl" bueb beauty cannot pariah; A4 ia**>*eo ban no boat. Aller lk Kia. all IBM may tb* wild nor 'Mater had t**pt acroes tb* plala : All day anniDit the lattic* haJ plashed tba drlv 4 rain. ai every budding town and every blad* of **l Had woxi tb* wild Harcb w*atb*r and l>owad toMlluea*. Dal morn and joyoos noonti.U bar* worn them 1MB away, TtMBBO aaok auilan to tb* wnt behind a abroad affray i raideri tb* treat oloadi i-rJ. Ilk* a yawninn mveru'i in.'"**. tn,fi.~na*rgleui*ath* light, tli* in. 1 blew truui tb* south ; An4 r*ry drooping bloeeom raitad b*r (air rain- waanetl bawt tli* priuiroM glimmered 'mid bar leave*, ths tol*tlnbar bad; UaUfelog the gulden radUae*.outMas*d tba .UI fouil. a*4 lr\ ui tbe cruenlnt; hedgerows tba pan > twuuiedibuli, lad wbar* a womaii waited, bar eye* Oaabe>l back Ib* llgbt, Xod witn a bapt'y tinll* an* aalJ, " My love will aomcto-uignt." TWd> l.ivaa. Tta* ai.i.r tj*laa* < nu. Bkreut** O. .1. f r. r t H. llrx hrr I. h* afra- (acted fc i u <-.... la tbe extreme oorthweet corner of ib* uwu of Stafford, Conn., belttrod on tb* weal by Ilia gigantic and precipitou* oraB of a rmubiiuK tpur of iba Whit* Monutamii, land* a ttrang*, shambling, |oblia old DOOM, write* * Stafford, Oonu., oorreapon- d*nl to tba New Turk Mercury. It La two itoriaa) high in front from Ib* ground-till to tbe jatiiog eave, and only ooe story at tb* real indeed, rather lee* than oo*, belog ban Red wi.b earlb almoat to lh level of tba BUI 11, dark, diamond- pa,ntd wiodowi, abalMrlM and doeply aoibrn- ur*d Tl)r* it), aiid aJwaj bat bju, aooordiog to tba goaip at ib* uei^bboi , a niupoou of icmalbiog waird and uuoauuy about Iba, wajctajm window* of the old Davia bomaatoad two io nnmbar only, x- tandiog from the ground, or within In* than a toot of it, to tb* b*avy , ovar kajoging *ave, whoa* gray and waatbtr- batten appearauoe aaggetl* tbe eyebrowii of a withered eld man, wbile .be miudowi tbt runelveB are like a pair of g)M*y, lit*l*ai ye* ; and the nokeiy door batw*n (to develop tb* umili tud. ) would paai moater with a vivid fauoy a* a Oroeitn ooa* wbo** tip form* a perfect n 6 ht anKj*. The door w** opened ye*t*tday to your eorrMpend nt by a itra>DR*, emaciated aud aJmoat peotral n^are that of a tll woman of SO, uuuiuraily thin, and ao pallid that incar- nate ghoailtoaea IB tbe only epithet appli- oable. Tbt fact* of tb* cane of tbe " Star*- Woman of Stafford," aa MI*B I)avn >a alylad, are ao remarkable that a britt uarrative will be interesting. Liauia Miranda Davia IB now 5t yean of age, and ha* oonacqueutly been an tomato of tba old booae tor more than half a century Tberewa* notbiuii hyi'er icalor h)tri(onn in tbe nature of tb* teisar* that overtook h*r at Ib* age of 16, and hai dominated her life for tbe UM! tbirty-wgbt vaar*. " Tb* flnt *igoi of trouble, ' laid tba ramarkabl* Tal*tadinari*>o, " oanue on wben I wan a girl of 18, but ao gradually that I ota aoarotly toll yon with precmou in what manner tbey oommanoed. I had been to *ebool all winter without miueiog a day or getting a *ingl* tardy mark, and I oame oat of tb* ordeal in tb* ipriog lau guid, tired and inbjeal to peculiar uervou tymptom* that I nan hardly daaoribe. That ii, I would feel at lima* a* II I WM going to fly all apart in little pi*o**, th*n a kind of darkoeea would gather about m* my ey* glowing dim, my p*ro*ption cf objeot* indutinet and uaetrtam. Face* and figure* in th* room would appear to b* moving around me in a eort of a fog ; wbilei objeola at a diataoe* tree*, oatti*. hill* aod bonae* grew *9 vague and uureal that I often bad to aak motber whether auoh and mob a thing real I y tintrrl or wa* merely an optical illusion. On tb* other band my ileep wai vexed with terrible and moDtlrou* apparition*, term*, face*, figure*, and wild, weitd sketch** of landioap*, and thea* were *o iodeeoribably vivid and hie-like that ofteuuuiea tb*y haunted my memory for day*. What wa* 1C.. I,. II III..,,.. UN TUBfTH.) Tbe memory of Hum* -a naui* Tbateallt, wbeu brimiij'd her f*etal ouj\ A i. im.'ii i glut y aud tier abau* ID *Unt BaOua** up. UaUtck. A brawny pe*aant- mind with da/, and rough wiw bon*l toll : A plaoKbujaa HtrlUiuo manfully aero** tb* fur- rowed toil ; Tt* *uulibi ou bl* bare, bold brow, aiij la bli buiuiug br*at Tb* liuu lamp auii llaib of Bong, that robb'd blru of bu r**t. Luf*'a nwiDlng iky. wboee trailing oloodB wen round bun ilaikly urivau. HaahivemwiUi th llgbt of Hoi>fl, and Io tb* pab uf Hamvn I Daaaeuu I iweet MuMof Scottlib aong-blue *yl and yellow-balred, D*eend, a*d let tb)r k>H ouo* more Immortally be beir'd. Wltb noonday OOIUCB a burnt of Bong, and beaftUM I tb* |iruu<i bard Bee* HI* oouutry. couii^ur'd to the btari, before bim on bei kux. maMing bay-loavef, cool and fratbl O dajr- 011 IUUB, ticti auil Bwael I Thopudenl gnulue la hlB breaat the aga* at atraoger and more singular Hill, thia hor- rible dreamlife beoame oonatoative, aud waa oontinned from Digbt to ui K bt in tbe regular order of paining event*. My motber would awaken me in tb* moroing from one of tbeee vivid epiaodel of dream 111*, and wben nigbt oame my mortid brain would take up the thread uf the dream exactly where it wa* inndered. At flret tbi* BUU of affair* wa* terrible to mr, but a* the yean went ou, and tb* babil bcotme rtrnuly a*tabli*h(d, I became gradually reoonoiled to tbe diuble life I wa* living, and oeaatd to b* terriaed by tb* atranga pliaiiomana of tun duplicate oonaoioo*- thrilling ia every uer v, taking po*n**io ot in*, away ing ID thi*> way ana thatagainet my owa will, tempting me to every apcoic* ot deviltry ? AD ! you men ot *ei*n** are beingi of wondrvoa w iedom no doubt ; bat there are thing* in thi* world you oan't fathom." Tb* parozyim quiokly ipeot it* fore*. The woman became her former qoitt and Keotle atlf agaiD, bar rigid limb* related, bar flogera wen one* more inppl* and natural m their t*peot. I mtut beg your pardoD," *be eootloned quietly and evenly. How I have lived all tntae years wbit torture* (offored I* loouthing that pamea tb* aoop* ot explana- tory phraae*. Aud ia tbi* manner I have lived ever aino* I wa* a little girl." To gut tbu atraLge) woman'* hiitory in detail would tubaerv* no purpoee, aod could only weary tbe reader, being but a dreary monotony ot itarvation aod morbid aaoaory phenomena, extending over a period of nearly forty deaolat* yearn. Tbougb emaoiattd and attenuated by habitual abatiuanoe from food tbe long**! OOOMOQ- ti ve period during which the had token no food of aoy kind, liquid or aolid, baa been forly-a*v*n day* HIM Davi* i* in good general health. Her pula* i* full, firm, regular and. tla*uo ; her rwpiration normal, with deeper inspiration tban 'ha average ; her movm*nta, wben nniwayed by tb* parozyim* to wbiob tb* it tut joct, teady, aelf-poaieated, and exceedingly free from nervonanta*. Hbe u uc t troubled by Ki>rta,and evinoe* no *)Dptom>of bytteria. Her only eurvini g brother, with whom your reporter baa a Incg and agreeable interview, apeak* of her a* tb* tontbin* ol hi* home, only lamcntiog the ead miafor- tuna of demoniac poaeeatioo, in wbiob he belicvet a* firmly M an ortho/cx txpoaitor of tb* Bible. He i7 year* of age, of uoquetiiooed veracity, and highly rnpeoted by all who know him. "My tUter'ieae* nai been a riddle to all th* doctor*," taid Mr. I)vn, but I can make oath that eo far a* I know, aod no man ba* had tuoh oppoitunitiet of knowing a* I bave ah* baa not taken an ounce of eolid food tine* tbe wat a mere girl ol It*, Some of tbe doctor*) loonl the idea of bar having lived to many year* on nothing, but I pltdg* you my word lor th* itrict truth of my statement. At first I had a kind cf autpioion that ib* might walk in b*r rleep at DMtbt and take food in that oonditioo. Bat I aoon oonviaoed myaelf that my u| IOIOL. wa* unlouudel" Her traog* paioxytm* were for many yearn a aouro* of tpprtheotion to her family, bat at yean bave rolled on aud tb* ha* committed no deed ot eccentricity or violence, they have ottasd to regard them a* daogeroua, and tow view tb*m a* a aad but incurable mnf jrtno* by which ber f* bat been bleated. Delicate icijairy die- losed th* fact, that, ao far a* ber brc tuer n war*, aha ba* ntvi r been th* vietim of an unreciprocated >*aeioo. Indeed, neither n ber pbytioal condiiion nor in tb* faote of i*r moootoncat biography can tbi oloeetl oraiiuy di*eov*r any aauae or clew for tbe xtraocdinary a*n*ory aod p>obolo%,ijal laeoomena thai aapear in hir eaae, nnleaa, M the bereell aUeg< a, ber whole lift ba* been p>rv*rt*d by tbe ud welling luduiooa ot an vil tpirit. *>V I. i I l Una; Tb* lm.i All... I I Nttional Drtiygitt **y*: At tb* rcqu**l ot tb* Comnueasontr ot Internal committee Science !Uv*noe of the United Btatet i fthe National Aoadcmy of l It \* K< I IIHtt MINTS. appointed, oouaitting'ef profreaote of TJoi- vtmty of Philadelphia, Yale College, Colombia Cjllege, Harvard College and John Hopkins University, ib* purpoae b*iug to Boienti6o*lly inveetigate tbe vari- on* products kxown a* gluoo**, itrtps sugur, OLaltcM, etc. Tb* committee fouud that gluooee is mad* from many thing* beaidee itarob and p itatoe*, iucb a* " from leavee, *traw, ragi, chip*, twigt and reti- due* from breweries, duitilUrie*," etc. Tb* following, which w* take from their report, tbow* to what use gluoote it put : Both glaeoM and grape sugar find ixten- tiv* applioationt for a grtat variety of par- pose* a* lubitttcta* for can* sugar r f jr barlay. Th* moat g*neral purpose* lor wbiob glnopM or ttaroh lugar u meed ar* : First ror th* manufaclnr* of table lyrup. Tbit oontiaM cf a nearly or quite oolorle** gluoose, with a tomaieot adduioo ot can* ingar frcm th* sugar rafioery to giv* it tb* flavor and appearanei of a Highly rtnntd molaas**. lue quantity of eaoe syrup added varie* from 'I per cent, up to 33 per oent. Second At a substitute for barley malt in th* brewing ol ale or beer. Tbit i* really a lubatitntion of Indian corn for bar It y, bat II COL. mutes a very imperfect *ubiitote, a* tb* corn, by tbe trealmenl employed in *x tract ing it* starch for eon vataion into gluooM. i* compUtoly deprivtd ot all the nitrogencu* bodiee aod mioira. *1(* which it originally contained. Hence the glucose alone, wbicb ia aimply traos 'ormed starch, i* anbititoted for tb* entire barley grain, with ito great variety ol valuable oouititueuta. Tbi* i* not true however, of tbe maltose produced liomtbe eutir* oorn by th* souon of tb* malt. Thit material ooctiini all tbe aolnble eooetttn etlt of tbe corn, together with tbe addi tional lubataoee* whioh ar* reuderec soluble by the action of tbi diaatat* ot tb* malt. Third At ft tnbetitnle fc r can* tngar in confectionery. fourth For the adulteration of can* sugar, to which it i* added to the extent of tO or more per oent. Fittb Aa a substitute for can* inger io canning fruit* and in tb* manufacture of fruit jelliea. Sixtb-For th* manufacture ot srtiflottl Fade, tplendid draamBt Th* heart tbal aanii, nple|>iug to th" BtarB, l> brokeu un in n wbeal of Fate, and blanch ! wuli burning oar* ; Tbe lifntbat u|>u'U on tb* Hun, gulf'd In amilt eollp** Bo, aUlektu In bui kiugly night, tb* eagle earth warddlpa. Nlgbtl and tbe hand that iwept Ib* lyre If pal, led in thu tlut tliat ,)r*wbu* K">'leu wtnBot love u* *r knew tb* Wruun . I ruit . And *viuiuii> towaid* biB grave, wrapt In ita glury cloud. A nauiou'i pilgrim t**t are bant- a nation'* b*art u bov'd. Oh wildly iweet at Bcotland'i feet bl flung bil buartan i aong, And i>alna<i l>y tb iravcn tougn* wool. I do bl* ianr*iB wrong . Tbeti i>i. dg* lu-ingbt, with brimming cup*, to* 1 r.o.i reaob ot aie fame, Tbe nieRle of tola munioiy b.e nianbood of bla n. tli-iux* , UW J*irv W*U A boy wa* being tried In Judge OtJt'l Court for forgery ymtorday atMrnoou. There wsr* too indictment* *gainat him, both being almost similar. Tb* jury war* only out a few minuM* oo th* nrtt lodiot- ment and found a verdict of not guilty. Then they war* looked up on tb* second. Halt aa hour pateed. Hi* Lrrdabip aaot tc tbe jory-room. Word osmt back they war* net likely to agree for *o*a* tin*. It wa* 6 o'clock. Ills Loidnhip **nt in word tbaa b* would b* baok in w.urt at B, aad would Ibtn rcotiv* their verdict. B* than left theoourt bouse. A knock watnocn beard on the door. Tbe jury had agreed ; but Hi* Iiordabip bad goo*. Heoul* were **nt cat in tar** or tutu dlnattooi, and Hi* Lord- sbiji wa* captured at bit club. Ue r turned to OOUTI and rfoeived Ibe jory 1 * vAMeof guilty. Toronto World. Wbm tb* Al**k Indian* drak tby drink koolynahoo. WftDt tO t*l Mist Davi* tighed in weary, languid fashion aa ana uuitbed ber digressive deaoription of tb* singular piyohologloal aymptomt that have acoompa>imd bar malady. ' I wan not "iok," ib* went on, at least, not mot ia tbe propir lenit of th* term. But one tymptoin aooompauiod tboa* strange experiei CM, and that wa* low of all relish fur food, gradual extinction of the atoae of tact*, aud, fiually, a rool*d aversion to tb* pleasure* ol tb* table. My mother tried every art to tempt my ftney 1*1 1 no mean* unexplored that promiaad to correct tbe disturbance. Dr. Peabjdy, ot BpringQeld, was at la*l called in. Tbt* celebrated practitioner made a thorough ttudy of the oaae, attended me for more tban ft year, and ended by diclariog tbat I wan organically just a* Bound an b* lu body, nerve aud brain. In other word*, nothing ailed whatever except ttai I wa* nervout, fidgety aod listiwt*. But my di.r*liah for uuiriaml went an all tb* lame nutil I absolutely lived on nothing, or out to that. For mouth* alter n>) 17tu birthday wa* pamd I ate notbtrff bat a Uoeton cracker each day, nibbling it bit by bil wben I waa faini, and lakiug a little wat jr afterward. ( bad no nauaea after eating, no oppreeaiiiu, oo bad *ympt*wu ol any kind. Ooly that I could uot eal more tban a crumb or two M once witboat tent* of rtptetioa tup*rv*ning. hull I k*pt up wonderfully, did not teem to ma oiale, and remained comparatively strong aod vigoroua. Ho the thin*; went on for more than two year-, until it became settled fact that torn* alrauge u<tlu*o<M wa* at work In my oaae, and it wa* noised about that 1 was ft viotuu ot demoniac poaneatioo, a*), indeed, I bave ometlme* imagmtd tJ be tbe fact." Toe woman tpok* earnestly, *ailly, with tinge ol daapair In ber accent* Your correspondent smiled. Iintanlaueounly, aa if ber uervea bad been Swept by a powerfn current of galvantam, the wooian trantformad. Her ey ea blazed to *aiploy a ftimil* tally graphio like th* diamonda ol hell. A Midden and mighty *pe>am (lit iicd beftlimbe, ber arm*, ber flogari tb* joint* extending with a Mriee ot quick tbaip f iploHioim, hodibl* at a ooniiderabli diatkiioe. Ber lip* turned livid, bin* auc yanotio; her fialurua astieu dentil >et sharply defined and hard, a* taougb oa la ttoo* hard evtn to rigidity. Tbi gen >, aniform, well modulated ton** of her voice hoarsened and grewabiopl aiidnp nve. flh* *o*med auotber being. " Yon Mm to doubt," *h uttered in low eorcprattid, reverberant too**. " Bn I toll you that poanatlco ol tb* d*vi i* a real thing. And I know I Hav*u I lived two live* the** long, long thirty flv* years on* terrible, more tf rrible tban tha of tbe damnad , tb* other my own, tbat o a almpl*. loving, yearning woman T Have I not lell tbe movement ol a maJign ipin ftVr 4 < i. . hi,,, >h<>u I.I W I lki k*)l Ware* -Meat Briweeeiikc h..u.t. Coin! i Uagetim ha* tb* tollowiog oo keeping warm : Cold ft* a bugbear oantee patple to overcrowd their bed* with woollen atofl*, ^ blanket* aud tueb like. To* bed olothing, even for old p*opl*, abonld be light though warm. Tbnr* I* nothing better tban eider down wben yon can get it. Tbe nigbt dresses ot old peo|U tk"^lil be com lor table, and especially should tb*y b* warn, b*tw**n tb* shouldeni , thi* i* th* place which cold Ilk**, a* a foe, to aaeail Oat about 3 in tb* morning, wban the mor ' of fir* ha* got low or gone out. Lei them beware of ill Gold at a bugbear play* much miaohief n the nnr**ry. Tbousanda of children io hi* couotry ar* coddled to dealb, ftnd many actually t tided in bed. They call it Miog overlaid , it la being tmotherad. That tbe right oame for it. " Bat the children mu*t b* kept warm ?" " BI*M their iiux>*no*! y**. Tb* bed a* aott a* down, tb* clothe* a* soft a* tuft b*, bnl tmooth withal, without aoy taodinoy to rumple up or cover month ot Tbi* i* warmth, tbu U comfort. Tbe re .>rn, too, ibould be modtrateJy warm ; uo more, I pray yon . and th* air ought to b* a* pun and sweet a* tb* odor ot row*. I* il*o in mo*l DUiwarietT May, for your bugbear cold step* in and teaJi dooi* aod windows. No wonder tbat wbtn baby wake* op it i* peevish and Intfu). Your bugbear cold i* th* beel fnend tbe tailor ba*, fcr even young men wear double the weight of elctbee on a winter's day tbal they ought to. They *w*al themielvee io ooott quence, to cold tha foe act* in axd coda many a life. Topcoat*, in my opinion, should niver be worn except while riding by rail or driving or wban atexdiog about in a drangbl ; tfaen they oanuol be too thick aod ooey. If worn at all when walking, they should b* very thin Vry light waierprooft ebonld b* worn when walking in wioUr worn over tb* arm, I mean, and never pat on tieept when it i* raining. Kit the warmer toe socks tbe belter, aod tbe inoe* ought to be moderately ttrong aod thick, lor many an ailment i* eaagbt from stand ing about oo damp ooli ground. Damp i* much mor* to b* dreaded than cold, but even tbia aboold not be made a bugbear of , I would rather have damp inner clothing than a damp coal : th* undirolotbiog, indeed, ol v*ry one who peracire* freely and aaailv i* atldom, if aver, free from damp. When I boo.y. Tbi* U neatly put up io gla-s j.rt B . w | y Carried, sir. tbe TittU woman wbo I -IH I t I I \ I lilt t. I HI - IB* Pr|.d PVew -,.!. ol I !.<.! I. a by . ,,., a. I mean to marry sum* of Ibeae dayt, writes a girl Io tha Pall tlallOaietu. aod tbtl bnogt m* to tbi Ibresuold ol tuy great y item for tha education of one's (acu t a* aud pow*r* ot eao variation, without tbe** lorrid doll boo& Ah I ftnd those solid old newspaper* ! There team to be telegramt rom all over tbe world at ocoe, and if you Mlitva them, everything i* topaytnrvy, Inch lu abfurd. Bat you art getting mpatieol, I see, and want to know what i* tb* By-item. Why. I bav* been telling vou all along, it U limply sympathy. YJU tnow they tay a woman's greatest ttreoglb IB in ber wtakneea, and I am tor* tb* abowi her gr*ate*t knowledge ID ber timely ignorance. Sympathy is like a inapume mustard leal it teem* quit* pltaaot and oomlcrtlug al oral, Mil if rightly sp.-lied. it produce* tight and groan*, and in fact all tb* ymptoma o( a aevir* malady. Strong men ar* driven wild by H, and are thankful to bave the tpplioation removed al aoy coat. Sweet igoorane* it a hand- maid of lympathy, aod I bavt found U iovalaabl* at lime*. II a woman knows bow and when to be ignoraot tbar* I* nothing tb* may not achieve, et; :oially in these Jaye of o*rtin*d bluett joking*. Ignor- auo* u really blisa in thi* way, and the real of tbe quotation ia truer tban ever. Mow, a* every girl of average capacity aod attrao lion* baa itaameanaol making tbiac.juaant- anoe of men of various prufeaaioua, it n the (aaiest thing in tb* world to invitt instruction tb*re aim** in coy Ignorance and than administer your tiuapiaine, tympathy. Tb* o>ual raault is, of course, ooLtUenoe ot ambition* and volley* of " shop," for it It a quaint tbiog tbal men Up <a into i hi alto got their profession tb* moment tbtir baaru are warmed. So one may learn quite easily and be ao>n**d into tbe bargain. Change your tubjeou al interval*, aud you will gel all tb* "higher education" a woman need*, aud t) my mind in a rtuok pleaaaotar way than that wbiob tboat youog retire to th* lastti budge. females adopt wbo ol Oxford or Cam- 1'liiladelpbia belle*, wbo wire diatiu- guished laat year for tbe great number if tbiir bouquet* carried al entertainments, have goo* to th* otbar txtrcm* thin year to nooorag* economy on the part of young m*D. A reply hat been not by tb* Hem! Secretary to a numerously signed memo- rial from Falmouth asking for Ibe releate ol Dudley tnd Stephen*, late captain aud mate ol the Migoooitte, who are under teutenoe of liz months' imprisonment for killing the boy Parker. Sir Wm. ilaroourt tayi be regret* beting unable to sdnne any further Inmfereirjoe with the sentence patted by the juolgti. Eoglith in Ik* popular foreign langnag* in Hoaodmavia, but not baoaua* of English itfla*ne*. It U due ID tbe American tie* tbal reach tvery btmltt in the peninsula by reaaon of tome relnti ve or dear friend io tb* great In* land Beyond tb* waters Th* our** ol tb* lldeet son ot th* father of Ib* buman race) Mtm* to be DO longer affective. Th* Bi iliah Parliament aad tbe Amenoaa Ooogree* bav* eaob nembtr b*riD tb* Bftm*) of Oftiaa. containing a email piece ot geobiae honey comb. Stvralb In tb* maoclaotnr* c( vioagar. Eighth In tbe manufacture ol liquor- coloring used in mixing 1 i jors and naakicg artificial Ii juors. N ID tb Other more limited tpplioationi ; in tbe manufacture of win* ; by tb* baker 10 making oakia , in cooking ; io tb* pre- paration of ituott ; a* aa addition to Burnt oaoutd meat*, etpecially corned heel ; ID tbe pn piration of obewiog tobaeeo ; io tbe mabufaotore ot priLtirs' roller*, aod in th* manufacture of torn* kinds of inks, Tbe demand for gluoo** and grape lugar for Ibeat pnrpoaea I* extremely variable, aod depend* oo the relative price* ot corn aod ot the article* for wbiob tbu kind of tugar it substituted, etpecially tjgar-bouie syrup aod barley I at. M from h . i.t mi Mr. Edward Gayer, T.C , died oo Decer . ber 2vih al bi* rerideuoe, Jobn street, Biigo Ou January 1st Edward C. ilacketl, J f , wa* inaugurated Mayor of Gloom*!, Tip- MM*. At Buoorana, Donegal, a farmer named John Dei ry waa choked while eat ILK bi* Lbrlitmaa dinner. There died at L^obwinnook, Scotland, bi* native place, ou Ibe 4tb lutt.. aged b't yeart, John Orr, mtrcbaot, Duogarvao. Home kojeet sr* being d*malinbtd in Upper Dorset strict, Dublin, to mek* way for new building* of the Dominican clergy. Ou* of them waa tbe house in wbiob Kiobard Brinsley Bberidan waa born. A van- H Ilk. HI rain I ! r|rrt. Tbe.Qousein Oommitte* of tb* Whole, tavt a telegram to th* St. /.own 'ilol"- Democrat, has agreed ti tbe bill petrtioniug Ibe mother of the late Capt. Charle* 1'. Joboton, of Iowa. U jv. Hhernan and other leading men of tba Stale warmly urged tbia action. It it claimed tbal there i* oo parallel in tb* mtdical rtoordt ol tb n country or Europe to tbi* oair. J. i i eon minted at Leon at a private in Com- pany A, IT h Iowa Volunteer!. Io tbe tutumer of 1H63. wbile leading bit din. j. tuy ID a charge at liig Black Kivtr, lu tb* rear of Vickrburg, he wa* ttruck by a Miuui* ball, wLisb paased horizontally thr< u,h tbe lower part ot hi* body from tide to tid*. tfiiug between the intestine* and tb* ip:nal cord, tearing tbt former and u jjrug a verttbra 1 1 tbe oolunin. The cord waa sfft oted t ) the extent of partly zing Ibe lower limb*. The hospital soriteoD said it wat a bopelera oa**, but by n ij u -si , and a* a latt act of kindueas to a lri*nd, tbe rrgimental surgeon came and dre***d th* terrible wound by drawing a tilk band- kerchief half at a time entirely through Jooown'* body. Tb* oixl day tbe kelp!*** lowao fall into tb* hands ot tba oonleder- at**, wa* put into a otttle ear, and j ilted away to Atlanta. Hi* mother, r etru g of bia oonditioo, hurried down from tbt uortb,ot through Ibe line*, aod found bim itill liv- ing. When Sherman long after captured tbe Uoorgiau City Capt. Jobuaon wa* still alive and the devoted motber wa* Doming bim. They were lent to Si. Loait, whir* the wound wa* teen and examined by tbe tnr geoDt there, tome of whom are still living aod will remember Ik For sixteen year* thit belplei t man lived aod aufltred. Tbi only poMiiun which gav* him any relit f from torture wa* lying Itoe downward. H* required mor* oonlaul care than a child, and tail wa* given bim by bi* motber. Eating tomato**, beriiet or any trull would opeo tb* wound sfrttb, Cougreaa reeog, nized tbe peculiar claim* of Capt. Johnson during the latter part of tbe war by tb* extraordinary court* of oommiitiooing bim a captain in th* regular army. II* wa* th*n put npoa th* retired list, and wa* tba* provided lor. Sine* bu death th* aged mother wb* took oar* ol him bat witboat mean*. owa* m* used to air my handkerchief. my cewapaper aod my table ntpkine. She koowe better now. Bat prwerv* me and yon and every one Iron Bleeping in a damp bed." I. r.rn *)!. mi A inddcn cold aaap, or " cold wav* " a* it it now termed, U liable to come al aay time during tbe winter, aod mual b* guarded against in th* green bout* by attention to tb* Ore, and io tb* dwelling by moving tbe ptaota away from tbe window* to tb* middi* of tb* room, says tb* AmfH- ean Agrieulluritt. Dryoea* of tb* air ia the Oblel obstacle to *U<o*ttful window garden- ing. Plant* ineoted much bitter in tbe kitchen tban io th* parlor*, a* th* air it charged with moisture from tb* cooking, tie. II tbe house) i* heated by a furnace tbere sb< u'd be a pan for evaporating water in tbe fnrnaoe, kept well supplied If stove* are ueed keep veeselt of water oo them. l>o*t i* very lujunoui to p'.aol*. Much may b* prevented from ttttnng on th* leavee by covering tb* plants with a ii<hlf%brio wbeoever the room 11 twepl. All tmoolh leaved p'att". like tbe ivy. oam*lia, etc , should bavt a weekly wash ogwith a dampcpooge. Tb* other* ma\ M placed in a sink or bath tub and given a thorough tboweriog. Water ibould b* ;i >eo a* needed, whether daily or weekly. Dj not water until tb* coil It somewhat dry. K*e>| nix tbt rtrtb oontttn ly wet Boon makes unhealthy jltirs. Let tbe water be of the tame temperature s* Ibe oom. U anting plact* dry out rapidly, flung* tbe pot* or batkel* lot} a pallor tub ot water, aod after thay have oea**d to drip, return tbem to their place*. Tbe so-called grteo fly, or plait Icuae, IB easily killed by tobacco water. Ar ply tbi* wbeo the color ol weak tea. Bed >pider i* verv minute, and work* ou th* lowar aid* ot tb* leaves. Wbeu lots* turn brown, the pidr may b* iu*pected. Oiv* frequent sbowsra, laying the pot oo Ibe tide, aud t| p'y water itb the eyrioge. Scaly ineect* aud mealy but* are beat treated by band picking before they become cumerous. Cbryean themume, when tbrcu<h flowering, should bav* tbe etemtcul away, and tbe pott of roott taken to tba cellar. Tbe pott ot bulb* which war* placed in the cellar or io a pit, for root* to form may be brought to tb* window, aod a* they grew give an abundance of water. If needed, support th* heavy flower tpikta ot hyacinth* by a small stake. A oommilte* ol tb* I'oited H tale* Coo gr*** ba* rt ported favorably a Bill to pro- hibit alien* and foreigner* from acquiring i CM oon tributioo tvary w r owokng land* witbin tb* Uaitad Htataa.' aia*to*n y.ajs i H. Tbe two marine battailous in Egypt are gradually dwindling down through tiokute* *ud oasu-l lev. They ai* now about one- third below their original strength. No further reinforoemeoti ar* to be sent oat, at ibert ar* no men to go. Al Bnakim they triad to k**p op tbtir ipiril* by a New Year'* race melting, with flat race* for camels, hones and ponies, to.be ridden by tbiir owners. Tbe Admiralty, by tbiir ni jul attempts at petty economy aaymg one thing and doing soother teem to try bow they can worry cfficer* aod meo who are endeavoiiag to bold lb*ir own again*! perpetual discomfort, I'ublic opuion, however, ba* been too etrocg for the attempt to make cffloer* refund torn* small sumt which thiy bad received beyond wbat wa* paid to th* army In tb* matter ot climate allowance ; botaatrtng griev- ace* ttill remains, say* tb* London H'orld, io tb* refusal of tbe Admiralty to pay tb* field allowano* in the aame proportion aod manner that ha* always beeu customary with former marine batteJioot, and wbiob i* laid down tor tbe army in the gjeen'a UaguUtiona. Joah Billing*, wbo ha* abandoned boo** keeping and removed from Sixty- third street to tb* Wmdaor Hotel, New York, 1* DOW about fi.i year* old, and begin* to feel tb* burdeo of life, irrespective ot It* pro- babilllie*. U* baa b**o lecturing twenty four a***on*. and ha* fnrnuhed a New York weekly a ball or quarter oolumn miaoellane **k for th* law*

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