Flesherton Advance, 5 Feb 1885, p. 1

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We regret most sincerely to learn of the death of Mr. J. Smith, of New York city, and formerly of Artemesia. The sad event occured a few weeks ago. His wife and family have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in this place and elsewhere. We regret most sincerely to announce the death of Miss Watt, of this village. The sad event occurred yesterday, but was not unexpected. She has been a great sufferer for many years, and was a lady of superior intelligence. Flesherton Advance. &apos;TRUTH BEFORE PAVOW-" PRINCIPLES, NOT MEW.&apos; VOL. IV., NO. 190. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO, FEBRUARY 5, 1885. SINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. Tit - Bits. \ The grain market continue! firni. The Reading Room is a big succcess a* far. Where are the sidewalk* ! " Gone frssu our gaze like a beautiful dream." Quite a number of our u l i>cribt.-it are in arreara for last year&apos;s ADVANCE. Subscriptions received for the Tor- onto World at THK AI>TAKVI office. A night operator has been put on at Fle*herton Station by the C. P. It. Co. Wrliussrls is THE place to get jour Watch or Clock REPAIRED. Hi 1 can do it properly. TheMcCullo&apos;gh House is now the most popular hotel in Dundalk. Mr. fviu&apos;l.ui Tuplin recently sold to Mr. Sept. Oood, butcher, a well fatted steer for $60. The stock yards of the 0. P. R. at Montreal cover in the neighborhood of 90 acres of ground. A fine sample of wheat grown on the C. P. K. R.&apos;s North West Experimental Farms can be seen at Flesherton Station. Wood in plentiful so are the hole* made in piling it up. Aft. farttt Ktjtrtt- W* have been appointed agent for that model daily journal, the 7Vmfc< World, and orders for it will receive prompt attention. Remember tha auction sale of Farm Stock on Mr. John McGee&apos;sfann, Lot 17, Con. 11, Artemesia, on Tuesday next, 10th mst. Flesherton Cattle Fair on Monday next, Oth, i nst. Our monthly fair ohrayi omne* on the Monday be/or* the tetond Thursday in each month. .You oao get a "fiunons flood" Watch at RuMel&apos;t, Flesherton for |9. Solid Silver. Correspondents will kindly bear in mind to mail copy in good time to reach :us by Tuesday evening at latest for cur- rent issue. Barney O&apos;Hare want* to know "aff the columns av THI ADVANCK are too full till howld a lother from inoself." Cer- tainly not, Barney. Mr. James Deans, Hardware mer- chant Dundalk, has a magnificent stock s>f all kinds of hardware, tinware, Ac., Ac. in stock. He does a rattling business. Mr. Thos. Strain has socured the coirtrftc: for building the stone work in Mr. J. H. Hoard&apos;s new carriage worka in this railage. Onto RUSSEL&apos;8 Noted Jewelry SUrc-, Fleshrton, for bargains in Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. Mr. J. W. Large offers his farm for ale by posters just issued. It in near this village, well watered, and has good buildings thereon. Convenient to schools -and churches. Seme sneak has been amusing him elf lately stealing exchanges out of our office. W have a pretty good idea who he is, and he anay look out for squalls if the thieving ia repeated. Rev. D. C. McDowell preached ei- - Renumber the Urand Orange Suite* at Flesherton Station on Tuesday even- Mr. John Hurlburt, of Kimbsrly re- move* to the North- West shortly. Flesherton Cattle fair on Monday neit. The editors of the Shelburne paper* have been exchanging "courtesies." Mr. Chisholm, Reeve of Owen Sound, was elected Warden of Orey at the last meeting of our County Council. The Ontario and Dominion Parlia- jst Richardson&apos;s Bale. One evening last week Mr. Bttnwtt, was driving a horse, attached to a cotter. ing neit, the 10th inst. Several well ! Just when he reached the "Boyv* water&apos;&apos; known and pjopisW speakers are to ad- dress; th udiei*js, besides an excellent programme of vocal and instrumental The On, an I have a gutid time, cash pucuaser on I Saturday will receire Clock Prize cellent sermons last Sunday morning and evening in Flesherton Methodist church. The Quarterly meeting service* were very iutervsting throughout. SOLID SP.VKH American Watches from $10 np at Riissel&apos;s, Flcshertan. Mr. J. W. Armstrong ha* been Treasurer of ArUmienia for the lengthy period of 19 years, and during that time not one dollar of the Township&apos;s money lias been misappropriated. Mr. S. Kingston thinks something ought to be done on the street he lives on commonly known as Kingston street as it U being used for public travel more and more every. year. We think Mr. Kingston is right. /.""/.-. Look, Look. Previous to stock taking and in order to clear out winter goods, great bargain* will be given in all lines of Winter Goods for the next 80 or 00 days at R. THIMHI.K&apos;S Twenty yards beautiful Fact- ory, 87 JuQcbet wide for tl.OO At B. inent* are both in session. The citizens of Dundalk do not seem to be very much in favor of the separa tion of Pmton from Grey, with Mouii Forest for the County town. Those who promised to pny their sub script inn* to the Ai>va.v r with wood, are requested to bring it in now. Dry woo< preferred. A Prize- To any portion buying one of my ft Overcoats I will give a Fur Cap, gcxx value for $2.50 at R. THIMBLE&apos;S. Said a Toronto gentleman to the Editor of this paper last Tuesday : "Grain will go up considerably in prices before the end of February." Flesherton Skating Kink is open to the public every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday even ing. Fleaherton Brass Ilavnr! will be in attendance ou Saturday nights, when convenient. A good heary pair all wool Blankets for f2.r>o worth $4.00 at R. TKIMHLK&apos;H Thornbury wants incorporation. "Yes, an&apos; be rau troth," said a gentleman recently, "it* the incorporation that&apos;ll be watitin&apos; the people&apos;s money wid a ving- by an&apos; by !" Don&apos;t fotget that you can get your job printing done cheaper and better at the FLCHHCHTOX An v AMCI office than any- where eta in tha County of Orey uutside county town. Work done un short notice . Terms cash. Mr. Mr. Richardson&apos;s annual clear- ing sale commences to-day. The public may expect big bargains in every line. It will be noticed that Mr. K. makes a pres- ent of a handsome Clock toevery purchaser of a 910 overcoat We regret most sincerely to learn of the death of Mr. J. J. Smith, of New York city, and formerly of Artamesia. The sad event occured a few weeks ago. His wife and family have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in this place and elsewhere. A man in the employ of Mr. Leonard Bettes, Artemesia, beat one of the horses he was driving most unmercifully on Tuesday last. We believe step* are being taken to give the unfeeling fellow a taste of the law and show him that dumb ani- mals ant nut to be nhusvd with impunity. All winter goods sold at caib prices for the next 30 day* at R. TRIMBLE&apos;I. Special- A number one double steel Axe for 65 cents at R. TKIMBI.K&apos;S. - What puzzles the average Fleiher- Uiuian is when he sets about to appoint some evening in the week to meet a friend. He has so many lodve meetings, Ac., to attend, that he is put to his wits&apos; end try- ing t<> recollect some evening in the near future when he can meet his friend with- out interfering with his other engage- ments. Special- A No 1 Crosscut Saw Mount Mr. Harry Stovel nt Forest UmMei bndge, Flesherti&apos;ii, the horse task fright st soiuething and ran away. The cutter, driver and horse parted company rather unceremoniously a short distance aorta of Mr. N. Campbell&apos;s residence the cut- ter, and driver remaining ia the middle of the road and the horse continuing to rush on ia his "wild carver &apos; in the direction uf Markdale. The an- nimal made straight fur home and finding in Printers material, Toronto called on on his arrival, the stable door closed us last Tuesday. Harry is well and fav- against him, smashed it in and took pos- iiral.ly known to tae fraternity, being an j session of his own stall, excellent "typo" and a jolly good fellow. Mr. Theo. Hah, of Dundalk is cer- tainly an energetic man. He edits and | manages the Urruld and teaches school &apos; about two miles uut of the village. He walks nut every morning and back in the formerly of the \Meratt and now reprsjsv in in- Messr*. rfwaikia A Son, dealer* Aall&apos;s Vegetable Sicilian Hair rUnror imparts a fine glot and freshness to tb* hair, and it highly recommended by phy- sicians, clergymen and >oieolutt as s pre- paration accomplishing wonderfsl results. It ii a certain reiurdy for rvmovtef dan- evening and i* frequently up long before j drnff mmMing ^ daylight sod after dark, hard at work in , ^rinB gray hair to Us youthful eulor. his office. sfSa_Ho sure yon (mil at Richardnon&apos;s I t*)B*Uss; ! Ston- tins week ; see the Jiti f i>ninA&apos; ^ e mul &apos; c *l event of the season will be in every department, ths grand concert to IK) given in the Town The XeiUoa Bros., grain buyers Hall, Flesherton, on \\ <.-<lnrsday evening grain buyer* Fleaherton, fcav bought an immense i *&apos;. Feb. llth, by il,. r.n..wned vocal- quantity of farm ->roduc this season, and &apos;&apos;. Mr. Chan. Kelly, and the n.i less fa- have beu )>*) ing tKe top market prices DIOUS Mde. D. C. Rnseiter. The pro- grammu will consist of Pianoforte, Eng- lish (&apos;. &apos;iicfrtitia, ( imt.ir and VucalMusic, Tragic and Comic Recitations, and will eclipse anything of a similiar nature ever presented to a Flesherton audience. Mr. Kelly has no equal as a baritoo* (or bass) singer in this country, [x&apos;ssesauig, as bs doss, a voice of wonderful compass, depth power and sweetness. \V. can assure our readers, that to hear Chas. Kelly alone is right along. Thrj Jo their business in the most creditable manner and richly deserve th popularity they have achiev- 4 In renewing his subscription for an- >ther year nur estsciued friend, Mr. Thus. Henderson, L. D. S. , Aluston, says: &apos;I l.-k forward with pleasure to roceiv- ng TH Anv turf, each weak, and wish Score* of ths same plea- lihixi.n Crauage M. . 1.1... At the Annual Meeting of Orey Divis- ion Orange No I, held i* Markdale on Thursday, 9Ml Jan., thefollowing officers were elected for the current year : A. Elliott, Master. T. Kali*, Overseer. H. Bid, Set .Tree*. B. Mi* -re, Chaplain. D. B. Ok, Ueturer. J. DfKlM, Steward, J. Boland, As**, Steward R. Brooks, Oatekeeper. Mrs. Harris, L. Asst Steward, Miss Drew, Ceres. Mrs. Moore, Pomona, Mr*. Ellis, Flora, Executive Committee. &. J. Doyle, W. McLsughry, J. Rogers. Auditor* 1 J. Websr, J. Bridie. you prosperity and success.&apos; nur subscriber* speak in sant strain. Do not fail tn *e the Dress Rich- worth treble the price of Doors open at 7 p. in. , concert at 8. Po- pular [> uf admission. offering tbl week at ardaou&apos;i. ^ The Kioto i* the first of Canadian newspskpert to adopt permanently the &apos; there, tew Edison system of incandescent else- j vl trie lighting, uf which it isy*; "The iicandescent light can be substituted with safety, with economy, and with W* 4o avot M S w* tell you that the taint of scrofula is in your blood. Inherited or acquired, it is Aver&apos;s Haruparilla alone will icaU&apos; it. ireat advantage to the health and eye- sight . f the persons who hare under it." to work "Onprey wv" A corresiKindent Hi^rnng himself 11 Strani:*T," wnU-s us a letter in which he telU of two young men who went from Osprey Township to the "shanties." At Stayner the young men got on s &apos; bend- -Mr. J. H. Cam(iaigno, Flesherton Station, primuses to give u* another I r - &apos; &apos; Pnduig their hard earned savings &apos; deer " item ahortly. The doer* ought &apos; in itu> mo * t Uri h nner. One of them to be warned before Jack starts out on ths ; became very sick in consequence, and was war-path, or they&apos;ll be exterminated sure, R 1 ** 1 to continue his journoy after dinner ; and wo would be sorry to see them all th " ther K &apos; hi " *" b * dl y >. Th*7 Uughtored befi>r* the season is ovr. It &apos; tunu d home in three weeks, but it ia uld interfere with the sport of our &apos; * <1 *> 8" **** * "Stranger" itln-r hunters. hopes they will do bettor this time. He Largest c*h purchaser of dvi^ people to go past &apos;-thc*s places" foods in any hue on Saturday at > *" d k P &" uljr<a m their pookets, in iichardon&apos;8 clearing sale will receive * < l f spending what they have ; and prize of hunJxoiue Clock. A new paper to hand the Reprttm- teMve, published in Mount Forest, by Mr. &apos;. A. Lambert. It is the saine siae and nn as the (/Mt/Uwifc, published in the same place. The initial number of the is a model of neatness ty- ii;r:i| -hii-ally, while a glance over the lo- cal ami editorial columns show must on- lusivnly thai a master hand is "at the lelni." RICHARDSON&apos;S HALE COM- VIKNCES tO-JJAY, THURSDAY. -Somii of . ..- neighboring farmers isve, during winter, brought in some fine (nniplo Loaf brand) at 80 cents pcr|P" rlt *> Market, but the best average yst nitde is that of Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Kmghainpton, who *n Monday brought iu ten hogs, weighing a total nf 3, 439 Ibs., or an average of aliout 344 IKs. uach. This line lot of pork was Umght by C. Step- hem & Co., who also purchased at the same time tan In .&apos;- from Mr. 8am. Tay- lor, weighing 2433 Ibs. CoUinqwovtl K,\ ttrjirite. HLANKET8 AT LESS THAN MILL PRICES AT KICHARDBON&apos;S. foot, usually sold at 91.00 per foot at R. THIMBLE&apos;S. A very vivacious young lady was on hoard a south bound C. P. R. train one evening last week. She seemed to be well acquainted with the brakesmen and hotel porters that is, if secret grips and an exchange of sweet looks is any criter- ion. For Sale- One bay Marc, in foal, warranted sound. Cheap for caflh or on time on approved paper. Apply to R. TRIUBLE. Speaking of THB Anvaxri, Mr. John Hurlburt, a well-known and esteemed Euphrasin ratepayer, says ; "I alwsysad- niired the free and imli-]>i-mlent stand you took, especially in politic* and temper- ance." to those possessing A fifty acre farm, he says, " stick to it and bear the name of a respectable inossback rather than a shan- ty man." Of coune we suppress names. BT looking it the quotations of the Vir- ginia tobacco markets it will b* found that the highest pneo paid (or &apos;tiller*&apos; which is the toliscco which form* the body ef the plug very closely corresponds with the in- voiced prifte u( tobacco leaf imported into Ontario. An over four-fifths of all the leaf imported into the proTinen it for "Myrtle Navy" itock, thin fact ii official proof of tb* claim that the "Myrtl* Navy" is made of the rim -t Virginia leaf. We nurret mo*t itiiicerely t* announce the death of Miss Witt . of this village. The sad event oecurrcd yesterday, but wu not unexpected. Shu has been a great O&apos;Donoran RoM*n Shot ! On Monday evening lust as the notor- ious O&apos;Donovan Knsiin \VIM walking along one of the streets in New York city, a handsome young widow sti-pped up to him and, drawing a small revolver, cooly fired five shots at him only one of which took effect, lodging undor the shoulder Wade of hii arm. O&apos;Rossn wnlkod all the way to the hospital, when it was disooverod that the wound was not a dangerous one. The wumaii was promptly arrested and brought Ui tlm p ,luv itaUun. whore she MV kr. aaiue as Dudley, Hot long out from England. Hur Uiuiiig wai firm and dignified throughout. O&apos;Rossa asserts that slm ia the kuw) uf the English (iov- ertiinont aunt .- *, asuMiuate him. THE aiWS 0? WORMS-we well. I them, RlaUUAJIL* RUTOaMTMSJ. Mrs. AJflsi Jt> O&apos;Briso, of Buffalo, N. T., was givsn ap to dl by hr physicians, as mtmnlle with C, n umpUon, it proved LJTCT Complain&apos;, anil was orsd with Rardoek Bluod Bitters. W nferd Koad. From om CvmtponJtn Stormy weather : roads badly up. Miss A. Buchana* has returned h<.ine from Hamilton whete she has U .-n visit- ing friends for sums time past. Mr. G. Truman has rented Mr. J. C. Buchanan&apos;s farm. -Mr. R. Thompson, jr., ha* sold his farm and i* going to live in the vaJlry where be ha* purchased Mr. Bannennan&apos;i farm. The "beautiful snow " has had a ten- dency to make thing* lively around the Eclipse saw mill, and Unobliging proprie- tor is consequently in his Ut humor. The Sal.r*th School affair is still in a very unsettled sUU. The chasm is get- ting wider and will soon need a suspen- sion bri&apos;ife to connect both sides. A DOCSLJH ftJBros*. Unpopular rem*>v, lUfrrard&apos;i Yellow Oil, is used both mUruslly snd ittraally, for sehss, pain*, eoldc. croup, rhcumatiim, deafness and diseases of an inflammatory nature. AVER&apos;S Cheny Pectoral. Nb IBr cmnpUInu sra su losMlov to iVr Stuck u th.*-. ftr.-imf a.tbr,.! ,,.| ; H((: DOE. u-IHfl w, th by the najoril ; cl *Tt r- n. Tb ordinary cough or oU. m t:i perhaps from a trU&apos;.nf or WWIWCK m n- poran. Is otVu bt tlw Ujlnuiuj a I.ul lokMss. Area&apos;s cnrur 1-1.1 1- * IL Ln wU profa lu Aay In s (ertj jtmn IIL: with throM and |UM ( dlMMM, sa4 slwuld I* " la all CUM wtthuut Jclaf. A 1 . . ri&apos; i.. ., c i, Carwl. "InlMi I t.Kik *w>titl, which !&apos; Ii I my lutin. 1 b*.l K t< rrlbl*Mfh.ii ! !.. I nljrM Ylr milil with, ul lwf. &apos;l L. ,. . . (moon.? ip 1 tnl Avts-sCasmit li<- r.inu., .uicli nllTd mj !>. nii r..| sl*|.. and ff,.nlrd nw th rwt ir.rMnty lor tlio rwKTrry of HIT ilrn.jxh B IL f "HI Illlml !! of Ul* PFl H AL , IK-HI mro n> ,!T<trO I Uu lu. i: > i .\ Hi, SSlS li<l br.rlr. |>,I (HI - i, \ t., Julj i;,. \,,j. Crnmp - A M,,lhrr&apos;. Trll .,.,. In the rountry lul *h 1. r n y }i\fi .jnanaU.wssiasm IIIM, It M-MinU u If IK. KOUhl ill* I:,,.. , Utloii. ! ..i th f.nillj iufjf.le.1 i ),> * of AltM- I&apos;lH.liijj PutulCiL, > W-ll., >f l.iel, wu .uy. krpt l U kSBM, 1 1 i WM trl,l in .mall i,.l fr,,,n,t J. .*... i.J to our iWlfbt in lr tliau half an I ur lL lltllo iwlirm WM kr< athin unly ! &apos; r ,lor- U&apos;r ui. I tUal IU< Clll.HBT Pi. nm: UaJ orc.1 H.T ibrlli.d&apos;n llfr. fan yon . wujrathttdr kinreraly Mn r&apos;Mi in -.xnr." \ " 1 hac -iw.i A\vn&apos; CnrniiY l&apos;i in-. In my famnv i . ..in..] \,!. .,,; Lr.ltaW to |>r..i,,.uiir It ill- l...t ,n, I.K| f ur cotl(li ami *ol,:i !,., , t . r - .... . UU fry.tal, Mian.. March 1. . " I ioltrp,l f..r rlfhl ypan from Pr< nrl.h , SMS/Mr try lug M.:I. r ..... ,!i. .-,i. MM, I wmruitl y tlw uiipf AH&apos;> i .. BY PK. r..mi. .lixri-u WALUa.N." DyLalu. Mlai.. April 1, USH. " I <>!" MT cnoufh In pralM < f Arm taf I <!.. ikai * ilnc. hate I <!.. nc. hate ilit I&apos;RAOUOS." noufh CHKHMV I&apos;M rosu L, sUtv bul t-i IK > 1 nkouM ton* i fruin lung iniuhlw F. 1&apos;ale.mit, I ,-i*., April , lei. No *SM of an affection of the threat , r )in t mu which cannot b* fTMtljr rclicv.,1 by il... UM of AVIB-S CHCBJIV PIXTOBAI. sod It will n/iro,, , W hro ths discs&apos; J not alrudjr boroud tb. control uf aieJicm*. I--BKIMBB* V Dr. J.C.Ay.r* Co., Lowell, Mil*, OM H Sll ] N J

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