Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1884, p. 8

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n ' A T V BEARD'S Waggons, Manufactured at Flesher- A !> r\-<! 1C. l>ul. . Ion. are-the C mapest, as nothing but good wood is ued in them. They are strongly ironed, runs easy unfl well Tan.:. 1 KanueiH an,! others wanting the Cheapest and Hest WagKou will do wel) to examine the ma- terial earvfully. HEAHD'8 Waggons are warranted for 3 years, aud sold at very low prices. No 1 r.fi'^lit ' ; - <; ..... Hox, Kpring Seat. Neckyoke aud Whiffletrees *1 500 i for cash .............................. 6U.UO I Uaiiufdriim r .if llufujies, Democrat!*, Wagou8, Cutters, Sluighs, Iron Harrows, and Agent for JOHK H. HEARD, Fleshertcn. Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let, In the Township of Arteinesia, in the Ci.uuty of Un-y. 4 miles from Fleshertoo Station, Hi- ' nmdian I'licinc Railway. The Mill i* situated ut Little Falls, iu a block of about 400 iv'i < Timber Laud, with other timber land surrounding. The building is sub- Ktentiolly 1 -rlt on stone foundation. The machinery in all good ind driven with frret pi>wer ty I .':i inch Leffcl wheel, under 86 feet head of water. There are 1 Large Circular Saw for eiitt'nir IORS ; 2 Small Circulars for sawing Laths and Hroom Handles ; 1 Ullage l.j.J, ,, f r.rootu HindlflH.&c.; 1 Shingle Machine ith Jointer and Packer com- [>let> Tli. \Viit. -r-i'ower is excellent, the stream beius very regular. There are several ** u ' M ' 11 s on the p"" rt y- Tbo Una iu ""*, vaHe - v , i c : d r d . the b ' sl ' , thi . effect . .. Not ,, lllVi ,,,, ni ,,,tia,i the Matlry. The rrf.ce would mak an e^llent Stock Farm when the timber taken off ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - ( . ^ ^^ ^ A c.irrespoiidertsei.d tbi't'.'i'twins j supplement to our ar- if It- <m this) subject j a few weeks ago ; " When the Kev. Miv Kobinsou first occupied tlie pulpit of 'h* ( baptist meeting at (';unbndi,'e he wusex- |... .-.1 to annoyances from the younger gownsmen. They inclined no danger of rustication, being put out of fiziiij{*V or even suffering an imposition, for irreg- ularities of that kind, lie succeeded however, in the course of a few years in affecting a change, uid, Jfr. Dyer says, became popular with a l:ir^' cl'iss. It was soon after his settlement there wuu a wager arose among a party of undergrad- uates. One of them w;ii;.T*d thut he would take hi* station on the steps of the pulpit, with a large car-trumpet in his hand, and remain there until the end of tlie service. Accordingly, he mounted the steps, put ths trumpet t.) his ear, and played '.lie part tt a deaf man with all possible gravity. His friends were in the aisle below, tittering ut tlie hoax ; the congregation were scandalised : tint the preiicher alonu Hteinvd insensible to what HUH going on. The Kurim-n was on mercy or whatever the subject might have l>eeu at first, in due time it soon turned to that, and the preacher proceeded to A MARVELOUS STORK tOLD III TWO LETTERS. riRJMTHESON:" 28 ^ 81 -^ FLKKHKHTOX STATION P.O., OST. Tbi- ' -* a (!oc>d opportnnitv for a practienl, enor-etic man to go into this kind of 1 Irie " U8 ' do " l1 "-' " lt ' rc y ~ place will be sold .r let on FAVOBAHLK TKHMS. The buih is so cou- the most enormous ol criminals, so that v*,ieut to tl Mill, logs can betruckfd in summer time. Immediate possession given. ", however guilty, may not, i A P ,.!vt the proprietor, penitent, be parbk.-ra of the divine 1 ' ' ' - ' ' grace, but aUo there are none so low, BO menu, c worthies, :is not to l>p objecta of God's fatherly solicitude and care. Indeed , I do hope that it may one day he extended to "and then leaning over the pulpit, he stretched out his arm to its utmost length, and placing it on the head of the g'twmmian, finished his sen- tence " to this silly boy !'' The wager was lost for the trumpet fell and tb dis- comfited slriphug bolted. FLESHBRTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, Uenltemm- My l.-.tlier rcsUM at Olurer, Vt. lie hai bevu a gn:\l xulfcrur from Strut- i. .->. and UielucloscU later will tell you what a marTlotu olluct Ayer's Sarsaparilla liu bad In his case. I think bli blood rauct hare contained the Iminor {or at least tea yean ; but It did not show, except In tun form of a *crof nloai sore ou the wrul, until about five yean ago. From a few spot* vtiich ap- rvarod at that time, it gradually inroad so HI to eorer nu entire bodj. 1 asi'n> you he was terribly JMcuxl. and ail object of pity, when he began using yuur medicine. Jow, tbere a:o few men of hi* A^e who enjoy asgotxl health 00 he baa. 1 couM easily name liuv pcriuus who would testify u> the fact* In Ui case. Youri truly, W. M. PB1LUP3." FROM THE FATHER : a duty for me to state to you Ui hare derlred from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sli monthi ago 1 was completely forcred with t. terrible humor ami ncruf uloui toree. Tlio humor caused an lncsant and Intolerable Itching, and the kkln cracked so M to ciosa the blood to flow in many places whenever 1 moTfld. My sufferings w.-re (jreat, and ray life a burden. 1 ...... > t> 'Jae of tbo SiaPAii.i.A lu A ,*il Ust, ami h.e uwJ It rejrularly n: .- : II lima. Tly eond'.lioa l.^pllll t" illi;' 1 "'.'- :.t ..I. '. 'j 1 .- <rc LlftlO ill hea',.xl. sud 1 f.-< 1 i .-ftetly 3ll in every oti>t beii.. . . 1 . . j worU.n!M:on;' < :.^e. Muny iiifiui.'O -. h*tl i .. i. c-ur<> ! ! I tell tlirni. ai I L.-I.T Lore trUJl.jtell j'U, i I.A. til^r, Vt., CM!. NRW ADVEKTISEMKNTS. F *RM TO RENT. OK FOR SALi: A t,'..ni, Ffrriii, situated o t t.il. 10, I.ot :ih, in t)"- 'I "UiMlip i>f ArteiufHas '1 in-i . rw*. or iiU'iit. iH) HCIV* cleturtid, with f<-iu'f., spring (n.'i'k : i-xt-dli-nt noi), ver> - workH To lx-tx-1 i at MI iK-urly half HH TIiiH-ni'vi*!! If inoht of |>a\UMints Apjtly uuderiKiiud, I it-slirti>n I'ohl-Otlice \V. EK Oct. Utb, JKH4. J. W. BATES, and Furniture J)cnlcr Undertaker, KI.KSHKUTON. ALL KINDS iF Marble d '//:;,::, Such us Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstone* Counter and Table Tops in American and Italian Marble und Granite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Marbleized Slate, &c., &o. Fletherton, Aug. 110, 1883. ATT.R'J SABS.'.-'.-'Ma curei Erro:u!i ar.tl til h- r.,fuio ^ c.j.1.) l.i.ui , Ilrytip* ela*. i:<-'nr, I'.iujuorm, lilatclics, Korea, Dolls, Turuors, ami KrupLious of the bkln. It clears tho blood of all Impu- r.t.cs, aids digestion, stimulates Ue nation of the bowels, and thus restores vitality anil the whole system. Money to Loan. At C\ Per < ^h-.n-jltt Lm*. WITH Inti-t-fxt i-aid yerl), not in advantM. Mo OOBiinisaiuii charged. Afply to v I.KIM:. ..tocMti I:T. YELLOW OIL iCURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S . WORM POWDERS. Are pleaaont to tako. Contain their own PoTRiiUve. It a aata, sore, and Cfecru/ r t worms in Children or Ad* ZDO A I'KKrrcr BsWCTT. 1'erfcct beauty is only attained by pure blood and coo.l bralth. Tbet-e iu|iiiri'iuvnts give Hie possessor a pleasant espie xitui, t> fair clear nKin un.l tlie i..sy liloom of hallb. BurJ.M'k Itl.iod Hit- tem )iurify tlie blood and toue the K.M-ttm to u healthy action. GET YOUR Fall & Winter nothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Fhsfeerton Tailor. HEALTH FOR ALL HaLfcOWAY'S PILLS &OINTMENT il. 4. It. During the war between France and <; Tin.-uiv tin re wns a certain company of raw Uerman recruit* marching rapidjy to the front. Their way to the outpost led along a French road which stretched over roliiui; country that was ...at, .1 here and there with clumps of trees. At a turning they saw ahead of them a Krove, which grow about a hundred yards u the left of their path, but they were unaware that in its midst n squad of cavalrv wa lyiug FREFAUD BT , Dr. J.C. Ayer 4 Co. , Lowell, Mas. old by all Druggists; II, six bottle* for * Grip's Canadian Gallery. Fllll fimirr I'.ilr.u: -. in 4'olurs. : of I'ruiuliii'iii <'anaillnti-> Clvrn away io ull tli<* ^iiiiscriln-rN to Grip. So. 1. KT. HOT SIK JOHN A- MAC- DOSALU. was isnr.l AngnM 2n<l. 1881. No. 2- HON. OUVKR" MOW AT. wa* is- M. d S|d.-liil...| 'Ji >t M. IN- | No. H. HON. KDVVAHK U1AKK, ws is- mifd i ) tober IMh, 1 -.-I No. 4. MB. W. U MKKEIUTH. Will be ismietl NoTemlwr No. :,. HON, H. MKIU'IKU. will bo it- Mi.'.l DecrnilH-r 2Oth. !<- NO . HON. j. NoiiyrAY, -iii \> is. MI,. I Jdunary 17tli, 1-".'> No. 7. HOX. Silt H L. I.ANCiKVIN, will be issued K-br.iarv 14th. IH.-S. '}" Thftr jMtri ,ir<- ;irn.f. iu ambush. As the company (jot abreast \Jlnf jJ'il' /i/" r, (tnil icill I printr.l in <;J,,r>. of the limber the ^iii/rillai opened a scat- tering fire on their Hank. It wa the tirt time that the recruit* hnd heard bullets singini> uver their head*, and moruovrr, they had no idea Uiat the en* einy was within tivo miles of them, so they were uncertain how to regard this demonstration. The H(]iial halted, un- determined what to do ; and one big (Jerninn, ufter putting his hands in hi* mouth trumpet fashion, L.iiiid tmvard the trees, " Stoh shoodini;," and then turning excitedly to the cfticer in cotn- iu:iii.l, exclaimed, " Ach lliimin-1 ' What dey aboud ? Don't dev know c?ey F here ?" munthly tn <nir tuliie.riliei a, fret In these iketelieh uu effort Umatle to hit .fl not only tlie facile erproKHion, but thoi,vii- eml figure an well, n.ch sulijeot In ing i;iTen in some charaoterintic pose. WLerevrr pos- iiible the drawing will b made fnni life, o as to ensure sn-ar:iry in tin M' nspects. At the iia'ne time a utaid matter-oM ict portrait is not aimed ut, Mil tint far in.,r ntlrnotive and ituique tiling H. 1.1. irrm i-n.l.ru. ni|. r Fiamlnethc LISTS OF "FAMU Foi SALE" AND "FAMM DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL TUB MAIL tiMtMCtNM Tkr Km-ociilird Nrdlim r*r Pansi .. iti.. in. ui f r>f them tlutn all oil blMd. AmTRTISFMENTS of "linn, lot Sd"u>d s t .Hk"of "SMd *nSfc"ot "WinMd k '1 Kl-Y MAll..>tt'<l nlMC - .. - '. prr wod f* * tmirrtmu, of Ml 14*. i / **f *!/ nmO txn "ord uck u THI* A.U!t- THE MAIL Tmnlr. EUGENIA <JHst Mill, SATf d liih Mill. HHV nc made f\.tfi,^r.. improvement* III ui> UrUi Hill, 1 4ru eunfli)*al I can trivo #] THE PILLS I'urlfv Uu- HlcxHi, tonnct all Disordnrn nf tbo a,ncl C :< >\\ - 1^. . Tluy iM.:tMiaten I rtiRtoru to h.-altli Ili-liilitat.'d ('oii^titutiiuiH. and are invaluahlo In all Com- ].].un . , ni.-i.luntal to Kujii.iU-h >f all AKUH. For Children and th.: ly-'ed they are iiriccluHfl THE OINTMENT li an Infallible remoly for Ha<l I^. Kud Hreants. did Wnun.K Sorei anil L'lcers. It in fanioux for ii.i.it an I Itli.Mimatixm. For disorderH of the die -t it lian no equal. For SO HI': THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS (ilaii l-ilar Swolliugn, aud all Skin nixiamH it liaa no rival . and for contracted and still joints It acts like it charm F.annfartured only at Professor UOM.OWAY'S Riitalilishineut, 78. Xrw Oxford Street ( lte :. Oxford Slrort ). London, a.l arc sold at Is. IJd., 8. Od.. 4* M., lls., 22s.. and :ttn. each llo\ or Put, and may be had of all Modi cin Vendors throughout the World. The Miii{l"ii"Ht!h Uazrttr ay a gold- tiHh globe fell out <f A two-story window aud struck the ground without spilling water or fish, or breaking the globe. A rival rditor exclaims : fi'itin Slushponil, whenever a gold-fish globe f:ill, the ^'.ihl- liih n h\ ays jump nut. catch t he f;lobetui(l*t it In k ou tho tnble \vith'>ut i*pilling n druji. " " Fine morning, your worship," affably n ni:irked tin.- man who had bctn ai-reat.- ed the night before for bein^ ilrm.k nnd disorderly. 1>8 inilrcd," rimjion'lcd the justice ; "quite n fine morning in fact, a t en .'lulling fine mornini;." LIKEIIIss. i:,i.'b |u.ltr:iit l l."| by H brief l.ii.nr,i],lii.'.il notice written in a spirit to rorresp.'iid with the | ictur*. When we call npou ('utiiuliiiim to KNcnrn- AOK thin pnU-rprisf we are after n'l not wtk- li.g them to i.o unytlmiK vast. Thi-y ttlrraily have in (>uir Rtmnduiit valui: for 9*2 |T au- num, and an 1ms born ulready stati-d theOi - LKUT, WIIlc'll Al.'iXI ISWi'IiTII miHK THAI THE Aoi'!T of friih. iiii'Tiux, in il ln:c (.'" All we rei|tiWit tlicn for. is tbiit llio-.ii vlio are not already upon our list shall sriisruitir. )..r (inir. We .!i (line to urguo an to whether ?2 per jvnr ran 1 . spent in any InttiT way in- tcllectual'y. T)IITI. is in. qnci.ti.>n to urpie. The int<'llii;( nt i-iti/.L ..f < 'uiia.l.i who has that amount yt>Kr to iu vent for his men- tal pleasure in:i\ tuki our vor.l on tills point, he ill ceitiiinly lind imthinK to buy for the money \\hicli will be so h:\tMaclory as a rocelpt for a siili.scription CHOPPING (. .. .1 F'..MI1 JAT on liuud. Custom Sawing and Bills fille.l . n the sli..rt.-t iintico. U In r ninl I.nth iilwn.vx on liami. Cash Paid for WHEAT & OATS. M. AKITT, IOOBKU The Dcminion Orsasi and Piano Co, Try Grip for 1885, only $2.00. Pay I'p Those in arrtiaraite ro THE ADVANI-K arc politely asked to cheer tlie heart of the editor with t!iu dollarn :m.i dimes at mi i .11 ly u date AS pussibl". It is needless to say we need money oc.'ii-ioiially. fir- 7'tirr/i M.TI ihinild link U ihf /,.// 111 thr Put* niui Doj-ct. 5,1.1, Orford XircA, Loivlim, tliry art If tlit ail<lrcu it not The Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. Jnmrn Krftylrr, Haniilt.<u. sny : "I read thff textimi'iiiiilH for Mc<ir<xui's Spuxlj Cure and found that 1 had not to KO to New York, Philadelphia, I .oiiiM.nm, or Texas to find h v liu; witneKMiK its value, ve have plenty of pein.iis ri|!lit iii-re to |ir..v,. itn nieritu I got a bottle ami it helped in" ri^'lit iiway. I was an bad witli Uiliuus F.^u mid Iudif(estiou s>n 1 think liny ou could b, I bare taken three li.ittlex mi. I HIM nearly well and can eat any kiud of food without it hurting me. I may KXV that I am better than I ever expected to I.-. J'.r. trial Imtile. it Iticbaidtuu'k l>.ug (;RIP Just What's Wanted, MK. lil'ln s\v.\vroNS IlI.iKUi lill-IIUKti BUXIHIBB lr will b i pson of I.SM ,,- L i., : i ::, K T. ,( s n Art. n ThU lionr wns pi.r. IIIH..H frnm th<i far riuncii Canartiau SUM -k-mm-n.. .;. i . SIM. 11 ,1. I'.ro. I.. I niontoii, mi. I liiiit H pu'ii^rt u i xl.ili.nn^ into lb- Hritih. Hriti-1. Am.iicau an.l t'uite.l State Hi.nl bookl TEKM8,-*1 CO. Kt in.... of service. OKO. HWANTON, NOT. 10. i- - 1 1 lehertou P.O. AGENTS; i.t lient bnnk ev.-r i price. Tlie f wanted lor TTin UTUR of II til.' l'lVi.llts l.f till. . Th..|rKi .sLhaiidHoin for luiu than twicu our lx>ok in Am.'ricii, 1m S* profits to ocont. All Intelligent want It. Any OIK. r*n l>r<ronin a lUOMSIsfv] afltillt Term* frw.'HAi-i.r.iT HOOK Co, Portland, Main. A PRIZE. Send nix cciitn for |>ot- ^'.'. and roceivu free, a DOI I !} In. x of "nod whieli will h*.lp yon t. way tlmu anytlituR iilmt 111 HtlX, Htl< IM..1 frollllil-Kl more moiitiv n: tbis world "All, . hour. Th.i I'roit'l road Iu f.irtmif<>].o>iH bcfori* the wnrkern, al>.ilntuly ure.. At ouco nI-lroHs, THI-I-: A Co., Auguita, Malno. 1 l.is the Ian/. 'si and rnont complete factory In thr I>uiiiiiii.in--1,'xl6A. S'.(lt Soson ifir awsrdtd to iy Uiiir la ta< tftli Mwlal and iil|i|nmi ut r.MibTitilal. int. M*d>lsn<1 mmnnisM Sydney, AumrHli, tT7. old Mrdm HI l'n.> liirlul l.lill,ltli)U. 'Uronlw. ICM. warai at InduitrUI KxJilbltion, TorooMi, w Ann xow Mix SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. IIKT IN Tin MAMICST. Carropondrll.-r Sollcllcil. Rend for lUuit rut.'J lut al.iK""-. mallH f n -. Aildraw OIIOAN AND PI AKO OQKPAKT. !' m v . ii i.r. list. -- ^- f

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