Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1884, p. 7

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* 4' A - I ' l>\ "I I.I 4 l>- I Hrrr amd .hn>lli Allm< lln> ol ""> .minium nl Mu.. ..in Ooe ot the moBt ghastly sights in Munich ia to be witnessed in tba Anatomical museum, on Hohiller stranse. It oouHistn of the head* of person* who nave been guillotined in Bavaria for a good many yearn buck. I dropped into the museum yesterday aud pud (or my prurient curiosity by tue los* of my appetite (or tbe rent of ttie day. The museum ooutaiua good many attrao tiouB, but these heads are tbe great drawing 3ard. Nothing is said about them in tbe guide-book*, and HO tbe average touriit goes aud oomeH without tbe slightest BUitpioiou tbat BO remarkable a spectacle it t j be teeu for a vary email fee. Tbe bead* ID question are juit iuaiJe of tbe d >or, to tbe right a* yoa eoter. Tuy are inclosed in row* of gla jari filled with aloobol. Tbere are beveu iu a single row wbioh are mad* more oonspiououe than tbe reel, for tbe reason. I auppoae, tbat tbey are Aonvenira of criminals wbo attempted some extraordinarily aadaeioDS tiling, and there- fore became specially celebrated. Tbe eyes wore all closed, aud tbe faoes expree monies I looked in vain for any tbat bespoke still, by facial dutortion, tbe agony of dread wbiob must bare im-p.red tbe victim as be approached tbe instrument of bis deatb. Nut a few wore muttaobes, but none beards ; from wbiob I infer tbat it is Quaternary to ibave tbe chin before execu- tion. Tbe eyei of over half the beads bad been eut out. AD elimination of tbe places wbere tbe neck bad been severed revealed skilful work OQ tbe part of the machine, as a rule. Bone were a* neatly out as an apple that yon halve to divide witb a friend. Ooe bead bad evidently belonged to a mao witb a short uook, as tbe amputation bad taken plaee DO clone to* tbe obin as to almost pare off ttf under surface. A few necks were very ragged whare tbe knife bad struck, a though too machine bad bungled -neoemu- tatiDg more than one stroke. Tbe beads of p-iKonery executed in Bavaria are than publicly preserved, for (be warning of tb j wbo are disposed to be similarly lawless and tbe bodies are turned over i> tbe medical stu- dents (or dissection. Tbe anatomical collection contained many otlur remarkable attractions. Tbere were shelves loaded down witn ukulls aud dried beads. The various organs of the body were preserved accord- ing to several methods, some specimens beiux preserved in alcohol, others dried, picklea, eto. Tbe odor was by no means avory. or else, my imagination is too vivid. There wore giant auks Ailed witb aloobol containing nearly full-length sections ot the body, sawed and split so as to illustrate Ibs faooliooa of all the myriad organs. Tbere were dried bodies intact, bung up as skeletons are utually bung. Tbere were also all sorts of malformations and mon- MtositiespreMDted in bottlee and glass retorts. TTIS assortment of infant* witb an extra number o( beads, arms or leg* was comprehensive. A seriee of jar* ooutained beads of individuals bo had evidently met with violent acci- dental deaths, as their cracked skulls or manned countenances implied, ID fact, tbe place was such a repository of horrors tbat I hurried from it with a feeling that I bad been following some invUibl* olspbistopbeles into the infernal regions by special permit. Cor. A'aiuui City Journal. !! II I- ri I. lo b, IB III*. Tbeijaeetion has been often asked : " How do soldiers feel when iu battle ? " aud it is on* ditlioult to aniwer. A long experience among* veterans in tba rank* leal* tbe writer to believe ttiat tbe emotion experienced in goiug undei fire is much tbe same with all men. To tbe raw recruit th crash of small arms and the roar of oaoDon were simply appalling; be felt that be was goiug forward to certain deatb. With pale cheeks and clenched teeth be held his place, determined to do his diry an beet be migut. If very much excited be loaded bis niUiKei, aud, forgetting to put on tbe neoesoary percussion cap, went tbrouuh tbe motion of firing, only to ram a fresb cartridge on tbe tup of tbe first one, when, for tbe Urt time using a cap, be was HjojDtiueutly knocked down by the tremendous reooil ot bis gun, and believed he was badly woundsd. Instances are known wbere muskets bave been found on battle-fldld* containing six or seven aartridge*. Finally, tbe green soldier dm- oovers tbat be is not hurt, aud that every- body doe* not get killed in an engagement, eo be riiaiui oouu<ieuo* and ptsats success fully through bi 6*4 I ism of ore. To t v je veteran it is far did -rent. He known too well tbat every ba.tle reduces tbe average obauoe of hit esoue, yet so babituated does be become to rattling fusi- lades and desperate charges, be scarcely heedi tbe danger vunouudiog him. Tbe shnsk of tbe shells over bit heal, the bu//. of tbe bullets past bis ear, are now familiar souaris, aud, trusting lo tbe chances of war, the infantryman Dree rapidly with bin musket or tbe artilleryman calmly ram* home another charge of grape and canister as bis battery opens at clone range on an advancing body of tbe enemy. All men ars naturally afraid of daatb, but tbe trained and experienced soldier learns to keep down that (ear, aud nonchalantly do whatever IB required of him. George V. tritium*. ^_______^_ The Prince ot Wales attained his 43rd ysar yesterday. His birthday was publicly calibrated on Saturday, wben tbe usual royal salute was fired. Tbe Guards went through the ceremony of trooping the colors, which attracted a large crowd of spectator* to Hyde Park, and at night a large number of handsome illumination* were displayed in the city. Tbe Nun of Kenmare, wbo wa* com- pelled to turn back from ber mission to America by Ihs seaeiokue** of Ulster Evan gelista, resumed ber jouru*y yea'erday. taking ptcsag* on the Alaska at Queens- town. Caoou Monaban is already on his way to Nsw York, and it is hoped tbat a large sum nay be collected In America to aid tbe Nasarme Sisters in their work of earing for orphans snd semi-orphaned ohiiJren. In tbe B'i'iih House of Commons Lord dmond r''Utnaunu. Under-Soorttary of Btte tor Foreign Affaire, stated tbat Mciloo ratified the agreement in regard to the convention of tbe Mexican debt made 'D Kugland on October 28th. t I < I !> llr I I IM von r 01 ihr .rri Hu mm Wogrrrd New Ym-kcro. Lumping all tbe money that has been bet in this city on geneial aud particular results of the elections, tbe amount will not (all far short of 82,000,000. Most of it IB iu the hands of stakeholders, or deposited in bank in the 1 form uf oeriidea olicqaen. At Kslly ,v BlisV, in Twenty-eighth street, tbe oasber said tbat they were holding 1200.000. which had been bet it varying amount* from vlOO up to 110,000. They would not py out any of the money until after the official count. Among the heaviest bitters during tbe campaign was Major Shauguessy, of Montana, formerly Sheriff in tbat Territory, lit has bet at various times at the Hoffman lluiue sums aggregating JSO.OOO, all on Blame. He will probably be one of the heaviest losers iu in tb* sporting fraternity. William Wise. o( Harper's, has bet altogether tVC.OOO on Cleveland. While he will be a general winner he will lose some of bis more reck lei* bet*, among which are several of SI, 000 to :. 000 that Cleveland would have 100,000 majority in this State. Mr. Kelly, ot Kelly it Blia*, i*aid to bave bet $50.000 on lilaine. S. Y. White, the broker, belter known as Deacon White, is said lo bave bet tuO.OOO on Blaine, wbiob it. tbe largest amount any individual has staked on tbe result. Jay G inli made three bets of 15,000 eaon tbe Saturday b*fjr election, all on Blaiue. He us-, bepides, bet about SIS 000 on tbe tatooed knight aud must uow add 130,000 to tbe general louses lie has kuitaiued by t ie defeat of hi* (avorile candidate. His part o*r, Wash Connor, lonen 80 000, vrinou be had bet through hi* brother. Jams* D tiiuitb, a broker, also loses 16,000 ou Blaiue.-.V. Y. World. li l.rl I < A in. Hern Tb* star* aid strip js floated last night fr iin every point ou the outaide of the Ddtnoaratio National liaadijuartera where it was possible to stick a flsg. Betide the pjrlioo a bi* placard portrayed the down- (all of tbe Kwpublioau party. Between the brilliantly lighted windows a bit of canvas tl jated, witb the legend, ' Wo'io (iH Kill! ' Hundreds of men men banked tbe side walka opposite tbe snapping flags ami whooped things up for Cleveland. Hun- dreds ot other Democrat* jammed the parlor*. Tiny brooma protruded from their coat lapels, Cleveland pasteboard spectacles bung on their uoses, aud little feathered rooster* adorned their bats. Kvery man had a tin horn inside hi* coat wben b* oauie ia. With one accord they swung their bats iu air, and yelled, Throe rboert for Now Vurk ttuuray Jor Clevolaud : Then each man jerked out a horn, glued his month to it, aud blew with all bis lung power uutil tba building rang as if rent by a contention of fog borne. Than they cheered for everything tbat came into their beads. It was humorously and tremen- dously infections. In half a minute both indoor* and out theae couplet* war* revar- beraiiug t\ dry wbere : Itah! Uiri! Hooray (or wr. W* v* hun JlaiBlauoon a aour apple tree! Hlaine ' lilaine ' Ob, wboro is Blaine ' Sick at bis sluinaeo Iu the Slate uf alamo ! Wii'-ipla: Wbuupla! Qrovar'sin, L)ou't yuu furifot it, Urovsr's iu ' Hoot, boot bout Jay Uuuld. Tbeuouple ( Uotbaui i-ao't b* fooled ' New Yfrk Sun oj Saturday. i.. i. ) .,.!.. The Ruperintendeut of tbe Toronto Tele- phone Exchange says iu au interview : " A part of our new apparatus will be a two* man p iwer gas engine, and it will be used for rather a novel purpose. People who ring up tba central office on the average of to or three dc/m times a dty probably may not tbiuk tbat there is severe manual labor in auNWermg tbe call of '.'00 such subscribers. Tbe right arm* of our lady operators are continually at work twirling the cranks of the electric belts, and they ctn tell you what sort of work it is. Thsy've all developed wonderful u. in their arms on tbe bead of it, but still it 11 fatiguing work and w* find tbat it can be done just as wsll by maob.nery. Tbe gas engine will supply the motive power for tbe running of those belli. All the operator will require to do to answer a call will be to press a button and tbe bell riugx." I i in h U >i> ip-lii s>r Hreli hMim. Say* tbe Waterloo Adirrtiicr. "Mr. White, wbo has juet been elected to tbe Local L^gixlature (or Megantic, is a shrewd, uitollig -in Sootobmao, just i i tbe prime of life, lie is a busiueis man and has strong common sens?. Thougu u t an orator Its is a good public speaker, aud will n > doubt be heard in the debates of the (louse. Mr. White, however, caunot speak French, and during the canvas* his opponent, Dr. Hume, bad the advantage of him in that renpect. Mr. While's French Liberal (riends, seeing that something bad to be done, got op a abort French speech for him which he commuted to memory Tbe delivery of this speech witb a pronounced Scotch accent i* said to have been one of the most humorous incidents of the oam- Enormous profit* are anticipated from tbe pearl fisheries in Lower California. While a freight train from Montreal on tbeC.PK. was entering on to tbe bridge across the Ottawa, about 10 o'clock yeeter- day morning, two oar* left tbe track. On* of them before tbe engine could be stopped was banging over tbe embankment into the water. Workmen were busily engaged all day, and at a late hour this evening got the line cleared for traffia. The reason of tbe cars leaving tbe track wa* due to a stick of timber wbiob got displaced from a loaded oar. Tbe supposed anioida at Montmorenoy, Qua., some weeks ago turns out only a humbug. The youug man Blanobet, It appears, had run heavily in debt, and pro- bably wishing toelude his creditor*, skipped over tbe line, taking with him JIHfl beloi g- Ing to his father, and leaving note* in hii hat, etc., beside Montrcorenov cataract to make out tbat he o immitted suicide. A young lady ia said to bave left witb him to share bis ill-gotten gtins. Tbe father of the deoamper is a man n( vsry limited means, and this loss ha* s.ffot*d him very mueli. He is too old to work, being 70 years of age. i i r . i . >, <- Tim i u i i i.t > i I o. I. 10 Br l.ni- b; ihr Blrnero I h.,.. ,. NOT. llh. New York Herald : Technically speak- ing tne Presideut ia not elected by tbe people and the people do not vote directly fur any presidential candidate. They oast tui-ir ballot* for elector*, aud these electors oboos* a President and a Vice President. I u each Bute tba number ot electors is tqual to tb* number of senators and repre- sentative*, which IbeJState has in Congreea. In New York there are HO eleotora. Each party ban au electoral ticket with tba names of thaae 30 electors printed on it. V Hers who wiab to vot* for Cleveland will oast their ballot* for Ibe Cleveland elect- oral ticket. Tb* electoral ticket which receives tbe greatest number of popular ballots in tbe Htate will be oboaen by the people, aud tbe electors named on it will be entitled to givt their votes f< r the candi- date whom they represent. Tba electors wbo are oboseu will meet in each Btate ou tbe first Wednesday in December and cast their votes for a Pre>idut and Vice- President. A* a matter of law tbey can then vote for whom they p'.ea-e. Tbey are not legally bound to vote for Cleveland or Blaiue or auy other person who was a can- didate before tbe px>[le. As a matter of usage and public trust tbey are expected to vote for tbe candidate whom thvy are pledged t) support. Certificate* of tbe votes oast by tbe elector* in eaob Btate are then made out and sent to Washington. These certificates will be opened in tbe 1-ret.euoe of the Beuat* and Bouse of Uepreeen|atheR and ocuutd on tbe second Wednesday in February. The t Hal num- ber ol electoral votes n 101. The oaudi date for Preaiden* rrctivn g a majority of theae, that ia, 201, will be declared President. If DO person has auoh mj iritv. then tbe election goes into tbe House of Keprewenla tivea, which ia required to eh<x *> a Presi dent from tbe persons (not exceeding three) who bave received tbe most electoral voten f <r Presideut Iu the House t'ue vote is by States, each S'ate having one votj. Humor* ol ihr < m|nn. 1 rum Haturda) N V >' ill Later in tbe dsy a solid phalanx of "-00 happy Democrat:* pissed the SUM cffije. ana, anoboriug n front of tbe Tn> u shouted iu oborut, like a crowd of college boys : Hlaine. Blaiue Wi- guvr I. 'u. a pain The (in, u ii.'i. cat liar 1- 1 iu Ui* butt uf Maine. II' ARI AU. iHKl-IATES? Then a big fellow in a tall silk bat inquired with stentorian tone*: "How's New York?" and (rom 500 throat* came the cry with unison, aud with tbe peculiar rbytumio cadence so familiar during the oauipaiga : Oh abe'iall rigl.r Uuw's luiliau* Ob tao'iall ntibt ' Hutt <'";. r,. cieut ' Oh -ib* all r.xni Catching sight of to* tlajr* on tbe i nbune building tbe crowd setup a shout of " Take down tbe Bates." Borne on* suggeeted tbat tbey should b* inverted a* a signs! of di*trt, aud tb* volatile crowd at onoe took up the couplet yelling : Nancy Hold, ron'vc i...|n a nieas Turu dowu tbo flag, > rn'ri- Iu iliitreas No answer onue (rom tbe tall tower and the twenty five p>lloemsn, and an omioou* placard both proclaimed " N > admittance." Tb* bulletin in (rout of the office at lo o'clock asesned to iuoei'se the crowd. It Tin 1 '' i'ir can fluil DO reaann > rhangif iu stliuai* uf ilie roault. nauielf, thai Ulalu* bao wou. The crowd, as *onn a* it a| |><ared, took up the cry, "Another Tri> n,' L'e, " aud alter yeiliug tbat over until tbey were tired drifted into: -T drover, IU i * ik OTIT A few mioutee later a new chorus wa* sung in answer to the couplet of the Blaiue men of Ma MI ..... if I" III' t< Hu'lM, Ha, lit, ha : ' i i* man act ride an electric light pole asked tbe question* and hundreds roared tbe answer*. Tb* i . >u!d i nm*r began with: lmy> up I'n-uJeuu ' i : i iptK tbo Bai'i< me Com. . lui in-had lllaint -KWP' , air o after ? Jay Uuulj: This usually *nd*d tb* lesson with a bowl that wan expre--ive. \SL .lay Win ,T. , \Su. A Tale ! ihr lira. St. Jaunt' Qautte Mr. 1'a Igbam, of Hx>dlaue Chambers, writes: "In tbe month of July lat a lady took a passage par steamer Ualicia ( >t Cadiz from London. Sbe bad an iufaut with her, but hardly auy luggage. She seemed much attached to the infant, but was very reserved iu her man- ner. Wben tbe vtasel wa* oft tb* Portu guese oosyst, near Lisbon, it encountered vsry rough weather, and a heavy sea wabed the poor thing overboard wben walking one morniug on iba after-deck, leaving tbe infant, a bright little boy, friendless. Tbe only clue to identity wa* tb* child'* linen being marked ' U. John- sou,' and a letter addressed ' Mrs. Johnson, 1'oat Resante, Cadiz, being found in tbe lady's bag. Tbs captain brought tbe child to London, wbsre it has been placed in the oar* of a ours* until some one may claim it. Every itquiiy bas been made at Cadiz, but no clue can be ascertained. Tbe lady was tall, fresh-colored, about '1* years of age, and well educated. Any oommnniaa- ti in will be gladly received by Mr. R. Pike, 1 New London strset, or by myself, a* I wa* a passenger ou board at the time. 1 ' Prof. Jon**, Superintendent of Schools, with another gentleman and five ladies entered a skiff upon au srtiti'ial lake at Mount Pleaaant, Iowa, on Saturday niaht. The boat capsized, and Prof. Jones, Ella Oarpsnter, a school tesober, aud Etta Leter aud Klward Brau<b, students, were drowned. Tbs others were saved. An i Ittawa despatch says tbe square tim- bar outlook in the woods this winter i- nufavorable, and other kind* of lumberinii promise only (lightly better. Fnr the first time in 27 years Mr. Pet*r McLaren will take out tin tq'iare timber this winter, hav- ing last season's yet unsold in (Jjtbeo, witb no market offering. A . , i froolrsm. Take all the Kidney aud Liver Mediciiui. Take all tba Blood purifiers, Take all tbe Itl^unutiic remedies, Take all tbe DyipeptiA and indigestion curei, Take all tbe Ague, Fever and bilious Take all the Urani and Nerve loree reviren, Take all tbe Great health restorers. In tkort, take all tbe beet qualities of these, aud ibe btn (jualitiei of all tbe best medioiuttt in the world, aud you will fiud that Uap llitttri have tbe beat curative qualities and powers of all concrntraUd --In them, and tbat they will our* when any or all of tbeaa, singly or combined Fail. A thorough trial will give posi- tive proof of this. u .,, .1. ,,. .1 i , . , Five years ago I broke down with kid- ney and liver complaint and rbeuaaatism. Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver became bard like wood ; my limb* were putted up and tilled with water. All tbe beet physicians agreed tbat uolb- ing could cure me. I resolved to try Hop Bitters : I bave used seven bottles ; tbe hardness baa all gone from my liver, tbe swelling from my limbs, and it bas worked a miracle in my case : otherwise I would bave been now in mv grave. J. W. MOHET Buffalo, Oct. 1ft, 1881. !.....(. MI,. I nil. mi!. " I wa* dragged dowu witb debt, poverty aud suffering (or years, caused by a sick family and Urge bills for dootoriug. I us* completely discouraged, uutil one year ago, by the advioe of my pastor, ociuiieuoed using II jp Bitters, aud IL. one mouth we were all well, and none of u- uave been sick a day since ; and I want to say to all poor men, you oan keep your families well a year with Hop Bitten for leas than oue doctor'* visit will coat. 1 know it." A \VoakiNoius. USTNooe genuine wilbout a buncl of Rroeu Iluiw on the wuita l*bol. btiun all the vilo poiMjuous otuil aitu Uu|>"or Hops" iu tueu uauie Cali and other town* in .- jutbtrn Colom- bia report that tbe severest shook of earthquake experienced for three years was (elt on Thursday night. The church ot San Pedro at Cali wa* wrecked, aud another church and several house* suffered severely. O.ber town* escaped without aerious i jjury. ll.ll. ..U II.. How varied the range of association upon tbe human mind. Memory is aver fond ol preserving picture* of eteut-, but tb* char acver of suob event* must be different to meet the peculiarities of tbe individual Tbe pleasant recollections of oce would fail u end a place iu the memory ol another, but to our mind the halcyon days ara those tbat follow tb* us* of Putaam'a Paiulee* Corn Extractor, to* same safe and paiuleaa corn cure, (or it promptly relieves the min*ry by removing Ibe aching oorns. Try Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, and sou that no suts .ituie is palmed off as genuine. Mrs. Cagley, tbe wi(e of an Eagliab Life Uaardsmau, is said to be th* corning L' dou beauty. Sbe was a Miss Campbell aud the daughter of a music dealer. As II t -I ! This i< always the ease wben Poison s Niaun-. > is applied lo auy kind of pain ; u la a*)r* lo duappaatr a* if bv ma^io. Stronger more penetrating aad Dicker in action than uy other remedy iu the wjrld. Buy a bottle of Nerviliue to-day, aud try its wonderful power ot relieving pain of every description. 1'aiu oaouot stay wbere it is used. It is jut tbe tbuig to bave in a house to meet a auddeu attack of illneaa. (July J". cent* a bottle. Simple bottles ouly IU cents, at any drug store. William Taylor, Bi-b )p to Africa, lays bis parishioners ban only two suit* dirt aud paint. The Bith/'p probably think* oeiug clothed in eunabiue " too tbiu. The old cuitom requiring tales women in dry aud fauoy goods store* to stajd all dav loug without rest or relief Is being superseded by more humane rule* in many of our Iradinn bui-iuess hoases. L)dia E. Piukbam's Vegetable Compound is highly pramed by ibjnc wbo bav* not yet been freed (rom tbe ulj neeesvitv (or ooustant standing, aud is a genuine bless lug iu every such case, a* w*ll as to the tired out housekeeper ho must be on her feet all day. Owen Brown, the ouly furvivor of tbf Harper'* Farry i p sole of 1MV.I. live* iu the Jay C >oke Islaud mauilou " Gibraltar, Put iu Bay Island. Uwen is uow "<"> years of age. Tbromi nU I un* !!.... a*peeialty. Send two letter stamps for large treatise giving self-treatment. Aldrea* World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. According to tbe London Truth a mem- ber of tbe aristocratic family of Cavendish bas opened a tea shop at Eastbou'ne, u Kent, and is receiving a lull share of pubho support (rom tbe inhabitants aud visitors, wbo have benefited so much by the judi- cious *nteip:i*e of his relative, tb* lord of tb* soil. * * * Pil* tumor*, rufture aud fistulas, radically cured by improved methods. Bjok two letter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. T. Lord Byron is said to bave written tbe I an i canto* ot Dm Juan on tbe backs of old play billi and read them therefrom to the Countess Ouiooioli. Jame* A. Buok, Canadian, sends out an address to the " thirsty of knowledge," as be calls them, saying that be U willlug to go to any city iu tbe I 'ui ted State* or Great Britain to teach the true origiu of our raee, the true cause of human depravity, aud true salvation, i( hiscxpouies are paid. Tbere were 18.U2S.OOO bushel* ot gram used tbe paat year iu tb* production of spirit*. I ..I n.kr ,>*> ., Kr. even if you have chronic nasal catarrh in U> worst stages, for although this amount ' reward baa for many years been offered , tbe proprietors of Dr. Sage'a Catarrh Ktruedy, for any case of catarrh tbey oao- not cure, yet notwithstanding tba* thousands use the Remedy they are seldtMa called upon to pay the reward, and when tbey bave been so called upon they have universally found that tbe failure t > cure wa* wholly due to some overlooked compli- cation, usually easily removed by a slight uudifiaatiou of th* tiittrnei.t Therefor*, if this should meet tbe eye o( anybody wbo la* made faithful trial of this great and orld-famed Remedy without receiving a frjrct aud permanent cure therefrom, that erson will do well to either call upon or write to the proprietor*, tb* World's Dis- pensary Medical Association, < f Buffalo, N. Y., giving all the utrticulars aud symp- toms in the case. By return mall tuey will gst good advioe, free ot all oo*t*. Tbe despatch from New York announc- ing th* result of the Presidential election reached Lima iu two suinutes. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning Mr*. Tbos. T. Shine, of Lockport, went out aad left her seven-moutba-old baby in oar* of an eight-year-old brother. Wbeu ebe r -turned he found tbat the baby bad been shot by tie boy through the bead. The bby died laet evtuiug. Compared witb other Kuglish counties UevoL-iire aud Somerset- are have raf- tered very little from the agricultural da- preasiDU, the farming beug dairy aui root crops chiefly. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND.*' . . IS A POSITIVE CURF ' ." ...* I or all of ihmr Palefsl Casaplalala aa4 \trikaroM-s rmmmm la our kroi . * *H:l l.i l'PI i. 4 r;<;>. o * oV Ir i in ririBXLT rni WKBVT T"** o F Al.l I' i :-.t. ill. II. ,M> Til , IKS, r!A*VAT!,>HAtn('l>rNATI"V . * \ n A' IMF NT*. AMI THR i nOnr^rrs r M-1NAL W*BAK *SS. AMI I* PAHri' f LAK1.T Al'ArTfl* TO o . ^ I r n i r-i"i r. *>'i r \m. T 1 wnfi* rai'M rm Twm' irifsm. < .NT* AHOHCI HTU W*aa-J HlAD-j lnau.iTf .' ' 1 '1 HAT > v r : . ''AM, i: AMI llA' . II'.. I- Al -TVf I HtUBT ITS ' . , . f W IT n i. AT AI i . :TK ALL nsrr> i vi ITII TIIK l.A TIUT ' ' * o * * s *-h-r ii -i - ' i:i.V r r. TMEI r, i TIB AT* 1. 1-,. AMD MI i r i or s . , * * *g i.. i: -4 30 DAYS r TRIAL 1 ' t . M , Mirh. I CURE FITS! i . ! ' I f 1 1 ! . tn,~H III" Kipr... . ' k 4I.U.C \*)f"IU ,HKN i< I i> i n i - m VIII.TAI.IC BKI.T Co.. of Marshal: Mleh ofTor to aeu.l thotr eelobratoU Ki.K-rai> VOLTAI.I* HKI T aoil other RI.KTHH- \rri.i AM n on trie fur thirty lari I" mon lyonog or ul.li adlotoj with OOTTuns ileblllty, loos nf rlialitT an, I mas bifid, ami all klmtrad tmnbloa. Alan for rkoe: matliiu, Doara'iia, paraljnli an 1 many Mttar Jlsssiss OoaipleM roohmtiun t<> boalih. vta ami inanbomt (iiarant**!. No risk u Iaem4 a* tblrty lat trial allowed. Writ* ODD* for lllnstraMi! pamphlet free. EYE. EAR AND THROAT. DR. 0. B. BYEB80N, L. B. 0. P. 8. R . I /claw OD Ibs Rvs, Kar an I Threat Trinity Me-lioal Onllae, Toronto. OoallMis aurtit to tlj* TorooKi Osnsral Hospital, ti Clinical As-i*tai)l Koyal Lomlnn Opbthalial H'i'ital afinfl*IJ's and IVntral Loodo Throat o I Mar Riiopltal SIT Ouarab B*r** Toronto. Artificial Humtn RVM fjHUUMPwIMUl n IM1K<X ! V 4M M, - s- li.,(i.| . N V. Young . . |T. !'>"' I for .|,,r*, al hn'iio. hiwk-kw>pla(, Huimsaa Puruii funman <h r (nth IIKIIO an.l HhuriUand Uitfbt by mail. >nil fur rlrciilarv. U*tn> MMC l'l.%l *v lu oi"^i a rtUB.LS* K luoaluia or Hiwiwriaa t* maoablr at il. srHHOI I All HUNlNVttb OOULKQ Otreaian fra*

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