Flesherton Advance, 20 Nov 1884, p. 5

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Meaford Road Mr. Samuel Warling and Miss Hannah E. Brodie have taken each other for better or for worse. The matrimonial knot was tied last week by Rev. Mr. Grandy of Markdale. Who will be next? ffi) rJ nl At tne Lowest Possible Prices at the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY! Framing 1 in all its branches. Call and see stock. Mottos & Motto Frames &apos;^p\ _ a larp-e assortment. Copying and Enlarging a specialty. "&apos; (i.it M.ur Auction Sal. l,!!ls i>rint.-.l t | bills IirillU)U ..II three lloUITt notice ftllV : LDVAXCI ,,rtic.-. PmbMrtou, on 1 t!i i.-.. - Printing ali . n<lfor i.l ,,f flnvUiinj; ot ni, iu EMI Grey ,&apos;. r.l and workuiauuil]>. . M) ..tli,&apos;i- I > tp. Broil ios. Eugenia ooRMpoBdtHM received too late for this week&apos;.&apos;, paper. Miss r&apos;. \Vi-ifjht is homo on a visit. day in tho week except Thursday. Rev. Mr. M , ( ; P _;, >r, Haptist minis- ter, removed wi:h his family to Vittoria, Co. Norfolk, Out., to-day, he having ac- eepted a call fr.m tho Baptists in that place. Mr. MC(M, t;,,r is an enthusiastic Temperance man. and ha. taken an active part in the Scott Act campaign in this "Devoted tt> Blumrd Fools." Exritinic Runaway l>Hrliinii i &apos;inn** l>: (hi Monday evening, about half-pant A nnmbor of sentlciiicn in Durham and fM ..&apos;clock, Mr. (ie... War.ln.be and Mr. other places, have Uson t >>ld by a "lady" Mou&apos;uitt were driving alon the C&apos;olhn- editor, into subscriUng fvr a Toronto o,,d gravel r, .ad with a U.-am and lumber paper devoted to " dog.." If it doesn&apos;t; Wi MW" 1 &apos; vu r " uu &apos; f " r h "" K &apos;- Who " " car make its appearance soon we shall U.-in Mr - J " h " Fiuld &apos; P lact &apos;&apos; tllL &apos; horses became to.ma.ioi 1 , thatit was&voted to blam- frightened by tho noise made by some; ed f.&apos;i.ls, and that we are aiiiuligst the ^&apos;I&apos;ool childixn, and Soon became uniiun- niiniber &apos; agts&apos;-l They tore alone the mud at a furioun pace and in a short time the occu- l;ir. II Iu R-. Mr. .WrlirrKor. pants wei-o thrown out of the ."liilli^r m, , re and GOLD WATCHES ! SILVER WATCHES, UKSTS * UU>&apos;. F. llowlng well kuown i.. , She has hu n e.,-;. .-, d in a Inure inillin- ( County. Ho has many warm friends hero cry establishment, during the past few who ie-.rr.-t his removal to another ^.here. uiunthH, in .N, u V !, city. -Mi.ss 1&apos;a,&apos;,.- takes this opportunity of -The -rain continues to pour into th,.^,,,,, hl . r ,,,. st ,,mes for the hearty pa- ., ., d ,f f. untaiu U,.u .--..., ^.........j . ~- KUhert,,,, marUt a- fast as it can W tr . . they have ^.^ her in t ,, e ^ &apos; t . m ,*rmnc,.i citcnl, dashed madly across the common, handled, as freight ca!-s seem U, be sear- ,,,,,, aml tl) ^^ tlit . m thftt ah( . wil , KlMh( n &apos; n ,,, ut iu t j u , ir ull Tuesday j&apos;*t on U* west side of what is known as cer than usual. ,ro i,,. pains to reUi it in tho fcituie M-.U. .. .. ., -Tho platform at Fleshertoii Stall 1 n Ti-immiie.: d.,ne and Kent hers colored in hss been torn down and built up new. It| evorv Fasliioiiablo shade. Ladies and ((f Ab) i. not now as hih and awkward as it , geiitlmnen s Felt HaU made over wpual J" wfc{ ^all .&apos;-it .b&apos;.wn t*, t" new, at price, to suit the hard time.. *j prol &apos;ded by member, and well-wi^- the gully iteulf, when ,.i. of them Shop in the Fleshcitoii photograph gal- El$ ttllrf *!* \\ >l >T<IHt fl&apos;ft // / &apos; / / <&apos;/ J &apos;""<*" CO^*/C lery Remember Dr. Harper s levturo and the tta-mrutiii 1 .: in tin- M- t!i,,dist church, Me.hert.ui, on Monday eveniliK m-xt. I^C. TKKAIHJOLl). Flcshcrton. Admission to tea and lecture, 25 cents. dVller in the K.-st 1&apos;iancM, Organs, and " We can Ixiast of a greater nuiuber St \\iiif; Miicliilu .-> of the Ufje. Kindly of lubstantial bml, line&apos;s than any other invite* the public to inspect them, town (?) of iU population, in this or any other County in the province." Mni- Mr. W. Kkins. who lives near r&apos;lesh- erton, offers his farm for sale or to rent in our advertising columns. Those farm convenient to market, ...,t the iuitaut of the departure of Field&apos;s gully. y this time tho wa their worthy brother and sister, Mctirey- was * !* wruck &apos;- bux the 1 " >r " - or. About &apos;J o&apos;clock the hall was crowd- " uVt;r likened their spcod until jiurt &apos; le-&apos;ant mi. 1 " ; f" nj ^&apos;X Cached the steep bank* of ...... fel j and before it could recover itself both i were secured by Mr. 0. W. Bel- lamy, who, fortunately, happened to I*.- Rosolved, that w. 1 timl ourselves Com- a<MT * htt " d &apos; HaU tlle h " lscl1 Wl &apos;" t " Vt r ]fl!ed lo M-\vr ,,ni .u |ii.i; ii t.im .- with our tno [Teeipiee, the chance* were ten to, lie . steeini&apos;d brother :lid sistur Meiiroilor, that they Would have been killed. more especially as n*nibcrs of our Conn Mr. MeupU, who w an old man. r, - oil. Knowing their labors while here in .,,ir noble caaso of Temperance has U-el, , Cclve<l ll ht ^ "" ll "&apos; Wk " f h " ers. After aup[r, *ongn, recitations^ dc were indulged in. The following resolu tion vuu passed unanimously : timl ourse WANTED Tor iln M n YOKk M.irkcl : 5,4NN FlrsM lass ;-r.se _. . Turk->s. A. lll&apos;k* nrally lr-ss-d well worthy of the )rhe>t praise, and w|* n *i * "therwiso escap. .1 injury. Good I&apos;rircs. W VI. MKH.III. : &apos;&apos;&apos;&apos; aMiired tli.-i from mir Wardrobe was Imdly ihaken U|. by tho midst ill IK.- imieh felt, tli.. 1114)1 we feel fall, and for v unc t.me w iU n. colifil-id satiM.e.1 they will uae the .u,,.-, .,,,,-> in , 1,.. -,r.,l y raized what had hap. FINE Silver- ware for Prescntiii&apos;iiin*; \\rddi ni: Kin<;s! Hf.ln-rlon. Found. their i. -xv i !! ol liil-n : and (be many fli.Mids you have W"ii \iliili 1 lure may U- churches, Ac. will d.i well to call on him. In Flosherton, a pair of Spectacles. nicrea*i&apos;d double fold in the banner So. tt A dog ticlit diftturlH&apos;d the e<iuilil,rtum Owner can have the same by proMiif A, -t County of Norfolk. of two of our ciii/i us one day last week; property ami paying twenty five cents Sillied on behalf of the Stock- iii &apos;Hie r Tiro &apos;<>&apos;&apos;/ a li<t If among ij"-&apos; &apos;v ///// rt &apos;commend f/.y a can /uiamd Mi John Fields, asusted by Mr IM- practical W/Otct up the horses, wl that he pened. the rusult mii;ht have Uen a nvin Huh*, for this notice. onlv one of tho lielligcrents iliowed tl, white feather. The Methodist Sahliath SrlnH.l officers are subji-.&apos;t in 1 .&apos; their pupils to a vigorous "course of instriit-tion,,&apos; in nrdi. r to pie psre them for the I&apos;ortheoiniiiK and mil&apos; h liH.ked for Sablutth Scliool anniversary. Mr. I&apos;eter Miiii.-iliaw, our wi II ki.,> n and popular mail . :u licr. shot a tine fat ,ln-r l.is&apos; Krulay nn> riling. He had only In-cn ,,&apos;it an h&apos;.iirorso, and did not have any li&apos;iiinds, when tho deer inn ai-i path Mini n .-eui&apos;d a lat.il - - id in tlle liead fr. 1.1 I&apos;el, r s title. The ,&apos;l!i<e ,,| \ i. -kef&apos;s Expl1>ss Co. .-it Fleshert")! Station li.-is 1 . -en I.-IM,,\,,I to thestoi. of W. 11,,,.&apos;^, who i ;w:tiiu H ai<ent. Mr. I&apos;. Mnnshaw nil! take par. eels fnin; Klesheit, n, b\ hi, -,t:.i;e, l Co., and i&apos;i,. t.i ADVANCE T. H KIHTH, iiiiiivrrsum Nrrtlrrs. ! !; I: &apos;" f " J. " . N. K 1!, v I&apos;r. Ilinier, of C&apos;ollinuwootf will ., .. I luGngor then ma<i a fueling and 4ppropruktu reply. |(&apos;ov. , eacaped without injuno*. FOU I(. UKU cuiiilit)i.D* of the SLin. Shjtlu pool III, tile til-mi Pimples, I.Miptl. 11 ail, I llMU disease., us* Prof Low&apos;s Sulphur up. XI 1-115 otl > Niolt-ii from tin farm of \V. (i. I&apos;icki II. tli.xlir.1 ilsur.-h, Flukhertoii, on Sunday murniii^ and evening ne\i. He will 1. . turo in the same place on Monday even will do w.-ll to na.l M-. (ie... Swanton&apos;s in-, foil,. in- Tea will U- served t,, tl .- .,,h&apos;. in thin week&apos;s AI.VAMK Mr. Sw.u.- t&apos;le-Iiertun, tlui t, . n huad of Cattle, public, on the latter occasion, at 7 o&apos;di-k. t,.n has, at 1,&apos;n-at t -\pmse, introduced a foii>istiii:,&apos; of K.iiir ( .&apos;..\\ . T&apos;.v i 11. I thorough bit-d Bwlwhin ll"ar int., this ume lual.iiiL; b;ii{ to cahei. Four II, i-nti-r; HM i, , ..iiiniendab!i. Sti i l ., i i-.ui&apos;.&apos; &apos;J \. .us did, and Tlilie and mi^ht I e iimt*t-d to advanta.&apos;,. by ^P"" &apos;U- niiiiu "&apos;hers. liirs on lii;ill lull*. A ..-ivine; , IT were ple*se<l t he favored with a i"f""" i &apos; > "-&apos;-&apos; Ludin,&apos; to tl rallbyoury^m.&apos;^....&apos;!^!, IV, ,1 I ,:,.-!,, **** &apos; Will bt Well rewWlfcd. on Tue, i .y. llo hiu> iK.&apos;en in Wim, If . Oi I I KI&apos;.I.I.. ;.ear or sopast andhut l.it.-ly nturn- t lesiiii-tiiii, Nov. 7, ed to Kl. 1. -iton. He will ii,.t return t,, the Noth-West until spriii&apos;,&apos;, a-s the winU-rs mi tin so unac. nt niiii-d t" the.ii. \\ .n , ,&apos; i.l to Ii .-mi of &apos; Mraiclu Uralinc. 1 .1 r 1&apos;rirrn. W. A. BROWN. JEWELLLK. lYIarkdule. CORDCIM&apos;S HARNESS SHOl* Bucklon a Aruica Salve. n\al in &apos;: < native liiml (S, . ,, land) of Mr. J. D. Tin- 1 . Kriipti-&apos;ii-.. .11, I ptMll i . &apos; 1 1 &apos; bv.t. . i ; n. t-tlarrh- \ Trr.tmrnt. >oiliiiiK bin tin- Truth. Ml .&apos;1%. &apos; &apos; r-1-.-.i&apos;I h.i-> berll III bum- ness in Kle.herton pretty nearly on. and dm !&apos;.&apos; that time h..s .-.lie e, ... ,1 ,&apos;i H .ikin-r i-p .1 LJIHM! business in wn- jewulery, and thu other lines represented by him. Mr Kussel is an excellent praeti.nl -v at, -I. maker and jeweller and a -..(iiri 1 il. a.itu man IKI.I.IOH and, therefore. well dt-. ives the lar-,&apos;e patron., id dehv, : parcels iv.-eu ed by the , -11, &apos;I&apos;d him F &apos; Ililellt-i ,&apos;t r lesller! H L&apos; . .^_^_ Ayer&apos;s Sarsuparill.i works din ctlv and; \ Uj^ Vicld. J.romf.tly, purity an-t e,,n, &apos;, t!,,. bl i, f &apos; Th( . , : i. u ,^ vre have h.ard &apos;&apos;&apos; "&apos; ( &apos; lark "&apos; " f "&apos;" lllllli: &apos; &apos; &apos;&apos;" nnproo 8 tppe.i:,.. itNOgtUa il,.- , f(l ,. ;l ,. ;. t ,,, u; WM lllftt ^ n , WII ,].- &apos; &apos;&apos; "&apos;* = ^".v- uerv^. a,,,i I,,,,-,- ,, the system. It i j f;irm ,,f ,,,. Wl ;i kll ,,wn aRn, ultmiM, Mr ",s ;,,, , !, ,^,. o x, wal, I ,^ .&apos;.the, . ,, _ B ,traor.li M rj MKC,,. m the tin,.-,t sens, .i 1 , ,,//. ,.,,. , Ul .,| ,.,,.. | r<i ^ !V(1 , t , r _ A(Ii ||u . s| ., , n n ,. |V( . nil: _ S.pir.- \rmstr,.n. ,,f this village, - ttit > . . liclM Kvery invalid shoiil.l give it a trtal. n d.i. f dunn-&apos; I &apos; i-\ Ihr Di IllMil. H>&apos; I lil 1 ! il V ICKl I ilia \ t&apos;.&apos;ir i >[ ,>.i . , . t i i ( i -Fle.l,,,ton cattle fair. M.nday of ,,..., - , ,1,,. Lre. The barley is &apos;- ~ &apos;"&apos;" "&apos; * &apos; , last week, was v, -rv !.,i-ely attended b> ex,-i-IU nt in .[U&apos;dity, each t u-h, 1 w,-i.jl. &apos; ^an has much iiupn-ved !ws crut. l.a-..- i ,f buyers, Mlhm ., i vi-it,.r.s. A ; .,,;!. It a, purehxM-d by Mr. \V. i^imbcrof catt;. i ,,i,,U at pond II. Ddet for ur |M.pukr vrain bu>i-i =. prices. Th. i u , v&apos;,,,ut tw, ntv 1 | - - .n lir..*. wrl... | aid M. present. Next fair on Monday, I ;,:,,-, ,,-..s per bushel for it. Mr. IVd 8th. Above all tiling, don&apos;t forget t&apos; TlIB Al>\ vsi f: man \v h:it \,,u ,,vve hmi. &apos;, It will assist him t,, mei t his obligations promptly and needn&apos;t iiicoiivniuen. a "cents&apos; worth" so to speak. The Wiiounts are unall, l,ut a lot of them bun- dh-d t",&apos;< &apos;her m:,!vi ,1 i i- ! " There are few villages in (InOirio tliat have made HI. h Meridy | ri ward.i ami oinvai,!, a.s our own town ,,t Markilale. &apos; .-*&apos;/. &apos;/,//<,*,/. If id^ pushup, vi&apos;lafi. eonf lines I , [ r-.-.r<v,< ./;., criit. U.- I ,f ti . ftU^i&apos; " f I&apos;*&apos; 1 " 1 I - &apos; t&apos; 1 &apos; tod. white patent nlh i . ,1. r i.. -.! pun &apos; Mil, . he Kun!. ti&apos;mn nur t &apos;, *,&apos;n ximnif&apos; t9 f t ^l . &apos;.. \\&apos;nrlin .in, I I>. V.&apos;alker are "&apos; % &apos;&apos; &apos; rl &apos; 1 - :,-r,Api,.-,sehimelf in the hithost terms , |11HV iiv[ n . )1 . i , L t M ,. lail !,.-ln .1 , il,, 1 m..t . :u to t!,, 1 s,,!^,-,- d.-alili({ of X.-ilson I, &apos;&apos; "" Ul "&apos; tn-.-in**, -f 1.&apos; I. i:i|>vr;inr< Kiitl-rlaill- 1: " &apos;&apos; &apos;&apos; - - x o-n..,!lh,l,l -.11 .am -i, til \ i the \Vi-^ , (hill, !i i;ut Sab- balil. &apos;l !l" I Inn-ell -I-. Well filled. M :. Samuel \Varl I . i ^&apos; -. II vlinali I!. J.i iake:i , :i, h i tbr for Ix-t &apos;I .11 .! "inal knot iiu-nt. A;i ei.tertainmeiit ditferini; in nnny ji the " usual run " will Is 1 L&apos;IMII iu the Town Hall, rlinhertoii, in th eMMlin 1 ^ of ,-l.uii few in, .re \i :.i ,. i; will likely sn,v, ed .1. butt.nt,&apos; ,1 h..!.- tl r,ni..|i tho 1111,1, n .,i other if the 1 eav.-nly b, , If pco| lo tr, .nl,;d with ci.hls, winild titke Ayei-&apos;H (&apos;In rr;- l&apos;eet,.r;il 1,,-fore l " churi:!i &apos;ir pi i Si&apos;inin !.&apos;. wuubl .&apos;Hold e,,i.. l,:ii.., ertatly lo comfort o I Ii ,t&apos;i s| i , . , lili&apos;l iha 1 undi r t!n :&apos;.t:spu-es of i, n, s,,i. s. > Luce. The program mi i in:-, ->iiy iimoiint ,,t fun as well a* in- ntructi.ii. Hint will consist of scrio-r, mir duL.l.igm-1 in character, instructive I.M! " ll "" f &apos; r &apos;&apos; &apos; repn. M , f (&apos;,., k l&apos;i ,-t . funny recitations and ivnilint&apos;s, ami ha< nn I wn Ii . ,,,..1 sin-, ess. arefuiiy .e!err. -d duets, chorus. , an, I NI ls - 1 - 11 " 1 S011I1S. \n eVellill|( of r.&apos;.&apos;ll elljov proim nid from the i; on theo.iiu,,,. 1 1 laam^emeiitwehav, &apos; n.i dmil&apos;t "Vi-n thill 1 ,&apos; vill be earrie 1 out &apos;1 IMS II, I 1,1&apos; I &apos; &apos; &apos; I&apos;l lilH p. I- lll&apos;lll. &apos; liT him f, me eiir.-. - : S.. v r Ml. in| t. &apos;i .larih in ti, . ..I ii rii. Tin 1 *p|,h. n:i. n , f tli* reiii,-> . !,.,-. . Hi.-*&apos; f .v ..n-il&apos;l.. f,,r H ^p,-i-,ly |,,. I i . , , Mr. Tkos. dark ha* been risiting thi. iar, .-.!. a tuns to a p.- &apos; i;h \&apos;, - .- \ II : "&apos; ,-i. . i . ! \ - n the i,.|l,, M | , i v !!c\ . Mr. l li.in.iy hei.i-o.-iiin i, < "&apos;" Markda&apos;i.. Who will be ne\t t FLKSIN: in ox, MONEY TO LOAN ! /&apos;rrrtit and (&apos; in fnnii&apos;a I&apos;&apos;nn<ls. .it lowest /,////. JAS. LAMON, !&apos; I . .&apos; \ &apos; (LK .1 A r Mll&apos;l I I, I.. I&apos;.-.nl I - , ,, Will, I. I Ii I - Strum flour Vill .\T " 1 :it &apos;&apos; " &apos; lkllli -&apos; lft < 1 &apos; &apos; l!l " &apos;&apos;" Ml I&apos; s Mnt&apos;i ha r,-nted h:s farm &apos;. ill the ino.-.f tlioi-oy^&apos;li manner. Poors i , -| , , .,-is linn siriji-rs ,: -..-..&apos;.. ,.1, ., iid Hi&apos;iid&apos;-ifiiliy in- 1 ""i&apos;&apos;r" -I&apos; ** nt. :i -i,,M, ): , L0ete i of Messrs. S_\l . Kprt. UHhead , p.-&apos;.-ri. rir u&apos;ars, not, head.-. , ,i ;l . (] KLESIII-.I , , \ . ..s, ,,,:, , ,, ,\ l.ir-nai.d \)[{- CARTBRi "m-.i 1 .| -. &apos;. ( stati". :.,.i NI r.r. \ s , ONT. B>Ml n otherwise Hil l |&apos;,nSHI\\. SI K4.KO\, &c. i our most pu.i.ip- nil 1 eau-ful n &apos;.- ( *i.&apos;&apos;&apos;&apos;-&apos;t:. knct5onS r Eirlerl Minuen. -\Viiv : Wliafs t!. ! .! 7 o&apos;clock ; commence nt 8 sharp. >&apos;.i &apos;. I&apos;m e u ^ n&apos;i that NYu- Admissiop : adults, L&apos;) cents ; pair of ad- rili -&apos; ;!1 &apos;&apos; &apos;&apos; 1[ liilu : .&apos;.rum, TV.-t. "".avion, and at tho door. V. . . ..li.^ii ! \Vliv &apos; ! r, u tl i.l&apos; I &apos;i &apos; It lMire.1 Hie i&apos;l !, -H t&apos;l.i-i our in . I .; i- in &apos; :. , . 01 Ills." 1 M I iil.NS ,,f the SI. I&apos; i mid I! pn.mptiy i, >i.i- t.onul : Auvliosa Salr : ills i&apos;l i&apos; &apos; &apos; &apos; lilllll&apos; Al>\ V\i , . PATENTS t . - . For Salo ! . . : . lt|-t!lll."lt- < It. MI&apos;MN tin, i.. &apos; .. . 2.-FABMS 1-2. TO RENT OR SFiJ, fruin. ft t &apos; .&apos;&apos;..&apos; . t "fj 7 . MAN&apos;S WOliM p,i\VI-l- H> di .11. i r. ... -I v ,i^., -.vi.li ,t n:j&apos;.&apos;iy t . if a I 1 *!. In tin \ vi . |..|, tn"t .. ,\ - i - W,-, k -i . . i I etvn f&apos;>rtn 1 1 Iran !,( fr.-.- A &apos; - AMEKICAN omce. .-a lir* V I &apos; N N \ i . i ii - n SIM] ," &apos;l.-p-ii.T ; i rr. &apos; on* iu ,1 I ,. i. . ,,,. |n- ""v 1 1- ii 1 1 lie Ararr- Ml .S . V I " - II Ml HO &apos;. :; i K t (urviMir I l:c&apos; &apos; : &apos; &apos; &apos; :

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