Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1884, p. 4

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. I AND "SPILL THEY COME!" Another lot of beautiful Goods just received at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. Consisting of Watches, Charms, Rings, Gold Plated and Silver Chains, Cuff Buttons,. Lockets, Bracelets, Ear-Riners, Brooches, &c., which are being sold at prices that cannot, be beaten. .Every article warranted as represented. No trouble to show goods. Watch,, Clock, & Jewelry Repairing personally attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. RAMBLING NOTES. Valentine Muggina makes His Bow to Advance Readers Under the ' old " Heading. THE ADVANCE. A. R PLESHERTON : THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 1884. Dear reader ! once more I address my ' remarki to you under the not very start- * ling heading of " Hamblttu] JVotes." Of Editor. I late I have been fighting the " bemsta at Ephesus " in a manner possibly mure cal- culated to inflame the passions of thoie whom I hare had the honor to "smite under the fifth rib," than if it had been done under the quiet, matter-of-fact, RamUiny .V r. MAKE A NOTE OF IT. The fact that THB ADVANCE was, last week, the only paper in Grey that contained a full report of the famous Cook Teeti poisoning rase, has bro't us in quite a number of new subscrib- iurd nd pwp-ter""* ***** <* * ' your village people, a* to my "mil" I have been greatly aiuuied thii autumn by a variety of thingi ; but per- haps I have been more amused at the ab- ers, and " still they come." Let 'em come ; we spare neither time nor ex- pense in furnishing our readers with the latest and most important home news, and it makes our heavy task all the lighter to know that enterprise and push are so heartily appreciated b\ the public. THE AovaMci is bound to maintain the lead in enterprising for ""T J^ " I take a de P in country journalism. terest in my own welfare, as well a. in that of the general public. You may call indentity, than at anything else. I might mention, for the joke of the thing, that it hat been solemnly affirmed that Valentine Muggini n either of the follow- ing of your citizens : Mr. M Richard- son, Dr. Chrutoe, or yourself ; Now, be it known all men, that I am personally acquainted with myself, and have been JOTTINGS. Another Scott Act victory to record this week. On Tuesday last the Act me selfish if you choose : if it pleases you I am certain it doesen't hurt me. In the past I have paid considerable was carried in Norfolk county by nti n * matten of aanitary nature, splendid majority of over 1,000. Grover Cleveland (Democrat) was vjcctsd President of the United States last week. One of his most promin* eut allies during the exciting contest was Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. Cleve- land is the second resident of New York state who has been elevated to the Presidential chair. The Scott Act was carried in Ren- frew last week by over five hundred ol a majority. So far wherever con- tests have taken place the majority of the people do not seem to be of the 0{>imon that the Act interferes with their rights and liberties. Friend 6. L. M. Luke seems to be ready and willing to have a friendly controversy with us in connection with the Scott Act. He threw down the Klove last week, and we have no hesi- tation, of course, in taking it up. As individual rights " seems to be his pet hobby, we will wait until he has denned his position before " crossing rxms" with him. We are well aware, that, in Mr. Luke, we have a strong antagonist, but in defence of (what we believe to be } the nght, we fear no ope. 4 Lawyer's Opinion of Interest I .. all. J. A. Tawney, Esq., a loadinc attorney of Winoua, Minn., writes: After uilog it tor raor* than three ye.au, I take great ple*ur in stating that I regard IT King'i New Dii. djvery fur (Viimumpt 'n. an the IM-KI remedy in the world for Coughi and Cold*. It lia- never failed to care the m.mt severe cold* I Lve bad, and invariably relieve* tbit pain in tbe chest. " Trial Bottles of tliii sure rare t f all Throat I. nut- I >,., H -. may I..- had Free at W. Iticbardmm'ii Dnig Store. forge size, l "". II. > Hi* I i , I I.*, ;,p, ,1. ' The Cheat y Enterjn-itr aays : Tlie Klttsherton AI>VAWK man takes two col- IIIUIIB t.. riplvn to an anxious world that !< "* a spi , i, of planter in his eye while workm/en, were renovating hii office." Wonder how his feet escaped. -\f<trkdalr Not being as soft as the man's hud," hii feet em-aped" with very fuw scratches ; therefore it was urwiece*,- wry to record th,e fact. I was pleased when the present board of Health officials was appointed ; but, at the present time, my feelings are of a mixed character in (hurt, they have un- dergone a change a* the week* and months flew by. What have the Health officer* done during the past year t Why they have done, comparatively speaking, nothing, There are just a* many nuis- ances now as there were a year ago. Fil- thy back-yard*, without a solitary drain to carry off the disguiting excrescence which has been accumulating all season, are to be met with on every street in Flusherton. Open iheds on the main streets, sending forth their vile odors are to be met with on every street in Flesh- erton. Open shed* on the main streets, ending forth their vile odor* and pois- oning an otherwise pure atmosphere, are tolerated just as they were in other yean ! Dead animal* thrown promiicouily about, as usual ! The street* blockaded in all direction* with all kind* of things ; Lnt perhaps the latter should be looked after by the Police Trustees if there are any this year. Well, well ; let us ho|>e for better things next year. Let us hope that our Hoard of Health will have by that time awaken- ed to a sense of its duty ; and let us also devoutly wish, that an efficient board of Police Trustees will be elected naxt Jan- uary, who will look after the intereiti of your village M they would their own. VALENTINE MUGGINS; A Psarror Battm. Perfect beauty i* only attained l.y pant Mood and *ood health. These acquirement* give the pomeuor a pleasant expression, a fair clear Kkin and the roiy bloom of health. Burdock III, .,,.| Bit- ten purify tbe blood and toue the entire system to a healthy action. Pay rp Those in arruaraKe to Tut AnvANrg are |K)lituly askud to cheer the heart of the editor with tin- dollar* and dimes at an early a datu ax poasitile. It is nevdleu to say we need money ocuuinnally. James llrayler. Hamilton, savs : " I mad the tentimoniiUii for McUregar's Kpcwly Cure and finind that I liail not to K to New V,,rk , i'hiladelpbia, I.oniiiiaiia, or Txa to find liv- iiiK witncwen it* value, we have plenty of pe.noni rilit here Ui prove it* merit! i' Rot s bottle >iii,| it liel|j,.,l me riKhtaway. I wax ag bad with Hiliona Fever anil ludiKdtion M I think any nun could In-. I have, tnkvn tin.-, l.it I. - iiml am nearly well and mn eat any kind nf food without it liurtiug me. 1 miy ay that 1 aiu better thnn [ ever expected to l>e. Freo trial bottle* nt Kickatdsoii'i Drou Store. Items. Gleaned from our Canadian Ex- changes and Other Sources. The Government made an additional grant of money to Meaford harbor recent- ly for the purpose of completing the drwd- King. Harbor* such as Meaford are liable to be a auure* of great expense to the people, as they require dredging out every two or three yean. Leadville has no cats, consequently the inhabitant* have nothing to a-mews them. OabnlU Independent. On Sunday night last Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellington, of Georgetown, were almost suffocated by coal gas escaping from the stove. They were, to all ap- pearances, dead whun discovered by some neighbors who, noticing no stir about the house, suspected that something was wrong and effected an entrance. feel JitHMt/r : Dastardly attempts were made on Sunday night last, at both Or- angerille and Goderich to spoil the vote on the Scott Act in Huron and Dufferin. During the night the rooms in which the ballot boxes were deposited were broken into and three boxes stolen at Goderich and 6ve at Orange ville. The thefts will in no way effect the result of the elections as the majorities are so large." Talk about successful auction sales, but just read the following from last week's PtA Baer : " Mr. Craig had a very successful sale last week, the amount rea- lized being |9,446 !" The great reason why auction sales are so successful in Peel is because farmers not only get out posters atubancing their tales but adver- tise the fact in the limsl papers as well, the lutUir being by far the best paying plan. Mr.- Jams* Tremble for many years past foreman at Gaydosi's saw mill*, Stroetsville, was killed by an accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of his brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Garten. There ar W inmate* in Ilarrie goal at the prill-Mi time, and five of them are fe- malu*. There i* an idiot among the number. A burglar attempted to operate in a Collingwnod hardware itore lait week but was. scared away by a couple of citi- Een* who opportunely happened to be pasting the store at the time. ID a letter in last week's Thonibury Ht.n.'l.ir.l, Mr. John Glenn of Collmx- wood Township says, among other thingi, " Sim. ... i* dying faHt under aaid (Scott) At." Wonder if there are any lunatic adyhrnt* in Mr. (ileun's neighborh>d ? There are *oine who don't like to bs called men wf atraw -TWnbury Stan- ./ir./ i'erhap* they wouldn't object to dialf. The hotels in Collingworid are down on Kcott Act peophi. A new |i.i ..tln-i- ha* been e*tal>lisked in Collingwood Township, called Kalo- pore, with Mr. (ieo. Wilm as i>oat-inai*- ter. Heathcoto has a uw merchant in the pennn of Mr. S. Down. Tli.- Supretn* Court ha* decided that the Dominion Liuunse law in uncwiititu- tional. Th<:.,peJ Army has loft Cliosley to iU fate. Mixhy tough place Ckesley- eh, limther Kay ? A circular, evidently a. forgery, signed by Sir Leonard Tilly, calling mi all good Conservative* to vote against the Kcott Act wa .lntnlnit,..l among the farmer* of Mono -.ownship on tho day )>efore the vote on the Scott Act in thia county. Ailrrrtiitr. GET YOUR HARNESS ! MADE BY DAVID CLAYTON, Shop In W. Clayton's Shoe Store, Flesherton. . WM. CLAYTON - Has on baud a Large assortment of - Mm, Womins & Childrias BOOTS AND . . " >. -> T : -r * If yi in should be no unfortunate n t,, Hum. Kcall i.r Wound yournlf in uuy way, the 'proper Uung*ti> keep clean and hcul it is MeOrVBOl 4 1'arko s Carbolic CYraU-. I intuit on having, and b *uru and get, Mc(irri>r A l'..rki. 1,'araljulic CYrate. I'rice 2.1 n NIK. BicharUnoii'i Druggist, ha* th genuine. At a vcrj- ivccnt inarriai;c cpioimmy the contracting parties werij thirty nun utc la-bind time, and the orgau pvalcil out, "Uti, dear, what can the matter t !" r3*SuiUblc for the Foil and Wintrr wear. Call and see i!i."i. -sjn Quality and Price Second to None ! WM. CLAYTON. - FLESHERTON.. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES L- I IH THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, 'LKSH E,TOIV. Farmers and Thrashers ask your Merchants for McCOLL BROTHERS LARDINE Machine Oil, sold by E. TRIMBLE Flesherton. Rui dock furrs DizztneM, /XM of* Appetite, Imlnjistujn, Dysprptia, Jaundice, Affectvmt of the Livar and KiJmryt, Pimples. Blotclux, BoiU, Humors, Salt RKevm, Scrofula, Jiryapeltu, and all divaaetiaritintj from Impure Blood, Deranijr.il Stomach, or irregular action of the liowrl*. James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. JlaiiftiriuK, KavtitriHiKiiinfi, aiul in fiu-t uvury- tliinn ill the l>tiKiiu>H will tt-i i-iM' my prompt and mrofiil uttt uti-.n at rMUionbla .low is EoloMre i& Hack. Urt.fi Carriage Milburn & Gadd, PK< iruil.Tdlis i,f the ni..,,,. worku, are pre- pared to attunri to uvurytlilnR In the Cart iage Making & Blacksmithing 1 line* promptly and well. Repairing in both Jirnnch's I'romiitly attcnilixl to HOBSE SHOEING A SfKi'IALTY. .<< , I * n I , "ATB D. PTMLT \ v..r.Tni. nirdDimended for 1:111. . n, n <-. Ililiil-lrhr. <n- ii, niulnrx. Hi i, Kn nili. Liim of As* IK HI. . .i.iiinilit . . Lai <yt >r s|,,,,,,,, i,. Liver < urn. plalal. ir any Illnrvn nrinlni; rnnu lh Ht*a arh. lluwrlxir Kldnrj*. They an safe. mlM UK! thorough lu tliulr actinn. Knmllol

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