Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1884, p. 3

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' OF \ltl.l I I xtract* iron. I- >u.l. ' Nrw HooU I h. .- MB I'll bl i. II . 11 LM.r.r II . Oil. r I Title mm* II* ii.ni.ni A I . . |.i. .. at lug iotorvaln, sty* Mr. Ftoode, Mr. Oar Ijl allowed hio.-M.ll to bfl ti lujited into l.OD'l JU Booiety. O( an evening Bpent at b Dean of Weeatuine- ter'a be writes in bin diary : " Lioo euteruiuuient to Princess Helena a>nd her Priuoe Christian. Innocent little I'riooehB, baa m kind of beauty, etc One little tUrh of pretty pride, only oue, wneu abe rone to K oul froui diiuier, : i < L fetr bit of train right, rai-teJ bar i retty liu.l (fillet of dia'ooudH tott ornaments) round her hair), and tailed oat. 'A princess bore, you know !' looked really well, the exotic Little soul. Dinner, evening generally, wa miserable, futile, and oos uoe silent ioaon nia the whole eight through. DeHerved it. Jid I ? It wan Dot ot toy coooaing -not *iuite." FIOTCBK or ncrwicc. "When Mr. Ctrlyla met Mr. Diokena'he wrote of him kiudly : To John Carlyle. Chelsea, March 17, 1*40. There, at the dear ooal of a bat- tered tt of nervtn and bead net whiliux for the Lixt eigbt-and-forty boon, I diJse* lords aud lions Lord Uollaud and Lady, Lord Normauby, etc. and tbeo, for itoiree upstairs, Morpelh, Llusdowne, French t>ui -I, the QLieen of Uaaaty, eto. Hay i these subject*. I have the honor to emain, sir, your faitbful servant, IS. IJlHlUKU. The following is Mr. Carlyle'a arply : u tbe Right lion. It. DiaraeU, o Oneyna *>V. Cbelaia, Dec. 2'J, 18bl. B, ] IIBJ, Yai|rdy,tomygrealiiui riaa, Iliad le hoaorta receive your magnificent proposi which will he memorable to Ptckviok, too,*w*i*ut theeatue dinner par iv, tbouith tny did oot BMLU to heed him over mucb. tie U a Cue little follow lioa, 1 think. Clear bine, intellfgent eye-.. *>i-- brown tbat be atones amazingly, large pro- trusive rather Uxme mouth, a lace of tuoiit extreme mobility, which be abuUle* ahoat eyebro WM, eyes, month and all id very singular manner while speaking. bor- mouut thin with a IOOM ooUof COLULUOU. oolored*ir and act it ou aumall, compact figurs, very ituiall, aud dreaacd a (aD'Ursaf ratber than well this is Pickwick. For the rest a ijuiet, shrewd-looking little fellow, who sebum to gutiaa pfttly wull what he U HAi'i wbat others are. Hi-n- ia. bis account ot the liri^lr 1 will tell ) iu about Bright, ad I'.rigl. 1 om, m. i the ICce-iednliiJiri^m r.nll BOO., Other day. Jacob HaVI-t, fit- ycui.^gr n*ji auid actuaal KinaaalaT * K o*Vl". "! pleased me a kind of delicacy in hU lea tares when you Raw tbem by daj light at aUl evente, a decided element of " bero- wortbip.' which of course went for much. But Juhn Bright, the aajtl-ooru Ian. mem ber, who bad come aroaa to mi-et DM, wilb bis o>osX Lima and la^natiiju syee, and BaroTsy Fox Quaker collar, John and I diBcorded in our views not a little. Aod in fact the raeult wa tfeat 1 ifOtto tlucking cxsca.<iawally ia tbe Aacada*-kcoalt and ooniomuiaatod large mascaa) of my vtawl to the Bright* and Brigbtcare*. and abook peacuabie lirightdom aa wtlb a pa*iuf eartbiuake ; and I no doubt Uf I a very <iut*lionabl impreasion of myself there Th( poor young ladies {Unsaa* ot ex QuaksrV, witb tueic "abuuD-cl catntal punishment" Aeh Oott I I bad great remorse of it all thai evening; but now begin almoat to Ibink I aetvcd tb*m right. Anyway, w* cannot help it, M lb*re it and Lancashire in general may he for tbe .oMaint. A lU'R AT I In a letter to Dr. Carlyle, dated March 33rd, 1873, be write* : " Gladstone to me one of tbe moat oontemptiblent men I ever loo*V<<l. A uuor iUtualist l kuni of nhnBtaHin nf a notbiug im him bat forma aud toasidu wraer.ag*i : veritably any taol b*aeer, but Hcb crediting and laying to heart the mere olotbee of the fact, and fancying tbat all the rest doei not axial. Lai fcto fl^iii bl- own btttle, in the name' of Beelzebub, the fid of Ekron, who M*m to be oor ohaotaim I " He had a different opinion ot tbe per aoiial qualitiei of Mr. Diaraeli, who, be urged, oould see fact*," was good naturec ndboie no malice. Tbia feerrof wan not lessened by tbe correspondence whiot euBMdwpea) Mr. Puraeli oflar to btiuof tb* titand CroHC of the Bate. Tbe lol lowiog ia the letter iu which tba offer waa tnads: To Thomas Garlyl*. Esq. ViC i-ti lentisl. l Bourne utoutli, Dec. 17*, 1^74 , HIT A Oovarottiaat akouW recofaiiM intellect. It elevates aud euHtaju the tone of a nation. Hat It IH auoflios) wbiffh isquately tofultil, reu.ajreg lajtb euiil JiKcruuiuatiou, as Ibfrc in a r falling into favoritism aad l'_- _ mediocritv, wbiob inttead of elcvatiug In national feeling, would eventually de*;rad or dbaaM it. In reettcmmCBdinit II. Majesty to fit out an Arctic expedition ani in suggeetiug other measure* of that cUat ber Oovernmeut bave shown tbeir sympa tWHal aaiMll. and they with than the i-itu i!i of High Listters abould ne 'ledgtd : but thia ia nol ao easy l it is in the neeeaaity of thing* tba _he laat of merit cannot be source me in literature as in aoienoe. When I oouside tbe literary world, I see only two living ames which I would tain believe will be renumbered, aud they stand, ou fn unmolested superiority. One I that of a poet it not a great poet a real one ; tbe Mber ia your own 1 bare advised Ibe Queen to offer to ooofe a baronetcy on Mr. Tennyaon, aod tbe tarn .listicotiou should be at your command : yoQttkcd it; bat I have remembered tba likt myaelf, you ara obildleea, aud may no oarefor hereditary houora. I have, there fore made up my mind, it agrecabll t yourself, to recommend to Bar KUjeflty confer on yon tbe higheat distinction fo merit at her command, and wbiob, I believe bai naver yet been conferred by ber exeep for direct serviced to tbe Btate, aud that i tbe Grand Grose ol tbe Bath. I will *p*a witb frankness on another point. It is no wll U>a>t in tbe sunset of your lite ; Hhould be disturbed by oommon oana. aee no reason wby a grlat author cboul not receive from the uation a peuhlon, well aa a lawyer or stateBuiau. Urafurtu nately, tba peraonal power of Her Majtht in this rcapect i limited ; but still it is i tbe Queen's capacity to nettle on an iud vidnal an amount equal to a good fellov ahipi and wbiob was cheerfully aoeaitc and enjoyed by tbe great apirit of Johnso and the pure integrity of Sontbey. Ilav tbe goodness to let me know your feeling My MraatHu 3Ur iblU." H>! for D oo my me enefit, for the eat of my life. Allow ma to aay that the ettr, both iu purport aud expremioc, is worthy to be called uiaguauimoua and, oble, tbat U ih witbout example in uuy wn poor ulit.ir\ , aud 1 -ttuok it ia uiipli-d, too, iu the biatory ol g u>g|r*aiii* towards ntca^f letten at the resent, as at any tifcio ; and tbat I will aref ully preserve it aa oue of tbe things reoioua to my memory and heart. A eal treasure or benefit if, independent of 11 re*u'ts from it. Tluita>4 u>^'uaral(aad p miti-d with many teeling^ in iny own catelul oiiud, I havs ouly to add that your plandid and ganeroua propouU for my iMtioal behalf must not any ot them take effect ; thai titles ot honor we, in all egreeaof them, out of kee t iug *ith the enor of my own poor existence hitherto in UIH epoch of tbe world, and would be an ncnubranoa, net a furtherance to me hat aa to money, it baa, after long yearn of igorous and frugal, but also (tbauk God and those that are gone before me) not grading poverty, become in this lalcoi ii.ii' amply Hbuudaett, even aofcuiaba. .1,1 , mcri- of it t ..i, ow a liKidatancH, t 1. Ip to LUC; ao Uvftt i * Uo>j Ol othe: juuty would be more than thrown away o my case ; and in brief, that except tbe eeliufolyour tine aul noble conduct on uia oceaiktn, which is a real and perma ent possession, there cannot anything be uuc that would not uaw be rather than a plasAura, .With tharjiis snore baa usual*} Hioiera, r >&s j taV honor to MS Mr, yourocalgect an! obtlai et tjerfai , CAIILILE. OAtiTl.l't aiiil WLU. Here ara" tbe words he wrota in his diary aft** la* d*aa ! au wife A kind of leaden weight of sorrow has B>***w*t-r :>:i mt 01 :V*rc, with sharp f -ajory i -. B. w . weep . ao t. i.sfAfl or almost t. itr*. (loli .bla Jl to live out remnkniof Days ID amanner she ould bave applauded ! Hera aa known o ma only war* all very noble, a life of idden beauty, all given to me as part of ay own. II w bad Idem r. 1 it.' 1, UB rcrlLyl Huau'.ilol. exceedingly 1 Uo,liov ut'iurnfulli b* .usifal nu I I oallad her aril tlionRBt BIT rtiy )chal/ii hnrmv word ras ahallow aa compared to tne fact, and Dbvar thought -oi iuaing Lx-r. Vaguely Jwayt, I rgeknnaa 1 tt>a| I ua Ik* elder b >ufa be :rjf- Brut, -an a .Use ly and irii;btncBs of life I noticed in ber, in spit* of her perpetual burden of inflruiUie* and uffering* flay by day. Twioe, parbapii hnoe, during ber horrible illneae in 1-' I, ronaui ina,Ab*jifly audtcfttble, hat I wan about t* loaa ber , but always my bopa soon revived lOac a utranga kind f ooLndenoc, ; aad vary rarely waa my work interrcpted, but went en nuadily p eM tilW ftll^ Lavialaaal aWci VcVtOXV l>' snt, x.'th of us. And .>li, ber look* as she sate u tUa baleony at bt. Laonaro]* ! Never, nerr tbaM I forget tbat vaudeatieaa of love, aud ttat depth as of misery and despair. CURRENT TOPICS. AT a cost of nine million ot franca Paria w baill a new poeKftioe and placed it on tbe itite of tbe old one, erected m the year 1T67. Tba French capital baa absca tratcLiii WL-alwart, bni -till the Rue Jaan Jaajf UBH Bormeaii nmaiUH tbe ceulfe ot the creak uity on lue Bauie. Au impMtamaut been ado(tad which migbt be imitated here. A larpe room in aet apart for person* who may deiire to write letters. It In tarnished with maps, guide bookx, diction- aud directorial, and ban a supply of LiH, iulu aud bluttmg paper. An atiend a .1 su| plica stationery at coat i rice, at 1 them la a iu. nil caarpc ol two MutJ. BinxEv'liiiBBiT onoe nid, "More won- derful thM Mr. Qladatoue's uiud is hia body." Una of kit mont aitouuding pbybi- cal feats wax bis veriea ot Midlotbiaa Bpeeohta. The building in which he spoke is one ot peculiarly bad aoouilio propertiaa. II wai densely crowded, and tew speakarH could Ji II it, but he succeeded in doiug so tot nearly two boora three tia.e* uuocea- sively, and npoke with iuoreaaed vigor each time. Bach a task performed by a man overwhelmed with affairs, and uow witbiu a few weeka of 7", is a feat of wbiob tba greatest orator of hiatory might be proud iu tbe time of hi* higbent physical p]wer. ITALIAN economists are beginning to feel au*iu about the rapid increase in the Biuubar of illegitimate hirthi registered in that country. It baa indeed men by some 20.000 in tbe last ten years, but the returns kbow that the birttm are very unevenly diatributtti. I be proportion to the popu- lation n bighent m Veuioe and Dome of the wealthier towns of Lombardy ; it n very low in tbeAbruzzf and the poorest dint note. Iu cause i therefore urobably to be sought m a temporary rise of the standard of oom- fofl arLong tbe bourgeoisie, wbiab makes people with tnair uiuluplylng wauu and lu>uria afraid of the retuoaaibiutiee of marriage, more than in any decay of the national morality. A rrw refluemei.t in vegetarianism baa been devised. At a reseat vegetarian ban- quet In England, after the usual amount of distinctive food bad bean consumed, a mal- ooutaut had the courage to observe tbat if we left oS rearing animals for food it would interfere with clothe*. He waa, however, instantly refuted, in tbe moat practical man uer, by a Una vagnUtrian, who aruoe aud aanerted that he waa completely dreed m materials which bad involved no blood guil Unas* whatever. A cotton velveteen ooat, a dark linen drill waistcoat, corduroy trousers and lawn tennis aboea eooatituWd the array ot this animals' trieod. lie also committed himself to tbe statement that he bad never lasted animal food in bis life." Ir a child is so unfortunate aa to chop ofl one of bis lingers witb a meat axe it does not follow that be Is to remain mutilated for life. l>r. Pave, of Flniitere, was called to one wboae ftial finger was banging by a small piece of akin. Not being willing to do enrKical work at night, be put tbe linger in place and braeed it witb a couple of cor. Wadai. In 1(472 Dr. Holub vainly applied to several scientific bodies to sand him to Africa. lie finally started on bis own XKIDI, reached i*es* Kltawtoetb with) +16 in bis pooket, practised medicine in tbe dumond ueidn, and apnt bin earnings and two years and a hall of iiuie In ez{iloratlaitis whiom wrra/iioraii.sjffkably fruitful that the \ leuaa > <a*;ra|ihisml Society und other buiiac. luwad, lanl triuter. t^.OOF t > enable him to carry out bis prevent enterprise. A Or*i frblrs. Take all tbe Kidney and Liver V tltdtcinri, Take all the K'.J pajriOars. -TakeaUlka J:V*'<e nmrdiea.^ Take all Aa l^pti'tia aod curt), Take all tba Ague, Fever and bilious ijuci/ic't -Take all U) Untto and Nerve fora* I .. . i.. .1 lo l>rn<la TSlih. Brother Jerry Meana, of tbe (;rangbury. C., Baptist Church, has long been noted ibium i nail i manner wbiob be can iplore mercy and forgiveoeaa from the rone ot grace, so much so, indeed, that i iuteuae rivalry lia* upraiiK u| between nu and itrbtiitr Hila Martin', wbc haa o a toe*! rafwr.atieu a a hemegar of tnc eaventy tarotw. Tbe oontoat lor aapce- acy in tun hue haa led to a challenge rom Brother Meaus to Brother Martin, ir a praying match wbiob waa to take lace laat Sunday at the church. Compc- eat judges were appointed, t^ou waa put p on each Hide, and ika) raving match Idtkad fntwt/4 to With considerable axievfi Awoaswr alariic eakeued before ie auatet; 014^4 (jfcjai.J ta whole c jugre- ation wa dmappointed. Take all the (Jrvai health In ihort, lake all tho boat qualities of hese, and tbe --lent -Qualttiet of all tbe beat mediomea in le world, at.d yon will tin 1 thai Hop Hitttrt bave tba best curative .jualitieii nd power* ol all eenentnud In ilium, aud that they will ou/e wban ny or all ot tbeae , aiogly at ttmbined Fail. A thorough trial will give poai- ve i roof of thi*. II .,.1. ... .1 I I. . r Five years ago I broke down with kid- ay and liver complaint and rheumatism Since then I have beeu unable to be bout at all. My liver became bard like wood; my limba were ported up and filled witb water. All the best physicians agreed thai aolb ng could cure me. I resolved to try Hop tera ; I nave used seven bottle* ; tbe larduaaji has ail gone from my liver, tb* welling from my limbs, aud it baa niraclf in my case : otherwise I would bave been now in my grave. I. W. Momtr, buffalo, Oel. 1st. IMl. r.... , i . M.I.I ..U. rtoi I waa dragged down with debt, poverty nd suffering lor years, cauaad by a aid anuly and rarga Mils for doctoring. I aa oompletcly diaaoankged, until one ear ago, by the advice of uiy paator loiumaiioed using Iljp Bitters, aud LL on* onlh we war* all well, aad unit* of ni lave beeu siaa; a day sine* ; aoii 1 watt to say to all poor meu, you can k**u yoor amillea well a year with Hop Bitten for eaa than one doctor's vtt will o*t. know it." A mi ii i- i on ii in ii> Ae breast aud facing the flxf NaH entire, and pieoea of tg Hi. llrll.-xil * l<iuu* Bliill.1... retavued 'ftoft! for-. iK, bsMnft beeu ou a leacure trip, aa well as on an investigating tout aa to tbe oonteuu of the Indian mound* on Uaiay Utter. During laat 'inter Mr. Young opened a mound on eke Whiter, 10 the northern part of tbe rttaajfcdea of A'torida. and he baa sicoe )oeu anxioes to compare tbe content* ol be southern mound witb that of those in the far Northwestthe extreme south witb tba extreme north. The mound first examined waa taa* opened by frof. Brvce during tbe summer, and where the tirst whole cop Ol vast of, baked earthenware waa r.ioovetad. Tlia time WM limited, and only a few hours could be given end tboe* during tb* night) t > examine the mocnd. Accordingly a number of men were placed at work, and the scene waa indeed a pecfjiaf one, Tbre* largi tires were lighted W 4ve light, as w> U a* heat, and iu tbe flickering fight it seemed as if uumtx r if AMI ml* *TC at work uueartbiug ill d>''l, j\ i'tnt tin- f.irm uf a innu wan looad 1:1 ttic . uafaitting position, witb the or [lottery wera bcatde him, aa well an a large <l tar.iiead of granite. Many bunas ware [ound, bai seemed aa if buried prornii cuooaly. Two large incisions were mad* by Mr. Crowe, of tbe U. B. Co., Fort ^^^^ i*l auiuiuer, rebelling ia tho l ' I Inf rrf a TVITT in sitting pontare, aoeaKed In biroh bark. B*v*ral amallar excavations bave bean made, but no really latefinive exploration haa been made ot laie wound. A rich find will be tba reward of any one ho will give tbe naoamary time to thoroughly explore it the largest at yet known on Rainy River. Liter ou a smaller mound in the vicinity waa thoroughly opened, and in it were found bones aud two vases, bat on removing the vase* tbey fell to pieoea. On tbe weat side waa found a iknlf, with the teeth perfect, bat ou touching it, the bead fell to pieces. Tbe bodies were buried in the usual way, in a circle, with aome figure* and the vases in tbe centre, but age had ao far decayed tbem tbat no samples could be procured. Mr. A. C. Lawaon, of the Geological Survey, opened two mounds M tba mouth of tba Little American River, and found copper beads and utensili, as well BH three white vaaea similar to those found by 1'rol Uryce. Ou the Canadian side of the river there are many mound*, but tba Indians will not allow them to be opened, claiming that those buried there were tbe viotima of aome dread disease, and it ttia mounds were opened that the >ame disease would at onoe carry off all the tribe. On tbe American side there are no resident Indians, ao tbat tba mounds can be examined at will. Mr. Young expresses a determination to thoroughly explore aome of the mounds in Florida thia winter, and next summer to spend several weeka in examining tbe mounda on liainy River. Winnipeg Free Prta. itbonae. Next day tba linger was doing ao well tbat be did nol dinturb it. In foer daya there waa evidence ot union, in ten daya tbe child could move the floger, and in a month he was completely oared. No stitches were used. Dr. Fave thinks that there is too much hafcty surgery, and the editor of tbe Journal de Uedecine, in agree- ment wilb him, saya teat witb modern sur- gical dresainga tingera may often be saved, even when completely severed. Tut: example of the great snail industry in Burgundy, which is acquiring greater development year by year, owing to tha fine quality of tba flesh ot the vine leaf fed mollask, baa stimulated ibeSwiaa t) efforts in the same direction. A number of gar- dene, between Davoa and Ludjuait, in tbe canton of Griaona, have lately been transformed by tbeir owners into small {arms. During the sumiaur time Iba children are employed to gatber trie snails from field and hedge aod bring tbem to tba farms, where tbey are placed in boshes and ted upon refuse vegetable leaves. A thick bed of sawdust surrounds aaon buab and serves the double purpose of an insu parable barrier to tba escape ol the inbabi taota and a sbaltar for tbe winter. At tbe a[ i>roaob of cold weather tbe snails, wbiob hava then waxed fat, bury themselves in the sawdust, and close tbe door ot tbe bouse on tbeir back. Tbey are raked out packed up in 2 owl. basket*, and sent off to Italy, where, as " Burgundy snails," tbey sell at 18 frauoj to 'JO franca the package. AN interesting nuggeation baa juiit been made for the introduction of camels into the south of England aa beaut* of burden for farmera aud others. For a Dumber o yaara tbey have beeu in use iu Australia and their docility aud endurance in thai country are highly praised. Laden aepar alely, they take about aeven hundred weigh eaob, but in a team they are able to draw aa much as a toti a piece. By the Australian squatters tbey are extensively employed aud in district) wbare water is scarce tbey are aluioiit invaluable. Tbe price ot a youni camel ia from S-3U to 1300, ao< tbia sum is not deemed bigh u tin- inbabltauta of tha antipodes. Tbe obiet objection to their introduction into England is that the country ia too wet, and camels never get along well on wet ground After rain they are liable to slip am become uselewi. Horses also are muol terrified by their appearance A similai attempt waa made to introduce them in tin Lulled StateH, some 15 years ago, but tu idea did not take. UK, l.ii 1 1. IIoi.cu, whose large collection in the natural history and ethnography o Africa bave enriched tbe museums o Australia, ia now carrying out a very largi scheme of exploration. He left Cape Colony recently intending to cross tbe continent from south to north. He expect to be gone three years. He hopea to oron the water parting between the Congo anc Zambesi Riven, a region of which little i known, to trace tbe sources of the Cong River in the country that Livingstone alon hac visited, to solve tbe problem of tb a iBtination of tbe River Well*, in which bowever, Dr. Junker may anticipate him and to pnah north either through Darlnr o People who have buffalo robes would do ell to' bold on to them. Tbey will Boon * valuable as eurioailiaa. I .11. .1 U..UI II. I , .,11 Many Americana spend tbe summer months in Canada, and being close obaer vcra, aod aver on ana alert for tba beet of verythiug, it la not surprising that tbs roprietois of that marvelous o-.ru remedy 'utnam's rainless Corn Extractor, should ia in receipt of numerous letters W inuaairv rom tha other aide of tbe line. Mrs. \V Strong, 71 Adams Avc., Detroit, had used Putnam's rainless Cora Extractor ritb the most satialactcry rasulsa, aad lUroh 30ib, l?*.i, write* : " Kindly five rioe per dozen, aa we wanl to get aome." landreds of similar letter* support onr contention skat for a sure, sale, patBle*s and never disappointing remedy. 1'utnam s /orn Extractor stands without a rival. 0. 1' olson A Co., Kingston, proprc. ' " I do oot lika, taae Dr. Fell, Tbe reason why, I cannot ttll." it bat alien been wonaared at, tba bad djjr Una oft quoted docior waa IB. Twaa robably keoauve b*, being one of (nd old ohool doctors, made u|> pilla aa large) aa uUat0, which nothing, but an ontnao could x>lt witbout nausea. Hence the dislike. DT. R. T. Pieroe's " Pleaaant Porgcajrva 'elleta " are sugar-coated and no larger ban bird-aiiot, and are .jaiok to do their work. For all derangement* ot toe liver, towels, and stomach they are specific. An EngUah florist offered SJ50 for an rohid, a tmti* pitcher-plant, uroan without nd criintou within. WHO long, green, waa- IM stems, ' erxbfbited -ml tba fifty-sixth 1 _i~i~~- el aa* urNcjue iceuuloa vitbout a bouoa ut eneo on on the hlt 1*bV Rbun all ths vilo, uuuuuOi, .toil wiili "iiuii 'ur Hi>|M" la Uwu Mr. Btephenaon, Superintaodeol of the Orand Trunk Railway, believes tba ni*n rill obaerfalty grant tba extension of tbs aductsou in their pay. (r, Of winter bring to the surface every latent pain. It la one of tbe akraosis thing* associated with our physical well being tea* he very air, witbout which we cjuld nol exist, la heavily laden wilb tbe garma ol Rheumatiam, neuralgia, lumbaxo aud other oomplainta of a similar character told ravel at this season ot the year amongee*. human nsrvaa and human muscle*. There waa a lime when fortitude alone could make life tolerable, bul^oo witb the advent of powerful, penetrating and nervi soothing remedies, pain becomes a thing ot a moment, lue beat powerful and moat certain paiaaurc is Poison's * Kuviuxf. Nothing t jual Hetviline for penetrating power. Namliua is beyond comparison tbe graodect dis oovery for tbe relief of pain offered to tne public. Druggist* sell a sample bottle fo 10 oenta ; large bottles only 1J oenta at an; drug store. Italy proposes to adopt gold as ita mone tary unit. 84noe raaumption itc epeci circulation baa not beeu large, only ou* seveulh being in ailvar, aa required fo small change. Lydia K Pmkbam'a Vegetable Com l>3und waa Ural prepared iu liquid form only ; but now U oan be sent in dry forma by mail to points where no druitgisl oan readily be reached, and to day tbe Com pound in lozenges and pills nods ita wa even to the foreign climes of Europe Asia. Every year 7,000,000 sermons are preached in tbis country. These, with tb editorial article* in the daily newspapers keep tha country from going under. Courier-Journal. * * ' Rupture, pile lurnora, flstu las and all diseases of lower bowal laxoep cancer), radically cured. Address World Dispensary Medical Association, Bufaii N.Y., and enclose two (S ol.) alampt fo book. Among tbe last viitima ol cholera Naples waa an old woman aged 103 year* An aching void a hollow tooth. Frennh Orape Brandy, distilled K \irao of Watt r Pepper or Smart-Weed, Jamaio Ginger aud Camphor Water, aa oombinec in Dr. Pieroe's Compound Extract of Rmar Weed, is the beet possible remedy for ooli obolera morbu, diarrhea, dysentery o bloody -flux ; also, t :> break up colds, fevers and inflammatory attacks. 60 oents Keep it on band. Good for man or baas lorticujtural Society. LYDIA E. PINKHAVT8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND^ . . IS A PO'ITIVE CURf ' T .., r all *f tli... 1'iilniul t'OBiplaJati mmm \\nlarmmrt Ml romition to nr tM . . FFOIAI.I run 1. 1 Mi IN.* < . IT viu. " - --.--i- ~mm wnast > . r Fa A!* ( 'r7AtT Ail. OTAMAV TK..t u.ts.'IsV LAMB ATI -1 A -<D I tC*Ct*Tr1. KAI t I -Ml A* 'l I >I I-I-AI srT. Axn nis i-.iqtixr M-IML U IAB IB**, AMI l I-ANTM" UAHL.Y AI'AMKU TO ' Till l., ,.,' UTVauasjam.il A* :i>xri.l, T- ... . i \mi r OTJ..H . * MII.' T. TMI > TkHJUaUT. * * IKI prSEbll.l HI IT* !" IT awss Puvrxan. FL**n*anw,i A:\.\I-.T i.- M . *^ i -, AM. wai it> i* VS L*a4 Nf--ri'iK-' * * it ]!-''KI'l<ltT1N.|,]lKA!H k*mt, ftravors l'i>-riuTii>. <>tkiHAi. D*an ITTJ !>BraBMI"N AM. M TI"1 , ' , c u HAI kAvii*, u> *i \ > i-a*AvA: ri-Kin 11 rr i -* ( ' , ' IT will. T .tl.t. TUSH A-.1. i M.I ii All. I TA.MI. A'T IS lUUmmT WITH Till L4*TS T1LAT TIIS rr IF T.Tm * . *-lrri Klin I- -nl.J'I.Y r aru*L..mMATa "ftl rVr, :lfT"ft't AI.TItt KII ItTO/TAII, A Ai.ir,Ai ..i_AinT TiiTiri -%a' . . K..K TIII . i H* .T KIMT tYatruim ra- ITIIRH -I.A Till* KIMIliT U I Nt a|-A"lll. * * I.YIilA E. riVKJlAlTS >d.lTTABLC tiiXl^H VD to urvtmc-d u Ljnif. Mva Pric* |L BU U'lUm t r BV M4 i* m:l .'i-ewi** Vnt r mil. | i un I*H In f >ne , * l.**.* -i r- . t|4 f : n A. - . . 11.-^ ...IIC llw I ' lU t^ - I'll 1.- Ih.T ctirr l - fib*. H IT* ft*4 . l H. i 4 30 DAYS 9 TRIAL i'l' ' rif i Voltaic I l. Mich. I CURE FITS I Wtlr I . W- I ' ' -" r-,rJI M ro-.. tAll1 fc "> " - M> (or If 7 f r 'I l*i. l' 1 ' TOt N> Mm* t-KBAB rtHH. n VIII.TAI ic- Hm.T Cn , of Manball. Mien. offrr Vu wml tltriravloliralol Kl.r.cTS> VOI.TAIJO BBLT and other Eni.TBir Arri.ujicat' osj txia f.r tbrrtT lays, ti m*o Ivtmo* or ol.li afflletsd wtlbiMirvi.us loblllty. lo*so( iritalirr an I man bead, and all kinlml troublns Al*o lor rbo* matlmn naaraicl*. paralflt an.l rainy oinr llaaa***. Cuiu|ili* rc<iratli>n l" b*)in TUJTO an.1 uisnboul imarantel. Nu rlk Ii u.ourrsJ a* ihlrtjr day* trial is allowl Writ* tticwii nno for lllustratckl |iam)ilil*t fr** YE. EKR AND THROAT. DR. 0. 8. BYERSON, L. B. 0. P. B. B . Leotnrsr on Itm Kyi Bar kn.l TI mat TrliilT HcMloal eo4l*s<. Toronto. UoullaOio A and |o Ui* Toruulu Oeuaral HcMi'ital, 1 1 OHnMal aaslrtuni Itoral Um Ion Oi-l.thalml Bosplial. Mnoreflal.l'i and 0*Dral Loodo Tliroal >n.| Har Htp1al SIT Church (ttr**l Torunlo. Artificial Unmau Bv* SI'KMIl, N. V YIMOII* aln auj parol fir *>! " iSi j|ia He , liuUak). N. V houw. Hook-kovpioi. Hiiiinus I">inni, P*oman ship . Arilliiutlo u I bbortliauj ta*fbt by uiaiL 8ivl for eiroalan. PI. A*. K m en' s Hnsincaj K iQcmciou "i Biwievtlaa rsaj uiansblr at th* N SAN Olreolar* t

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