Flesherton Advance, 13 Nov 1884, p. 1

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Flesherton Advance. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRINCIPLES, NOT M EN.' A : ft ' '* 4 VOL. IV., NO. 178. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. NOVEMBER 13, 1834. SI5QLI COPIES, 5 CENTS EACH. THE ADVANCE. <7M of th. lowling I . H! and Paiulljr Newipapen n Northern Dnlarln. Publlbd In Every r Kaon TUB . in 1. K, TERMS OK St'BHCBIPTIOH : 9UDO i''i annum in advance , tlJOIf not paid at tele end of one year. '.'> i-n|*-r discontinued 'i ntO nl I arrrar Ki,'.' HP* paid up . and no ub*cri|>- ttoue lafctju for lea* titan one year, except wbon pmial arranitttiii.Mr lor *hortr period* are ina4e> with the publi>her. ADVKBTIHIMO BAT 88. *c. Casual a.ltertiHoiuu.i ti . H cent* per lit inaertiou anil .'t oent* per lija acb ubMient Inaertion. Tranaienl **tv6rtl*0iuent* tone paid for when .Tlnred- AdvertiM*ntentn without *|H<cial direc- tion* will n inart*d till forbid and charged Liberal iiulucvuixnU to regular adrertlaen. Notice* ainonii reading matter, 10 eent* per llpeaach innertloii. N'o a4verti*euiut discontinued until all ar- M*>ratfe ar* paid up. ropy for adTrtimnt* ahonld reach thl* <4hce not later than noon on Tuesday to eniure 1 liuartloB in current itiue A. R. FAWCETT, Editor (ind PuWiafcrr. .Book & Job Printing ! In every ntyle nf the art, at reasonable price* aul on uliort notion Order* by mail will live prompt attention. Terms, atrictlv c.i<li Mb* I>r. I lixoii. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCHER, PRICE\'ILLK, ONTARIO. t-f'AII onlit /a <:IH /'tl y uttrnilcii to. ^Jusinroo (tatrts. John W. Apmttronf, PLKSHRBTOW, Co. OUT. DIVISIIIN c .11 i:r i i.i:lih COMMIMIONEH In B. H., Conveyanoer. Ac. Axent for purchan and ! of land* Appralier for C U C. Com- nd K. P. H * H. S.-M..I v Money to Loan nn tli iiunt reaonabl term*. IMI KR or MARBIAtiK LICEN8KH Fleshevton Neat Market. STRAIN Builders and Contractors, FLESHERTON. Are prepared to attend to Brick Jt Btoue Work In all it* brauebo*. Orden left at th* AIITAXCE ' Offlc* will receiM prompt atumtiou. Oood work ! at Fair Price*. J. H. Webster, j EUUENIA. 1 T K KNSK 1 1 Auetloueew for the Conntr of Orey. AJ Money to Irn.l a* uenal, at roaeunable rate* Vlre and Life Insurance. Orniiuunicatioa* ad- 1 rlremed to RugBnia P O. prnniptly intended to. Alexander Brown, TSSI'KR of Marriage Uoenae*. Hxneral Agent A Ac. Ueenae.1 Auctioneer for Cnuntf of On-y. Pm. uvu.i.K P.O.. Ont. W. J. BELLAMY. TWF. Cl.IHK AtTBHRBlA. ESTATE* INSURANCE AGENT COLLECTOR, AUCTIONEER. (Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. . I- -!!. MeaU mnuntly on hand for <: I. Onl..r promptly filled. "I'LESHERTON 'MOHTHLY CATTLE PAR 1 BJIHK n. U Fair will take place oo MONDAY * NOV. i MI i-- 1 NP.Y no terui* Ncurity on th* tnoft *t uiodtrftte r(c of . own Hall. KL.KHHXHTOII. iPfntiotni. J.P. MARHHALL,L.I.M DKNTIBT, AliADI *TV. of Toronto fehool of lfcmtl.tr. | wiU hv at Markdale tb Ut an.l Jr.l Wtn... , day of oach uuuith, an.l at Flonherton on th* !! ; anil 3rd Thurnday in each month forth* practice i of hi* profeeaton. Canadian Pacific Railway. OHTARlFDeCTISION. (Change of Time. A. O. PBBBT. J. MAI..HT1X HAKIM. HANDS & PERRY, to Lawlrr <t Handt, nABUIHTKHH, sol.lriTOHS. NOTUUKH. D CONVP.YANCKHH. Ac M,.nev u. Ix.at, at Leweat Be.t* of inloruet. IMBc. . 16 King Hint- 1 Kaet, Toronto. . 4. rr- A ToaoWTo. depart. 7 Wajau. - 4 Vr i" 4o. amve.10.iSa.ia. Jp.m. Connect* with f.P.H. Bteanishlpe at Owea Hound. Ru> only Tnetdaya. Tburadav* and Saturday* Hon. Mlted train leaveje Parkaal* T 3Oa.ui CREDIT rALLfY DIVISION. TOBOHTO, depart. 7.10 am. I JO p.m. arrive. 9JO " 1M " Norm. Mixed trmln leave* ParkdtU 1 a.m. nNTAHIO * QUXHXC W/F/S/OJT. 4JO p.m. Depart Torcwto Arrive I0.a a.m M0a.ni ' Paikdale " TJOp.ni ..Norwood.... FROST & FROST. EVKKISTCKN SOL.ICITOKJ*. I'XJN VBTANCHK. Ac. Offlcr 1'milett Str~.|. Owr.N BOL'ICD. ai.<l ev*ry Thnnday at PI.KHHKHT* 'H J. w. pvnvr. 1. 1. ii ALPRKD KROHT, Crown County Attorney Itotfh. A lliH4.ii Hotel, MAXWELL, .... OUT. Oood aeeoramndaUon . bunt brands Uqonr* A Clar*. Oood Htabllng and atwmtlwi Hmtler Th*oljr Hotel In the plaee. Joa. Alum*, 1' ' w i y [ tcv p.m. i W. WHTTE. OBW'I. BtnT. 1 an " D. M. Ml . >l .1 . OKK'L Paaa. Anr. Flesherton Station Hotel. Altai. Hmutak A >Su*), i K II.NN L.BAVF. PLESHEKTON STATION: OoinR North, .at 114p.ru, ftaip.m.. * 4:.16 p.m. OninK Bouta, .at fkii a.m . .: p.m., A 0:10 IT.. abore Hotel havin been thoroughly re- i 1 ntt<l tlinmKhnijt. now an*i>r<l Ket<lU'iit ac eommodation to tb* travelling public. Th har ; t* well adpplled with choice Liquor* aad Cigar*. ' In fact, ample accommodation in afforded here I to botai aaan aad beaat. _ ISO-ly THE MARKETS. FLK8HERTON. Card* .narrfr.* umlrr ttu h.-, !,,, at f."-' t "*> *" l a * i " <d*(*, r $3 Fall Wheat |0 G8 to < 68 Spring Wheat 063 067 62 O. U. XV. Barley 45 OatH 26 (Van 060 ^Butter 1 Eggs, frh 18 iP6ttoei 080 ffork 5 00 Hay.perton 700 Hides 5 50 Wool 18 Hheepskirtfl 40 Geese 00 Ducks, per hrac 25 50 Chickens, pur brace.... 20 40 IN THE ADVANCE " r M - n make K rrt pay all the time they t^ i tit, nu\ w^r.. work wUh ahwll|tl . , ,.^1,,, ,, ,, ,,. IT >WILL ^AY YOU. jjantp H. HAium ft Co., Portland, Maine. n , FLUSH BBTON I<odft No. 141. meet in thrtr V (W r LoVc Konin. Strain'* block. Toronto street. , I - ji an the let and 3rd Monday In each month, at 1 T-JOp.m. stkarp. Vliltlnn brethren weleonM. 17 I M P M. MTKH, M.W. W. O I'l.'um.i.. K... t OOi . J ffjDUFFERIN LODGE NO. 186 ILf KRTH evttry Tuomlay Kvenlnjr at M o'clock. %U JK IxU:<> lUnnii. Rtrain'i block, Toronto tret. H r.t. Degree IxxlK*. lit Tumday In each month. Vli- ' ' I tiim brethren cordially Inflted. " (l Jo*, lii.t. KI nv, N.O A. B. V ,M.I x ic -i The Dear Li We Heads in the Pew. MBS. M. B. 8AN08TEB. In tbe morn of the holy babbatb, I like in the church to Me, The dear little children eloitcrwl And worshipping there with m*. I am iur that the pallor Whoa* words are Mk (urnrntr' dew, Mud be cheered ai b Raiet over The dear little beada in the pew. Kaon earnest aad t)i. <uK>itfiil. Innoeent, pore and tweet, They kwk in the eonirregatien Like lilliea amongst the wheat ; Ahd I think that tbe tender Mselai'. Whose uiercies are erer new, Has a special benediction For dear little beads m the pew. Clear in the hymn* resounding. To the organ's (welling chord, Mingle their fresh young Toieee, Eager to praiae tbe Ix>rd. And I tnint that the rising anlbeap, Has s mranina deep and true, Tbe thought with the muik bleneled, For the dear little heads lu the pew. When th*T hear "tbe Lord is ny hepherd" Or "suffer (be babe* to come," They an glad that the loving Jesni Has given tbe lambs a hone. A plaoe uf tbvir own with bis people, H* earrs for me and for y..n. Bot sale in his arms he fathers, The dear little heada in the pev. So I lof in the great aaaeinblr. On the Habbath morn to set. The dear hill.- children elastareat And worsbippiBg there witk Ms). For I know that my precious Batiosjr, Whose meroirs are ever new, Haa a special benediction, For tbe dear little beads hi tbe pew. in l.xi.lnnnlloB. To tltf Editor of Th, AHmur. SIK. I)TV Madill baa miaraprMnited aflain in your last week's iawe, br aaw- mi{ " Mr. Grearson " lived in Colling- wood Townahip, and leading Ule public to infer that he had oo diaaiaki with aay of the jodgt-a eiept yount; CraaekthaDka of Heathonte. Will he deny Uaal h Kel a dispute with Mr. KirK.ir*hon (eae of the judgea) of KupkntMa. if n>H with Mr. Orearson, wbv waa not present I WHO KNowa. Snaiociu.T ILL. A peraoe. aBaTering with pain aad beat over the mnall ot th* back , with a weak weary fooling aaid freqoent headachxt, is seriously ill and should look out for kldaer diseaae. llurdnek Blood Hit UTS regulate tbe kidneya. bleed and hv.r. well a tbe *t.>ina<-h and kowela. I iijilf OoletMt Police Magiatrate CaJiill, of Hamilton , U a highly dicriinin*tiTe iodiriduiil. A few weeks ainoe he waa oalled upun in hit official capacity to inflict punnhm. n i upon a lad, brought before him umler the vagrancy act, for tbe Ulli* rime (sir) of baiBK found, tramping !< D the track of the Grand Trunk B, H- The) Mauistrate committed tbe fellow to jail, aa he oon- liderod it waa tbe beat pnniahment for such a being. Last week, a aoouinlrc 1 in the penon of Joseph Kendall, wu bro't before him, chargesl with criavinaHy *- vaulting a young girL Such an offenot has earned men in earlier daya to a hort shrift and a long rope ovr the limb of the nearest tree. But Joeeph Kendall ia a well-to-do man, and has paaand many yean in the beet eocietjr. Priaon fare and gaol garment* were not to hi style uf life at all : one day and night in rurh a den of thieves waa enough t distract auch a fine toned gentlegiasl ! Ho the judge thought. And to Uf. Cahill'a brain it appewed that, " To r. v.m in thu jiria..iirr - social standing Uie ignomiaty of being in a prison for a day in quiUt M aavare aa though he were Users for a month." But to a poor mm well, he will get accustomed to it. Not a word about the shame and ignominy nf tlte act when perpetrated \<j an aged man, well educated, with all the advuntmres of position and affltienoe on his side. That ii all loat sight of, aiuUb* only fact that appears to have affectrd the Mngia- trate's cranium waa that the poor follow in the dock was not used to priion walla. Ho therefore inflicted a fine) of flOO, which, to a man in the priaonrr'n po*i- ti.m would not I', more than a hundred cent! to a poor man. )Hr. Cahill would fain carry bit " justice " t>tk to tbe per- iod whea oae law WM avade for the nca) aid another for the poor. Oanadav tt ao boma for juttioe of this k mri and the aooa er tbia aoagiitra>te ii depoted from his high ".fajtjan the anooer will wch old vilkiQ aa Joaph Kendall get thir just deeerta. A WIBB 'V.* t-UsioN If ye have vaialy tried many remedies for rfaeumalisni, it will he t wiaa coneteaion to try Hagyard TsUew 00. . It evree all painful diacase wheat otaar (all. From Tor.nto. T- Ike t'-iHor of Tin ,4.ii ... In i hxs day of widely cireulat4 daily newspapers and fact mails, there seems t.i be little left for tbe correapoudent of a local weekly journal to write about, ea> pucially whan be is situated at a central point auch M Toronto. Yet there are tome |mu of interest which theee chan- nels way not have conveyed to many of your rvauiert, which strikea the mind of the obeenraat atroller through the streeta ..( thia intenating city. Proirreaa and improvement seema to be the order of the day, though we hear much of dull times and depreaakm uf trade, yet the march uf impruTenvuo^guea steadily on, and if the winter ahouM prove mild, the building trade promiaM to be fairly good, even through the win- tar. A very largo number of buildiuga are now being commenced and other* are being prepared for. The growth of the city toward* the west ia rapid. Street paving ia btmf l>uihed in severml placea and street rail- way enterjMiaea an- being developed. The latter baa lately given riae to considerable (liKuaaion ia the city ouuiuul aad throagh the |>raa, being as>iof Baonopoly winch auenui to be rather an elephant oti the handa nf the onsjjicil, aa>d not managed in the heat in U< eats) of the riUama, the ac- enaMBKKlKtion furniahed not btnng up to the expectation*. <>ae thing very remar- kable about thoa itreet eart la thai* ear- ryinjf eaitacity, which seems to be onry e.|iitl.-.l by the aocimoiodating pirit of the conductora and driven wh<> never fail tn sU>p tin 1 moat heavily loaded car to take on paatengen ; in fact it ia aaid that you cannot fill a street car so full that it will n. <t hold more. Yet when all is said and (I. >ne, the system ia a great conven- ience and accommodation. Very gnat interest ia taken here on the Scott Act agitation, and on the even- ings of electiona in the various c. .unties, thy sidewalks in frunt wf the newi-ofheea are throngix) by an aniioua crowd waiting fur a aight of the bnUetina in the windows announcing the result. T-day one if the principal topics of converaatiun ia the term, .us of Rev. Mr. Jelfery, of Queen st Methodist Church, preached yesterday, in which he take* a pusitiem in upp>iaition to the Scott Act, which ia likely to get hint int.. hot water. Tem|ierance and Christian people aeeat to IM surprised at a prominent Methodiat nuniatttr using thu old hackneyed objec- tions ao long uaod by King IXxlda and hi* Eztenaive reTivak are now going on in aeverml of the city churches In Klin st. church, under the management of Rev. Th.*. Harrison, popularly known as the " boy preacher, " hundreds of souls are being counted. At Agnea st. church, under the pastor, Rev. Mr. Kurr, where) * grand work ia being accomplished, and liniiera being aaved in large numbers. I atti'ii'W a maaa meeting in tho latter church at 4 o'clock on Sunday laat, ad- dreaaed by .Maater Newman Matthuws of Yorkville, t lad of 15 yeatra of age who ia doing a wonderful work for good. The addreaa, which was especially directed to the children and those connected with the Rsbbath School, was eloquent, inatruct- ive and edifying. The subject waa, "Seed Tine, Summer, and Harvut," and waa handled with ait ability worthy uf mature yearn The impression on the audience WM : aurely Ui>d U with thu boy and haa t grtMtt work for him to do. Q. K. SUHK m coiura. The roost troublesome cough eough i* anre to jrn-l.l if timely (retted with Haeyaril's Pectoral Balsam. 1'lvMant to tak? and i*t* fvr young and old. 8i*,-Iii tka fort of O. T. which appeared in yt>ur paper it is stated that Mr. Wint*rh..ni WM j pointed Librarian for ea*t-m ,-.i of In* peetorsjtex Tkw WB ft miaprint It ahnuld have beta Mr. Kunro WBI if poin- ted Libcariaa. It appear*] the tarn* in the A n VA s rt. PUeeB surra et the iu next larae, and ob*y * W. L t, r lull For month of October, H. R. Ho. Artemeaia : Junior rint flams ; total 3M marka. Priaeilla McKee, S34 ; Tiny Badferow. 107 ; Bella McNally, 117. Senior firat Claaa, total 36O marka. - Bella Black V.ume, 2T< , Martha BoyM, 1M ; r rankle Chart, 157. Bd I'art Kirtt Claa. total 4M niarft* Sammy McN'tlly, 900 ; Annie Badfarow, OS ; AHUM (ramwy, 14* exoatd Claai, total Ml aarka,-8aal > HeKee, 488 ; Klau) McKee, 4>\'J ; Daai, MeKee, 468. Third Claaa, total 498 marka. Hannah Staflord, M ; O*M*rgi McNally, 896 ; Charlie Stafford, SIS. Fourth ('lass, t..taJ 714 marks. Bella Thompaoo, 001 ; Ahee Nicholaoti, 4OC ; Herbert Thompson, 34& EI>II Ixum, TsaaW. A OBBAT M >ma * 1 1 1. a great IMU* to mppoee that dyspepsia eaat he eured bl nut be endured, and InV mad gtoneny and miaemkle thereby. Alexander Born*, oi Cobusu-g. wu eared after uflenaf flftoca yean. Burdock Mood Bitters eared him Aart ton Sale*. Farm Stock, ImpUnit-nta, Ac <:. Lot II ArteBMMB, Nor. SrU, at lSo'r|>.. k noon, without reeervw. TernM o*a*. ax Wilaon, proprietor ; W. H Ckm Baaioaaa*. BUM luila. Firm Pu.-k. Ac On th 19th N. T , at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. 1* month* credit Jae. H. Stewart, proprietor ; John Spvers, Auctioneer. Vegetable Sicilian . HAIR RENEWER VIS Ik* tnl BttpaitUOB rrfwt I a.taplr I H r ilniie o( ||t* *caii>. i"l tl> lfl I J >- MHfvl rettarer uf fatlwl urfrajr hair w ite ualartl color, growth. tu.l ;unil>ll Weal?. II kM kad >**; tauiauin. tut u n Lt 10 fll> net all tk requirrintuis n>lf*l for th ftoffft trealouit of lu* kair aji.I Ml*. MILL'* HAIR Kucwta DM tuvi.l? |rwa> iu ! r and r"4 it* lam* and Mrdilaree to try quarter of tbe g li,b*. lu inparal- UM lueeeea a* be attnl'ulr.l to If. OB* raut la* imlmftljllmrxl of \li prumiet, Tk* arofjrlftnn hr.. often brr<n iurpr!a at Ik* r*K*ipt of ordn from rtuot* KU- lrl*>, when ihr j Lad act*r uaJ* an Cocl fo fk for ibnrl tin* of I? I t ' Hil BI>KWBB w.'ixUrfully twproTrt ika ft9> oiitl >pp*armn*. It cl*auM> U> tralpfma) all Imeitrlu**, car*e all humor*, fvrrr. aa*l at'nrtt. acJ Uiu prtTrnU ! .Inn,. ] atiuimalri tli* krn. ,1 (lindl, and *B>t>l<w tlitm lo | uli lurwnr.l a i.-w aikl i\ff<m (rovta. Tk* *ff*rl* of lUi article an : -t traniltnt. Ilk* Uioe of !. - rraara' BoBi.kM rrtualn a )on( tlui>,luoli uake*) lu w* a matur of *waooi<. BITCIOTGHAM'S DTE roa> Tin WHISKERS Will thaiif* tk* (ward to a nalaral VMWW, r black. ud*lr*d. It prodieM ap*raUMnt color tkat wtll aot waat away, i oaclMI** . f a lnjl* |>repanUoe>, It I* applied wtUwut tnxMe. PREPARED BT B. P. HALL I CO., MM, I.H, eU aw art Deaton la MnllclMe. FOB ALL THE FOiMI or tend l>l..r J r.. tk* tM*t remedy, betaaai tbej on arrhinf ana taoraafaj Ayer's Sarsaparilta. oaJtrTaUbra^uu ll.ui

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