Flesherton Advance, 6 Nov 1884, p. 8

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. BEARD'S Waggons, Manufactured at Flesher- ton. rathe Cheapest, at nothing but good wood U uwd iu thorn. Tbey are utrou^ly ironed, runs easy u.1 wull Painted Farmer* a-id others wanting the (.'heapeiit and Kent Waggon will do well to examine the ma- TVewny Items. Gleaned from our Canadian Ex- changes aud Other Sources. Mr. H. H. Walker, Deputy Reeve of 1 Mrl. until. in, has been Buffering from MI attack of pleuresy and inHaimitioii of the ; lung.-i. He is recovering. Shelhurne Economist. tarfnl earefully. ' I**}'- HKAKD'S M'atU'Uia arc warranted for :i yearn, ami sold at very low prices. No , Itox, Spring Beat, Xeckyoke and \Miitfltreeii. Manufacturer of Iluggics, Democrats, ?7. r ..OO for cash 80.00 Cutters, SleUilis, Iron Harrow*, aud Ageut for JOHN H. HEARD, Fleshertcn. Rev. >. Ju<-i|ii"<>. Port Elgin Buy Times. We had the ph-Murt) the other day, of reading a very interesting letter from tho Kev. lii-ii. Jaciput* at Calgary, addressed tu his old friend in Port Elgin, Mr. A. Net-lands. At the date of writing* t),-t. 15th, Mr. Jacques and family had not got fully settled, although they had |fi , - ,,[ t|,,. \kni.8B pool n x tile nx ; 1' , . s, Krupti. .. aim i dilMllSI'H, 1I6C I'l 1 H Slllplllll >..)>. NEW ADVEKTISKMKNTS. STRAYED. According to the Durham Chronicle, j ">"\i-,l ml., their new house. Mr. and proprietor of the "May Dew" com- Mrs. Jacques find everything so new and - plexion .-111,111 advertisements ot which ' KIV1 ' strange up tliere and western life si) dif- Saw Mill & Timber Land For Sale or To Let. inserted in n number of our ft' rent to what they had bei-n used to, has "skipped out." they still prefer tlie quiet und home-like At the recent Division Court held at ' ' l>fu they enjoyed in Ontario. Mr. Jac- Durham, Judi?e Macpherson fined a man ques however, regards the far west a an five dollars fur interrupting a witness. | excellent country f.ir young people, and He had tlm l.ust side of the case but ; t!ll> ">1 w" adapti-d for fanning, stock CAM !: into tin- |ire.MJi- of tin su!",ri licr, * h. riincesMon -.in. I, -outli lint'. Ai t.'liu Ma, on IV all". IT till' Iht "t AU^'llst. 1 W l,w. It; l.ninl'- mil' u l,w<' toi'l tin- "tlii-i- n Kaui. can liiivt; thf MUIU- l> proving |.r'.jK;ifcy &uA paying t'X['i-uus. C\S. Mi KIN SON, i'lk'uiillc P. O. Oct. 21,lrtK4. , Iu tho Township of Art'IU'slll, in tliu County of <iny, 4 miles from Fleslicrtm; 8i.ni .IK tin t mini: ui 1'acific Railway. Thu Mill i- situated at Little Fulls, in a block of iJi.'ut 400 aor. s Timbi r Land, with other timber land fturrouuding. The building ia sub- st4ntiolly built ou stone foundation. The machinery is all good iud driven with great power by a 23 iueh Leffel wheel, under Hit feet head of watt". There are 1 Large Circular Sa for cutting logs ; '2 Small Circulars for sawing Laths und Hrocim Handles ; 1 tillage cut was testifying. --Durham Chronicle. Tlie now town hall in (.'hat.-.wortli is to lie opened on tlie 7th of November (to- morrow). The addition to Mr. C. Lamon's hotel, Owen Si mud, was lilnwn down the week i for turning llroom Handles, &<:.; 1 Slni,-l. Ma.-liii.,. with Jointer (ind Packer com pi.'t-'. Thr \V:itiT -1'ower ii> excrlli'ut. tin -K:.. .mi I'l i ii^ vi rv regular. There are Fevrral other g'>.>,l Mill Sites <>u the property. The lun.l in tliis MilU-.v is consiilereil the l.rst in I*K- country. The piace would make an excellent Stoi'k Kami when the timber is tOM oil This oflTers a goo.l opportunity for a practical, i u-r_'.'tic mau to go into this kind of lraDH, as tlii> ].l.i<-c will be sold or let on KAVOR Alil.K Tl-'.H.MS. The bueb is so COD- veoleut to the Mill, logs can be tracked iu summer time. Immediate posmisiou given. Apply to the proprietor, VVM. I l< x . . KLI '-iiiKiiTox HTATIKX P.O.. OST. ' FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS ! E. VANZANT, lief'. re last. The brick work had just been completed. Tura is to have a cheese factory. Hr. H.H. Stovel, of Mount Forest, will shortly issue a paper in that town, to U' called the Index. Mr Stovel isafirst- elasf. newspaper man, and we wish him every success in his venture. Today is Thanksgiving day and will be pretty generally observed as a holiday. (o-.iru'ian lodge "f Oddfellows (Owen Sound) celebrated their fifteenth anniver- sary "'I Tuesday evening of last week by an "V!-tiT supjier and social in their hall. oi-ii S.iuml Tii'.. very couldn't restrain himself while his oppoii- ! raising Av. Stock and produce are high. Potatoes sell at 2 to .'( cents [ier pound, and other tluii'.'s in proportion. '.nit. a number of fttlers are moving in, and in another year it is expected Calgary will I." twice its present si/e. We believe the Hov. Mr. Jac'ipies above referred to ho. relative, living in this vil- Those requiring extra good I'ianos, ( )r^;iiis, Sewing Mut'liiin s. Shinties, NcedKs, Oil, ic., are invited to up-* ply for tbeiii to C. TitEAix.i.i.u, Flesh- orton. A SAFK ISVKKTMIHT. Investing twenty- Ih. .-i iits for a botlle of Hagyaril's Pectoral Halsain, the best tlirnat ami luug healer l.iinwn. Hures conrliH. lironrhitii, asthma and all puluiouury complaints. ALL KINDS OK MHNMH ..I- i ll Cruelly Murdered. In the Province of Ontario eTery year , thousands me beini; slowlv i.iunlrv<l by tak- II,.. Durham ( l.ronide man is opposed ill( , mi , llllHM( ,. llntrl ..,i H ,. tnmM f or J gl , c h to the iiitniduction of billiards into that < ..inphints ax Costiveiiexi', Imlii;u8lion, Liv- town. .Tenkin's head is level. , .>r C,.i.ipliiit. Kidney TruubUai, etc., who imglit i-nsilv regain lo*l ntrei^tli and ruery A man naua-d .las. Brown, a sailor on , b y usill> , Ml .c. r , gol . |S s r ly I'unj. To c-.m- theSehiHiner Mowatt, was accidentally v inn tli.m that such i tlie case we will give drowned W \\Ydiasday night at Col- ' tll( ' m " fr '~ trial '" lltl " '" bMcl,ardou's Dru? Slure. PilMfOe. MMll. See tertunou lain in the \\Ydiasday night hnxwood by walking off the dock dark.- Shelbunie Free Press. A little jjirl ah"ut two years of age, daughter of \Vjn. Taylor, J. P', Fergus, from jierMius in your owu towu. Tw Kfiil and for Hair. . Bnch as Monumonts, Tomb Tables, Headstonrs ('iiiiiter awrl Table Tops in American and Italian Marble and (ininitf, uixl made on sliott initiri-. Also Mantles in Marble and MW-bluized Slate, .tc., &c. Flusherton, Aug. 'M, 1883. GBT'YOUR Fall & Winter nothing MADE UP BY THOMAS DUNCAN THE FASHIONABLE Tailor. iotiatuoo*. P. 8, Harnid, *c. Apply on the lot, \v for ulo at bottom prlci Apart jf Lot :il, lotU I'ou , Artauicula: IB was accidentally allot l.y her brother ai;id r. . , luare.I : nw drop hai b*n uJteu off v,,v - | prrnuu wautlii** ninall (iirin lan haw |H*e eii-hteen. She only lived half all hour ! ' after the accident. Mount Purest Con- federate. A f;itnl accident occured at Kincardine on Monday morning (laat week). John .Mel.i'od, a y nun' Mian, while Attending to las duties in the engine room of Uixhtmyer's salt works came in contact with the driviii',- he. I and waa Instantly killed. Hanover Pout. FKKKMA,VS WORM l'd\VI.KUS de.troy inul rr>m..v,i \yor:iis withvut injury to adult . j; iiifaut. HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAYSmiS&OINTMENT THK PILLS Purtfv the Dlooil, correct all Di.sonlora of the Liver, Stomach, liitln'^K, .n<l JJoweli*. Tbey Inyi^orato ami reatore to hoaltli Dolillitatnrl ronntitutimm, ami are Invalnal.le in all Com- |.l.iiiu tucldontal to Kenialei uf all ai. For Cbililrcit anil the ajjed they are iiriceluig THE OINTMENT l< M infallible remedy for Bad Leg*, Had Hreniits. (lid Wounds, Sore and Ulcers. It is fauioua for Oout and KliiiuiuatUiu. Kor dlxordcrx of the Cheat it has no uqual. for SO UK THROAT, BRONCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS Olandular Kwullinga, and all Rkln It haa uo rival; and for coutractud and stiff Juliitu It nets like a charm. Rannfaoturod only at Profeeior Hot,LOWAVs RHtablishiuent, 78, New Oxford M r . , t ( lat . :.::::. Oxford Strrrt ), London, and are sold at Is. IJd., tta. nd, 4*. M., 11s., 2fr.. and .Tte. nach 11,. x or I'ot, and may bo had of all M.dl olua Vuudorn throutthout tho \\orld. ft* f'lrnhntfn ttumU Itrilt tf. lh<- fsihrl i,n (Itr I'ots mtil , J 7At, (frford (Hrrrt, London, tltj nrr If tin itiklrexx u not m riotu. Tlie Advance till Jan, 1st, 1885, for 15 cents. Mover Give Up. If yon an- nufTeruitf with !<>w an.t ilrpir -. "''I-; .' apjielite, /t in ral .Icl.ilily, .li>i >li r.-.l l.liMnl, wruk e.'ii^ti|ia1 i< in, limil- lu'lie. or iinv ih.-ra.v of :> l.iln.iu niitun , l.y al! in. ;m> prociireii linlili- of Kli-i'.in- l:itii M V.jii will Uimr|iri-. 'I t i -IT tlie rajiil im |iroTi*in<.nt tliut will follow; you will b" n, c|iin-d with in'N life; .^tmit'lh uti'l ai'tirity will return ; puiji and luurry will ccn-.e, iin.l In in-, f.'itli \.. i :!! n;..i.-i- in tl.r jiruiite of Kiectrie ItiUorB. S..M i\t fifty '.'I'lita a IM tile l.y \V. Kidi.ritsou. . (I. A man x^ivin.; Ins n.mi. iut Shoot was hrotiijlit to jail thin week for IH.UM lireakinc! at Nnrvnl. One moniing Mr. Isaac Cieeiihwuord noticed that Borne one lad Imeii upeiidiii',' tlie night in his atnhli. i in the roadside was found n Ini^y. and hidden befiide u stump wax found a set of harness anil a croe,k of butter, which lat- ter (tirviiHWourd ncoi'iiixed as his. A clone watch was kept on the hui(Ky, and a n an \v i, noticed about in the evening, and wlio afterwards n.adc for the farm liuildilij;ii ; Mr. (ireemwoord, and a iifii;lil...r armed with elul.s follow- ed, ami (surprised him in c .minj out of a shed. As it was dark, and as the fellow xlitiwed sii;ii8 of lighting out, it was thought that a tap fn.ni the chili would he the most effective way to effect the capture of the marauder, and he was ac- cordingly felled with the club and tukcn to tlie Imuse, where an iinned watch was kept over him nil night. In the- morning he wa.i brought to lirampton and 1 jcked up. The capture created quite u sensa- tion in Norvnl district, and a general cleaning up of fireatns took place; for it was feared tlmru were companions. Tlio buggy which was found by the roadside was indentilied l.y a man from Richmond Hill. It is supposed Shoot unhitched his | horse and put him to graze while ho help- ed himself to the butter, and the horse making off, left the thief in a bad fix. I The prisoner is n !ar,'e IIMUI, and i* capable of desperate resistance. The horse wo believe, has nut yet lx;on recovered. DR. LOW'S PI.KASANT WORM SYRUP An atfrpflftlile, nf and effectual remedy to remove all kinds of worms. V/ARREH LFA*ND, ' ' 'j ksowi ai l! ruttififul : - i ta !.2rr j? K:!e! E p '3.' No MATTF.B. No matter wlicrn psin, or soreucss exists, Ilagyurtl's Yel- low Oil tnki n or spplieU will give iniuiediatti relief, *,J pout,: cave quickly foll.w, it, u*c. r" r.f Ai-i.Tlc.i. urn t'.iat whii. .from : . \,>. . .!. i> .:.i.: a fLip.'t'iiuT arouiol Cnj< ;i\.( ..( on iiiia'.lun total- i . !i ir.ui.'.i t'..<t. oiiu or ilu oltlcera of . ti J....-.1 hl-uwif, ,.u,-.ii4 tli- vy- .: u^wuto . y ll-J >W) ol Ayor's Parsaparilla. Fli <"< then >[r. LELA>' U:n rocnmniomleU AVI.K'I SAMArAUit-i. v lii in HIT "liiillar r .- . i. nd L I- .11 never yet Leu: J of Iu d.:l> i. i i^IJort a null'.'*! curi". S.i.i..' \niirK ujo..iie of Mr. I>i.AXr>' farm lal..irer |.r;u-,..l lu> li g. (mini; to the bad t it., i.r kin ulo.Hl, p.n ii,;].- re : i 'f u. "iiiiii welling or lump ajipurircj on tbo in;ureil limli. llor- rili!" llclilng of tin! ;,ln. witU l.vinilt'g and dnrtinx pnl.K Ihrnuglt liic lump, iiimln Ufa aluimt intol r:i:.]^. Tlio le^ brcnnin rnor- inously rnl.ii ^ '.I, an.l running iilrrrn funnel, discharging prcat quantitlpn of extrrniely otTetiftlvn niattrr. No trentinent wan of any arnll until tlm man, !>> Mr. l,ri. AMI'S ilirco- t: 'li, wi< rUT>pll|.il v. itli AVKII'S SdKAI'A- K1LLA, nhich nllari"! Ilia |>aln ami Irritation, luMl'.'l tlio Horn, rciuovvil tho SKelliiig, and completoly n-O'iriMl tlm limb to tiso. Mr. LE^A>D Uai pcrsoiui'.ly tuod Ayers Sarsaparilla f'T r.lr'umntUm, tr' tli cntlro ptiTiv)! ; n<t, nlt.r rar.>:ul i -1 wr\at..c.u, >: <-. '.<:< Ili.-il, In 1-ilnl.if. ti. ii no nicil.ciun i.i t'.i-) \ ,:.J f , : '1 t.. it for llifl cui < of I.: v r Dicortlrrr, fi,.iit, tin ciY.-cU of hlRh li^PT, Pult lEhi'Uf.i, 8or'i, ]'rupt!onn, mil all llio v.irlom f .run of blocil dlncnfon. AVtf hare .* .'r. I.n.A:;D's pcriu^slDii tolnrito all huiii:'y>:i.;l.-iifii:-lbcrev:i! nco In ri^arl to t:.o fAtncr:!.aa:-y eur:/.:re j.OTer of Avu:;'i U.v:i.<.ir.vRii.:..v to rto l..m pcryou- ally cli'j.r r.t III] mr.r.iino:'.i (jcc:.u Kotc 1 , l.onj Hiniich, or ct tlio po.-mlar Lclunl Hute', l;roaJw.iy, VTlb and 2M'.i Street*, New York. 'lr. l.M.AM/j extensive kno'letl;e of lb,9 p. 'nil iloiio by thl3 nnequallc<l rrmllcator o ' blood pri>nn< enables him to !vo Inf.uiTKS lunch raiiuulj lufoi uiation. PniPARED BY Dr. J.C.Ayeri Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Dro^sU , SI, liz Uottlet for W. anted for The Lives of 1 the ProRldentt of the S. Tho largeit.handiiom et bwt hook ovnr nalil fur IHH than twice our price. The fatt iwlliii|> liook In America. Im- uii'iiM- pront to aiieutx. All luUilliueiit people want it. Any one can hocntiie a nuccesHful a^eut TerniB froo. HiLLETT BOOK Co., Portland, Main TEACHER WANTED. T KArHKll. hfiMini: S,-<-.,ij;1 ..r I Vltllli lite. HHIlli"! f'.r - S Third C II. A i ,i , it tip tO forl-^. \ J,|llll tit li.ll- \Mll I" M , Novi'ini,. i n. vt, )>> . itlit r "i ill- Mll.o.MiiN Tl'liXKIl. SKCiu:TAn, l.imviiia V. O or, JAMKS MIliDI.KTDN, Oct. ilt, 1 STRAYED. Can H. into tin.- pn-mt>t". of th.- .t.l. .-rilM-r, hd4 I'HII ha\r HHIUi. I'V pi. .\llix I'l eiiii'iistw. Artriiii-Ma, (K't llth. l*yt luth. \^ Kilt, srtonP.< A PRIZE. Hend nix cents for |KHt- :: and receive free, a coitly box uf goods which will help you to morn im.ni-y rUfht away than anythiiiK else iu tliia world. All, uf either MIX. micee d fr Jk C* j , Au^uiLa. TEACHER WANTED. Teach'. i ,IM. d i .. s.-l...,,l s., ti..n .',<.. mwla, holding fi i I IHM! Clanii co ' ' neuee on the 9nd day of J| 1BKV A]i].ly. stittn.i-. suliu .lolIX MV/MUV Dated Hi't llth. Ihf : Trustovi Hoc. F\RM TO RENT. OR KOH *\l.i: \ m Con. Id. I/ot :***. i' tin- 'I 'I'll* * -tin i ir at >i> tit. <"j) H< i i U nr.-.l, with ft'UCfs. spi M . ..; . i , . k , - \r, 11, nt -. ,il \ t t \ . . i i i. ii 1\ 1 I,,,,,,, Mtoatod -ft .f Arti'uie un,l, i . Imlf it* \alur k'ivfii f'.r most ..r |iR\!iii'iitrt A | 'ply tu tnc . I I. >l> -rt.i'i lv-,1 OtttM. Oct. Utb. isnl W. KK13BS . d0 J. W. BATES, /)('/! /r/ I ' HLK8H!-:itTOS, Money to Loan. .If < )JV ' " ' ' "h, nut iii aitvanuK. 9i> \|"|.1> to A..KIIK. TIIOUNBIKV. YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S "WORM POWDERS. Are pli-oMB t to take. Contain their own Purgative. I a sate, lure, iuid tftnclaml worms iu CliilJren or I iiii.melbe litrs OF "FABMS FOR SALE- MO "Fsiw DAILY AND WEEKLY MAIL 1 MM MAIL 1 1. -t4 Income Ttn Kiiiiunl/nl Mnlluni for Fan* > . Ill- Ml. l'l And cocMiiu mr>fo nf tlirm tl.vi ill ctl.rr rni1li biN<-(l. It lim JSB.UOO rcack-ra uf the rttfht cljt^k. AHVl RTI',1 Ml M .( "Htmi (or Slo" >nd wnit ,t ' Sin. b , r ' s, ? I f r ^il. ' or " W.inld" In Till UIIKIY M A 1 1 . /I r ,</ |,n XKII e<.h lvm **nty HHti per wuitt f..r ^i tHttrtioiu, ot In TMK ll. ..t fh>0 aid a k.i!/ (run per WM.I o^h tnMrtlun THF. MAIL Ttnntt. MAI EUGENIA (irist Mill, ::J 1.1: ma. I. rxti'iisne improTeuixntH tti royr <int .Mill, I am oontideul I can KlveKi*l Mttisfactiuu. CHOPPING DONE AXY DAY. (tooil Flour always ou huuil. Cns(oni Sawing and Bills Oiled nn the shortest notice, Ltriu- l.i r nnd I .uili ln.i\~on hnnil. WANTED : Cherry, Iliitternnt. White Ash, lil..-4 \*t . , I'iue and HeniliK-k Legs wantwl. M. AKITT,

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